Meet Ayaan Hirsi Ali
26 Jan, 2007
- 'Ayaan Hirsi Ali?'
- 'Never heard of him.'
'It's a she.' - 'Never heard of her.'
Born in 1967 in Mogadishu (Somalia), Ayaan Hirsi attended secondary school in Kenya. From the middle of the nineties she studied political science in Leiden (Netherlands). In the same period she had various jobs, such as cleaning woman and mail sorter. In 2001-02 she was an interpreter and translator. In 2002 she joined the think tank of the Dutch Social Democratic Party. In 2003, she switched over to the Dutch right-of-the centre (classical) liberal party, the VVD, because of this party's firm stand on immigration issues and became a member of Parliament.
She was raised as a Muslim but has recently become agnostic. She has an incredible command of the Dutch langue and is a sharp debater. She abhors woolly, placating rhetoric, which is so typical of Dutch politics. According to a recent poll she ranks second among the most popular politicians in Holland. And her political star is still rising. Yet her political message stirs a lot of controversy, especially among Muslim radicals.
It was the criticism by the late Pim Fortuyn (the Dutch politician who was killed by an animal rights activists) of the impact of Islam on Dutch society which sharpened her awareness of the threat of Muslim radicalism. Fortuyn openly qualified the Islam as a backward religion and Ayaan Hirsi Ali shares this view. When she was still in the socialist party she wanted to put the issue high on the political agenda. But the party did not support her view, because it was afraid that it would play into Fortuyn's hands. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is especially critical of the lack of tolerance for dissenting opinions among Muslims, as well as their oppression of women.
According to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the emotions incited by her
statements, especially among radical Muslims, underscores the state
of the Islam. (Radical) Muslims are incapable of self-reflection.
Consequently, any critical remark is perceived as an offense.
She believes that the Dutch are insufficiently aware of the threat
which a rapidly growing radical Islam poses for the basic values and
norms of Dutch society. Because of her outspokenness on these issues
she has received death threats and needs permanent personal
The political controversy now focuses on the question whether a
separate Islamic 'pillar' has to be created within Dutch society.
This approach has been successfully applied before. It was a kind of
benign sectarianism. Over more than a century, Roman Catholics,
Protestants of various denominations, and non-religious groupings
had organized themselves in separate 'pillars', comprising primary
and secondary schools, universities, newspapers and weeklies,
employers' federations and trade unions, radio and tv stations,
sport clubs, holiday resorts, and all kinds of associations. There
were relatively few mutual contacts between people in separate
pillars. But over the years, because of growing wealth and the
desire for more individual liberty, the borderlines between the
pillars have worn out. And the system has not prevented the ascent
of growing nationhood. Why not apply the same recipe for Dutch
Muslim population? The difference is that, contrary to the other
'pillars', a potential Muslim 'pillar' lacks historical roots in the
Netherlands. Therefore, a more promising road to the integration of
Muslims in a modern society runs via common education as opposed to
'pillarized' education. A Muslim 'pillar' will simply perpetuate
Muslim 'apartheid' within society, both culturally and as regards
the labour market, and will also sustain the subservient role of
The hostile reactions to her statements from Islamic circles have
surprised Ayaan Hirsi Ali. In response, she has declared that it was
not her intention to insult or unnecessarily offend people.
Therefore, she lately polished her once abrasive language, without
compromising, however, on the substance of her message. She now
acknowledges that Mohammed is an admirable figure, but that his
ideas are due for modernization.
Can this be done? Nader Fergany, the Egyptian lead-author of the
ground-braking Arab Human Development Reports insists that Islam is
very rich and that there are interpretations of Islam which can
easily be accommodated with the values and norms of modern developed
As Rudyard Kipling once wrote:
and never the twain shall meet,
till Earth and Sky stand presently
at God's great Judgment's seat.'
Do these lines also apply to the relationship between Islam and the West? What most people do not know is that Kipling's message was meant to be just the opposite, because the poem goes on:
Border nor breed nor birth
when two strong men stand face to face,
tho' they come from the end of the earth.'
Let's hope that there will be sufficient 'strong men' who will rise to the challenge ... spurred by the message a strong woman.
TCS Daily
AYAAN HIRSI ALI, a Somali immigrant who served in the parliament
of the Netherlands until earlier this year, is the author of
"Infidel," an autobiography to be published in February.