Islam: No Compulsion In Religion?, Part 1
05 Sep, 2007
Perhaps the most quoted verse of
the Koran is from Sura Al-Baqarah (The Cow). This verse -
Sura 2: 256 begins with
the words: "Let there be no compulsion in religion." This statement
has been quoted by Muslim scholars and their apologists perhaps more
than any other. As Pope Benedict XVI
noted, it is an early
Sura, from the time when Mohammed was still trying to gain
acceptance from his peers. Unfortunately for some Muslims such a
notion of religious freedom means nothing.
Daniel Pipes has
discussed the meaning of
this verse, and states that for some, Sura 2: 256 has been
"abrogated" or replaced by the historically later verse,
Sura 9:73: "O Prophet!
Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with
them." There are certainly Hadiths, which document oral testimonies
of Mohammed's life and deeds, which clearly state that the founder
of Islam believed that those who left Islam (apostates) should be
Forced conversions still happen in
parts of the Islamic world, made worse by the fact that in cultures
where this happens, those who become converts are forbidden from
leaving Islam. In the West, Muslims freely carry out "dawah" or
missionary activities, yet few Muslim spokespeople publicly condemn
those who react violently to attempts at conversion of Muslims to
another faith.
At the
weekend, 19 South Korean
Christians returned home. Reunions with their families were tearful.
They had been among a group of 23 people who were kidnapped by the
Taliban, south of Khandahar in
The hostages returning to
Last August, aid workers from
March 2006, the Western
world was shocked by the case of Abdul Rahman. Even the
Washington Post voiced
concerns. 41-year old Mr Rahman had left Islam 16 years previously,
and had spent most of his time away from his home country of
Abdul Rahman's trial began on
Mark Steyn caustically
observed: "We will not allow God to be humiliated. This man must
die," says Abdul Raoulf of the nation's principal Muslim body, the
Afghan Ulama Council. "Cut off his head! We will call on the people
to pull him into pieces so there's nothing left." Needless to
say, Imam Raoulf is one of
The judge in his case
stated that Rahman
appeared to be mentally disturbed and his family, who had originally
reported that he was a Christian, agreed that he should be spared
because of his "insanity". The case was
dropped due to "gaps in
evidence". On
It later
transpired that Rahman
did have a history of mental problems, but this does not alter the
fact that even today, after hundreds of Western soldiers have died
to support
April, 2006, the US
Congressional Human Rights Caucus held a Congressional forum in
There are thirteen verses in the
Koran that refer to apostasy, but in these the punishments for
apostates are those of hellfire, meted out in the afterlife.
However, in the Hadiths, which document the deeds and
sayings of Mohammed, passed on by chains of oral transmission from
the time of his life, there is mention that the founder of Islam had
claimed that anyone who left Islam should be killed. The most
authentic (Sahih) collection of Hadiths is by al-Bukhari, who lived
from 810 - 870 AD. His collection is revered by Sunni Muslims, and
forms one of the sources of Islamic jurisprudence (sharia law).
Volume Four, Book 52 (Jihaad
or Fighting for the cause of Allah), no. 260, Bukhari stated:
"Narrated Ikrima: Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas,
who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as
the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment
(fire).' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said,
'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "
Virtually the same statement
appears in
Volume Four, Book 84
(Dealing with Apostates), number 57: Narrated 'Ikrima: Some Zanadiqa
(atheists) were brought to 'Ali and he burnt them. The news of this
event, reached Ibn 'Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I
would not have burnt them, as Allah's Apostle forbade it, saying,
'Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' I would have
killed them according to the statement of Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever
changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"
Volume Nine, Book 83
(Ad-Diyat or Blood Money), number 17, Bukhari wrote: "Narrated
'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who
confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and
that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In
Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual
intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves
the Muslims."
Ibn Warraq, famous apostate and
author of
Leaving Islam, has
discussed other Hadiths that support
Bukhari's statement. Warraq also mentions Islamic scholars who have
taken the Koranic verses describing punishments to apostates as an
injunction to kill apostates in this life. One of the founders of
modern Islamism, Syed Ala Maududi (1903-1979), also claimed that the
Koran (Sura
NYPD chief Raymond Kelly
last month described the
internet as the "new
Another internet advocate of the
killing of apostates is Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, who uses
Bukhari to
claim: "The one who has
known the religion which Allaah revealed, entered it and practised
it, then rejected it, despised it and left it, is a person who does
not deserve to live on the earth of Allaah and eat from the
provision." As Joe Kauffman has
pointed out, though
Munajjid lives in
Since the beginnings of Islam,
apostates have been killed and attacked. An interesting historical
account from 1924 (pdf document) by
Samuel M Zwemer
describes how apostates have been killed and persecuted by upholders
of Sharia law. More - on the way apostasy is dealt with under
Islamic jurisprudence - can be found
Judaism and Christianity may have
abandoned their previous persecutions of apostates, but in the
Islamic world, this tradition shows no sign of disappearing. In
April 2007, Pope
Benedict XVI visited the city of
Last month, on
August 6, a young
politician was physically attacked by Muslims in the
The Dutch council for former
Muslims began life after a 50-year old woman apostate in
Similar groups were subsequently
formed in
Ms Namazie said: "Those of us who
have come forward with our names and photographs represent countless
others who are unable or unwilling to do so because of the threats
faced by those considered 'apostates', which is punishable by death
in countries under Islamic law. By doing so, we are breaking the
taboo that comes with renouncing Islam but also taking a stand for
reason, universal rights and values, and secularism. We are quite
certain we represent a majority in Europe and a vast secular and
humanist protest movement in countries like
Maryam Namazie is a "secular
humanist", being awarded the National Secular Society's "secularist
of the year" award in 2005. She now frequently appears on
In the
February 2007 Abu
Izzadeen, one of Omar Bakri Mohammed's followers, was revealed in a
video calling for the death of Muslim soldiers who served in the
army. The video was made in the
The issue of punishing apostasy in
Islam is rarely discussed by Muslim "spokespeople" such as the
members of CAIR and MCB. These seek to change Western societies to
accommodate Islam without questioning its pre-medieval aspects,
which are incompatible with modern democracy. Such spokespeople
attack critics of their ideology as "Islamophobes", comparing
freedom of expression to racism. Despite its whinings about the
victimization of Muslims, CAIR itself has been accused of
responsibility for death
threats which were made against Moroccan/German (and Muslim)
academic Khalid Duran in 2001. This man had been publicly
vilified by CAIR. In a Jordanian publication,
a radical Sheikh consequently declared him to be a "murtad" - an
In the West, Muslim fanatics have
been free to call for the death of apostates. In Britain, when
Salman Rushdie was labeled as an "apostate" and given a death fatwa
by Ayatollah Khomeini on February 14, 1989, numerous British Muslims
called for his death,
holding public demonstrations to this end. No one was prosecuted. In
summer 2006, Omar Bakri
Mohammed, spiritual leader of several British Islamist groups,
announced from his base in
Such extremist views are not the
exclusive preserve of media-hungry fanatics. A poll, commissioned by
In British prisons, there are
reports of
forced conversions.
Belmarsh prison is notorious for holding some of the country's worst
Muslim extremists. In
April 2006 it was
reported that in this prison, a young black Muslim was severely
beaten by an Islamic gang calling itself "The Muslim Boys". On the
streets of south
I have
written on Muslim honor
killings - in many of these cases, the victim has been classed as an
"apostate" from Islam by their family members. In the way that
Salman Rushdie was labeled as an apostate, recent history is full of
cases of Muslims who criticize aspects of Islam, or Muslims who
follow certain brands of Islam, becoming denounced as "apostates".
Some of these individuals have been subsequently killed.
such critic of Islamic oppression is the feminist
Taslima Nasreen, whose
writings have found her labeled as an apostate and subjected to
death threats both in her native Bangladesh and now in India, her
adoptive country. An Indian-born Muslim who chose to leave Islam was
Anwar Shaikh, who died
June 1992 in
Mahmoud Muhammad Taha was an
Islamic scholar from
Fund is a group that highlights the
persecution of Christians and other religious minorities within
Muslim nations. It is managed by British-based Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo,
who is an apostate from Islam. He was born in
The article was withdrawn from the
newspaper's website, and Sarah Sands, the editor who approved the
article for publication, was fired. In
2005, Qaradawi argued
that apostates should be killed.
In Parts
Two and Three, I will continue to discuss the issue of "compulsion
in religion" by examining Islamic attitudes to blasphemy, and recent
cases of forcible conversions to Islam.
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Adrian Morgan, aka
Giraldus Cambrensis, of
Western Resistance, is UK-based writer and artist. He is regular
contributor to
Family Security Matters and essays also appear in
Spero News and
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday September 05, 2007
Time: 04:48:40 -0700
"No compulsion in religion"? It is a joke.It means no compulsion in other religions ,but when it comes to islam you are stuck with it ,there is no way out. It is like HIV that there is no cure,no redemption.. It is deception to sweet talk someone into embracing islam and there hold in vice-like grip that the only way out is "death".It is worse than any mafia manual!
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday September 05, 2007
Time: 04:55:08 -0700
It is slavery to the Arabs.Mo has devised a very effective idealogy ensuring Arabian Hegemoney.What wiil happen if alarge meteor crashes on Arabian peninsula sinking it entirely into the depths of the seas? It will be a big reief to the entire world!
Name: Bobby
Date: Wednesday September 05, 2007
Time: 10:39:28 -0700
Only a lie needs so much protection. Truth can stand any judgement and still stand. Muslims are so afraid their lie of Islam will be found out that they kill people who question it or abandon it.
Name: Bobby
Date: Wednesday September 05, 2007
Time: 10:42:24 -0700
The evil of Islam has infested the world so deeply that I guess there is probably no other way for it to get eradicated other than what vbv suggests.
Name: Godot
Date: Wednesday September 05, 2007
Time: 13:37:38 -0700
to vbv: Your analogy of Islam and HIV is disturbing. Especially when you wrote: (the only way out is "death"). What is your stance? pro-HIV or pro-patient? By the way, even though there is no cure for HIV yet but there are multiple efficient treatments and hopefully emerging vaccine(s). Well, the analogy was not a sensible one. I still like your comments and agree with most of them.
Name: goodnewsforislam
Date: Wednesday September 05, 2007
Time: 21:02:48 -0700
I never thought of this great idea of creating "COUNCIL OF EX-MUSLIMS in every country" yes, this may make difference in fastest growing religion Islam. If, people those who are weak in knowledge of religion are converting to Islam, and in other end people those who are mature and having highly understanding of religion are reverting to other religion, definately THIS WILL MAKE DIFFERENCE. so, Let us create such body, COUNCIL OF EX-MUSLIMS in every country and water them that they may grow faster than Islam.
Name: Larry Houle
Date: Friday September 07, 2007
Time: 09:31:10 -0700
CONVERT OR LOSE YOUR HEAD Muhammad started his bloody rise by offering people around him to follow him or death! Of course, most chose the former! As his strength grew in numbers, he eventually simply had to show up at a village with 10K murdering thugs, and make the same offer to the towns people! Those who refused, were frequently murdered through processes of raping the wife and any daughters, while the husband was forced to watch, THEN--they murdered the husband, AND the family! It goes without saying, that it wasn't hard for Muhammad to get followers! Also, one of his favorite types of murders, was throat slitting and beheadings with a HAND-KNIFE! He also rewarded his thugs who did the same type of murders, with extra booty and sex. HENCE--why you STILL see it on Al-Jazerra and other Muslim networks! ANYONE--who gets joy out of slitting throats and beheadings with a HAND-KNIFE IS SIMPLY DEMON POSSESSED! martyrs!??!? Martyrs to ignorance and stupidity! SO--here the world is--facing the most dangerous cancer the Earth has seen in its history...AND little or nothing is being done about it By Larry Houle
Name: super
Date: Friday September 07, 2007
Time: 10:04:38 -0700
why everyone feared about this religion, while there are so many religion at world, almost a billion, thousand, etc. this was just make someone crazy, paranoid, etc. ???????????????????????????
Name: tooba (AHMADI)
Date: Friday September 07, 2007
Time: 12:30:20 -0700
I am an Ahmadi girl and i am sorry to read this bitter truth of today's Islam. Islam means Peace and prophet Mohammad s.a.w taught us to live in peace and harmony. please read Hadith and Quran i request all to find truth about Islam. the extremist today are spoiling the image of islam. Ahmadis are muslim and Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is the Promissed Messiah and Imam Mahdi of which Prophet Mohammad s.a.w had fortold in his revelations that after 14 hundred years, when Islam will be spoiled by extremist who will have no knowledge of islam but will keep on preeching and then the Messiah will come to recover the pearl of true Islam again and teach them all again the words of Holy Quran and Hadith. In 1882 H.M.Ghulam Ahmad received the revelation which made manifest God's design that he, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), was to be the appointed one, the one commissioned by God to serve His cause. Part of the revelation received in 1882 was as follows: O Ahmad, God has blessed thee...... Say, I am commanded to guide the world to the path of righteousness and I am the first to believe...... Help shall come to thee from men whose hearts Allah has himself prepared through revelation.2 The Holy Qur'an gives an example. If a town is being attacked, and the places of worship are being destroyed, i.e. Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques. Then the duty of the Muslim is to first protect what building? The Mosque? Wrong. The duty of a Muslim is to first protect the Churches and Synagogues and Temples, and finally, if there is time left, the Mosque. The same concept is applied in a burning building. The Mosque is to be addressed last, after the Church is safe. If Islam truly taught violence and hatred for Christians and Jews, why would Muslims be taught to protect the property of other religions first, and then their own? This is a small example but it should suffice to show that Ahmadi Muslims celebrate and honor their neighbors no matter what religion they come from. GodBless you all and Guide you all to the best path ameen
Name: To Tooba
Date: Friday September 07, 2007
Time: 20:07:40 -0700
Please go read or
Name: vbv
Date: Friday September 07, 2007
Time: 21:25:38 -0700
To Ms.Tooba -- I wish that everyone had the goodness that you are exuding. It is a nice thing to say that all places of worship should be protected against vandalism of the disoriented and misled individuals. But it rarely happens. I think you must be from India .You wouldn't find this tolerance anywhere else , especially not in Pakistan or Bangladesh.
Name: tooba
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 04:49:40 -0700
i am from Pakistan and i just told u that whatever is happening is a bitter truth for all of us muslims all over the world. Come to Pakistan and u will see extremist and those who are moderate in practicing the peaceful religion Islam. This can be a reaction to US attack on Iraq and other muslim countries which is also unfair attitude of Christians and Jews. and Hindus treating muslims in Kashmir. All religions teach peace but humankind..... u should study the true Islam which teach us tolerance and peace. Please stop disgracing Islam. Was Nepolean a christian?? how about Hitler ???? will we blame christianity???? History recovers all bitter truth!!! All religions and Prophets are respected in Islam and this is a truth. what i am saying is that these extremist who have little knowledge of Islam are simply spoiling its image. u should not disgrace Islam or Muslims. We as muslim ahmadis are here to recover the beauty of Islam. visit site
Name: Marie
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 10:11:09 -0700
To Tooba, go and visit Bibi, a Pakistani Christian, who mother was butchered and afterwords her mother's killer raped her and tried to force her to convert to Islam and marry him. The man who did this was a peaceful Muslim. Yes I have read your Quran and the Hadith.
Name: Marie
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 10:18:13 -0700
Adrian Morgan, your article did not mention that the Taliban fighters killed the two Korean Pastor's were murdered because they refused the Taliban's offer to convert to Islam. In Islam the offer to convert is an offer nobody can refuse, because this is a death threat. Islam is sick, sick, sick!
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 11:52:15 -0700
"I think you must be from India .You wouldn't find this tolerance anywhere else." Then you must not be Indian.
Name: "love for all hatred for none"
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 12:51:04 -0700
i am very sorry to say that u better watch ur religion first!!! i will not comeback to this site again but shall pray for all. i have lot many worst examples of christian treatment with muslims and jews with christian and hindus all togather but i will never ever blame their religion because all religions teach tolerance. all speak of one divine God. ur herts are filled with hatred how shall u find the truth? please remember this moto Love For All and Hatred For None. Allah love those who are true to themselves and watch their souls. Allahhafiz
Name: tooba
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 12:52:48 -0700
and yes i am Pakistani and proud to be a Pakistani muslim. i have no ties with India.
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 12:56:26 -0700
if their had been tolerence in India then their was no use of creating Pakistan. please go through history .
Name: ask islam
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 13:40:21 -0700
please visit site u will find solution to ur confusion.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 17:17:57 -0700
Tooba wrote:"Muslim is to first protect what building? The Mosque? Wrong. The duty of a Muslim is to first protect the Churches and Synagogues and Temples, and finally, if there is time left, the Mosque. The same concept is applied in a burning building. The Mosque is to be addressed last, after the Church is safe. If Islam truly taught violence and hatred for Christians and Jews, why would Muslims be taught to protect the property of other religions first, and then their own?"
Miss Tooba's assertions (evident lies) do not come with any evidence. History instead tell us the opposite. Muhammad exterminated the Jews from Medina. Where are the "Synagogues" of Medina Jews? Muhammad destroyed the most sacred 'house of God' of idolaters of the Arabia, which is the Ka'ba, smashed all the 360 idol-gods therein and made it Muslims' own 'property and house of Allah'. On the day, Muhammad violently captured and destroyed the Ka'ba, he sent Ali for destroyig the temple of al-Uzza located in Nakhla, two days journey from Mecca. When Taif's was forced to submit to Islam, Muhammad ordered the destruction of their sacred temples of al-Lat defying desperate pleas from the Taif citizens & it was brought down in the midst of wailing and cries of the people. When a Christian delegation from Nejran came to Muhammad in 628 CE for a treaty against attacking them, Muhammad gave them a pot of water for spraying upon place their churches have been pulled down. These are all we get from historical works of Ibn Ishaq, At-Tabari, Ibn Sa'd et al. So much for saving the places of worships of the non-Muslims first. Aurangzeb, so much revered by Muslims in India, destroyed thousands of temples; about 200 in 1679 alone.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 21:17:43 -0700
To Ms. Tooba-- I am surprised that you are from Pakistan.I think you are misinformed about hindus treating muslims in Kashmir badly. Actually it is the other way round. Kashmir is a muslim majority province of India and it is the muslims who are wielding guns and bombs killing innocent people. Do you know that thousands of hindus Kashmiri pandits have been killed mercilessly and over 200,000 have been rendered homeless by the fundamentalists from your country. These dislodged Kashmiri pandits have been living in camps in Jammu for over Two decades. They are a refugge in their own land because of terrorism foisted from Pakistan through Lashkar e Toiba, Jaish e Mohamed, and such other terrorist organisation getting all the support from Pakistani Army and ISI. The Pakistani Army tried to occupy Kargil in 1999 ,but was rebuffed by the Indian Army. They know they cannot defeat India by proper war,which they failed trying thrice in the past,so they are using islamic terrorism by fighting a covert and cowardly war.They have not succeeded there also ,and I am sure they will never do. With being the 8th largest economy in the world and still growing ,even if Pakistan wastes all its resources on fighting covert war they will not get very far, for the Indian economy is resilient enough to withstand all that. However I wish you well for your nice attitude towards all faiths.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 21:33:11 -0700
To Ms Tooba-- You say that you are a 'Ahmedi'. But I have read in several places that the 'Ahmedis' are not considered muslims in Pakistan and they are subjected to the 'Blaspheme Laws' in Pakistan. They are a persecuted lot in Pakistan as they are also known as 'Quadianis' there. In India there are no Blaspheme laws , but certainly there are a few intolerant political parties like the Shivsenas ,Bajrang Dal or the BJP.But most people don't take them seriously. Their political clout is restricted to a few places,which is also gradually diminishing.But there are no Blaspheme Laws that one can give a death sentence or life imprisonment in India.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 08, 2007
Time: 21:44:14 -0700
Pakistan was created by fanatic Indian muslims and hindus had no part in that. It was the British who saw an opportunity to divide again and stoke the fire of hatred foever. The 1857 war ( the first war of Independence/ or as the British would call it the sepoys' mutinee) was fought with the last moghul king Bahadur Shah Zafar as the defacto/dejure king of India. No hindu king objected to that,despite the fact that his grandfather?or great grandfather? was an intolerant muslim ruler. If that is not tolerance,I don't know what is? Get your muddled history right first!
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 09, 2007
Time: 01:08:30 -0700
The great grandfather /great grand uncle of Bahdur Shah Zafar,the last moghul king, was , as you know , the intolerant ,barbaric and bigoted 'Aurangzeb',who was the worst moghul king that ruled this country,worse than even Babar. He re-introduced the 'jizya' tax on Hindus and was responsible for destruction of thousands of Hindu Temples. However , he is considered a great hero in Pakistan.The legacy of islam is not peace ,tolerance and understanding,but hatred towards all non-islamic faiths,including "heretics"/atheists, and its ultimate aim is to bring the whole world under its banner,destroying everything else,all other culture.History is witness to this.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 09, 2007
Time: 01:38:03 -0700
It is a well researched essay.The muslims are exposed of their duplicity and hypocrisy , on the one hand claiming islam is a peaceful religion and there is no compulsion in religion , whle actually doing the exact opposite in practice,leading to untold misery to the poor victims who are converted to islam much against their will. Pakistan and Bangladesh had 16% and 30% hindus in 1947,which is now standing at less than 1% for Pakistan and Less than 6% for Bangladesh.This was the result of forceful conversionto islam by coercion,rape and threat to life,ofcourse with the convenient tool of the Blaspheme Laws. You can't civilze deceiving and rabid animals . Even Sigmond Frued cannot cure these ghastly beasts. Only containment may work. For this all the civilized non-islamic population should co-operate and devise methods to contain this disease , lest it should bring destruction to humanity. No islamic country is having a peaceful existence,there always a lot of internal strifes and violence,ruled by dictators ,sham democracies and sham monarchies,and causing endless problems to peaceful neighbours. That is the nature of their creed, utterly intolerant and bigoted.
Name: Muhamed
Date: Sunday September 09, 2007
Time: 06:15:55 -0700
Islam is a wonderful religion. Even the extremist Taliban could have easily killed those Koreans but instead they let them go. The two they killed were the leaders of this sick group trying to convert poor Afghanis to Christianity through bribe and other means of lye and manipulations. Go Islam
Date: Sunday September 09, 2007
Time: 07:00:23 -0700
"Islam is a wonderful religion. Even the extremist Taliban could have easily killed those Koreans but instead they let them go. " They took millions of dollars in ransom. That's what kidnappers do.
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday September 09, 2007
Time: 12:35:42 -0700
Islam is the ugliest most evil cult ever to exist. Talk about taking things out of context - letting the koreans go is compassion and kindness - ha ha. why did they kidnap them in the first place? All non-muslim countries allow islamists to freely to preach whatever ugliness they want. why shouldn't non-muslims be allowed to preach in muslim lands? what are the islamists afraid of? people will find out the truth and convert en masse?
Name: Anti-Jihad
Date: Monday September 10, 2007
Time: 16:05:02 -0700
"Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious." -- Ayatollah Khomeini
Name: Marie
Date: Wednesday September 12, 2007
Time: 12:28:40 -0700
Hey Muhamed what about the two pastor's that the Taliban did kill. You seemed to have forgot about that. Could you tell me where you got your information about the Korean Christians trying to convert the Afghanis with bribery and other means. Non of my alternatvie news resources have mentioned this.