The Massacre of Humanity in Kashmir
18 Nov, 2008

- Assuming they were Army, these innocent people served them tea. Little did they know that they were Muslim Terror mongers in disguise?
Soon after receiving a signal that all the houses of the Hindus had been covered they started firing indiscriminately on these innocent people. Twenty four people including men, women and small babies were left dead in this massacre.
Manoj Kumar, the lone survivor of the massacre, went on to say later on that “group of masked gunmen came to my house at about 11:30 pm and forced all those inside to come out.” I jumped out of the wall of my house. As soon as my father, brothers and sisters came out, I saw the gunmen shooting at them. They were crying and begging for life”
Crying and begging as they were for their lives, these sons of Allah did not show the slightest of mercy. Perhaps, in their pursuit of Jennah (paradise), they had left humanity far behind to appease Allah by shedding the blood of Kafirs. After all they were vile animals in the eyes of Allah. What difference would it make if a few of them were slaughtered at Allah’s altar?
Hindus had been cleansed from Kashmir over the years with few families left. Incidentally, a well-known politician, belonging to the National Conference Party of Kashmir, was the one to provide the intelligence to these merchants of death. He provided them with the information about the location of Hindu houses, members of the family, etc. This incident took place on the night of Shab-e-Kadr (a Kashmiri Muslim festival).
Kumar had further told the police in his statement that "One of the gunmen spotted me and asked me to come out as well but I hid myself beneath a heap of sawdust stored in the house. They then opened fire from all sides of the house and probably believed that I too was killed in the firing."
So you see the Muslimeen sought to make sure that no Kafirs were
left alive to pollute Kashmir anymore.
The investigations came to a naught when the State Government of Kashmir (which was and still is hand in glove with their Mujahideen brothers) declared that the perpetrators could not be found and the case was closed.
Demands by Amnesty International to investigate this case were denied by the Government of India. The reasons that the Indian government, led by The Congress Party (read secular), gave to Amenity International for not allowing investigation was that it would create unnecessary tension between Hindus and Muslims in the country. They added that they did not want to victimize the Muslim community by allowing foreign investigation agencies. This is how they proved to the world what secularism truly means and stand for! The price of Kafir blood weighs down when compared to the Petro Dollars.
This incident happened at a place faraway from where most of you live, so did in Beslan. We all live in our comfort zones till we realize that our time has come. I ask of you to realize this menace today and do something about before it's too late. Yesterday it was the children of a Kashmiri Hindus, then it was the children of a Russian Christians; who knows whose will be next. But rest assured it will be one of us, the non-believing Kafirs.
The time has come for all peace-loving people of the world,
religious or not, to display unity and stand up to the menace of
Islam. If we don’t unite now, perhaps history will not give us a
chance again. It is time that we burry our differences and come
together as Humanity to cure this world of a disease called Islam.
For more information on this colossal human tragedy and pictures visit:
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Ibrahim Lone is Kashmir-born ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at
Name: YES iahhhhhhhhh
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 15:36:25 -0500
islam is racist and only reconizes itself,you cannot force a person to believe in your religon,in britain today,cause we aint allowed to call it ENGLAND, well im ENGLISH, not british,they give british passport to anyone !! the race card been wore out,like the dole,if i were in pakistan would i be allowed to curse pakistan and be housed kept for nothing while i rant hate aginst the country i live in NO NO NO if you losing play the race card,before long there will be no RACE CARD :))
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 21:43:57 -0500
Why not highlight the Massacre, of the Palstinian Muslims and Christians by the Occupied forces? After all the reason we are in mess is because no sollution is found for this big Issue.
Name: To the nameless chap above
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 21:48:08 -0500
Palestine belongs to Jews who have lived there since time immemorial. Mohammed said he sat on a donkey-like animal (Buraq) and travelled there (farther mosque). So Mozies thought it is their land and attacked Jerusalem in the late 7th century. Jews were driven out of their land. Now Jews have reclaimed their land. Better accept this fact and give back Kashmir to Hindus. End of story
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 23:39:09 -0500
The on going excesses on Kashmir non Muslims (especially Hindus) have never received the kind of coverage they deserved. The only news one gets to hear from Kashmir is extremely biased in favor of the Jihadis. The story of the massacre minorities of Kashmir needs to be told! As far as Palestine is concerned it is already receiving a disproportionate coverage by international as well as Arabic TV networks. The problem in Palestine is presence of Islam and Islamic Jihadi groups and not the Jewish people. The Jihadis act like cowards when they use small children and women as Human shields and then blame the Israelis of killing these innocent people. Palestine was Jewish territory long before the Arabs decided to spread their tentacles to Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Egypt. If anybody is a settler in Palestine it is Arabs and not the Jewish people who were Hounded out by Islamic hordes.
Name: <To Ibraham>
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 00:28:16 -0500
Very well said, Ibrahami. Muslims are not only a menace in Kashmir but entire India. They cannot live with Hindus or for that matter any other religion. It is a symptom with all monotheistic religions. West has done a good thing by separating religion from state. When Hindus retaliate against Muslim mobs, they are immediately branded as non-secular by the govt who favour Muslims. In India times are changing. Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs had enough of these Jihadi lunatics. As a result Congress is losing in all states. When there is sufficient Right-wing organisations, these jihadi mosquitoes will be terminated soon.
Name: Islam the outdated viral software to be booted out.
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 01:38:31 -0500
The kufrs as well as liberal muslims with modern values have to find out ways to remove and delete the affected humans/nations on a war footing. Time is very limited to eradicate this menace once for all and to advance to the next stage of Human evolution. I appreciate the use and excessive usage of internet to fight the evil that has creeped into the human brains. Let the west invest in cheaper PCs with internets and ditribute it to the whole region resisting any banning on anti islam sites. I hope with every village in this area having access to internet and free knowledge the Islamic world is going to collapse once for all. Internet is the solution.
Name: Muslims are parasites
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 01:53:56 -0500
Muslims' brain is filled with filth. They aren't ashamed of killing even babies. Islam means retrogradation in every aspect of life. There is no art, poetry, culture for this religion. They harp on the conquered nation, adopt the culture of that land claim as islamic. The seize the buildings belonging to other culture and claim they have built it (eg Taj Mahal, Gol Gumbaj just to name a few). They don't even leave places of worship. Once conquered, they are quick to uproot the idols and convert it into a mosque. They are disgusting parasites on earth.
Name: Helpless kasmiri punditds are not even getting sympathy
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 01:56:32 -0500
Helpless kasmiri punditds are not even getting sympathy.It is well known fact that india english media has petro dollars as part of investment.Politician do not think and talk about them for vote bank reasons.they are wandering all over india helplessly...
Name: very good ibrahimji,very good
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 02:06:45 -0500
very good ibrahimji,very good.pls expose islam more.i ask all to spread the word abt islam-watch, world so that world can be saved from nuke world war.
Name: Salman Tailorigokov
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 03:32:15 -0500
Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, David, Solomon, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be to all of them) Worshiped the One God, that’s Allah. None of the above wanted themselves worshipped. Instead wanted their creator worshipped. That’s why Jerusalem, which is supposed to be the city of peace, was built by Solomon to for the worship of the one God, Allah. Look what the present rulers of the land are ill-treating the Citizens, while the rest of us keep a deaf ear.
Name: RE: Salam
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 04:09:11 -0500
I figured out from your name that you are of Russian descent. Does it no make your heart bleed when innocents are killed. Why do you keep your eyes closed to this useless ideology called Islam. Wake up brother! The time they are a changing. Perhaps Bob Dylan had written this song keeping our times in mind. The prophets were no more than attention seekers who wanted to seduce people in believing what they wanted them to believe. Look at their lives. Other than Jesus, all of them committed the most heinous crimes, if all they existed. Just imagine you are following men of the sword. If you have to believe in a Prophet why not believe some1 like Buddha pr Krishna or the Bahaullah. They were men of peace. Why not follow them if you need to follow someone. Peace!!!!!!!!!!
Name: judaism is peaceful ?? hahaha ! what a joke
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 04:36:21 -0500
judaism is peaceful ?? hahaha ! what a joke.the god of bible is most barbaric and killed millions in floods is not created by any fake deity/jehova but evoled by nature,proof is in our genes. for more facts on barbaric nature of judaism/christianity pls read foll sites. , , ,
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 07:32:15 -0500
Prophets preached peace to the people who believed in it. Imagine Preaching to George Bush and Donald Ramsfeld who armed a tyrant and latter killed him even after they sold weapons of mass destruction. Dont you think the guys who sold these weopons too should be hanged? And what the hell are we doing trying to criticise a Perfect religion?
Name: To anti-Jewish fellow
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 08:02:11 -0500
Why you have such hatred to the Jewish-Christian faith? The Jews in Israel are trying to survive in the Middle East surrounded by hostile Islamic neighbors bent on destroying Israel. The Jews are not forcing mankind to the Jewish faith unlike the Islamist. The Christian faith on the other hand is the dominant religion in Europe and the USA the First World countries, world leaders in economic, cultural, scientific and technological achievements. In Europe and the USA freedom of religion is guaranteed as well as freedom of expression. Compare that to Third world countries especially Islamic countries where religious persecution, bigotry, poverty and human misery exist.
Name: RE:To anti-Jewish fellow
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 09:35:34 -0500
Dear friend, this anti jewish fellow is a Muslim disguised as a non Muslim. Muslims are shit scared of the Kouffar getting together, that is why they use these ploys to keep any unity at bay. Long the Kouffar nation, Down with Islamic barbarism!
Name: to : jews christians...i am not anti jew...i just am truthseeker
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 10:26:51 -0500
to : jews-christians : i am not anti jew,i am truth seeker.i say man is not created by jewish/christian or islamic arab is evoled by nature and proof is in our dna and genes. i dont beklieve in absurdity of virgin birth bcoz for this u need x-y chromosomes,and these cant be producted by imaginary being it req'es real human. i am pro truth,and when christians/jews say their man created religion preach peace it makes me laugh bcoz they themself forget their own history moses killed cannanites and hittites on saying of jehova to garb land and women.dont forget that.pls study bible even jesus was not a peacenik he was also warlike pls chk the sites i hv put up on the reply.i am pro truth and so it means i dont believe in lies of yr semitic fake pseudo monatheist religion from which muhamed got the idea of islam.islam is false and barbaric,but in the past so were judaism-christianity.i am pro life pro truth pro spirituality and peace for all.yr imaginary deity jehova wants to put all truth seekers [ those who dont bow to yr imaginary deity jehova ] in imaginary hell forever this cant be a true god,bcoz true god never will give any punishment like this.YR DEITY JEHOVA CREATED SATAN THE EVIL,SO JEHOVA IS ROOT OF ALL EVIL,I REJECT SUCH A FAKE DEITY AND FAKE RELIGION.i am pro peace,pro truth abnd pro life.i am anti voilence [ as shown in bible where yr deity drowned all living beings etc... pls chk the sites i put up ] i am for elimination of all gangster like fascist monatheist fake religion.i want truth to prevail. truth is not yr deity,TRUTH IS NATURE.
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 10:32:21 -0500
if jews want to survive they shud embrace truth that they r just humans a product of nature,not created by any false deity jehova as his chosen people,bcoz u r not chosen,u r deluded if u think so,some jews say they survived so much,we kafir pagans say we indians hindus r also survived more than u,so r we chosen people ? no ! all humanity is 1 family,and few deluded people in the false hope of WINE VIRGINS AND ETERNAL 24X7 SEX want to make others embrace their false faith.when jews and christians will expose truth of evolution then islam will be defeated,and world will be united as 1 family = unity in diveristy and diversity in and let live.dont force yr judeo-christianity falsehood on us kafir truthseekers. nature is truth and we worship nature.nature is true saviour let us save planet earth for our future generations from judeo-christian-islamic nuke says truth shall set u free,koran says truth shall stand out from error,ved-kafir pagan books say : sataym param dhimahi =TRUTH ALONE SHALL be with truth leave yr false religion and join the truth seekers and be freed and get salvation and help eliminate islam from the world.
Name: To anti-Jewish bigot
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 11:55:02 -0500
You are not really seeking the truth rather you are spreading lies and falsity about the Jewish-Christian faiths. The Bible says a man who does not know love does not know God. You call the truth as lies and you label lies as truth. Worshiper of animal god will never comprehend the existence of an Almighty Being capable of creating the universe.
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 21:49:35 -0500
Thanks Ibrahim Lone for highlighting this human tragedy of epic proportions.While the Palestenians have the Arab states solidly behind them these hapless people have no one to speak on their behalf.The Indian muslims prefer to maintain a deafening silence to their plight, while crying themselves hoarse about the Palestenians whom they have never even met in their life.I have read that a vast budget is allocated for the development Kashmir at the expense of other indian states.Yet they identify themselves more with the people across the border. It`s like falling into a pit from where there is no way out.I have known prosperous Kashmiris Hindus who fled kashmir and are now living in squalid accomodations given by the government in Delhi and elsewhere.They have lost all hope of going back to their ancestral lands.Mind you, thes peaceful and highly intellectual people were the original inhabitants of Kashmir untill the sword of Islam came to the valley centuries ago.It is brave people like you have seen the truth of Islam and are warning the rest about the danger this religion of `pieces` holds. I wish there are more kashmiri muslims like you.Are there?
Name: re-To anti-Jewish fellow-Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 23:55:46 -0500
The Questioned posed as to “Why you have such hatred to the Jewish-Christian faith”? Islam does not hate any religion, but ask these followers of these religions to open their minds and only worship the creator. So if the Jews in Israel are trying to survive in the Middle East surrounded by hostile Islamic neighbors bent on destroying Israel, who asked them to come to the Middle East. God who created mankind does not have special status for periticular race but gives a special status to mankind who follow his laws. That’s why heaven and Hell were made by the creator. So If the world bought the sympathy sold to them, it is the duty of these people who supported the creation of Israel to see that NO HARM IS DONE TO THE PALASTINIANS, that’s all. When the Palestinians are Raped, Murdered and forcefully evicted from their lands what do you expect these Palestinians to do , do you expect them to hold protest banners front of the aggressors or fight back? And what do you expect the neighbors of the Palestinians to DO ONLY TO HEAR THE COMPLAINS OF THESE PEOPLE?. The Jews are not forcing mankind to the Jewish faith unlike the Islamist, NEITHER DO ISLAM. These entire problem surfaced only after 1948. If the Islam wanted the whole world convertered to Islam they would have done it long time ago, but remember the Koran States that The Prophet and all Prophets were sent for purpose of only warning mankind. So if any who want to act like these so called Islamist whose main agenda were to wipe out Islam by linking Islam to Terrorism. Now who would want to do that? Certainly not Muslims. History shows us that when Islam ruled Jerusalem Muslims, Christians and Jews lived Side by side. Only after 1948 that Christians and Muslims have under go extreme hardships in these so called occupied territories. The People who rule Israel have access to Media and have good PR networks, that’s why when Palestinians are Raped, Murdered and forcefully evicted no one gives a damn. Naturally you can expect resistant, and unfortunately our children cannot have future as most of them are drafted to fight, but the best solution is to bring pressure in stopping the expansion of Jewish settlements in the Occupied territories, but no First world nation can rise to condemn these atrocities of the Palestinians as the first world nations are now controlled by The People who control Israel. And all these post to validate Israel existence and the cover-ups to validate Israel survival are marketed beautifully by the all the above authors of these post. So by crushing Islam these authors of these sights proudly propagate that “The Christian faith on the other hand is the dominant religion in Europe and the USA the First World countries, world leaders in economic, cultural, scientific and technological achievements. In Europe and the USA freedom of religion is guaranteed as well as freedom of expression. Compare that to Third world countries especially Islamic countries where religious persecution, bigotry, poverty and human misery exist”. The reply to this statement was posted in this site, I hope the world can learn the truth, by reading the following the U.S backed by the Zionist state are the biggest war machine and weapons dealers.. Toppling people elected governments and putting puppet regimes to tarnish the image of Islam....what u highlight in your articles are the result of only a few crazy People..Look at the big picture. You just can’t help but play the Zionist PR game, blame Muslims for what their puppet govts do and don’t, and always touch on the subject of what Muslim civilians do. To elaborate, the U.S backed by the Zionist state changed Iran’s elected president in the 60's –The result-hijacking, then the U.S backed by the Zionist state trained Bin Laden and gave Saddam chemical weapons-result-all this mess... the Zionist state are the cause for anger around the only look at what u like to look at...reality it is people like you who live in a 'bubble'. To all you people who love to hate...there will come a day when you will hate yourself more than anything you've ever hated...find the truth now before it's too late,. lose the arrogance and pride and stop lying. It will help this life is short. When you face your lord all deeds will be shown. so work for your own salvation! What Andrew Stunich essay tells is not the real Islam. If you want the real religion, read and UNDERSTAND the KORAN. Don't worry I am not in America. Yet I do love America. For it's beauty, and for producing certain great thinkers like Abraham Lincoln (whose ideas are, unfortunately, not being followed by most Americans today) I am not as cowardly as you to deny something which I know is the truth. Most Muslim-haters usually react like this when the truth dawns on them. They are afraid that what they are bashing might be the truth and use random words to cover their panic. Patience is virtue. Even the Bible says that. I dont care if u believe what I am gonna say or not but anyway. Dont bad mouth The teachings of God who created us, God who gave us everything to smile about, to laugh about. God whom all the messengers, including Jesus (pbuh) asked to worship. The God who asked us to call him Allah (The One God ). Like I said, I don't care if u believed it or not. But if it did create a bit of discomfort, then I consider my job well done. All religions gives the Ok to bring the culprits to law. What about those who preach religion, are they law abiding? If a rapist is given a leaniant sentence, obviously the rapist will do that act again. I guess in our culture now it’s ok to rape or kill ones Mother, Sister, Daughter or Someone else’s wife etc. Is this the culture we live in? Do you always like to misquote the Koran? That’s why Islam says to punish the wrong doer so that no one will do these dirty acts. The west says these Islamic laws are barbaric. Come on… But what if a Head of state is wrong? Can he be tried out in most of the Democracies? The head of State can change laws overnight in most developed countries. These tyrants no matter what religion they belong to only want their Masters and themselves to be rich in order to rule and loot the world.
Name: To the fellow who wrote a long commentary
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 00:13:34 -0500
The sad plight of the Palestinians are understandable. These too are people longing for a homeland. But the question is why no Islamic countries offer them a land for resettlement?
Name: islam is fake,and allah is not creator so dont worship allah the false arab deity
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 01:52:26 -0500
islam is fake,and allah is not creator so dont worship allah the false arab per christianity/islam terrorist like bush,osama etc will go to imaginary heaven for wine sex,virgins etc...but truly good humans like gandhi buddha etc will go to imaginary hell bcoz they donw bow to imaginary allah.pls read sura-09-005 it says kill non muslims ie those who seek truth are kafir and those who accept lies and scientific error of koran r muslims who get imaginary wine imaginary houries etc in jannat....which does not exist,so good deeds etc have no value in islam only bowing to imaginargy gangster allah is important so i reject islam as its a hate based creed like judeo-christianity.
Name: To misguided anti-Jewish/Christian hate monger
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 02:51:29 -0500
What's your agenda? Why are you madly intent in spreading falsity that Judaism and Christianity are hate-based creed? Why are you so threatened with these two faiths? If you believe in karma, what you did, that is spreading lies, will come back to you. Your foolishness will go back to your body.
Name: contral govt's hv spend over rs50000 crore=over us$10 billion
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 02:52:28 -0500
i am maharashtrian-indian ex-muslim living in india.i am indian,not muslim. mumbai gives to india,over rs60000 crores orver us$12 billion in revenue every gets no help from central and state govt.kashmir is got over rs50000 crore=us10 billion,still kashmiri muslims hate india and want to go to pakistan. i just say 1 thing ok,give away kashmir but send all muslims also to pakista/kashmir/saudi arabia. let hindus and ex-muslims=true indians live in peace.if govt had spent this 10billion $ on mumbia we wud have world class infrastructure and be in better position than we are right now.shame on us indians for not forcing govt's to stop help to jihadis and not helping kashmiri hindus.
Name: To misgiuded anti-Jewish/Christian hate monger
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 02:54:52 -0500
Let us see what will happen to you one year from now.
Name: RK
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 04:16:31 -0500
It is fortunate that the West was quick to separate the church from the state and humane values like secularism,democracy and liberty were born.Much of the scientific progress was made then. The christians and Jews have left much of the past behind.Lets not put them in the same bracket as Islam.Though we do have christian mullah`s who still dream of saving heathen souls,in the garb of service to humanity but people are rejecting them in their own countries.Save for the ignorant ones.Anyway the message of Jesus was was love and jews don`t convert people.
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 04:23:34 -0500
Eslam is a base lowbrow cult! If the kaffirs had not made all the inventions and discoveries,the muslims will not have bombs,IEDs,AK47 rifles,rocket launchers,landrovers,etc to carry on their jihad. They will have to use their broad swords screaming "Allahu akbar" in every pogrom of theirs. You may have the darkest of dark ages with Mullahs,Ayatollas,Imams,Talibans ruling the roost. can anyone imagine a scenario worse than that? Islam is a disease of human mind that kills all finer human feelings of love,compassion,forgiveness,and the like in favour of sheer savagery and barbarianism!
Name: judeo-christianity is a hate based creed here is proof...and yr body will suffer not mine !!!
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 04:59:27 -0500
judeo-christianity is a hate based creed here is proof...and yr body will suffer not mine !!! christianity says bow to jesus alone or go to burn in hell forever,same is said by judaism and christianity.its just another version of islam or rather islam is another version of judeo-christianity.u r trying to curse me,well yr curse is ineffective bcoz u r liar and i am protected by yr bible u will see what jesus says he burns people who r good humans but dont bow to u r liar and yr karma will catch up with u and u will see result.dont wait 1 yr u will see result soon,what u expect evil of others will happen to u,bcoz i am protected by truth.only secualrism and humanism will save world from nuke world war 3.remember christians nuked innocent much for christianity.
Name: christians show their true color by cursing truthseekers,while we just expose truth
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 05:26:39 -0500
christians show their true color by cursing truthseekers,while we just expose truth.if i say truth i am anti christian,but if christian says false statement that imaginary jesus saves he is a good person,this is the horrible and fascist thinking of christians.i never said christians r good or bad i just said the ideology is false.but christians r asking for bodily harm to a truthseeker indian ex-muslim who is is exposing falsehood of monoatheism bcoz he exposed the truth,while he never ever asked for any bodily harm to them,this shows the fascist and immoral thinking of imaginary jehova/jesus believers.anyway truth protectes me,so i am saved already and forever from all false curces of false and imaginary deity jehova/jesus believers.
Name: RE: re-To anti-Jewish fellow-Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 05:45:18 -0500
Let there be no compulsion in Religion. America and India are the perfect example for most nations to follow. I am not an American, But I get a chance to visit America. Who you worship in America is none of anybody's business there. But when some starts telling me that you are a fool and that your religion is Evil, then I have a problem. If I want to worship a Cow then no body should have problems with that. Nobody has the right to tell me what I ought to follow. Jews as a people are more like Hindus, they don't seek conversion. In fact they are more likely to refuse to accept a convert. However things are changing now and there are many Arabs who are secretly converting to Judaism.The reason why Hindus don't support conversions is that the way the perceive religion is not the same as Abhrahmic faiths do. For Hindus every path leads to god. Even though with the advent of Islam this Philosophy does not really work. Due to the continuous attacks members of these two faiths have faced they are finally beginning to accept converts. However Jews and Hindus don't press a gun to your temple and tell you to convert. I feel that these two people have more to share and learn from each others cultures than to fight about. Even in America Hindu and Jewish organisations are working together, because they have realized that they face a common enemy in Islam. Islam is the enemy of entire Humanity. The sooner people of other faiths and those of no faith at all realize this the better it will be for us.
Name: DH
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 08:00:29 -0500
It is atrocious how little coverage our western "free press" has given to the persecution of native non-Muslim Kashmiris IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY by the followers of the foreign Arabian interloper Islam. As in the Balkan's conflict the western media seems uninterested in anything that detracts from Muslims' representation of themselves as poor little innocent victims who are morally entitled to "respond" to their "victimhood" by terrorizing filthy Kafirs the world over.
Name: To anti-Jewish/Chtistian hate monger
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 08:13:32 -0500
You have a distorted sense of history. The use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki hasten the surrender of Japan in WW 2 thereby saving more lives. Are you afraid of karma? Karma will run its natural course. You are either misinformed about Christianity or have other agenda in in your lies and hate propagation against Christianity in general and the Christians in particular.
Name: To anti-Jewish/Christian hate monger
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 08:32:26 -0500
I am not cursing you, you misinformed fellow. I am just reminding you of karma. You are spreading lies and hatred against Jewish-Christian faiths so what you have done will come back to you. I am just stating the law of karma. If I say, let us see what will happen to you one year from now, I am not threatening you, I just want to know if the law of karma is true then you will suffer the consequences.
Name: to truthseeker(ex-muslim)indian from RK
Date: Thursday November 20, 2008
Time: 08:53:00 -0500
I suggest you read O Jerusalem by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. It will help you understand about the Jews and the Arab Israeli conflict.I am sure your perception towards the Jewish people will change forever and you will develop respect and admiration for them.They are fighting for survival surrounded by hostile neighbours.They dont convert people.You will be surprised to know that a tiny jewish community has lived in India for centuries in south india without facing any persecution.Many Jews today do not agree with what is written in their holy books. They have moved ahead. Do you how many Nobel prizes this tiny community has won?Dont go according to what is written in their books.Same applies for the christians.Peace to you brother.
Name: abc
Date: Friday November 21, 2008
Time: 09:37:02 -0500
what about thousands of massacres against muslims
Name: lw1 to abc
Date: Friday November 21, 2008
Time: 11:03:28 -0500
Do you mean massacres committed by Muslims against Muslims? If you mean by others give one or two examples.Also give your comments about Kashmiri Hindu massacre.
Name: RE:abc
Date: Friday November 21, 2008
Time: 21:32:41 -0500
ABC this is called circular reasoning. If Saddam massacered millions of Shia and Sunni Kurds. If Shias and sunnis are killing each other in Syria and Lebanon, If Sunnis kill Ahmediyas and Shias, does mean that Muslims have the right to kill non Muslims too. While Crusades are a reality can you tell when a systematic execution of Muslims took place in the recent History. Get a life!!!
Name: dd
Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 07:09:17 -0500
"Other than Jesus, all of them committed the most heinous crimes, if all they existed. Just imagine you are following men of the sword." Jesus also bought swords but he was nailed to the cross before he could use it. By the time of moha the roman empire was in tatters and there was no one around to nail moha to a cross.
Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 23:55:16 -0500
Comment Everything you need to understand the Danger of Islamic Domination Plan....