Words of Wisdom from Intellectuals Born into Islam
11 Jun, 2008
Al Razi
Al-Razi was a philosopher, scientist, medical doctor, most prominent scientist of middle ages and one of the greatest minds of Islamic world. One of the greatest minds of Islamic world, attacked religion in general and Islam in particular with a force unthinkable in this day Titles of his books included gems such as:
- “The Prophet's Fraudulent Tricks,”
- “The Stratagems of Those Who Claim to Be Prophets”,
- "On the Refutation of Revealed Religions”
Following are few of his saying:
- The prophets—these billy goats with long beards, cannot claim any intellectual or spiritual superiority. These billy goats pretend to come with a message from God, all the while exhausting themselves in spouting their lies, and imposing on the masses blind obedience to the "words of the master." The miracles of the prophets are impostures, based on trickery, or the stories regarding them are lies. The falseness of what all the prophets say is evident in the fact that they contradict one another: one affirms what the other denies, and yet each claims to be the sole depository of the truth; thus the New Testament contradicts the Torah, the Koran the New Testament.
- “As for the Koran, it is but an assorted mixture of "absurd and inconsistent fables," which has ridiculously been judged inimitable, when, in fact, its language, style, and its much vaunted "eloquence" are far from being faultless. Custom, tradition, and intellectual laziness lead men to follow their religious leaders blindly. Religions have been the sole cause of the bloody wars that have ravaged mankind. Religions have also been resolutely hostile to philosophical speculation and to scientific research. The so-called holy scriptures are worthless and have done more harm than good, whereas the "writings of the ancients like Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, and Hippocrates have rendered much greater service to humanity."
- “The "sacred books" are only such a set of idle tales as any age could have and indeed did actually produce."
- “The people who gather round the religious leaders are feeble-minded or they are adolescents. Religion stifles truth and fosters enmity. If a book in itself constitutes a demonstration that it is true revelation, the treatises of geometry, astronomy, medicine and logic can justify such a claim much better than the Quran”
- “Why would one want to be tied by religion, rather than
develop love of wisdom, the root meaning of philosophy?“
- "How can anyone think philosophically while listening to old wives' tales founded on contradictions, which obdurate ignorance, and dogmatism?"
- “Quran is a political agenda and its whole motive is the expansion of the Islamic empire. God never woos his devotees in the name of sex, but Koran does, as it was the handiwork of a cunning Prophet Muhammad who created his own concept of Allah to satisfy his unbound lust for women, power and money”
- He referred to religion as "noxious weeds" and called it a "fable invented by the ancients”, worthless except for those who exploit the credulous masses.
- ”We mortals are composed of two great schools
Enlightened knaves or else religious fools”
- "Do not suppose the statements of the prophets to be true. Men lived comfortably till they came and spoiled life.
And as for the prophets he wrote:
The Prophets, too, among us come to teach,
Are one with those who from the pulpit preach;
They pray, and slay, and pass away, and yet
Our ills are as the pebbles on the beach.Mohammed or Messiah! Hear thou me,
The truth entire nor here nor there can be;
How should our God who made the sun and the moon
Give all his light to One, I cannot see.
Omar Kayyam was a freethinker and indirectly made fun of islam in his poetry.
- Some for the Glories of This World; and some
Sigh for the Prophet’s Paradise to come; - Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss’d
Of the Two Worlds so learnedly, are thrust
Like foolish Prophets forth; their Words to Scorn
Are scatter’d, and their Mouths are stopt with Dust.
- Heaven is incomplete without a heavenly romance
Let a glass of wine be my present circumstance
Take what is here now, let go of a promised chance
A drumbeat is best heard from a distance
- “Islam is an absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin”
- “Islam is a is a rotting corpse which poisons our lives”.
- “Muhammad used the most vile and horrible methods such as ethnic cleansing, secret assassinations, kidnappings, robbery, deceit and cunning in the propagation of Islam and domination of other people”.
- “I think we have gone insane by calling a thief and rapist as a Prophet”.
- “Quran” is nothing but a dirty manual which reflects the
rotten mind of Mohammad. He never received any revelations as
we Muslims believe; rather he fooled everyone.”
- “I personally feel that Quran is fit to be used as toilet paper, a 1500 years old pile of garbage torn paper, creation of a sick evil charlatan's mind called Mohammed the Bandit”
Jinnah was never a practicing Muslim. He ate pork, drank wine. His only daughter Dina married a non Muslim as she thought Islam was the worst religion. (Dina married a Parsi by name Neville Wadia and their son is Nusli Wadia, the chairman and majority owner of Bombay Dyeing). Jinnah used to crack many jokes on Allah, Prophet Muhammad and Muslims in general in his private evening parties. This side of his life is completely blacked out in Pakistan where he is remembered as a religious figure and his name is taken with “Rahmat ullah alaih”. Some of it is mentioned in the very well researched and documented b book on the division of India and Pakistan “Freedom Ay Midnight” by Collins and Lapieere”. The book was immediately banned in Pakistan.
Here is one of his favorite jokes:
- “We Muslims say that the Black Stone in Kaaba was white in color earlier and turned black after absorbing our sins in it. We are right in a sense as any stone can turn black after we touch or kiss it since our greatest sin itself is being a Muslim"
- "The Koran is a supermarket, where one takes what one
wants and leaves what one doesn't want,"
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Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 19:13:18 -0700
Beautiful article and author. Thank you Ayesha 1.I thought the black stone was white, then Mo showed up, and voila..it became black. But maybe Mr. Jinnah's story is better. 2. I thought Sina brought the issue of what to use for toilet paper, but maybe I was mistaken and Dr. Evhad was the one who started this trend. But again, maybe its just very smart people think alike!! Peace everyone
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 22:23:32 -0700
This article should be widely circulated and made available to all Moslems - particularly those in INDIA,PAKISATAN and Bangladesh. If they want to be good human beings , doing good things to their fellow human beings- if they want to be filled with love,kindness,compassion towards all human beings and other living creatures, if they want to lead a meaningful life ,if they want to be liberal,freedom,peace loving people, if they want to treat all fellow humans as equal - then this article may help them to introspect and come to the right decision. Particularly the educated Moslem women,liberal,open minded moslem women with modern out look ,freedom,peace,democratic moslem women- who want to be liberated from the schackles of ISLAM - will give up ISLAM, renounce,denounce , the utter discrimination,subjugation of women in ISLAM and will come back to their ancestral glorious, noble Hindu dharma. Vast majority of Moslem women are not aware of what is written in QQURRAN, SIRA,HADIS, becoz of th emis/disinformation,lies,deception,fear, terror from Mullas,Mosques, madrassas. Moslem women must start thinking on their own and find out the truth about real ISLAM and the cruelty,barbarism,hatred,ill will, poison that ISLAM injects into human mind.
Name: To: Ayesha
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 23:20:37 -0700
Great article Ayesha, big salute for you. Only stupid people still believe in Islam and Mo as their prophet. At least, they can read the truth about what intellectuals said regardings Islam and Mo, on one condition, they open tehir heart widely and wisely.
Name: to: ibn Kamuna
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 23:26:50 -0700
Is it hygenic enough to be used as toilet paper? If the ink used was cheap, then it can caused irritation or infection on your private part of the body. I think they will not used high quality ink and paper to make the Quran, so please be careful when using it as toilet paper.
Name: to Akhter
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 23:48:14 -0700
“Quran is a political agenda and its whole motive is the expansion of the Islamic empire. God never woos his devotees in the name of sex, but Koran does, as it was the handiwork of a cunning Prophet Muhammad who created his own concept of Allah to satisfy his unbound lust for women, power and money” “I think you are insane by calling a thief and rapist as a Prophet”.
Name: The Qur'an has been falsified???
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 23:55:53 -0700
Name: "Ayesha Ahmed" wants to be burned with her dead husband!
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 00:02:01 -0700
"Ayesha Ahmed" has been sent to mental hospital: http://www.answering-faithfreedom.org/faiz/ayesha-complaint/ayesha-complaint-1.html
Name: Great article
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 01:05:18 -0700
Without doubt one of the best I ever read here. I really like this quote from Al Razi: “As for the Koran, [...] which has ridiculously been judged inimitable, when, in fact, its language, style, and its much aunted "eloquence" are far from being faultless." Hey Akther! You must read this article! It clearly reveals how stupid your claims are!
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 03:14:22 -0700
Hey Akhter,iqbalSingh(fake name for a rabbid muslim) , and others of their ilk - Ayesha has revealed that many think the quran to be a pure crap and Muhamad was a fake as are all those who claim prophet-hood hearing voices intheir empty heads filled with conceit evil and self-serving selfish thoughts. It is just a mask to get absolute power to satisfy one's lust for political power ,sex,loot and more sex . just promising sex in the hereafter to the motley crowds ,while his close adherents could rape at will in the name of that ghastly ,immoral and barbaric cult they call "Islam". Well done Ayesha for an excellent article exposing the inanaities and evil of 'islam' the immoral cult!
Name: Kaffir
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 03:38:20 -0700
What can I say ?Nice one .
Name: balam to Ayesha
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 08:01:08 -0700
What a beautiful article. It is so well researched that I have no words to express my admiration. May God keep you away from Mohammad and his dummy god allah.Amen
Name: Holy Ghost
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 10:45:09 -0700
I saw in many places over the Net, Muslims claims to have prophecies about science in their holy book and know I am completely pissed by this Koranic Science. I want to tell Muslims that, “Scientific discoveries which has already happened, you can read about them, even in children book, their book is not so special in that”. If their book is genuine about scientific discoveries, then why are they getting smashed by Americans and Jews everywhere, why don’t they read their book and develop advanced technologies than infields and defeat them? Then they don’t have to scream about how precious and full of knowledge their Koran is, everyone will know about it.
Name: Vijay to Mariam
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 11:57:22 -0700
Great article Ayesha.This article made Akhter go berserk and sent him into into a frenzy of unusually long rants.
Name: Koran Work of God
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 12:03:34 -0700
If Koran is work of God, then why doesn’t he rain some Koran from the sky these days, at least to prove that Muslims are right. If its not raining Koran yet then there may be many causes, this God is dead, he ran out of ink or paper or he is too scared of the Infidels, or may be too busy having sex with 72 Virgins and forgot about issuing fresh edition of Koran. Its not fault of Infidels if they don’t believe Koran is work of God, if he can write it once he can write it twice to prove Muslims are telling the truth.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 12:03:47 -0700
"My problem to write this monograph is easier, because we are not generally fed now on that (distorted) kind of history and much time need not be spent on pointing out our misrepresentations of Islam. The theory of Islam and sword, for instance, is not heard now in any quarter worth the name. The principle of Islam that “there is no compulsion in religion” is well known."------- I love to find taquiya and kittman so obvious. There is no compulsion in religion - really now. Can't you do better than that? This verse - which probably just refers to Meccans trying to compel Muslims to give up Islam - has been abrogated by "whosoever changes his religion - kill them!". The historical record of Islam is even more evidence that the spread of Islam was "sheltered by the sword". Islam is intolerant. You are simply practicing taquiya to the unenlightened kufar.
Name: rat worshipers!!!!! filthy , dirty bastards
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 13:47:12 -0700
Name: you can have a hundered ,when we have 100,000 a year of your beautiful delights!!!
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 14:25:49 -0700
Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India By Sujesh 23/02/2003 At 15:01 Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India The following is from israel, where 300 jewish women a year elope with muslim men and produce muslim offspring The israeli jewish population is 6 million, out of this 300 women a year are seduced by muslim men This inspite of the daily islamic terror In israel thanks to the smaller population , each islamic bomb blast has a higher impact and there is very bad relations between jews and muslims Despite this the muslims manage to snag 300 jewish women a year Muslims are 30% of the israeli district of Galilee and many of their villages are NO-GO riot prone muslim ghettos, right within 1967 israel India has 820 million hindus, by extrapolation we come up with a minimum of 50000 hindu women a year eloped to muslims Next this has to be multiplied by the bollywood khan factor, the Sultan Mian factor and the psec factor ( a lot of dumb psec women married muslims , teesta setalvad, mira nair, kavita ramdas ) So the VHP estimate of 100,000 hindu women a year lost to making muslim babies is very conservative
Name: Could do better next time
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 00:01:49 -0700
She is impressed with these people as if they are the only ones that represent Islam. Amazing how people are only fond of those ones they are simulate.
Name: Born into Islam - No Muslim!
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 00:38:16 -0700
Everybody who has a brain cannot be a true muslim any more. I would like to know how many statistical muslims really believe in Islam. 80%? 50%? Nobody knows, however, the result could be a surprise to everybody.
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 01:45:04 -0700
Name: To Muslim who take 1 lakh hindu women each year
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 05:36:54 -0700
Hindus know you are despearte for sex, just like street dogs. So to keep you happy, when you are busy making bombs and bending your arse, we inject some sperm into your aunt. If its boy, we raise him to fight against you, if its girl, we raise her and happily offer it to you, so that "You can Lick, what came out of a Hidnu DCK". Long live Shiv Linga, even Muslim can get some left overs to lick.
Name: Khan: Many more think alike but are scared to speak up
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 08:38:47 -0700
Well researched article.I bet all free thinking intelligent muslim intellectuals think the same way but are too scared for their lives to anounce it publicly.Many more have been killed for speaking the truth.
Name: great article .Atleast this may open islamists eyes
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 09:05:08 -0700
great article .Atleast this may open islamists eyes.people who are senselessly attacking ayesh ahmed are sex amniac bstard who may have dog mind of always of thinkg sex.
Name: Michael
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 10:09:46 -0700
I hear someone say that they believe in evolution. So do i. I am a christian though. I do not blindly belive in anything or take everything literally even if it is written in the bible. There are many such christians. We believe that God created the universe and everything in it but through a process of eveolution and not in 7 days as said in the bible. The biblical story is a metaphor for what actually happened. Cheers
Name: Stone worshipper for ever.
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 19:53:36 -0700
Islam is a virus software to corrupt the souls and minds of Human beings. Once the target is corrupted with the Shahada Command. ( "There is no God but Dog and Mo is his profit" ). The corrupted target start the meaning ritual and find people of the same corrupted lots and repeats the same thing. Logic and reasoning is lost. They perceive Lies as Truth and look violence as peace, always rant anti west anti israel anti europe shoutings, and try to find islam everywhere. Who will invent the Anti Virus Programs to clear their Hard Disks.( Brains )?
Name: Hindu god Krishna
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 20:45:49 -0700
Hindu god Krishna had more than 16000 wives and gopis (pros) to fulfill his sexual desire. How sex-maniac a god can be! He is the filthiest god the humanity has ever experienced. Other Hindu gods had also sex with their daughters. How insane! One Hindu god killed and beheaded another one! And so on.
Name: To Ayesha Ahmed and All
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 21:14:13 -0700
First of all, thank you Ms.Ayesha Ahmed for a nice, thought provoking article. This website should be for discussions in a decent way. But some people, whatever be their religious beliefs, do lots of indecent mudslinging. There should be gentlemanly discussion with logic. Please be decent, give your logic, analyze things in a decent way, put your views. In that way we learn from each other. By better understanding each other we can make a better world. After all its all about humanity. Thanks a lot to all of you in advance for being co-operative, and decent.
Name: To Islamists and Muslims
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 21:23:46 -0700
Non-muslims, hindus, christans, jews, budhhists, bahais, jains, sikhs etc, all of them accept that everything in their religions is not perfect. They adapted good things in course of time. They are doing reformation continuously. But islamists or muslims only think that islam is perfect. In reality, Islam is not perfect. That is the main theme of discussion in this website. Hope muslims and islamists will realize the inherent flaws of islam. Muslims will wake up and join the humankind. Thanks in advance for being humane.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 22:09:57 -0700
To all educated ,civilized, open minded, with modern out look , with equality in gender ,race, religion ,freedom,peace loving ,democratic loving Moslem women : it is time for you to reject this plague,evil ,cruel,barbaric, bloodthirsty, unequal,slavery, cult,plague of humanity called ISLAM . Bring light into your lives. Break the shackles of ISLAm and liberate yourselves - at least you are in INDIA the noblest of the noble country ( because of HINDUS) - you can be bold . If you act enmasse , in large numbers there will be change definitly. Renounce, denounce ISLAM, suppression, oppression ,subjugation by ISLAM ,slavery perpetrated by ISLAM, use of women as sexual robots in ISLAM . come back to SANATAN DHARMA the glorious ,noble Hindu dharma - the future of humanity- world .
Name: Re: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist )
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 22:41:22 -0700
The world is about to see your bloody evil cult in British Museum within the next few decades. Don't cry, baby!
Name: vbv
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 00:05:00 -0700
Ayesha's article has the muslims worked up no end , with so many going berseck , raving mad and abusing 'hinduism' to score points. Hahahahahaha! Islam is a fraud ,pagan cult trying to legitamise itself by borrowing and distorting Biblical Tales. It can't compare with what we know as hinduism , the name given by arabs /persians for what we in India call as "Sanathana Dharma" or the eternal path of righteousness. It is thousands of years old and predates Abrahamic creeds by atleast a millennia! And here we have muslims trying smear mud on what has stood the test of time with all other ancient belief systems falling apart and disappearing with efflux of TIME!. It is not a creed/cult founded by a particular man like Abraham/Moses/ jesus/Muhamad . It has evolved over thousands of years with many people contributing with their spiritual experiences. It has a vast literaure - Four Vedas, 108 Upanishads, Various philosphies like Sankhya, Advaita, Dvaita, Vishishtadvaita, Vaisheshika,etc, Vyakaranas, Yogasutras,Ayurveda, Brahmasutra, Sulbasutra, Vedic mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology,Epics like Ramayana, Mahbharata, the Puranas, the plays and poems of Kalidasa, Bana,etc. The sheer magnitude of Ancient literature ,writings on philosophies, mathematics , sciences , etc is unparalleled in the Ancient world. There was always freedom of thought,expression, no concept of blaspheme to suppress freethinking , like what you find in monotheistic creeds/cults like islam. Mind you , the literature of ancient India was indegenous and original , not like Islam borrowing from the Bible to legitamise itself. No wonder the sense of insufficiency and guilt has driven the mad psychopath Muhamad to exhort his rabbid followers to kill and exterminate all the Jews. Further what is Islam , nothing but Arab-pagan cult wearing the garb of monotheism, but in reality Muhamad is adored more than the pagan god Allah ,for any criticism of Muhamad entails a certain "death" penalty ,according to Sharia ,their barbaric and primitive code-book! Therefore , Akhter,etc. and Bangladeshis and Pakistanis who prefer to be arabs' toilet papers, rant however much as you may ,you cannot denigrate a great religion and a way of life.
Name: thaks for your info islmaists you may see fither gujaraths soon.
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 07:48:20 -0700
thaks for your info islmaists you may see fither gujaraths soon.Thka you hindus are all ready in the way to womnise muslim girls.they soo pick up speed.you see a million seductions and womensing a year.Ediots it is not in meat the courage.They are gentlemen if they kicked that pathan that mad man may create religous quarrel as he has muslims do not have single man courge.In religous quarrels gang reapes of muslim girls may happen.Which hindus dont like.
Name: Peace Please
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 09:32:41 -0700
Please be decent to give your opinion, and logic. Peace be upon all the people all over the world. Thanks for being a human being.
Name: farooq
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 13:50:36 -0700
miss ayesha i would like to see u or like to have a conversation with u directly if u have the gutts to talk tome about whats u write about islam and about mr jinnah. so i will never send any comments but wants to talk to u about it . u are talking like a 5 year old kidd . just bringup with "prrofs" which is the way of ur modren world . who gives u this respectfull name . "ayesha" u know about aysha first tell us about ur name . madum then talk about religion or something which could hart 140 million peopols. u know jinnah was seperated his daughter in his life and never meet her again in his entire life. how u got this self made story. u know u are a puppit for mushrikeens and munafikeens and kuffars who doing this kind of propagandy about islam from very first day and when mr jinnah was saying this joke i think u was also .... with him , am i wrong . because when this happend u wassent even in the process of birth and there was no taperecorder that time or intellegence behind him with great tools of spying. u get this information from americans or britsh who dont even knows the name of there fathers or get all this from hindus "pavitter" book and their book of love story kamasutra. where even there bhagwan is doing sex prectice with their mata ji. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and think how stuppid u are . wasnt u . denying the truth didnt mean that truth is changed . it is true and it will , inshallah for ever but which will not will be u and ur community it will be parished soon .i am comming to destroy ur world and who i am "another khalid bin waleed, another umer mukhtar, and another mullah muhammad ummer, and usama bin laden and all jihadis . comming to catch u guys very soon. our cyber technitions can trace every time every where . so this is ur 1st and last warning do not try to abuse islam agaain. take care because some one is comming . and u wants to rock ur world so get ready for it
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 14:16:21 -0700
Name: To Farooq
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 15:56:21 -0700
Apparently you are a Pakistani who is ignorant of Jinnah's pre-partition biography.It is a well known fact that Jinnah was a secular man. He was not a practising muslim, he ate pork and loved whiskey.He was wealthy lawyer and did not marry until later in life and when he fell inlove and married a teenage daughter of his good parsi friend, totally against her father's wishes. But when latyer his own daughterfell in love and wanted to marry a parsi boy , the hippocrat got pissed and kicked her out from his life never to see her again . He wouldnt even see her when she came to see him on his death bed. This guy was despised by islamic leaders of that day like Maodoodi and Abul Kalam Azad etc for his openly non islamic sinful lifestyle.
Name: About Jinnah and Humanity etc
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 16:57:30 -0700
Many peoeple of Pakistan do not know about the personal life of Jinnah. I read one interview of Prof. Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize Winner in Economics) where he discussed on secularism. In that context, he also talked about the Jinnah's personal belief, and personal life etc. I have a friend from Kashmir, Abrar. Abrar also told me about Jinnah's pork eating, drinking, marrying etc. Humanity is the ultimate thing. Being a good human being is more important. Now, its not possible to change Quran. If we take only the good things from any book including quran, then it should be fine. Thanks.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 20:37:00 -0700
These Moslems make any thinking,rational,intelligent person to wonder that the ISLAM has poisoned their minds and the effect is irreversible !!!! As followers of Mo, the pedophile,the rapist,looter, slave perpetrator,slave promoter, murderer ,thug and fascist , all the true moslems have become ZOMBIES . This is 100% true. True Mussalmans will never accept truth,fact,love,peace, humanity,kindness, compassion, freedom,democracy ,liberty, equality of all religions, equality of women , equality of humanity - Becoz these are not compatible with ISLAM/ QQURRAN/ MO / ALLA . In fact ISLAM ? QQURRAN /MO are diamterically opposite of all modern human values,freedom,democracy,kindness, compassion,equality. .................... We invite any Moslem on this forum. Let us have a case study of any ISLAMIC country- like SAUDI ARABIA ( birth place of ISLAM) ,IRAN,PAKISATAN, AFGHANISATAN, B'desh ,sudan,somalia excreta etc. Can any moslem tell us what is good about these Moslem countries,Moslem societies ? Do you want to live there ? can you prove that you will live there for 5 yrs ? and then write to us about the greatness of that country ? ........................ To all Moslems /ISLAMIC jihadists/ISLAMIC terrorists . You all detest to live in the above mentioned moslem countries,moslem societies ........... Right now , the nonISLAMIC , kafir lands - USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, Germany,France,INDIA, japan are far too much liberal, progressive,democratic,filled with kindness,compassion, freedom,peace loving,secular, have high human values, pluralist,very open,very tolerant. ------------ What about the ISLAMIC countries, societies- Not one good thing to mention. INfact , Moslems in countries like poor INDIA are blood suckers of poor Hindus . During the 800 yrs Moslem rule they stole INDIA, destroyed, looted, razed temples, killed millions of hindus ( ~ 80 millions Hindus were butchered by the monsters of ISLAM ) , forcibly converted Hindus at the point of sword. Millions of acres of land was given to waqf for free !!!!! in one word - it is indescribable - the death,destruction ,darkness that ISLAM/Moslems brought to INDIA - the noble INDIA , the glorious INDIA , the magnanimous INDIA that was ( all becoz it is HINDU LAND ). Even today , Moslems in INDIA are draining the blood of Hindus like leeches . One has to study systematically,rationally and compare it with the nonmoslems lives, rights,treatment in ISLAMIC countries !!!!!!!!! Then anybody can see for themselves - even hard core killing moslems - the savagery, the brutality, the monstrocity of ISLAM/Moslems .
Name: to mr nameless in response to my comments "farooq'
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 00:23:17 -0700
i know that they are trying to made some reason for their hinduisum or what ever they are , which actualy cannot made any reason for those un authorised and unbelivible religion. i will just say to them that they keep building theirgods. by mud and dirt. and our god will keep building them to have some fun in life of muslims. thats it . but i go harsh because i cannot see anyone abusing my religion. and as far the mr jinnah concern i respect that person because of him today we have our own identity. otherwise we was also going to become one of those which i hate to even think about. i know why they are doing this. but see in some days they will be gone. by by. i am ......... think what i am.
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 01:03:06 -0700
Muslims are the worst cowards ever. They kill unarmed old men,women and children. They plant an explosive device in the midst of a busy marketplace to inflict damage and death of innocent civilians. They hijack planes to crash against tall Buildings . Why? They want an entry into Allah's LEWD and VULGAR Paradise! They want to rape series of 72 'virgin' whores eternally! What sick minds those are? They can't lead a decent civilsed life in peace and harmony with others . They just want strife ,rabble-rousing and miserable existence. This is just arabian madness ! This is just a barbaric and criminal cult!
Name: :to farooq and aktar
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 05:07:14 -0700
These islamists are showing thier ignorence and intolerence for a well reserched article.They are acting like a mad dog which bite every one in the way.Pity them they are weak minded and don't know and not even accept the truth.I request these guys not to refrain from their work as this will help us to understand a hardcore hypnotised islamists will think and act. but they should not create terrorism and womenising which turn will be great danger to entire muslims amoumg which many are innocent and helpless sufferers under islam.Zakir Naik is creating fun out islam through his logic nad contentless writings.He,in his way to defend islam is doing self destruction to so called barbaric faith.Let us not hate muslims but only their superstition.Social isolation and economic boycought will be dreadfull to muslims and will be like hell on the earth.Let us educate them to rationalist with a great patience like buddha.If a muslims fond of his faith and fears to have change to humanity leave him.His children or grand children may chnge to rationalists. earth is like a globe is not accepted by many at the begenning when Copernicus discovered.Later all came to know and some even centuries later.Muslims too follow the same criteria.Aktar,farooq try to think rationally.Be cool.Your mindless and point less counter shouting will only help still more muslims to aware of truth.No one hates you like you hate and trivialise with out having a point of truth. dear islmists if this article of truth are rising your BPlevel and making hysterical ,keep away fron it.Your looooooong comments are like laughing stock and funny.
Name: to all hindus "from farooq"
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 08:59:20 -0700
i wana share one of my personal experience during my job in malaysia. one of my hindu coleague "roheet" once i ask him about the hindu gods "that they even cannot change theier places their selves untill u will pick them up and relocate them on some other place. so how can they help u" and i was shoked by his answer that he said to me. i also dont belive upon the superarioty of hindu gods and i belive that their is a supreme power who is responsible to run this whole universe. and that supreme power should be muslims god. ( these are the words of an extreme hindu ) and in the end i ask that why dont u switch ur religion then he answer that we are bound by our society and culture . so i said him that ur belive is not firm yet. why dont u peopols think that a statu cannot give u anything. every thing u got is given by "allaha" but how will u understand that u are till in the dark age. this life will be finished one day. some one here called this article very well reserched. but i will say it well researched only when u will be get research upon "firown, shadad, nimrod, and ur own gods "shiva, and others i even dont remeber the names" just try to do research about them as well u will find out ur answers your selvs
Name: farooq
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 09:10:50 -0700
there is another diffrence between hindus and muslims ,some one here say us cowered . but actualy they are themselvs. because see its me and akhter but we are comming with our orignal names . no hindu or anti muslim have this courage. because they fear that if we write the name may they found us by our names ,but dont worry no one is finding u, just come up with your names that we also could see ur face. bring up with some courage to show up with ur actual names. this is nothing but ur worst level of fears.
Name: To Farooq from Akhter
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 10:08:58 -0700
asalamualaykum ,brother i agree with you these our Hindu brothers , because of their belief they suffer from inferiority complex, and it this which makes a Hindu weak at heart. they need to lift themselves up and show the world ,this can only be done with emaan ,i challange these brothers to embrace Islam , and feel the difference in you,may Allah guide them our brothers.
Name: Dr. Zakir Naik
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 12:29:14 -0700
The greatest intellectual on this earth "Dr. Zakir Naik" has been awarded the Nobel Prize 2008 for his immense contribution. We are proud muslims......
Name: To Akhter & Co Allah Pty. Ltd.
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 14:23:54 -0700
We are not cowards, we are just smart hunters, who know that wild dog hunting should be done from the luxury of Nets in trees, and today Net in this jungle is called Internet. Just like dogs cannot climb the trees, we know you cannot trace us because it’s self contradictory. If you are smart enough to trace us then you are smart enough to understand that whoever this Allah guy is, he is playing the game of Reverse Psychology. Harder Muslims try to spread there brand of peace and brotherhood, more hate and suspicion they spread. Islam is the religion for slaves and Hinduism is the religion for kings, and doesn’t matter its game of Life or Chess, pawns can move only in one direction and King can check you from any direction. We play the game of coexistence and understanding but that doesn’t mean we cannot play the game of elimination. Doesn’t matter you are bin laden or whoever, you are also a toy made from soil that got some breathe in it, if we snatch your breath the soil will go back to ground, No Allah can exist without the Muslims. We try not to do that because doesn’t matter behind how many veils or burkas you hide your mothers and sisters, we can still fell the pain of tears in their eyes, if we eliminate you. We are waiting for that day when they will also say that these are mad dogs finish them off, and one of your sisters, Ayesha Ahmed has already given us the permission.
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 14:24:19 -0700
An English woman married a Sikh kashmir Singh ,on the first night he came into the room undressed,the woman started screaming, and called her husband for help, it is me silly woman, replied Kashmir.No no i am sure i married kashmir and not the cave man.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to All brothers ans sisters in humanity, and regardless of your religious beliefs
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 19:49:58 -0700
Hello all. Please do not use foul language here. It is not productive. This forum is for people to reason with their intellect, not with filthy language. Let me ask you this: You wrote the bad taste language and posted it. Then what? People read it. No thought in it. People think you grew up in a toilet because of that language. Is this an image you want to reflect on your behalf? Now, I know some Muslims do that, but please folks, keep cool. Its just words. Lets use our reasoning in our language, nothing else. Peace to all, including Muslim brothers and sisters (we are not against you. we work for you.We like to see you free from the evil bondage of Islam).
Name: Islamic Poverty
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 02:30:54 -0700
Muslims are not only economically poor. They have a culture restricted to a single book and there is hardly any other kind of literature available in most muslim countires. There are hardly any bookstores in muslim countries and the only books that sell are the quran and other books related to islam. There are also hardly any theaters, and in Saudi Arabia, there is a single cinema for 30 million people. Painting was also restricted in islam, as well as sculpture. According to islam it is blasphemic to be creative because there is only one creator. Music is also restricted. It is not allowed to have fun of many things. And there is no meaningful middle class in many muslim countries because financing with interest is also prohibited. Muslim societies will never develop because everything is restricted. Islamic countries may win a war, but they will never win peace.
Name: Islamic Errors
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 02:42:18 -0700
Gender segregation is an error because men and women are disabled to learn from each other. For the same reason religious apartheid of islam is an error. Islam is an obstacle against prgress because it disables people to do so many things. But wait, Islam allows and enables men to beat their wifes!
Name: to, muslim poverty
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 04:06:22 -0700
what you think hindus that you can creat the nature, first tell me that what is nature . can you even creat a bird this is the orignal art. and why islam stop by doing this because this thing diversify the thinkings of human and he start doing sins and bad things. like you your life travels around the sex and pleasure. but when we go to prayer of god we fell so much relax and comfort not only in prayers but in other works of life. because when we pray god bless upon us and GOD IS GREAT. "allah o akbar" may you ..........
Name: Re: to, muslim poverty
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 07:39:05 -0700
With your not very elaborate allegations you truly confirm anything what I said before. Muslims are not allowed to do so many things except to pray and to beat their wifes. All your thoughts must always circulate around one thing: Islam. But does Islam gives you any food? Who is feeding Afghanistan and so many other poor muslim countries? And who provides them with the latest technology? No, it is true: Islam means poverty not only in terms of economy, but also in science, arts, culture, human rights and anything. Why do you think are you born? To pray the whole day? Or to create something nice and useful, to make others happy and to improve their lives? Islam is so useless! It is an obstacle for the whole mankind to develop.
Name: Islamic Mentality
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 07:50:18 -0700
Praying and to say inshallah, let´s wait and see what will happen. I know what will happen in two or three decades: Islam may very well become the largest religion of the world with 2 Billion followers or even more. Half of them illiterates, half of them unemployed and all of them starving and struggling because they have no skills except to pray, to beat their wifes and to blame Israel and the west. This true Islam! Be proud of it!
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 09:49:49 -0700
Thick head , if it wasn't the Muslim Arab countries helping millions of Indians for the past 40 years or so you would still be in your mud houses[mind you 70% still are in mud houses].# Country- Indian Migrants population (1999)- percentage of national population Bahrain - 150,000 (20%) ; Kuwait - 200,000 (13%); Libya - 20,000 Oman - 450,000 (15%); Qatar - 100,000 (24%); Saudi Arabia - 1,200,000 (7%) UAE - 750,000 (32%); Others - 130,000 # Semiskilled unskilled workers still account for about 70% of the Indian migrants; while white-collar workers are in the neighbourhood of 20% and professionals (doctors, engineers, architects, bankers and charted accountants) have a 10% share of the total. DUBAI: Indians form the largest number of foreign labour force in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), accounting for 42.5 per cent of the total number of workers in the country, according to a new study. The study, conducted by Agency for Developing Human Resources and Recruiting UAE Nationals (Tanmia) found that 75 per cent of the expatriate labour force in the UAE is from Asian countries and a majority of them is from India. While Arabic-speaking people from other Middle Eastern nations account for 13.8 per cent of the total workforce, expatriates from other countries make up 18.2 per cent. The study, carried out by Ahmed Shahib Al Dhahiri, vice-chairman of UAE's Federal National Council (FNC), found that an influx of foreign workers into the UAE pushed the country's population to 5.6 million by the end of 2006 from 4.1 million in 2005. Local population numbers only 866,779, falling from 21.9 per cent in 2005 to 15.4 per cent of the total population.
Name: Jonathan
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 16:37:35 -0700
Gulf arab countries do not have the skilled people required to run their economies. Most of their own people are not willing to work except in government jobs where they actually do very little work. If they get rid of indians where will they get the cheap labour from? europe? They will not work for that salary which is low according to their standards. Those gulf arab countries do not have any manufacturing industries. They import 99% of their requirements. True, indians , pakistanis, bangladeshi etc have benefited from gulf economies but so have those countries. There is no substitute for those workers. Moreover less indians are going to the gulf because the economic situation has improved in india and the better qualified people prefer to go the US , europe, Canada etc. In other words it is a two way street which for the past decade has begun to look less attractive to indian workers. The gulf arab countries and the islamic world is far behind the US and europe in quality of life. They do not manufacture cars, planes, or even bycycles. India does all that and more. All the gulf arab states do is sell crude oil which was discovered by europeans and is brought to the surface and processed with the use of their technology. Moreover there are more muslims crowding the streets of paris and new york then there are in the gulf countries. If most muslims are asked if they want to live in Saudi arabia, kuwait, bahrain etc or in the US or europe most prefer US and europe. Why? Why not stay close to mecca? THe birthplace of your false prophet and the place of your false moon god allah?
Name: to: "Ayesha Ahmed" wants to be burned with her dead husband!
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 21:48:07 -0700
What can you Moslem do instead of terrorism and threathen other people? Have you no intellectuality to debate? Just reading your message, I can see that Islam brings only stupidity to human.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 23:02:08 -0700
To mAkhter :- Again you are caught with your pants down! 12 million Indians in Arab countries is an overstatement. You ignorant dolt, India is the sixth largest economy in the world with its GDP over a TRILLION US Dollars. You must be one of those Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslim hoping against hope that India would collpse economically should a few hundred thousands Indians were to be sent back from the Arabian countries - it is just your wishful thinking. We Indian are giving those Arabian countries skilled and knowledge workers to "build" their economy. Therefore it is they who would collapse ,should the Indians walk out! They need Indians more than we need them .Those brainless crooks of the Arabian peninsula have money because of oil ,nothing else. When the oilwells run dry they will have to revert to riding camel selling slaves, looting ,etc which is their tradition and "religion". India is also industrially developed, not like Pakistan or Bangladesh which are backward because of 'islam' the most primitive and barbaric cult. So you can do your "taqiya" bit and dream on your loony dreams!Hahahahahahaha!
Date: Monday June 16, 2008
Time: 04:48:27 -0700
See the biography of my beloved teacher and scientists comment on Quran in my website. Non Muslim wrote a nice true story about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. And these people are worst than James Randi. They have learn the truth but running away from it. Randi never learn the truth and I don't blame him if his running away from religion. I want to tell a story, may be you will be interested. James Randi from USA, the renown skeptic in supernatural has turned down my challenge to prove supernatural/paranormal is real. Please see my website for more details: http://abdulrahman180.googlepages.com/abdulrahman180
Name: Re: Jonathan
Date: Monday June 16, 2008
Time: 08:19:58 -0700
You are so right. There are so many arabs who don´t like to work at all. Saudi Arabian for instance, learn hardly anything at school except praying and wife-beating. That´s why the saudi bosses prefer foreigners even if there were enough local workforce. A couple of years ago, the japanese built the very first education center for auto mechanics in SA. There were virtually no indigenous mechanics before! The same thing we have with doctors, pharmacists and skilled workers of any coloeur. They rely on foreigners because the saudi arabians are too busy with praying, reciting the quran and beating their wifes.
Name: My name is Earl
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 06:57:12 -0700
Self proclaimed intellectuals.May god Help your poor poor souls.
Name: Shahid Ali
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 17:09:24 -0700
You seem like a very deranged individual, I feel sorry for the muslim father you were born to, or maybe he committed incest on you..in that case that case he deserves what he got. If you are the homely daughter of that fat German woman and Mr Siraj Ahmed, I can understand your bitterness in life, All religions including Christanity are full of nonesensical beliefs, like blaming the deed of an illegitimate child on God..how increduleous, if Billions can beleive in God coming down to penetrate Mary, then muslims can believe in their religion also, I don't believe in any religion but will not insult any ones belief.
Name: Ryan Schmidt...
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 17:34:47 -0700
So if an adulteress can be called the mother of God and an illegitimate child God...anything goes...so God descended from heavens to have sex with Mary, did not pay any child support and left him behind to die a most excruciating death...If you can believe that then you can believe every thing..
Name: matthew
Date: Wednesday June 18, 2008
Time: 12:53:10 -0700
There are instance of virgin birth in the animal world. So it is not as impossible as you think. The christian belief is a miracle by God. If you think that jesus was illegitimate that is your belief since you have nothing to prove it one way or another. Next it is not the circumstances of his birth that make jesus great but the way he lived his life. The words that he spoke, his actions his example. his compassionate nature , his miracles, his courage in the face of adversity etc. Christians do believe in his miracles and all his close followers went to gruesome deaths rather than deny what they had seen. They died rather than deny that they saw him as a resurrected being after his death on the cross. Christian belief is not blind belief. it is a reasoned belief. Belief is by itself not based on logic alone. it can be partly based on logic and intuition and that is what christians do. Is there any other explanation why the faith did not die out? if there is please put them forward.