Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Islam Friendly Toilets in UK Prisons

Keeping in mind the sensitivities, the aspirations and the cultural needs of the terrorists, prisons in UK have decided to be more Muslims friendly. This was exactly the need of the hour. After all terrorists have every right to freedom of speech and expression. That they would like to kill the very same people who extend these hospitalities to them is a different matter. In fact, it is no matter at all. After all, Islam is the only true religion and Muslims deserve to be treated as first class citizens wherever they are.

The politically correct administration of the UK has decided to keep the terrorists comfortable even while they are being tried for killing the vile Kafirs. The first step they have taken in this direction is to build a new toilets in the prison facilities which don’t face Mecca. Leaders of the Muslim faith reportedly told the Prison Authorities that it was an abomination for Muslims to face Mecca while answering nature’s calls.

A Home Office spokeswoman said that the new toilet facilities were being added keeping in mind the religious sensitivities of all faiths. She added that the money being spent would not add to the costs of the refurbishment programme. This is what I call real sense of justice and equality. Considering the fact that most of the prison inmates in Europe and the West are Muslims, prisons might even think of appointing full-time imams who would teach the inmates better ways of getting back at the silly Kafirs.

The cultural sensitivity bug has even bitten the American Prison Authorities. Keeping in mind the needs of the Jihadis to use special toilets, the authorities at the torture chambers have taken care that the Jihadis don’t have to use the toilets of the Kafirs. The picture shows the room layout a terror centre run by the USA in Guantanamo.

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Ibrahim Lone is Kashmir-born ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at

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Name: tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 14:45:27 -0500


As a point of fact, no toilet in the UK can directly face Mecca due to the curvature of the earth. Even if the toilet was oriented towards Mecca, it would actually "face" some spot in outer space.

Name: Non muslim
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 15:37:57 -0500


I don't see the even numbered stones (or was it uneven?) for wiping the criminal mumin's bottom.

Name: qwer
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 17:44:16 -0500


Why you don't make the toilet face directly to Mecca, so they will pray with their head toward the toilet?

Name: a Kuffr according to Islam
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 21:11:27 -0500


Why all these toilets, water, sink, odd stones, they let the toilets stink like their bloody islam -- They may also like it as they deserve it like their Qur'an hadith and sunnah

Name: political islam is the culprit
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 00:44:24 -0500


political islam is the culprit.Islamists are just drones or robots programmed by imams of ignorence and hate powered by quron. Just change the software .i.e .give psychological councelling to terrorists.This what being done in some prisons of indonesia.

Name: RK
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 01:40:57 -0500


what difference does it make if the bums of these bums face Mecca.

Name: if toilet faces mecca then earth must be flat
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 01:54:58 -0500


Name: balam
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 04:48:01 -0500


How far can the kafirs go to appease these Muslim criminals. Mohammad enjoyed the child sex,hence would the brainless kafirs offer their baby daughters or grand- daughters to please the Muslims. Mohammad must be laughing his head off in hell. For a Bedouin, Mohammad was extremely smart. He has managed to misguide over a billion souls.

Name: DH
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 08:11:36 -0500


If I ever end up in a UK clink I'm going to say my religion demands that I must use pages from al-Qur'an as toilet paper! I am sure they would be "sensitive" to my "needs"!

Name: I still can't figure out
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 12:39:50 -0500


if that really is a toilet or a hole in the floor. And, the person that pointed out that with the curature of the earth, unless you're in that country, you wouldn't be facing it at all. When I look out at the horizon, eventually (hypothetically speaking) I would be looking out at space. Would rather go live on Mars or the Moon right now.

Date: Sunday November 23, 2008
Time: 08:07:03 -0500


So what happens if non-muslim prisoners demand to shit in the opposite direction because they are proud to be kuffar?

Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 23:55:23 -0500

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