After Death Assurances
26 Feb 2008
Dear Ali Sina
There are people who claim they have seen heavens or given a choice
to select the heavens or get back to the world. and for the sake of
relatives, they chose to get back.
What does your research say? If God is love, why all this trouble?
Dear Abdul
Many people claim to have had near death experiences and saw their
entire life pass in front of them like slideshow. Some have reported
going through a tunnel and on the other side saw light, a loving
being and even met their dead relatives who told them their time has
not come and that they should return. Skeptics dismiss all that as
brain function. I cannot opine on that. They could be right.
However, there have been reports of people clinically dead who saw
the operating crew working on them and heard their conversation when
they were unconscious. Some even saw their loved ones in the waiting
room of the hospital and remembered their talk. There is no
scientific explanation to these claims and diehard skeptics prefer
to deny the authenticity of such reports. I find that quite
dishonest. Remember that the self proclaimed skeptics are actually
believers in materialism. The basis of the materialistic faith is to
deny anything you can’t understand and the limited discovered
science cannot explain. I do not belong to these groups. I try to be
a real skeptic and not a fanatical materialist. I have not just
rejected religion but all faiths, including faith in materialism.
Consequently I do not deny that life after death may exist. However,
I have no solid evidence that such life exists. I cannot call all
those who say they saw the doctors operating on them as liar either.
I remain an agonistic until we learn more about this curious
I am not rejecting life after death but Islam. I know for a fact
that Islam is a lie, and Muhammad was a conman. He had no
understanding of God and afterlife. His god is stupid, petty and
evil like himself because it is his own projection. His depiction of
afterlife, his heaven and hell and all those rivers of wine and
honey and celestial whores, thirty meter tall and pearly boys are
ridiculous. Once you leave Islam you may actually find the truth
about many of the mysteries that boggle Muslims.
I do not believe in a deity. God as a person does not make sense to
me and I cannot in any shape or form accept that there is a
conscious being out there that controls the universe. This idea is
illogical and puerile.
When I say God is love, I mean Love is supreme. Everything comes
into being through love. Love is the essence and the binding force
of all things, whether living or inanimate. Love in the inanimate
world has an entirely different manifestation. It is expressed in
natural laws. Therefore I believe in Love, which is the most august
manifestation of the natural law, but not in a deity. I believe in
the law but not in a lawmaker. It is much easier to believe that
laws exist without a maker than believing a lawmaker can exist
without a maker.
Despite all this, I do not want to promote atheism. As long as your
god does not tell you that I must be subdued or killed, I will
respect your choice to believe in anything you choose to believe. I
do not see the solution to the human problems in atheism. Our
problems are not rooted in the belief in God but rather in
intolerance. If atheists opt to be intolerant of other beliefs, they
can do just as much harm as intolerant religions can do. Islam is a
theistic belief and Communism is an atheistic belief. Both are
equally evil because both are intolerant beliefs. Militant atheism
is just as pernicious and dangerous as religious militantism.
Why there is so much trouble in the world? What trouble? The world
goes round according to the natural law and there is no trouble
there. If you are referring to the problems affecting the human
world, that is because we humans are law breakers. For example Islam
is contrary to the natural law and those who follow this doctrine
not only hurt themselves they are also a menace to the world.
Love in human world manifests itself in various forms including
through brotherhood of all mankind. A doctrine that preaches hatred
of mankind under the pretext that some people are infidels is a
doctrine that is against love. You break any law and you pay the
consequence of that. This is one of the reasons why Muslims are the
most wretched people on world.
Which faith is right or if there is any such thing as true faith is
not a question. The question is "What is destiny?" the question is
"Is it all prewritten.
Faith is a powerful human faculty. If we use it in the right way we
can reap huge benefits, but if we abuse it we can harm ourselves
greatly. If you believe in your own creative power and potentials,
if you have faith that you will be able to overcome all hardships
and that with your own efforts you will beat all odds, you will
benefit from your belief. But if you choose to believe in hocus
pocus and fairytales, you have misplaced your faith and to the
extent that your belief is against the natural law you get hurt and
hurt others. Faith is power. You can use it for good or evil. Faith
in Islam is utmost evil while faith in human potential is utmost
good. To the extent that you distance yourself from reason and love
for mankind and believe in absurdities and hatred taught by Muhammad
you are evil. The more you go against what Muhammad spewed the
better human you become. Those who follow Islam completely are
completely evil. Islam is like a disease. You don’t die from
diseases. You only die if they become extreme. Likewise you don’t
become evil just by being a Muslim, however if your faith in
Muhammad becomes strong you can be reduced into a beast. Do you
think Muslim jihjadis are human? Far from it! They are worse than
beasts. The difference between them and ordinary Muslims is in
degrees of their faith. The more you believe in Muhammad, the more
you evil you become to an extent that at some point you lose every
trace of humanity and became a true incarnation of evil. That is why
I consider those who promote “moderate Islam” as fools. It is like
spreading a disease in moderation, arguing that Islam taken in
moderation is not bad. Why not get rid of it completely?
Not all religions are the same. Some are more dangerous than others.
I don’t believe in Christianity but I see nothing wrong in the
teachings of Christ. He taught love, forgiveness and brotherhood of
all mankind. On the other hand the belief in Muhammad can reduce one
into a murderous being.
I cannot tell you which faith you should believe. All I can tell you
is that I believe in my own limited and fallible intelligence. I
have faith in myself. I also know that everyone is fallible.
Therefore I will not follow others. I will try to learn from them
but will only do what makes sense to me. There is a big danger in
being a follower. What if your guru is wrong? There are so many
religions and gurus all contradicting each other. How do you know
the one you have chosen to follow is the right one? Do you have any
proof? We humans are endowed with intelligence and it does not
behoove us to abdicate it and follow someone else.
Destiny is a fallacy. Nothing is predestined. We are captains of our
own lives. Just as it is completely up to you to read this article
or not and this is not determined by destiny, you decide on all your
actions, thoughts and words and these are the things that ultimately
determine your future. Do not believe Muhammad’s lies. It is not
befitting for intelligent people in this day and age to believe in
these fairytales. Predestination is an absurdity. If everything is
predestined, then what is the justification for hell and heaven? If
every leaf moves by the will of God then how can you and I be
responsible for doing what God has decreed for us? We are following
a script written by God, like actors. How can we be responsible for
our actions and why there should be a punishment for doing what has
been ordained for us to do? Do you see how easy it is to disprove
Now, please do not confuse potentials with destiny. Each one of us
is born endowed with different potentials. These are mostly
genetically determined. Eventually with science we will be able to
even change our genes and replace the less desirable ones with
better genes. I would not be surprised if in future people sit in
front of a computer (or what will replace it) and choose the
features of their children. We may one day be able to eliminate all
genetic diseases. We may even beat death and live for hundreds of
years. No it is not a fantasy. It is something within the realm of
July 4, 1999 (The Times of London Britain) -- Scientist believe
they have discovered a group of genes that hold the key to
"immortality." Experiments using fruit flies have identified genes
that have the capacity to make a cell last indefinitely by
repairing damage. When active, the genes make the insects live for
up to three (3) times their normal life span. Theoretically, the
flies could last longer -- if wear and tear of their wings and
vital organs did not cause death first. The researchers predict
that the same mechanism exists in humans, giving people born now
the possibility of surviving well into the 22nd Century by
reaching ages of 140 or more.
Destiny is an absurd argument. As rational people we should not
believe in these silly antiquated tales nor waste our time
discussing them. Any time you believe in a lie you stand to lose.
Why do you think Muslims lag behind while all other nations are
advancing in science and technology? It is because instead of real
science they waste their time trying to make sense of Muhammad’s
asinine statements.
Look at the consequence of believing in this lie. Muslims do not
consider themselves responsible for what happens to them but rather
ascribe everything to the will of Allah. As a result they do not
endeavor to change anything. Facts speak for themselves. All Islamic
countries are poor to the extent that they follow Islam (unless they
have found oil under the ground). Other nations who do not believe
in this lie know that money does not grow on trees. It is up to them
to create wealth. When faced with calamities and natural disasters,
they do not hide their heads under the sand saying it was the will
of God. They try to find ways to beat those calamities through
science and technology. The belief in destiny is the cause of the
misery of Muslims.
Why do people report to have experienced exactly the same events
already?" the question is, "if reincarnation has any truth in it,
what is the way out?"
If you answer these questions satisfactorily,
I am with you.
What you are describing is called déjà vu. It is a French term that
means "already seen." You may experience an overwhelming sense of
familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar. Say you visit
a country for the first time and while touring a place it seems to
you that you have been there before. Or maybe you are discussing
about a current event with a group of friends and all of a sudden it
seems that you have had this discussion before with the same people
in the same place.
Many researches have been done on déjà vu. Some psychiatrists
attribute it to temporal lobe epilepsy. Those suffering from TLE
often report déjà vu prior or during seizure. However, it can also
happen to anyone. Over 70% of the people report having had déjà vu
experiences at some point in their life. Although the phenomenon is
not entirely understood, it is clear that it has nothing to do with
prior lives. If you have déjà vu while discussing a current event,
you can’t say this same event happened sometimes in the past as
Some psychiatrists ascribe déjà vu to a mismatching in the brain
that causes it to mistake the present for the past. According to
this theory, déjà vu is caused by the overlap between the
neurological systems responsible for short term memory (events which
are perceived as being in the present) and those responsible for
long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past).
In other words, the events would be stored into memory before the
conscious part of the brain even receives the information and
processes it. (See Wikipedia) Déjà vu is therefore a brain anomaly
and not a paranormal experience.
As for reincarnation, this is an unsubstantiated claim. It is
actually an irrational argument. What is the point of returning to
this world if we are not told what mistakes we committed in our
previous lives? How can we avoid the same mistakes if we have no
recollection of them? You know fire burns because you retain the
memory of the painful experience of being burnt before. But if that
memory is blotted completely, you may burn yourself again. Without
memory, no learning is possible. The idea of reincarnation seems to
be a fallacy. It explains nothing while it creates more questions.
Then again, I could be wrong.
I hope you are satisfied with these answers. Are you with me yet?
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Ali Sina is the editor of He is has contributed in 'Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside Islam'. His latest book is Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet will be published soon.
Name: Matti
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 19:40:49 -0700
If Mr Ali Sina was living 1400 years ago and both he and mad Moh were competing in inventing the latest religion I think Mr Sina would be the more successful , hands down .
Name: Bobby
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 20:33:18 -0700
Very interesting answers to puzzling questions. Another one you should address is astrology, especially Indian astrology. But before you give your opinion on it, you should have first-hand experience through real astrologers and study the details throughly. Anyone can give their opinion on a book by looking at its cover, but for it to be reliable you should have read it.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 21:40:25 -0700
I am surprised that Ali Sina believes in life after death, while all these days I was under the impression that Mr. Sina was a sane and a rational person. There is no proof of 'after-life' or 'rebirth' ,it is just a matter of a faith or mere hallucination. We have just this life and we must live it to its fullest potential possible, rather than believing in such stupid and inane things like "heaven"/"hell"/"after-life" and all such nonsense!
Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 22:31:03 -0700
To vbv: Life after death has nothing to do with religion or atheism. Unfortunately, neither those who believe in it can prove it, nor can those who believe otherwise. The good side of it is, that neither those who treat this whole "life after Death" issue seriously do not harm others by doing (or not doing) so - unless they are Muslims.
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 00:23:56 -0700
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only - 112:1 Allah, the Eternal, Absolute - 112:2 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten - 112:3 And there is non like unto Him - 112:4
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 04:02:50 -0700
To "say He is Allah the One and Only....." What is this crap? Sheer bullshit- Allahbullah allbullshit!
Name: yusuf
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 05:39:30 -0700
to vbv , i'm surprised to see that you are a hardcore atheist , a materialist , who considers nothing exists if you can't sense it or prove it with today's science , as an agnostic i totally agree with Mr Ali Sina , it isn't because you have no proof for something that it should be considered as inexistant , someone like you only some centuries ago would say radio , television and mobile phone are fairytales and impossible .
Name: Agnostic
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 07:50:02 -0700
Some people laugh about people who believe in god, but not about people believing in UFOs. However, regarding the obstacles for interstellar of intergalactical spaceflight, an UFO is almost equally possible or impossible like any god. Maybe UFOs will come to us through "wormholes" or staff like that. But how could we separate an UFO from god? It´s just a different way how we call it.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 08:24:34 -0700
"God as a person does not make sense to me and I cannot in any shape or form accept that there is a conscious being out there that controls the universe." Well, Ali Sina, what if you, and all of us were God. What if it was all of us, collectively, creating events. What if it were us, controlling the Universe?__________________________ What if the ANcient Peoples and Mystics and now Quantum Physicists were right? Wasn't it Yeshua ben Joseph who said "Know Ye Not, Ye are Gods?" and "This that I do, You can do also, And More!"______________________ I suggest, Ali Sina, you research Quantum Physics - Particle Wave Physics, the Unified Field, and the new science of Epigenetics (Blueprints of DNA): ______ Now, I ask you, what is more
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 09:52:24 -0700
No Name or Jazak Allah Khair, whatever your name is: As for me, I do NOT read books on line. If you want to say something, make it short. And then, MAYBE it'll be read. Allat- Amazon- Polytheist
Name: Godot
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 10:00:25 -0700
Dear Ali Sina: I always read your contributions and I find them interesting. Only today, I find your examples/evidences of near-death experiences very lame. Do you realize that people who are being operated on are under certain kind of anesthesia that affects their perceptions and awareness of self and environment? So a patient on an operating table and multi-medicated is not the ideal witness for what is talking place in the OR. Remember that people on psycholdelics share similar sensations and experiences and that doesn't make these collective adventures real nor authentic. Moreover, all the graphic descriptions of life-on-slideshow or going through a long tunnel are variations on redundant cinematographic representaions that has been used in movies for so many years. PS: I agree with vbv too.
Name: Pierre Morat
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 13:02:21 -0700
to yusuf: Your discourse is puerile and that's putting it softly. Please do yourself a favor and read again what you have written. Merci!
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 13:21:45 -0700
"Do you realize that people who are being operated on are under certain kind of anesthesia that affects their perceptions and awareness of self and environment? " What about the witnessing of the "Dead" - in the actions and words of the doctors and nurses in the OR - that the dead recount afterwards, when they come back?___________ At least, allow that there is something going on that is strange, in a being in another Place, and able to hear everything going on!? _______________Why don't you? Amazing! Amazing how Western culture is so full of itself that they claim their beliefs - that there is NO Afterlife - is valid - and everybody else is the crazy and seeing things, and illusions!--------------Such hubris! And in doing this they discount 2/3 or the world's population! And the Ancient Peoples who built great civilizations. I mean those Ancients who had all the HIGH TECH - which I MUST SAY, CAN"T BE REPLICATED TODAY- with their texts and Books of the Dead, you know those Tibetans and Egyptians - were loony, after all!___________You know, those people of Peru, Brazil, the rest of SOuth America, Mexico, Guatemala, the rest of C. Amer, Native AMerican Indians, the Caribbean, the Pacific, the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia ( a vast Area) - and their counterparts in Canada, the Tribals of SOuth Asia, and Central Africa, etcs.----with their shamans, and Holy Men -DEALING WITH THE OTHER WORLD - why, THEY'RE A -L -L - loony - and out of step!__________Why the Southwest Indians can't bring rain, and they can't handle live, wild rattlesnakes during a dance either. Mother Katchinas can't walk on air, all this doesn't exist.__________Maybe, after all, we're living an Illusion____________________ I can't help thinking- and the implication is there: "That it really is world world divided by "Race" - the European (White) cultural belief vs the rest of the Tribals (Brown/Black) - and on top of that, imposing their European beliefs on the newly educated, upcoming peoples of the poor countries.________________ And instead of denying that there is something going on there, that a person exists outside the body, instead of discounting it wholesale, why not do some research?__________Wouldn't you all say that the onus of proving there's no life after death, or such phenomena, belongs on the shoulders of the skeptic?_______________
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 14:15:02 -0700
And you know the joke is on ALi Sina and the skeptics, because science has discovered and PROVEN - that there is NO such thing as solid matter. Everything is made up of particles and waves - that is, VIBRATIONS and ENERGY FIELDS._____________ Nothing is Real.________________ When Einstein died, the scientists tried to find out where in in brain was his Personality - his brilliance. They couldn't find it! It must have existed outside the body. Something existing SOMEPLACE ELSE. ______________Nothing is solid. Nothing really exists here, in the 3rd Dimension (and why call it 3rd Dimen. is science didn't already know there are other Dimensions?)._______________Everything is Mind.
Name: After Death
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 14:17:49 -0700
It is an interesting subject what happens after death. Interestingly, Buddhism believes in reincarnation but it is agnostic concerning the existence of god. Buddhism understands that the struggle to search for god does not help in any way. All we can do is to try to be good. Do good things, dont say bad things, dont kill and dont ly. Buddhism just teaches that you must do what you have to do. There is no cult, no believe in violence or superstition. It is nothing but do the right and dont do the wrong. Thats all. And not this islamistic mambo-jambo what doesnt help at all.
Name: pmk
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 14:42:51 -0700
Godot, there have been many similar stories about the long tunnel with the light, the sensation of floating over your own body as paramedics or doctors try to revive you. It may be a dream. It may be the subconscious preparing the mind for death, in order to make the "crossing" easier. Does it matter? Whether or not there is "life after death" the similarity of so many near-death experiences could shed light on what happens to the human mind if it is aware that death is near. Why waste time quibbling over what anesthetic is given before an operation? Maybe that drug does affect the mind, but not everyone who has had such an experience has been on the operating table.
Name: gorge
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 15:15:57 -0700
some more bad news for the atheists / humanists ,their so called ex and current leaders can,t seem to make their minds up,first it was the so called great man in the shape of steven howken, who is now a believing cultural christain,and to knock the wind out of the ever helpless atheists their god head Ali Sana now seems to believe in life after death, could it be that after five years of trying to kill of Islam, has finally realized that he is a just a poor human after all and he is now step by step reverting.
Name: foxyman
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 18:06:56 -0700
I hope there's a life after death or, at least a judgement day so that all the evil people who have ever existed will get their punishment.
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 23:06:28 -0700
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 00:46:29 -0700
To Yusuf : An atheist doesn't discount scientific possibilities, such as space travel or life in other solar systems in distant stars or galaxies. H.G. Wells was also an atheist and a 'science fiction' writer and the world knows that he even postulated a "Time Machine", which at present is seemingly impossible. So atheists are not necassarily dry and unimaginative people but only discerning and discriminating within the boundaries of scientific probabilities. The Universe as we know of today is infinite that we seem to see farther and farther with every new and more powerful telescopes that are being invented from time to time with no end in sight, and yet we believe in a petty god interfering in human life ,indulging in petty jealousies, craving adoration and worship and subservience - this so-called god havibg all the negative attributes of a common man such as jealousy, vindictiveness, sadistic mentality, etc. This god seems very insecure that he bullies his "creations" to adore him, demands respect with a "or else" threatening attitude. He is certainly a lonely BASTARD! He does not exist except in the imagination of the gullible fools or scheming and power-hungry scoundrels, for it is the easiest passport to political power,that too absolute and unquestioned power in the name of this fictional god to exploit the gullible and enjoy easy prosperity and pelf! This is truth behind all religions and its vested interests!
Name: Godot
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 12:55:19 -0700
to pmk: I always considered a free debate an utmost civilized and intellectual dialogue between peers. So it is NOT a "waste of time", unless it is your personal figure of speech. Perceptions experienced by an individual do not become reality just because a few shared the same or similar experinces. Just to give a medical clinical example: some amputees continue to feel pain in their non-existent limb. So the pain is real while the limb is no longer there. Got my point? I hope you don't consider reading my comment a waste of your time.
Name: Leslie Joe Taylor
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 15:12:43 -0700
"Not all religions are the same. Some are more dangerous than others. I don’t believe in Christianity but I see nothing wrong in the teachings of Christ. He taught love, forgiveness and brotherhood of all mankind. On the other hand the belief in Muhammad can reduce one into a murderous being." An excellent statement from your comments above. Although I am not an Atheist, I am also not a Christian, or of any faith. I do believe that all was predestined, which is the opposite of your belief. But, the statement above, that I quoted from you, is also exactly what I believe. I don't believe in Christianity. But, as you said, I see nothing wrong with the teachings of Jesus. Thanks for a great statement. Joe Taylor
Name: wally
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 18:24:35 -0700
On near death experiences, I go along with Carl Sagan's ideas. Travelling up a long tunnel into the light,a figure waiting to great you and take you by the hand, being surrounded by closest family - people are re-living the moment of their physical birth! With death being a once-off experience I suppose it is the nearest thing the human brain can compare it with, from experience. The pleasure of a newborn baby at being placed on the bosom of its exhausted mother would explain all this talk of bliss and being bathed in love.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 06:12:39 -0700
To Gorge re your boastful and ignorant comment of Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008. I have news for you. We freethinkers are called that because we ALL have minds of our own. We do NOT need prophets or gurus to think for us. In fact we do not believe in the need for any as we prefer to think for ourselves. We study, contemplate and discuss. We read widely ALL types of books that can teach us something useful. Most importantly we read these books in a living language that we can understand. Unlike Muslims who only read ONE book in a dead language that none of them can understand. Yes sometimes our debates get hot and fierce. However there is ONE major difference - we can agree to disagree without wishing to slit the throats of those who disagree with us. We are NOT blind followers either of Ali Sina or Richard Dawkins or Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawkins or Charles Darwin or anybody else. Ali Sina, Richard Dawkins, etc. are not going to send mindless goons and thugs after those who differ from them. We disagree about SOME things, but ONE thing we ALL agree with is that Islam is a dangerous cult that needs blind followers to grow. That is why we are different from Muslims who HAVE to believe every single thing their sacred book or prophet tells them. Do you get it now Mr. Gorge? If you do, then there is some hope for you too that some day you will escape a barren life of blind faith. Try it – you don’t know what you are missing!
Name: antimod
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 09:00:30 -0700
The day we are born, to any faith, we are continuosly bombarded with convictions, Finally, we become so conditioned to the extent that any logic or rationality cannot deter us from our faith. Think, if a baby after birth were to be left in a jungle to be brought up like a wolfboy, say Maougli, which faith do you think will he follow? Even the concept of God would be a foreign idea for him. All that he respects are the elements and his surroundings. He will have no language either, other than that the sounds he cultivates from his surroundigs. So, why this hullabuloo about heaven, hell, life after death etc.If a faith cannot get you peace of mind,doesnot allow you to respect other faiths, doesnot allows you to respect sensibilities of others and doesnot believe in live and let live outlook then such a faith cannot sustain for long. Sooner or later people will shun.
Name: To Akhter, the CAIR agent
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 21:45:54 -0700
Akhter you are barking at the wrong tree.Paste your articles at a CAIR, ISNA or ICNA website, you will get many brain dead zombies who will appreciate you. The people who come here use their heads. They show middle finger when they see islamic rants.These sites convert muslims to freethinkers,not vice versa.
Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 22:23:52 -0700
vbv, if you can, get hold of BBC documentary on Reincarnation. They've got two VCDs. More than ample proof that Reincarnation . Read General George Patton's life and you'll see him referring to himself at all the various battles he had fought through the centuries.
Name: Neo
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 06:32:39 -0700
so , we got some muslim, atheist, christian and reincarnation people fighting quite fierce here...Cool.!! as for me, i believe in judgment day. and i STRONGLY believe that WE ALL also like Justice to be enacted. its in human heart whether you like or denied it. we want every rapist to be punish, we want every person that take something from us, hurting people for what ever reason, kil, robbing, thieft, corruption, to be punnish. THAT is IN EVERYONE heart. JUSTICE MUST BE DONE. forgiven can be given if only he/she felt guilty and ask for forgiveness. but how can someone who doesnt believe that he is guilty can ask forgiveness? thats way JUDGMENT DAY IS A MUST. just ask your heart will you :))
Name: ali
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 11:50:32 -0700
Neo:-- you are telling us that Judgement Day will happen because that is what we all want? Is that how the world works, things happen because we want it? God exists because we want him to? Eh? Your logic is completely arse-about-face, man.
Name: Re: Neo
Date: Sunday March 02, 2008
Time: 01:45:07 -0700
All this eschatological judgement day hype comes from desperados like Jehovas Witnesses, other obscure sects and - Islam! To believe in the coming of the mahdi or the messias or whoever is the only comfort these people can enjoy. Others will go to hell - we will not! But this only self-deception. Do you really believe that you will once stand up in flesh after being dead for many years? I think all this is nothing but hula-bula.
Name: Anti Christ
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 00:25:31 -0700
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only - 112:1 Allah, the Eternal, Absolute - 112:2 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten - 112:3 And there is non like unto Him - 112:4 1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Mo was a liar predicted in this letter of John, dated 500-600 years before Mo himself was born. He denied the Son, thus denied the Father. He is the Satan in person. Quran is a satanic book, to serve the lust of Mo.
Name: ArabianPrincess
Date: Sunday April 06, 2008
Time: 17:50:51 -0700
The funny thing is muslim women don't really care that in "heaven" they are just a side dish to a bunch of whores. Instead they raise there head up high and walk as if there modest with a retarded silly fliped religon.
Name: phillip hitti
Date: Saturday April 19, 2008
Time: 03:46:41 -0700
"During all the first part of the Middle Ages, no other people made as important a contribution to human progress as did the Arabs, if we take this term to mean all those whose mother-tongue was Arabic, and not merely those living in the Arabian peninsula. For centuries, Arabic was the language of learning, culture and intellectual progress for the whole of the civilized world with the exception of the Far East. From the IXth to the XIIth century there were more philosophical, medical, historical, religiuos, astronomical and geographical works written in Arabic than in any other human tongue
Name: sadhna
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 11:34:39 -0700
u r a true intellectual
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 17:59:51 -0700
WELL I HAVE BEEN READING THROUGH THE PAGES OF MR, ALI SINA,IM SO GLAD NA DSO HAPPY THAT LIFE OR GOD GAVE ME THE TIME TO LESTIN TO SUCH A GENIOUS Dr, ali sina,,i think ali sina and his thought will be if not already a new phenomena in a world that is spiritually so lost,,,what is amazing is that ali sina,,,is so elequent and articulate to point that i think he is dont millions of times better than the prophit or GIBRAEL, I WISH ALL MUSLIMS WILL GIVE THEM SELVES A CHANCE TO JUST SEE THROUGH YOUR WORDS,,OF WISDON AND ETERNAL TRUTH,,,,,,LOVE Y
Name: sahil
Date: Saturday July 05, 2008
Time: 20:27:03 -0700
in the name of ALLAH (the most gracious the most merciful) the article u have posted is for sure UTTER crap... n you wil surely repent on the day your soul wil be removed from your body... may ALLAH grant you wisdom and knowlegde ..
Name: amy
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 16:02:21 -0700
Subhanala, You are so full hate that it is spewing from you like a toreent of hot lava. Your life must be so empty and so meaningless for you to be so angry and bitter. You know that something major is missing from your life (Allah) and until you find it you will live a life of pain, emptiness and anger.
Name: sanya malik
Date: Wednesday August 20, 2008
Time: 05:52:38 -0700
i feel sorry for you... u have no understanding about islam , plz read quran first and then write some thing like that. u making fool of ur self.