Mein Koran: New cartoons in honor of Wilders' 'Quran Film'
30 Mar, 2007

- There have been protest demonstrations, under control so far, in a half dozen Muslim countries, but with more planned, including protests scheduled in various European nations. Whether larger or smaller in extent than the massive protests about the cartoons in a Danish newspaper ( and also published in France ) approximately a year ago, we can expect yet another onrush of hysteria about perceived insults to Islam on the part of tens of millions of Muslims in the days ahead.
All of which disgusts me completely. I am a scholar of religion and have serious knowledge of many of the religions of the world and have sincere respect for most faiths of mankind, and friends who are Hindus and Buddhists and Christians and Jews, and more, but the issue of Islam is an altogether different subject.
No religion on Earth is as intolerant, bigoted, and irrational. Islam, when all is said, is a form of proto-Fascism that is the enemy of all men and women of good will.
To express my outrage at both Islam and at its deluded defenders,
and since I also am a graphic artist, two cartoons of my creation
are now being made available to anyone who wants to use them as a
means to criticize
Islam, a
sick religion that deserves ridicule more than anything else since
it is nothing but a system of self-righteous anti-democratic
puritanism that is fundamentally opposed to free speech.
Followers of this so-called "religion of peace" will, it seems certain, call for the deaths of anyone who runs these cartoons, be advised of that, and they assuredly will call for the death of the artist, but all such reaction will prove the point of the cartoons and of my other criticisms, and the criticisms of many other well informed people.
There is only one request to make from anyone who uses the cartoons. It would be wrong to associate the art with swastikas in an attempt to reinforce the message that Islam is Fascist in character. The symbol is sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists, as well as Jains, Bahai's, and many others, traditions that have nothing at all to do with the Nazis, and we should not perpetuate misleading stereotypes.
Billy Rojas
Billy Rojas is a former lecturer of history and Comparative Religion at a number of colleges in Arizona, Massachusetts and Chicago. In recent years, he has been active at, contributing many articles on Islam.
Comments closed.
- Name: adel
- Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
- Time: 18:55:31 -0700
Islam Is SO Devil Religion Islam is so so so devil and dangerous religion in all world Islam Want to destroy Jews and Christians and destroy all things Islam destroy our countries in middle east Islam destroy Lebanon and Egypt and Iraq and all east and will destroy the west if we don't wake up quran said to Muslims to kill us in (altawba 9: 29) he said : ( Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (I.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (altawba 9: 29) ) And many many verses as this terror verses as : ( O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding. (alanfal 8:65)) and : (The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;(almaida 5:33) ) If you want more about this awful religion you must visit this sites : And in Arabic : Bible Apologetics : Is there any religion teach the follower to hate and kill others?? Is there any religion teach the follower to lie ???? To marry with four ???? To beat the wives ????? To bomb in others??? To stole ???? Any one saw 11/9/2001 in USA any one saw how they kill in Iraq and Afghanistan and in all world ????any way to know more about this devil and God bless and save America in Jesus Christ name
- Name: pmk
- Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
- Time: 18:55:51 -0700
Thank you.
- Name: Ananda
- Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
- Time: 21:09:41 -0700
This is a strong message but multicultural society isn't paying any heed. A parade to celebrate Muhammad's birthday was held in UK which is astonishing, I don't think Muhammad's birthday is celebrated in this manner anywhere. "Truth" is going down the drain. What else can be done?
- Name: Ibn Kammuna
- Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
- Time: 21:36:52 -0700
This is my opinion: as long as there is a lot of oil in the middle east, that the west needs, our politicians will keep a soft tone about Islam and its dangers. The same applies to our mainstram media on TV stations. Even after 9-11, no one has forced tha Saudis to change their educational religious books that just teaches young kids to blindly hate non-Muslims. Christinas and Jews are especially targeted hard in those evil books.
- Name: islam is the religion of evil
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 01:11:53 -0700
islam is the religion of evil and other religions are vctims of of its irrationality.Truth alwasy wins though it takes some time. islam th stupid cult is on the way to perish
- Name: The quran lies from the beginning
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 01:29:07 -0700
Quran tells you that humans are made from clot. It was indeed the very first Surah revealed ever (Surah 96, The Clot) that teaches this wrong things. So if a muslim has to believe that the quran is from god, he must also believe that he and his parents, his wife, his brothers and sisters, his sons and daughters are all made from clot! Islam is a regular clot cult! You all deserve some better things, I think.
- Name: Clot Poem
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 01:54:21 -0700
Why did god, tell us that we´re made from clot, while we are not? Believe it or believe it not, we´re not made by god, from clot!
- Name: Yet another Clot Poem
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 01:59:38 -0700
If you are bigot or not, you´re not made by god from clot!
- Name: Clot Poem Contest
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 02:13:28 -0700
I believe in god - but not - that I was made from clot - by god!
- Name: Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders!
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 03:42:29 -0700
His recent anti-Muslim racist film "Fitna" on the Quran, based on pure lies and deceptions, can be considered as a Million-Dollar Advertisement on behalf of Muslims! Non-Muslims are, in fact, helping Muslims to spread the Message of the Quran - no matter what it is. Because after publishing his film, more and more Dutch people are going to Islamic centers to learn about the Quran, out of curiosity, and many of them are converting to Islam or at least gaining some knowledge about it! The same was happened after 9/11 drama performed by Bush-Cheney terrorist gang. Because Quran is indeed a Revelation from God. Ali Sina and his clowns are doing the same job in FFI site! So, racist and liar non-Muslims are, in fact, working as true slaves of Muslims! Good job indeed!
- Name: Quran on good Jews and Christians
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 03:43:33 -0700
*Quran is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been honored and protected [Quran 2:40; 2:47; 10:93; 44:30-32; etc.], and they have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62, 5:69 and 22:17]. *Quran is the only non-Christian scripture in the world where Jesus and Mary have been honored with very high regard [Chapter 19: Mary], and they (Christians) have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62, 5:69 and 22:17]. #On the other hand, there is no salvation for non-Jews in Judaism! There is no salvation for non-Christians in Christianity either! According to Christianity, all non-Christians (Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Pagans, etc.) will be burned in hell for eternity! *Verse 3:28 and 5:51 address to terrorist/intolerant Jews and Christians, not ALL. See 5:57 and 60:8-9 for clarification. *Majority Christians do not follow the true teachings of Jesus. For example: Jesus himself never claimed to be God or the begotten Son of God; He never preached absurd Trinity; He never told his followers to worship him; In fact, he used to pray to God; and so on. *Muslims already believe in Moses and Jesus as Prophet of God, and as such they (Muslims) have nothing to be afraid of Judaism and Christianity!
- Name: Godot
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 04:03:20 -0700
All Boly Books were man-fabricated, some are more plausible than others.
- Name: Re: Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders!
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 04:20:16 -0700
"His recent anti-Muslim racist film "Fitna" on the Quran, based on pure lies and deceptions..." ... PURE LIES AND DECEPTIONS? He quotes verses from the Koran! Are you saying the Koran is full of lies and deceptions?
- Name: SomeOne
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 05:05:40 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
- Name: Concerned Citizen
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 05:48:44 -0700
Dear Muslim Readers: Even though you want to kill us, or subjugate us, as required in the Koran, many of us still continue to love and pray for you. We hope and pray you leave your religion for ANY other religion. Once you know the love, compassion, forgiveness and peace of the "other religions" - you can't go back. Here's a site of 50 questions that Infidels should know the answers to:
- Name: Re: Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders!
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 07:54:54 -0700
Who deceives whom? It is the quran who tells all his followers from the beginning that they are made of clot!
- Name: Chrismas in Islam
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 08:16:53 -0700
Merry X-Mas with Santa Clot!
- Name: Why Islam is so superior
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 08:17:49 -0700
It is the only religion which declares from the very beginning that humans are made from clot!
- Name: Osama Bin Alaq
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 08:59:09 -0700
Of course we are all made of clot! It was taught by Allah. And Allah deceives best.
- Name: To clot
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 12:54:56 -0700
It's obvious that you are a hindutva fanatic who was created from her god's foot! Check your clitoris! Maybe a drop of clot is there!
- Name:
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 15:06:20 -0700
Surah 96. The Clot, Read! 1. Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created- 2. Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: 3. Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,- 4. He Who taught (the use of) the pen,- 5. Taught man that which he knew not. 6. Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds, 7. In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient. 8. Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all). 9. Seest thou one who forbids- 10. A votary when he (turns) to pray? 11. Seest thou if he is on (the road of) Guidance?- 12. Or enjoins Righteousness? 13. Seest thou if he denies (Truth) and turns away? 14. Knoweth he not that Allah doth see? 15. Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock,- 16. A lying, sinful forelock! 17. Then, let him call (for help) to his council (of comrades): 18. We will call on the angels of punishment (to deal with him)! 19. Nay, heed him not: But bow down in adoration, and bring thyself the closer (to Allah.!
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 16:20:44 -0700
Please, Billy Rojas. Hitler's swastika is an inversion of the symbol of the 4 yugas (forgot the Sanskrit word for it). This symbol is found outside all hindu and buddhist temples. Having said that, the best response would be to follow the example of the Pope. Three days after that evil MO's ardent adherent Osama bin Laden released his hideous video, Allam was baptised. Rest of the world should take cue and flood all mediums possible with cartoons, the violent verses of the fitlhy quran, memri's tape showing heavily pregnant Palistine mothers strapped with bombs to murder israelis and fatah on order of Hamas - Islam cannot withstand scrutiny, criticism, and needs just that tilt to send it over the cliff into oblivion.
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 16:21:34 -0700
Muslims behave like the scourge of the earth they are because their cult has no Father. It is a cult born of Satan himself. We all have a Divine soul no matter if we are atheists. , anyone who sincerely craves universal brotherhood, absolute justice and truth is expressing the Divine Spirit. But the evil that Satan's chosen one MO is very profoundly Anti - anti life, anti human, anti knowledge, anti progress. Entire life revolves round the desire to murder and rape non muslims, be parasites, plunderers, baby raping/sodomising, following the example of their Evil Incarnate MO and banging head 5 times/day backside up (do they fart while doing so?) worshipping Satan the Devil. MO's last speech to his followers on Mt Arafat: ....."I descended by Allah with the sword in my hand, and my wealth will come from the shadow of my sword. And the one who will disagree with me will be humiliated and persecuted." So we have braindead evil ones to annihilate. Let's help their Abrahamic god who prophesied "burning them to a stubble".
- Name: Allat
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 16:30:36 -0700
"Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders" AND "FOR GODLESS PEOPLE": You didn't nurse from mama long enough, that you still need the breast. It seems you didn't get enough attention, and now, you're looking for it.______You're grown now, and still nagging, saying, Waaaaah, Waah, Mammmie. Waaah!
- Name: balam
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 16:32:17 -0700
I agree with analysis of Ibn Kammuna that the West needs the oil for their industries which the Arab Muslims countries have and which they are using ruthlessly to minipulate their agenda in the West.On the contrary the west has brains and technology to find alternative sources of energy to avoid dependence on Arab oil.Secondly, the West should stop throwing their tax payers money at the Muslim countries.They will always remain brothers and friends to one and other and that is according to Islamic teaching.The Arabs have bought stake into American media as well,like share holding in C.N.N and FOX and use their influence.You do not hear them say :MUSLIM TERRORIST:any more.Money talks.You have too many Muslims in the West,who could be sleeper cells against the western intrest.They could be more dangerous than Osama bin Laden,hiding in Pak-Afghan border with full knowlegde and support of Pakistan Intelligence.You can never win hearts and minds of Muslims because they do not have any .
- Name: Allat
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 16:35:31 -0700
"Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders AND "FOR GODLESS PEOPLE"- You didn't get enough attention as children, and you still need attention. That's why keep writing your fool ideas. Go back to your mammies! Shoo! Get along now!
- Name: islamist,stop giving logic less long.......
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 21:32:54 -0700
stop crying in mad islamist by giving logic less long and stupid explanations.Many muslims are in discussions now on the validity and morality of islam like me.I am half mulsim and now totoally athiest and humanist.
- Name: Mohammad
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 22:08:16 -0700
Anti-Muslim propaganda is finding its true nature: insulting. It is obvious that you people cannot challenge Islam and its liberating message intellectually. The only way remaining is to hurt Muslim feelings. It's a childish strategy that was practiced even by the pagans of Makkah who called prophet Mohammad a madman. If you people were confident in your arguments you would never go so low as to use foul language. This by itself shows your frustration and your lack of morale in your jihad against Islam.
- Name: Abd-al-Maarij
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 23:04:07 -0700
It says in the book, that man was created from a sperm drop (containing both sexes 76:2), and from a clot. Maybe that's a sperm and an egg to people who wouldn't have known that mammal females had eggs... before the invention of the microscope. And what does a fertilized egg implanted in the wall of the uterus resemble if not a clot a blood, or in fact, a leechlike mass (75:38)? ... Then Allah created him and fashioned him in due proportion... Created you in stages... Well, you would do well to look again, and again, all of you people... Jazallah Khair "good christians and jews", it's so true... The worst people in the sight of Allah are those who use their religion to hide their misdeeds... Alas such comments will likely not change any minds, though it be a good deed to recite even one ayah. For only the one who wills to find the way to his Lord will be guided ...and their is no will, without the will of Allah... "What is the matter with the people that they do not believe, and when the Qu'ran is recited to them, they do not prostrate? Nay, but the unbelievers will deny it; and Allah knows best what they are hiding in their hearts. Therefore, proclaim to them, a painful punishment, except those who embrace the true faith and do hood deeds; for them there will be a never ending reward" (84:20-25, trs M. Farook-i-Azam Malik) "...We have shown him the two High Ways (good, leading towards paradise and evil, leading towards hell)? Yet, he has not attempted to tackle the steep path ('Aqabah)! And what could make you understand what 'Aqabah is? It is the freeing of a neck (slave) from bondage; or the giving of food in a day of famine to an orphan relative, or to a needy in distress; besides this, he should be of those who beleive, enjoin fortitude, encourage kindness and compassion." (90:10-17) "Thus had God, the Almighty, the Wise, THUS has God, the Almighty, the Wise, revealed [the truth] unto thee, [O Muhammad,] and unto those who preceded thee. His is all that is in the heavens and on the earth, and most Exalted, Tremendous is He. The uppermost heavens are well-nigh rent asunder [for awe of Him]; and the angels extol their Sustainer’s limitless glory and praise, and ask forgiveness for all who are on earth. Oh, verily, God alone is truly-forgiving, a dispenser of grace! (6) NOW AS FOR those who take aught beside Him for their protectors - God watches them, and thou art not responsible for their conduct." (Surah 42, verses 2-6, translation Muhammad Asad)
- Name: Abd-Al-Maarij
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 23:43:38 -0700
the question mark after the parentheses at 90:10 is not an error, this follows a number of statements in the form of a question - a rhetorical device, read the whole passage for context. I did make a mistake transcribing 42- repeating the phrase "Thus had God, the Almighty, the Wise". Praise be to He. Perhaps it was once permissible, in the sight of God, to take slaves. Both the Old Testament and the Qu'ran. But it has always been a good thing to free them, in this respect, modern society has done well to try and prohibit slavery. If only it were actually the case that slavery was no more. I've heard of some even here in California. Contract Agricultural workers - kept in barracks and denied any right to organize or demand higher wages... Deported back to their home country when the term is up... Of course, there are literally slaves in some parts of the world, including some Muslim countries, unfortunately. While officially illegal, such practices continue on in the margins of society, where the victims are often themselves seen as criminals - take for example migrant workers in sweat shop factories all over the 'first world'. Often kept in slave conditions, but with their illegal status, unable to seek help. Similarly for prositutes the world over, enslaved by ruthless pimps, while the culture seeks to glamorize this 'lifestyle'. Men who routinely beat and even murder women who refuse to work for them, who hold them in the grip of drugs and violence. That there are sick people who espouse to believe the truth should never dissuade you from it. These Hypocrites, as the judge rightly called them, are the worst people in the sight of Allah and my sight as well. They more than anyone else impede people from the Right Way. This is more true every day, the persecutions of Muslims by the unbelievers at Makkah, by the Inquisition, by Crusader armies, Mongol armies, Russian armies, these are all horrific things, which deserve stern reconing - yet who blocks others from the path of Allah more than who makes this path seem evil to others? May you read and see for your own selves, and not believe every lie you read on the internet. Or hear on TV. Look, and look again. And again. Look at the trees, the birds. Listen to them both. Observe the rising stars and moon, and how they set. Ponder the subatomic particle if you like physics. Where is it and where are is it going? No scientist will ever be able to tell you - it's called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Allah knows, and we do not. If you want to believe in nothing, you're a fool. You will miss the sweetness of both this life and of the hereafter. You might enjoy it's fruits for a while, but even they will have a bitter taste in the end. May you come to know his mercy, may you burn in your heart with yearning, and tremble with fear, and feel the pangs of hope and love. Don't let the Evil ones turn you away from God's Mercy. They want to disfigure Him and make all kinds of claims against Him. But He is exalted above this. He is exalted even above what I speak of him, though it be with love and some few grains of knowledge. For what knowledge I have of Him is as one or two grains of sand as compared with all the sand in the entire universe. And blessed be his Prophets. Once, the Prophet Mohammad and some of his companions were walking in the market place. A woman came to them, distressed for she had lost her child, a young girl. In the crowd and noise of the market place, she could not find her. So they all went about, searching for this lost child. After some time, the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) witnessed the scene of the woman being reunited with her child. She swept the child up in her arms, weeping with joy and relief. And the prophet said, "See how this woman loves her child, do you think that she could ever throw her to the hellfire? The love of God for his creatures is greater than the love of this woman for her child."
- Name: Cynic
- Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
- Time: 23:54:25 -0700
The main thing that props up the bloodthirsty cult of Islam is of course,oil. Oil multinationals have unholy bonds with US politicians and have made the task of challenging Islam difficult. On top of that the Saudis have very personal equations with the socalled champions of democracy among the US political class. Remember what happened immediately after 9/11. Also check In the eventuality of Arab oil running out and the Islamists running out of money we can hope for a halt to the march of the mad mullahs. But there is the frightening possibility that by that time the civilized world would already be under these barbarians. In a way the whole of humanity is paying for the very deliberate crime of discouraging/softpedalling alternative sources of energy where, again, US is the most culpable party.
- Name: re: To clot
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 01:44:06 -0700
"It's obvious that you are a hindutva fanatic who was created from her god's foot! Check your clitoris! Maybe a drop of clot is there!" Why are you insulting me? It´s not me who teaches you that you are made of clot! It´s Islam whoch teacehs that from the first hour of it´s existence. I think that you deserve something better.
- Name: re: Abd-al-Maarij
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 01:57:35 -0700
But it´s not written that god created humans from something like clot, there is written that humans are made FROM clot. This is an insult to all human beings and it´s untrue! And why should create Allah insult his own creatures? And why should he teach them false things??? There is also no metaphoriucal or allegorical meaning behind that since the other surahs elaborate: From sperm to clot to flesh. This is just wrong and their is no metaphorical meaning. If so, I would say clot means some kind of waste, just like shit. And that´s an insult! Islam is insulting it´s followers from the beginning and that´s why muslims have no self-confidence! They are supposed to be nothing than zombie-slaves made from clot!
- Name: American Muslim
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 02:50:33 -0700
"......and we should not perpetuate misleading stereotypes." - Laugh Out Loud These hate filled websites only make my love for Islam stronger. The ignorance of the writers and the worshipping of their lies is laughable. Now the weapon of choice is cartoons and films to go along with all words which make sense only to those who type them. Your interperetations of Holy Quran are a JOKE. I won't bother with getting into context and all that with you....enough people have tried and even if it was a bolt of lightning in your face you would deny it and call it an evil terrorist attempt to drag you to the depths of Hell. I say to everyone who tries hard to show their hate for Islam: Go for it! Blast away to your hearts' content. You can not change a thing that God Himself does not want changed. I believe in the Day of Judgement. I believe on that Day that God will judge between us too. Be patient folks. It will be here before you know it.
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 02:56:22 -0700
- Name: Re. American Muslim
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:00:11 -0700
Tell me, do you believe that you are made from clot? And what about your soul? Do you believe it´s made from clot, too? What wisdom is behind the very first declaration of islam that all humans derive from clot? You will not answer? Ok, no answer is also an answer!
- Name: Quote from the apokryphal Thomas Gospel
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:07:15 -0700
(49) Jesus said, "Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return." This sounds more friendly than to say that god made you from clot. It gives you dignity. A clot does not have any dignity at all.
- Name: American Muslim
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:13:22 -0700
You are really hung up on this "clot" thing. As I said, getting into context or how you personally interperet something is a waste of time, especially with this crowd. I understand the ayah much differently than you and YES, I believe it.
- Name: Another Quote from the apokryphal Thomas Gospel
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:15:22 -0700
(39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves." Though this was written nearly 2000 years ago, this perfectly applies to the ulema as well.
- Name: balam to abd- al-marrij
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:35:45 -0700
It was nice to read your comments with quotations from the quran. please try not to mix God with ALLAH. Allah was the pre- Islamic moon god, which had three daughters, Uzza, allat and Mannat,a nd Mohammad allowed them to be worshipped along with Allah. Later on he realized his contradiction and claimed that those verses came to him from Satan. If a man tells the judge in the court that the previous statement he made was a Lie, dont you think that the judge would throw that witness out of the court.the same is the position about quran. It has no credibility. You may quote as many verses of quran as you like but these are of no avail. You talk of sperm and egg turning into clot and forming human being, i agree with that. Did Allah mixed them in his palm to creat Adam and Eve? Please think rationaow Islam and quran better. One Maulana gave a khutba in broadway mosque, Southhall, that there was no wisdom in the quran. Perhap he was right, because no Muslim contradicted him.
- Name: American Muslim
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:37:11 -0700
"Say: ‘Are those who know equal to those who do not know?’" [Soorat Az-Zumar (39), Ayah 9.] "It is only those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allaah." [Soorat Faatir (35), Ayah 28.] THIS perfectly applies to the Ulema.
- Name: re:balam
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:50:52 -0700
Arabic language: Allah = God. Even Arab Christians call Him Allah. Are they calling their heavenly father the god of the moon?
- Name: Re: American Muslim
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 03:59:25 -0700
All Islam ca do is to pester the people with nonsense like Hidjab, gender segregation, don´t shake hands, don´t do this and this and this and this. I know what I am talking about. In Bangla Desh there are dying babies from starvation and there are no schools and hospitals but allt hey are talking about is this Allah-thing, what you all have to do and not to do. Allah is everywhre and he is always looking and if you comit anything wrong then he will be very, very pleased to punish you! As a muslim, you are supposed to be made from clot, without dignity, without any intelligence, all you can do is to pray and to observe what some quran-wizards tell you. It´s such a shame what islam is doing to this poor people. And then the ulemas tell that there is only the west behind. Blame the west! I agree if you say that Bush is an a*****e. What he did was totally wrong. And what we are doing here is trying to sweep the dirt away Bush is responsible for.
- Name: Islam is a religion that Mo with the devil made, not from God
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 04:58:08 -0700
All the ayas were there to support Mo's lust. Like it is lawful to marry your daughter in law, it is lawful to marry a 9 year old girl (consuming the marriage when the girl was 9 year old). So the Quran make lawful for Mo to do incest and phaedophilia.
- Name: Balam
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 05:53:46 -0700
Re. Satanic Verses" - I'm convinced the Being that gave the koran to Mo'- was the same creature that gave the jews their scriptures and the idea that the jews were the "Chosen" people. jehovah and allah are one and the same. A creature that hated Humankind, virulently, to cause strife and dissent among us. Zecharia Sitchin wrote his books about ETs, IMO, THAT's who allah/jehovah is. No one wants to believe it, and buries their head in the sand, it's too horrible, but the evidence is all there, all over museums, esp. the Br. Museum.
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 05:54:41 -0700
Can you explain why the mosques have moon crescent on top of them?Was Mohammads fathers name not ABED-ALLAH,which means Worshipper of Allah.According to Mohammad the Arabs worshipped Pagan gods.That makes Allah ,a pagan god.If Allah was the GOD,who created Heavens and the Earth and worshipped by Abraham,then Mohammad brought nothing new.People could have known HIM reading the old and new testament.That would make un-necessary to have another prophet,whose god could only understand and speak Arabic.That is why Allahs followers have to pray only in Arabic.He is extemely harsh,without any love and compassion for humanity,but only for his slaves who are called Muslims.He promises everlasting sex with permanent errection with eternal Virgins.It would be a painful experience for poor muslims.What about lakes of wine and pearly boys to sodomise?The Muslims have got to have experience with virgins like Ayesha with their Prophet and practice sodomy in this world so that they have enough experience.To achieve all that they have to kill Kaffirs,who unfortunately have become too powerful and made Allah look ridiculous.Damn the KAFFIRS.
- Name: re: balam
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 07:23:35 -0700
Is this all you can do? Yes the arabs were pagans and they did worship many gods before Islam. But the fact still remains that the arabic word for God is Allah. Many people considered themselves servants to a god and called themselves such. Your argument is moot. So you can call Him what YOU want to call Him, moon god or whatever. I call Him Allah, The Lord of the Worlds and there is nothing you can TYPE to make me or any other believing Muslim think otherwise. Your basic knowledge of Islam and its history is flawed greatly. I can only assume you are going to continue on your same hateful diatribe, so God help you.
- Name: Allat
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 07:36:34 -0700
Balam: The field of archeology and pre-islamic history is dominated by men, therefore, the information is filtered thru mne's ideas and patriarchy. They say it was "a male god with three daughters, "juana, lana y chana"- a,b,and c- blah, blah, blah._________But the fact, (you can do research on the internet) is, - the overview of Ancient Religion, is that the entire Ancient Middle East worshipped The Great Mother over all. The Magna Mater who gives life to all things. It was a female that was considered the Creator, AND the male that was the child.__________ The Exception was Ancient Egypt who worship Amun, the Creator of ALL, who was BOTH male AND female. The lesser Pantheon, was recognized as only aspects of Amun.
- Name: Allat
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 07:58:55 -0700
In truth, the symbol of the moon and stars, belong to the Feminine, to the Magna Mater, NOT to an invention of islamics. What I'm saying is that, all pre-islamic history, everything about it, is TODAY, told by moslems. They interpret everything their way, which are inventions and lies. ___________Nobody really knows- IN DETAIL- anything that went on in the interior of Arabia Felix ------only along the fringes. The Ancient Egyptians didn't know much, Herodotus only wrote about a few things, so today,we only have a vague idea, and a few clues of the truth of pre-islamic culture. But we can pretty well guess, that it was, in fact, a Matriarchal society from the moslems themselves, when they, themselves, say, mohamed married a rich widow Khadija, who had an extensive business. And also, that there was a warrior leader, the Kahina. And, that there were influential women poets that had to be got rid of.______Those are the clues._________And because of these very strong clues of what the society of Ancient Arabia was, I'm convinced there was NO female infanticide or female genital mutilations, these are lies told to gullible non-moslems. But moslems did impleted these horrors to control women.__________ Nor was there any such done by the Ancient Egyptians, because the culture was EGALITARIAN. Women had FULL equality in ALL aspects of that culture. This was very strongly in papyrus and pyramidal texts. It wasn't even a matter of men deciding to give women rights, it was simply a given, a way of life.
- Name: thanks islam watch and Wielders for helping islam
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 08:52:05 -0700
Catholicism overtaken by Islam: Vatican VATICAN CITY, March 30: Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday. Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican’s newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics, said Muslims made up 19.2 per cent of the world’s population and Catholics 17.4 per cent.—Reuters
- Name: Quran on good Jews and Christians
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 09:59:41 -0700
9:29. Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177; Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour {of the Last Judgment} will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
- Name: I, Lucifer
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 10:23:31 -0700
First Babylon Mystery Orchestra, then FITNA and now you. The Crusade is on.
- Name: Philip Saenz
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 10:30:28 -0700
"Quran on Good Jews and Christian," you are a typical Muslim. You're not telling the truth. You write that Christians teach that non-Christians have no salvation. Friend, the Holy Catholic Church, the first Christian church, founded by Jesus Christ, teaches that non-Christians have a chance of salvation if they are good persons who love God and their neighbor, regardless of religion. Even evil Muslims are loved by Catholics. However, we Catholics do not like the evil that pedophile, child molester, rapist, slave owner, wife beater, liar, hypocrite, arrogant, vindictive Muhammad introduced to the world. Perhaps that's what confused you. We don't like the evil perpetrated by Islam. I don't understand why Muhammad hated women. Why did Muhammad relegate women to third class status? We Catholics believe that women have equal rights when it comes to justice. If you're a man, aren't you ashamed of yourself for believing that you have more rights than women? Muhammad also taught that husbands could beat their wives. Aren't you ashamed of this philosophy? Aren't you ashamed that Muslims murder their daughters for not wearing their rag on their heads? Are you like the evil Muhammad? If you are, why aren't you ashamed that you are like the criminal Muhammad? I wish that insidious man Muhammad had never been born. Hammay Boy, i.e., Muhammad was worse than the atheist Adolf Hitler. Compared by the pedophile Muhammad, Hitler was a nice guy. At least Hitler never raped a little girl nine years old.
- Name: To braindead and liar Christian Missionary, Philip Saenz
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 13:08:02 -0700
May Allah save you from real Islamic hell! There is no hell/heaven in Christianity. Because Christianity is a false religion invented by Paul, not Jesus (PBUH). Jesus never preached any religion by the name of 'Christianity'. Unlike Christians, Muslims may dislike some terrorists like Bush but they do not hate humans as a whole.
- Name: Re: To braindead and liar Christian Missionary, Philip Saenz
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 13:20:05 -0700
"Unlike Christians, Muslims may dislike some terrorists like Bush but they do not hate humans as a whole." But the quran reveales in the very first surah ever released (Surah 96) the FALSE and WRONG information that humans are made from clot! This is how quran deceives and insults all human beings from the very beginning of islamic history. Islam deceived all humans from the beginning by teaching them that they are made from clot! Why should god deceive and insult his own creatures in this manner? Islam is a false clot-cult from the beginning! And many of you islamists even know that but you don´t change your behaviour because you are full of hate and don´t believe in anything that´s true!
- Name: QueMan
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 17:01:18 -0700
Good article and comic. You hit it right on but I think you could go a bit further. Once I started researching this so called 'religion of peace' years ago it struck me as very odd. Reading the book of Revelations and other New Testament books they describe the future and the Anti-Christ. I found it hard to imagine just one person reeking so much damage on the world but after coming to my own conclusion I belief this illiterate pedophile did indeed lay the foundation for the Anti-Christ which I believe encompasses millions of followers of this devilish cult called 'Islam'. Take care and God Bless!
- Name: Allat
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 19:35:01 -0700
To "Lucifer":____ Hey,how 'bout writing a bio? I'm sure there' not been one with the title, "I, Lucifer."--------- Wouldn't it be a shocker if Luci turned out to be a Female? :)
- Name: Cyber Hindu Warrior
- Date: Monday March 31, 2008
- Time: 21:13:21 -0700
EXCELLENT ....... good work sir .... My country throughout the last 1500 years has been plundered and more than 100 million hindus , jains and buddhist have been slaughtered in the name of allah !!!! yes Islamic historians also admit the same ........ in spreading the perverted cult invented by paedophile prophet Mohammed [ may he rot in hell ] . The world has ignored the hindu holocaust ...... if you do not know then you should check out on the web too Once again ....... Good work and We desperately need more men like you .....!!!!
- Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
- Time: 00:27:49 -0700
- Name: Cloudlessskies
- Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
- Time: 07:42:35 -0700
I'll pass this on to my friends across Europe, the US and the antipodes. The more people who come to realise the dangers of Islam (The radicals are crested from those we know as moderates)the better. The first rules of warfare are a) Know your enemy & b) The side with the best information wins.
- Name: Allat
- Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
- Time: 10:24:45 -0700
CAUTION: This site has JUST been hacked and spammed by "AMERICAN !" and "Patriot Games