Imam Mahdi aka Zakir Naik
14 Nov, 2008
- To begin with Zakir Naik is a Muslim apologist who is a proponent of the Wahabi sect of Islam. He happens to live in the Indian city of Mumbai (earlier called Bombay). The reason why I am not calling him an Indian Muslim is because he himself prefers his Muslim identity over Being Indian or anything else. This man is famous for his Pompous, unscholarly, illogical and gullible presentations. Zakir Naik has managed to fool millions of gullible Muslims. though his target audience are the south Asian Muslims, he has quite a fan following in Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Zakir Naik is the chief Honcho of an organization called Islamic Research Foundation (IRF). Besides luring the unsuspecting Kafirs into the Islamic cult and training Muslims into Da'wah techniques, IRF has diversified itself and is now undertaking various operations. (What would we do without Saudi Petro Dollars). IRF runs Islamic schools throughout India where Muslim children are caught young and are cast into the Wahabi Islamic mould.
Nothing special about this, there are various other Islamic organizations who are undertaking such endeavors you might remark. Well, here is the catch, apparently Zakir Naik , who probably believes that he is Imam Mahdi (the Islamic Messiah) has invented a new form of Salah (Obligatory Islamic prayers). However his narcissism does not end here as he forces all those associated with him to follow his newly devised prayer method. No exceptions are made.
Another interesting fact about this mysterious showman is that he loves to speak amidst large crowds. Every time he holds one of his flamboyant presentations the parents of children studying in his schools are told to be in attendance. Any parent missing out on even a single seminar has his children face the flank net day at school. I guess this pretty much explains for the large crowds that Naik is able to command in his Seminars.
Just about anybody with an average 10 who happens to see even a single video of Zakir Naik will know that the techniques that Zakir uses to fool those listening to him. His speeches are nothing but half-baked truths and complete lies well packaged. However what most people don't know about these seminars is that most of the questioners in the Q&A round are Zakir's own men. They have already been given a list of questions which they are supposed to ask and the great Scholar that Zakir Naik answers them. Outsiders usually are not allowed to asked questions and even if they are, their questions remain unanswered. people like these are told to come to the IRF office to get answers to their questions, which obviously is a bluff. The strategy is very simple, keep delaying till people would just get tired and fed up of waiting for the answer and would finally give up.
All said Zakir Naik is a sure intelligent fellow, as he has been able to start his own TV channel called Peace TV which in turn adds to his already overflowing revenues. I am sure that Zakir Naik must be laughing up his sleeves on his way to Allah's paradise
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Ibrahim Lone is Kashmir-born ex-Muslim.
Name: Indian kafir
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 22:52:27 -0500
It is very heart-warming that Muslims from places like Kashmir are also joining the fight against the scourge of Islam that has afflicted our motherland for more than a thousand years. Moderates like Zakir Naik are the next generation ideologues who will provide legitimacy to this vicious and poisionous cult and help its scourge on humanity.
Name: zakir did not answer to my question and his followers pushed me out
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 02:41:52 -0500
i am indian ex-muslim.i also live in mumbai.i asked zakir a question that if jesus was virgin born who gave him the x chromosome as male has x-y chromosome and x come sfrom father. beside this i also asked him abt question was cut shrot mid-way and i was literally pushed out of the airconditioned hall in south mumbai where he was giving sermons. this is fact but no one will accept it. i want to challange zakir naik.i may do it through some hindu friends as i fear for my life from this saudi jihadi.zakir is a real farud and he must be stopped to save native indian akfir pagan culture.
Name: Why condemn Zakir Naik?
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 03:11:47 -0500
Muslims, Jews and Christians believe in one God (allah) to lie to about how we scared an atheist, which we all know wouldn???t have the guts to say any of this to his face. A true muslim respects every body and every culture and in return they expect the same. If any one thinks that he is true and every body is wrong that's a big mistake. For reasonble people I could say keep your mind open and try to be good with every body. I hope the peace will come and we will enjoy our life without problems. Respect needs to be earned and as far as I can see the world portrats islam with no respect. Whats idiotic is that most Jews refuse to condemn their own evil in Israel. Making life so difficult in the occupied terroteries.. Even though most of the worlds greatest attrocities have been commited by BAD Chrisitians. And Now by bad Zonists. How ever we should not forget those good Chrisitians and Jews, we should give good and law abiding people all the protection possible. But are governments doing that all over the world? Does the UN ever follow that up? Due to bad publicity we tend to get it wrong, that islam dosent teach you to welcome the invaders, islam teachs to show mercy to good Individuals no matter which faith they belong to. but not if you are attacked or if Muslims are attacked they have the right to hit back, If their land and property are taken they have the right to take it back. They will never surrender or welcome the tyrants, no matter what, they will not like to loose their honour for vain glory things. So now you should know why there is resistence? so when your country gets invaded. when YOUR PEOPLE FAMILY GET TORTURED, SLAGHTERED, MURDED AND HUMILIATED. YOUR NOT GOING TO FIGHT BACK. AND IF YOU DO FIGHT BACK YOU ARE LABELED AS A now WHO OCCUPIES WHOS COUNTRY. WHO HAS POWER, WHO IS KILLING THE INNOCENT....ITS UNBELIEVABLE HOW THICK! PEOPLE CAN GET. To the elusive out there - as made obvious , Zionistist indicts itself - you don't need some some conspiratorial Islamic propaganda to do it. So the question is - what are YOU going to do about it? I am so tired of hearing excusing about this religion being hijacked. Why hasn't Christianity "stamped out" the "radicals" in the church? Even the old Christian lady I'm living with at the moment agrees that there are evil people in all religions. Its proven that Islam is even more misunderstood than ever before. ISLAM IS all about peace and love. people are judging the religion by it's followers who may themselves be ignorant of the beautiful religion. All they have is some heredetary cultural pride which results in massacre and violence. What people need to do is study the RELIGION rather than the followers.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 03:53:11 -0500
Zakir Naik is a stooge of Saudi Arabia- he upholds Saudi Arabia as an ideal society and their practices of sunna as models to be followed. This scum lives on Indian soil and denigrates its culture just because he receives alms from his Saudi patrons. He is a fraud, a traitor and an amoral scum all rolled in one , and this goes for all those who find patronage in his"Peace TV" like Israar Ahmed,etc. at best he is a conman making hay with promoting the cult of islam ,as he is an utter failure in his medical profession just that other scum "Dr". Israar Ahmed.
Name: To hardcore Islamist
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 04:12:46 -0500
To say that Islam is a religion of love and peace is a delusion. Islamists say Islam is a religion of peace when they are outnumbered or in a weak position. When they get the upper hand the true face of Islam is unmasked: intolerant and inhuman.
Name: To - Why condemn Zakir Naik?
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 07:24:59 -0500
I am a Indian. All the while i was told to hate Muslimas. Now i know real truth. it is not the muslimas who making this world a bad place. Yes it is some group of the peoples who doing bad. Yes this people are a tiny nation in who killed and murdered the phalasteneans. My country banned the Israelis, but after they signed the fake peace agreement my country had diplomatic relationsionships with israel. big mistake. israel is bad country. denying the phalasteneans the righ to self determination. Thank you for highlighting this to all. NAMASTEY
Name: Nusratali From Pakistan
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 11:56:50 -0500
wonderful sir.I too have observed that behaves like a magician or showman. He gives many strange logics like a child. Anyhow for that matter islam itself is an example of illogic, childish,magic and showman like hoax. Beter it is if all muslims understand the empetyness of islam.They will be liberated soon from this darkness.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 12:54:53 -0500
It is heartening to note that a considerable number of Moslems from INDIA, including kashmir, pakistan and bangladesh are opening their eyes to see the pure evil,poison, vengeful,cruelty, fascism of ISLAM ,discrimination and hatred towards all nonmoslems,kafirs,infidels and started renouncing and denouncing ISLAM as an evil ,primitive,dark killing cult of hatred. These are moslems with with good conscience ,honesty,sincerity,integrity,truthfullness in their hearts and wants to live as good ,pure human beings with wellfare of humanity and the world in their thoughts and deeds. So they denounce ISLAM as killing evil cult which brings out the worst in any human being. It is hoped more Bangladeshis, Indian moslems and pakistani moslems use their own intelligence,thinking power and rational mind to see the extreme evil,hatred,intolerance and killing that ISLAM is and come out of this brutal religion ISLAM.
Name: Don??t worry about Dr. Naik!
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 13:09:35 -0500
There are so many clowns out there but many believers will understand the truth on a later date. These people will never again believe in such stupid things. Thus, we must not waste all our time to discuss Dr. Naik. Future history books will regard him as the "islamic clown of science".
Name: Why we need Zaki Naik
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 20:50:22 -0500
Piss be upon you Zakir Naik. We need people like you to make Islam more incredible and prove our point that Muslims are gullible people.
Name: balam
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 04:39:00 -0500
Thank you Mr.Ibrahim Lone for telling the truth by exposing Zakir Naik,one of the greatest deceiver of our time.He is not ashamed to tell lies about other faiths with his twisted logic.He could not stand a chance if Islam and Mohammad were put under the spotlight and attacked.May God bless you and your courage.
Name: TO Mr. Why condemn Zakir Naik?
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 08:30:18 -0500
What people need to do is study the RELIGION rather than the followers. Dear Brother well said, You are talking about Israel, For example take Palmer plan as per this UK divided Palestine. They gave some land to Palestinians ok but do you know who made Palestinians??? home less first, If you talk about Israel and Palestine the argument never end. I agree with you if Somebody attack Muslims they have the full rights to hit back. But why you did not say the same thing and apply when Muslims attack other's. You will say not all Muslims. Please my brother if you are an Indian how much time Indian's are attacked by Muslim terrorist. I agree with you not all Muslims. As per yourself and you know and understand your Islam well, I am asking you one thing, when this bombings happening in India why you Islamic people not telling anything against it ,why? Yes I can hear some voices but it is very less. But when ever Shia Muslims hang Sadam even in Chennai too many protest, I doubt whether they understand Islam correct or you otherwise ME. Please my friend come out from the religious border and see the world You will not see holy things but you will see your fellow human.
Name: To: Don??t worry about Dr. Naik!
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 10:01:27 -0500
Dear sir, perhaps you are not aware of the fan following Mr Naik. That is why you are saying that we need not discuss him. We are not Discussing him for fun, rather to expose him for what he really is. You sound like you are on his side, now are u ?
Name: Re: To: Don??t worry about Dr. Naik!
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 13:56:54 -0500
All I intended to say was that Dr. Naik is not that dangerous because he is no more than a clown. He is a liar and since truth is against him, many of his followers will discover that he is wrong at a later date. These people will be immunized against islam and islamic pseudo science.
Name: Puneet Madaan
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 11:01:20 -0500
can we please drop him in Iranian air space ..... I think Ahmed-jallad will love to see Mehdi dropping from sky ( as it goes in the prophecies)
Name: seeker
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 12:07:32 -0500
According to an article published in Indias leading English newspaper Hindustan Times, Zakir Naik is in some sort of trouble with the Indian Muslims who are deeply offended by his speeches.He is believed to have declared that praying to Prophet Mohammed and seeking his intercession with God is heresy.He has also angered many Muslims by praising Yezid.He has also offended many by condemning Sufi followers as `grave worshippers`. The article says that excerpts of his video, praising Osama bin Laden are circulating in the internet,damaging the already wounded perception of Islam and its followers.Zakir Naik is a Wahabi ideology-inspired speaker.In the garb of inter faith dialogue he not only runs down all major religions, but also rubbishes as haraam(sinful)all Muslim devotional aspects that differ from his viewpoint.
Name: Re: seeker
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 15:59:17 -0500
Great comment and here I found the link: Even muslims (probably the more moderate ones) are denouncing Dr. Zaik Naik. There is nobody who can cause more damage to Islam than Dr. Zaik Naik!
Name: Muslims need a Mahdi like Dr. Naik!
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 16:15:01 -0500
Less than 5% of all muslims live in wealthy countries, in very oil-rich gulf states or in europe. Some live in Newly Industrialized Countries like Turkey, Malaysia or Indonesia, however, most live in very, very poor countries such as Bangla Desh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen or Somalia with absolutely no hope. These are the ones in a desperate need for Mahdis like Dr. Zakir Naik! And without oil, the situation would be even worse. Countries like Algeria or Egypt don??t produce enough food and they rely heavily on oil! Some countries are also running out of Groundwater! They only chance for them would be a secular government and better education for everyone. However, they all go into the opposite direction.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 00:43:00 -0500
No wonder Zakir Naik is doing like a clown, twisting logic here and there. His prophet Mohammad is the greatest clown ever lived on earth. Mohammad told funny things like camel's urine as medicine, wings of a fly contains toxin and its remedy, stars as missiles to be shot at devils etc. Now Zakir Naik as his good followers, using childish logic to teach Islam, ha ha ha .....
Name: muhammad hashim
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 05:22:09 -0500
mr ibrahim lone you are a big liar and no one is going to fuck off..mother fucker
Name: To muhammad hashim
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 13:41:35 -0500
You are displaying the characteristic Muslim response : foul language. Refute accusations with reason not curses. Perhaps this demonstrate the Muslim state of mind devoid of good reason.
Name: to mohammed hashim
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 03:28:05 -0500
If you don`t agree with the author ,rebutt his article in a dignified way. Please don`t use foul language.
Name: RE:muhammad hashim (From Ibrahim Lone)
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 05:35:26 -0500
Dear Muhammad Hashim. Here are the links of the website where you can get the video of the Press Conference in which your friend Zakir Naik was Blasted by the Ulema (both Sunni and Shia.Your kind words made me realise that you are definitely in need of help. besides the Videos are also available on YouTube. All you need to do is some research. Peace!!!
Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 05:04:12 -0500
Comment (most of videos about Mohammed & islam are ban in youtube, you can upload and download 100% about Islam in that site, Moahammed sex maniac according to Islamic law, Animals sex of Muslims according to Islamic Law, Pedophile & Rapist action of Muslims according to Islamic Law, Beheading and Massacre to all non-islam people according to Satan Allah Command, Women abuse & Child abuse according to Islamic Law, No Human Right, No Democracy according to Islamic Law, Complete Video set about Satanic Worship Islamic Satanic Religion....
Name: uiui7iu
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 00:52:44 -0500
who the owner of this site is a enemy of truth(islam).i d'nt know who r u. but in the day hereafter you will regret.just not baised think
Name: To uiui7iu
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 01:59:47 -0500
The people are living in misery in Islamic countries and that is sad and deplorable, their miserable condition the end result of the supposedly perfect and beautiful religion.
Name: RE uiui7iu
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 09:23:21 -0500
Oh no my dear, the owner of this site is the best friend that Muslims can ever get.He wants you to get rid of your stupid satanic cult, stop reproducing like rabbits, start get real education and real jobs, stop living on social security and reservation, stop killing innocent people, stop having inhibitions about ham and bacon. Actually he is doing you guys a favor, i think you should return the favor by asking more people to visit this site and FFI. This way you will learn more about the truth of your satanic cult and who knows you might even get a real job.
Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 10:32:35 -0500
Zakir Naik is a liar. I have written several articles to refute his tall claims like (1) A Few Questions to Zakir Naik on Islam, (2) Allah in the Vedas, Treachery of Zakir Naik, (3) Muhammad in the Vedas: Asinine Arguments of Zakir Naik, (4) Now Zakir Naik in the Rat-Hole and so on. My estimate about him is that he is a model. Rich Arabs produce video ads, using Z Naik as a model, for selling Islam. It is really amazing how being the president of a recognized institute like IRF, he propagates blatant lies in public gatherings. In fact, he is a mule among the donkeys called Muslims.
Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 10:59:35 -0500
Zakir Naik is out and out a liar. To refute his tall claims, I have written several articles like (1) A few questions to Zakir Naik on Islam, (2) Allah in the Vedas: Treachery of Zakir Naik, (3) Muhammad in the Vedas: Asinine arguments oe Zakir Naik, (4) Now Zakir Naik is in the Rat-hole and so on. But he has not come out of his rat hole to answer my questions. It is really amazing how he, the president of a recognized institute like IRF can propagate such dark lies in public gatherings. It reflects the low moral of the Muslims as a whole. My estimation about Zakir Naik is that he is a model. Rich Arabs produce video ads, using Z Naik as a model, for selling Islam. Many take him to be a scholar, but I consider him to be a mule among the donkeys, called Muslims.
Name: Mohammad Arkam
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 18:53:22 -0500
ibrahim lone is a hypocryte, an afraid person, a miser, lol he cant identify his knowledge, intelligence, he duznt evn cum near hz shoes!!
be afraid all of u! INSHALLAH ul get to know!