Ramzi Yousef, first WTC bomber, converted to Christianity?
19 Oct, 2007
Sure, and the Tasmanian devil gobbled up Bugs Bunny and became a vegetarian and Jack the Ripper opened a shelter for battered women. It was expected, it’s the way things turn out—don’t they? Eliot Ness took one drink and hasn’t stopped and Charlie Brown changed his windup and pitched a no-hitter—struck out Peppermint Patty three times.
Well, yeah, but what are the odds of something really impossible happening like Ramzi Yousef converting to Christianity? Where is the smart money going? What do the experts say? Better yet—what do the Sociologists say? It’s not encouraging. The chances of Pope Benedict XVI marching in a gay parade in San Francisco in toreador pants and a bustenhalter arm in arm with Pat Buchanan, is only one standard deviation less on the fantasy scale than the possibility of Ramzi Yousef becoming a Christian.
How could something like this happen? Did a careless screw leave a Gideon in Ramzi’s cell? That would be against the law—religious or ethnic intimidation or something. CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) would have a fit. So would the American Civil Liberties Union. Spreading Christianity is a bigger crime in Saudi Barbaria, Iran, San Francisco and Hollywood than bringing down tall buildings.
How many years did they give Ramzi for his part in the first World Trade Center bombing and the attack on that Philippine Airlines plane in 1994? Was it 240 years? That’s a lot of time in dog years even for a dog as dirty as Ramzi. His kids won’t recognize him when he gets out.
Ramzi is currently enjoying free room and board at the Federal Maximum Security prison at Florence, Colorado. They call it the Supermax. He’s got an ironclad lease so he won’t be going anywhere for a while. Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui are neighbors. Ramzi doesn’t socialize much—he’s become a homebody. The warden says he doesn’t like being strip-searched. Yet, somehow, in the quiet of his monastic lodgings, he has managed to convert to Christianity—so the story goes. He has shaved off his beard; he no longer reads from the Qur’an; and he has developed a craving for pork rinds.
His conversion was mentioned on Sixty Minutes. Did CBS scoop al-Jazeera? Not likely. There is not much to the story.
Robert Hood, a former warden at Supermax was interviewed for Sixty Minutes by Scott Pelley. Hood was skeptical about the conversion. Yousef, “has that Charlie Manson look,” he said. “He has some charisma about him. He’s in uniform, but you know that there’s a powerful person you’re looking at.” Sure, Capone was a pussycat at Alcatraz and Hitler was a dreamy intellectual at Fortress Landsberg, a confused college professor, prattling on about his troubles, a lot like Ward Churchill but better dressed and groomed.
“He’s playing a game with someone,” said Hood. “If he’s doing that (converting), doing it for the reaction…He’s a real deal.”
Here’s another real deal…it’s from the Qur’an and it’s off the bottom of the deck: Qur’an 4:142 “Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by deceiving them.”
If Yousef has converted to Christianity his life could be in danger. One can imagine what Herr Hitler would have done to Heinrich Himmler if the Obergruppenfuhrer SS had gone over to the Jews, what moveon.org would do to Rosie O’Donnell if they discovered she had voted for George W. Bush. A dozen Benedict Arnolds couldn’t compare to what Yousef could do to Islam with a few little words. “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost!” Khomeini would rise up from the grave to cast a fatwa; CAIR would accuse the US Government of cruel and unusual punishment; and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would demand an investigation into the most distressing violation of the diversity clause of the US Constitution ever!
There is a bright side—if Yousef has converted—he could have a talk with Charlie Manson and the Unabomber and maybe even with Howard Dean and Michael Newdow. But there are few questions that remain unanswered. If he has converted, to what has he converted…to Catholicism…to Methodism…to Gnosticism…to Bogomilism? Has he become a Baptist…an Episcopalian…a Unitarian…a Seventh Day Adventist…a Quaker? Can he recite the Ten Commandments? Is he afraid of the Holy Ghost? It’s important to know these things. Somebody should ask.
Here’s an idea! Remember Father John Patrick Francis Mulcahy, the priest who did such a magnificent job with Radar O’Reilly and Maxwell Klinger? Mulcahy could be sent into the Supermax to interview Yousef, find out what is going on—see if Ramzi has actually converted. The Father could carry an aspergillums filled with Holy Water in a secret pocket and a sprig of garlic in his lapel just in case.
Just in case? You must be kidding! This is ridiculous! It’s beyond ridiculous…it’s preposterous! It’s juvenile! Holy Water and garlic are used to ward off vampires!
Right! Take a good look at Ramzi Yousef. Notice anything unusual? If you do, make the sign of the cross, check the water gauge in your aspergillums, take a deep breath and enter the cell. The stake and the mallet are optional.
A man who knows Ramzi well is former US prosecutor Andrew McCarthy. McCarthy used Yousef as a witness in the trial of the first World Trade Center bombers. According to McCarthy, Ramzi had lived a “bad life of barbarity.”
Yousef is not a Frankenstein monster. It he were, he could be forgiven, pitied even. Unfortunately, it was Mohammed that messed with his mind not Doctor Frankenstein.
Time is running out for Yousef and unless he holds a press conference to announce his conversion before Sixty Minutes moves on to something else people will be asking, “Ramzi who?” And then Father Mulcahy will be reduced to telling the screws at the Supermax to shoo the bats away from the windows. Bats? That’s right—bats, those bird-like things that flutter around nasty people in the dread of night? Remember, this guy is not The Birdman of Alcatraz.”
Does he dress up for Halloween?
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Friday October 19, 2007
03:33:15 -0700
Article and author are reflection of this web site and it is editors. Thanks for making in it easy for people to see your real colors.
Alamgir Hussain
Friday October 19, 2007
03:57:49 -0700
Although I do not appreciate anyone converting from one religion to another, I feel incredible that someone, as deadly a Jihadist as Ramzi, can leave Islam. From my own experience of leaving Islam, consuming pork, was the last hurdle. After I decidedly left Islam, it took me two years of hard effort to get used to eating pork happily. From this experience, I can tell with some degree of certainty that if Ramzi is truly eating pork, he has definitely left Islam. If that is, he would realize that pork is a testy meat and its flesh is less red than beef, in case he has a cholesterol/heart issue.
Friday October 19, 2007
04:16:00 -0700
This site is run by Christian Missionaries in the guise of ex-Muslim. It's plain and simple. It's nothing new though.
Name: MA Khan, Editor
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 06:28:07 -0700
Well said our Muslim brothers (Muslim & abc). We get accusations all the time that there are Zionists, Jews, Christians behind this site. This is not new. BTW abc, which are the other site run by Christian missionaries in the guise of ex-Muslims. Give us 10 names, since it is so common.
Regarding this article, I appreciate Mr. Alamgir's comment. But no one should be deceived by these Jihadists. They can do anything, not just eating pork, for clemency. Muhammad said, "war is a game of deception." These Jihadists are best expert of using Mohammad's tactics.
Media are very eager to spread such deceptive tactics of the Islamists. More articles like this are need to warn the world that this well the deception that lies at the foundation and heart of Islam. Don't fall into the trap.
Name: abc
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 08:06:31 -0700
All anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic sites are run by non-Muslims, mainly Christian Missionaries. Christian Missionaries try to convert poor and gullible people into Christianity using all sorts of lies and deceptions against Islam and Muslims. Because Quran is a Challenge to Christianity on one hand, and majority converts to Islam are from Christian background on the other! They know very well that they have NO basis of their belief. They know that current form of Christianity is a false dogma that was invented by Paul. It has nothing to do with the true teaching of Jesus (pbuh). Muslims are the true followers of Jesus. Jesus is not God, neither the begotten sun of God! That's an absurdity borrowed from paganism. Trinity is BS - also borrowed from paganism. Original sin is an inhumane and ridiculous dogma that has no logical and rational basis at all. Moreover, Bible is full of errors, contradictions, absurdities, superstition, slavery, racism, inhumanity, barbarism, etc. So, their only option to spread Christianity is to attack other religions especially Islam, as Islam is a threat to Christianity!
Name: Godot
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 08:06:47 -0700
To Muslim and abc: It's a fact that Muslims leave Islam, I am a living example! To Christian Missionaries: Jesus is not the answer for everyone, I am a living example! To Alamgir Hussain: You don't have to eat and like pork to prove that you left Islam, I eat pork and I like it just because it tastes good!
Name: abc
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 08:25:30 -0700
Hundreds of American scholars have already exposed the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, yet this site is using the picture of WTC to attack Islam and Muslims. LOL! Moreover this site is indirectly promoting Christianity by attacking Islam. These are two of the many proofs that this site is run by Missionaries.
Name: abc
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 08:51:22 -0700
To Godot: None of us said that Muslims do not leave Islam. You are making yourself fool! We are aware of the fact that some poor/ignorant/opportunistic Muslims leave Islam for money/fame – especially after going to America. They become clowns of the anti-Islamist media! Both of us have said that this site is run by non-Muslims. What proof do you have that you are an ex-Muslim? What if I say that you are a liar? We need solid evidence! Unlike other religious followers, Muslims do not believe in anything blindly. Quran forbids blind belief [Quran 17:36]
Name: Godot
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 09:40:58 -0700
To abc: When you maintain a minimum level of decorum, I will resume debating with you. Otherwise, you will be monologuing! Take care.
Name: MA Khan ---- abc
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 16:37:22 -0700
abc, I wanted you to give names of sites that are run allegedly by ex-Muslims like ours, but actually by Christians. That's what you accused us of and give us a few names.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday October 19, 2007
Time: 21:11:10 -0700
To abc -- as a devout muslim you are blind to the attrocities committed by your co-religionists in the name of islam. You say that 9/11 was an "insiders' job" . Such perverted thinking and passing the buck comes naturally to muslims , who are adept at deceiving and lying for the sake of their religion , which is a tactic espoused by Mohamed himself in his murderous rampage foisting his evil creed on others. Can you deny the attrocities the muslims have committed in India? What about Beslan carnage in Russia? Islam is an immoral ,murderous creed! See the welcome of Benazir Bhutto with a bomb killing 169 individuals and injuring over 600 others? Are all these incidents the work of non-muslims? See any Islamic country ,it is always in a permanent state of siege and turmoil, no respect for democracy or human rights , anarchy and tyranny in the name of islam. What do you call this but barbarism?Worst of all islam is an intolerant creed bent on destroying all other religions,cultures and civilizations to impose its barbaric Arabian trash!
Name: abc
Date: Saturday October 20, 2007
Time: 08:07:48 -0700
To MA Khan: I have already said that all anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic sites including this one, FFI, etc. are run by non-Muslims, especially Missionaries. Because they spread lies and hatred against Islam and Muslims on one hand, and indirectly promote Christianity on the other. Show your evidence/credentials if you think otherwise. Even drzakirnaik.com forum is run by Missionaries masquerading as Muslims! How dangerous and desperate they can be! Hundreds of American scholars (not Muslim) have already exposed the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, yet you are using the picture of WTC to attack Islam and Muslims? What does that mean? Do you think people eat grass? Don't you have enough moral gut to spread the true teaching of Jesus directly? Why do you have to attack Islam and Muslims to spread Christianity? Does it make sense? Is that what Jesus taught to his disciples? I don't think so!
Name: dhimmi too
Date: Saturday October 20, 2007
Time: 14:25:53 -0700
To monsters in ISLAM ie Muslim, abc, abc, answering falsehoods, godot : There cant be anymore falsehood, deception, savagery, barbarism, evil, fascism, intolerance, murderous cult than Mohammadenism ( ISLAM) . You start with basic tenets of ISLAM - the kaleema, the true history of ISLAM, the current history of ISLAM, the societies, current evil laws in Moslem countries - where it is all hell ,loot, murder, mayhem, barbarism, discrimination, slavery. ISLAM is based on slavery. ISLAM is cruel, wicked. see the laws in any moslem country. How nonmoslems are discriminated, persecuted, tortured, tormented, hunted,raped. To all the evi;l guys in ISLAM- First note that ISLAM is a death cult - it i snot even a religion. To call it as a religion is an insult to humanity. In ISLAM the higher human values of equality, kindness, compassion, freedom, democracy, liberty, tolerance, equality of all religions, equality of women & children is not possible. All these human values are opposite of ISLAMIC hell . abc - what a lyer you are !!!! ISLAM also convert but by it's evil ways - you know - islam never allows a person to be converted to become a nonmuslim (otherwise death is the answer !!!!) - but ISLAMISTS are free to convert nonmuslims to ISLAM !!! can there be more evil than this ? All Moslems - you know Qurran is copied from the bible, christianity, judaism. No new ideas in Qurran or there is absolutely no spirituality . QQuRRAN is filled with mundane very low level thinking, incoherent, primitive ideas, savagery, hallucinations of a megalo maniac profeteer MO - who became jealousied on seeing the spread of christianity,judaism those days. Mo said that he was also a prophet with revelations & his Alla is only God !!!!! You know recently just 2 years back - there was another Mohammed Khan in PAKI-SATAN & declared himself as the last prophet - you know what happened - after few months watching the ruling ISLAMIC thugs in ISLAMABAD declared him apostate,arrested him & the court ordered him to be jailed bcoz of his pronouncements . He was jailed & after weeks time he was found to be dead - murdered - that is the end of it. Go back & check this. Again to all Moslems - you are always against nonmuslims, best human values, morals,ISLAM / ISLAMISTS are against all noble human rights. challenge for you - wher eis good in ISLAM/Moslems? you can show from the current ISLAMIC societies /countries/Govmts/laws. ISLAM is against humanity - what all human beings stand as good ,noble citizens with superior values. World will be at peace, make progress, achieve much prosperity with out ISLAM , the moment ISLAM is eradicated. ISLAM is a pest, a plague, a poison, an EBOLA virus of the world. The unanimous decision of the world /people/humanity is that ISLAM must be eradicated to make this world a better place .
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday October 20, 2007
Time: 20:18:15 -0700
To abc,muslim,etc.---- You accuse christians promoting their religion at the expense of islam, but what about you ? You have mullahs spewing hatred from their mosques asking the faithful to do the same - islamise the world, kill the kaffirs if they do not submit to islam, subjugate them to be "dhimmis"( that is slaves with no rights and extreme restrictions), enslave the kaffirs' women and children ,etc. If this is not barbarism ,what is it? I think the christians are the other side of the same coin. See the evangelist christians in the USA capturing power there through their sponsored politicians like George Bush and the coherts of congressmen who pander to the wishes of these christian fanatics and promote their agenda around the world. These christian evangelists are a bunch of frauds and swindellers who make millions of dollars and lead a lavish vulgar lifestyles hoodwinking the common gullible American who easily falls for the call of "holy christ" and their so-called "god" or "gawd" , is it??? You should appreciate that this site gives an opportunity for all and anyone to express their views and stop sulking and complaining. No religion is good,they all have their own political agendas and vested interests. But Islam and Christianity have too much blood on their hands in promoting their creeds at the expense of others. Both are intolerant and violent , as history bears witness to their misdeeds and bloody massacres. Both want their adherents to hate and destroy any other belief,culture or civilization to promote their own dogmas and superstitions. Both expect their followers to abjectly and unquestioningly surrender to their mythologies,dogmas or face severe persecution and ostracization from their communities. Islam is even worse that it metes out barbaric punishments and horrendous deaths to these "heretics" that would even put the primitive,barbaric and cannibalisic caveman to shame. Both draw their common mythologies from the old testament which are inane,contradictory and illogical! so abc,muslim,etc accusing this site as a subterfuge for promoting christianity is like the proverbial "pot calling the kettle black".
Name: abc
Date: Saturday October 20, 2007
Time: 23:22:51 -0700
to vbv: i know you are a blood thirsty hindutva terrorist. you are killing innocent non-hindus in india everyday. you burn your alive widow. how barbaric! you are even killing your own religionists, i.e., sudra and dalits. but don't worry, hindus are being reduced exponentially, and within a span of 50-100 years hindus will be a matter of museum display! people have to go to london museum to see hundu!
Name: abc
Date: Saturday October 20, 2007
Time: 23:25:47 -0700
to dhimmi too: i know you are a blood thirsty hindutva terrorist. you are killing innocent non-hindus in india everyday. you burn your alive widow. how barbaric! you are even killing your own religionists, i.e., sudra and dalits. but don't worry, hindus are being reduced exponentially, and within a span of 50-100 years hindus will be a matter of museum display! people have to go to london museum to see hundu!
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday October 21, 2007
Time: 01:34:54 -0700
To abc -- What a joke! the Hindus have survived over 700 years of muslims despotic , cruel and barbarous rule, and you talk of hindus becoming extinct! You are a typical muslim fanatic ,frustrated that every non-muslim is progressing intellectually and economically, culturally , while you are trapped in the 7th century barabaric creed called islam which is the most backward ,regressive ,oppressive and suppressive creed that ever was. It has no respect for individual rights, human rights are virtually non-existant in islam, it requires every muslim to conform to 7th century barbarism with threat of torture and death if you don't. With a medeival ,backward mind you are living in a fools paradise that if you indulge in all the cruelties and immoralties prescribed by your Mohamed you will go to the lustful,lecherous paradise of Allah to indulge in further rape and sexual perversion with 72 'virgins'. We hindus have a long history of tolerance,compassion and love for all living beings, not like a rabbid muslim who gets vicarious pleasure in plunder,rape and massacre, the perfect example of which is your prophet himself. We hindus have the courage to accept any anomalies such as caste system and endeavour to eradicate and reform ,unlike muslims who justify murder,loot and rape in the name of "jihad",the so-called holy war aimed at decimating non-muslims or enslaving them,especially their women. We are not such immoral brigands. All your inanities and barbarism gets a holy name and divine sanction ,which is not found in any other religion. Stop spreading lies about widow burning. Widows self-immolation started in India during the barbarous muslim rule to avoid the lecherous and lustful eyes of muslims. Such incidents never existed in the pre-muslim rule era of India. Muslims in India are better of than the muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh,they are more prosperous and enjoy all the rights of a citizen of this country. You cannot say the same of the minorities in any muslim country where they are treated as sub-human slaveswith no rights whatsoever! What is the status of Hindus or Christians in Pakistan or Bangladesh? It is very dismal and pathetic. The status of non-muslims in other islamic nations are equally bad.So you don't give sermons about human rights and compassion to all livimg beings ,when you know very well that muslims are the worst violaters of human rights everywhere around this world where-ever they have a sizeable population ! So keep your rotten wishful thinking to yourself! As people realise the true nature of islam and its repulsive thinking, you will find more and more people will ditch islam for a better prosperous,more peaceful and sane existence on this wonderful planet, which we call "EARTH"!!!!
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday October 21, 2007
Time: 01:53:02 -0700
To abc-- Blod-thirstyness goes intandem with islam and not hinduism.Islam is a creed soaked with the blood of millions of innocent people everywhere,especially in Asia,where they imposed their rotten creed by force and violence. It is a murderous religion and it was imposed by the sword ,nothing else! We in India don't kill non-hindus everyday like you say. We had three muslim presidents of India since our independence- namely Dr.Zakir Hussain, Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed and recently Dr. Abdul Kalam. Sonia Gandhi is a Christian. So keep your rotten lies ,like your rotten religion to yourself!You als find many muslims in other spheres . You cannot say the same for Pakistan the promoter and progenitor of terrorists around the world or Bangladesh ,or for that matter any muslim majority country around the world where merciless killing of non-muslims is the order of the day in the name of islam and jihad!.
Name: To the editor of this cheap website.
Date: Sunday October 21, 2007
Time: 09:53:46 -0700
Why do not you proof other wise? The argument stands against you the same way it does when abc says Jews and Christians are behind this website. So long you remain anonymous you will always be accused of this. Come out and reveal your real identities and no one will harm you. You live in the great West so you will be protected, maybe you need to spend little money on your own security but then no one will accuse you of manipulations. Maybe you are afraid that you will lose miserably if you stand up in a debate before Muslims scholars if you come out public.
Name: MA Khan, Editor
Date: Sunday October 21, 2007
Time: 19:12:21 -0700
We need to give more space to educated Muslims people like "abc" and "To the editor of this cheap website". That will well serve the purpose of this site. The infidel world must learn how the mind of the brightest of Islamics work. Grasping this is a precondition for fighting the menace of Islam. We need abc's talk more in our forum.
Name: Bobby
Date: Sunday October 21, 2007
Time: 19:50:42 -0700
It is easy to spot a person defending a false faith that they have doubts about - they show anger and threats. Truth does not need anyone's defense, if people really look for it, they find it, regardless of anyone mocking it or laughing at it.
Name: Rubel
Date: Monday October 22, 2007
Time: 12:30:12 -0700
It seems many hindu terrorists have ganged up in this forum to spread lie and hatred against Islam and Muslims. What hinduism has offered to humanity except evil caste system, widow and bride burning, dowry, female infanticide, slavery, racism, fairy tales, absurdities, superstition, terrorism, fanaticsm, backwardness, etc.?
Name: Marie
Date: Monday October 22, 2007
Time: 13:09:43 -0700
abc, to the editor of this cheap websites, and Rubal, you're accusations are making me laugh. Do you guys really believe that any website that criticizes Islam is really runned by Christians, jews, and Hindus? Is this a joke that all three of you are playing? Get real.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday October 23, 2007
Time: 00:18:51 -0700
To rubel -- Only islam has fanatics ,terrorists and practice slavery and spreading lies ,not hindus. Only islam discriminates against non-muslims,takes their women as sexsslaves after killing their husbands in the most cruel manner. Only islam is filled with absurdities which we can see everywhere. Only islam spreads its barbaric creed through terrorism,rape , murder ,plunder and massacre exemplified by you Allah's most perfect 'creation' i.e. your prophet Mohamed. Only islam promises a cheap,lewd,vulgar and lecherous "paradise" for its faithful ,who practise incest,fornication,rape plunder,etc. all under the everwatchful gaze of the most intolerant,primitive and barbaric deity called Allah. What is the contribution of the savage arabic tribes except destruction of highly evolved ancient civilization in Egypt,Babylon,Summeria,India etc to impose their barbaric creed! India's contribution to the world is immense whether in literature,art, sculpture,architecture, town-building, medicene, yoga,mathematics, astronomy, agriculture ,etc. All these acheivements predate islam by several centuries. Arabs have nothing comparable to contribute except the mad and barbaric creed called Islam. We are not backward but you are. Take our good neighbours Pakistan and Bangladesh ,they are backwards by eons. They know that they cannot compete with India economically, educationally, in the field of science and technology, so they export their islamic terrorism to disrupt and destroy India. They fail as usual. Tell me which islamic country practices tolerance and respects non-muslim minorities ? NONE1 They are backward and like to relish in the seventh century backwardness. We don't export terrorism and backwardness around the world like the muslims with ignorance ,superstition and savagery and destruction called islam.
Name: Albert
Date: Tuesday October 23, 2007
Time: 05:18:56 -0700
Great web site,any mohammedan who can read will find the truth hurts. Keep the very good work up.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday October 23, 2007
Time: 12:10:19 -0700
Hinduism gave us the Kama Sutra and didn't insist its women cover themselves up from top to toe in case they inflame men's passions. At least they know how to enjoy themselves. Also, Hindus don't fly planes into tall buildings or drive cars loaded with gas cylinders into airport lobbies.
Name: incredulous indian
Date: Sunday October 28, 2007
Time: 07:50:05 -0700
I find it amazing that there are educated Muslims who blindly believe in the evil of Islam, Mohammmed and Allah. What stops them from seeing the truth ?
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Wednesday October 31, 2007
Time: 04:17:07 -0700
Incredulous Indian asks why do otherwise rational people believe in Mohammed and Al-Lah? It's all down to a feeling of helplessness, being unable to cope on one's own with the evil world around us, the forces of nature, the bullies, the criminals and terrorists. When we're in a situation where we've been attacked, physically or verbally, or witnessed some atrocity, how many of us have thought to ourselves "If only I had a gun, or a knife, I'd show them who's who around here" or "If only I could hire a hit-man to dispense my form of justice, or if only Superman or Batman would come to my rescue, or if I had a friend who could stand up for me!" Well there you are – if you're feeling picked upon and downtrodden why not call upon the greatest friend anyone could wish for, the almighty, all-powerful, creator of the universe – he'll soon put things right, he'll make the evil-doers pay, he'll smite the people who laugh at you, he'll punish the wicked, he'll gag the nagging wife (it's a man's world after all). So if you're feeling picked on, call upon Al-Lah, no matter how incredible or contradictory or outlandish he is, he'll sort out your problem. You can always tell the oppressors that they'll pay one day, if not in this world then the next. And if your god answers your prayers, and somehow or other, maybe even by sheer coincidence or the fact that you are skilful butchers, your enemies do fall at your feet so you can slaughter them then you are justified and everyone else is a liar and a cheat and an infidel. So there! If that's the sort of god you believe in – the sort who smites those who laugh at or bully you, or who destroys the unbelievers, men, women and children, then Islam is the religion for you – after all, he put all the enemies of Mohammed and Omar and the rest of the Caliphs and Sultans into their hands, from Mecca to Seville, from Constantinople to Delhi, from Somalia to Jakarta, from Kabul to Bosnia! Oh, the Golden Age of Islam! Where is it now? But if you don't believe in a God who acts like a personal bodyguard or a petulant child, or who acts upon a whim or who relishes the destruction of his own creation, then Islam isn't for you, mate. There are other faiths to choose from.