Freedom of Mind
18 Jan, 2009
(Translated from Bengali into English by Abul Kasem)
After the partition
of India what remained intact is the system of education introduced
and developed by the British. It is no denying that while India was
under British Imperialism, The British also introduced in India the
concept of modern civilisation. This is evident from the development
of progressive mind due to the influence of the British education
system. Nevertheless, one cannot escape the truth that while women
of other religions have done fairly well in education the Muslim
women lagged behind. The main causes for this retardation are:
Islamic orthodoxy and the veil. Due to such impediments, until
recently, Muslim women’s education was confined only to the learning
of the Qur’an.
We learn from history that Indian Hindu women were the most
oppressed in the world. Raja Ram Mohon Roy and Ishwar Chandra
Vidyasagar pioneered the emancipation of Hindu women. They, however,
did not want the full freedom or equal rights of Hindu women. They
wanted to establish the fundamental rights of a Hindu woman, such
as: right to life, and the right to earn a living. During that time
it was too much for a Hindu woman to demand such basic rights.
Vidyasagar knew this truth well. That is why he first introduced the
law of re-marriage of widow. Without this first step, he thought, he
could never eliminate the despicable system of sati, the Hindu
system of burning a widow on the pyre of her husband.
Born on December 9, 1880, Begum Rokeya was a contemporary of this
period. She probably died on December 9, 1932. When she was a young
lady of only twenty-four she declared:
Men have made up the religious injunctions in the name of God just to imprison us.
One should have very little doubt of what Begum Rokeya had said,
for, all religious scriptures are written by men. Even when it is
claimed to be from God, that God is certainly a male god. Under such
circumstances, it is no wonder that for eons, men exert full control
on all affairs.
For centuries the system of education for Muslim women was confined primarily to the study of the Qur’an. Slowly, when the postal system was introduced, it became necessary for her to learn the art of writing and reading of the vernacular language to be able to correspond with her husband. Unfortunately, this too was severely limited—merely to the lowest literacy level. The system in household in our society is that the husband is the master of the house; the wife is merely a domesticated maid-servant. From the very past, until now, this system has survived, albeit with minor colour changes. The status of women has not change—they are still in the same Dark Age as before. The only difference is that previously women were uneducated; today many of them are educated.
Readers might ask why I did not introduce this essay with a brief
history of education of women. I agree with this premise. I am not
an expert historian, even though I wrote a few sentences on the
history of women’s condition in the Indian sub-continent. My main
thrust, however, is to expose the discrimination towards woman which
is largely responsible for the lack of education among women.
Together with this, I also want to discuss the financial freedom for
women, as well as the favouritism accorded to a son compared to a
In our society we notice that mothers often neglect their
daughters. These mothers consider sons to bring security, as a son
is the guarantee of income generation. The reason why a woman
perpetrates such blatant prejudice to another woman is rooted in the
truth that the mother herself had been a victim of such a prejudice.
Today, to prepare herself for a man, a woman has to indulge in
personal beautification, as well as educating herself. In the past a
woman was mostly obsessed with her attractiveness and look. She must
look fair, at any cost, as men do not like women of dark complexion,
she had been indoctrinated to believe. These women expend
considerable time to enhance the brightness of their skins. This is
done to the neglect of the upliftment of their personality. They are
wrong, because no matter how hard the might try they can never
render their skin to be absolute white or of fair complexion. The
truth is: the colour of skin is dependent upon the environment,
climate and the genetic makeup. Many women also educate themselves
in the hope of having a good marriage. These women are deluded too,
for, many such marriages end in unhappiness.
Marriage often makes these women spineless creatures. In many
cases the woman has to interrupt her education, attend to her family
chores, such as: cleaning utensils, food, cooking, washing, ironing,
household decoration…and so on. Whatever freedom she enjoyed before
marriage, she now loses it after the marriage. She has no choice but
to surrender to the whims and fancies of her man. The woman now
becomes the subordinate to her husband. In many cases, even when the
woman possesses higher qualifications and talent, she still lives a
life in servitude—the life of a maid-servant. Her financial
dependence on her husband is tantamount to the death of her heart,
mind and soul—she merely survives as a physical entity, her identity
There are many women who had excelled academically in the
university, but after marriage their talent have been limited to
banal activities of a housewife: kitchen, cooking, washing…etc.
Slowly, under such stifling environment, their talent and aptitude
die. Having nurtured children, exhausted, bored, dispirited, when
this woman turns old she becomes financially dependent more on her
son than on her husband—her dependency on men never ceases. Helpless
and destitute, she could never be independent financially. Her
intellect, ability, talent and prospect…whatever her ambition and
aspirations, all are extinguished with her servitude to the
financially stronger force. Lack of financial resources reduces her
to a mere chattel.
To clarify, let us review this example: a writer needs a
favourable environment for creative writing. These might include: a
cosy room, pleasant decoration, silence, comfort. He cannot be
productive in the absence of such milieu. A singer needs song
writers, lyricists, musicians, sound engineers, stage…to demonstrate
his talent to the fullest. Nevertheless, the audience never knows
about these behind-the–scene people. The praise and accolade goes to
the singer only—he is the one who becomes popular. The same also
happens in the case of the writer. Only he receives all the honour
and commendation. The environment which nurtured the author never
receives any credit whatsoever.
A woman who receives education is often entrusted with household
duties. Her mother practices discrimination on this matter.
Therefore, how is it possible for the learner woman to shine in her
studies when she is denied the proper environment to pursue her
The situation is omnipresent, whether the woman is an artist, a
housewife, an author or a singer. As a priority, she has to attend
her family chores. Having done these household duties, if she could
manage a little time, only then she could indulge in her passion,
such as writing. Even during this ‘free’ time she faces
distractions. She often receives discouragement from her near and
dear ones, just because she is a woman. To dissuade her, epithets
such as, dullard, weak, dependent, brainless, dunce…are hurled at
her. To add further insult to her intellect she is reminded subtly
that she is already educated, so further education is
unnecessary—her principal duty is to her husband, in-laws, children
and family. It is incumbent on her to please all parties. This means
that to render the intelligent woman to the status of a dumb and
subservient, the man, in this case husband and a few women will
spare no pain to dissuade her from pursuing any intellectual work.
They believe that anon-conformist, intelligent woman is a dangerous
The above torment is more prevalent if the woman indulges in
literary works. She is often reprobated for having the gall to put
pen on paper. Under such adverse circumstances it is not that simple
for a housewife to demonstrate her literary talent. Despite such
hostile situation, some women do make it, establish themselves as
accomplished. Unfortunately, many such talented women eventually
give up. With the passage of time; they get tired, and lose their
passion and enthusiasm. Eventually, they sacrifice themselves, just
to preserve the peace and harmony in the family. With pride, many
husbands declare that they have authorised full freedom to their
wives, as if the husband has the power to control his wife’s
freedom. This simply tells us that the wife is really under the
power of the husband—she is fully enslaved by him.
This is a huge loss to the nation, in fact, to humanity. Our
world is deprived of the talent of such women.
Religion is another hindrance to the blooming of talent of women.
Religious instructions are designed just for this purpose—to deter
woman from pursuing their freedom of thought and expression. Since a
woman reaches the age of reason she is indoctrinated with religious
restrictions so much so that throughout her life she is haunted by
fear, the fear of breaking religious taboo. Even when a woman is
educated and self-reliant she is tormented by religious
prohibitions/injunctions throughout her entire life. This morbid
fear of religious sanctions is often inflicted by men who resort to
quoting the verses from Holy Scriptures, just to implant absolute
terror in her mind. Here is a verse from the Qur’an which most
Muslim men will recite to their wives to instill fear and obedience
towards him.
YUSUFALI: Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).
The above verse has sealed the fate of all women. Since Allah has
sent down this instruction to men, no power on earth could ever
change the situation of Muslim women. Since their birth women are
continuously bombarded with such verses, to the extent that fear and
terror is ingrained in women, from her childhood to her married
life, and finally to her old age. She is absolutely gripped with
such fright that her mind dies, she has to comply with any
instructions her husband justifies from religious scriptures.
Take note of the double-standard here. Men are not subjected to
any such measures depicted in the above verse.
In a Tirmidhi hadis we read:
A woman is an object of concealment. Whenever she goes out without her covering (veil or burkha) the devil renders her an object of desire to men.
We read in the Holy Scriptures that men and women were created by
the merciful God. So how is it, according to the above hadis, that a
woman is the creation of devil whereas, a man is not? Will it not be
fair to say that men and women both are influenced by the Satan?
This is why, being fettered on all sides, a woman is always
greatly frightened, constantly alarmed.
A working man does less home responsibilities than a working
woman. This is because household duties are relegated to the
exclusive domain of women. The man returns home, tired, and
exhausted. He takes rest; he does not attend to any home duties.
Whereas, a working woman’s job does not end after returning from
work, she has to mind the home chores, besides attending to her
husbands services. Thus, the working woman, soon after her return
from work, transforms into a house-maid.
As soon as a woman reaches puberty she is constantly haunted with the fear of marriage and its responsibilities. In some cases she is even threatened with physical violence at her matrimonial home. Gripped by constant fear, she is always under the spell of the dreaded word talak (divorce). Islam allows a husband to have four concurrent wives at any time. Religion has cast a permanent fear in her; she could never be free of such terror. She always feels insecure.
In conclusion, we must comprehend that poor women of our society
must be freed from such despicable physical and mental torment.
Progressive outlook can bring such a change. Unfortunately, there
are plenty of obstacles on this road for the emancipation of our
women. The only viable step to free our women from the bondage of
fear, anxiety, and physical torment is to create awareness in women
about their rights. A woman under the spell of religious apartheid,
social restrictions, and financial dependence is a mental wreck. It
will not be easy for her to break such formidable barriers. But
break she must. She must assert herself as a human being, not as a
This essay was based on the writings of various authors. I am
deeply indebted to them.
Nari (women), Dr Humayun Azad
Rahul Sankrittayon
Dan Brown
Bertrand Russell
Various religious sources
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Eka is a progressive Muslim woman from Bangladesh.
Name: first all muslims must be given secular education in english
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 02:16:42 -0500
first all muslims must be given secular education in english medium.Then only they can rationalise and socialise.then they acn be easily made to humnists or atleast not fanatic muslims with jihad mindset.Freedom of thinking is essential resourse of every man.
Name: In Ancient India women were given considered equal to men
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 04:45:10 -0500
I do not agree with the author's view regarding position of women in ancient India.Prior to advent of islam women in india were not veiled, they were treated with utmost respect and dignity.They were studying vedas and receiving education.Infact as per vedas soul is genderless only bodies have genders.The soul entering in different bodies behave differently due to nature or pratriti under its tamas, satava and rajas guna..Adi shankara cahraya had a famous debate(shastrath) with mandap misras wife on vedas, when her husband suddenly fell ill.This learned lady had debates with him, finally on the debate on kaam , adi shankara could not answer certain questions of her as he just had therotical knowledge from vedas not the practical one due to being naishtik brahmachari, so with his divine/higher yogic powers he detached his soul from his body and entered into prayag's kings body and lived in it for six months as married man. Finally he returned back into his body continued the debate and won it.So this incident truly reflects the position of women in hinduism. Further, Kalidaas's wife tilottama was a scholarly princess who had defeated many scholars, finally all the scholars joined together took revenge on her by organising debate with kaalidas, saying he is our guru but he doesnot speak he will only answer by signs.She got defeated and as per her vow got married to him. Arjuna in mahabharat got married to chitragangda who was a senapati, and princess. Lord shiva's wife Parvati herself is a yogini and learned of vedas.Further gargi guru of janak and mata seeta was bal brahmachari.There is a famous debate of hers with sage yagyavalyak on braham. Sushma Londhe writes in her book/website a tribute to hinduism "In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -"Shakti'' means "power'' and "strength.'' All male power comes from the feminine. Literary evidence suggests that kings and towns were destroyed because a single woman was wronged by the state. For example, Valmiki's Ramayana teaches us that Ravana and his entire clan was wiped out because he abducted Sita. Veda Vyasa's Mahabharatha teaches us that all the Kauravas were killed because they humiliated Draupadi in public. Elango Adigal's Sillapathigaram teaches us Madurai, the capital of the Pandyas was burnt because Pandyan Nedunchezhiyan mistakenly killed her husband on theft charges." Further Louis Jaccoliot, the celebrated French author of the Bible in India: Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation said: "India of the Vedas entertained a respect for women amounting to worship; a fact which we seem little to suspect in Europe when we accuse the extreme East of having denied the dignity of woman, and of having only made her an instrument of pleasure and of passive obedience." He also said: "What! here is a civilization, which you cannot deny to be older than your own, which places the woman on a level with the man and gives her an equal place in the family and in society." Gloria Steinem, one of the pioneers of the women's liberation movement in the US, spent two years in India in the 1960s, and after her return to the US she helped to launch the feminist movement. She writes in her autobiography that it was her experiences with women's empowerment groups in India that inspired her later work in the US. Testifying to the quiet continuance of an ancient tradition, Rabanindranath Tagore painted his famous watercolor Mother India in 1906, as a beautiful, ascetic goddess clad in pale saffron. This dreamy image became the artistic icon for the Indian nation during the struggle for independence. Bankim Chandra’s unforgettable song Vande Mataram inspired countless patriots to their martyrdom and still stirs, in everybody’s heart devotion to the motherland visualized as Devi." You can further read this well researched work on position of women in hinduism Infact sages have said where ever women is worshipped in that house resides God.Infact Goddess Durga is worshipped as female aspect of Almighty God. There are many women rishikas mentioned in vedas itself (more than 30)and saints in India. However with the incursion and invasion by islamic/arabic race women got veiled and lost their position for obvious reasons as they used to abduct and rape women.To save the dignity women especially rajput one started self immolating themselves on pyre.Vedas doesnot talk of sati pratha, swami dayanand saraswati has done immense work on it. It is true a nation/society can not progress it its women are veiled, bounded and kept illiterate. Both men and women at home are compared as the wheels of a chariot, if they are in harmony will spread peace and prosperity else will cause disharmony,misfortune for house/nation. In the modern times 1960s shankar mai jew, a lady is the lone surviving disciple of trailanga swami. So where is differetiation its only in mind and attitude, infact if women are educated and wise the house becomes swarg, thats my personal experience.
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 06:51:09 -0500
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 06:54:46 -0500
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 06:56:54 -0500
Name: Wagamama
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 07:13:02 -0500
Eka is a misguided author. Earlier she said men wandered naked prior to 85 BC and now she says Hindu women were oppressed. HAS SHE EVER HEARD OF THE TERM SWAYAMVARA? Swayamvara means every lady was presented with an opportunity to choose her life partner from a list of eligible princes that were standing in front of her. I was wondering if she has ever read Upanishads. There we find a woman scholar by name Maitreyi who challenges the scholars in a court pointing out their mistakes. What about Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai who fought against the British in the war of independence. What about Rani Chennamma, the first woman freedom fighter who lived in the 18th century? Half of the vedas were composed by women scholars. It is unfortunate that Islam watch is allowing communist writers such as Eka to publish their hallucinations.
Name: its aq real shame that eka is anti kafir pagan
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 08:21:05 -0500
its a shame that eka is anti kafir andit pagan.pagans always respect women,only hate based ideology judeo-chrtsinity-islam discriminate against women.let eka read kafir pagan hindu books like ved upanishad,purana s etc and see women r not discriminated against the sati-burning was to not let women fall into her muslim brothers hands and get raped,so,pls be careful eka,learn more abt kafir pagan hinduism.
Name: Allah is NOT almighty
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 18:21:49 -0500
"We read in the Holy Scriptures that men and women were created by the merciful God. So how is it, according to the above hadis, that a woman is the creation of devil whereas, a man is not? Will it not be fair to say that men and women both are influenced by the Satan?" If Allah is responsible for all creation than he must also be responsible for the creation of Satan or did Satan existed like Allah to be his sparing partner. How convenient. Is Allah and Satan are the same?
Name: MA Khan
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 20:36:15 -0500
I think, Sati, female infanticide etc. predate Islam in India. "Jauhar", a practice committing suicide by jumping into fire by Rajput women, started with the invasions of Islam.
Name: Rashmi sahu
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 22:18:43 -0500
Sati was one of the name of King Daksha's daughter Parvati.When she was born it was foretold that she will marry an ascetic, so it was advised by yogi's that let her be propelled to admire shiva.Lord Shiva was a king of yogis, always in state of meditation and samadhi with his spiritual eye wide open with yogis practices. Finally she pleases shiva and gets married to him. However, some discord happens between shiva and daksha happens and shiva and parvati are not invited for a yajna conducted by daksha. Inspite of shiva's telling parvati not to go for the yajna, parvati goes there uninvited and was intensely humiliated by daksha, she could not bear the insult and jumps into the pious fire of yajna, immolating herself , henceforth she was known as sati. Vedas does not say of sati etc. Killing/slaying of even animals unless they are dangerous to human lives is not advocated, becoz you are unduly ending life of the soul from reaping the fruits of its karma/deeds. Female foeticide, dowry system etc are all against, becoz King janak had four daughters, savitri was the lone daughter of the king, Shakuntala inspite of marrying as per her wishes and conceiving was not thrown out by Rishi Kanb, all these things reflect high dignity for women.Vedas however say a characterless women/men should be punished by the kings. Veiling is against becoz it talks of control of mind, practice of brahmacharya, ahinsa in deeds, thoughts and action.Women is not treated as sex symbol but is entitled for her opinion and if she becomes a widow she has to decide her path, if she wants kids she can get remarried or go for Niyog , else she can pursue the path of self realisation. Shabari of ramayana had her guru has patang muni.Satyawati wife of shantanu was fisher women, before getting married to him she was married to maharishi parashar from whom she had maharishi Ved vyas as son.Her two daughters in law had got two sons Pandu and Dhitrata, and vidur(from a maid) by niyog paddati, further Kunti and pandu themselves have obtained 5 sons with niyog paddahti . However Duryodhan is the one who started illtreating women and misbehaving etc. After the great war of mahabharat vedas knowledge was not pursued and decline of india started.Women as per the vedas are sahadharmini and without them none of the yajnas are complete.Married men always sits with his wife for all ceremonies etc. Even vedas say women alone should do agnihotra to make her house prosperous. But still status of women was not so low as projected by britishers.We have to explore puranas which means history. There are enough evidence.But in islamic rule women reached the lowest status.
Name: Sadia afrin
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:22:53 -0500
some comnts r just like stupid comnts. Eka is a progressive woman . i like her articles ...and i can see tht she works and studies hard on it. and if u guys think tht these are worthless then write ur own article abt "VED ... Uponishod " etc ... Why the heck you are attacking sum1 else... @ Eka ...u keep going .. Best of luck ..
Name: RE:MA Khan
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:42:20 -0500
There are no records that female infanticide was pracrticed in ancient India. One more thing Sati was in vogue much before the Muslims came to India. However it was only practice by certain sections of the society such in the Gangetic plains of India. There are no records of Sati being a social practice in most parts of India. I think reliable sources should be quoted before making such claims.
Name: RE:Sadia afrin
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:47:51 -0500
Sadia neither you nor Eka are intellectually bright enough to understand the Vedas or the Upanishads. Unlike the Quran and Hadiths which are a stupid Mumbo Jumbo of desert Bedouins, the works that you mentioned were products of far advanced civilizations. Look at who Eka is quoting: Dan brown, a fiction writter, Bertand Russell, Rahul Sankrityon, Nari by Humayun Azad. If I have to criticicse Islam I go back to the Islamic texts written by Muslim authors, I read the Tafsir, hadiths, Quran. I dont read books written by people who have one agendda, ie., somehow look down upon the Indian civilization. One does not become progressive merely by criticising others by what they think.
Name: Re: MA Khan
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:53:36 -0500
Khan, before commenting on female infanticide and Sati I reckon you to do a history search. Megasthanes (Greek ambassador) visited India and lived there for a long time. He never mentions about what you have said. Al Beruni lived in India. He too never mentions that. Huen Tsang visited India to translate Buddhist scriptures to Chinese. We don't find that either. Like Eka why are you making false claims? If you are sincere to yourself after leaving Islam, then please take back your statement. Can you do that to maintain transparency?
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:53:48 -0500
Eka would you kindly site your sources before Quoting. You said that Hindu women were the most of all. Isnt this the same quote that most Bangladeshi writers use to justify the coming of Islam into the Indian subcontinent. I have not ever come across any evidence historical or otherwise that Hindu women were most subdued in the history of mankind. While making this comparison who are you comparing your ancestors with? Muslim, Europeans, Africans? Kindly refrain from making lame statements without being able to back them up with sufficient proof. I understand that in certain sections of the society suduing women was a norm and it still is. However to generalise it all Hindus is nothing short of ignorance. Simply because you dont have enough facts does not entitle you to criticise some one, without going in to the historical context.
Name: What freedom?
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:04:34 -0500
The history of Jewish persecution, he is equally forthright–‘It’s no mystery why this has existed, Zionist have done things that have caused people to dislike them. Take for example all those centuries of ‘persecution’ by the Christians–Well, let’s not forget that this relationship began with the Jews persecuting the Christians, something no one ever talks about, but a fact nevertheless. In almost every case, the Christian countries drove them out for good reasons, whether it was their business practices or their ritual murder of Christian children, something proved true by Jewish professor Ariel Toaf in his recent book. The Talmud and the behavior it produces has been the source of all their troubles…It’s a book of racism and hatred of gentiles, pure and simple. A black is only slightly above a monkey. Gentile women–even children–can be raped and it’s ok…What other religion teaches stuff like this? Certainly not Christianity. The Jew is on a hell-bent collision course of justifying himself and cannot get on his knees and say ‘I’m sorry’ to anyone, and especially not to God.’
Name: Sadia afrin
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:04:37 -0500
u guys forgot that author already wrote "Various religious sources ". so pls note it .
Name: RE:Sadia afrin
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:37:52 -0500
Various religious sources???? Name them, even I can say that Ayesha used to have sex with every man who came to her house. I can claim that you are a big time liar or thief and say I have sources. This is exactly what the Muslims do. Quote the exact verse, and the text. There is another very important thing that you have to remeber Sadia, you have to quote from sources approved by Hindus and not Muslims and Christians. We dont use books like the Al-Koran of Muhammad written by a Christian scholar to disapprove Islam. No we use books written by Tabari, Ibn Isaac, Ibn Taymmiyya, Muslim to disprove Islam. Just like Zakir Naik uses third rate publications by unknow Hindus posing as scholars to prve that Muhammad is Kalki, Eka cannot just wrtite varied religious sources and get away. She has made a claim which she has to authenticate. Yes ofcourse there should be criticism of Hinduism or any other religion for that matter. But the criticims should be in right direction with relevance. If Eka cannot even write English, how are we supposed to assume that she knows Sanskrit in which most of the Hindu texts are written. Even if she is using a translation whe should quote that.I am pretty sure that Eka has not done her homework. I am barely concrerned whether Eka is a progressive or a regressive woman. The point is dont make up stories about the things you dont understand. Write in context and write the truth.
Name: Indian culture especially Hinduism has prolong bias
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 03:02:42 -0500
Indian culture which was based on vedas was known as sanatan dharma. We all know how it is called as Hinduism.Regarding position of Indian women I quote authentic interpretation of vedas from Swami ramswarup ji "Ancient times means up to the Bhagwat Geeta time. Because at that time also the knowledge of Vedas was in force according to Vedas every Arya/Hindu used to do worship by performing holy Yagya (Yajna) and they used to practice ashtang yoga philosophy by which they had controlled five senses, five perceptions and mind. As said in Ramayana about Shri Ram, "SHRUTI PATH PALAK" i.e., Shri Ram used to discharge duties of any kind according to four Vedas and so were his public and the public up to Mahabhart war. Study of four Vedas will reveal that there is no difference from man or woman, boy or girl. It is stated in the Rigveda MANTRA 8/1/6 that O! God, you are more than to my father and brothers but you are equal to my mother. Again it is said, "mata nirmatri bhawati" i.e., mother makes the future of the children bright. Rigveda mantra 8/34/19 says, "ISTRI BRAHAMA BBHUVITHAH" i.e., the woman is herself Brahma. The God has given this Supreme title to a woman. There are so many Ved mantras where the girl and woman have been praised. But after Mahabhart war the study of Vedas started going to an end and arrogant thus made their own rule as also said by Tulsi in his Ramayana Uttra Kand couplet 97(a) and verse 1 to 4 under the said couplet. So Sati pratha and cruel ruling on the woman started after Mahabhart war and specially within two thousand years. For example it is being said that Shri Ram sent Mata Sita to jungle and Luv & Kush were born in jungle. The hundred percent true proof is available in Valmiki Ramayana wherein Shri Ram did not do this bad deed. Sita was in Ayodhya with Shri Ram and Luv-Kush were born in palace. And Tulsi has also not written the said story." (you can read full artical at mughals and britishers have culturally destroyed india for obvious reasons. The bias is reflected in distored Indian History ( the destruction of temples earlier claimed by hindus is now being accepted by muslims who have started searching for truth), Aryan Invasion theory, always distorted interpretation of vedas which is full of allegory and many more. Britishers and mugals wanted to divide India and rule, they wanted to infuse inferiority complex they did and succeeded. I would like to quote the words of Lord Thomas Babbington Macaulay (1800-59), the first Law Member of the Governor-General's Legislature and is best known for introducing English education in India. Speaking in the British Parliament, he said on February 2, 1835 the following: “Such wealth I have seen in this country (India), such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which (backbone) is her spiritual and cultural heritage. And therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation”. Further, in views of Koenraad Elst (1959 - ) a Belgian Indologist has pointed out: "Hindu Society has been suffering a sustained attack from Islam since the 7th century, from Christianity since the 15th century, and this century also from Marxism. The avowed objective of each of these three world-conquering movements, with their massive resources, is the replacement of Hinduism by their own ideology, or in effect: the destruction of Hinduism. Dear Mr Khan, Eka, Mr ibrahim currently we hindus Know what is ailing our nation india and Hindu socity, we are and will silently revolutionise our society, our main enemies are brown sahibs/politically correct hindus and romilla thapar of india, who doesnot allow us to unite, who have made sanskrit (the most admired language by intellectuals)extinct, so that we should not be able to know our proud past. Further i would say i may have a bias i am an indian and a hindu, what about people of far west who have left everything and adopted hinduism and are ascetics who teach us what is our real hinduism. I give references to all of you, to establish truth on your own are americans who are ascetics and have adopted sanatan dharma at orelando), Kuaii maonastery in america established by Swami sivayya Subramania( there quaterly magzine is hinduism today available digitally). The reflections of Indian culture can be seen in China, russia, Japan.You can not ignore now the vast array of archarological evidences( can read with proofs at I request people to criticize and critically examine everything but with a open mind.The bias against hindus is instilled since birth in muslims and christians.Before you write please read these informative websites.Truth is supreme it can not be subdued, it may be covered up , but at the right time it again surfaces.I follow vedas but doesnot see any thing wrong in idol worship.To understand vast metaphysical aspects propounded in vedas is not easy especially by person who does not posses self realisation and excellent command of sanskrit.We must read from all resources and then conclude unbiasedly which doesnot happen.
Name: The truth will set us free...
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 03:05:07 -0500
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel." Jews May Lie to Non-Jews Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile. Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals. Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows. Insults Against Blessed Mary Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. Gloats over Christ Dying Young A passage from Sanhedrin (Talmud) 106 gloats over the early age at which Jesus died: "Hast thou heard how old Balaam (Jesus) was?--He replied: It is not actually stated but since it is written, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old."
Name: people from different religion have taken it as a chance to show that their religion is flawless and best
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:21:43 -0500
How many Gods and Goddesses in Hindu religion? How many rituals and religious events in "sanatana" dharma? I guess, Uncountable. There are so many religious books/epics in Hinduism. So, it is obvious that thousand debates/arguments/contradiction will be there. So, no one bothers to talk about this "haphazard" religion. Those who r so supportive and caring for their own religion, should notice that the author clearly mentioned here "We learn from history that Indian Hindu women were the most oppressed in the world." She already mentioned that we learn from history. So, y u people are quoting text from "veda-ramayan" and other books. If u want to show- off ur knowledge about Hinduism, then u should find some other place like-mandir,dharma-shala or at best religion class. This place is not for u .U should open another site for appreciating/criticizing hinduism. I have noticed earlier that so many people comment here just to prove that their religion is best. This site is not for organizing “the best religion contest.” "satidaha pratha" was introduced in Hinduism. As far as I know, no other religion forced women to burn themselves with their dead husband. Widows were not allowed to marriage.Caste system,children marriage and so many other negative things were introduced by this religion.If some one can prove that sati-burning never exists, widows were never tortured s/he is welcome. In this article the author stated that, women were treated well in any religion. Not even in Islam. Islam is known as the latest religion and there is only one GOD in Islam. Islam allow widow-marriage,it gives right to live,right to property.But ex muslims have researched and found so many lacking and flaws in Islam. They are progressive and dare enough to discuss/publish these flaws. For this, they can compare negative sides of various religions. This is the main issue. But people from different religion have taken it as a chance to show that their religion is flawless and best.
Name: people from different religion have taken it as a chance to show that their religion is flawless and best
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:25:52 -0500
correction-women were NOT treated well in any religion.
Name: dd
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:57:08 -0500
"one cannot escape the truth that while women of other religions have done fairly well in education the Muslim women lagged behind." One also cannot escape the truth that muslim men have also lagged behind in education thanks to the madrasa system. "The British also introduced in India the concept of modern civilisation. This is evident from the development of progressive mind due to the influence of the British education system. " Have you heard of the stockholm syndrome? Where the hostages start taking the side of the kidnappers? That is what this is. Denigrating our great civilization and praising imperialists and colonialists who drained the wealth and self esteem of India for more than 200 years.
Name: dd
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 10:04:13 -0500
"The British also introduced in India the concept of modern civilisation." It was the riches of India that led to the discovery of America and development of Europe as a sea power. In their greed to find the riches of India they had to make themselves sea worthy. The proof of this is native Americans are called Indians and parts of America are named Indies. India was the richest country of the world for thousands of years. It was her manufactured products spices that made her rich. So India had a great civilization thousands of years before Britain was just a band of tribes conquered by the Romans. Now I agree that Europeans have achieved a lot but to say that they are responsible for India's development is like saying the Romans were responsible for the development of Britain.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 10:09:03 -0500
I apologize if I have hurt feelings of my Hindu friends by expressing my presumption about Sati, female infanticide. I thought Atharva Veda and scriptures like this, predated Islam, so was Sati. Alberuni did not mention Sati, child infanticide etc. so did not other Muslim historians but Ibn Battutah did say about Sati. That means Ibn Battutah lied. Similarly, I am also doubtful that Muslim historians ever talk about female infanticide. This problem might have been created by the British as we start hearing about it from that time-point as they made effort to stop the practise. I even have started wondering if female infanticide at all exist in India. These are all probably British propaganda, perpetuated by modern media---all for maligning Hinduism. I think my Hindu friends would agree with me.
Name: dd
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 11:01:26 -0500
"We learn from history that Indian Hindu women were the most oppressed in the world. Raja Ram Mohon Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar pioneered the emancipation of Hindu women. They, however, did not want the full freedom or equal rights of Hindu women. They wanted to establish the fundamental rights of a Hindu woman, such as: right to life, and the right to earn a living. " Curiously I am yet to come across any Hindu woman who says she is oppressed. All this talk of oppression of hindu women comes from muslims and ex-muslims who had been brain washed into thinking that hinduism is oppressive, I think. You have been oppressed by Islam and you project your experience as the experience of all. Now I might be in error in this so if you will show me any essays by Hindu women who say they have been oppressed I will correct my opinion. And I am not a Hindu, if that is important to know.
Name: To: MA Khan
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 17:52:51 -0500
I apologize if I have hurt feelings of my Hindu friends by expressing my presumption about Sati, female infanticide. >> No worries, take it easy;;;;; I thought Atharva Veda and scriptures like this, predated Islam, so was Sati.>> Presumption is dangerous. However, Atharva veda has nothing to do with Sati. The term Sati doesn't appear in Hindu scriptures;;;;;; Alberuni did not mention Sati, child infanticide etc. so did not other Muslim historians but Ibn Battutah did say about Sati. That means Ibn Battutah lied.>> At the time of Alberuni, Hindu kings were strong enough to resist the Jihadis. Ibn Battutah didn't lie. When Mozie piggs started looting and ransacking properties and carried away Hindu women, sati then became a practice. Please refer to Akbarnama wherein you find 25,000 captured Hindu soldiers were beheaded by Akbar when he attacked Jaipur. The Hindu wives of the soldiers committed Sati to escape from the clutches of barbarian Muslims. Got it sir? Similarly, I am also doubtful that Muslim historians ever talk about female infanticide. This problem might have been created by the British as we start hearing about it from that time-point as they made effort to stop the practise;;;;; >> Female infanticide is a phenomena of last 150 yrs. Refer scriptures before you presume: yatra nari pujyati tatra devapi ramyante--meaning whereever women are revered there Gods reside. janani janmabhoomishcha swargadapi gariyasi, meaning mother and motherland are greater than heaven. Earth is worshipped as Godess in Hinduism. Things have changed only in the last 150 yrs or so. You see women in North India covering their heads with sari, whereas in South India you don't. This is because Hindu women in North India were an easy prey to Mozies, and hence restricted themselves to four corners of the house. Whereas Muhammedan effect was less in South India and hence u dont see women covering their heads with sari. You see Khan, you got to reason out things.;;; I even have started wondering if female infanticide at all exist in India. >> It does but only in some villages. Our scriptures do not preach that. If some Hindus like Muslims are following it, then it is a mistake. Proper measures should be taken to curb it.;;;;; These are all probably British propaganda, perpetuated by modern media---all for maligning Hinduism. I think my Hindu friends would agree with me.>> Don't be satirical Khan. Hindus accept facts n are not like your Profart Muhammed. We believe in constant evolution. You got to reason out things. Since you have come out of Islam only a few years ago, your brain cells are still not up to the mark.
Name: There should be healthy debate, we hindus are not hurt, but authentic sources needs to be quoted
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 00:26:20 -0500
No need to be sorry Mr Khan, we are not hurt, infact hindus have a system called shastrath(debate), to arrive at truth we should debate and who wins other have to accede to him. Friends we should not be abusive to any body, it portrays low emancipation of a soul. Regarding Hinduism the authority is undoubtedly vedas, the civilisations foundation was based on it, Hindu civilisation is called rishi parampara, these great men lived in forest used to do Havan/agnihotra, do intense tapasya by astanga yoga (listening, speaking and following, adhering to truth; strict adherence to non violence, purity in thought, action&deed, Non hoarding of material objects etc,). Before burning of Nalanda and Takshashila university there were many upnishads(these are recordings of querries between Guru and disciple),scholars believe more than 200 upnishads were their but now only 18 are remaining, there are 12 Puranas, there are few treatise, which truly reflects state of ancient India.Their is not one realised soul or i should say not only one soul who has achieved that status of oneness with God. Their authority is Vedas and direct experience through the state of Samadhi. Infact every body is entitled to to achieve this state. However lot of discrepancies have come post declination of knowledge of Vedas. The problem started in India when people without self realization started interpreting Vedas and started deriving their own meanings. Even britishers without knowledge of Sanskrit willfully misinterpreted Vedas to spread christanity. The graet Aryan invasion theory by max muller is a living proof. Max muller on his death bed admitted that he was wrong. He said whosoever were Aryans they were great men. Further never a white race will accept the supremacy of India, due to prejudice and imperialist attitude which is inherent in both islam and Christian race. We must ask an honest question to self why every wanted to discover India? Further the practices followed in particular family, society is their choice. We all are free to do what deeds we wants. But Vedas does not say all the said this things by author. However in mahabharat Madri herself set on the pyre of her husband , becoz she tought herself to be the cause of death of pandu, that was her own wish. Yes I accept on the names of Vedas varnashram was made by birth, which gave rise to untouchability, the advantage of which britishers took and Christian missionaries took. But in my view slavery/bandhua majduri , jamindaar pratha came post Islamic invasion. Both Christianity and islam support this, as at that time in jewish society it was practiced and both the religions came from same root. From time to time in every society evil practices were prevalent we should eradicate it.
Name: Manisikha Lahiri
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 02:19:42 -0500
I fully agree with the author...but hindu women r also like this male dominated society...women can't express their she a muslim or hindu...
Name: Indian Democracy
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 11:32:43 -0500
Without the British, India will never know democracy.
Name: Sunny
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 21:39:52 -0500
Hinduism, being one of the oldest religion on earth, has undergone many reforms over time. There are some social problems, but they will eventually go away with education and awareness. Despite it's drawbacks, it has many good features. In Hinduism, there is a concept of "Moksha" or salvation which can be achieved by pleasing God and by denouncing worldly pleasures and leading a saintly life. It does not preach hatred towards other religions. It does not thrust it's ideology on others. There is no threat to world from Hindus. It believes in freedom of faith. It believes in peaceful co-existence with other religions. Unlike Islam and Christianity, there is no concept of converting people forcefully. A Hindu women is far more free than a Muslim women. As a Hindu, I am "free" to lead my life in my own way and nobody forces me to follow a certain path. It's solely upto me. I have many choices to pick up if I want to attain God. I am proud of my religion and consider myself very blessed by having born as Hindu.