Shaming the Shameless Apologists of Islam: Allah in the Vedas
16 Feb, 2009
First of all, I would like to clarify that I am much less
of a scholar of Hindu scripture than I have the understanding of
Islam. However, silence about lies on the part of those, who know
the truth, is a crime. One, guilty of the crime of not telling the
truth, is a bigger criminal than the person, who lies to fool
I was inspired to pen this article by those hundreds of Muslims,
who have been emailing with a volley of abuses and telling me that
Muhammad was even prophesied in the books of my pre-Islamic
ancestors. Although it would certainly leave one dumbfound, till the
time such claims are disproved, they stand as truth. Unfortunately,
we Ex-Muslims don’t have the means or the sponsorship to spread the
truth as have Muslim apologists for spearing their blatant lies. We
have to depend on our only gateway to the world, The World Wide Web.
Now I turn to the question of whether Muhammad, the Prophet of
Islam, was really predicted in the Vedas. The best one can do is to
laugh off such a proposition. However, laughing it off is not a
really good idea, as there are a lot of gullible people out over
there ready to buy just about anything without trying to
authenticate the proposition or trying to know the reality. While I
don’t say that people convert to Islam en masse after hearing
these, we cannot rule out the possibility of a few gullible ones
converting to Islam. These few could later be brainwashed to become
Jihadis or suicide bombers. If we study the pattern of the Jihadis
in the West as well as those Jihadis in India, a significant number
of them are actually converts. Seemingly normal people, who go
around with their daily live, as they convert to the deadly cult of
Islam, everything changes.
As I not fully acquainted with Sanskrit, much of the inputs used
in this articles are from learned Hindus. I wish to thank all of
them for the help they rendered to the completion of this article.
In this article, I will concentrate on the work of the biggest Islamist showmen of our times, Dr. Zakir Naik. This man has, through his showmanship, been able to fool many a people. This list includes even non-Muslims. Islam is a creed, which cannot survive without lies. Any Islamic apologist—whenever he begins a discourse on Islam, especially when facing a non-Muslim audience—will begin with the biggest lie on the earth that “Islam is the religion of Peace.” While we all know very well that Islam is peace only in the meaning of the words that represent it. Islam in its theology, literature, and history etc. is anything but peace. However, these Islamic apologists are mostly narcissists, who are convinced of their own lies to the extent that they don’t wink an eyelid while they lie.
Take, for an example, the Muslim apologists' assertion that Islam respects women. Now it’s a well-known and historically documented fact that, in Islam, a woman is treated as nothing more than a domestic animal for the satiation of men's lust and as a tool of procreation. While the Qur’an clearly states that anyone, who does not believe in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, is a Kafir, these apologists will go about confusing their audiences with various deceptive suggestions that there are various definitions of kafir. If they are addressing, say, a Christian audience, they will make the claim that Christians and Jews are respected as Ahle Al-Kitab or People of the Book and that Dhimmitude is actually a very good proposition for Non-Muslims. If they are facing, say, Hindus, they will say that kafir simply means a non-Muslim with absolutely no negative notion attached to it. What can we say is, those of us, who have either been Muslims, know better. For non-Muslims, it is difficult, because, Allah's command upon Muslims to fight Kufr or disbelief by waging Jihad against the Infidels is not spelt out very clearly and systematically in the Qur'an.
As a matter of fact, Islam considers telling lies to infidels, or
to give false testimony against them in the court of law, for the
benefit of Islam and for the benefit of jihad a religious duty for
every Muslim. This is a practice, called taqiyya or holy deception.
Allah admires such liars and rewards them profusely on the the day
of last judgment (Qiyamah). Recently, a Muslim commentator has
clarified that on three occasions—(i) in
war, (ii) or to win over a women’s heart and (iii) for deceiving the
infidels—lying is not a sin for Muslims.
So it is evident that Dr Zakir Naik will also be profusely rewarded
by Allah for deceiving the infidels for his lies.
Allah in the Rigveda:
It has been mentioned earlier that the lectures of Dr Zakir Naik
are full of naked lies. The reader should also recall that, the most
merciful, all-knowing and all-observing Allah has given clean chit
to people like Zakir Naik to tell any lie, to do any mischief and
play any deception with the kafirs, if it helps to influence them
and bring them under Allah’s path or for the propagation of Islam.
And Dr Zakir Naik makes unrelenting use of that command of Allah in
all his lectures. His claim that, Allah is mentioned in the Rgveda,
is one of his biggest lies. Naik says that the verses 2/1/11,
3/30/10, 9/67/30 and 1/13/9 of the Rgveda contain mentions of Allah.
When I opened the Rgveda, I was really dumbfounded that a man like
Naik, the president of a well-recognized institute, namely Islamic
Research Foundation (IRF) in Mumbai, could propagate such blatant
lies and that too in open gatherings.
The reader should recall that the word Âllâh has been derived from two Arabic words âl (the) and ilâh (an object of worship). In Rgveda, there is a word ilâ, with a completely different meaning. But as his sacred duty of holy deception (taqyya), Naik, whenever finds the Sanskrit word ilâ in the Rgveda, points to it as the mention of Allah without a second thought.
For example, the verse (2/1/11) of Ṛgveda says,
Tvamagne aditirdeva dâúuṣe tvaṃ hotrâ bhâratî
bardhase girâz
Tvamiḷâ úatahimasi dakṣase tvaṃ bṛtrahâ vasupate
sarasvatî zz
“Thou, God (Agni), art Aditi to him who offers gifts: thou Hotrâ,
Bhâratî, art strengthed by the song. Thou art the hundred-wintered
Ilâ to give strength, O Lord of wealth! Vṛtra-slayer and sarasvatî”
[tr: ibid]. According to Sâyana, the most celebrated commentator on
the Vedas, ilâ is the other name of Agni (the deity of fire).
Furthermore, the entire Hymn (2/1) has been dedicated to God Agni
and hence there is no doubt that the word ilâ in the verse stands
for Agni.
The word ilâ also occurs in the verse (1/13/9) of the Rgveda,
that reads,
Ilâ, sarasvatî mahî tisro devîrmayobhuvaḥ z
Varhiḥ sîdantasridhaḥ zz
“Ilâ, Sarasvatî and Mahî, three goddesses who bring delight, be
seated, peaceful, on the grass”. In this verse, Ilâ is a goddess
and, according to Sâyana, Ilâ in this verse may stand for earth, or
cow, or vâc (speech).
In a similar manner, there is another word Alâ in the Rgveda that
refers to various deities. The verse (3/30/10) contains the word and
Alâtṛṇo vala Indra vrajo goḥ pura hantorbhayamano byâra z
Sugatpatho akṛṇonniraje gaḥ prâvanvâṇîḥ purahûtaṃ
dhamantîḥ zz
“He who withheld the kine, in silence yielded in fear before thy
blow, O Indra. He made paths easy to drive forth the cattle.
Loud-breathing praises helped the much-invoked One” [tr: ibid].
Here, Alâ is the other name of Indra. The entire Hymn (3/30) has
been dedicated to Indra and this confirms that the word Alâ in the
verse refers to Indra. But, as the word Alâ sounds like Allah, Dr
Zakir Naik, like a fool, has taken it to be a mentioning of Allah.
The word Alâ also occurs in the verse (9/67/30) of the Rgveda
that says,
Alâyasya paraúurṇâúa tamâ pavasva deva soma z
Âkhuṃ cideva deva soma zz
“O, deva Soma, we pray to you so that the battle-axe of our enemy
gets broken- Alâ, you descend and kill our irretating enemy”. Though
the Hymn (9/67) has been dedicated to both Soma and Agni, scholars
believe that the word Alâ in this verse refers to Soma or the Moon
(or Soma) .
According to Dr Zakir Naik, every Sanskrit dictionary contains
the word Allah and says that Allah is the God. In the most authentic
Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier Williams (A Sanskrit-English
Dictionary, Motilal Benarasidass, Delhi,1981), this author could not
find the word Âllah. The words, this author could find that sound
like Allah are; Al (to be competent or able), Ala (the sting in the
tail of a scorpion), Alât (a firebrand or coal) and Âla (spawn, any
discharge of poisonous matter from a venomous animal). Another
authentic Sanskrit-English Dictionary (The Student’s
Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Vaman Shivaram Apte, Motilal
Benarasidass, Delhi, 2005), there is a word Allâ and says that it
stands for mother.
From this discussion, it becomes evident that, all the utterances of Dr Zakir Naik regarding the mention of Allah in the Rgveda and in Sanskrit dictionaries are pure lies. But the question remains: Why Dr Naik is hell bent on to discover the mentions of Allah in Sanskrit literature? It has been mentioned earlier that Allah is most merciful and kind (Rahmanir Rahim) only to the Muslims. But for the non-Muslim kafirs, Allah is cruel beast and a barbaric killer. And most importantly, Allah is not at all the God or Lord of this creation and Dr Naik is striving hard to dignify Allah and to establish him as the God by discovering his name in the Vedas. His efforts are nothing but finding a pedigree for Allah.
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Ibrahim Lone is Kashmir-born ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at
Name: Good one
Date: Sunday February 15, 2009
Time: 23:08:21 -0500
Excellent work Ibrahami. You have completely exposed Fakir Naik. I would like to know why Naik is looking for Allah in Kaffir scriptures. Anyway according to Qorand, we are going to hell. Then why look for Allah in our scriptures?
Name: I want to drag stupid Zakir by catching his beard to dias
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 00:35:04 -0500
I want to drag stupid Zakir by catching his beard to dias for denate of vedas in mohmmad.There is no mention of mohammad or any stupid prophets in vedas.Vedas are just books of principles of universe , philosophy of wisdom and rituals for hindus.they once contained every thing that man needed right from how to bulid homes to how to buld vehicles for transport and several ways of enlightenment.A hindu not necessairly surrender to almighty as he is part(object) of holy god.He can follow buddha's way of ahtiestic enlightenment of morality and compassion.Zakir is claiming that mad mo is mentioned in vedas which false and abusrd .If any hundu who have read vedas(99.9999999999% of hindus don't know sanskrit) hears this he will drag him for debate withreferences by cathcing his goat like beard.He is doing small magic like things of cards etcc.Even high school student can do more magic than him.Ignorent muslim students of madarsas who never use their brains and logic are only beliers of his words of lies and stupidity.
Name: Let us inform about lier Zakir false claim of vedas to shiv sena
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 00:37:54 -0500
Let us inform about lier Zakir false claim of vedas to shiv sena activists,they who don't believ in death or fear will cath him and tear him apart .
Name: Pich
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 00:58:05 -0500
Islam is based on ancient occult system of blood sacrifice to please superior forces.It demands animal and human blood and grows on it as they drink blood.Hence the animal halal sacrifice system and jihad through which live hot blood is sacrificed to superior evil forces.The practice of this system is itself evil in nature and anti-god.
Name: to ibrahim lone
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 01:14:20 -0500
mohamad is mentioned in bhawisya purana of hindu scriptures as rebirth of evil demon tripurasur and not as holy or good man.To know truth please go to google search and type tripurasur reborned as mahamad and search THere will be many articles among them one is Extremely important blog september 2006.please read it maharsi vyas wrote in bhavisya purana that tripurasura(a demon)will be reborned in kalyug as mahamad and will start a terrible and destructive religion
Name: jenn
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 01:57:20 -0500
Both the islamic and Hindu heaven is the same. In both heavens lightly clad women serve men wine, grapes and give them divine massages
Name: RE:Jenn
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 02:06:21 -0500
Can you kindly tell me where is this heaven mentioned in the scriptures? The problem with you is that you look at things through your Missionary sunglasses.
Name: Re: jenn
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 02:51:28 -0500
Shut your mouth . Both islam and christians are incest committing people. Christians are inventors of incest , scat sex, beastiality sex. Shame on christians.if you goto any porn site white christians will be doing all sort of weird sex like shit sex. Shameless christians did slave trade in africa killed millions of them.
Name: Excesayces
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 03:03:01 -0500
Once upon a time i was arguing with radical muslim online about muhammed in vedas. That stupid muslim tried to convince me that since muhammed in hindu scripture you must convert to islam and follow the steps of muhammed. At first i was dumbfounded. Then i politely replied to him since muhammed is in hindu scripture we are brothers. He agreed for this one. Them i told him since muhammed is in hinduscripts he must be a hindu. Since hinduism came first you must convert to hinduism than being muslim. He started abusing me. Funny stupid muslims.
Name: Peace
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 03:30:13 -0500
I guess you Guys are the one who is not using your brains. I am fed up answering question from westerners about Hindus worshiping Monkeys , rats , snakes , cattles etc , etc , they are asking if you guys dont have any brains to think. Dr.Zakir Naik is not the one who has written Quran , he has debated publicly with lots of so called Hindu scholars and none of them disagreed with him. Now this Mosquito Ibrahim who even dosent know veda language is yelling and all you fools agree with him. Common guys grow up . You guys go and read and understand your vedas first and then talk about Quran
Name: cow,monkey shiva lingam exists,allah is non existant so better to worship cow than imaginary allah
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 04:58:59 -0500
cow,monkey shiva lingam exists,allah is non existant so better to worship cow than imaginary allah.cow is sueful it eats grass a waste product from farming and give milk,urine and dung.milk is sueful to us and dung and urine r good as fertilizer for against this imaginary allah is non existant koran is full of crap and cow worship is better than imaginary allah worship.
Name: ila is parvati wwife of shiva
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 05:03:39 -0500
ila is parvati wife of shiva.
Name: Why Dr. Zakir Naik?
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 05:07:54 -0500
Why must we discuss this guy? Everybody knows that he is a charlatan and I am so tired of dealing with his crazed imaginations. I would welcome a more sophisticated approach to discuss what is really behind quran and islam by dealing with recent publications who really wrote the quran and how it was composed. While many authors here still take the quran and even the hadith as product from Muhammad, modern scholars are even doubting wether Muhammad truly existed. There is only very little about him in the quran, and the hadith were written more than 20 years later, making them even less reliable. On the other hand, the many contradictions in the quran and the fact that the same stories were repeatedly told in different versions support the theory that not a single Muhammad, but many different texts and oral traditions from many sources were behind the quran. Dr. Zakir Naik? Why not ask him about Mickey Mouse?
Name: to : jenn....there is difference in islamic and kafr opagan hindu heaven
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 05:08:43 -0500
to : jenn....there is difference in islamic and kafr opagan hindu heaven : the muslim men get their 72 imaginary virgins.but in hindu heaven the hindus can only see the damsels and not touch them. also in hindu heaven woman get same treatment as men.besode this in kafir heaven after yr time is up [ based on yr punya=good deeds ] u return back to earth.but in islam u remian in imaginary heave forever.ANYWAY TRUTH IS = NO IMAGINARY JEHOVA/ALLAH OR GOD CREATED MAN FROM MUD/DIRT,BUT MAN IS EVOLED FROM 1 CELLED ORGANISMS BY NATURE=TRUTH.NATURE IS TRUE GOD,AND THERE IS NO HEAVEN OR HELL.WE R EVLED BY NATURE AND PROOF IS IN OUR OWN GENES AND DNA.
Name: ila is parvati so allah is shiv...all muslims convert to paganism
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 05:10:04 -0500
ila is parvati wife of shiv.allah is shiv the all muslims convert to paganism and worship shiv.
Name: Peace
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 05:11:05 -0500
Yes thats a dummest human being can be , to worship cow and lingam. You all idiots you worship cow beliving they can help you but god has given cow for us to eat and drink their milk not to worship . how can a human beign so usless.
Name: To-Why Dr. Zakir Naik?
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 05:28:38 -0500
Yes we dont have to talk about Dr.Zakir Naik , he is not a spokesmen of Islam , he is a student of comparitive religion. Dont say there are contradiction in Quran tell us where show us one?? this is a challange for the whole of humanity more than 1400 years people have tried to get one they could not find one ..... and you little ..... talking .....dont waste yours and our time.
Name: ab
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 06:05:57 -0500
Muhammad was indeed predicted in the Vedas but how. As an "illiterate villager who discovers this huge cult called Islam". If you want to know more read Chapter 2 "The Vedic Prophecies, A New Look Into the Future" by Steven Knapp.
Name: re Excyses
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 06:27:55 -0500
Are you the same person who said I am an an ex muslim and having cancer.Shame on you for lying.
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 06:37:22 -0500
Name: shud a real muslim quote or even read the ved ??
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 07:53:51 -0500
shud a real muslim quote or even read the ved ??? if he quotes ved means he believes whole,part of few verse of the ved.this is unislamic bcoz islam says believe only pig koran,not any other religious any muslim who quote any non msulim source is instantly a non msulims and shud be beheaded by his nearest friend to go to imaginary jannat for imaginary wine and virgins. also,this muslim who read or quote ved will ultimately go to imagianry hell and burn in imaginary hellfire.beware muslims dont read kafir books or u will go to imaginary hell,pls be wary.........
Name: Re: To-Why Dr. Zakir Naik?
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 09:20:13 -0500
You asked me to show you contradictions in the quran? Just take the very first surah "revealed" to the public, The Clot 96 (Alaqh). No human being was ever made from clot, even you and even the most stupid muslims are made from a spermium and an egg cell and not from clot. Thus, the quran contradicts science and we can also conclude that the quran lies from the very beginning of all so-called "revealations" which are nothing more than false propagamda to trap innocent people.
Name: RE: Re: To-Why Dr. Zakir Naik?
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 09:47:29 -0500
And then Sultan Bayezid II was so clever to illegalise printing in arabic for the nex >200 Years! Why? Because it is written in The Clot that the humans were teached by god tor write with a pen. Therefore, only because they were ruled by islam, the whole muslim world was not allowed to use or to deal with texts printed in arabic letters. No other civilisation ever suffered ike this. Only because they were ruled by islam, they were condemmed to live in ignorance and still the illiterate rates are extremely high in the entire muslim world. Islam is definitely the reason for der enduring backwardness.
Name: Vipul To Jenn
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 10:05:21 -0500
Hinduism is the only religion where the god is also worshipped in a female form.For us the creation came first and then came the gods, That is how we see god in every living or non living thing. That is why we say every thing is god and god is everywhere. We precieve this creation to be god. Bhraman.
Name: antimod
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 11:16:45 -0500
Muslims are so very brainwashed that if they defy the laws laid down in quran they will certainly go to hell and will face the wrath of Allah who will put them into fire. This mortal fear and the lollypop that if they obey quran they will get the gift of 72 hoors ,silk to wear and lot of wine to drink, makes them stick to their conviction and are not amenable to logic. Even the most educated and elite muslims are obdurate and avoid any discussion on this subject. The Vedas have nowhere given any kind of prophesies. Dr. Naik cannot be taken as an authority and is not respected by a majjority of hindu intellectuals. Being extremely articulate some gullible may fall into the trap. Religions have come and gone but the Sanathana Dharma alias Hinduism has survived and surely will survive. Vedas and the Upanishads are the guiding forces and I am sure when christians and muslims have exhausted their energy fighting each other they will turn to the truth contained in these eternal and immutable scriptures. Dr. Naik as he appears and speaks is notjing more than a joker. Congratulations Mr. Lone, your effort is commendable.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 12:16:02 -0500
to scat sex,you have a major mental health issue.jenn's an idiot but you are messed up.not one mention of the article,just shit sex?you seem to like that sort of thing but this site is about islam.try else where for that sort of thing!the only shit thing on this site is your post you pervert.
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 13:14:24 -0500
"Hinduism is the only religion where the god is also worshipped in a female form.For us the creation came first and then came the gods, That is how we see god in every living or non living thing. That is why we say every thing is god and god is everywhere. We precieve this creation to be god. Bhraman." ----- But unfortunately you can't see your God Bhraman in Hitler and Bin Laden!!! It proves that your God Bhraman is NOT in everywhere! You are a liar!
Name: vishnu
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 13:56:27 -0500
Islam has always used one pair of crutches..JUDAISM&CHRISTIANITY tomove forward.NOW attemting to use a tripod..VEDAS..HINDUISM.Physically stable but morally wrong .If Islam attempts to walk alone it will never ever make few steps
Name: pravachakan
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 14:25:46 -0500
i heard zakir naik saying mohammed was mentioned in the bhavishya purana. he will come from the land of teh mlecchas and enforce mleccha dharma. zakir naik translated mleccha as foreigner but it actually means "barbarian" and mleccha dharma means "barbaric law"
Name: GoodNewsForIslam
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 22:28:40 -0500
Good Work ! Ibrahim Lone.
Name: Puneet Madaan
Date: Monday February 16, 2009
Time: 23:28:49 -0500
Well i know that Taquiyya of Zakir naik, who says that sanskrit is evolved from Arabic. anyways the best answer for zakir comes from the 5th veda, or the bhagwat geeta.... which explains the cosmic god, and says that God is without any shape, form or characteristics... it is human, which place characteristic, shapes and form in god... it further says, that if you invoke God... He do replies you in the same characteristic form in which you invoked him. You invoke God of Love , and you will get Love back... you invoke God of Justice/sharia, the blade of justice will fall on you... yet peoples like Zakir naik goes too deep in putting taqiyya. the best one i heard was that Brahma is Abrahim, and the differences occurred because arabic is phonetically different from Sanskrit.. but here a tip... phonetically if you examine the word 'koran', the it comes close to sanskrit/hindi word 'Narok'..... which literally means (Gateway of ) Hell..... hopefully Zakir followers will be jumping upside down from such phonetical analysis...
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday February 17, 2009
Time: 02:34:22 -0500
Hats off to you Mr. Ibrahim Lone! I have read Vedas , all four of them , albiet in english as translated by the 19th century indologists Ralph T.H.Griffith , as well as by Max Mueller, R.L.Kashyap and also hindi translation by Satvalekar. I have not come across a single line or verse refering to Muhamad ,Christ, or Moses or Abraham. Yet the fraudulent evangelists and muslims like Zakir Naik and their ilks spare no effort to find the mention of these names in those ancient and probably the oldest scriptures. Probably they want to legitamise their criminal and fraulent conversion activities or try to show indian culture in poor light , these slaves of arabs and christian missioneries! Certainly , they adopt any brazen and criminal means to achieve their objectives. The cause of all the turmoil in the world today can only be traced to islam and christianity because of their intolerant idealogy, missionery zeal to destroy all other cultures to subjugate humanity to their mean, insular and bigoted view of the world and take us all to the "Dark Ages". The world is better off with secular values and respect for human rights. And any monotheistic cult cannot tolerate human rights when they have idiotic things like heresy,blaspheme or sacrilege, which is the backbone of Islam and Christianity!
Name: To some Super Idiot (vbv)
Date: Tuesday February 17, 2009
Time: 07:39:22 -0500
To help you distinguish the difference between Islam and Christianity do these: 1) Go to a Christian neighborhood and condemn Christianity. 2) Go to a Muslim neighborhood and condemn Islam. You will know in no time the difference.
Name: Mahamoodh not mohammad
Date: Tuesday February 17, 2009
Time: 07:49:43 -0500
The correct name of Islam's PROPHET? is Maahamoodh. In sanskrit Maha means big and moodh means fool. Later this must have corrupted as mohammad
Name: Regarding allah in vedas
Date: Tuesday February 17, 2009
Time: 09:55:11 -0500
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Wednesday February 18, 2009
Time: 13:01:59 -0500
to peace,the koran will one day be protected,in a museum to show future generations how one criminal pervert made up a cult, that NEARLY killed civilisation and would have set back culture thousands of years.even when a muslim is trying to be nice the overture of world domination is still plain!!!