Annapolis Marshall Plan for Palestine or Pipedream?
11 Dec, 2007
- Whatever happened to Jimmy Carter’s Roadmap for Peace? Did Jimmy run out of Detour signs or has he been looking at the map upside-down all these years—just another Protocol of the Elders of Plains, Georgia?
Whatever happened to the millions of dollars the Euros gave Yasser Arafat? He couldn’t have blown it all on sporty kaffiyehs. How much did they spend on Hamas Mouse’s funeral? It couldn’t have been much. He lay in state for how long—five seconds? How much did they spend on pensions for Reem al-Riyashi’s brats? Sure, Kalashnikovs are expensive and the price of a genuine Pampas leather monogrammed suicide-bomber belt has gone sky-high thanks to al-Qaeda. And the cost of education—through the roof!
Teachers who have memorized the Qur’an don’t come cheap. The Mad-Rats-Asses schools are hurting. Education lags. Palestine may be ahead of Lower Sbobbovia in reading, writing and arithmetic but they are well behind Dogpatch. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Education relentlessly pursues their major objectives, one of which it to inculcate in their students the notion that Zionism is a racist movement similar to Nazism and Fascism. Shahid is encouraged. A 6th grade textbook says, “I will take my soul into my hands and hurl it into the abyss.” Send some poor kid through the Palestinian educational spin cycle without bleach and isn’t long before he is sounding like Omar Bakri Mohammed. Baldur von Schirach would have died for just one class like those turned out daily in the Palestinian authority. A Marshall Plan for these kids would have to include a Dachau and a Buchenwald. How could any sane person do to their children what the Palestinians are doing to theirs?
“Check that Roadmap again, Jethro. We seem to be going in the wrong direction.”
“It’s the Carter Roadmap, Uncle Jed. The one Condoleezza Rice gave me. We’s gone through Hell, Purgatory and Perdition. We’s almost there.”
“I don’t know about you, Jethro, but if I was a porcupine my quills would be standin’ straight up.”
The Israelis could have used Uncle Jed at Annapolis. Too many of them seemed willing to risk their country’s future for peace in Neville Chamberlain’s time—which seems to recur between suicide-bomber attacks. Can the Israelis trust the Palestinians to live up to this agreement—or any agreement? The chances are they will have no better luck than Charlie Brown, the world’s most famous place kicker, had with Lucy holding the football.
In early November in the coastal city of Netanya, six Israeli-Arabs brutally attacked, beat, raped and sodomized a Jewish girl, repeatedly calling her a “Dirty Jew.” A second girl managed to escape. Did the recreants learn this behavior in a Mad-Rats-Asses school or from Hamas Mouse?
Two weeks ago, Israel’s security forces arrested two men for opening fire on a passing Israeli vehicle, killing Jewish West Bank settler, Ido Zoldan. The suspects were both members of the Palestinian national security force. What were they securing—their Islamic manhood?
Were these isolate incidents? Hardly!
Just days before the Annapolis Summit, thousands of Muslims marched in Khan Younis screaming, “Death to Israel!” They waved banners that said, “Bush is a war criminal, not a peacemaker.” Surely, if the Nazis had marched on Munich in September of 1938 screaming, “Death to Czechoslovakia” and waving banners that said, “Churchill is a war criminal, not a peacemaker” even Neville Chamberlain might have taken notice.
Khalil al-Haya of Hamas said, “This is the first referendum against Annapolis.” Khalid al-Batch of Islamic Jihad said, “We consider any Arab effort to make this summit a success as capitulation.” Others said the summit itself was tantamount to recognizing Israel.
Two months ago, 32-year-old Rami Khader Ayyad, a Palestinian Christian activist and the director of Gaza’s only Christian bookstore, was kidnapped and murdered by ‘persons unknown.’ Simon Azazian of the Palestinian Bible Society said, “We feel Rami was killed for his Christian faith.” Christians die for their religion; Muslims kill for theirs.
Could Opie Taylor find Israel on a Palestinian Authority map of the Middle East? Could George W. Bush? Could Condoleezza Rice?
To begin with, Carter’s Roadmap for Peace was a dopey idea—a Marshall Plan, with certain reservations, would make more sense. Of course, Marshall is dead and they would have to use some other name and there are guidelines that would have to be followed. At the end of the WWII, Germany, France and England lay in ruins. Other countries had suffered varying degrees of discomfiture. The eligible had suffered either severe economic dislocation or the systematic physical block-by-block destruction of large sections its territory or a combination of both. How does Palestine stand in relation to the criteria? Palestine does not appear much different than it did a hundred years ago. They have suffered no Dresdens, no Hamburgs, nor economic blockades. They have not been the victims of Fascist terror. If anything, they have acted more like Fascists than their enemies. And there is a fly in the ointment—the money already expended on Palestine by the European nations. It’s a considerable sum; it far exceeds the amount the Marshall Plan spent in Europe. Currently, the European Union alone is transferring nine million dollars a month to the Palestinian Authority. That’s a lot of money! Uncle Jed would be broke in no time at all. It cost the Marshall Plan $272 per person to rebuild Europe. That’s cheap! Europe has already spent $1,330 per person in Palestine and the money continues to flow down the Hamas rat hole. Something is not working.
The Second World War all but destroyed Europe. That has not been the case with Palestine. Their cities have not been razed; there have been no mass killings. Most of the damage has been self-inflicted. They are their own worst enemies. There would have been no Marshall Plan for Germany if the Nazis had somehow remained in power at the end of WWII. The same should hold true for today’s Palestine. No Marshall Plan, no Roadmap for Peace, no surrender at Annapolis! They have had their chance—dozens of them—and they have turned them down. They must stop the hatred first. That is what Churchill would have demanded and is what the United States and Europe should demand. Everything else is rash foolishness.
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: Bohuslav Finta
Date: Tuesday December 11, 2007
Time: 21:36:45 -0700
I love this
Name: Waiter Sieruk
Date: Friday December 21, 2007
Time: 11:12:49 -0700
"Behold, He that keepth Israel shall neither shumber nor sleep." Psalm 121:4. [KJV]