If Invented Today, Would Islam Have a Chance?
22 Jun, 2007
Would Islam, if invented today, have a chance of success, or even survival? Let's explore the possibilities. Yes, it’s certainly impressive that well over a billion inhabitants of the world profess Islam as their sacred religion, but would it fly today? That is the question!
Here's a scenario, but updated to the 20th century: A character, by name Muhammad, which I understand is still a popular name in the area, was born in 1904, in a 4th World country. He had a rough early life and grew up mad at the world! His father died before he was born, and his mother when he was only six. A grandfather took him in but the grandfather died six years later, when he was twelve. He was then passed on to an uncle. This was in 1916, and World War I was in full swing, but the fighting was far to the north, hardly effecting Muhammad’s part of the world.
The uncle had a prosperous company, Dromedary Transport Ltd., using camels, in a trading center of the area called Mekkah. The kid was immediately put to work and served the uncle for thirteen years moving cargo from here to there in his part of the world, and several other surrounding countries.
The camel drivers were a horny and rowdy lot, and women were few and far in between. It can only be imagined what a temptation, a tender 12 year old, was for some of the drivers. While on the road, they would camp out (no Motel 6’s available). Their usual entertainment was to sit around a camel-chip campfire, drinking home brew and telling stories. Since the kid had never been to school, and at best could make his mark, what education he picked up was through these stories. But not attending school was no great loss; the few schools around taught that the world is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth! Some of the drivers were Christians and Jews so he picked up a garbled version of the Talmud and Bible, some local folk tales, and even some ancient Greek stories.
In 1929, when Muhammad was 25, the uncle had a serious problem with some illegal immigrants trying to muscle in on the uncle’s operation. The uncle called on all relatives to fight, including Muhammad. Things got hot in a hurry, and Muhammad yelled, “Feet, do your thing!” and took off! As could be expected, after the battle, which the uncle and his forces won, Muhammad was given the boot. This was also the year of the Great Stock Market Crash, but it practically went unnoticed in Muhammad’s part of the world. There were few people with any cash money, no local stock markets, few telephones, radios, or cars and practically nothing to export with exception of a little frankincense, myrrh, and gum-Arabic. Most of the people there lived with a dog’s philosophy; if you can’t eat it, or screw it, piss on it!
For a short while, he worked as a sheepherder; the only job lower in his part of the world was a camel breeder. That’s the guy who, by hand, has to be sure that the camels get their yin and yang together! But fortune smiled on our hero. He snagged a job as a traveling salesman, peddling sheet goods for a wealthy widow. In less than a year, he went from broke and homeless to a comfortable life. He took a short cut by marrying the much older widow! He was 25; she was 40! It’s not known if his sudden good fortune was due to a fantastic sales record of sheet goods, or excellent performance between the sheets with the widow. However, according to the local yokels, it was a good marriage; each got what they wanted. The lonely widow got a young stud, and our boy achieved instant prosperity. Also, in that part of the world, a woman has few rights of her own, and fewer if not married. (Gloria Steinem had not as yet been born!) A wife caught taking a lover could rapidly reach room temperature, but a husband was expected to mess around, with as many women as possible. And, our young man played the role of local stud with great gusto. Starting three years after his marriage, in 1932, he had five kids with his girl- friends in just seven years, financed by his wife’s money, of course. Some years later, Muhammad bragged to his friends that he could service up to nine of his women in a single night… what a man! And this was years before Viagra! So, from 1932 to 1947, he lived a comfortable life and dallied with the local ladies. There wasn’t much else to do for entertainment; to this day, the town has no bars, poolrooms, or movie theaters…not even a Starbucks or McDonalds.
In 1944, when 40, fifteen years after his first marriage, he really “wierded out” and started to have “revelations” or hallucinations, depending on your point of view. He would hike up to a mountain cave near his home, with a Sack full of goatburgers and meditate, sometimes for several days. There were no local drug pushers, so there had to be another explanation. There are several; take your pick! He might have been an epileptic, or suffered from a mental illness of some sort, a brain tumor, or had been kicked in the head by a camel! Muhammad’s first revelation, which he seems to have believed, was that he had been chosen as God’s (Allah’s) last and most perfect prophet on earth! The Angel Gabriel told him so!
Though the civilized world was being turned upside down by World War II, in Muhammad’s little backwater of the world, things chugged along as they had done for thousands of years. You ate with your right hand, and wiped your butt with the left. To this day, inside plumbing, toilet paper, deodorant and such are hi-tech items!
His second revelation came, in 1947, after a dry spell of three years, but then continued in a steady stream. He had convinced a few relatives and close friends that sure enough, he was God’s Prophet! The most spiritual, or outrageous, story was the following: In 1953, his buddy Gabriel, showed up again and took him for a trip through the heavens. They rode on the back of a “white mule-like beast “ with a female human head to Jerusalem, where he prayed a couple of times at the second Jewish Temple, which by the way, had been in ruins for over 500 years. Then they zipped off to Heaven, where he had a bull session with all the lesser prophets including Adam, Abraham, Moses and even Jesus! Since he had already been designated as God’s Last and Most Perfect Prophet, we can assume that all were properly respectful of his superior position.
In that same year, 1947, when 49, his first wife died, and then an uncle, not the one that had thrown him out for being a coward, also died. This uncle had been protecting him against his enemies, mostly his own relatives. On this bad news, he took off , bag and baggage, to safety in a nearby town. He stayed only a short while, until he could cut a deal with the head of another family clan for protection. By this time he has his own band of groupies, his “Companions”, who followed him around, like little puppies, scribbling down everything that he said. There were no Office Depot or Staples stores handy, to load up on ballpoint pens and tablets, but they made do with rocks, pieces of wood, animal hides, or anything else that didn’t move. And, if nothing was handy, his inner circle committed each precious word to memory; every one of them had total recall! After all, they were recording God’s (Allah’s) words, dripping from the lips of His Last and Most Perfect Prophet! The more profound statements were eventually collected and put down in a haphazard book form, which then became “God’s Holy Book”! And several thousand of the less profound observations or opinions of God, such as how to part your hair, blow your nose, put on your shoes, take a whiz, fornicate, or shave your crotch, were equally revered, because they also came directly from the mouth of God’s Prophet! The bit about shaving the crotch wasn’t to keep pubic hairs from peeping out from under a thong; it was used back then, and still today, as the best way to control “crabs”, or crotch lice. Blue Star Ointment was not as yet available in the area.
Though difficult to imagine, the combination of God’s Holy Book and the less profound statements became absolute law for any and all of Muhammad’s followers, so much so that these revelations later became the only base for the legal system of his area’s society, even to this day. What a concept!
About this time our Prophet went public with his message, but few were interested, especially the Jews and Christians he was trying to reach. Some laughed their heads off at him, not realizing at the time that a short while later their heads would really come off!
And, in the same year of his first wife’s death, he marries two other wives, and eventually at least eight others; some people say fifteen. But, deciding if a woman was a wife or not was tough. His groupies said that if Muhammad insisted they wear a veil, they were wives; otherwise they were just live-in girlfriends. But give him his due; he didn’t start his marrying spree until his first wife died. This was undoubtedly due to a consideration of her feelings, though a mean spirited person might suspect that she had a firm control of the family purse strings until her death.
His third wife Aisha, was a political move, since she was the daughter of his bosom buddy, Abu Bakr. Muhammad had already decided that Abu would take over the family business when our Prophet was called home to Heaven. The bridegroom was about 50 at the time and the bride was either six or nine, depending on your source of info. But it was certainly a lie that the bride’s grade school was let out early so her fellow students could attend the wedding; there were no schools as yet in the area. And, practically everyone agrees that “opening night” didn’t happen until three years later, when she was either nine or twelve, again depending on your source of information. If nothing else, this clearly proved that God’s Prophet was compassionate, and considerate towards children!
Three years later, in 1956, our Prophet had picked up about seventy followers but he also still had some serious enemies, mostly his relatives; the same ones he had left behind when he bugged out from the fight some twenty-seven years before. They had long memories! They also controlled a local tourist attraction, a shrine called the Kaaba. It had been there since Methuselah was a pup…I mean a long-long time! The shrine has a big black rock and people came from miles around to worship there, after paying a few coins or produce to visit. Sheep and goats were big for trading for tickets, but turtledoves would also do. The big tourist season was a holy month called Ramadan when even the worst bandits of the area were on their best behavior. Disneyland it wasn’t, but it was supposedly the home of over 350 different gods, which just about covered the religious needs of the area. You can only imagine the boost Ramadan gave the local economy; everything went up in price for about six weeks. Hosting a summer Olympics might be a good comparison, but without having to invest jillions of shekels, the local currency, for stadiums and such. And, it was a great moneymaker, year after year!
Our Prophet made the mistake of trying to convince the public that all the false gods should be thrown out and that only one god, Allah, should be worshipped there; of course with himself in control of ticket sales. His relatives didn’t see it that way at all, and threats were made. Muhammad decided again that he needed a healthier climate. He and about 70 followers went to a little town, Madinah, more than 300 klics away, and set up shop. The town was a peaceful farming community, with a considerable population of Jews and Christians. The farmers were no match for Muhammad’s thugs; within a few weeks they had intimidated the locals and were running the town. The Prophet was now a big frog in a little pond! This again was in 1956.
His men weren’t in the least interested in job-hunting in their new base, but the rich convoys leaving and entering their old hometown of Mekkah, could provide interesting opportunities for hijacking. They asked permission of the Prophet. After a suitable period of meditation, some say as long as a New York minute, he said, “Have at it boys”! This was in 1957, just a year after arriving in Madinah.
For some time now, the camels had been replaced with gasoline or diesel fueled trucks. They traveled in well-guarded convoys and the first three raids were miserable failures. Every truck had at least one guy, riding shotgun, generally with a Remington pump loaded with double “0” shot. The fourth hi-jacking however, was a great success and resulted in a bunch of swag for his men. Part of its success could have had something to do with the fact that it occurred during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Naturally, our Prophet provided a convenient revelation to justify abusing this “Holy Month”. With this success, recruits came out of the woodwork to join him.
Two months after the first successful raid, again in 1957, Muhammad personally led 300 men and ambushed a large convoy, from his old hometown (Mekkah). The convoy was well protected by a much larger number of men than Muhammad’s force. Even so, his group won and took about 60 captive and killed the convoy’s leader, Abu Jahl, an old enemy. Abu Jahl’s head and the prisoners were brought to Muhammad. He personally saw to it that they also lost their heads. There were no bulldozers or back-hoes in the area as yet, so the soon-to-be murdered had to use shovels to dig a big hole for their own common grave. A witness at the scene later told The London Times, after getting to safety in Europe, that Muhammad’s men played “rock-paper-scissors” to see which of them would have to cover up the last bodies.
About this time, Allah’s Prophet received a couple more convenient revelations. One was, “You desire the lure of this world, and Allah desires for you the Hereafter and Allah is Mighty; Wise. Now enjoy what you have won as lawful and good, and keep your duty to Allah”. Another was: “Allah guarantees that he will let his Holy Warriors, fighting for his cause, into Heaven if he gets killed; otherwise He will get him back home safely with rewards and booty”. (Note: To avoid any misunderstanding by our Webster-deprived readers, the older meaning of “booty” is spoils of war; not the rear end of a female.)
After his first successful raid, Muhammad felt strong enough to start a reign of terror among the citizens of the city that had given him refuge. He had several people murdered that he considered had slighted him in even the smallest way, such as making fun of his storytelling or turning down an invitation to come over for goat-burgers at one of his backyard barbecues. And the ones that had laughed their heads off at the notion that he was God’s Prophet went to the head of the line; not to enjoy his camel-chip goat-burgers, but to lose their heads!
Then, he turned his attention to the general population. They could get out of town in a hurry, convert to his new religion, or lose their heads. Amazingly, several thousand, in fact most of the town’s population, suddenly felt that, yes indeed, this new religion did make a great deal of sense, and yes, undoubtedly Muhammad was God’s Last and Most Perfect Prophet! Many Jews and Christians left, but one tribe of Jews stayed. Since our Prophet was still interested in converting them, they kept their heads a while longer. About this time he received a revelation to make sure that he would get his cut of future booty. Before this revelation, each cutthroat was allowed to keep everything that he could personally grab, but since our Prophet was more a lover than fighter, he sometimes stayed behind, and was missing out. This was corrected, by a convenient revelation to take care of the situation: “You’re asked about the prey. Just say the prey belongs to Allah and his Prophet, and whatever booty is taken, a fifth is for Allah and for his Messenger (Muhammad), and his relatives”.
Three years later, in 1961, his relatives and their allies decided to get rid of Muhammad once and for all! They came with a force of about 10,000 men, and attacked his adopted town. However, the Prophet had done a bang up job of planning the city’s defenses, including having some ditches dug around the town. After only a few weeks, his enemies lost interest and went back home. This was Muhammad’s greatest victory, and practically without a loss. He knew that he would soon be a big frog in a big pond!
After this success, he decided to get rid of the last Jewish tribe of the city. Practically none had converted and Muhammad was convinced that they had been spying for his enemies, which they probably had been. They were rounded up and given a last chance to convert to the new religion. Most refused, and so the killing began. From 700 to 900 men and teen-age boys, (who keeps count at such occasions), plus a considerable number of senior citizens, that wouldn’t have made good slaves anyway, had their heads lopped off in front of their families. It took so long that torches were lighted to continue the job through the night. In the morning the girls and women were raped. The Prophet spied one Jewess, Raihana ‘bint Amr, who looked really hot, so he grabbed her for his own harem. Some hours before achieving this honor, she had seen her husband and father beheaded. There is no record of how she reacted to the situation. A Jewish rabbi, who had had the good sense to leave town some months before, on hearing of the massacre, was quoted as saying: “I can only wish that she (Raihana) had been as strong for Yahweh as Ja’el”!
A big fringe benefit of wiping out the last Jewish tribe in the area was the considerable wealth of several hundred households. But after all, the dead and slaves no longer needed it! Muhammad’s warriors made out well, but Muhammad even more so! From Allah’s previous revelation, of some three years before, Allah, the Prophet, and his relatives kept a fifth of everything. We might suppose that our Prophet administered the booty of any relatives still on speaking terms with him, and that of Allah. .
Also, in 1961, Muhammad married his seventh wife, Zeinab ‘bint Hajash. She was a cousin, and before this marriage, blessed by Allah, came about, she had been his daughter-in-law, the wife of his adopted son, Zayd. The Prophet went looking for Zayd one day. He wasn’t at home, but Zeinab was there, evidently not properly dressed to receive company. It didn’t take long for her to pick up that her Daddy-in-law was coming on to her in a big way. Muhammad left, but when Zayd came home, Zeinab told him about the visit. Zayd, had evidently been around the block a couple of times, and without falling off the turnip truck! He made a wise decision and hurriedly divorced her! Zayd knew there were plenty of women around, but a guy has only one head! Fortunately, Allah stepped in to approve of the situation with a divine revelation for his Prophet. It was: “So, when Zayd had accomplished what he would of her, then we gave her in marriage to thee (Muhammad), so that there should not be any fault in the believers, touching the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished what they would of them; and Allah’s commandments must be performed”. Zayd was probably lucky to have been rid of her; Zeinab must really have been an airhead! She bragged that Muhammad had selected his other wives, but only she, had been selected by Allah to become a wife of the Prophet! (Note: This story seems so fantastic that our readers may wish to check out the appropriate verses of “God’s Holy Book”. They are Sura 33:37.) Zeinab was about 35 at the time, but evidently still a beautiful woman. She was, except for a Christian slave, Mary, Aisha’s chief rival in the harem.
In 1961, after defeat of his relatives and their allies of his hometown, practically every cutthroat in the area wanted to join up. Our Prophet had invented a winning combination; bandits could continue to do what they did best; rape, murder, and pillage, with all crimes approved by Allah! And, if you got killed while doing your thing, you had a free pass to Heaven; no need to pass “Go”. On arrival in Paradise, you could count on an eternal erection and 72 beautiful brown-eyed girls, with perky titties, not the saggy kind, to keep your interest. Of course, there were many other benefits, too numerous to mention all, but one was: Scores of handsome young serving boys, on call 24/7, to serve snacks around the clock on golden trays. And, for those not all that interested in the brown-eyed babes with perky titties, they were sure to get lucky with the serving boys!
In 1964, our Prophet, now 60, marches with 10,000 men, on his old hometown, that he had left only eight years before. The gates are opened to him, and his control over the whole area becomes complete. He took over the shrine, broke the statues of the false gods, and proclaimed that only Allah would be worshipped there. New admission tickets were rapidly printed.
For the last three years of his life, he stayed close to home, doing what he did best, giving numerous revelations of Allah, and servicing the ladies as king of the local stud-muffins. In 1967, at the age of 63, partially bald, and wearing a henna wig full of cooties (head lice), he died of some sort of fever. Thousands attended his funeral, though it might be imagined that as many came to be certain that he was really dead, as those who actually mourned his death. As planned, Abu Bakr then took over, and Aisha, now as the widow of God’s Holy Prophet, and daughter of his successor, took absolute control of the harem, and made Hell on earth for the rest of the women.
In 1967, though the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in the Cold War, most of the free world was undergoing a period of great prosperity. Christianity and Judaism, peaceful and constructive religions, both respecting knowledge and human rights of the individual, had influenced most of the world. This combination contributed to the prosperity of most nations, even those to the south and east of the Mediterranean. The entire Middle East was Christian and Jewish, though other religions were respected. Egypt was the major exporter of grain in the Middle East and The Balkans, almost 100% Christian, were peaceful. Iran and India were prosperous under their own religions. With the exception of the countries held under world Communism, and still some areas of Africa, most countries could determine their own futures. And, yes, of course, some information trickled to the outside world, of what was happening in the Prophet’s little area. A new religion with the catchy name of Islam (or “Peace” in the local language) had been invented, and had been expanded locally by the sharp edge of a sword!
But no one much cared; after all, the area had few resources worth considering. It might have been different if there had been any oil discovered there. With the discovery of petroleum reserves of any size, anywhere in the world, the multi-national oil companies rush in, to cut a deal with whatever type of existing government, regardless of how corrupt. Fortunately for the world, Islam’s real estate had no oil reserves; otherwise the more developed nations of the world might have contributed to more and more slavery and genocide.
And so, in 1971, only four years after the Prophet’s death, Abu Bakr tried to take Islam’s “dog and pony” show on the road, with the invasion of a neighboring country to the north. He failed; NATO reacted quickly and Bakr retired, with heavy losses. The U.N. decided to deploy a few hundred troops along the southern border of the country that had been invaded, as “peacekeepers”, just in case Bakr decided to try again. He didn’t!
So, even today, in the 21st century, the area, for most of its people, is still a reflection of the Dark Ages. Ignorance, poverty, cruelty and fear still govern their everyday lives. Of a total population of 18 million about 70,000 live in luxury, with around 200,000 slaves, mostly women and eunuchs of the harems. And women in general are only slightly above a slave. A woman cannot leave home, and be anywhere outside the home, unless covered from head to toe, and accompanied by a male relative. A mother completely loses control of her children when boys are seven and girls are nine. To make their daughters more desirable for marriage, some mothers encourage them to have a painful and barbaric operation, a clitoridectomy. The operation severs the nerves to the clitoris, so that their daughters cannot enjoy sex. Under Islam, that pleasure is exclusively for men! She cannot drive a car, get a decent education without permission, own a business without having a male relative as intermediary, or be admitted to a hospital without the approval of a male relative. She can be divorced, by her husband pointing a finger at her, and saying, “I divorce you”!, three times in succession. This also can be done, by tacking a note to the refrigerator, but there is still an ongoing discussion if this can be done by telephone. Her husband can marry as many other wives as he wishes and is not obligated to tell her. He can also have as many “afternoon wives” as he can convince to go along with him on this flakey deal. The “afternoon wife” has to give up any legal rights for herself, and any children born out of the arrangement, for a few minutes of pleasure in the afternoons. However, it is extremely difficult for a woman to divorce a husband. A woman receives half the inheritance of a brother, and in a court case, her testimony will count as only half that of a male.
The schools are still teaching that the world is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth. And, of course, the big black rock is still a great moneymaker!
* * * * *
Author’s Notes:
(1) THE LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS ABOVE ARE AN ENTIRELY ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF LIFE TODAY IN SAUDI ARABIA, THE SEAT OF ISLAM IN THE YEAR 2006! Most of this information is from the U.S. State Department, Country Report on Human Rights Practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 2002. This report can be found in most public libraries.
(2) Though the above article is a fanciful attempt to re-write history, the facts are essentially correct, regarding the life of Muhammad. And conjecture, as to how the Middle East, and other parts of the world, would have fared without Islam, and the discovery of vast petroleum reserves in the region, could well be accurate.
(3) Muhammad was personally guilty of murder, including by crucifixion and beheadings, rape, torture, abductions, extortion, slavery, theft, mutilations, adultery, abuse of women, physically and sexually, and at least one case of sexual abuse of a child. This is all well documented history!
(4) If a megalomaniac, such as Muhammad, were to appear on the scene today, the civilized world would sooner or later react, and would at least insure that his crimes would be confined to his own area of the world (Saudi Arabia), still a festering pus-filled carbuncle on the backside of the world! He would not have had the opportunity to pass on his blueprint of conquest, responsible for the longest record of genocide and slavery known to history, responsible for hundreds of millions of victims, many times over the combined victims of Hitler and World Communism! Islam was until quite recently, spread exclusively by the sword! Of the estimated 1.5 billion Muslims of the world, less than 10% are Arabs, or of Arabic descent, the remainder, are descendants of societies conquered and enslaved by Islam over a period of more than 1,300 years!
“A religion, as a man, must be judged by the fruits of having existed; what has Islam given to our world, except genocide, slavery and denigration of the human spirit?” [This quote from M.J. Haipur in 1997].
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- Name: Infidel
- Date: Friday June 22, 2007
- Time: 05:57:15 -0700
Thanks Eduord, Brilliant article. Continue the Great work.
- Name:
- Date: Friday June 22, 2007
- Time: 08:34:22 -0700
ALLAH VERSUS THE ANTI - ALLAH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE KORAN IS NOT THE WORD/TEACHINGS OF ALLAH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT MUHAMMAD NEVER RECEIVED ANY REVELATIONS FROM ALLAH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE TEACHINGS OF THE KORAN ARE THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD NOT ALLAH A DETAILED ANALYSIS All world religions are coated in blood of the innocents. In the past 1400 years, Islam has murdered 270,000,000 nonbelievers. 80 million Hindus killed. 60 million Christians were slaughtered 10 million Buddhists died. 120 million Africans Taking no back seat to this religious carnage - Christianity, Judaism have also murdered hundreds of millions. The fact that throughout mankind’s history, this slaughter of the innocents in the worst ways imaginable, murdered in the name of and to the greater glory of ALLAH is an obscenity. The so called men of ALLAH responsible for this carnage who have - through the millenniums - for Power, Domination, and Control of society unleashed this evil deserve to be in Hell. To take man’s natural Concept of ALLAH, a conception of Peace and Love and Goodness, an all Wise, all Loving ALLAH for all mankind, and turn ALLAH - by bastardizing his teachings into a murderous ALLAH of hate, death and destruction is one of the greatest sins that can be committed against ALLAH. It will remain forever as a black historical stain coating all world religions. ALLAH has never intervened in any battle, never lead any army into battle, never changed the weather to assist “His side” to be victorious etc. ALLAH has never ordered the murdering of any human being because if ALLAH has killed just one person then He is a murderer and therefore no longer ALLAH. The walls of Jericho did not fall because ALLAH caused them to fall. ALLAH never opened the Red Sea so Moses could escape from Egypt and then drowned the Egyptian army, never assisted David in killing Goliath etc. All these stories in the Bible are not the word or teachings of ALLAH, they are the word/teachings of man. No ALLAH who is ALLAH would ever have committed these acts of murder. ONE ALLAH OF THE UNIVERSE BUT TWO DIFFERENT CONCEPTIONS The universe is a huge entity stretching 13 billion years x 2 trillion miles. Just in the Milky Way alone, there is an estimated 1 billion planets. While there is only one ALLAH of the universe, there is for mankind (homo sapiens) two dramatically different conceptions of ALLAH – there is ALLAH and there is the ANTI - ALLAH. Man’s natural concept of ALLAH, is a conception of Peace and Love, Goodness and Forgiveness, an All Wise, All Loving ALLAH for all mankind. All human beings are created in the image of ALLAH. All mankind is created equal and all their lives are precious and sacred to ALLAH. As the Omniscient Omnipotent Glorious Exalted Creator - the creator of the universe and all living things - ALLAH is PERFECT. As PERFECTION, ALLAH is the embodiment of All Peace and Love. War and violence are abhorrent to ALLAH – an affront to the intelligence He bestowed on mankind. As previously stated – ALLAH never lead an army into battle, changed the weather allowing (His) side to win or any other form of divine intervention etc. There is no - "His" side”. For ALLAH, there exists no concept of believers or non – believers, no chosen people. There is no one truth - no such thing as the one and only true religion. There are many ways to ALLAH. Even a total non - believer can ascend to Heaven provided he does not have an evil soul. ALLAH is a non - religious entity. Religion was invented by man as a vehicle to allow him to comprehend ALLAH. Because man is imperfect then religion is imperfect. ALLAH gave man a Free Will to do Good or Evil, to explore the truth of any question including - His existence. ALLAH does not demand obedience or adoration. Having given man intelligence, ALLAH believes that no man should be ruled by dictators. All men are created equal. ALLAH is not a racist. ALLAH created women as the equal of men. ALLAH is not a sexist. ALLAH has never sent a storm or other calamity of nature to destroy any human being or city etc. ALLAH has never killed or ordered the killing of any human being. As previously stated - if ALLAH killed only one human being (or any other alien life form throughout the universe who exercises free will) then ALLAH is a murderer and ALLAH is no longer ALLAH. While ALLAH clearly has the power - He does not have the moral right to destroy the Earth. There are many different ways mankind can go to extinction. The end can come through the actions of man such as a nuclear holocaust, or the invention of a disease. Another way is for a comet to smash into the earth. Definitely in 5 billion years, the sun will supernova destroying the earth. If ALLAH intervenes in these natural or human processes in any way and destroys the Earth because he is pissed off with Homo Sapiens or any other reason then ALLAH is the greatest mass murderer ever and ALLAH is no longer ALLAH. ALL TEACHINGS OF ALLAH - A PERFECT ALLAH - MUST BE PERFECT. ANY WRITINGS IN ANY RELIGIOUS TEXT THAT ARE NOT PERFECT ARE NOT THE TEACHINGS OF ALLAH BUT THE TEACHINGS OF MAN THE ANTI ALLAH Muhammad’s contribution to history was to take man’s natural concept of ALLAH, a conception of Peace and Love and Goodness, an all Wise, all Loving ALLAH for all mankind, and turn ALLAH - by bastardizing his teachings into a murderous ALLAH of hate, terror, violence, death and destruction, intolerance for the creation of a rigid, fundamentalist, totalitarian system – the ANTI ALLAH. The two main tenets of this totalitarianism was the use of terror to maintain this dictatorial system and the subrogation of women. Anyone who ties to reform Islam can be killed. Anyone who seeks to leave Islam can be killed. All unbelievers must either submit, pay a tax, or be murdered as a religious duty. THE KORAN IS NOT THE WORD/TEACHINGS OF ALLAH In order for the Koran to be the divine word of ALLAH - every word, every teaching must be PERFECT. All teachings in the Koran and all Islamic texts (written or verbal) that are not PERFECT are not the teachings of ALLAH - A PERFECT GOD but the teachings of man – the teachings of Muhammad – The ANTI ALLAH. This means that all teachings recorded in the Koran and all other Islamic texts, revelations, writings, sayings, fatwa’s of murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, hate, violent jihad, terrorism, torture, maiming, wife beating, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, honor killings, stoning, cutting off limbs, child sex, bigotry, intolerance, slavery, inequality of infidels, inequality of any human being, that infidels can be murdered as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, etc are evil and irrational AND NOT THE PERFECT TEACHINGS OF ALLAH – A PERFECT ALLAH – An ALLAH OF ALL PURE LOVE AND PEACE. No ALLAH who is ALLAH would ever preach that killing and murdering of any human being in his name will be rewarded by accession to Paradise. You cannot climb to heaven on the corpses of the murdered. No ALLAH who is ALLAH would ever create a Paradise full of big breasted, sexual nymphs. If ALLAH commanded that infidels (or any other human being) be killed then he would be irrational and evil and no longer PERFECT - no longer ALLAH. Following are some teachings of the Koran that are not PERFECT. Cruelty, Terror, Violence There are many teachings in the Koran of cruelty, terror and violence (see appendix 1 for partial list.) Since ALLAH is All Pure Peace and Love and Goodness all these teachings are not the teachings of ALLAH but the teachings of the ANTI ALLAH. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2 And slay them wherever you find them and drive them out of places whence they drove you out for persecution is worse then slaughter. 2.191 War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216 All non-Muslims will be rejected by Allah after they die. 3:85 Disbelievers will go to Hell. 3:196 What is the matter with you, then, that you have become two parties about the hypocrites, while Allah has made them return (to unbelief) for what they have earned? Do you wish to guide him whom Allah has caused to err? And whomsoever Allah causes to err, you shall by no means find a way for him. THEY DESIRE THAT YOU SHOULD DISBELIEVE AS THEY HAVE DISBELIEVED, SO THAT YOU MIGHT BE ALL ALIKE; THEREFORE TAKE NOT FROM AMONG THEM FRIENDS UNTIL THEY FLY THEIR HOMES IN ALLAH'S WAY; BUT IF THEY TURN BACK, THEN SEIZE THEM AND KILL THEM WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE NOT FROM AMONG THEM A FRIEND OR A HELPER. (4:89) The punishment of those who pit themselves against Allah and His Messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement, except those who repent before you have them in your power (5:33-34) 5:33 Cut off the hands of thieves. It is an exemplary punishment from Allah. 5:38 Christians will be burned in the Fire. 5:72 Muslims that make friends with disbelievers will face a doom prepared for them by Allah Allah assigns for a person who participates in ( holy battles) in Allah’s cause and nothing causes him to do so except belief in Allah and His Messengers that he will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward or booty ( if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in battle as a martyr.) Know that paradise is under the shade of swords. (9 jihad in Allah’s cause) Allah will torment those how deny his revelations. 6:49 Let the idolaters kill their children. It is Allah's will. 6:137 Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them The worst beasts in Allah's sight are the disbelievers. 8:55 I WILL CAST TERROR INTO THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO DISBELIEVE. THEREFORE STRIKE OFF THEIR HEADS AND STRIKE OFF EVERY FINGERTIP OF THEM. THIS IS BECAUSE THEY ACTED ADVERSELY TO ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER; AND WHOEVER ACTS ADVERSELY TO ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER - THEN SURELY ALLAH IS SEVERE IN REQUITING (EVIL). THIS - TASTE IT, AND (KNOW) THAT FOR THE UNBELIEVERS IS THE PUNISHMENT OF FIRE. O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve marching for war, then turn not your backs to them. And whoever shall turn his back to them on that day - unless he turn aside for the sake of fighting or withdraws to a company - then he, indeed, becomes deserving of Allah's wrath, and his abode is hell; and an evil destination shall it be. So you did not slay them, but it was Allah Who slew them and you did not smite when you smote (the enemy) but it was Allah Who smote, and that He might confer upon the believers a good gift from Himself; (8:12-17) Those that the Muslims killed were not really killed by them. It was Allah who did the killing. 8:17 Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides whom ye may not know but whom Allah does know. 8.60 Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods for theirs in return is the garden of Paradise they fight in his cause and slay and are slain a promise binding on him as truth 9.111 FIGHT THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN ALLAH, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, NOR FOLLOW THE RELIGION OF TRUTH, OUT OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE BOOK [Christians and Jews], until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and THEY ARE IN A STATE OF SUBJECTION. (9:29) When the sacred months have passed away, THEN SLAY THE IDOLATERS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE THEM CAPTIVES AND BESIEGE THEM AND LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM IN EVERY AMBUSH, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them (9:5) Those who oppose Allah and His messenger will burn in the fire of hell. 9:63 Non-Muslim who pretend to believe (so they won't be killed by Muslims) are unclean and will go to hell. 9:95 On the last day Allah will kill all the disbelievers (and then he will torture them forever in hell). 10:45 Disbelievers will wear garments of fire, boiling fluid will be poured on their heads, their bellies and skin will be melted, they will be tormented with iron hooks, and when they try to escape they will be driven back with the taunt: Taste the doom of burning. 22:19-22 Therefore when you meet the unbelievers in fight smite at their necks, at length when ye have thoroughly subdued them bind a bond firmly on them thereafter is the time for either generosity or ransom until the war lays down its burdens…But those who are slain in the way of Allah He will never let their deeds be lost. 47.4 Those with Muhammad are ruthless toward disbelievers and merciful toward themselves. 48:29 The Prophet said, "The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr). Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sariya going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah's cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His cause." - Bukhari 001.002.035 Muslims have to realize that half a Muslim is worse than a kafir. Only a true Muslim can be a terrorist and can terrorize the world. The litmus test is the five times prayers in a mosque where they can be seen and counted. Our great apostle thought of an ingenious way to correct this situation. When Muhammad noticed some Muslims missing congregational prayers in mosque regularly, he wanted to set an example for others; he had the vermin’s burnt alive along with their houses and the families. “The Prophet said, “burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes.” Bukhari: 1.11.626 In another verse Allah said about apostates “they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and feet be cut off from the opposite sides, or exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world; and a great torment is theirs in the hereafter." (Surah al Maidah:Verse 33). “The Prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.” Bukhari: 4.52.260 The revelations in the Koran of cruelty, terror, hate are not the teachings of ALLAH. No ALLAH could ever spew out such HATEFUL VENOM. These are the teachings of Muhammad – the Anti ALLAH. Muhammad was the Anti - Allah and the Anti - ALLAH was Muhammad. The teachings listed above are only a very small sample of the hate and evil that dwelled in Muhammad’s soul. The revelations from ALLAH to Muhammad never happened. How do we know that Muhammad never received any divine revelations from ALLAH? Because since ALLAH is PERFECT all the revelations Muhammad received from ALLAH must be PERFECT. The teachings of the Koran (listed in this article) are not only IMPERFECT – they are EVIL. Therefore since ALLAH cannot be IMPERFECT/evil, cannot be a murderer - He could never order the killings of any so called unbelievers, never teach hate, cruelty, terror, subrogation of any human being by another human being i.e. unbelievers by believers and still be ALLAH. Therefore only an evil human mind could ever have created these teachings – THIS EVIL HUMAN MIND WAS THE MIND OF MUHAMMAD. BUT THIS IS NOT THE END. THERE ARE MORE TEACHING OF HATE AND EVIL IN THE KORAN. Teachings Concerning Woman AND Women In Paradise Likens a woman to a field (tilth), to be used by a man as he wills: "Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will" (2:223); Women have rights that are similar to men, but men are "a degree above them." 2:228 A woman is worth one-half a man. 2:282 Marry of the women two, or three, or four. 4:3 Males are to inherit twice that of females. 4:11 Tells husbands to beat their disobedient wives: "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them" (4:34). All married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." You can't have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like). 4:24 Men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Refuse to have sex with women from whom you fear rebellion, and scourge them. 4:34 When it's time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be sure to wash up. If you can't find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself. 5:6 Allah says it is lawful for Muhammad to marry any women he wants. 33:50-51 Those who "did wrong" will go to hell, and their wives will go to hell with them (no matter how they behaved). 37:22-23 But the single-minded slaves of Allah will enjoy a Garden filled with lovely-eyed virgins. 37:40-48 Female companions await those who enter the Gardens of Eden on the Day of Reckoning. 38:52 Allah will reward faithful Muslims after they die with "fair ones with wide, lovely eyes.44:54 Allah will reward those in the Garden with beautiful wives with wide, lovely eyes. 52:20 Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones. 66:5 Among the inmates of Heaven women will be the minority" (Sahih Muslim 36: 6600);........ "I (Mohammed) have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were women...[because] they are ungrateful to their husbands and they are deficient in intelligence" (Sahih Bukhari: 2:18:161; 7:62:125, 1:6:301). Perhaps to make up for the anticipated shortage of women in heaven, the Quran promises Muslim men beautiful virgins (houris) for their sexual pleasure (Q 44:54, 78:33, 55:56, 56:36 etc) "The righteous (Muslims) they shall triumph...Theirs shall be voluptuous women" - Q 78:31-33. "As for the righteous (Muslims)...We (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes" - Q 44:51-54 Estimates vary as to the number of virgins (2 to 72) per male Muslim in heaven (Sahih Bukhari 4:54:476, Al-Tirmidhi 2562). Actually the Tirmidhi Hadith states that 72 wives is the minimum, perhaps for the not so devout Muslims in the 7th heaven. Mohammed said: "The least reward for the people of paradise is 80,000 servants and 72 wives" - Al-Tirmidhi 2562, 2687. Prophets, suicide bombers and other Islamic martyrs in Islam's first heaven may get up to 1000 virgins each. For maximum enjoyment of these numerous wives, Muslim men are guaranteed superb erection in heaven: The Holy Prophet (Mohammed) said: "The believer will be given tremendous strength in Paradise for sexual intercourse". It was questioned: "O prophet of Allah! can he do that?" He said: "He will be given the strength of one hundred persons.'" (Mishkat al-Masabih 4:42:24; Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2536). When asked, "Do we have sex in Paradise?" Ibn Kathir, the renowned Islamic scholar explained: 'Yes, by him who holds my soul in his hand, and it will be done...and when the sex is finished she will return pure and virgin again' – Tafsir Ibn Kathir. Al-Suyuti (15th century) another famous Islamic theologian and Quranic comentator adds: "Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected (Muslims in heaven) never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world ...Each chosen Muslim will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas." This pre-occupation with sex in heaven is consistent with the Islamic view of women as sex objects for gratifying Muslim men. "Women are your fields, go (men) into your fields as you please" - Quran 2:223 With its offer of prolonged hard-on and gratifying heavenly sex with virgins who "re-virginate" after sex, its little wonder Muslim terrorists, suicide bombers and other Islamic martyrs are in a hurry to enter Islam's brothel paradise - Al-Jannah !! And if all of this isn’t evil enough how about sex with children: A Fatwa by the late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran. "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister. Sex With Animals Bestiality Is there a proper Muslim way to have sex with animals? Indeed, there is! Guidelines for sex with animals can be found in the writings of Ayatollah Khomeini. Two excerpts from his writings serve to clarify the matter. "A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine." Don't the buyers deserve a discount of some kind? Khomeini's "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990 "If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned." What if it was really good and invites another lap or two? Must animals always be one-night stands? FAMILY VALUES 1. Don't make be friends with your disbelieving family members. Those who do so are wrong-doers. 9:23 2. Those who refuse to fight for Allah will be treated (along with their children) as unbelievers. 9:85 3. Don't pray for idolaters (not even for your family) after it is clear they are people of hell-fire. 9:113 4. Abraham disowned his father for being an enemy of Allah. 9:114 5. Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers. 11:78 6. Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers. 15:71 7. Allah tells Abraham in a dream to sacrifice his son. (But is the son Ishmael or Isaac?) 37:102 8. On the Last Day good Muslims will not love their non-Muslim friends and family members, not even their fathers, sons, or brothers (or their mothers, daughters, or sisters). 58:22 9. Don't let your children distract you from your duty to Allah. 63:9 10. Your wives and children are your enemies. They are to you only a temptation. 64:14-15 11. Instructions for divorcing your wives. 65:1-6 12. Allah's rules for divorcing wives that have not yet reached puberty. 65:4 The conception of Paradise described above would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. Ten’s of thousands of innocents have been murdered by suicide bombers who believe they are going to a Paradise full of sexual delights. This is an evil paradise only a demented, deranged, evil man would have dreamed up – Muhammad. MUHAMMAD Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.” Bukhari 4:52:220 It was Hitler who once said that when you tell a lie tell a big lie. The biggest lie that’s ever been created is the one of Muhammad as a Prophet of Peace. "In his personal life, Muhammad was a megalomaniac; a self-appointed “prophet”, using his self-serving revelations, supposedly from ALLAH, for personal gain, and to satisfy his own base nature. He was personally guilty of murder, including by beheadings and crucifixion, rape, torture, kidnapping, extortion, slavery, mutilations, theft, adultery, false witness, abuse of women, physically and sexually, and sexual abuse of at least one child. Mohammad slaughtered unbelievers and masterminded over 60 massacres, He left behind the blueprint for Islam, a dysfunctional society bent on world domination by whatever means necessary! Convinced of his own status, he was intolerant of those who rejected him, assassinated those who criticized him, raided and looted those who did not believe in him, and massacred entire populations. He reduced thousands into slavery, raped and allowed his men to rape female captives. He was generous to those who accepted him, but vengeful towards those who didn’t." The Koran is not the word/teachings of ALLAH. NOT ONE WORD IN THE KORAN OR ANY OTHER ISLAMIC TEXT IS FROM ALLAH. NO ALLAH WHO IS TRULY ALLAH WOULD EVER SPEW SUCH PURE HATRED AND INTOLERANCE. NO ALLAH WHO IS ALLAH WOULD EVER CREATE A RELIGION OF WAR, DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. NO ALLAH WHO IS ALLAH WOULD EVER PREACH TEACHINGS OF MURDER, TORTURE, CRUELTY. NO ALLAH WHO IS ALLAH WOULD EVER CREATE A SEXUAL PARADISE OF BIG BREASTED WOMEN. NO ALLAH WHO IS ALLAH WOULD EVER PREACH THE FAMILY VALUES LISTED ABOVE. NO ALLAH WHO IS ALLAH WOULD EVER DEMONIZE AND SUBROGATE WOMEN. NO ALLAH WHO IS ALLAH WOULD EVER SEND AN EVIL, CRIMINAL LIKE MUHAMMAD AS HIS PROPHET TO CREATE A RELIGION TO TERRORIZE MANKIND. THE KORAN IS THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD. In a democracy, you have the right to exercise your ALLAH given intelligence to explore the truth of any question, without fear, without enduring threats against yourself or your family. In Christianity and Judaism nothing is sacred. There is no teaching of the bible beyond reproach. No teaching that cannot be opposed or rebuked, discarded etc. Christians and Jews are not a danger to society. The last thing we have to worry about are these people strapping on suicide bombs and blowing up our subways, buses, flying planes into our cities or trying to blow them up with weapons of mass destruction with millions dead The Koran and Islam are a danger to democracy and freedom. As presently constituted, Islam is an evil ideology and the Koran an evil book on a par with Nazism. Islam must be reformed. For the future of our freedom, peace and life this reform must be undertaken. The Reform of Islam is a life and death issue for civilization. The greatest danger mankind faces is the smuggling of a nuclear weapon by an Islamic Fundamentalist into a major western city killing millions in the name of and to the greater glory of ALLAH. If the hateful teachings are not removed from Islam this is the disaster that will destroy civilization as we know it. It will dramatically change human history forever. The stakes are that high. The Reformation of Islam is an issue of conscience. Islam as it is presently constituted is an issue of conscience and its Reform is definitely the concern of all peace loving, democratic believing peoples everywhere. Violence in Islam is a direct threat to all mankind. It is an issue of National Security not only for the West but also for Muslim countries. Least we all forget - it is mostly Muslims who are suffering and being killed and blown up in horrific numbers. Since 911 - over 150,000 Muslims have been murdered by their fellow Muslims in the worst ways imaginable. Murder, suicide bombings, violence, etc are evil. When these evil acts are committed in the name of and to the greater glory of ALLAH – this is the greatest evil that anyone can commit. Again - to kill and murder so you can ascend to a Paradise of Big Breasted Nymphs to rape and molest for all eternity – this is truly evil incarnate. Any Muslim who supports suicide bombers, who commits acts of violence, acts of terrorism, acts of violent jihad in the name of ALLAH are MURDERERS. All the evil teachings in the Koran must be renounced and denounced totally and completely WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION. These teachings must be removed from the Koran and a NEW MODERN KORAN published. The publication of a MODERN KORAN will be an instant worldwide best seller. By leaving these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Koran, moderate Muslims are in effect saying that these teachings are NORMAL. They are basically acquiescing to evil. Once you accommodate evil, you lose your moral center and become willingly or unwillingly an accomplice to evil. You cannot be a Good Muslim – pray 5 times a day etc – and ignore the evil – the moral black hole that lies at very the heart of Islam. We can no longer allow Peace Loving Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of Peace and Love and tolerance etc while leaving in the Koran and Islamic texts -teachings of terror, death and destruction, subrogation of women, intolerance, hate etc. We can no longer allow these Muslims to live in a fantasy world of an ALLAH of all Goodness and Muhammad – The Prophet of Peace while the Koran contains teachings of a hateful, murderous ALLAH – the ANTI ALLAH. By demanding that Peace Loving Muslims prove that they are Truly Peace Loving – by removing these evil teachings from the Koran – will be a TRUE MOMENT OF CATHARSIS FOR ISLAM. Once these evil teachings are removed from the Koran - Islam will be a Religion of Peace and Love - definitely become one of the many different paths to ALLAH By, Larry Houle intermedusa@yahoo.com www.godofreason.com
- Name: ChrisLA
- Date: Friday June 22, 2007
- Time: 09:08:57 -0700
This is a very interesting article, and what the author postulates is not only credible, but in line with the "Sunna of the Prophet." There are two troubling deviations -- first that Muhammad had five kids by non-wives while he was married to Khadija. I have never read anything like this. Where did this come from? The other disconnect has to do with oil in Saudi Arabia. In his narrative, the author state that there was no oil in Saudi Arabia. Obviously, the present-day expansion of fundamentalist Islam and the promotion of terrorism around the world is financed almost entirely by oil revenues. Islam was virtually dead after World War I when the caliphate was dissolved. It was only the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East that gave it a new life. I agree that the religion of Islam, independent of other economic factors, would have gained little traction in today's world had it blossomed in the 1960's. But even a dumb idea with a lot of money behind it can become a formidable force.
Name: eagle infidel I'd rather fight than switch. Date: Friday June 22, 2007 Time: 21:35:39 -0700 Comment: Keep up the good work guys and gals. Your web site is refreshing!! In a world full of idiots that would behead people for not believing the way they do. Why would anyone want to be in a religion that is so full of hate and death and "awful doom". I believe that God is a God of love and is appalled at the ugly, hateful, disgusting things that are being done in His name.
Kudo's again!! You will be on my list of favorite web sites.
- Name: Steve
- Date: Monday June 25, 2007
- Time: 20:06:53 -0700
Islam sucks, it is not a religion of peace as some try to portray it, it is a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who wish nothing more than for the masses to bow at their feet for no apparent reason. Islam should be outlawed by all the "proper" nations of the world as unjust, and barbaric. I am all for freedom of religion, but when your religion calls for the destruction of all others, and you act on that, we are definitely going to have a problem. I thought your article was a very good interpretation of how Islam came to be, I think they "true" story of it was probably a lot more graphic, and even more disgusting though..
- Name: Mohamed Shahid
- Date: Tuesday June 26, 2007
- Time: 05:47:23 -0700
This is an excellent article. I have never read an article like this. This article proves what Mohammed did. Keep up the good work and bring more articles like this. We should give this article to the world media and debate to see what the Saudi will say.
- Name:
- Date: Tuesday June 26, 2007
- Time: 06:12:10 -0700
I think you give too much credit to the U.N peacekeepers way too much credit
- Name: Christian who knows what Islam teaches.
- Date: Tuesday June 26, 2007
- Time: 10:24:53 -0700
Nelosni forgot to mention that Muhammed was a maniacal oversexed bigote, who did not tolerate anything that was against his beliefs or anything said against him. Keep up the good work.
- Name: N.B
- Date: Wednesday June 27, 2007
- Time: 17:26:52 -0700
This is very good work. I like it but you are making a mistake there is no clitoridectomy in islam.
- Name: Death to Islam
- Date: Monday July 16, 2007
- Time: 14:04:47 -0700
You want to know what Islam means? It means sticking a rod in people's rear ends and saying hee-haw. It is about urinating on civil liberties. http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSBLA66590320070716 Islam is about making a mockery of freedom. It makes fascism look glorious.