Europe Shall Bleed, Once Again
24 Jun, 2008
Civilized peoples’ idea of the “other” is the exact opposite of that of Muslims. All over Europe, for one, people have been singing the praises of multiculturalism; the idea that everybody should bend over backwards to accommodate the different in society. However, the different in this case are the hordes of invasive Muslims, with their rigid medieval ideas about every aspect of private and public life.
To Muslims, anyone who doesn’t toe the line of Islam, as each sect defines it, is the “other” and fair game as kafir (blasphemous; unbeliever in Allah). The “other” covers a broad spectrum: the six billion or so people of the world who are not Muslims, including the Jews and Christians who are considered Dhimmis. Every one of the numerous sects and sub-sects of Islam consider every other sect and sub-sect as “other” to be punished and even eliminated.
Centuries old Sunni-Shiite bloodletting is only one glaring example of the Islamic unceasing animosity for the “other.” Yet, these devotees of Allah never lose sight of the most important objective: destruction of everything non-Islamic and imposition of Islam on everyone and every land. Just recall what the Taliban did to the statues of Buddha, among other things; what the Wahabis are doing throughout the world; and, what the bomb-seeking Shiite mullahs of Iran are doing to the Baha’is in Iran in relentless race to dominate the region, destroy Israel, and later rule the world.
The sword that Muhammad wielded to kill all those who didn’t see things his way has never been sheathed by his followers. As soon as Muhammad died his devoted adherents carried on with his practice of killing. Killing gets merit points for Muslims. The Commander of the Faithful, Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was knighted by none other than Muhammad for beheading, some 600 unbelievers in one day with his own sword, assisted only by one other killer. Ali’s blood-drenched sword had its own title, Zulfaghar.
The Muslims' killing campaign did not end with their second defeat at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Their eviction from Spain was a temporary forced retreat. But now the Muslims have, in huge numbers, penetrated the gates of every city and town of Europe without yet having to use their swords.
The Islam in Europe blog reports on the numbers and percentages of Muslims in many European cities. Here are some of the statistics:
Marseilles – 25% (200,000 of 800,000)
Malmö - ~25% (67,000 of 270,000
Amsterdam – 24% (180,000 of 750,000)
Stockholm – 20% (>155,000 of 771,038)
Brussels - ~20% (some say 33%)
Moscow - 16-20% (2 million of 10-12 million)
London – 17% (1.3 million of 7.5 million)
Luton - 14.6% (26,963)
Birmingham 14.3% (139,771)
The Hague - 14.2% (67,896 of 475,580)
Utrecht - 13.2% (38,300 of 289,000)
Rotterdam – 13% (80,000 of 600,000)
Copenhagen - 12.6% (63,000 of 500,000)
Leicester – 11% (>30,000 of 280,000)
Aarhus - ~10%
Zaan district (Netherlands) - 8.8 percent
Paris - 7.38% (155,000 of 2.1 million)
Antwerp- 6.7% (>30,000 of >450,000)
Hamburg - 6.4% (>110,000 of 1.73 million)
Berlin - 5.9% (~200,000 of 3.40 million)
In the West, an unholy coalition of the majority suicidal liberals; together with self-selling Islamic apologists; are doing their level best to assist the Islamists in the destruction of the existing order of freedom and liberty.
In Europe, the gullible, self-indulging native non-Muslims have welcomed the arrivals as a source of cheap labor to serve their needs for a life devoted to self-gratification with little concern for the future. Europe is living on credit. And the creditors are hordes of Muslims who have already started delivering their bills.
Many affluent Europeans who see the handwriting on the wall are packing and moving to North America, Australia, and other seemingly safe lands. Yet, the Muslims’ bills, with compounded interest, shall continue to be delivered to those who remain behind. In response, politicians will keep bending backwards to placate the evermore powerful creditors by gradually instituting the Islamic Shariah as the law of the land. Before very long, Europe will have to turn its deed over to the new Islamic invaders or rebel and fight block by block, city by city. That’s when Europe shall bleed, once again
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: very good india too muslims r 20% and we r in trouble
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 23:35:56 -0700
very good article,in india too muslims r 20%...and we r paying heaving price for this by new jihad,killing millions of hindus till now.
Name: Tony
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 23:52:43 -0700
basically its 'moslems versus humans'
Name: An Open Letter to Ali Sina by Al-Ansar
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 23:58:59 -0700
Name: 118 Questions to ask Christians
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 00:10:59 -0700
118 Questions to ask Christians:
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 00:15:51 -0700
The British always supported muslims due to their religious affinity Christianity was considered to be close to Islam because of their common descent from judaism or common patriarch Abraham , while they ruled India. They ,as with other whites of Europe, used to look down on Hinduism as just polytheistic and 'pagan' or 'heathenish'. Today they are reaping the fruits of the sins of their ancestors arrogance and misdirected biases. We in India had nearly 600 years of muslim rule with devastating effects , but we were resilient enough to withstand their attrocities and live as hindus in the 21st.century. Over the centuries Hinduism had its influence on islam in India with sufis and others , until the radical wahabism got exported from Saudi Arabia radicalising Islam into the present monstrous proportion. It is time Europeans tell the muslims to respect their laws and customs and damn the barbaric "Sharia". Otherwise you can be 'talibanised' in no time with all art,literature and culture destroyed and replaced with Arabic barbarism! You will have no more Shakespeare, Wordsworth,Goethe,Victor Hugo, T.S.Eliot,Moliere,Dante, Jane Austen,Dickens, Flaubert,Beethoven,Mozart, Brahms, Handel, Tchaikovsky,Tolstoy,Chekov , etc. Just the inane ,stupid, Quran,Hadiths,Sharia, and the voluminous wrings on such inane matters.
Name: al ham dull ill aahhh vbv good point
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 00:24:47 -0700
al ham dull ill aahhh vbv good point
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 00:34:42 -0700
Continuing with the above you can see that the Hindus living in the UK,USA, France,or any other part of the World respecting local customs and also law-abiding citizens , keeping their religion personal. They are not crusading to convert anybody to Hinduism , to conquer the World for their God/Gods , unlike muslims who want to bring the entire planet under their Allah and Muhamad! This clearly shows that polytheism is anyday far better than monotheism. Polyjtheism is tolerant and 'democratic', while monotheism is despotic and cruel. Polytheism doesn't object to non-theism or atheism. It does not force religion down your throat, like monotheism. Monotheism is an exclusivist creed,while polytheism is an inclusivist creed. For instance I am an atheist and I openly say it ,refusing to go to any temple or observe any festval or religious ceremony. I am left at peace. People around me respect my view though they may disagree with me strongly. Nobody is calling for my blood,asking to return to the religion or whatever. Many may dislike me because of my disposition , some may even have contempt for my views ,but they still let me exist and carry on with my life and not subject me to any discrimination in any social gathering or function. Some may poke fun at me . Thats all. Can you expect an atheist to live without fear in an Islamic society or in a puritanical ,evangelical Christian society (like USA)? No. The atheist will always be in fear of his/her life in such Society/Country. I hpe Europe does not revert to the Medevial Ages , but rather enforce its secular laws stringently , stop being apologetic to muslims and their rabid extremist views,and above all not give 'political asylum' without proper and complete verification.
Name: mad muslim response see this link and respond logically
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 03:13:26 -0700
mad muslim response see this link and respond logically if you have any brain.
Name: responding muslim anwser these if you can
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 03:30:32 -0700
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 03:30:47 -0700
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 13:22:57 -0700
The Informations provided in this article is partially true at best & the conclusions drawn are misleading or false. Europeans are NOT apprehensive NOR are they migrating to USA. Most migration to USA are from Asia & Latin America. In fact European migration to USA is currently below average. Islam is getting kicked-in-the-ass everywhere in Europe & UK and Muslims are the PARIAHS, who provide low-wage essential services to indigents. Muslim population in India is currently ~ 10% (used to be ~ 8%) from prolific procreation but that is only stabbing them in the back. NO HINDU is scared of Muslims, those days are long gone. Just as in Europe, Muslims in India are low-wage earners. And low achievers. I totally support Sharia for Muslims in Europe & India. They deserve & have earned it, just as a pet dog has earned his bone.
Name: Re: Ananda
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 13:47:27 -0700
I agree with Ananda. Statistics from GB, Germany and probably many other countries clearly reveal that muslims are the underdogs in europe. The average muslim has a low income, their kids have the highest drop-out rates from school and the rate of criminals is higher than the average. Other foreigners like east europeans, east asians or indians perform much better in any regard. There are hardly any young muslims who achieve higher education levels and there are still many obstacles in terms of integration. Some younger muslims are trying to promote islam, but I don´t think that this will last very long. Many of them suffer from an identity crisis, but I think they will begin to understand in the near future that islam is no solution to anything.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 14:32:57 -0700
Dear author, if you were trying to scare the hell out of these people, it seems that you have failed. The sad part is that you raise your concerns but offer no solution. What shall we do with these cities that have high percentage of Muslim population? Deport all the Muslims? Put them in concentration camps? Just what is the solution? Bring right wing and Fascist retards back to power in Europe? How about killing 6 million Muslims and then kick the rest out like what you guys in Europe did to the Jews? Why is your dear Europe such a sensitive culture and people who can't bear 10% of a different population and you have to find solutions to get rid of them or your culture will go bankrupt? Give me a break!
Name: Paul
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 03:59:18 -0700
"Many affluent Europeans who see the handwriting on the wall are packing and moving to North America, Australia, and other seemingly safe lands." Perhaps the author could specify how many are leaving and where he got this factoid from. To me it sounds rubbish and he made it up.
Name: agnostic
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 13:53:56 -0700
vbv, it's not just the Brits loving muslims, it's also america, land of the free. Their darling muslim states are all failed cesspits that feeds the anglo-american ego. So it's nce to read how the natives are being pushed and edged out. Europe will not fall - Germany and the Vatican will commit genocide on the muslims without batting an eyelid. As for India I think it will be civil war.
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 18:53:14 -0700
While I respect the author's point and intent to raise awareness, I would like to point out a couple of things about the statistics: Muslim population rates are almost always inflated for various reasons. The intent to scare non-Muslims or inspire Muslims is a common reason. Scaring non-Muslims is beneficial to those who what them to make political concessions to the Muslim Community and on the other hand, to those who want them to stop immigration. The numbers get inflated by accident also since everyone is counted as a Muslim by reason of birth rather than by what they actually believe. Taking into account how dangerous real candor about one's faith can be for those of Muslim descent it is not necessarily an accurate methodology. More importantly, these larger cities with huge communities mask the vast number of smaller towns and cities where the percentages would struggle to make single digits. Immigration rates for Muslims are dropping while other immigrant groups - Asians and Non Muslim-Africans - are rising. Muslim fertility rates are dropping (but yes, they are still high) and Christian evangelists and other influences compete with the forces of radicalism which reduce the wellbeing of Islamic communities. Between the honour killing of females and the marrying of cousins within small communities, the viability of a Muslim takeover of anywhere is of decreasing likelihood. (India is actually closer to 13% Muslim.) This is not to say that Islamic supremacism is of no threat. The damage the ideology does to its adherents alone is heartbreaking. What it does to everyone else is intolerable. Perspective based on the best information available is crucial.
Name: To Paul
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 23:09:39 -0700
You should keep an watch on the statistics of how Europeans in an ever-increasing number, leaving Europe in recent years.
Name: trying to be honest
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 17:33:19 -0700
first of all we have to be objective and unbiased, most of the comments reflect the fact that they are from people who hate muslims. who ever is questioning muslims in india should go and read the "shaster" which clearly divides the human race into four different castes. and even in this day and age it is practised in india's rural areas that the untouchables are infact "untouchables". americans and europeans are the people who commited the worst crime in the history of humans which was to enslaving of millions of africans, chaining them and transporting them to their countries. till 1965 black people and dogs were not allowed to go in public bars in america. so i guess what i am saying is that it's not only muslims, it's in the history of all the different kinds of people and more so in europe's history.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Thursday May 29, 2008
Time: 10:04:44 -0700
What was predicted in the First Century AD in the New Testament of the Bible had been fulfilled in seventh century with Islam. Its false promise of a pardise for the slain jihadist. To put it more precisely this clevery devised story of the virgins in a paradise taught by the Imams was predicted in Second Timothy 4;3,4. which reads "For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate [endure] sound and wholesome instruction, but having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying],they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, and will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-nade fictions." Furthermore, the man who presented the book into the world that teaches the lie of the mansions with 72 virgins is in reality just one of the "many false prophets[that] have gone forth in the world." First John 4:1. And also has its own false message,false angle and is accursed by God. - Galatians 1:6-9. THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE
Name: To ''118 Questions to ask Christians''
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 13:59:23 -0700
All that link shows is the average muslim's total of ignorance and misunderstandings of what Christianity is. Every single question can be very easily answered - perhaps they realise this and thus give no option for anyone to respond!!!
Name: to vbv
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 12:48:58 -0700
Why on earth do you think an atheist has to fear for their life in a christian country?!?!
Name: Aloh
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 06:42:07 -0700
All the world has been fooled and seduced by ISLAMIST. Only ISRAEL can really fight against them. LONG LIVE ISRAEL!!!
Name: Aloh
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 06:54:29 -0700
Why do the atheists under estimate ISLAM and always provoke christianity? DON'T atheist know that THEY SURELY BE TORTURED AND KILLED in islamic country or convert to islam??? Atheists are really idiot. They haven't lived yet in islamic country like me or other minorities to feel that torture and slaying... Welcome to hellist islamic world, dumb atheists!!! LONG LIVE ISRAEL!!!
Name: Alohuabarbarian
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 07:19:16 -0700
Ultimately Absolutely CORRECT!!! India has known the problem of muslims in their country due to ignorant westerners and dumb-head liberalists and atheist.. Soon enough the liberalists and atheists in western countries will be served their own chopped head for dinner HAHAHA... Welcome to hellist islamic world, buddies!! LONG LIVE HINDUS... LONG LIVE INDIA!!!
Name: Shloka
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 19:09:20 -0700
Europe should be very careful. India has a couple of Muslim terrorist attacks a year, leading to a loss of hundreds of lives.Muslims are the poorest in India, in Malaysia inspite of positive discrimination, they're poor,in Singapore, in Israel in the West.
Name: To all hardcore Muslim fanatics i.e. true Muslims
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 00:39:09 -0700
Sept. 11 2008 is the 7th anniversary of that dastardly attack destroying the World Trade Center that claimed the lives of more than 3,000 innocent people. The relatives of those victims are mourning while you in the Muslim world are celebrating. Only the Most Evil Mind can plot and execute that terrible Slaughter. Your evil Koran provides the motivation for those blinded fanatics to kill, "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them!", There is no shame in killing!", "Killing is a small matter to us!" You recite these prayers five times a day drilling into your subconsciousness transforming you into Savages. What you get in return? An Imaginary Paradise, promised by an illiterate, sexual pervert, mass murderer, plunderer Mohammad, where big bosom virgins, handsome young boys, rivers of wine are waiting!!! A normal sane mind will call that Pure Nonsense!!!Your Koran is a copycat picking selected verses in the Bible to give credence to an otherwise false religion. When Lies is mixed with Truth many will be deceived! An example of a Bible verse plagiarized by Koran, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind of man can conceived what God has prepared for those who loved Him." Since your pervert Mohammad had already described in detail what's in store of his Imaginary Paradise for his faithfuls who died in the name of Allah (blow themselves to pieces), thereby violating what had been stated beforehand, therefore it proves that Koran is false!!! You hardcore Muslim fanatics i.e. true Muslims had sown the wind the Muslim world will soon reap the Whirlwind!!! America, whom you hate so much, will not be the one who will bring the Sword to your Land and finish Islam. Guess who? It will be the rising Superpower European Union that will devastate your Land and finish Islam!!! It will be the Final Chapter in the Holy Crusade started long ago! So those who want to escape this terrible Whirlwind that will sweep and devastate your Muslim land leave Islam now!!! Or better still overthrow your evil Islamic governments!!!
Name: joker
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 19:24:15 -0700
Well why dont you just solve the problem and start killing Muslims, since they are just germs eliminate them problem solved.