Islam on the March! The Idiotarian Awards
12 Oct, 2007
- Let’s see—the contestants for the October 7, 12 AM award are: George W. Bush, Veena Sud, Elizabeth Zahdan, Harry Reid, five-time winner Dennis Kucinich and a dozen guys named Mohammed. (Really, the Mohammeds should have their own award!)
It was difficult to place the President at the top of the list but he is the head of the most powerful nation on earth and to set him behind anyone else. The writ against George W. Bush: While addressing 90 guests at the annual Iftar dinner at the White House State Dining Room, he said,
“They (the terrorists) believe that by spreading chaos and violence they can frustrate the desire of Muslims to live in freedom and peace. We say to them, you don’t represent Muslims, you do not represent Islam—and you will not succeed.”
Unfortunately, the terrorists do represent Islam:
“If they ask you for peace on the basis of Islam (submission), make peace on that basis. Be of one mind by His Religion” (Ibn Ishaq: 326)
And Qur’an 4:91:
“You will find others (non-Muslims) who, while wishing to live in peace and being safe from you to gain the confidence of their people (Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Party); thrown back to mischief headlong (human rights, woman’s rights, civil liberties); therefore if they do not withdraw from you (Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Dearborn, Michigan), and offer you peace besides restraining their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and against these We have given you a clear sanction and authority.”
What percentage of the vote would George W. Bush get if he ran for President against, say, Osama bin Laden, in Beirut or Damascus or Dearborn? Terrorism is as much a part of Islam as jackboots were of Nazi Germany. The water in Al Gore’s swimming pool will freeze over before Prince Bubbh-dullah of Saudi Barbaria hosts President Bush or President Hillary Clinton at a public Thanksgiving Day Dinner in Riyadh.
Some Idiotarian has to write, produce and direct the incredible anti-Christian garbage that appears on TV shows like Cold Case. Veena Sud is not necessarily the worst but she is representative of this class. A recent story line on Cold Case dealt with stoning. That’s right—stoning! Fifteen years ago an abstinence club composed of Christian teenagers stoned one of its members to death for violating the club oath. “Whore! Slut” they screamed.
Fair enough! But they are totally silent about seven women being sentenced to death by stoning in the meantime on the other side of the world. One can easily recognize an Idiotarian—they ignore the real world for the make-believe. Anxious to attack the one religion they hate, they fling stones at the Christians while cowering before Islam.
Elizabeth Zahdan is a Muslim and the mother of three. Like most Idiotarians she is grossly misunderstood. She did not want to do away with the cultural traditions of her school district. Far from it! “I only wanted them to represent everyone,” she said. It didn’t turn out that way. Christmas and Thanksgiving are out; Ramadan is in. Already banned from the school lunch menu: items containing pork. Recently added: Jell-O! It might or might not contain bone tissue from pigs or other animals. If PETA insisted on pursuing such nonsense the School Board would call the cops. Islam is to America like cancer is to a healthy brain cell.
After Ms Zahdan’s well-planned Orwellian excursion into Islamo-fascism, Harry Reid and Dennis Kucinich seem more like Potsy and Ralph Malph studying Zen Buddhism under Peewee Herman in a Porn theatre—laughable but harmless.
Gosh! Look at the time! It’s 4 PM! We haven’t declared a winner for the 12 AM Award and it’s time for the 4 PM Awards! How time flies when the Idiotarians are having fun! The only way to stay ahead in this game it to get your vote in before the candidates are selected!
Wow! Breaking news! Jimmy Carter just said Darfur did not meet the definition of genocide! He didn’t say that when the peanut blight hit Plains, Georgia! They should make him a permanent candidate. He’s always at the top of his game.
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Thursday October 11, 2007
21:27:36 -0700
Islam is terrorism formalized by Mohamed through his script 'Quran',supposedly dictated by the so-called god 'Allah'.Ofcourse there is nothing sublime or spiritual in the Quran except stories from the Bible totally distorted,threats in every stanza to accept islam or face humiliation ,indignities or horrific death 'sharia'way. It is the most barbaric creed in the history of the human race. It is a curse and a misery on Humanity and the political correctness of the politicians is giving more momentum to this hideous idealogies. It is hightime the common folks told the politicians not to bend their cowardly knees to this barbaric and cruel crre "Islam"!!!
This is NOT Islam because Islam is a religion of peace.
Friday October 12, 2007
07:47:41 -0700
Errata: This is Islam because Islam is NOT a religion of peace.
Friday October 12, 2007
08:22:11 -0700
Politically-correct people deserve what happens to them!
Friday October 12, 2007
19:55:23 -0700
I wonder if it is people want to be polictically correct or whether they are self-haters! Whatever it is it is likely they have no understanding of what the issues at hand are before they speak about it. Ignorance about Islam is rampant among non-muslims. Anytime you hear non-muslims speak glowingly of islam you know they know nothing about it. Most people think if 1 billon people follows it, it must be a good thing and people against it are just been racist. If only they took 5 minutes to see how discriminatory intolerant the cult is wherever it is practiced!
Monday October 15, 2007
18:47:28 -0700
People in western countries wish to be tolerant and accept all cultures and religions. Muslims take this as opportunity to spread Islam. They repeat that Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in the same God. This sounds very appealing to myopic Christians and don't think about the rest of the world who are not one of these 3. With this little understanding, and a few nice verses, they are sold the idea Islam is peace. You have pretty college students with head scarfs saying how pious they are and respectful. When they say "we are not terrorists" we are peaceful, people are ready to jump to their defense. With these cunning mullahs portray as Islam to the west - cute children praying and pious eductated college students mouthing the right words - it could fool anyone who does very little research on their own. These muslim girls and children may be well-meaning, what they may or may not realize is that they are the forward soldiers of the evil cult. Wonder why they don't treat Christians and Jews as people of the book and same God in Islamic countries like Saudi or Pakistan. Its only when they come to countries where Christians and Jews numbers are more than them, they remember they pray to the same God.
Monday October 15, 2007
19:14:14 -0700
Learn to recognize the ugly baggage that Islam brings when it is well-entrenched into any community! Why would you give it opportunity to get to that state - take a look at England and France, Muslims will never assimilate!
Tuesday October 16, 2007
11:37:13 -0700
Great Essay.