Miracles of the Quran
03 May, 2008
Editor: We do not believe there is anything called 'miracle'.
In this article I discuss some of the Islamic writings claiming
miracles in the Qur’an. Then, I try to strictly define the concept
of a miracle. After that, I try to obtain the intended meaning of
the miraculous Qur’an as claimed by its founder; Muhammad. I end the
article with a substantive conclusion.
Many Islamic apologists put different twists on the Qur’an to show
its miraculous nature. My mother tongue is Arabic. When one reads
the Qur’an in Arabic, one will quickly find how boring reading the
Qur’an is. This characteristic by itself is a miracle. No book is
more boring to read than the Qur’an. In fact, I challenge the reader
to find a book whose reading is more boring than the Qur’an. Well,
joking aside, this article was motivated by three factors:
- Many Islamic thinkers claim the miraculous nature of the
Qur’an without telling us what a miracle is. I mean we are not
told what defines a miracle.
- I was reading an article on Islam Watch, that is essentially a
symposium on the idea of creating a “selective Qur’an” through
getting rid of the “bad verses” in the Qur’an. Such an idea is
silly and will be condemned by most Muslims. I myself liked this
idea because it will motivate Muslims to think about the evils
contained in the “holy” book. Also, such an open discussion about
the Qur’an will allow me to market an idea I’ve been propagating
for many years: replace the whole Qur’an with the poetry of
Khayyam, Qabbani, and some of the great writings of Jubran. It is
a practical idea that has an aesthetic side to it. And the
Mullah’s in mosques will have no problems reciting such beautiful
writings, especially if they had a good Sunni glass of wine after
Again, joking aside, Edib Yuksel is an Islamic scholar who was
included in the symposium. He is termed as a “Rational Muslim”. He
talks about some interesting “numerical facts in the Qur’an”. For
instance the word “YAWM” (which means “Day” in Arabic) is mentioned
exactly 365 times in the Qur’an. Yuksel calls such Qur’anic facts
“interesting” but stops short of calling them miracles. He also
stops short of telling us why such Qur’anic facts are interesting.
However it is easy to see how the writings of researchers like him
can be taken by others to mean miraculous facts in the Qur’an.
Here is the link:
There are many Islamic thinkers who claim some form of “the
miraculous” does exist in the Qur’an, be it some scientific facts,
numerical facts, or any other fact that was not known to the Arabs
1400 years ago.
The Starting Point: Definitional Terminology
When we talk about miracles it is of extreme importance to have a
working and precise definition of what constitutes a miracle.
Without a criterion that tells us what a miracle is, we cannot judge
anything to be a miracle. I submit to you that a generally accepted
definition of a miracle is this: An event that occurs in our world,
and actually violates at lease one natural law. I am not talking
here about magicians and what they do. I am talking about factual
events. For example if a person was declared clinically dead by
doctors in the hospital (i.e. he was in fact dead), then a wise man
came into the room of the dead person, put his hand on him, and the
dead person came back to life, then indeed we have a miracle on our
hands. We know that dead people do not come back to life. At the
minimum, there was one natural law that was broken through bringing
this person back to life. I hope this definition is clear enough. A
miraculous event has to involve a violation of at least one natural
Now, I know, people use the concept of the miraculous more loosely.
For instance we may say “it was a miracle that I survived the car
accident I was involved in”, but we really mean that I was lucky to
survive the accident. We don’t really mean that any natural law was
broken. People use the word miraculous to mean unusual events. But a
strict definition of the miraculous will not view such events as
Going with the Clowns
Our idiot of the year nominee, Zakir Naik, may claim some scientific
facts to be miraculous because they were in the Qur’an all along.
Yuksel may claim that there are some interesting numerical facts in
the Qur’an. However, none of such claims qualify as miraculous.
There are no natural laws that were violated, even if one accepts
such ridiculous claims. By the way, brother Mumin Salih has done a
very good job in refuting the “amazing” numerical claims supposedly
contained in the Qur’an.
Here is the link:
The Original intended Meaning for the “Miraculous” Qur’an
People forget what concept of “Miraculous” Muhammad meant when he
talked about the Qur’an. We all know what it is. Muhammad was
challenged by many in his days because he brought no true miracles.
He was compared by the Arabs to the Jewish prophets and to Jesus.
Those prophets of old supposedly performed miracles in the sense
that they performed actions that involved violations of natural
laws. For instance, in his first miracle, Jesus turned water into
wine in an instance. Such an event cannot be done with all the
technology that we have nowadays. Such an event, if took place,
certainly involves a violation of at least one natural law. However,
Muhammad could not produce such an event. His claim was that his
Qur’an was miraculous because of its superior “High Language Level”
such that no one can produce a Qur’an like his (and I say: Thank God
for that. Enough plundering and destruction has been done in the
last 1400 hundred years through one Qur’an. Imagine what would have
happened if we had more people producing such Qur’ans! I would
imagine the human race would have been done and over with long ago).
But clearly, a high language level is no miracle. It does not
involve any violation of any natural law. One can, if she wants, say
that the Qur’an has a high language level in its words. But this, in
no way admits the miraculous nature of the Qur’an.
A question that may come up here is this: if Muhammad only meant
that the Qur’an is superior linguistically to any writing that
another human can produce, why is it that Muslim apologetics look
for ways to show that the Qur’an is miraculous through scientific
facts, numerical facts,.etc? I think the answer to this question may
involve multiple factors. Here are some:
- For Muslims apologetics, such claims are a source of income
and fame. Gullible Muslims rush to believe what they hear if it
will support and strengthen their faith.
- At this day in age, it is clear that there is nothing
linguistically miraculous about the Qur’an. So, Muslim apologetics
try hard to find something else in the Qur’an that is miraculous.
However, such apologetics ignore the simple fact regarding the
“miraculous” as intended by Muhammad himself.
- The inner psychology of the human being is a factor in the apologetics’ making that motivates him/her to find meaning in the meaningless (of the Qur’an). For example, Yuksel comes from a religious family. His roots are entrenched in Islamic dogma. But he lives in the west, and has to make peace between his inner self and modern day life. So, he advances the Qur’an as a “very interesting” book because it has some numerical facts that are interesting. (He has not told us what is interesting about those facts, but, nevertheless, they are interesting). Again, I think brother Mumin Salih’s article constitutes a good refutation to claims like those of Yuksel’s.
It is evident that Muhammad never intended the “miraculous”
acrobatics that modern day apologetics try to attribute to his book.
He only meant that his Qur’an is miraculous because of its amazing
language. However, such a claim, even if true, does not constitute
what is truly miraculous, as I clarified in my definition of what a
miracle is. Muhammad himself admitted that. The Qur’an is not
miraculous at all. It is an extremely boring book to read. In
addition it is saturated with evil and hate. Muslim apologetics try
to sugarcoat the evil book by creatively “imposing” miraculous
nonsense in the Qur’an. Such claims are easily refuted. Brother
Mumin Salih’s work is one of many examples that clearly show the
errors and the selectivity of the apologetics
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Ibn Kamuna also contributes at faithfreedom.org. He can be contacted at
Name: leigh
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 23:18:49 -0700
Poor Mohammad lamented bitterly Jews would think he wasnt a prophet beause he couldnt heal one of his followers and another who died after Mohammad was unable to do anyhing to save him from his sickness.The wife burnt in apparent disgust and grief the title deeds Mohammad had gifted to her husband (she preferred her husband alive not dead). Yes well the Jews had a point.Prophets were expected to be to be ableto perform miracles. That Mohammad couldnt was embarrassing to Islam after it finally got the gospels translated in Arabic to read and were able to digest the extensive detail of miracles that Jesus performed.It invented a few miracles years after his death but we will ignore those on the grounds of bias and wishful thinking.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 23:42:01 -0700
Muslims would suspend disbelief and lie through their teeth to claim that science is there in Quran! A typical example is that of Zakir Naik , that incorrigible fraud. Zakir Naik claims that Allah revealed the Big Bang theory of the origins of the Universe in Sura 21 verse 30 of the Quran.He claims that the credit for the Big Bang theory should go to Allah! What a preposterous idea! It is not even worth a laugh - a pathetic lie such as that! . The actual verse states :- "Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece,then We parted them , and We made every living thing of water? Will they not believe?" Now where is the Big Bang theory in this inane verse? All it says is that the heaven and earth were in "one piece" and that Allah seperated them and made all living things from water. This is a poor copy of the Old Testament where God seperated water into ocean below and sky above and made the land appear!This is not what scientists have discovered - they say from a point of singularity where all matter ,space and time was compressed to an infinitisimally small point ,which exploded generating all matter,space ,time and energy ,some 20 billion years back! Allah says nothing in conformity with modern science, just plagiarises in a poor way the story from the Genesis! And the author of the Genesis lived over a thousand years earlier to get a better credit than Mohamed's copying of the Biblical mythology and distorting them to his own convenience! These clots ,brain-dead zombies can believe anything that frauds like Zakir Naik would bluff!
Name: The Quran tells the truth - Sperm turns into Clot!!!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 01:52:35 -0700
Look at the blots on your bed! They all become red after a while!
Name: The Quran tells the truth - We are all made from Clot!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 01:54:20 -0700
Consider the suicide bombers! They all become clot again!
Name: Must Read for all Jihadists!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 01:56:31 -0700
Brand new 72 big boobed horny virgins DVD now available for free! Orders are accepted at: www.cia.gov
Name: Another Quranic Miracle!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 01:57:44 -0700
Just found a small muslim in my refrigerator. I kept some blood sausage there!
Name: Yet another quranic miracle
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 02:08:30 -0700
I hold a piece of the sky in my hands! Just as told in the quran(52:44)!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 03:01:36 -0700
The question is, did Mohammad plagarize most of his writings from the jews before he had the jews beheaded because they thought he was a phony???
Name: kamasutra is more interesting than koran
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 03:54:22 -0700
kamasutra is more interesting than koran in arab language or english.
Name: will my hot sexy virgins be blondes and also oriental or only arab babes ????
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 04:00:53 -0700
i am wondering will the virgins i get for sex in jannat only be looking alike and arab babes or i will get blondes,oriental [ jap-korean-chinese ] style virgins also ? will the chinese babes hv big breasts ? will they give me a blow job and allow me to give them a blow job ? will i get to hv group sex with them ? koran says it has answers to all,and hadith r not real allah created books,so why koran is silent on this issue ?
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 04:10:57 -0700
Quran (chapter 2 verse 18 is enough) to answer...
Name: Another Quranic Miracle!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 08:16:48 -0700
According to surahs 3 & 19 Maria, the mother of Jesus, is also the sister of Ahron and close related to Imran and Moses. She must have been some hundred or even more than thousand years old before the gave birth to Jesus.
Name: Henrik R Clausen
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 09:08:52 -0700
"For instance the word “YAWM” (which means “Day” in Arabic) is mentioned exactly 365 times in the Qur’an." Now, that is one stupid miracle... Apart from the tricks needed to reach that number in the first place (being selective about which forms to include and which to reject), there's one glaring mistake here: The lunar year, which is prescribed by the Quran, has only 354 days. Whoever claimed this book to be perfect, or even miraculous, must have been numerically challenged, drunk, stoned (oh, no..) or violently deceitful. Did I miss any option here?
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 09:34:56 -0700
Regarding 365 times the word "Yawm" is mentioned. This is a joke. 365 is just another number. It would have been more "interesting" to have 366 time since this occurs once in only 4 years. This is also a joke anyway since early muslims had a 354 days year. In any way, to me 365 is just a number, nothing more. Making sense of the senseless is the expertise of intellectual Muslims. Actually when I read some of Ali Sina's debates, some of those intellectual Muslima, with the way there reasoning goes, are no more than a disgrace to the human species.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 12:25:19 -0700
Most people especially Christians have nothing to worry about concerning the threats of the mujahideen because Proverbs 24:19,20. reads "Do not fret becuse of evil men...for evil men have no future hope ..." The only "future hope" the jihadist has is the fantasy of a paradise with 72 virgins. This jihadist delusion is explained in Seconed Timothy 4:3,4. "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine . Instead, to suit their own desires , they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn to myths." - [NIV]
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 12:45:01 -0700
I challenge you to write even one verse like Quran. For example can try writing one like aya 33.50 which says, "Mohammed you are allowed to have sex with your wives, your slave girls, your captured women, your first cousins and any woman who offers herself to you".
Name: cjk
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 13:45:14 -0700
To Henrik: I think you hit it with the violently deceitful one option.
Name: ajay kumar
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 13:56:02 -0700
Hinduism is not a religion, but a set of beliefs, rites, ceremonies, > customs, traditions and cultures > HINDUS WORSHIP human PENIS and VAGINA as a GOD. WHY? because according > to them these are the most important body parts. These parts perform > important function of creation. > The other body parts were very upset not only with hindus but also > with Lingam and Yoni. Each part thought that they perform the most > important part in the body. > Hinduism is a gutter religion based on dumbass Indian crap. Its > founder the filthy dirty subhuman "Ram" was a low life son of a bitch > and a mad lunatic. just an asshole! > I piss on Krishna (cow shit be upon him), Lord Shiva (cow shit be > upon him) and Geeta (dumbass and filthy crap). > HINDUISM stands for the following: > (H) Homosexuality > (I) Incest > (N) Neurosis > (D) Dowry > (U) Urine > (I) Impudence > (S) Sodomy > (M) Murder Hindus worship Cows, donkeys, rats, dogs, penis, testicles, monkeys etc... There is no way I could have believed it until I saw on CNN.
Name: Infidels!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 14:45:58 -0700
Your ignorance is disturbing. The reward of the faithful is written. You WILL receive 72 virgins. They will be of all races and of all creeds. You may do with them as you will. For ever and ever you will copulate on regenerating unused women. They are yours! Trust in me and I WILL lead you to paradise. Mohammad
Name: Allah Akbar
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 14:51:28 -0700
I bow before your greatness. Send me a sign of how I can destroy your enemies. Forgive my use of the infidel words, I am not of the holy land. Command me great one, my life is yours. Allah Akbar!!!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 15:10:13 -0700
You guys are idiots
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 21:35:37 -0700
++To Ajay Kumar ( a phoney name taken by a lecherous rapist and murdering and plundering muslim). Islam worships the penis and kisses it in the 'Kaaba' represented in the form of a black stone . The muslims all over the world pay obesance to the black stone 'penis' as the holiest relic of islam! The holiest act of islam is to go on 'haj' all the way to circumambulate the black shrivelled penis of a black stone and kiss it in gratification! Islam is a cult of raping and subjugating women,mutilating female genitals , citcumcising the male penis - all intensely pointing to sexual orgy as the main objective of islam! It is the filthiest and the most backward cult that muslims try to give it respectabilty by calling it a religion! It is the most idiotic , vulgarest and most violently bloodthirsty cult ever! It s followers are a bunch of brain-dead zombies born of a clot. Allah and Muhamad are the biggest frauds ,both pimps promising eternal whorehouse in the hereafter for its zealots to go fuck-screw-suck on and on eternally! That's all they can offer. Nothing worthwhile.
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 23:51:50 -0700
To ajay kumar : muhammad ajay kumar, allah has chosen you to be his new prophet and will be sending gabriel to instruct you very soon. Until that happens, you are to wear burqa and stay indoors. Allah is very pleased with your deep knowledge of Hinduism.
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 01:14:56 -0700
It is very problematic what you are asserting that quran already knew that everything is divided into two sexes. At first, it is not clear whether the quran is talking about sexes or species. Both translations are possible and available. Secondly, most plants ARE NOT divided into to sexes because they are Hermaphrodites, also called monoecious. There are also some hermaphrodite animals such as snails. Thus, quran is DEFINETELY WRONG because it claims in 51:49 that there are pairs of EVERY species.
Name: Why many muslims are stupid and desperate too!
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 01:50:47 -0700
First of all, many are stupid because they were always taught that they have received the only true and very last revealation. That´s why they are used to think they are better than others and don´t need to know anything else. And they think that all it´s ok and there will be no further development because there will be no more revealations after Muhammad. However, this illusion is beginning to dissolve and because many muslims did never learn anything different from islam, they have nothing to replace their outdated beliefs. That´s why they now begin to become desperate these days. They start to invent their laughable islamic science hype without realizing how many mistaken their arguments are. Most plants DO NOT have males and females!!! Therefore, when trying to rescue islam from decline, they are providing more and more evidence how hopeless they and their outdated clot-belief are.
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 05:43:05 -0700
its true QURAN does say abt big bang and not only that the expansion of universe after that! so its a fact! QURAN IS TRUE! ZAKIR NAIK IS 100% right! And the Mullah’s in mosques will have no problems reciting such beautiful writings, especially if they had a good Sunni glass of wine after dinner! ya u would like that wouldn't u since u r sinful u want muslims to drink and get drunk just like u and commit SIN! just shows how morally upright u r!
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 15:05:11 -0700
I challenge you to write even one verse like Quran. For example you can try writing one like aya 33.50 which says, "Mohammed you are allowed to have sex with your wives, your slave girls, your captured women, your first cousins and any woman who offers herself to you".
Name: Mohammad
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 22:53:47 -0700
You forgot to mention the most important miracle of the Quran: it facilitated the conversion of the Arabs who spread its message to areas unimaginable to their forefathers. What happened was truly a miracle: a people who were known for being backward and divided, united under one banner and conquered half of the known world. Just imagine that some unknown african country whose people are killing each other on a daily basis gather under one banner and conquer all of Africa and half of Europe. Wouldn't that be a miracle to you? This is exactly what happened 1400 years ago. Secondly you don't present any argument negating the claims that Quran is a miracle. You simply state that " at this day in age, it is clear ....". Why is it so clear? Who has decided that it is clear in this day in age that there is nothing miracelous linguistically about Quran? Is there a consensus among scholars of Arabic language on this that we are unaware of? Or this is a wishful thinking of the Anti-Muslims like yourself with probably no deep background in Arabic language? Please clarify.
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 23:18:17 -0700
Quran is a bullshit composed of 6,666 lines. A very small amount of literature, and yet the clot brained zombies make tall claims that would rival Britannica Encyclopedia ,which , ofcourse runs into 40 volumes of compressed knowledge. Worse, they also claim that Quran foretells all the science and technology yet to come! Then , one may ask why the colt-brained zombies have not invented/discovered anything- be it computers, radios, TVs, cellp hones, automobiles, locomotives and trains ,air conditioners, electric appliances, CDs, DVDs, Music tapes, printing machines, aeroplanes, spacecrafts, etc. , infact anything that we use today - all inventions of non-muslims, especially Europeans/Americans , a substantial number of jews . Can any muslim claim to have produced great scientists and thinkers like Einstien, Sigmund Frued, William Steiner, Steven Weinberger, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, etc . - All were jews! These clot brained zombies look puny and backward , a missing link in the evolution of human species gone awry! The Quran is a book of bullshit and stupidities meant only for the clot-brained muslims who revel in its savagery, utter barbarianism ,ignorance and idiocy! The bluff loud enough to browbeat people into believing all that trash. See Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, etc. all deep blackholes of ignorance, superstition, uncouth and uncivilised, barbaian - a veritable cesspool of corruption, immorality , unmitigated violence, infact a living HELLHOLE! With these wonderful "Islamic" examples abounding all over , these fellows lie and obfuscate most brazenly! They can only be proud of the likes of Osama Bin Laden, Zakir Naik, Mullah Omar, etc.
Name: Re: Mohammad
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 23:58:24 -0700
The expansion of islam a miracle? Consider Dschingis Khan, who was also illiterate and created an empire even larger than Mohammad. But even if we consider islam to be a miracle what kind of miracle is it then? There are 20-25% of the world population living under much worse conditions than the average. There is much more illiteracy among muslims, lower education levels, lower income and even the average IQs are lower. Is this a miracle??? Or is it a miracle that there these part of the world ppopulation does not deliver any cultural, scientiefic or technological innovation to the world??? That almost all of them fail to establish democracy and that they all are killing each other everywhere??? It is not a miracle it is a shame!
Name: Re: Bring it out if ther is any better opening than the glorious QURAN!!
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 02:26:23 -0700
It is pathetic that you don´t even realize how stupid your challenge is. If you had read other books in your life you would know better. The muslims are making so much hype about their Allah and his unity but if you have a closer look to the problem than we MUST say that Allah/God/JHW is beyond human imagination. Thus, it is not possible to describe him with words. That´s why the definition of God in other religions such as Buddhism, Taoism and Gnosticism is that we canot describe him because he is so superior, beyond imagination and beyond definition. That´s all an that´s very easy too. But the muslims all must make so much hype around words, definitions and the even do not hesitate to kill for their definitions. And why should god write such a "wrecked" book (Schopenhauer)? And why is the muslim world so behind? And why should god teach his own creatures that they are made from clot??? Do you know what clot is?
Name: ZuK
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 08:27:45 -0700
Mohammad: If the Arab conquest is to be deemed a miracle, so how should we term the Spanish Reconquista, which started almost immediately thereafter and concluded with the successful expulsion of Arabs? You can apply the word "miracle" in a metaphorical sense to many things, but neither Islam expansion or the Spanish Reconquista are miracles - those are marvelous historical events.
Name: iam a muslim and happy to be..!!! I DO NOT BELIVE IN STONES SOO RUBBISH!!
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 09:37:56 -0700
you non-Muslims...Hindus....Christians, jews, or what ever.. need better belief's.. Allah is the one and only god. believe it or will see when we die.!!!!!!
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 10:21:14 -0700
The Qur'an is boring in Arabic? Well, to be frank, the Qur'an is boring in English. Has anyone else read the Qur'an in a different language and found it boring? Just curious.
Name: Re: Re: Mohammad
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 14:55:10 -0700
Conquering large territories is not a miracle by itself. Conquering and transforming its people is. Chengiz and Alexander did conquer many areas but only as military powers and today only their names are left of their legacy. They gradually faded but Islam is still alive in the territories it conquered. I think this point should not be ignored. And note that I am talking about transforming people not annihilating them like what the white Europeans did in the Americas. From Morocco to Indonesia, there are native people of these lands still living in their ancestorial homes who consider themselves Muslims.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 14:58:36 -0700
Before I forget, I give you an example of how hard it is to conquer and transform a people at the same time. The US military did conquer Iraq and Afghanistan but has it managed to transform its people? The US may keep these territories for a while but eventually it is Islam that is the determining factor there. Ironically enough, the US occupation has facilitated Islam's becoming a source of law in their constitutions.
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 03:37:52 -0700
I've always wanted to read the Koran. Sex and violence always makes for a good story.
Name: ZuK
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 12:06:53 -0700
Mohammad: the "willing" conversion of the conquered infidels is one of the Muslim myths you believers are systematically fed with. For starters, in Europe that conversion lasted as long as the military presence of the Caliphate forces. So, according to your logic, the massive converstion of the indigenous population in the Americas (particularly Central and South) to Catholicism is an even greater miracle, since it outlasted the Spanish dominion of those lands!! Mohammed, you are a lucky person in that you have actually a brain - use it with objectivity and real (not Islamic) logic!
Name: to: challenge to all infidels from akhter
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 20:35:56 -0700
I challenge you to write even one verse like Quran. For example you can try writing one like aya 33.50 which says, "Mohammed you are allowed to have sex with your wives, your slave girls, your captured women, your first cousins and any woman who offers herself to you". I am an infidel. To make a verse like that, just watch an xxx movie. Many sentences can be made in such a movie. I can think of one sentence: "Akhter, you can f*ck your mother, your sister, your daughter in law, a nine year old girl who is still playing with her dolls, and with any women who offer herself to you. You can have it a twosome way, threesome way, and foursome way, anytime that suits best to you. You can also play with them missionary style, doggy style, or any style that comes to your mind." I think the sentence is far more better than your verse.
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 05:27:14 -0700
this site that belongs to israelis Zionists propoganda machine is full of shit and lie. How else you could have lived without it in the last 60 years.
Name: Servent of Allah
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 03:05:12 -0700
Excillent writing but without good logic.Moses and Jesus(PBUT)both showed numbers of miracles but could they make people of their times to believe that they were prophets?People used to tell them Magicians.Acoording to your writing if David Copperfild or Cris Angels claim that they are prophets then we will have to accept.Cause they are violeting number of times the natural systems. Muhammed(PBUH)showed the biggest miracles of time by being the messenger of God and when Quran was revealed through him.Yes,Quran is boring,to them who fail to under stand its greatness. May God help us to understand the truth.
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 12:43:11 -0700
you are the most sentimental of all ignorants. For the fact that you are faithless, must you descend to such an abysmal and irredeemable state of sycophancy as to negate all that is islam? you should be ashamed of yourself.May death and hellfire be your lot. satan incarnate.
Name: a.s
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 18:53:51 -0700
you smarty, the miracle here that these scientific facts were only discovered recently, and were mentionen in the quran many centuries ago, without telescopes, microscopes, space ships, nor any technology. So the facts by themselves are just natural facts, but mentioning them many centuries ago is the miracle. take it easy dude, don't bust a nerve trying to prove the quran wrong, it will always defeat you.
Name: kmgy
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 01:42:53 -0700
Koran is the Pandora's box of mankind. Once opened out flowed human miseries, death and destruction. Its words or messages are like a strong poison, drug or wine. It is a can of worms that consume all sanity out of the human mind and transforms sane civilized man into a terrible beast.