Afghanistan: Western Troops Die to Protect 'Holy Fascism'
30 Jan, 2008
The Taliban took control of
Last year was the bloodiest year of
fighting, with 117
The Coalition has tried to restore
political stability and democracy to
On Tuesday
January 22nd last week,
a 23-year-old student of journalism was sentenced to death at a
court in Mazar-i-Sharif in
Kambaksh (also spelled Kaambakhsh)
also worked as a journalist for the newspaper Jahan-e Naw
("The New World"). He brought into his university class a page
downloaded from an Iranian internet site. This was of an article
that questioned why Muslim men can have four wives while women have
no such rights.
According to
Hafizullah Khaliqyar,
the deputy attorney general of
The court at which Kambaksh was
tried was not open to the public, and the student was not allowed
any defense lawyers. The "crime" took place last fall, and since his
arrest by agents of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) on
October 27th, Kambaksh has been in jail. He is still in prison,
while his appeals process continues. Under current conditions, there
is little chance Kambaksh will be reprieved, unless President Hamid
Karzai intervenes. He has to appeal to two courts, and the death
penalty can not be enacted until ratified by a higher court.
The legal problems facing Kambaksh
reflect problems with the national constitution. They also involve
religion. The week before he appeared in court, religious clerics
There are also political issues
which appear to indicate that Kambaksh is being used as pawn to
place pressure on other journalists who have exposed corruption,
including his older brother.
2004 constitution
maintains (Article One) that: "Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic,
independent, unitary and indivisible", where (Article Two) "The
religion of the state of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is the
sacred religion of Islam," where "Followers of other religions are
free to exercise their faith and perform their religious rites
within the limits of the provisions of law." Despite Article Two's
claims to religious freedoms, the Catch-22 comes in Article Three,
where "In Afghanistan, no law can be contrary to the beliefs and
provisions of the sacred religion of Islam."
Article 130 of the Afghan
constitution states:
While processing the cases, the courts apply the provisions of this
Constitution and other laws. When there is no provision in the
Constitution or other laws regarding ruling on an issue, the courts'
decisions shall be within the limits of this Constitution in accord
with the Hanafi jurisprudence and in a way to serve justice in the
best possible manner.
It is under Article 130 that
Kambaksh has been sentenced to death. The constitution, approved by
an unelected body of feudal leaders, allowed for the formation of a
"Wolesi Jirga". This is a 249-member house of representatives, who
are individually elected by ballot. However, the 2005 elections have
allowed this Wolesi Jirga to be
comprised of a bizarre
mix of factions, warlords and Mujahideen fighters. These include
about 40 Hezb-e Islami, former followers of
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
Disturbingly, the elections also
brought at least one member of the Taliban into the fold of
government. Mawlawi Mohammed Islam Mohammadi was the Taliban's
governor of Bamiyan province. During his gubernatorial office, he
allowed the destruction of the giant 3rd Century statues of Buddha
at Bamiyan in
March, 2001. Mohammadi
elected in 2005 as a
representative of Samangan province. This is the much-vaunted
democracy, Afghan-style, for which coalition soldiers have laid down
their lives.
The case of Sayad Parwez Kambaksh
has been taken up by groups inside and outside of
Article 34 of the Afghan
constitution guarantees freedom of expression. It entitles every
Afghan citizen the "the right to print or publish topics without
prior submission to the state authorities in accordance with the
law." Since the constitution came into effect, newspapers have
proliferated in
Ibrahimi has
told the international
press watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF): "Any case
involving the press should be heard first by the Media Evaluation
Commission before going to the courts. Furthermore, the prosecutor
only referred the case to the courts after the Council of Mullahs
said he should be sentenced to death for insulting holy texts."
The Committee to Protect
Journalists (CPJ) has published a copy of its
letter to President
Hamid Karzai, suggesting that Kambaksh was "being targeted in order
to put pressure on his brother." The letter states that "journalists
are left vulnerable to prosecution for cultural transgressions as
determined by the Ministry of Information and Culture. The ministry
does so with the backing of the National Directorate of Security (NDS)
and the Nationwide Council of Religious Scholars of Afghanistan."
Kambaksh is not the only person in
a similar predicament. Dr Ahmad Ghows Zalmay is a former journalist
who has also acted as spokesman for the
On Sunday,
November 4, 2007 Zalmay,
who is an imam, was arrested as he tried to flee into
Before the 2004 constitution was
introduced, there were problems with members of the press expressing
views that were deemed to be "un-Islamic". Two editors of the weekly
"Aftab" were arrested on
June 17, 2003. Sayed
Mahdawi and Ali Payam Sestani were accused of "libeling Islam" after
they published an article in the previous week, called "Holy
Fascism." This article, written by Mahdawi, suggested that a
moderate and progressive form of Islam should be practiced. The
article stated: "If Islam is the last and the most complete of the
revealed religions, why are the Muslim countries lagging behind the
modern world?"
President Hamid Karzai ordered that
the two editors should be released, but only to allow them to
prepare defense cases for their trial. The publication "Aftab" was
officially shut down by the Afghan Information Ministry. They went
into hiding after Islamists demonstrated to protest their release
from detention. On
August 6, 2003, both men
were sentenced to death by the Supreme Court. Before the trial, the
13-member Council of Mullahs
requested the death
penalty. This was upheld by Maulavi Fazl-e Hadi Shinwari, president
of the Supreme Court. One Afghan newspaper had, before the sentence,
published fatwas urging their death. The two editors fled the
October 1, 2005, Ali
Mohaqiq Nasab was arrested. He was the editor of a magazine called "Haqooq-i-Zan"
or "Women's Rights", and published articles which had "insulted"
Islam. One of these questioned the harshness of Sharia punishments,
such as stoning for adultery. Another article maintained that
apostasy was not a crime.
Mr. Nasab was arrested after one of
President Karzai's religious advisers had complained to the Supreme
Court. Rahimullah Samandar, president of AIJA maintained that
According to analyst Robert Kluyver,
the case was politically and religiously motivated. He said: "It is
a case where conservative Shia clerics are fighting the more
moderate Shia. In other words, it very much reminds one of the
problem that exists in
Ali Mohaqiq Nasab was given a
two-year jail sentence with hard labor by the High Court in
Nasab appealed against the decision
, and on
December 24, 2005, his
sentence was reduced to six months' imprisonment. Three months of
this sentence was suspended. As he had spent three months in prison,
he was freed shortly afterwards.
March 2004, before any representatives had been elected to the
national assembly (Wolesi Jirga) President Hamid Karzai signed a
Media Act. Under this decree, journalists could be detained only
after their cases had been examined by the 17-member Media
Commission. In Ali Mohaqiq Nasab's case, this protocol was not
followed. Article 31 of the 2004 media law nonetheless maintained
that journalists could not write about religion. This law was later
discussed by the Wolesi
Hamid Karzai is somewhat
hypocritical. In
February 2002 he
introduced an earlier draft of the media law, which he claimed would
allow freedom of the press. He said: "People can have their
newspapers, people can have their radios and they can write things,
they can criticize us as much as they want."
Another reform of the media law was
introduced in
2006, which again
promised less restrictions on press freedom.
In June 2007, revisions to the
media law were
awaiting final approval,
after being approved by the Wolesi Jirga on May 22, 2007. The
53-article legislation still contained questionable rulings. It
still prevented journalists from producing "content that goes
against the principles of Islam," "publicizing and promotion of
religions other than Islam" and "materials inconsistent with
On its path to becoming law, the
government and the Religious and Cultural Affairs Commission claimed
that a truly free media would allow individuals to be discredited.
The head of the Religious and Cultural Affairs Commission had reason
to distrust a free and open media. He is Haji Mohammed Mohaqeq of
the Wahdat-e-Islami party, who was formerly Karzai's planning
As a commander in the anti-Taliban
The current troubles of Sayad
Parwez Kambaksh and Dr. Ahmad Ghows Zalmay reflect serious problems
at the heart of Aghanistan's government, and raise the question of
whether or not Hamid Karzai is really a trustworthy leader. Sure, he
is urbane and well-spoken, but as President he has power to veto any
parliamentary rulings. He helped to shape the current constitution,
with all its contradictions, and has done little to question the
role of the clerics in affecting Afghan life.
In practice, Karzai's
constitutional position is not dissimilar to that of the
monarch in the 1964
constitution. When Karzai stood for election in 2005, many other
presidential candidates
boycotted the event. In
2009, there will be new elections. If Karzai is not re-elected,
problems with the "democratic" nature of
All member countries of the
coalition have seen their soldiers killed to keep Karzai's
government in power. It should be the right of these countries to
question if their continued investment is paying the expected
dividends ??? freedom of the press and freedom of expression. Such are
cornerstones of any democracy, and on these the current government
has not delivered.
March 2006, the Western
world was shocked that an Afghan convert to Christianity, Abdul
Rahman, was sentenced to death for the "'crime" of leaving Islam.
The judge who convicted him was Ansarullah Mawlawizadah, the same
official who sentenced Ali Mohaqiq Nasab to two years' jail for
insulting Islam. To avoid a diplomatic incident, Abdul Rahman was
smuggled out of the
country. At the time of Rahman's death sentence, Condoleezza Rice
had said: "
The current plight of Sayad Parwez
Kambaksh and Ahmad Ghows Zalmay indicates that there are aspects of
Article 7, clause one, of
Article 19 of the Declaration
states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers."
While Western soldiers put their
lives at risk to bring democracy to
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Adrian Morgan, aka
Giraldus Cambrensis of
Western Resistance, is UK-based writer and artist. He also writes for
Spero News,
Family Security Matters and
Name: Igor the Infidel
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 11:00:46 -0700
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." Article 18 was borrowed from the Qur'an, right? What? It wasn't? Then it could only be blasphemous nonsense, probably part of a Zionist-Crusader conspiracy to insult Mohammad (pbuh) and destroy Islam! Death to the UN!!!
Name: Cool
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 23:27:04 -0700
I thought the USA was there to catch Osama bin Ladin not to bring democracy. The USA is not a democracy - its a republic. And slowly becoming communist.
Name: fasal
Date: Sunday May 11, 2008
Time: 02:25:43 -0700
its good site