Love is the Sickness of the Heart
20 Nov, 2008
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“Love is the spring that flows from the heart of one Human to another and this emotion is what truly makes us human”. This is what I have always felt in my heart. No emotion, no act could be greater than loving someone. Perhaps it is the only selfless emotion that binds us as humans.
- However the same may not be the case with all of humanity. Maybe some people think differently. Yes, you have guessed it right. Good Muslims don’t consider falling in love with someone or loving non-Muslims as good; rather they see it as an evil. But what makes them think that this beautiful emotion is Evil and needs to be dreaded.
I will show below what the biggest Muslim scholars have said about falling in love with some one. Any claims by Muslims to say that these fawtas are personal opinions don’t withstand the litmus test. These scholars that I am going to quote are looked upon as men of great understanding of Islam.
Let me quote what Ibn Taymiyah said in his fatwas
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (10/129):
Love is a psychological sickness, and if it grows strong it affects the body, and becomes a physical sickness, either as diseases of the brain, which are said to be diseases caused by waswaas, or diseases of the body such as weakness, emaciation and so on.
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (10/132):
Loving a non-mahram woman leads to many negative consequences, the full extent of which is known only to the Lord of people. It is a sickness that affects the religious commitment of the sufferer, then it may also affect his mind and body.
From this outstanding 16th-century Muslim scholar, we can derive that one of the effects of love for a member of the opposite sex (forget about same sex) is enslavement of the heart, held captive to the loved one. So love is a door that leads to humiliation and servility. That is sufficient to put one off this sickness.
Let us move on see what this great scholar has to say about falling in love with someone.
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (10/185):
If a man is in love with a woman, even if she is permissible for him, his heart remains enslaved to her, and she can control him as she wishes, even though outwardly he appears to be her master, because he is her husband; but in fact he is her prisoner and slave, especially if she is aware of his need and love for her. In that case, she will control him like a harsh and oppressive master controls his abject slave who cannot free himself from him. Rather he is worse off than that, because enslavement of the heart is worse than enslavement of the body.
So you see you will fall in love with someone only if you don’t love Allah. Someone who loves the great God Allah is not supposed to love anyone for that matter. So all those who are Muslims or wannabe Muslims this is serious piece of advice from one of the most respected scholars of Islam.
Now let us hear the opinion of another (mis) guided slave of Allah and see what he has to say:
Ibn al-Qayyim said in Rawdat al-Muhibbeen (147):
If the cause happens by his choice, he has no excuse for the consequences that are beyond his control, but if the reason is haraam, the drunkard had no excuse. Undoubtedly following one glance with another and allowing oneself to keep thinking about the person is like drinking intoxicants: he is to be blamed for the cause.
So, if you happen to fall in love with someone, it is the same as taking intoxicants. This clearly shows that love has no place in Islam unlike hatred does: hatred for non-Muslim, hatred for the non-Muslim places of worship. Absolutely anything that does not fall within the purview of Islam should be hated by Muslims. When it comes to love, strangely it becomes evil. Perhaps Islam is the only religion in this world that condemned this noble human emotion in such strong words.
I also fail to understand the difference between Haram and Halal love. It's strange considering that Muslims tout Islam as a religion of peace and love. I wonder if the Muslims in the West today know more Islam than these fathers of Wahabism from Saudi Arabia which is supposed to be the spring from where Islam sprang.
Wouldn’t we just love to hear what CAIR has to say about this.
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Ibrahim Lone is Kashmir-born ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at
Name: No gospel of love in the Koran
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 00:37:44 -0500
The message of love for fellow human being is definitely absent from the pages of the Koran. What is in abundance is hatred for the unbelievers.
Name: humans without love and affection are worse than animals
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 00:53:32 -0500
humans with oput love and affection are worse than animals. Love is the power that bind the natue and living beings. Every human being should have the great feeling of love at least to some minimum level. Even animals also have some minimum grade of love. We may heard many tomes in media that some animal helping other animals ,feeding its rival animals. It is only mad islamists, corrupted by islamic virus can not love in spite of getting loved.
Name: The reason why there is no love in the Koran
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 02:41:45 -0500
Without love it is easy to murder the innocent and the helpless.
Name: ibrahimji,i think by far u r the best author on islam i hv read! keep it up !!!
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 02:42:04 -0500
ibrahimji,i think by far u r the best author on islam i hv read! keep it up !!!
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 04:28:34 -0500
What is Islam? It is the sickness of mind! It is a barbaric and filthiest cult. It doesn't like civilised behaviour. Love, compassion, goodwill, empathising with fellow human beings ,helpling the downtrodden and the suffering has no place in Islam. It encourages only blind faith upon pain of torture and death! It is the biggest curse on Humnanity!
Name: DH
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 08:09:20 -0500
"If a man is in love with a woman....his heart remains enslaved to her, and she can control him as she wishes....he is her prisoner and slave, especially if she is aware of his need and love for her. In that case, she will control him like a harsh and oppressive master controls his abject slave who cannot free himself from him." Just because a Muslim said it doesn't mean it isn't true sometimes at least!
Name: Ibn Taimiya - The crazed Brain of Islam!
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 10:22:51 -0500
He did not only slam love, but also science. He was resposible for the end of the Golden Age of Islam, when he was of the opinion that rationalism and science impose a real threat to islam. Maybe he was right in this regard, but he is responsible for the fact that Theology, Philosophy and Science could never develop in muslim countries, as well as democracy and Rechtsstaatlichkeit. He teached that it is legal to kill any leader who does not execute sharia law. All islamic terrorists follow Ibn Taimiya in this aspect, from Muslim Brothers over Hamas and Talibans to Al Qaeda! In other words: Ibn Taimiyas teachings belong to the intellectual scum of the world!
Name: what is to love?
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 12:35:34 -0500
If one that follows this cult loves and cares for someone, then that person would be also willing to die for that person. But if there is no love, then there is no problem. I looked at the picture of the man on this page and I can see the pure hatred on there. After all, isn't their so-called deity also one that hates everyone and everything?
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 22:36:07 -0500
Islam is a to the devil aginst every universal laws of humanity. It is a cult to the devil polished as if it is a religion from the Supreme Being. I take pity of people, who do not want to use their minds. After reading the articles in this website, one should start to look for the truth by himself. And Islam is a false religion, that's the truth. If you do not use your mind, then you are insulting God, the Supreme Being. He gives you head and fill it with brain, use it. Most Moslem forget this reality, that God gives them brains to be used. They are insulting God because they act like zombies, ha ha ha .....
Name: RE:Ibn Taimiya - The crazed Brain of Islam!
Date: Friday November 21, 2008
Time: 06:24:05 -0500
Friend. First of all there was no Golden age in Islam. It was the Turks who made Islam look great by conquering countries establishing empires throughout the world. The turks were great conquerors even when they were Pagan. But as is the case all the praise went to Islam. Secondly looking at the history of Islam, what Ibn Taymiyya did was not incorrect Islamically speaking. Ibn Taymiyya understood the Quran and Sunnah better than any of his contemporaries. He was the victim of Muhamad's cult is another matter. In banning music, gold, jewellery, arts, he was merely implementing the mandate of his prophet. Ibn Tayymiya was so certain of his knowlege that he told the Muslims to verify what his fatwas from the Quran and sunnah and not believe him blindly. Such confindence comes only in two conditions, either when someone is totally ignorant or one is knowlegable beyond words. Now he was no fool so the only way to gauge his teachings is to take it for granted that this man knew what he was talking about. Ibn Abdul Wahab the proponant of Wahabism wasa his greatest follower. What Wahab did needs not be told here. So better than curse poor Taymiyya, should we not understand the context of his teachings, and by the way Ibn Taymiyya's books are regarded as second for Islamic studies only after the Quaran, hadiths and the Sira.... Islam is the product of a sick mind and Ibn Taymiyya was its victim, that is how I look at it!
Name: Re: "Ibn Taymiyya was its victim"?
Date: Saturday November 22, 2008
Time: 03:34:11 -0500
There was a so-called Golden Age of Islam, however, not because of the Turks but because of the progress achieved in the fields of science and philosophy. At this time the Califate government supported the rationalists called Mutazili who teached not only greek philosophy and rationalism but also that the quran was man-made and that this revealation would not be valid for ever. Here we may indeed ask wether we should talk about a Golden Age of Islam or not because this age was less islamic than others. However, Ibn Taimiyya was indeed one of the main leaders who refuted the Mutazilites and putting the short islamic-rationalistic age to an end. It will never be clear what islam is the true islam, however, perhaps the Mutazilites islam was better than that what we have today. And Ibn Taimiyya is more than a victim. He is a main leader of the muslim Hulabula-irrationalism which rules "modern" islam.
Name: fear can be moulded to love easily
Date: Sunday November 23, 2008
Time: 01:03:41 -0500
fear can be moulded to love easily as both are born i the same mind. The perception and interpretation only differs. Let us revert the brain and cognition of islamists. They can become more loving humanists. Yes truth is so powerful.
Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 23:55:34 -0500
Comment Everything you need to understand the Danger of Islamic Domination Plan....
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 14:03:29 -0500
I did not know that Islam is such a major threat to some people that they have started this propoganda against the most beautiful relegions on Earth. It wasn't Islam who exploded The Atomic Bomb, or was it Islam that brought on the Jew Holocost? Was it Islam that wiped an entire Red Indian Tribe by giving them cholera infected blankets or was Islam also responsible for the way black were treated in USA...........No misled people Islam brought about the first bloodless victory of a city 'Fateh Mecca', Islam taught how 3 Great Nations could live in peace and harmony in Jeruselem, Islam spread the word of brotherhood and strove for a classless society where infront of Allah everyone was an equal this is displayed in the way muslims stand for namaz. Allah's last Prophet in his last sermon dispelled any cause for racism by saying there is no difference between a black and white person in the eyes of God except his Taqwa so don't thrash a relegion by surfing a few websites on the net. Our relegion teaches us to respect other relegions and that is why despite all that you have said about mine I cannot say a word against yours......My point was the atrocities comitted by some christians cannot make us point a blaming finger at all christians!
Name: To hardcore Islamist above
Date: Sunday November 30, 2008
Time: 12:17:54 -0500
Look yourself in the mirror. Are you mentally blind to the great human suffering caused by Islamist diehard fanatics blindly following a political-religious ideology invented by mass murderer, rapist, plunderer, pedophile Mad Mo.