As the West Sleeps, Islamists Work on Establishing a Global Islamic State
09 Aug, 2008
While we in the West sleep, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, is whispering in Arabic to hundreds of millions of Muslims how to establish Islamic states. In July he wrote two extensive columns (on July 13th and July 22nd) on the subject of the Islamic state in Arabic. Some Islamist apologists who remain ignorant of the threat of the Islamic state argue that the ascendancy of political Islam in the Muslim world is the better of “other evils” that could arise. Many Muslims and non-Muslims alike across the world, however, believe that it is self-evident that the ascendancy of political Islam will remain a significant security threat to the United States and to the West for decades to come as it has been so obviously so for anti-Islamist Muslims and non-Muslims alike in the Middle East.
This security threat is manifold. The attempt to create “Islamic” states which derive their laws from the theological interpretations of Islam and Sharia by clerics will always give rise to variant forms of internal and transnational movements which are supremacist in their worldview and thus justify various forms of terrorism against non-Muslims. Many in the state department believe that somehow Muslims are sentenced to live under the Islamist rule and rather governments which are pluralistic and are blind to a single religion are not possible under Muslims majority governments. Many of us would beg to differ. While this may be the line which the Muslim Brotherhood would like us to accept without debate, the reality is that a plurality if not a majority of Muslims refuse to subscribe to the religio-political collectivism of the Muslim Brotherhood and the now archaic concept of the Islamic state.
Up to this point, we have done very little in the public space to expose and engage the real ideological motives of the Muslim Brotherhood. The discourse over political Islam continues to grow but without reviewing source material and their discourse in Arabic we will make little headway. Some have been doing this but real time debate among Muslims is sparse to nonexistent over the subject of political Islam.
The English discourse over issues related to political Islam by the MB is hypocritically filtered for the Western audience. One need just review the MB’s English website and compare it to their Arabic website. They are not simple translations of one another. Same organization, same ultimate mission, very different messaging for very different fronts in the same conflict. A real debate over political Islam will only occur when we engage the ideas they present to their Arabic audience, as well. The English version of their message plays a mere peripheral cosmetic role based out of London. The Arabic version stems from deep within their soul and reflects their home base of operations. The major difference between them reflects their dissimulation and hypocrisy. Thus, true anti-Islamist activity must center on their deeply engrained ideologies which are expressed in Arabic.
This requires a “Counter-Project” to refute and confront “the ongoing Project of the Muslim Brotherhood” and it will certainly take some time in its development. MB and current day political Islam took over a century to develop. I pray our response can be developed much more quickly. Just as the MB early on devised a plan as outlined in their project and effectuated at numerous meetings such as the 1993 Philadelphia meeting, so too should anti-Islamist Muslims begin to meet in the West and in Arabic countries and devise mechanisms of exposing and countering the ideologies of Islamist movements most notable of which is the MB. This is our mission at the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
While the origins of the MB derive from the writings of Sayyid Qutb and Hassan al-Banna, today’s spiritual leader of the MB remains Yusef Al-Qaradawi. He is the master of Islamist doublespeak. Yet, anyone with an iota of energy to search a few of his political commentaries will find a plethora of radical commentaries and outright militancy when speaking to Muslim and Arabic audiences. He has endorsed terrorist acts, suicide bombings against Israelis in Israel and against Americans in Iraq to name a few. He has stated in April 2001 on suicide operations that “these are not suicide operations but are heroic martyrdom operations." He has endorsed spousal abuse, death for apostates, a forward Jihad, and the reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate as summarized by the Investigative Project.
In English he contributes to the Qatar-based IslamOnline providing fatwas (religious opinions) read by millions of Muslims like this one permitting women to perform suicide operations in Israel. He appears regularly on AlJazeera, also out of Qatar which is viewed by over 80 million daily spewing the same vacillation between militancy and his hypocritical “Middle Way” (Wasatiya) making himself appear moderate when he is in fact a radical.
Al-Qaradawi’s site in Arabic lately seems to be trying to lay the groundwork for the latest iteration and foundations of political Islam. On July 22, 2008 he published a lead Arabic article explaining at length how the “Islamic State is in line with the essence of democracy.” And before that he also published a major piece at his website on July 13, 2008 stating that, “the Islamic state is a civil state which derives its authority from Islam.” (translation provided by AIFD)
Let’s look at these columns and begin to dissect some possible Muslim responses to his Islamist worldview. Both of his columns seem to be laying out the strategy of how to counter the secularist argument being made for freedom by some Muslims. He feigns advancement in his writing claiming to be building upon his own MB ideological forefathers in Abul Ala Maududi, the founder of Jamaat Al-Islamayia in Pakistan, and his own mentor Sayyid Qutb from Egypt. Make no mistake: while some MB leadership try to marginalize Qaradawi’s influence, he is the present day “Godfather” of MB philosophy. To quote from an MB site posting of an IslamOnline article from just a few weeks ago on July 18, 2008:
Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is a pure product of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement. His only activist and ideological affiliation is to the Muslim Brotherhood and he has never frankly opposed it. Al Qaradawi has been defined by the Muslim Brotherhood Movement perhaps as much it is defined by him. They have been related in all stages of his life.
And earlier in 2006 he stated, "the MB asked me to be a chairman, but I preferred to be a spiritual guide for the entire nation"
In Qaradawi’s description of the Islamic state in his July 13, 2008 column on his website, he in detail describes how leaders in the Islamic state are selected “by influential people.” He tries to imply that they are democratically elected but it is clearly an oligarchy. He uses examples of the first Caliph in Islamic history and discusses concepts of “shura” as being equivalent to democracy. This is quite insulting to any Muslim living in a real democracy in the United States. Yet, he implies that shura is a consultation just among the scholars or “ulemaa” alone and makes no mention whatsoever of how such a system preserves the equality of every citizen. Again his concept of democracy is clearly an oligarchy. His concept of the rule of law is Islamocentric derived from Sharia with no mention of a secular humanist approach as other real reformers such as Mohammed Al-Ashmawy have bravely discussed. Al-Qaradawi rather describes it as government’s role to ‘propagate morality and prevent immorality.” Thus the ruling class will impose religious interpretations upon the general population. This is done through his interpretation of “Sharia” (Islamic jurisprudence) or that of a few clerics, one would presume. He clearly states that the ‘ruler’ is ‘governed by sharia’ whose provisions cannot be “canceled” by man, since they come from God. He then uses this verse from Chapter 33 in the Koran to justify the Islamic state:
Now whenever God and His Apostle have decided a matter, it is not for a believing man or a believing woman to claim freedom of choice insofar as they themselves are concerned: for he who [thus] rebels against God and His Apostle has already, most obviously, gone astray. Koran 33:36
Qaradawi uses this verse to explain the Islamist concept of the rule of law in an Islamic state and the need for Muslims to submit to the rule of the scholars. Many Muslims would vehemently disagree with such an interpretation of our scripture and that verse. I believe the verse Qaradawi draws upon actually refers to an individual in their personal relationship with God. Nowhere does that verse refer to government or our affairs on earth. It is purely a personal discussion between God and the Muslim reader of the Koran. Conveniently, Qaradawi ignores the previous verse which stated,
And bear in mind all that is recited in your homes of God’s messages and [His] wisdom: for God is unfathomable [in His wisdom], all-aware. Koran 33:34.
Among many salient points, the most significant is the fact that this refers to recitation at home in a personal relationship of a Muslim with God. Again, not about government. It is a classic technique of Salafists to inappropriately pull out passages which they believe empowers them while ignoring the much more limiting larger contexts which have nothing to do with government and are isolated toward the individual, the family, or a specific incident in Islamic history.
Herein lies the central failure of the Islamic state. Their authority is autocratically imposed by the narcissistic belief of the so-called scholars that supposedly know the rulings of God and are the self-appointed instrument of God’s ruling on earth. Qaradawi also later in the piece makes the paradoxical but true claim that in Islam there are no clergy or intermediaries between an individual and God. But yet, he insists upon a legal governmental framework which is “Islamic.” To imply that all citizens of an Islamic state are free from the autocratic tendencies of a system which empowers “Sharia experts” to guide government is nonsensical. Clearly Qaradawi is confused, schizophrenic, or dissimulating - you make the call.
If Qaradawi were intellectually honest rather than deceptively promote his interpretations of the Islamic state, he would explain what he perceives as the drawbacks of Jeffersonian democracy for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. He would have addressed why secular liberal democracies like the United States are inferior to his utopian Islamic state. As an American and as a Muslim I believe that the most ideal system of government for humanity is that based on the American Jeffersonian model where our Constitution is founded “under God,” our government preserves the inalienable rights of its citizens guaranteed by our Creator, and our representatives argue law blind to the dogma of any one religion focusing on a humanistic natural discourse based in reason.
Qaradawi also, in his column, dismisses the European history of failed Christian theocracy as being vastly different than the Islamic state. But in perfect doublespeak never removes the “imams” or “scholars” from their position of interpreting God’s laws for government and he never removes the injunction of running government by the legal tradition of only one faith versus that of all humanity. Clearly Qaradawi realizes his epistemological dilemma in ignoring the far more appealing and successful Western secular government than the Islamic state to humanity. As long as liberty-minded Muslims are unable to have an effective voice promoting liberty-based political ideologies, the ascendancy of the Islamic state as advocated by the likes of Qaradawi will continue unabated.
Qaradawi is relying on the assumption that no one is going to call him out on the fact that his explanations are fraught with errors and a Salafist mentality stuck in the 7th century versus a modernist one looking into the 21st century. He claims free will for everyone and religious freedom but yet continues to advocate for the Islamic state as if its existence is an a priori assumption which cannot be disputed. Not only should it be disputed – its existence in concept is the greatest barrier to religious freedom for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It is this usurpation of the domain of God by government for their own corrupting power on earth which is typical of the MB and demagogues like Qaradawi. Government should be established upon a reasoned debate between all citizens, not just Muslims, not just clerics (or scholars), and not just based upon any theology (i.e. Islam) but rather founded in reason. For those Islamists who attempt to argue that the evolution of Sharia can be based in reason, they have yet to answer why that doesn’t then make their language and focus upon Sharia entirely irrelevant and archaic in the public sphere if it is to respect people of all faiths or no faith.
Real reform and counterterrorism will only happen when the
entire existence of the Islamic state can be questioned and the a
priori assumption of clerics like Qaradawi dismissed. Columns like
this one in Arabic by Al-Qaradawi can be countered in their
essence through the complete intellectual de-legitimization of the
Islamic state. I believe the concept of the Islamic state can be
countered logically from a position of religious freedom, against
oligarchy, and for “enlightenment.” When positioned against Western
liberal democracies founded in religious freedom, the Islamic state
will never be able to live up to the same human potential for
equally preserving the human integrity of every citizen and the
personal nature of one’s relationship with God.
And unless these so-called scholars have some sort of direct
communication with God, their interpretations of Sharia (Islamic
jurisprudence) are just human and their laws are just theocracy no
matter which way Qaradawi and his MB try to conceal it and peddle it
as democracy. They may enjoy calling Sharia “God’s law,” but in
reality it is a human interpretation of God’s laws. Thus it is no
different in its power than secular laws based in reason. By clerics
like Qaradawi, using Sharia and their interpretation of God’s will
as a means to control a society, they are in fact abrogating the
free will of individuals in exchange for their self-empowering
clerical oligarchy.
Al-Qaradawi then takes particular effort to claim that clerics are not involved in the Islamic state since Islam has no clergy and makes the following absurd statement that “Establishing the Islamic state as the government ideology does not mean that it is a religious state.” He then ends with three observations in which he tries to repackage the Islamist ideologies of Maududi and Qutb as being non-theocratic. One should not only look at what he states but also what he does not say. Throughout his piece, Qaradawi continues to rest upon the need for societal law to be driven by Sharia and the Islamic state. He never answers the question of the assumed need for the Islamic state and the oligarchy it empowers by its sheer existence. He makes no convincing case for how Sharia can be implemented by non-clerics and also accommodate equal access to government by non-Muslims who are not schooled in Sharia. His entire diatribe seems to be predicated on a “Muslim-only” government founded in a common supremacist mentality of Islamists.
This is where our public diplomacy dollars need to be spent. How many of our State Department employees are following Qaradawi’s Arabic writings and its influence upon impressionable Muslims? How many anti-Islamist Muslims are we helping such that they can empower other Muslims to take on al-Qaradawi and offer an alternative to his Islamist deceptions? Slim to none.
Ayatollah Khomeini stimulated an Islamist revolution by shipping in tapes from France of his diatribes before 1979 while he was exiled in Paris. When will anti-Islamist Muslim think tanks in America begin to similarly ship in thousands upon thousands of tapes, YouTube clips, CDs, DVDs, columns, pamphlets, books, audio files and other mediums containing the ideas of liberty founded in an adherence to a personal, non-governmental Islam?
The only effective counter to the artfully deceptive description of the Islamic state by individual like Al-Qaradawi is a “counter-project” to express the comfort of pious Muslims with governments which are secular and classically liberal and not based upon Sharia but rather upon human reason and true religious pluralism in government.
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M. Zuhdi Jasser, a moderate Muslim, is the founder and
Chairman of the American
Islamic Forum for Democracy based in Phoenix Arizona. He is a
former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander, a physician in private
practice, and a community activist. He can be reached at
Name: very good article...
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 00:07:35 -0700
very good article...pls keep up the good work,the falsehood of islam will be destroyed by exposing TRUTH abt evolution and thus invalidaitng the torah-bible/koran.
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 00:55:37 -0700
Dumb idiots these muslims are - see anywhere in the world , they wallow in misery under a Khomeini, Mullah,Despotic Dictators, Despotic Monarchies, etc. They obviously savour miserey and backwardness, oppression and suppression in the name of 'religion' or "Deen". If they enjoy filth, misery and squalor, let them be , but let the civilised people alone to lead a decent , progressive, peaceful and happy life with a guarantee of individual and human rights.
Name: DH
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 02:07:14 -0700
"so for anti-Islamist Muslims" "Anti-Islamist Muslims" = "Hell-bound munafiq" according to al-Qur'an. Stop muddying the waters and deluding yourself that there is a thing called "IslamISM" distinct from Islam!
Name: Peter
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 05:18:36 -0700
Maybe he has a point , definitely could not call God Ram , as he was deceived by Ravaan ,a weakness so i do not want my God to have any faults!!
Name: Petre
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 05:28:09 -0700
what about Sikhs, they are neither here or there, they have borrowed bits from all the other faiths and call themselves lions, and we know what they do ,they eat leftover or thief from some one,the only thing common they have with lions is the hair,i feel sorry for their friends and womenfolks,at the Olympics the guy sitting next to Indian prime minister left his seat as the stench was unbearable the heat.
Name: ChrisLA
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 08:41:29 -0700
The most thorough deconstruction of the Islamic State is a recent book by the Muslim scholar, Tarek Fatah, "Chasing a Mirage - the Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State." In this book Fatah not only documents the failure of the Salafi caliphs to live up to Islamic ideals, but he also shows that every attempt since then to establish an Islamic state has ended in corruption and bloodshed. Just as Muhammad failed to plan for his succession, the failure of most attempts at establishing an Islamic state has been due to the inability of Muslims to peacefully transfer power from one leader to another. Fatah concludes, "If there is one thing that we could do to help ourselves, it is to end the addiction to victimhood that has blinded our senses, rendering us incapable of moving forward. . . The Muslim malaise is not a result of Zionist-US conspiracy. It is the inability of the Muslim leadership to realize that the days of emirs and caliphs belong to the the past. It is a failure of our scholars and clerics to reconcile Islam with modernity, individual freedom, and liberty. As long as we continue to blame others for our own shortcomings, we will continue to stagnate." Muslims and non-Muslims will be enlightened by this book.
Name: Mahabub
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 11:42:07 -0700
What is really really interesting is that all the authors of this webpage write against islam with sheer rancour and hatred. The authors also use many offensive words in their writings so that people feel disgusted against islam. Their writings are against islam and surprisingly they are not writing in favor of any religion like Christianity. Who actually these asinine authors are?
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 11:53:38 -0700
(to: Peter) Ram was not god, he was human. Ravaan, a human, didn't deceive Ram. Ravaan fought with gods, defeated them and imprisoned them. Ram, by his actions and words, explains 'dharma' or 'duty' to Hindus. He is a Hindu ideal. Ravaan is not considered to be evil by Hindus, in fact there is a great deal of sympathy & sorrow for him. His wife Mandodari is also a Hindu ideal.
Name: zabombafoom
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 12:01:50 -0700
Is there any name better than??? God's name is Yahuweh which basically means "I Am" (according to a study of the oldest known Judeo-Christian texts) Yahuweh said that you should have no other god then Him and to not take His name in vain. Calling him Allah is just that. Allah's nature is the antithesis of Yahuweh's. Yahuweh wanted us to walk with him, not bow done to him- like Allah. In Arabic the generic word for god is illah which sounds like Allah. Allah is the proper name of a Arabic Moon God who is the same as the Canaanite Sun God who is the same as Halal Ben Shachar who is better known as Satan. Bishop Muskens may spend eternity in a lightless place of anguish for saying such stupidity. At least according to a true understanding of God's original Word.(If taken as true that is.)
Name: Ram, Ravana, Krishna are mythical characters - James
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 12:02:44 -0700
The hindu gods are mythical role models without any or very little historical basis. That said it is also true that hindu scripture has spiritual truths which can definitely help human progress.
Name: to anaada
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 13:33:26 -0700
Ravaan fought with gods and defeated them, now open your little brain and start thinking, Gods do not get defeated,may be you need to first understand the meaning of God!
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 13:34:55 -0700
Bull shit ! you can carry on worshiping it .
Name: Zombie fried Chicken
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 14:23:48 -0700
God does not want us to worship him. He wants us to know and walk with him. The Hebrew term which describes how God wants to relate is barak. It means to kneel down, take one by the hand, and lifting him upright. This is God kneeling down, taking our hand and lifting us up to walk with him. He wants a relationship, not worshipers. Satan is the one who demands worship. More on this at
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 18:14:02 -0700
(To all Abrahamic religious humans) Stop pronouncing the mighty powers of Abraham's "God". Hindu's don't have a creator "god" and any Hindu God has been defeated any number of times by Hindu heroes. Our metaphysics & understanding of reality and social laws are our own, NEVER from ANY "God". And not from a single enlightened human, but from many enlightened humans spanning centuries. How can that be you puny brain, the Abraham's God worshipers are upset at me. How can you live without God's commands from Bible and Quran. These books are SO spiritual. Yea sure, spiritual my foot. The only knowledge Abraham's "God" gives is how to obey him, and worship him, and make everyone believe him --- otherwise he will send you to hell for eternity. Finally, Raavan, a human, did defeat the gods and imprison them on earth, no ifs and buts.
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 21:26:27 -0700
For all semetic faiths it is always fear of "Hell" that induces them to worship/pray 5 times/go to Church or Synagogue on an a sunday/friday to prove your loyalty to that so-called "god" to be rewarded with :|Heaven" or else it is etrnal "Hell" for you! Don't you think it is very inane , childish ,lacks any good human philosophy to find the meaning for our existence , rather than such a shallow thinking insulting commonsense and our intelligence. The semetic god is full of human weakness: he is jealous;he cannot stand competitors;he is vengeful; he craves adulation; he doles out reward for such sbmission and etrnal punishment for not submitting to his diktats ( Withall this he is supposed to be 'merciful' and 'loving'!). What is the proof of his existence? He will address humanity only through his chosen "messenger" or prophet: he is unapproachable by an ordinary person - so he is discriminative! Semetic faiths reduce human beings to zombies , robs an ordinary person of his free will with the arrogant command/threat : "believe and submit or else#*!".The semetic faiths of Christianity and islam are repressive, oppressive, highly dogmatic and bigoted and intolerant - no better than a totalitarian communist state. Individual thinking is not respected and severely put down if not conforming to orthodoxy. Islam is an extreme case ,sanctioning torture and murder if a person does not conform to its bigotry. It is like a mafia cult, nothing less, totally suppressing in the most severe and violent manner any nonconformist or anyone opposing its dogma! You cannot say that for Hinduism or Budhismor Jainism,or Shintoism,or any other faiths. Allsemetic faiths are exclusivit,intolerant and self-centred. They refuse to allow any human innovation on the false and absurd premise that their faith is the word of "God" - a "god/Allah?Yahweh" so wicked,insular and unimaginably cruel to nonconformists, that is those who are unwilling to be 'zombies'.
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 09:32:09 -0700
Dear Zuhdi. The only country that follows sharia law to an extent is Iran. While the rest of the middle east is not ruled by sharia. Sharia is used marriage, death and inheritants. The resources of the middle east are the peoples. Are they benifitted? Which counrys loot these resources? You have gone out of context by mentiönin that muslims want to rule the world. Dont for get that islam doesnt entertain forced conversions or conversions for monitory gain!
Name: To: Peter
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 21:17:31 -0700
Get it through your thick head. The story of Ram and Ravaan is a MYTH meant to illustrate metaphysical truths. It's not supposed to be taken literally.
Name: Re:To all Abrahamic religious humans)
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 21:19:24 -0700
In the Torah, Yahweh commanded the Israelites to commit genocide on idolatrous nations and take their land. Some God. Ananda, I second your opinions 100X
Name: To anada - James
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 00:39:47 -0700
"Finally, Raavan, a human, did defeat the gods and imprison them on earth, no ifs and buts." Is this what you believe? In myths and fairy tales? There is enough truth in the upanishads for you to emphasize rather than encouraging people to lower their intellects to kindergarten level, and belive these fables. Deepak chopra has said he belives that Ramayana, mahabharath and other stories are just myths. And he is a great expounder and champion of hindu philosophy whom i greatly admire.
Name: Reply to comments on semitic God
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 02:57:45 -0700
You said, "Don't you think it is very inane , childish ,lacks any good human philosophy to find the meaning for our existence , rather than such a shallow thinking insulting commonsense and our intelligence." Jesus spoke of a way of life, a life of tolerance, love, compassion. etc not for just his followers but for all humanity. Jesus never asked his followers to treat non christians unfairly but with love and compassion. It may seem that there is no philosophical underpinning to his message because he preached it in a simple way to his followers who were common folk. Only when you understand the philosophy of life completely can you ask others to show compassion and kindness to all including your enemies. To preach is one thing but to practise is another. Christ actually practised it and died for his principles. So did hundreds of thousands of christians who followed him. Christianity is not just strong because of its message but because we have a supreme role model who followed that message and emerged victorious.
Name: End of West
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 08:46:47 -0700
Don't count on the WEST. The Russians, Serbs, Indians and Chinese will soon have to join forces to annihilate ALL THE MUSLIM PIGS.
Name: Billw
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 20:41:42 -0700
Fear not. While our pathetic governments wring their hands and despair of how they will protect us we, in our homes, clean our weapons and await the call to arms. What the Islamonazis do not understand is that we are a focused people. When our focus turns to them, it will leave nothing but dust. We all know that the day will come when the Fourth Reich (Islamic Branch) will send the suicide bombers into our midst. That is the day that season opens on them and we can get on with reality rather than the incredible "religion of peace" fantasy that our governments have tried to create. Self-defence is a doctrine that has been proven time and again and it will not fail us now. Stop the Patriot Act foolishness and stop trying to protect me--I'll protect my self and family just fine, thank you.
Name: To Billw
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 06:35:20 -0700
Attaboy Billw. If the governments dont show spine the people have to do it.
Name: We need to wake up!
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 23:07:22 -0700
briefly:when the Israelites went into the promised land, only those who were so depraved they were told to extinguish. Those who were not were allowed to live. As for the 7 muslims killed in India:7 less terrorists in this world! When the west sees that islam is not a religion of peace, that their only objective is to be the dominate religion(the founder of CAIR admitted this!) their horrible suppression of women and those of other faiths, then people will be turned away from this cultic nonsense!
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 13:28:12 -0700
Name: con't
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 13:52:07 -0700
Still, it's nice that another islamist won't be able to say that this article was part of a "hindu conspiracy" or something like that! WEST WAKE UP!
Name: To all hardcore Muslim fanatics i.e. true Muslims
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 23:35:05 -0700
Sept. 11 2008 is the 7th anniversary of that dastardly attack destroying the World Trade Center that claimed the lives of more than 3,000 innocent people. The relatives of those victims are mourning while you in the Muslim world are celebrating. Only the Most Evil Mind can plot and execute that terrible Slaughter. Your evil Koran provides the motivation for those blinded fanatics to kill, "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them!", There is no shame in killing!", "Killing is a small matter to us!" You recite these prayers five times a day drilling into your subconsciousness transforming you into Savages. What you get in return? An Imaginary Paradise, promised by an illiterate, sexual pervert, mass murderer, plunderer Mohammad, where big bosom virgins, handsome young boys, rivers of wine are waiting!!! A normal sane mind will call that Pure Nonsense!!!Your Koran is a copycat picking selected verses in the Bible to give credence to an otherwise false religion. When Lies is mixed with Truth many will be deceived! An example of a Bible verse plagiarized by Koran, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind of man can conceived what God has prepared for those who loved Him." Since your pervert Mohammad had already described in detail what's in store of his Imaginary Paradise for his faithfuls who died in the name of Allah (blow themselves to pieces), thereby violating what had been stated beforehand, therefore it proves that Koran is false!!! You hardcore Muslim fanatics i.e. true Muslims had sown the wind the Muslim world will soon reap the Whirlwind!!! America, whom you hate so much, will not be the one who will bring the Sword to your Land and finish Islam. Guess who? It will be the rising Superpower European Union that will devastate your Land and finish Islam!!! It will be the Final Chapter in the Holy Crusade started long ago! So those who want to escape this terrible Whirlwind that will sweep and devastate your Muslim land leave Islam now!!! Or better still overthrow your evil Islamic governments!!!