Brave Men Marching
21 Mar, 2009
- Ali showed no remorse. “If I had realized then what she would
become (when she was born),” he said, “I would have killed her the
instant her mother delivered her.” He was arrested and was
released within hours. The police congratulated him. It was an
honor killing—a not uncommon occurrence in Basra.
The 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment of the British Army
served in Basra. Honor killings were not part of their agenda. They
served nobly and bravely and did their best to protect all segments
of the civilian population from violence and abuse. The 2nd
Battalion marched through Luton, UK, the other day. It was a
homecoming parade Angry Muslim protestors greeted them with ugly
signs and placards. One said: “Anglican Soldiers Butchers of Basra.”
Another said: “Cowards, Killers, Extremists” and another “Anglian
Soldiers Go To Hell.”
Butchers? Cowards? Extremists? Could they have been mistaken? Had any of the protestors been to Basra? Had any of them ever been to Basra? Not so as one would notice.
Life in today’s Basra is fraught with terror and violence with
butchers, killers and extremists often in control of the streets.
Christian girls attending Basra University have been ordered by
extremists to wear headscarves. The penalty for non-compliance can
be a beating or even death. Sunni students attending the same
university have been ordered by extremists to grow beards and to
behave like Muslim men. None of the extremists were wearing British
Women who have failed or refused to wear the hijab have been
butchered in the streets of Basra. None of the butchers were English
soldiers. The Basra Security Council reported 135 women murdered in
Basra in 2007—47 of them honor killings. A jackrabbit would be safer
in Elmer Fudd’s backyard than a woman without a headscarf in Basra.
Foremost among the protestors in Luton, was Istaiq Alamgir.
Istiaq was born in England. He calls himself Sayful Islam—it means
Sword of Islam. He is leader of the Luton branch of al-Muhajiroun.
“When I watched those planes go into the Twin Towers, I felt
elated,” he said. He felt no such elation as the 2nd Battalion Royal
Anglian Regiment marched through Luton.
“They (the soldiers) have killed, maimed and raped thousands of
innocent people,” he screamed.
They did no such thing. Alamgir, at best, is a bald-faced liar, at worst a hate-filled devil.
“They can’t come here and parade where there is such a Muslim
community,” he said. “What do they have to be proud of?”
If they had killed and maimed thousands of Muqtada al-Sadr’s
thugs or killed and maimed thousands of al-Qaeda butchers, cowards,
killers, and extremists, they would have been doing their duty and
would have much to be proud of. It they had scraped the beards from
the chins of even a dozen Istiaq Alamgirs they would have
contributed more to the advancement of humanity than the paranoid
bleatings of thousands of Swords of Islam.
The 2nd Battalion was sent to Iraq in the spring of 2006 and
became a part of Basra City South Battlegroup. In 2007 the unit was
incorporated into the 7th Armored Brigade, descendants of the famous
Desert Rats of World War Two. The Battalion operates as light
infantry. They are known as the Poachers. The 2nd spent two
six-month tours in Iraq.
General Mohammed was in charge of Iraqi Security in Basra at the
time. He praised the British troops. “The arrival of the British in
Basra is the best thing that has happened to this HQ,” he said.
The 2nd Battalion was in Basra fighting the butchers, cowards, killers and extremists; Istiaq Ilamgir was in Luton supporting the butchers, cowards, killers and extremists that had killed Rand Abdel-Qader.
Major Bev Allen served with the 2nd Battalion in Iraq. “The
children are waving to us and the people are pleased to see us,”
reported Allen. “All in all, a much more encouraging picture than
perhaps a few months ago.”
Anjem Choudary was not to be outdone in the hatred directed
toward the returning British troops. “They are terrorists,” he
raged, “ and cannot be excused for simply carrying out their duty,
which incidentally was also used by Nazi soldiers in Germany to
justify their notorious and bloody campaigns in the early 20th
This hackneyed prose would sound silly coming from George
Galloway or a 5th grader in a Madrassas school but it is what one
gets from Choudary. If Anjem has evidence of any terrorist act
committed by the 2nd Battalion in Basra he should make it known.
Were he not such a great coward he would have hurried to Basra to
assist Adbel-Qader Ali in cleansing the country of its impurities.
He could be bullying Christian girls into wearing headscarves and
Sunni Muslims into growing beards instead of muttering his
ridiculous charges against British troops and then his friends and
associates would have another reason to be proud of him.
Of course, Anjem is only following the orders of Allah—like the
Nazis followed Hitler’s.
It was Islam that harbored Nazi war criminals after the Second World War, not England; it was Islam that continues to persecute the Jews and still worships at the shrine of Adolph Hitler, not England. Churchill and Thatcher helped make the world safe for creeps like Choudary and Alamgir, gave them a place where they could practice their hatred unmolested, a place where they need not fear their own brand of justice should be applied to them someday.
If life’s path should lead Choudary to an O.K. Corral he will
never show—the Earps will be forced to look under every rock and
tear up the every board in the outhouse to find him.
Brave men do not insult other brave men by calling them cowards.
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 17:41:33 -0500
To Queen and country - and good St. George!
Name: Sreenivasa
Subject: Throw these buugers out
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 20:21:18 -0500
Let these moslems go to their own country iran iraq pakistan. do not let them mess up civilized countries. Moslems are screwing up every country which has given them shelter, Denmark, France, Germany, India, UK, US the list is endless. Send them to live in a moslem country.
Name: Excesayces
Subject: Safe heaven for muslims
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 21:07:49 -0500
safe heaven for muslims is kaffir land. this was confirmed by muslims living in my country india.
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 01:10:02 -0500
Name: prince 1
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 03:39:01 -0500
Name: prince 1
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 03:55:47 -0500
if muslims dont like the life style in non muslims countries why they are continue to live on it ? why the authorites in those countries allow muslims to spread thier hatred and provoke against the civilians of those countries ? the muslims have more freedom to plot and planning terror in non muslims lands than the freedom they have on thier own lands .
Name: Amit
Subject: Fault lies with British Govt
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 07:05:17 -0500
I do not understand what is UK trying to prove, non citizens oppose their country and they do nothing, most of them are Pakistanis, Bangladeshi or other Muslim countries. What is stopping England in cancelling their citizenship and asking them to go back to their countries. One day this policy of appeasing Muslims for Vote will backfire on England and everyone of them will have to pay. Talk to RSS and BJP of India and learn how to treat them
Name: Stopping Islamists for good
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 16:10:24 -0500
The world should kill Islamists who make trouble or preach hatred
Name: Rafael
Subject: Religion is a cage for human kind
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 21:54:13 -0500
Religion is just something humans invented i really am sad for this girl because she died for nothing.Imagine a world without religion without jihad and crusade, what ppl need is a free society a blank state of mind that is.Love to all humans <3, and all of you hard core religious ppl i urge that you look these two movies
Name: Kmgy
Subject: Crusade and Jihad
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 00:01:38 -0500
Christian Crusade (a military campaign to recapture Jerusalem from Islamic invaders)is non-existent nowadays but Islamic Jihad is ever-present and will not stop until the whole world is under Islam.
Name: To-Kmgy
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 04:37:38 -0500
You are absloutely right. Jeruslam will be taken over by muslim from the Zionist Jews. You dont worry thats a promise. Sooner or later.
Name: sikho1
Subject: Rss
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 05:04:52 -0500
I live in Britain and I'm sick of scum like Chowdhary. I think if the government doesn't do anything, Sikhs and Hindus should take the fight the fight to the Islamics. burn them out of their homes, torch their mosques and feed pieces of shit like Chowdhary to pigs. I'm ready for the final war. Are you?
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 05:24:58 -0500
Anjem Choudhury is a Pakistani with British citizenship. Now, if he finds everything is bad in 'kaffir' countries , why can't he return to his home Paki(pure)stan and implement his 'sharia' in full measure and find peace and 'islamic' salvation? He will not , because this bastard knows that it is easy to live of British taxpayers money and get away with his tirades taking advantage of the generosities of British people and government.In Pakistan he will be in a hellhole with miserable life with mad mullahs and the Talibans.Surely why can't the British kick this hypocrite , blackguard, scum and a downright scoundrel rolled in one out of the country instead of tolerating him and allowing him to spread the poison?
Name: Muhamed
Subject: Denis Schulz
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 23:22:17 -0500
You are the biggest liar on this low website. Who is paying you?
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 12:38:12 -0500
to sikho1,iv'e always had a high regard for sikh' i know why,good post and well said!
Name: lw1
Subject: Support for British soldiers
Date: Friday March 27, 2009
Time: 09:54:55 -0500
Soon after the Islamist extremists abused the brave British soldiers,Muslim leaders in Britain said that they do not represent majority of Muslims.Taking it at face value ,that is a good thing as it gives the right message.Also when these brave soldiers marched in other places the Islamist extremists kept away and the British public came in larger numbers to support the soldiers.