Abul Kasem in Interview: An “Apostate” Speaks
07 Jan, 2008
From Front Page Magazine:
Interview’s guest today is Abul Kasem, an ex-Muslim who is the
author of hundreds of articles and several books on Islam including,
Women in Islam. He was a contributor to the book Leaving
Islam – Apostates Speak Out as well as to Beyond Jihad:
Critical Views From Inside Islam.
[Due to obvious security issues, a photo of Mr. Kasem is not
available] FP: Abul Kasem, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Kasem: Thank you. I am pleased to be interviewed by
Frontpage magazine. FP: Tell us a bit about your spiritual and intellectual
journey. Kasem: Born in Bangladesh , I attended the secular schools
as well as underwent strict religious discipline, and digested
religious preaching. Taught by my father, during my childhood, I
learned the basic Qur’an without understanding a single word,
because like almost all Muslims of Bangladesh, my father did not
know the meaning of Arabic words. He only knew how to read the
Qur’an in Arabic, and recite it. When I was nine, a typical Mulla
taught me the Islamic rituals (like prayer, ablution, fasting), and
how to recite the Qur’an correctly. He also taught us that Muslims
are the only inheritors of the earth, that we must never mix with
the non-Muslims, we must hate them, humiliate them verbally, and if
possible, physically. In high school, I discovered a world beyond Islam. I met a few
Hindus and two Christians. I found them extremely polite,
peace-loving, sincere, and affable. Unfortunately, communal riots
broke out in India and Bangladesh (then known as East Pakistan ).
One of my Hindu friends was brutally murdered by Islamist fanatics.
This was a life-changing experience, as I witnessed the mutilated
dead bodies of my friend, his parents, and siblings. When I
discussed this with a few Muslim gentlemen (moderate Muslims) they
told me that the Hindus deserved to be killed; there should not be
any Hindus in our Muslim land. Further, I learned from them that in
Islam, there is a great reward for killing the non-Muslims. In a few years our struggle for autonomy took the shape of a
Liberation Movement, seeking freedom from economic and political
domination of West Pakistan , which was a strict Islamic country. In
1971 the Islamic Army of Pakistan let loose a genocide, killing
around 3 million Bengalis, and raping around 250,000 Bengali women.
Local Islamists helped their barbarity in every way. They justified
their actions by Qur’an, ahadith, and Sharia laws. After
independence, I talked about it with a local Imam. He took out a
Qur’an, read a few verses, and told me the genocide and mass-rape
was a hundred percent Islamic-sanctioned. He said the Bengali
Muslims have deviated widely from the real Islam, and as such, they
deserve Allah’s punishment, and the Pakistani army did just that to
purify us. Shocked, I decided to read the theological sources of
Islam. What I discovered horrified me. It was beyond my comprehension
that a religion, touted to be the religion of peace could contain
such blood-curdling, terrifying, barbaric verses, cultures, and laws
to entice the entire Islamic community to slaughter the infidels and
the not-so-good Muslims. Access to authentic books and Internet gave
me more freedom to learn and express. I was greatly impressed by the
writings of many honest critics of Islam. FP: So share with us a bit of what you discovered in
Islam. Kasem: Ok, here is a bit of my education: These are only few of the thousands of documents that sized and
shaped my journey through Islam. FP: All of this definitely doesn't bring a sense of
tanquility and peace to one's heart. While we are on these themes, can you explain something to me?
In many cases, when I have a conversation with various Muslims,
the following happens: the issue of Islam is brought up and I am
immediately informed that I don’t know what I am talking about – and
this occurs before I have even said anything. Then when I ask about
the violent verses that mandate war against unbelievers (i.e. Suras
9:5, 9:29 etc.) I am informed that this is not even in the Koran. I
am then informed that Muhammad did not even as much as touch the
hair on a person’s head. I respond that Muhammad was a military man.
I am then told that this is absolutely not true. I then relate the
words of the verses I am referring to and am then told I have a
false translation. I describe the translation, that it is a Koran
translated by a renowned and respected Muslim that all Muslims trust
(i.e. Abdullah Yusuf Ali), and the Muslim I am speaking with just
keeps shaking his head. Mr. Kasem, this happens to me a lot. What exactly is going on
here? Are many Muslims playing some kind of game with the
unbelievers they speak with or do the majority of them actually have
no idea what is in the Koran and are also, for some bizarre reason
or another, indifferent to what it actually says? Kasem: I guess these discussions must have been with some
cunning Islamists living in infidel territory, perhaps in the USA ,
Canada or UK . It is no surprise that the same Islamists, if in an
Islamic Paradise, will make a complete U-turn and will tell that
verses 9:5 and 9:29 are alive and kicking well. This tactic of denial, translation problem, context,
misconception and so on, is an age-old method used by the conniving
Islamists to save skin. In Islamic language this is known as
taqiyya (telling lies) and kitman (adopting deception).
When Muslims are weak, verses 3:28 and 16:106-107 of the Qur’an
(that is Allah) tell Muslims to adopt these techniques to save
themselves from the infidels. They are even allowed to deny their
Islamic faith and told to criticise Islam, if need be. Muhammad had
adopted this policy to assassinate his critics. In the event of
killing of Ka’b Ashraf Muhammad’s assassins befriended Ka’b,
criticised Muhammad and Islam, then, when they had the confidence of
Ka’b, they took him out of his house, pretended to hug him, and
beheaded him amidst slogan of Allahu Akbar. Please note that a few hijackers of 9/11 even drank beer and
whisky in pubs, and had girl-friends to sleep with, just before they
went on their mission to kill infidels. In the book Masterminds
of Terror (Yusri Fouda and Nick Fielding, Penguin Australia ,
2003, p.120) we read that Al-Qaeda trains the jihadists how to drink
alcohol and mix with the Christians and emulate their lives. Many
jihadists are encouraged to drink alcohol—just to make sure they
blend well in the infidel territories and raise no suspicion. No wonder, we note the modern Islamists adopt the same technique
in confounding the west. Let us briefly review verse 3:8, the foundation of Islamic
taqiyya and kitman. This verse tells the Muslims not to take unbelievers as friends;
caution is necessary to befriend the unbelievers. On the exegesis of this verse ibn Kathir, the most eminent
tafsir writer of the Qur’an writes that: do not befriend the
deniers (i.e., the non-Muslims), even if they are among the closest
relatives. In case of danger, Allah allows Muslims to show
friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. The
taqiyya is allowed until the Day of Resurrection. Allah has reserved
unremitting torment for those who give their support to His enemies,
and those who have enmity with His friends. In simple language, ibn Kathir says it is all right to tell lies/
adopt deception for the sake of Islam. Therefore, it is no surprise that Muhammad’s ardent supporters
are simply repeating the Islamic history. This cunning,
sophisticated, and sly Islamists will go to any extent to secure the
confidence of the gullible western infidels. This is how Islam is
advanced in an enemy territory—where Islamists do not have the
military might to kill the infidels en-masse. Just note how their
tactic s will change when they are strong in number, about ten
percent of population (this is what is happening in France ) and
they have a recruitment of Islamist terrorists, having set up terror
cells. I hope you now understand why the Islamists living in the West
are so adapt in telling lies and adopting deception. In this connection it might be appropriate to examine the true
meanings of verses 9:5 and 9:29 . In verse 9:5 Allah tells the Muslims that after the four sacred
months (Rajab, Zulqad, ZulHajj, Muharram) have passed, slay (fight
and kill) the pagans wherever they are found. Ibn Kathir writes that this means, the earth in general. That
means this verse is not meant only for the Meccans pagans; it
applicable all around the globe, even today. Echoing ibn Kathir, Jalalyn and ibn Abbas further say: Do not
wait until you find them, seek and besiege them in their areas and
forts, gather intelligence about them in various roads and fairways
and force them to Islam. If they do not embrace Islam, then kill
them. This verse allowed Muslims to fight the non-Muslims until they
embrace Islam. These verses allowed fighting people unless and
until, they embrace Islam and implement its rulings and obligations.
Allah mentioned the most important aspects of Islam here, including
what is less important. If they repent and become believers then
forgive them. There, in the above paragraph, we read the true spirit of Islam,
as per the immortal exegetes of the Qur’an. According to the most Qur’an scholars this verse (9:5) is known
as the verse of the sword (ayat saif); this verse alone
cancels about 124 verses that espouse mercy, tolerance and
forgiveness to the pagans. My suggestion to the ill-informed western enquirer would be to
tell the Islamists those few lines of ibn Kathir, Jalalyn, and ibn
Kathir. Let us understand verse 9:29, in the language of Islam. This verse ( 9:29 ) says: Fight those who do not believe in
Allah, or in the last Day, or in the halal food. Unbelieving people
of the Book (Jews and Christians) pay jizya tax with submission
(humiliation); if they do not pay jizya tax or convert to Islam then
kill them. The verse is so clear and unambiguous. However, to be sure, let
us read what ibn Kathir says. Ibn Kathir writes that this is the compensation for the loss of
revenue from the prohibition of the non-Muslims entry in Mecca ;
imposition of jizya was the compensation to make up for the loss of
revenue to the Muslims. This verse stipulates that the Muslims
fight, i.e. kill the people of the Books if they do not pay the
jizya tax; Muslims should disgrace, humiliate and belittle the Jews
and the Christians. According various Islamic sources this verse abrogates 2:109,
60:8-9. Lastly, I must tell the simple-minded infidels who have a
dialogue with these clever Islamists that these people are simply
taking advantage of the ignorance of the gullible non-Muslims, who
have been brain-washed by the PC media that Islam is peace—similar
to other religions. The vast majority of Muslims (especially non-Arab background)
have very little idea about the severity and barbarism of the
Qur’an. As such, these Islamists take full advantage of this
ignorance and try to convert killing verses into kissing verses, and
hateful verses into loving ones. This is why it is important to read and understand the Qur’an,
ahadith, sunna, and sharia. These fundamental sources of Islam are
the most potent weapons to confront the Islamists living in the
west. FP: While I am sure some of these Muslims are thinking
they are deceiving me, I have definitely met many of the Muslims you
just desrcibed who truly do not know about the severity and
barbarism of the Koran. In any case, let’s move on. What was your contribution to Leaving Islam – Apostates Speak
Out about? Kasem: In the book Leaving Islam—Apostates Speak out
I contributed an essay, titled Islamic Terrorism and the Genocide
in Bangladesh. In this article I described what I witnessed and
experienced during the genocidal occupation of Bangladesh by the
Islamic Military of Pakistan. I depicted how I escaped certain death
from army firing, from the university dormitory where the Pakistan
army had killed a number of my university mates. I consider myself
extremely lucky to survive and tell the world the severity of
Islamic genocide. My article also provides the reasons why I have
left Islam, and become an apostate. FP: Why do you think the efforts at an Islamic Reformation
are suffering such huge obstacles? The effort of moderate Muslims to
make any real ground in developing a counter-jihad strategy appears
to be failing, no? How come? Or are my assumptions misplaced? Kasem: The answer is very simple. Islam cannot be
reformed. Muhammad himself has banned any reformation to Islam. Reforming Islam is not a new idea. From time to time Islamist
Scholars have attempted to reform Islam. They have failed. You might
have heard of the group called Mutazzilites. Their sincere attempt
to reform Islam in or around the ninth and tenth century had failed
miserably. Many such Mutazillites faced severe Islamic punishment
for bringing innovation (bidah) in Islam. Introducing
innovation in Islam is a serious crime, according to Ghazali.
Whoever, brings in such a reform is subject to Islamic punitive
measure, which is death. Today, Islam is fossilized in the seventh century Bedouin Arab
customs upon which Muhammad had founded Islam. Under such draconian measures who dares to reform Islam? Now I come to the topic of Moderate Muslims. To have
moderate Muslims, there must be moderate Islam. Then the question will be: Is there such a thing as moderate
Islam? For the existence of moderate Islam/Muslims, there must be a
‘moderate’ Qur’an, since the life force of Islam is the Qur’an. If
the Qur’an cannot be ‘moderated’ (i.e., a moderate Qur’an) then how
is it possible to have a moderate Islam, and consequently moderate
Muslims? What we perceive as the so-called moderate Muslims may be
classified into three groups: The first group--the vast majority, probably around 90% of global
Muslims, are Muslims by name only. They have no idea about the
contents of the Qur’an, ahadith and Sharia. It is a
misnomer to term them as moderate Muslims. Strictly speaking, if we
go by the Qur’an, they are not Muslims at all. According to
Sharia law, they might even be sentenced to death for not
adhering strictly to Islam. The second group, I would call them pretend Muslims. They
are probably around 5% of all Muslims. They occasionally go to
mosques on Fridays and on Eid days and sometimes pray and fast at
home. These Muslims are also hypocrites. When the dark side of Islam
is illustrated to them, they are disturbed, become defensive and
justify the evil nature of Islam by alluding to historical contexts.
This is simply nonsense, as the Qur’anic verses are valid for
eternity and must be acted upon by Muslims at all times. These
so-called moderate Muslims discover in Islam what Islam is not meant
to be. They resort to twisted meanings of those numerous brutal
verses, and attempt to transform them into loving and kissing ones.
How can we call this group of Muslims moderate? The third group (another 4% of Muslims) is the Islamists who have
no guts to blow themselves up but resort to intellectual Jihad
and academic and philosophical terrorism. They are the spiritual
foundations of the real Islamist terrorists. They regularly visit
mosques, organize Islamic seminars, and send e-mails to gullible
non-believers and design Islamic websites. Many of them are Imams in
mosques. They are diehard ritualists—never missing a single prayer,
always patronizing halal eateries (while living in infidel
lands), soliciting funds and Zakat (Islamic alms) money to
finance Jihad in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir and so on.
They exhort other not-so-good Muslims to hate the non-Muslims. So,
you see, there is no such true thing as moderate Muslims. These fake ‘moderate’ Muslims are similar to the spectators in a
stadium. They cheer (in silence) the jihadists who are combating the
infidels in the arena. Therefore, it is foolhardy to depend upon
these ‘moderate’ Muslims to reform and regain Islam from the hands
of the extremists. ‘Moderate’ Muslims and the jihadists (extremists)
are just the two faces of the same coin. They are the same—one group
is in silent actions, the other group is in violent actions. Therefore, I regret to say that your use of the ‘moderate’
Muslims to develop a counter jihad approach is truly misplaced. The
current policies of the western governments to appease the
‘moderate’ Muslims, extolling Islam as a religion of ‘peace’, and
hunting the jihadists to stop Islamist terrorism is just wrong. This
policy is bound to failure. So long as the Muslims are energized, motivated, and instructed
according to the core scriptures of Islam, there will be no end to
Islamist terrorism. Please remember that terrorism is just a tactic employed by the
jihadists to advance their agenda, which is to conquer the globe and
enforce Islamic laws. You might laugh or pooh-pooh such a chutzpah
of the Islamists. But bear in mind that Islamists have unshakeable
belief in the ultimate victory of Islam through terror. They have
already conquered the Muslim world and now want to conquer the West.
It is because Muhammad himself has declared that Islam will be
victorious through terror and plunder (see Bukhari Hadis, 1.7.331). FP: Can you expand a bit on the theological roots of
Islamist terrorism? Kasem: I have already mentioned that Islamist terrorism is
the direct application of the Qur’an, Sunna, ahadith, and Sharia.
Let me demonstrate from the Qur’an that Islamist terrorism is rooted
in the theology of Islam. Islam is at perpetual war with the non-Islamic world (the Qur’an
4:76, 60:4). Those who read the Qur’an and ahadith
(Muhammad’s deeds and traditions) and want to emulate them cannot
but be terrorists. They must hate the non-Muslims, humiliate them,
distrust them, deceive them at every opportunity, and kill them when
the situation is appropriate. This is the stipulation of the central
doctrine of Islam. A Muslim who does not emulate this cardinal
premise of Islam is not a Muslim at all. The Qur’an says that Allah
has purchased the lives of Muslims (9:111-112) in exchange for booty
and Paradise so that that they are obliged to sacrifice their lives
or become martyrs (like suicide bombing) when they go on a killing
mission (5:94). This is a business contract with Allah. Allah
strictly binds all Muslims with this contract. That is why the
Qur’an stands solidly behind the Islamist terrorists. They are
simply fulfilling their contract with Allah. These terrorists are
not an aberration of Islam. They are, in reality, Islam as it was
during Muhammad’s time, and as it should be, and not what the
not-so-good Muslims think Islam to be—a religion of peace and
unbound love for humanity. Killing, assassination, terrorism and bloodshed are the DNA codes
of Islam. Even if the whole world converts to Islam, the true
Muslims will continue perpetrating bloodshed. If they don’t get the
blood of infidels, they kill one another. This is the legacy of 1400
years of Islamic rule. The best example is Pakistan, (or Iraq) where
97% of the population is Muslim, yet there is bloodshed of Muslims
by Muslims. Look at the recent assassination of Bhutto. Previous to
that, a Pakistani suicide bomber killed at least fifty Muslims
(worshippers) while they were praying in a mosque on the occasion of
Eid-ul-Azha. This is the stark proof that violence and killing are
inseparable from Islam. Terrified, many non-Muslims often ask: what do the Islamist
terrorists want? They want to convert the entire world into an Islamic Paradise.
There is no surprise in this. During his days, Muhammad had asked
the Muslims to terrorize the world until Islam rules supreme (Quran
3:85, 5:3, 5:33). Qur’an exhorts the Muslims to keep fighting (with
swords, not spiritually) until they perfect the world through
Islamic purification and domination (Qur’an 9:5, 9:29, and 9:33). In
reality, it means imposing on the non-Muslims (or the non-Arabs) the
Arabic and Bedouin culture (also known as Islam) by force, murder
and terrorism. Even Caliph Umar had admitted that Bedouins are the
raw materials of Islam (reference: History of the Arabs by Phillip
K. Hitti). FP: How do we most effectively combat this threat? Kasem: Islamic terrorism is not going to end soon—not at
least before a few more 9/11s, Madrids, Balis, 7/7s take place. Its
demise will depend upon how resolute the world becomes in the coming
days. As long as there are PC politicians, and as long as the world
depends upon the so-called moderate Muslims to extinguish this
menace, nothing will happen, rest assured on this. The world must not follow this path of least resistance. This
method will only ensure the defeat in the hands of the clever and
cunning Islamist terrorists and their supporters, the so-called
moderate Muslims. America, UK, Australia, the forefront nations in
the fight against terror have limited resources. They are spending
billions of dollars to face this challenge. This cannot go on
forever. These nations will soon get tired, their money exhausted,
their population will soon rebel and refuse to send their children
to join the army and be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan for a cause that
has very little to do with their lives. Soon, there will be loud
voices in these nations to pull out. The Islamists are just waiting
for this moment. Their war on the unbelievers cost them next to
nothing. Mind you, life is so cheap in Islam. With one suicide
bomber they kill hundreds and thousands of people. Do your math and
you will realize why the Islamists are capable of carrying out their
act for decades, if not for centuries. We must recognize that the
real enemy is not the terrorists. Rather, it is Islam. As long as
the world does not internalize and comprehend this truth, and as
long as wrong, PC policies are pursued this war will continue and
the defeat of the non-believers is guaranteed. Just think if we could convince the suicide bombers that there
are no 72 virgins waiting in Paradise to provide them with unlimited
sexual orgy. Just think if we could convince the Islamists that
Islam is barbaric, false, and imperialistic. The bottom line is: The focus of war should be shifted from Iraq
or Afghanistan to Islam. No doubt, it is necessary to fight this war
militarily, but it should also be fought doctrinally. It is an
ideological war. We need to expose Islam to the world. This will
force the so-called vast majority of the not-so-good Muslims to
discard, at least the violent part of it. They would remain
contented with the ritual part of Islam, like prayer, fasting etc.
These rituals do not harm others. When this happens, the Jihadists
will find it extremely difficult to recruit new suicide bombers and
Islamist killers. That is how Islamist terrorism should be fought.
It will take time. FP: Quite a task we have in front of us. Abul Kasem, thank
you for joining us and thank you for your courage to tell the truth. Kasem: Thank you.
(1) a non Arab man for an Arab woman (O: because Prophet said:
Allah has chosen the Quraysh Arabs as His agent to rule the world
(Islamic Caliphate).–Sahih Bukhari, 4.56.704.
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at abul88@hotmail.com.
Name: Mumin Salih
Date: Monday January 07, 2008
Time: 12:43:01 -0700
‘Islamic terrorism is not going to end soon—not at least before a few more 9/11s, Madrids, Balis, 7/7s take place. Its demise will depend upon how resolute the world becomes in the coming days. As long as there are PC politicians, and as long as the world depends upon the so-called moderate Muslims to extinguish this menace, nothing will happen, rest assured on this’. How true! Well done Abul Kasem, and thanks to FP for the interview.
Name: nefert
Date: Monday January 07, 2008
Time: 13:14:31 -0700
my opinon is 90% of muslims as you said ignorant by the full cruelty of islam but ironically they are practicing muslims and if you try to clarify anything, they defend islam so hard, there is no moderate muslims, there is hypocrite muslims.
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 02:49:34 -0700
Muslims want to expedite the so-called "day of judgement" so that they can all go to the 'islamic' paradise of eternal lechery.First, they would kill all the kaffirs and then blow themselves to smithereens for a quick and shortest route to the "lecherous paradise"! With this kind of idealogy human extinction is guaranteed. The planet Earth would anyway trudge along its evolutionary path generating new species and new disasters but none so wicked and devastating as the evil cult called "Islam"! Bleak future isn't it? With PC politicians around the world bleating like a pea-brained zombie "islam is a peaceful religion" crap nothing better can be envisaged for future of humankind!
Name: Enam Karim
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 06:24:17 -0700
Islamic teaching and the teachers (mullahs) use different section of the Quran, as the Quran is contradictory in many areas. They (the islamists - particularly with education and living in west) would arugue with us that we don't know the context. When we ask them to explain the context, they would either say that understanding the wordings of Allah's text take more than a life time or would just say you won't understand as my brain has been washed by kafers.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 11:01:45 -0700
The desire for a Muslim "reformation" among wishful thinking westerners derives from a misunderstanding of what the European reformation was all about. Protestant reformers believed that the pure pristine Christianity of Jesus Christ had been corrupted by the Roman Catholic church. They sought to get "back to basics". The reformation did NOT lead to a decrease in Christian religious bigotry and violence. Furthermore, the Puritan victors of the English civil war imposed something resemblimg Islam on England. Now, a cursory reading of history shows that the Muslim world had already had numerous such "back to basics" movements of the Islamic variety centuries before Martin Luther came on the scene - the North African Almoravid and Almohad movements being two famous examples. These movements were inevitably extremely violent as is inevitable when Muhammadans look to the Koran and example of their prophet for inspiration. Al-Qaeda are therefore genuine Islamic "reformation" in action. Expecting anything else is pie in the sky.
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 17:38:05 -0700
wat a fake essay .pakistan "islamic" army ??? really wat a idiot!! did allah tell pakis to go and kill bangladeshis?? and now pakistani army is islamic?? LOL and we bangladeshis are kafirs? and when pakis left bangladesh became muslim again? why did u leave bangladesh and go to australia?? pathetic fucker! just come back to bangladesh and we will make u meet ALLAH! death to all kafirs! bangladesh zindabad!
Name: Al Uzza
Date: Monday January 14, 2008
Time: 18:40:22 -0700
'and we will make u meet ALLAH! death to all kafirs! bangladesh zindabad!.. if proof be needed.
Name: The Eil Allah
Date: Sunday February 03, 2008
Time: 07:27:17 -0700
theres no chance of serious academic debate w ith these idiots its all i m gonna kill u if u insult islam