An Ex-convert's Ordeal: Islam's False Sense of Peace
14 Mar, 2009
Almost Aisha, a Christian girl, who fell in love with a Muslim man and eventually converted to Islam, describes her torturous journey into Islam as a warning to those, who may be thinking of falling in love with, or marrying, a Muslim.
My dear brothers and sisters in humanity,
- I am an ex-convert to Islam, thankfully saved from slavery to an evil cult leader of the 7th century by the love and devotion of my family. I write to you today because I feel that it is time for me to come forward and share with you a little bit of my experiences with Islam over the past couple of years.
I was hesitant at first about sharing my story, as I doubted whether my writing would make any difference. I haven’t had the opportunity to study the errors and atrocities in the Qur’an and Hadith nearly as thoroughly as the authors of great articles here on FFI, so my story is unlikely to surprise you with new information. Similarly, having never lived in a Muslim country I cannot speak of the effects of a Muslim society- the stories of war, injustice, violence, discrimination, and sheer religious stupidity that seem to abound from these places. I have not personally had any terrible experiences with Islam or Muslims that will shock you. So I thought, at first, that my writing here was unnecessary.
Upon reflection, I have come to realize that this is precisely why I have to put in my two cents. As a Muslim, when I was faced with stories of the apostasy of ex-Muslims, I often found in the dramatic nature of events surrounding their decision an excuse to dismiss them. They had witnessed a war, or been abused, or been manipulated for political reasons — they had all experienced the stupidity of ignorant so-called Muslims. Their stories did not faze my faith in the least- I felt sorry for them for having had to go through such trials, but reproached them for being unable to see (everyone say it with me now) “the difference between the people and the religion”. Well, the Muslims surrounding me were all of the kindest, most accepting people I had met (both before and after my conversion), so I guess I fell into the trap that I had been so set on avoiding- judging the religion by the people.
My story is not outlandish like something out of a movie, but I
am writing in the hopes that even one convert or would-be convert to
Islam will find it easier to relate to than other more sensational
tales. Who knows, perhaps a liberating seed of doubt will then be
Before Islam
I was born Catholic, but was never really practicing apart from
the occasional trip to church. As a young teenager I became exposed
to people of many different sects of Christianity. After analyzing
and comparing their beliefs, I saw a lack of logic in them that
brought me to the conclusion that man had invented religion. This
did not affect my life, as I had never been a strong believer after
early childhood, and my morality had never been based on religion.
However, I remained fascinated with the idea of faith and how people
could believe something without proof with so much confidence. I
enjoyed talking to religious people and trying to understand them,
and in the meantime I varied between phases of atheist and agnostic
points of view.
Love Blinds
I first became exposed to Islam when I started university, and made a few really good Muslim friends. Among these friends was a boy who would become my best friend and whom I would later fall in love with. (I know what you’re thinking- she converted for love! Not the case. But this is an important part of the story so pay attention- especially if you’re a girl). Despite calling himself Muslim and speaking proudly of his religion, (let’s call him Mahbub) Mahbub was hardly a practicing Muslim. He had many close girl friends, loved to go clubbing, and hardly ever prayed. It was because of this that I was so upset with my parents when they told me that they could not allow me to date him solely because of his religion. They tried to explain that the differences in our way of life and culture would eventually ruin our lives and furthermore that Muslim men were controlling and misogynistic. The idea seemed ridiculous to me, racist even, and because I had always had a great relationship with my parents their disapproval hurt, angered and confused me.
But it was too late. Or that’s how it felt anyways. I was already in love and after being fed countless Romeo & Juliet stories (with happier endings of course) throughout my life, I felt that we were simply misunderstood and my parents would see that eventually. So in love and full of faith in things working out in the end, I continued to date him, in secret. He never risked telling his parents about us of course, as he knew that they would never allow him to date.
In practice we were actually perfect for each other, and personality-wise had few if any problems throughout our relationship. It was all rainbows and butterflies. The problems we faced came from a different angle.
Soon after we started dating he told me that he would only marry a Muslim woman, simply because he thought that any other marriage would mean too much conflict in ideals. He said he would never want me to convert for him however, but only out of my own faith. I told him that I would probably never develop faith in any religion because my mind was simply not programmed for that. We obviously saw this as a problem, but love blinds and he went on having faith that I would one day “see the light”, while I was sure that eventually he would change his mind.
We dated for almost two years, and in this time his expectations had imposed so many rules on my life so gradually that I had barely even noticed. I first stopped drinking, then eating pork. Next came wearing tank tops or anything that showed off skin above my knees. I had to give up swimming because of bathing suits (unless it was in an all-girls pool). Then I could not hug other boys or dance in public. I am sure you must be thinking how much of an idiot I am to be so easily controlled, and I don’t blame you– I wonder how I got there myself. But it was actually not very hard thinking back. First, many of the things I gave up never meant much to me anyway- I didn’t really drink or like pork, I am a fairly modest dresser by nature, and I am usually much too self-conscious to dance in public. Second, he never actually demanded these things of me- he would just manipulate my emotions by becoming very quiet and cold towards me if I crossed any of these lines. I confronted him many times of course, and we both agreed that it was unfair of him to expect these things from me, but he came from the angle of “well does (blank) really mean more to you than me…?” And of course it didn’t. I loved him; I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him… so what if I couldn’t (blank) because his cultural boundaries made him uncomfortable with it? In the end I always decided it was not worth the fights and another rule was established.
I want to make it clear that Mahbub is a really good person with a great heart, and he (almost) always treated me with utmost love and respect. He was always there for me and we made many lovely memories. Compared with other relationships I knew about, he was an angel of a boyfriend. My point here is not to say that “Muslim men are bad”; it’s not true and you can’t convince me of it. But there are three conclusions that I have come to because of this experience.
- A Muslim person no matter how liberal and non-practicing, as
long as they proudly call themselves Muslim, always has the
potential of becoming religious even to an extreme. During the
course of our relationship, I wasn’t the only one to have new
rules imposed on me. Mahbub became gradually more and more
religious, giving up clubbing, starting to pray 5 times a day,
eating only halal food, and separating himself from close
friendships with (other) girls.
- A romantic relationship between people of different faiths
cannot work if one of them is Muslim. Mahbub is neither
controlling nor misogynistic by nature, far from it, but when it
comes to the expectations of appropriate behavior a Muslim person
must follow the Qur’an… and it is the religion itself that is
extremely controlling and misogynistic, among other things. When
we met, Mahbub would not care if for example I wore a short dress
with spaghetti straps- but the more religious he became, the less
appropriate my normal behavior seemed, and the more uncomfortable
he became with it.
- I have come to realize that one of the reasons that it was so
easy for me to accept Islam is that I was already living under
many of its rules. Of course, the notion that there was a greater
purpose and reason for these restrictions than simply trying to
smooth over cultural differences with my boyfriend was a welcome
The Conversion Story
Mahbub and I often discussed and debated religion, but it was not through him that I really learned about Islam. I became more and more interested in the religion when I began having debates about it with a very religious girlfriend. She seemed to always have good answers for my questions, which were mostly regarding the morality and wisdom behind certain Islamic customs and rules. The more we discussed it, the less harmless and more logical the religion appeared. My point of view was further shaken when I read about the “Scientific Miracles of the Qur’an”. For the first time, I began to consider that Islam might be not only a good way of life, but a divinely ordained one as well. I studied the religion more closely then, devoting more time to learning about the Prophet Muhammad and starting to read the Qur’an.
At some point along the way, I stopped questioning the truth of Islam. To this day it is difficult for me to say what exactly caused this silent acceptance, though I suppose the fact that I was only discussing Islam with Muslims might have been a strong factor. They taught me (perhaps innocently) the Westernized peaceful Islam as “true Islam”, and anything that I brought up as evidence contradicting this was dismissed as a cultural or political problem- “this is not Islam”.
I subconsciously decided to accept Islam, but I thought it was
something I would not do officially until for a long time. First, I
intended to learn everything there was to learn about the religion
so that when I had to face my parents I could do so with knowledge
and convincing proof. Discussing the matter with my religious
girlfriend one day, however, convinced me that my parents would have
a very difficult time accepting my decision no matter when I did it,
so I agreed that there was no point in waiting. That day, I accepted
Islam with her as witness.
Islam means Peace
After my conversion, I felt a sense of peace and happiness that I had never before experienced in my life, and hope to never experience again. This was the peace that came with knowing with full certainty that I was in the right path. Knowing that there was a Creator who was watching over me and who had a plan for me. Knowing that He had in his infinite mercy bestowed me with the Qur’an, an instruction manual for life so that from now on I could always know the right choice and be certain of my decisions. Knowing that earthly problems did not matter at all, because this life would eventually be over and then I could look forward to paradise.
Another major factor that brought me happiness, slightly embarrassing to admit, was that I felt special. I did not have self-esteem problems before, but having somehow been chosen to be shown the correct path by Allah brought me a whole new level of pride. It suddenly seemed that every event of my life, every meeting and decision had somehow been divinely orchestrated to get me to this point of belief. And of course, if Allah had led me here then He must have a great purpose in mind for me- something much greater than my previous goals of career, travel and family. I started dreaming of all the ways that I could contribute to His great religion.
I also felt like I could suddenly “see” after being in the dark for so long. I think this feeling came from the fact that I finally understood the way that religious people around me thought and felt. Also, it definitely seemed like the world was brighter with beliefs that provided me with comfort, certainty and purpose. It was delightful to believe that anything good that came to me was a blessing decreed by Allah, and anything bad was a test that He was giving me to increase my status in Paradise. I understand why Muslims hold on so tightly to their beliefs, I figured I would rather die than go back to disbelieving.
After officially becoming a convert, I was thrust into the Muslim community, which welcomed me with arms wide open. My close Muslim friends were bursting with happiness when they found out. When they introduced me to new Muslim brothers and sisters, they did so with a deep tone of pride as the other person gaped at me in awe and admiration. Mahbub and I broke up because I wanted to do everything the proper Islamic way, but this brought neither of us sadness as we still planned to get married after completing our degrees. An unexpected blessing after converting was the sense of belonging and acceptance to this great community of people. Muslims I had never seen before and others that I barely knew were congratulating me and telling me how I was an inspiration for them. I did not feel worthy of the admiration at all, but was glad that I might be bringing others closer to the deen [religion].
I had begun wearing the headscarf and clothing that would reveal
no more skin than my face and hands. I devoted a lot of time to my
Islamic education. I focused on learning the prayers in Arabic and
watching online lectures on Islam by respected scholars. I even
enrolled in a free online Arabic course. I did not need any
encouragement to do any of these things; Islam was simply addictive.
Life became slightly more complicated as I had to schedule my day
around the five prayers and I was now limited to eating halal food,
but it never felt difficult—it was a small price to pay after all,
to please Allah who had blessed me so much. Besides, I was sure that
there were good reasons for these laws and that following them would
be to my benefit, both here and in the afterlife.
Muslim Way of Thinking
Becoming a part of the Muslim community provided me with some insight into what Islam does to people’s minds. Most of the following things even I found a little off when I witnessed them, yet sadly they never made me doubt the truth of Islam.
Muslims were very generous to me, and many strangers even gave me gifts of beautiful scarves or clothing. A few of these I know were given from the heart, but the rest came along with serious requests that I include the person in my prayers. It was done in such a way that it felt oddly like a transaction, and I am sure that this is how they thought of it: gifts for prayers.
I had not realized how obsessed Muslims are with the calling of others to Islam (dawah) until a Muslim friend encouraged me to talk to my roommate about Islam and invite her to Qur’an study circles with me, simply because I told her how accepting my roommate had been of my conversion. I was also commended that talking to my parents about Islam was great dawah. In terms of education, I found it surprising how highly popular and easily available dawah courses were. I later understood the reason for this when I learned that it is each Muslim’s personal duty to perform dawah. It was also interesting to see the pleasure that Muslims derived from finding evidence that Christianity is wrong and from wondering in amazement how Christians can believe such absurdities.
The Us versus Them mentality promoted by Islam was also clear. Even after a short time as a Muslim, I began to think this way myself. When I saw someone who I identified as a Muslim, having never met him or her before, I felt a certain sense of kinship. I even started to accept the idea that it is preferable to give charity to Muslims than non-Muslims. I saw non-Muslims who questioned Islam as lost or stubborn people and felt sorry for them for their lack of understanding. Unless of course they spoke badly of Islam, in which case my pity turned to anger at their ignorance and spreading of lies. Of course that was the only reason anyone would criticize Islam, out of ignorance.
I always affirmed to non-Muslims that there was definitely freedom to question in Islam. I think I was in denial myself however, because I should have known better. Once, when searching online for evidence that the Qur’an had not been changed, I accidentally stumbled upon a website by Christians that claimed otherwise. I would not have paid attention to such a website, but it had been done so cleverly that I did not even realize that they were finding faults in my religion until I had been reading for a while. I was intrigued by their claims, and though no doubt entered my heart I decided I wanted to learn the “real” story. I sent this website to a Muslim friend, hoping to get some feedback to explain how this website was twisting or fabricating facts. She replied with a very upset email saying that we should not waste time looking at such websites. I calmed her down and told her it was okay to look at the other side of the argument so that we could defend our faith even better. After this, she sent me information regarding the history of the collection of the Qur’an, but she never directly addressed the claims on that website.
When trying to explain the death penalty on apostasy to a non-Muslim friend, a Muslim friend of mine defended it by saying of course every apostate did not have to be killed, this was just for cases when the person went around bashing and trying to hurt Islam. As if this made it perfectly justified. The sad part is, at the time I agreed. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think either of us would have ever condemned an apostate to death, she is a sweet, peaceful girl- but the fact that the idea that it could ever happen felt alright deeply disturbs me.
When I told my parents about my conversion, they were extremely upset to put it mildly. After trying to change my mind with all the arguments that they knew, they started a campaign to research Islam in depth. I was told that when I went home I would have to read many books that proved Islam was wrong. I talked to a Muslim Chaplain about this, seeking advice. I assured her that I was very strong in my faith and these books could never weaken it. I knew it was a waste of time to read them because they could contain nothing but lies and hate for beautiful Islam, but I felt that if I refused it would be an insult to my parents who had taken the time to find these things for me. She said in no uncertain terms that I could not allow myself to read such “hate literature”- that refusing to read it might be an insult to my parents, but reading was definitely an insult towards God. I did not agree with this at all, how could God be insulted by what I read?
The self-censorship soon started, though. I had been told that the verse that instructs men to beat their wives in the Qur’an was merely a symbolic commandment, that somehow what it really meant was that men could not physically harm their wives. This was proven by a single Hadith that I was never shown, and to this day still have not read, yet somehow I bought it. It was a little harder to defend it that way to outsiders regardless, especially my parents. Highly frustrated, I one day thought why would Allah, by allowing this misleading verse to be part of the Qur’an, make it so difficult for others to see the beauty of Islam? Why would He be so unclear that it seemed like the book was saying the complete opposite of what He wanted? I almost voiced this out-loud to a friend… and then it hit me what a terrible sinful statement it would be, doubting the wisdom of Allah. The most I could bring myself to do was wonder out loud what was the wisdom behind the wording of this verse.
Mahbub and I remained best friends, but it was soon indicated to me that this close friendship was wrong. According to Islam, there should be no friendship between different genders. I agreed with this view in general, but I tried to defend our friendship as an exception. I thought, such friendships are forbidden to prevent that the people will fall in love, but well we were already in love so there was no sense in ending the friendship now. However, I was encouraged to separate myself from him with two arguments. First, I was assured that Allah loves us when we give up things we love for His sake. Taking Mahbub out of my life might be very painful, but surely I must have faith that Allah would replace whatever I gave up with something better, that is how He worked. Second, if Mahbub was hurt and felt alone without me then this could drive him closer to Allah and to become a better Muslim. In fact, I was told I should make it very clear to him that the reason we could no longer be close was that I felt that he was not very serious about religion. This was sure to motivate him to practice Islam with more devotion. This kind of manipulation felt wrong to me, how could I deliberately cause someone I loved pain to change their level of religiosity? Then again, it would be better for him in the end…. We did tone down our friendship, though we tried to do it gradually and were never able to completely give it up. The change in him was evident—he always prayed five times a day now, devoted a lot of time to watching Islamic lectures, and even grew a beard. His own parents began to refer to him as an extremist. I was so proud of him… and now I only feel guilt and sadness over the part I played in his change.
One of the strangest ways of thinking I encountered was when a Muslim friend told me that she was jealous when she saw how much suffering I was experiencing with the disapproval of my parents. She said that she would not like to be in my position, but that she knew that every headache I contracted and every tear I shed was increasing my level in Paradise. She testified that Allah tests the true believers the most, and she could not help but be jealous that, after starting out with a clean slate of no sins I was immediately rising up in Paradise levels. This is not something that she said to me to make me feel better, this is the way that Islam taught her to think. She spoke of the companions of the Prophet who would cry when their lives became too easy because they thought Allah no longer loved them. This felt twisted to me, and I was sure that I would give up the higher levels of Paradise if it meant that my relationship with my parents would be healed.
I want to emphasize something again. You should all be so lucky as to be around the quality of Muslims that I’ve had in my life. They are good, loving, peaceful souls, simply trying their best to be good Muslims. It is clear to me now that all of these twisted ideals and morals that they carry are solely a product of their submitting to Islam. The more religious a Muslim is, in terms of knowledge and practical application of the religion, the more twisted their mind and morality becomes. So, you may encounter good people that call themselves Muslims- in my experience, it is very likely. Please do not judge the religion by the people.
The House of Cards begins to crumble
As I delved into learning and practicing Islam, there were definitely things I stumbled upon that would have made any reasonable person doubt the legitimacy of the religion. Unfortunately, whenever I found one of these things, I programmed myself to find an excuse for it and put it aside. After all, if even one thing was wrong then I knew that would mean everything was wrong… it would mean all the peace and fulfillment I had felt was invalid. And I was not willing to let that feeling go, not for anything.
I first noticed how some of the information that had been given to me before converting to Islam was slowly revealed as inaccurate, without much excuse or explanation for why it had not been fully revealed before. For example, I had been told outright that women had the right to divorce in Islam (one of the many rights given to us by Islam, subhanallah). When discussing it after my conversion however, I was told without ceremony that women couldn’t initiate a divorce. I was confused, and they tried to smooth this over by saying that it was “sort of” like a divorce, but worked in a slightly different way… Why, I wondered, didn’t they explain it this way before? In another case, I was told also that Aisha loved the Prophet so much that she never remarried after his death. The fact that according to the Qur’an, had she done so, both her and her new husband would have been committing a most major sin… was left out of the story.
I was also confused by the authenticity of Hadiths as measured in discussions. I had of course been taught about the collection and classification of Hadiths, and felt the Muslim pride that unlike Christian writings ours remained authentic and unchanged. However, it seemed that in a discussion authenticity was simply measured by the light under which the narration portrayed Islam. Whenever a Hadith went against the picture of Islam being promoted it was said to be “rare”, “questionable”, “fabricated”, or at the very least mistranslated. I was disoriented; I thought Bukhari was the most authentic? Well he was of course, but there were still some weak Hadiths in his collection. The more I asked the more it seemed… “some” meant “a lot” of weak hadiths. When the opposite was true and the narration fit the version of Islam being promoted, the most rare Hadiths were put forward as irrefutable evidence.
As I said earlier, I devoted a great deal of time to watching lectures by scholars online. I simply loved the way that they explained and justified Islam. However, it is a curious thing that I could not find any videos that I could send my parents to show them how Islam really was. Every single video seemed to have at least one extremist point that either I myself rejected and overlooked as an incorrect view of Islam, or that I agreed with but knew that my parents would be deeply disturbed to learn. Looking back I can’t believe my own gullibility at this point. I guess I really believed that somehow I was the only one who understood the spirit of true Islam, even better than these scholars sometimes! Then again, my other option was to entertain the idea that I might be wrong about everything…hardly appealing.
There were other ridiculous things that didn’t make sense to me… like when I found out that the Prophet said to eat with you right hand, because the devil eats with his left hand and we should not imitate him. Or the fact that it was crucial to keep track of the times I went to the washroom during the day so that I would know whether I had broken my wudu or not. All these things I put away into the box in my mind labeled “Allah knows best”. I have renamed that box “denial”.
When the time came for me to go visit my parents, I was advised
by a religious friend and a local shaykh to not go. Everyone
insisted that I could never break ties with my family because it was
un-Islamic. However, these two people said that putting myself in a
situation where I would be under such significant stress spiritually
was also against Islam and a sin. They said I should wait, and let
more time pass before I faced them. I did not think for a minute
that there was anything that my parents could do or say that would
lead me to stop believing. So I was never worried about that, and
was perhaps slightly annoyed at these advisors for lacking
confidence in the strength of my faith. Anyway, my family meant too
much for me to take the advice of staying away from them. I felt I
had to do everything in my power to show them the true Islam, and I
did not want to do anything to risk losing them forever. I did
however, go with a plan to basically run away from home if things
got too unbearable. I was under no circumstances willing to give up
my religion.
The Man Behind the Curtain
When I reached home, my parents devoted all of their time and energy to showing me the things that they had learned about Islam. I was taken off guard when everything they showed me was directly from the Qur’an and Hadith. I could no longer say that they were being lied to by Islamophobes. Before this I had not been exposed to the Medinah period writings, and did not know how to explain many of the cruel and violent things that I was reading. God knows I tried, though.
Every time I was told to read a new verse or narration I would read a few different translations of it, then read the surrounding text to get some idea of the context, and finally read different Tafsirs’ (books that interpret the Qur’an) interpretation of it. All along the process, I hoped to find the correct context of the verse, the one that would redeem it. Sadly, I was disappointed time and time again- especially when the Tafsirs’ interpretation of the verse revealed it to be even more cruel and violent than the verse itself had seemed. Nevertheless, I refused to give an inch and simply told my parents that I did not know what the correct meaning of these verses was but that surely there was an answer. They were unfazed as they asked me to look at the next verse… at which point the cycle would restart.
I guess my parents were trying to show me how evil the teachings of Islam could be, to prove that they could not have a divine origin. I simply would not allow myself to question the truth of Islam though, so all I could do was try to justify these evil teachings as good. I kept a growing list of concerns to ask my Muslim contacts, hoping that they would know the correct way to look at these teachings.
The first doubt that I admitted to myself was regarding a verse that my parents had not even shown me. While looking for context to what they had wanted me to see, I stumbled upon Surah 33, verse 53. The tafsir for this verse explained that it was revealed because some guests lingered in the Prophet’s house long after the meal was finished, which annoyed the Prophet.
“O Ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless permission be granted you. But if ye are invited, enter, and, when your meal is ended, then disperse. Linger not for conversation. Lo! that would cause annoyance to the Prophet, and he would be shy of (asking) you (to go); but Allah is not shy of the truth…”(33:53)
This just seemed too silly, and honestly like something that someone with multiple personality disorder might say. Would God really be concerned with the time that one spent in the Prophet’s house talking? If the Prophet must really be protected from all annoyance, then why not make his job easier and lead everyone to accept Islam? Would that not make a more significant difference in his life than restricting visiting hours at his home? Anyway, couldn’t Muhammad do that himself? It hardly seemed to fit God’s job description.
After having these sinful thoughts, I tried to admonish myself and take them back. It was useless. Once I opened the gate for doubt, all the evidence that had been building up in the denial storage boxes in my mind flooded into my consciousness. I began to see the man behind the curtain everywhere I looked. Within the same verse, Muhammad made laws that prohibited his wives from talking to men without a curtain separating them, and also made it unlawful for them to marry after his death. Since most of them were teenagers at the time, this seemed a very cruel ruling.
I grew more and more frustrated as I was unable to get satisfying answers to my questions. Websites that promoted Islam offered the same propaganda I had been fed and made no mention of the many doubtful verses that I had by this point accumulated. The few that mentioned them gave far from satisfactory explanations in an obvious effort to sugarcoat the truth. I emailed a friend asking about some of these verses. My friend forwarded my questions to a more religious friend. That person contacted their Muslim Chaplain, who then asked a local shaykh. I began to realize… the Qur’an is not clear at all. How can it be that God would send down a message to guide us, so unclear that we would need to rely on man to understand it? Even reading highly scholarly books of interpretation we would not have full understanding- we would have to obtain doctorates in religion and go to Medinah University it seemed to truly understand the “context”. Even then, educated scholars differed on many key issues. Just the existence of many Islamic sects was proof enough that there was great room for interpretation. So how could I know who had the right interpretation? I would have to pick one school of thought and pray that it was the right one (Muhammad said that out of the 73 sects that would emerge, all but one would be in hellfire… so odds were not on my side). I thought the whole point of God sending a message to humanity was to guide us all, not to create confusion as we are forced to follow corrupt and fallible men in their interpretations.
When the answers finally came back through the email chain, I wished that they had gone even farther up the ladder of knowledge. For example, I asked about a Hadith from Bukhari that states,
“If at all there is evil omen, it is in the horse, the woman and the house. A lady is to be warded off. And the Statement of Allah: ‘truly, among your wives and your children, there are enemies for you (i.e may stop you from the obedience of Allah)’.“
The answer that came back clarified that the translation here is hideous. What the Hadith actually intends is “a caution to man that he has great responsibility to the women of his family and if he doesn’t do what he is supposed to -to support them and give them their equal and just rights, that he will suffer.” The translation I obtained was from an Islamic site of Hadith books, so I wonder what Muslim translated “man must fulfill responsibilities to women” into “women are evil; stay away from them”. Hmm…
It was in these days of mental and spiritual turmoil that I received an email forward from a Muslim friend, announcing that a special date was coming up in the Muslim calendar. The Prophet had said that those who fast on this day would have all of their sins of the next year forgiven! Imagine that bargain… as long as you don’t eat during daytime of one day, you pretty much have a free pass to sin for a year. And if this happens every year… well I wondered what is the point of trying to be a good Muslim when all you have to do is remember to fast one day out of the year. This ludicrous idea did nothing to help me hold on to the faith that I was fighting for.
I tried prayer, and I tried silencing my doubts, but nothing seemed to be working. As a final desperate attempt to re-strengthen my faith I decided to research that one thing that had seemed so miraculous to me so long ago: Qur’an and Science. Previously, I had taken propaganda at its word and believed that the Qur’an truly talked of all these scientific discoveries long before their time. I was deeply disturbed when I actually examined these supposedly miraculous verses and found that most of them actually contradicted science! With great “analysis” and “interpretation” the scholars somehow played around with the language to try to make it agree with science, but even after all this work the connections were weak at best.
I started thinking about hell and the kind of place that it was, the kind of torture that took place therein. I thought of people who perform torture here on Earth, and how disgusted I was by them. The torture of hell was so much worse than any possible earthly torture, though. I wondered who deserved to go to hell and concluded that the answer was nobody. I would even have trouble sending someone like Hitler, who to me is the epitome of evil, to that place. But according to the Qur’an, all non-believers were going to hell. My sweet grandma who never did anybody any harm and prayed to the Virgin Mary every day…would be sent to hell. In fact, the same fate awaited practically everyone I had known before starting university. But I would never send even Hitler to that place. Did that make me more compassionate than God? That was impossible; a true God would have to be the most compassionate being in existence.
It is said in the Qur’an that Allah increases the disease of disbelievers, abandons or misguides them, and even seals their hearts. Contrast this with my parents’ reaction when I disobeyed them and converted to a religion that they did not approve of. They could have taken an easy course and either disowned me or accepted my decision without questioning it. Instead, their love was so strong that they dedicated all their energy and resources to bringing me back to what they believed to be the right path. How is it possible that my parents’ love for me is greater than God’s for mankind? It is not. A true God would have to be the most loving being in existence, and He would never give up on his creation or even worse misguide them!
The Truth Hurts… At First
Finally admitting that I no longer believed in Islam to myself and my family thrust me into the deepest state of depression that I have ever experienced. My world shattered around me and I lost even the will to live. I will not go into details about my experience in those first weeks, but only to say that it really speaks about the degree of power and mind control of this cult called Islam. I have the utmost respect for those apostates who were born Muslims; I cannot imagine the difficulties that you must have faced for your decision, both within yourselves and from those around you.
Thankfully, I had my family with me for support. Likewise, the Faith Freedom website was infinitely helpful; stories of other apostates helped me to feel less alone, and intelligent, well-written articles helped to quiet the guilt that tried to tell me that my sinning had led me away from Allah.
Some time has passed now, and I feel no sadness about having left this cult. I feel free and grateful to have been given a second chance at life. I no longer live with the mind-numbing tranquility that I had as a Muslim, but I am once again free to think for myself and live life as a real person instead of a robot- worse yet, as a slave to an ignorant and cruel man.
I knew that any future for Mahbub and I would be impossible if I left Islam and, though our relationship had no influence in my acceptance of Islam, the fear of losing him was definitely a major motivation to hold on to my faith near the end of that traumatic period. The end of our relationship has been difficult for me to handle, but I have come to accept that we want very different things, and we will both be happier making our own paths in life. It saddens me now to see how much he has changed for Islam… he no longer listens to music, watches dance shows or enjoys the same silly humor. I am sure he feels like a better person than ever for his devotion, and I think this is the great tragedy. I finally understand why he insisted when we met that he would only marry a Muslim woman- I was too innocent then to understand what being Muslim really meant, but now I say with confidence that I could never marry a Muslim man.
Most of my Muslim friends accepted my decision without any interrogation, and the ones that were close to me before my conversion continue to treat me with sincere love and respect. This is not the case for my very religious friend. I am afraid that the disappointment I have brought her, having failed Allah’s test for me, is too great for her to bear; after having treated me like a true sister while I was a Muslim, she now no longer talks to me. Likewise, a couple of Muslim male friends appear to disapprove of my decision, having also disappeared from my life. That is okay; I do not need these people in my life.
What do I believe now? I have not joined another religion, nor am I likely to. I don’t refute the existence of God, nor do I claim it. I accept that there are some things that I cannot know and that the mysteries of life are part of what make it beautiful. I believe in the goodness of people and the awesome power of our minds and hearts. I doubt the existence of an after-life, but I am in no way afraid of the possibility. In any case, I think for now I will focus on making this world and this life my paradise.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I hope that someone will learn from my experiences and avoid the same mistakes.
You may contact Almost Aisha at
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Name: Tony
Subject: welcome to the light, dear lady
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 07:21:16 -0500
you've given more proof that Islam is an insul to God, and a danger to humans.... keep up the good work
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: your story is more of your inner voids
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 07:29:13 -0500
hi girl, how come you fall in love with someone who cant see you above his fomulaic belief-system and mental programming ?? i being a young handsome guy have had many bouts of love and what i gather from all ordeals is that in cross-relegious love affairs one of the professer of love suffer from serious identity and understanding crissis both of life&death and god which are also indeed the voids of love and passion thus actualisation of this whole episode
Name: Vivekanand
Subject: The Good thing
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 08:27:57 -0500
The good thing is that he did not leave you a mother of his kids.
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 09:28:21 -0500
You Deserve this Bitch
Name: Ibrahim
Subject: RE: No Alla
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 10:46:09 -0500
No one deserves to be treated the way Shilpa was treated. Anyone can fall in love and make mistakes, rather than giving her the middle finger we should try and help her the best we can.
Name: Jay
Subject: To Shilpa
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 11:23:55 -0500
Atleast stay loyal to the love of your parents and the tradition you were born and brought up with. You are from a great Hindu family nd why would you want to hurt your parents and country by falling to the islamists propaganada. Now, be a great model girl to your parents and lead your life the dharmic way irrespective of what god you may or may not believe in. Also, make sure you send the message to all hindu girls who might be misguided by blind love for muslim guys. It is permitted in islam to marry a kafir girl in order to get her to convert and then abandon her. You should thank God for being saved and now spread the bad message of islam to all you know.
Name: Shilpa
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 12:29:37 -0500
Thanks a lot, for reading me everyone. I had decided that i will expose this matter for sure.. 2 years i kept quiet, and was handling tortures..sometimes this, sometimes that.. These MUSLIMS are nothing but just a piece of shit and fanatics.. There ALLAH is playing a wise game on NON - MUSLIMS, by making these MUSLIMS [ALLAH's own muslims] as terrorists and fanatics.. coz everyone knows.. that its a MUSLIM only who spoils the name of his own RELIGION.. lols.. what more is required???
Name: IK to Shilpa
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 12:33:05 -0500
Comment can live your life now better. I wish you the best. Those who leave comments here to condemn you were not in your shoes. Just ignore their remarks. They are not worth wasting your time on. You also have wonderful family and parents. this is a great thing to have. many people don't have that. Anyway, congratulations and i wish you a very bright and blessed future.
Name: Kislay
Subject: There are hundreds of stories like this in India
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 14:51:53 -0500
Hindus are in such a state of dhimmitude that whenever the question of islam comes up, they think "O, what a beautiful religion". They almost know nothing of the glorious traditions and histoy of Hinduism - a result of the schooling and upbringing they receive. A friend of mine, a Brahmin to begin with, married a muslim girl. Now he has two children with muslim names, keeps a beard and rozas and fulminates against Israel. When he came to my office, and I work in an American company, he signed his name as Osama - and thought this as tongue-in-cheek humour. Both husband and wife are teachers in delhi university.
Name: saavan
Subject: from pakistani hindu
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 16:38:20 -0500
please read the quran if you want to know truth abt islam! i am a pakistani hindu and was abt to convert...when i read quran i knew the truth. plz save other hindu girls who dont know abt this most hypocrate creature of the world. we cant do anything in pakistan they are raping and killing hindus every in pakistan, at leat indian hindus should wake up. would you beleive mohammad married more than 30 women + slave and booties, non muslim women captured after killing their family members. you dont know what muslims have done in india...still you indian are falling in a trape of islam!!! my sister wake up
Name: proud kafir
Subject: islam lowest idiology..
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 17:36:17 -0500
Subject: CHEER UP..
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 17:55:04 -0500
Name: Scrutator
Subject: Islam cannot be for Hindus
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 17:58:37 -0500
I am a Hindu, I had taught at a British University for ten years where there was a sizable muslim segment, composed of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Kashmiri students who told me that Islam was the No. 1 religion; at that time I was not into religion and I decided to probe deeper into Islam. What I found out left me aghast ! Compared to the philosophy contained in the Geeta, the Quran was nothing ! I have perused Islam for the last 6 years and am generally horrified ! Its true that the pursuit of Islam helped me understand Hinduism better. .... While my reasons for having an aversion of Islam are many, the biggest one has to be the fact that in the last 100 years this cult has been responsible for the slaughter of some 60 million Hindus, my co-religionists ..... this one reason alone is sufficient for me and all other Hindus to say a firm 'No' to Islam !
Name: Scrutator
Subject: Correction
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 18:01:31 -0500
Sorry for the typo error, I meant to say 'in the last 1000 years, Islam has caused the deaths of some 60 million Hindus, my co-religionists'
Name: Wagamama
Subject: Be brave
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 21:57:51 -0500
Shilpa, it is sad to hear about your story. Now it is time for you to be brave and tell all Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, and Pharsee women around you to avoid any Muslim. Send emails to all your friends. Post your story on different forums. Approach elders in your community and convey the message. It will help save several other girls.
Name: many others like shilpa
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 22:11:12 -0500
i know a girl who gave up her hindu religion, converted to islam since she wanted to marry a muslim man. they are husband and wife now, still his family half-heartedly welcome her.
Name: RRS
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 23:52:17 -0500
I also know a hindu girl,thrown out by her muslim husaband and in-laws after marriage,sent out by her parents but thanks to her job managing to survive on her own and taking up meditation for moral support.
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: the only real point
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 00:32:20 -0500
the only point is here that a great person must be secular in true sence of word. every relegion carry superstition , inhumanity, murder and fanaticisam. all relegion seek to get at the ultimate reality and there are many opulent and obscure dimensions to it but what i genuinly beleive that every relegion can be reformed on the ground that great majority of follower of all relegion other than islam are quite convinced to seperate religion from the state and see it as a personal matter. <all christian , hindu and jew brothers will agree >.if we find obscurity and inhumanity in the formative phase of christanity, hinuisam etc, they can well be seen as thing of the past or otherwise archetype of some meataphysical understanding wich we can yet deconstruct and put it on broader convass of science and knowledge or may even reject it altogather. but thios never can be the case in mainstream islam because in islam minds are dead-flat they never approach evoloution and science with independant and impartial mind they at the most try to corelate it with quran if they themselves are somewhat convinced about the merit of evoloution. And evoloution can lead to two conclusions 1- athiesam or 2- metaphysical self-actulisation where cause and effect are not possible to work out in any empirical undersatnding yet one can get all the signposts if he persists with the independance and detachemet of mind and thus opening of such horizon where both pain and pleasure can never defeat the true objective and this i also call the emancipation.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Evolution Is A Reality
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 01:16:58 -0500
"Free from indoctination," EVOLUTION does not lead to disbelief in a SUPREME BEING. Evolution is a reality. There are changes in humans and other mammals through eons of time. Some people are sometimes confused when speaking of evolution. Some people believe that Darwin taught that we people descended from monkeys. Darwin taught no such thing. I know that evolution is a reality and that a SUPREME BEING exists. I also know that matter is not eternal. Matter was created. I also know that God can create out of nothing. I have experienced that fact three times, believe it or not.
Name: Peace
Subject: Jaipur woman burnt alive for dowry
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 01:56:29 -0500
JAIPUR: In yet another dowry death in the district, a 32-year-old woman was allegedly set on fire by her in-laws at Kumharon Ka Mohalla under Bassi police station on Saturday. She was rushed to SMS Hospital in Jaipur where she succumbed to her injuries on Sunday morning. The victim’s father has lodged an FIR, but no arrest has been made as yet. According to police, the deceased – Anju Devi – was repeatedly beaten up by her in-laws including her husband Mahesh Jangid and his brother Bhanwar Lal. “Anju’s father Laxminarayan said that Mahesh and his family were demanding dowry ever since they got married a few years back. On Saturday morning, Mahesh, Bhanwar Lal and his wife poured kerosene and set her on fire at their house in Bassi,” said Rameshwar Bagariya, in-charge of Bassi police station.
Name: PK
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 02:25:30 -0500
To that Dolt "Peace" giving news on dowry death. Hey there, the dowry death and oppression of daughters-in-law is a problem with Indian society and not related to Hindusim. By posting this piece you are only exposing weakness of Islam more. Defend your religion better Johny, this isn't enough. The best way for you is to come out of Islam and breath fresh air outside. I know of other dirty customs adopted by Indian Muslims in public area. Muslim males put up their feet into wash basin and drinking water basins to wash their feet as they do not find it religiously acceptable to wash their dirty feet in bathrooms and toilets. I'm sure PEACE some of your dim-witted violent co-religionists would have done this. I had reprimanded that idiot just yesterday. So PEACE, clean up your stable before finding fault with other religions. One last info, even Indian Muslims commit grave injustice to women in the name of Dowry, "mehr" notwithstanding...Then there is the case of Imrana whose father-in-law raped her and your Muslim Ulema gave a clean chit to her FIL. Mercifully for her she is an Indian citizen. Had it been Afghanistan, Pakistan or Swat then she would have been stoned to death. Isn't that true???
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Not Surprised
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 02:36:47 -0500
Truth Detector isn't at all surprised that Islam puts more value in a dowry than human life. Islam is the most corrupt so-called religion in the world. Dear Hindus, I'm a Christian, but I'm concerned for your lives. Unite and do all in your power to destroy Islam the most corrupt ideology in the world. For example, it's simply unbelieveable that Islam allows grown men to have sex with infants so long as he doesn't penetrate. Yet, it's true. LOOK OUT FOR MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS.
Name: prince1
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 03:37:08 -0500
the religion conversion should be based on study and a comparasion between faiths not because of love . i mean if you love someone that is not enough no follow his faith . you should follow according to your conviction. you have to please god first not the person you love.
Name: To-PK
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 03:40:30 -0500
Hey dude when something goes wrong somewhere done by a muslim then you point your finger on Islam , but if a hindu does then its culture not religion , this is the policy all over the world against Islam , but dont worry Islam is still growing even after all this attack on Islam. It is the fastest growing religion in the world!!!
Name: Shafeeq
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 04:40:50 -0500
Wanted a true lover for me
Name: ya allah ye kya ho gaya ?
Subject: ya allah ye kya ho gaya ?
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 05:04:46 -0500
ya allah ye kya ho gaya ? 1 kafir saved by isw ? hai hai this isw is a real curse on muslims.
Name: Amit
Subject: Do not leave that Bastard
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 06:49:34 -0500
At least listen to your parents now, this hypocracy of living in a Metro , advance education, secular belief has landed you in hell. Be brave and do not leave that person , he and his family should be taught a lesson, there are many in India who will do it for you and when ur father is in such a good position ,it is easy for him to arrange things unless you act sissy and ur old memories stops you to act
Name: Concerned to Shilpa
Subject: Glad you could save your skin
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 07:04:04 -0500
You got out of it in time. Thank your stars. Kindly pass on the message that marrying a Muslim is suicidal for a woman. There are of course lots of nice guys but you wouldnt know when the bug gets them. Best of luck!
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: To Truth detector
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 07:22:51 -0500
on the question of supreme being and the will of supreme being, there is no end of polemics and islam lead the way in it and convince and appeal most of the stereotypes. but i believe human is supreme being who exude full spectrum from basest to exaltest in an evoloutionary ladder. this not only encompases our this short compartmantalised life , be it worst or best of all, it goes even beyound death, there are carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle and we are minly composed of water and our brain seem to be some sort of bio plasmic existance. our mind, brain heart all get decomposed when we die but the intense feelings, nostalgia , love , reminiscence, desires, urges . exuberance, hatered , envie, ego are like universal logos which never die yet we die. we are mere transient station house of these all.And it is we who must do our earnest to design higher trade-off among these all and be a true vicegerent of god, but islam in its orthodox rage is main hurdle toward this end. we cab observe, thanks advances of science that physics reveal that a quark move both cloakwise and anti-cloakwise and our earth rotate anticloakwise which is also the direction of motion of all other planets of our solar system. the movement of quark both cloakwise and anti-cloakwise is a pointer that life and death is from whithin it is all an evoloution which is another way of reincarnation.
Name: Non-Delusionist
Subject: To Shilpa and all Peace Loving Men and Women
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 07:29:41 -0500
Never ever forsake your believes to convert to the Satanic Sect of Islam to marry someone. If someone really loves you, Satanic Islam or Muhammad's God should not take precedence over your love.
Name: Kinana
Subject: good luck
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 09:07:58 -0500
thanks for your story. i will pray for your recovery, but at least the marriage did not happen. That would have been even more tragic. Can you use your experience to guide and warn other non-muslim women about Islam? They say 'Love is blind' but maybe after your experience you will find a way to save others.
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Truth detector
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 09:44:14 -0500
"SUPREME BEING exists. I also know that matter is not eternal. Matter was created. I also know that God can create out of nothing. I have experienced that fact three times, believe it or not"......Those are very big claims, that you cannot back up or adequately explain, so you probably should not make them. I would agree that 'God' is experiential, but there is no way to adequately express that to another. Because they have not had this experience, they think that you are just another lunatic...The proof is in the doing, so you should let the reader in on just how you achieved this experience, so they can copy it and also experience God directly...Love without an object is one method, if you have another post it...
Name: Vp
Subject: Study Indian History of Islamic conquest and current news of
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 12:22:47 -0500
You know the Indian government is denying the truth and barbaric and atrocities committed by Mughals and Muslim invaders against Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. The History of this period is whitewashed or pushed under the rug. This is what happens when people are ignorant of the truth that Islam is evil and those who promote it are evil. Also the MSM and Political elite are giving a wrong message and putting the lives of Non Muslims in jeopardy. The present atrocities committed in Kashmir against Hindus and all the barbaric acts committed against non Muslims in Islamic lands is not addressed. It is as though the rest of the world has accepted that fact. It is a shame that human rights and women's rights are not focusing on Islamic countries.
Name: Terry
Subject: Fastest growing religion
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 15:01:58 -0500
Why do Muslims like to trumpet that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? If it is growing as much as they like to think it is because of hormonal urges, not because more people are embracing it. For every "Cat Stevens/Yusif Islam", there are probably 100 ex-Muslim apostates. How are large numbers relevant to Godly truth? In fact, Jesus, who Muslims claim to believe in, said at Matthew 7 that the road to salvation is cramped and narrow and few people find it whereas broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction and many people are on it. So listen all you Muslims, your large numbers game works against you, if anything.
Name: kafir/infidel ( Ex.communist )
Subject: People like SHILPA MADAV are real problem
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 02:31:18 -0500
Ofcourse we can empathyze with SHILPA very sincerely, becaus eshe is an INDIAN and because she is raised as a good human being . But did she thought about all of this? She became more selfish - eventhough it is out of her good heart and openness - but Shilpa failed to acquire knowledge,know truth and facts - purely out of her selfish attitude she was even prepared to convert !!!!! where is th eequality ? If you are respecting the other person - he must give you equal respect ,should not treat you as a slave or putting lot of demands on you. obviously ther eis lot of in equality in this relation. As a liberal human being asking for equality to all people, equality to women , equality of religions - how can you accept inequality ? At least , God has saved you before it is too late- other wise you could have been a most miserable creature for the rest of your life- actually got destroyed . Now you are safe.
Name: Taqiyah
Subject: Big mistakes of parents
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 02:38:59 -0500
Shilpa you are saying that your parents are wonderful but I feel that it is their lapses in their teaching of your religion to you that is apparent here.Had you been cognizant of your own religion and be made to be proud of it then you would never have been atracted to a muslim.How many hindu girls are out there and they are not being converted to Islam? Your parents are educated and have reached far in their careers but they failed where it was most important that is imparting their religion and its ways of life to you.They are failures as parents.The first teachers of a child are her parents.And I'm shocked that they accepted your love affair with a muslim so easily and did not try their best to dissuade you.This is the 2nd failure.I think that your parents also either donot care or they are afraid of you and your reactions.Very sad.
Name: Rashmi
Subject: You are repentent for your mistake that itself is enough
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 03:03:35 -0500
Dear shilpa good you are saved but many maharashtrian girls were not lucky like you. When i was working in mumbai believing in God that all human beings are equal, i kept a muslim maid, infact she was a hindu fallen in love with muslim converted to islam and married to her lover, this lady used to criticise every body and make fun of hindu God and Goddess , my christian cook who was a real good human being had told me this.By Gods grace and my interest in spirituality i had good understanding of God and Indian culture, she even used to ridicule her parents too. She could not utter such non sense in front of me. Further a PA was under me she was a roman catholic from Goa and settled in mumbai, she was a central government employee, once she came to me for obtaining signature for her homeloans, i asked her what happen.She told me madam i am staying in muslim area(as they have low rent) it is like a living hell, difficult to adjust with them , they are different.Some how i want to buy a house in parel ( almost 7 years back 1 BHK was 12 lakhs) as i want to get rid of present difficult situation.She narrated me a story of brahmin maharashtrian girl married to a muslim, she told me she pity on the condition of that girl. Further one more incident was narrated to me by a colleague that one of his friends daughter was in love with a married muslim man, her parents tried to counsel her a lot, but this girl got married to this muslim married man , later on this man left her after two years. At that time i was not aware of all this, i was diving deep into the image of farce secularism created by indian historians and media.Now after reading foreign authors(most of them are wonderful researcher of truth and honest),sincere efforts of NRI Indians especially to depict what is real Indian Culture and trace their ancestral roots(Sushma Londhe writer of book a tribute to hinduism and website) i have understood the painful truth of Indian history the atrocities suffered by my hindu ancestors under islamic and british (missionary attacks on name of God) rule. All religions do not teach same things this excellent artical on "Radical Universalism " by Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D. a professor in harvard is good for Hindus to read This is the case with india. Our ancestors have painstaking tried to preserve our native culture even in the face of death now we should sincerely try to research our past and rewrite indian history by calling spade a spade and adhering to truth . You can not change faith based religions originated from deserts of arabia they have divided entire human race into either believers or disbelivers ( kafir in case of muslims and heathen in case of christians) and have brutally wiped out civilisation on the name of Allah and jesus.
Name: selvi
Subject: still how many should fall pray to this mad islam?
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 10:31:20 -0500
still how many should fall pray to this mad islam?No more silence.Muslim men marry twise ot thrice but hindus largely once.Hindus follow family planning for the sake of nations futture but muslims breed many children .THey want all subsidies but don't have enough respect and patrioitism to india.Shilpa it your duty to spread awareness of this website and dabger of islam.spend daily few hours fior this just like me.
Name: Kafir/infidel (Ex.communist )
Subject: Girls & people like SHILPA are a big problem & tragedy for INDIA
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 11:45:53 -0500
Our sympathy for SHILPA MADHAV will not solve the root cause of INDIA's problem . Overwhelming majority of Hindu parents raise their kids and families with openness, equality, secular and progressive, liberal values. Hindus teach equality of all people, all religions, equality of women ,equal rights . But - along the way - the meaning of these words have acquired opposite meaning. Now in INDIA , a HINDU if he talks about his religion - he/she is immediately branded as communal, uncivilized ,nonsecular etc. But if a MOslem and christian talks about their most dogmatic,narrow minded ,fascist ,intolerant ,slavery ideas of ISLAM and christianity - then all the politicians, congress, communists applaud them as it is their right . So Hindus do not have rights in INDIA . But nonHindus Moslems & christians ,have all the rights and special privileges in INDIA . Hindus in INDIA live as second class may be as 4th class citizens............. ISLAM (MOSLEMS ) CHRISTIANITY ( CHRISTIANS ) do not accept other religions i e HINDUS or HINDU DHARMA - this is true. Go to any Moslem -ISLAMIC country. see how they rule .study their societies . It is all demonism in ISLAMIC countries. Everything is under the control of ISLAM. Nonmoslems are treated as slaves to ISLAM and Moslems. Either you accept ISLAM or superiority of ISLAM or you cant live in ISLAMIC Countries. No human rights or legal rights in ISLAM for nonmoslems. No equal rights..... SHILPA claims that she is liberal, accepts all with love and equality. Then did she know or studied that what Moslems are doing in Bombay and the rest of INDIA ? How many attacks, bombings, murders, killings perpetrated by Moslems in INDIA ? on daily basis . IN Bombay itself it is happening . Why are you so blind for all of this? Are you so selfish that the destruction of the country - BHARAT ,killings by Moslems of Hindus - does not matter for you ? By the way did you study QQURRAN or BIBLE and analyze them ? I can say honestly with all my knowledge - that HINDU DHARMA is supremely noble on this earth. If I dont believe in any GOD or religion it is ok . But If I want or believe in any religion or GOD - it will be HINDU DHARMA or HINDU GOD .That is all. Nothing else even comes close.
Name: kafir/infidel (ex.communist )
Subject: INDIA (BHARAT ) & HINDU DHARMA will be rescued or saved by
Western open societies ,humanists, liberals, progressives
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 14:40:33 -0500
To all : DO you know what is happening - with the communication revolution - internet,u-tube,cell phones - all over the world ? Millions of open minded, honest,fair minded, freedom, peace lovers, people with integrity and want to have enlightened life,make this world a better place to live for all- democrats, thinkers, philosophers and many scientists - even physicists - are observing, studying, analyzing in the sphere of spirituality. Over whelming of them are attracted and mesmerized by the universal values of SANATANA DHARMA - which is born in peace - it's first slogan is OM SHANTHI SHANTHI SHANTHI . OM is the universal ,all encompassing sound created when the universe was born. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, PARAMAHAMSA , TM guru MAHARISHI YOGI, SRILA PRABHUPADA who started this ISKCON movement contributed enormously for all of this. Time tested HINDU INDIAN values - yoga, pranayama ,Meditation and other scientific truths and IDEAS of HINDU DHARMA are propelling the awakening about the nobility, greatness of SANATANA DHARMA (HINDU DHARMA ). Today millions and millions of EUROPEANS, Americans, Australeans, canadians, Africans are dicscovering the peace,love, oneness of humanity, tolerance, freedom, openness , equality ,happiness brought on by HINDU DHARMA . It is like a revolution - it is happening. ISLAM and christianity are fast sinking as they ought to be - as both ISLAM and christianity are negative, fascist, intolerant, dogmatic, exclusivist, slavery .fear, Terror (ISLAM ) driven theologies hate filled ideologies............................................... To all : watch any ISKCON follower - SEE in their faces how pure they are , how peaceful they are,how loving they are ,how clean they are ,how tolerant they are, how happy they are,how honest they are,how simple they are and how open they are . It is written on all over on their faces - the world must discover them with honesty.
Name: From Dr. DM to Shilpa
Subject: Good Luck
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 23:37:28 -0500
To Shilpa, I read your article. I am in USA and working at the University for last ten years. I met students, researchers, and professors from all over the world. I found muslims look at everything from religious point of view. Muslims are the most meanminded, hypocrites. Islam and its followers are malignant cancers on earth. Muslims think about islam, and muslims never think about universal humanism. Islam is a threat to human civilization. It is good that you realized. Good luck to your future. Regards, Dr. D. M.
Name: Niha
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 03:26:06 -0500
Please do not write so irresponsibly. U should not blame and disrespect any religion because of a few wrong people.
Name: Sambhaji
Subject: To stupid shilpa
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 04:09:53 -0500
I used to thought at least marathi girls r staunch n kattar hindus but thanx 4 make me feel shame here to show ur stupidity here.How did u forgot the great marathi like sivaji n sambhaji who kicked muslims ass. Sambhaji tortured to death by aurangzeb but he didnt converted to pisslam. U done it 4 so called emotional stupid love.i saw same the with sindhi gal(i dont really know her) who married to pusslim boy when i tried to talk 2 her i found that convent educated girl is so stupid idiot n total blind in love so i gave up. These all hindu gals r nothing but a stupid moron b*tches at least those christian gals r way better than u stupid hindu gals at least they proud of their religion and dont convert 4 sake of luv cuz i read news tht a christaian gal dumped her luv with muslim guy becoz he want to convert her now compare u both of them u bi*tch. I dont have any mercy on u stupid b*tches like u. If u still hav some shame left in u go ahead and preach abt this website n n tell other stupid hindu gals. Pathetic!
Name: Katarina
Subject: following truth
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 04:40:28 -0500
Dear Shilpa. I am a Christian and fell in love with an Arab. He didn't really even believe in Islam but still asked that I become a Muslim on the identity card to please his dad and culture. I said I could never betray my Lord and I would never convert. As for you. Seek Truth. Not for the sake of shortlived human love. I am sorry how you suffered. I have suffered too, but I am in peace now. I recommend to you Praised be the God who identifies Himself as LOVE.
Name: ali
Subject: shilpa madav
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 10:42:40 -0500
hi shilpa for a muslim is it right to comment for a religion. He will be punished for that, but for that you cannot blame a religion
Name: kafir/infidel ( Ex.communist )
Subject: Girls & people like SHILPA are a big problem & tragedy for INDIA
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 11:51:54 -0500
We are fully understanding & in sympathy with girls like SHILPA. But one should have a larger perspective, from history, understanding, knowledge, religious, social, political aspects................ Islam is neither a religion or nor a spiritual value. Islam is a dark chapter in human history.I would not like anybody to compare the ennobling, enlightening ,eternal values of Hindu dharma with the the satanic, demonic, evil ,murderous, rapist, slavery ,hatred, fear, terror of ISLAM - it's founder Mo and it's ISLAMIC ALLA - the moon God adopted by Mo. Actions like the one by SHILPA is not just effecting her individually - but effecting at the whole of country. We suppose that Shilpa is highly educated, knowledgeable ,thinking, modern individual. Then it is incumbent on her to learn about ISLAM ,Hindu dharma, history of INDIA - particularly when she wanted to convert to ISLAM . Did she do that? Did she read Bhagavadgita? Did she have self respect and enormous pride - of being a HINDU ? and being an INDIAN ? What are you seeing in the current events ? the murders,killings, criminal activities committed by Moslems ? ISLAM strictly prohibits dance,music,singing,painting,photography - amongst many others.A woman in ISLAM is like dust and mere sex robot . Does SHILPA aware of this fact ? Whereas in Hindu DHARMA - a woman is elevated to the level of GODDESS, nay, even more than that . IN ISLAM & christianity there is no idea of even a woman Goddess !!!!! Hunan civilization must discord ISLAM and consign it to the dust heap of history - because ISLAM will take humanity into darkness and destroy it.
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: A message to shilpa
Date: Friday March 27, 2009
Time: 04:05:08 -0500
every relegion carry barbarity, obscurity, and fanaticisam. but all relegion other than islam have renounced the notion of superimposing their doctrine-catechisam, theocritical way of life,absolout imperatives in the guise of alixiar of life. it is against the primcipal of reality that a person could be an absolout eveil or absolout good. you can find lots of positive things even in islam but it is the slanted and pernicious declaration of this relegion to bring under its sunjugative yoke the whole humanity under different pretexts of do-gooders.More than 90% population of muslim is a mind colone of obscurity and darkness when they get robed of any retrospection of islam. it is never your fault that you fell in love with a muslim guy , your true guilt is that you exude and betray an appaling and hair-raising judgemant and assesment of the true innard and core of ones,s being. you may as well find great people and lofty people in muslims. but the tue test of the greatness and stature of a person lies in his wilingness and wisdom to experiance love,passion, devinity and highest good not through what has been feeded and instilled into him . if he or she love someone it must be above any relegion, conditions,stipulations and both temporal and spiritual trade-offs.As spirit itself is love yet your love was at best your hate of your self. you didn,t kill your ego, you killed your esteem and honour.because true love calls for anahilation of ego of both lover and beloved , not the esteem and honour of any one of them.
Name: Terry
Subject: Religiously mixed marriages
Date: Sunday March 29, 2009
Time: 17:42:37 -0500
My Muslim father (now deceased) married my Anglican mother in 1951 when they met in England at a university social function....a time when Islam was not the radical "faith" in the news of the last 15 years or so. In 1955, my father renounced Islam and became a Christian. He was moved by my mother's loving Christian patience and kindness. His renunciation of Islam speaks volumes about his humility and willingness to listen to other viewpoints...not typical of Muslims, especially males. After much study and comparison, I too am a Christian and I greatly frown upon Islam and the worldwide chaos they proclaim so proudly. My father was an exception to the rule. PLEASE all you women....Christian or otherwise....THINK VERY SERIOUSLY BEFORE YOU ALLOW A MUSLIM TO SWEEP YOU OFF YOUR FEET.
Name: Ali
Subject: Damn
Date: Sunday March 29, 2009
Time: 22:19:46 -0500
I see the shaytan is doing what he is best at turning people against islam and ex muslims creating a whole website against islam is bad and sad when such things occurr and it is not much I can say about it as they are denying the truth after it´s been reveald to them people like that are blind folded from the truth and will never see it ever ISLAM DOESN`T BETRAY PEOPLE, PEOPLE BETRAY ISLAM IS SIMPLE AS THAT.....
Name: To Ali
Subject: Re : Damn
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 14:48:29 -0500
Sorry Ali, but Islam betrays the Bible which it supposedly verifies. Many reputable books have exposed and analyzed Islam's contradictions (against idolatry but OK to kiss the Black Stone and bow to Mecca and the Kaaba), unscientific statements (man created from a "clot"), borrowed pagan doctrines and rituals (the hajj), and Muhammad's hopelessly confused rendering of some Bible stories and characters. You are in denial. Think with your brain, not with your heart.
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: To ali, who is steeped in cloged thinking apparatus
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 00:18:50 -0500
.monotheism and pantheism are two different path to same god and both are never mutually exclusive as understood by muhammad yet it come to prove that muhammad turn this issue into his ego alter. Watch this video.
Name: Juliana Hayat
Subject: Best of Luck
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 15:11:24 -0500
I live in a Muslim country, and I read a lot about Islam, mostly to see what makes Muslims tick. In my life I have found that they are in a state of constant denial, and you are so right, the hadiths and words are twisted around to suit their own interpretation of Islam.
Name: kafir/infidel (Ex.communist )
Subject: Discover the truth - It is all in sanatana DHARMA
Date: Wednesday April 01, 2009
Time: 16:34:19 -0500
I take exception to the people who always put all religions in one pot and try to equate them or generalize the ideals. It is evident to any perceptive mind that sanatana DHARMA is totally different in it's philosophy,ideals, ethos and principles and diametrically opposite of ISLAM ,christianity - the ABRAHAMIC religions. People like SHILPA - never bother to find the truth and understand what each religion says . ( With the passage of time and under the influence of ISLAM, christianity , western writers- SANATANA DHARMA also came to be accepted as a religion !!!! ) In every asect of practice, precepts, tenets, values- SANATANA DHARMA is supremely noble - one has to live and understand , experience that to know- peace, love, nondogmatic, most tolerant, most democratic, most open, most freedom , woman as Goddess, most secular, equality ,oneness of humanity .
Name: Re : kafir/infidel (Ex.communist )
Date: Wednesday April 01, 2009
Time: 18:08:18 -0500
Islam is not an "Abrahamic religion". While it is true that Arabs are descended from Abraham through his bastard son, Ishmael, Islam in itself is a melting pot of pre-Islamic Arab paganism that existed long before Muhammad was even born, and Persian Zoroastrianism, and local apostate Judaism that even the Israelites of the time would not have recognized as Jewish, and a sprinkling of confused Bible stories to give the final concoction some kind of spiritual legitamacy. Muhammad's use of religion was similar to Emperor Constantine's strategy of mixing Roman paganism with an already apostate Christianity into a state religion to galvanize his power. Islam is no more Abrahamic than Catholicism. Strongly recommended is the YouTube link just three posts above this one. Very revealing.
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: what eludes most
Date: Thursday April 02, 2009
Time: 10:42:34 -0500
To equate all relegion is not to placate all relegion. As typical human mind is hard-wired to understand god, life and death through archetypes no matter what ridiculous and retarded it might have been. imponderable becomes a real possibility when islam poise itself as a dominant relegion in the world, christanity is a sister faith of islam but it no longer stands any chance to strut itself as any organised relegion which is mandatery at the populist level. its territory is in the possession of athiestic-hybird-capitalisam which is the godless materialisam of this age . but islam has 100% potential and protagonisam to pierce through this iron fortress and rust it from within and eventually disintegrate it ie liberal democracy and secularisam etc and it will happen in not too distant a future and your coniving crooked politicians will be the main culprit for it.
Name: Lakshman
Subject: Kashmiri betrayal
Date: Friday April 03, 2009
Time: 09:03:11 -0500
Do your bit to destroy Islam Shilpa. Crores of people murdered or converted by force by muslims in India for the last 1400 years. The islam's end is nearing and that is why there is turbulence all over the muslim world. Personally forget all your bad times and settle in life and be a responsible mother. good luck
Name: Shilpa
Subject: to kafir/infidel ( Ex.communist )
Date: Saturday April 04, 2009
Time: 13:02:44 -0500
Look, whosoever you are, When you write something, do not write it in the form of sermons, atleast i do not need them. If you are so much concerned about me being a problem to our nation.. Than why dont u just come over and solve the problem???... Even you are a kafir.. as i am now.. so .. just i prove the situation, on the basis of what you have said.. That people like me are PROBLEMS. Talk to me directly, or either reveal your name atleast. Lols. Pathetic.. Disgusting Moron
Name: Shilpa
Subject: To Taqiyah
Date: Saturday April 04, 2009
Time: 13:08:33 -0500
Look Madam / SIR.. Whosoever You are. When you are directly pointing fingers on my PARENTS, saying that they have failed as PARENTS. Than you are a muslim right? Let me see, and know.. how much do you succeed as a parent, would you allow your HUSBAND to marry more 4 - 5 times? Becos that is what Your Pathetic ISLAM says.. Than tomorrow your children, i am saying your children, should feel pity for you and your husband or they should feel happy?. As long as my parents are concerned, no doubt they are EDUCATED.. we arent from ORTHODOX FAMILIES... LIKE muslims. We are open Minded..MY PARENTS AGREED TO GET ME MARRIED TO THE GUY BECOS.. THEY CARE FOR ME .. THEY CARE FOR MY HAPPINESS.. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO KNOW.. THAT OUR HAPPINESS LIES IN THE HAPPINESS OF OUR DAUGHTER. More so , they were concerned about my FUTURE.. coz they knew.. that they cannot force me .. NOT BECOS THEY ARE AFRAID OF ME .. but becos they thought i must not be able to live with that shitty MUSLIM.. that is why they agreed to the marriage. I am sure.. u have understood.
Name: For Taqiyah....please read
Date: Saturday April 04, 2009
Time: 21:13:39 -0500
Have you never made any mistakes? Like all of us you too have made errors in judgement. Are your parents to blame for your errors in judgement?
Name: Free from indoctrination
Subject: seeking an answer from shalpa
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 00:17:09 -0500
most reverable shilpa, what struck me most is that whosoever falls in love at least has some perceptive and receptive communion of heart and mind with the beloved or lover which at least reveal us some basic and raw traits of someone,s personality, core of being which make us ripen our mind about him or her . what you told us about that guy is a manifest ideological misery&wasteland verging on vile and vulture psychopathatic mindset which most of muslims genitically inherit. why couldn,t you detect it in the starting phase of your initiation with that man ?? even if that man acted very reasonably and magnanimously at the outset but there is a way a person is sounded out when you are getting this much serious with him.
Name: fastest growing religion
Subject: united nations
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 21:13:11 -0400
according to united nations....barring "birth" the afstest relgion among well edaucated is buddhism.. I have no religion and affiliations to any religion...but if I were forced to choose,certainly buddhism buddhism would be on top of the list and islam at the bottom. religions are like masks,idiots hide behind them,in search of security and certainy...fooling themselves.ther is No certainty in life..therin lies the beauty of life.
Name: Partha Paul
Subject: great sprit, kip up
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 07:42:51 -0400
Silpa its great to find u fighting all odds dat happned 2 u. I m very much moved by ur real life experience. belief me there are lots 2 do for yourself and and your family members and dis wonderful country. Pls dont mind, if I say dat I didnot like u saying dat u "really spit on that name "ISLAMI".
Name: Jay
Subject: To Shilpa
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 14:12:37 -0400
It takes great guts to do what you did. Hopefully this inspires many more who have been cheated by the muslims through what they call 'love jihad' and harvest kafir women. Hopefully this is also an eye opener for all the innocent muslim women who have been enslaved by their muslim menfolk for no fault of theirs except that they were born as muslims. Now is the time for tehm to reconvert to their ancestral beliefs where women are treated as Godesses , on par or even better than males. We welcome you ohh muslimahs and implore you to embrace the hand of freedom that is due to you in this world.
Name: King
Subject: Welcome Back Dear
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 11:28:00 -0400
Forget the past and thank God you were able to come back to light so soon. Don't worry be a bold Hindu and tell thsi truth to every Hindu girl who gets fascinated by these bloody Muslims so that many more Girls are saved. Muslims trap Hindu girls only to increase their fanatic population nothing else. Come on millions of enlightened Hindus are behind you to teach these fanatics a lesson of their life. Let it be your mission to expose the hoax of Islam. You belong to the state of great Marathas act like Shiva Ji and make it your goal to finish these bloody terorists.
Name: Kafir
Subject: thank God for small mercies
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 15:02:05 -0400
My heart goes out to you, Shilpa. Muslim men out there would go any length to trap a non-muslim girl, try their best to get intimate, convert the girl, marry her, and eventually dump her. Avoid them, and spread the word. If someone has character, let them marry you without asking you to convert. The problem with monotheists is they put this precondition - Either convert, or its off which is a rather sick thing to do as Faith is a very personal thing. Its like an extension of one' s inner soul. Aside, am happy you had the courage to walk out of a potentially screwed up relationship. Unfortunately, my cousin wasn't as lucky as you. Good luck and have a good life.. and God bless you with courage and happiness.
Name: Michael Akinleye
Subject: i might be your soulmate
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 22:00:33 -0400
Hi there. i dont know who you are, but i read youre article/letter on islam watch. org, about your experiences with islam. you know, i dont know what to say, i think we are so alike its unbelieveable,. i have had the same experiences in my life. i have been seeing a muslim lady for about 9 years now, and i have loved her with all my heart and soul, but we have not been able to take things forward because she has always insisted that i become a muslim before i can marry her, and officially be her husband etc. the only problem ive had, and whats been stoping us from moving forward is that there were and have always been issues within Islam, that i just could not get my head around. i was raised a christian in a Nigerian household, and my mum is still very religious till today. anyway, i dont want to get away from the point, after reading your story, i think we might be soul mates. may be im wrong, i dont know, but i thought id give it a try. i hope this message reaches you well, and i hope you can respond to m\e. i really feel that, there is so much for us to talk about, because, i have experienced the same things as you, and i can also tell that you are a beautiful person, from your account of your experiences. i hope, wish and pray that this message reaches you well and you are able to respond to me. My name is Michael Akinleye and i look forward to your response. take care for now PS. and if you dont think im your soul mate, just say in an email response, and i will never try and contact you again if you wish. look forward to your response. Michael
Name: Re : Michael Akinleye
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 02:46:42 -0400
I don't think this forum is meant to serve as a lonely hearts dating column. Any female who has recently gone through a relationship catastrophe should be extremely wary of sincere-sounding internet males coming on strong from the other side of the world.
Name: Michael Akinleye
Subject: soulmate talk
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 11:26:46 -0400
actually, youre right, i apologise for the comment i left about being your soulmate, i obviuosly got carried away. I hope all your dreams and aspirations come true, and i believe everything happens for a reason, and in this case the right reason. All the best.
Name: kafir/infidel (Ex.communist )
Subject: People like SHILPA MADAV are real problem
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 17:21:47 -0400
Hey SHILPA - For get it- what sermon are you talking about ? your imagination. As you wrote here and in the article - others have equal right to post their opinions and ideas about anything. If you donot understand this simple fact - you are not mature either.You have attitudinal problem like many wayward youngsters. i would not want my child like you - children causing lot of grief to parents are no no. We are very progressive and liberal,open and loving and secular . That does not mean that we can accept our children to have premarietal sex with different partners and drugs .That is what makes Hindu dharma superior.You did not understand the content of my post. read again . What name has to do with the subject matter and issues ? You are not only miserable but pathetic too,devoid of true knowledge .Knowledge is power. Do you know th ehistory of INDIA ? I am least interested to even be concerned with you. But matters of our national interst, people it's very ethos - then we have to express our ideas to protect people and country. There are lot of evil forces that are inimical and trying to destroy INDIA,Hindus. ISLAM (and christianity ) comes under this catagery. The activities of the MUSSLAMAN ZAKIR NAIK are extremely dangerous to INDIA and INDIANS.
Name: Jaweria
Subject: Bogus
Date: Friday April 10, 2009
Time: 16:18:25 -0400
So much fake and crying over thiings that does not matter.................................. This why this site is for Islam And Muslim bashing all the way............................... But seriously a message to all my Muslim Brothers and sisters ALWAYA MARRY A PERSON BORN IN THE MUSLIM FAMILY NOT THE ONES WHO HAVE BEEN CONVERTED ............ A SURVEY CONDUCTED BY AN IDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION SAYING THAT RATIOS OF MUSLIMS WHO ARE SECULAR AND INVOLVE THEMSELVES IN VICES SUCH DRINKING ETC AER MOSTLY THE ONES WHO HAVE MARRIED CONVERTED GORAS IN EUROPEAN AND OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES......................
Name: Arayana
Subject: prpoaganda assholes revealing half truth and mostly lies
Date: Friday April 10, 2009
Time: 16:23:05 -0400
Hindus are Hindus Because of The Muslim........... Most Of The Hindus do not even care about their religion only when see Muslim develotion they become hindus.....................................
Name: Shyam Sunder
Subject: It is the fault of Shilpa's parents
Date: Saturday April 11, 2009
Time: 01:28:44 -0400
From her background it seems clear that her parents are part of the secular elite Smoking-drinking-beef eating-convented-half commie - ultra secular - hindu in name only Normal hindus will not even allow a muslim into their homes In Mumbai, where Shilpa lives, most hindus will not even rent to muslims In Mumbai, for decades the Shiv Sena and BJP have run anti-islam campaigns BJP activists for decades have assaulted muslim romeos who go near hindu girls Shilpa's parents most likely despised these normal hindus and refused to hear their anti-islam message and possibly even brainwashed Shilpa against these hindu activists, making her vulnerable to islamic romeos Shilpa's parents never taught her about the hindu holocaust and probably ridiculed the Ayodhya movement Shilpa's parents did not tell her about islamists who set off dozens of blasts in Mumbai In addition, Shilpa possibly watched a lot of bollywood movies with muslim khans flirting with hindu girls and thought it was cool, unlike normal hindus who find it disgusting
Name: Re : Shyam Sunder
Subject: Re : It is the fault of Shilpa's parents
Date: Saturday April 11, 2009
Time: 13:23:49 -0400
All unproven assertions by an extremely presumptuous and arrogant armchair critic who has never even met their subject.
Name: Shyam Sunder
Subject: Parental Failure
Date: Sunday April 12, 2009
Time: 11:05:05 -0400
Any hindu parent who fails to brainwash their kids against islam is guilty of gross dereliction of duty Did Shilpa's parents even tell her about the 1 million kashmiri pandits ethnic cleansed by these kashmiri muslims and living in refugee camps Heck even reading Amar chitra katha historical comics would lead to a deep hate of islam The only silver lining in this is that Shilpa did not produce a dozen muslim kids Shilpa got angry only because her islamic romeo dumped her If her islamic romeo had married her and produced a dozen muslim kids, Shilpa would have no complaints
Name: Fatima
Subject: Bravo for Almost Aisha's essay
Date: Sunday April 12, 2009
Time: 16:48:37 -0400
I am so grateful for your testimony of your conversion to Islam and then your decision to leave it. I want to congratulate you for doing this, and also for sharing your story. Such an inspiration and the points you have raised will hopefully help other Muslims to take their life back into their hands. I myself left Islam two years ago and it was the best decision of my life. Best wishes!
Name: Re : Shyam Sunder
Date: Monday April 13, 2009
Time: 01:45:26 -0400
No, any parent who brainwashes their kids against anyone is guilty of programming an unthinking bigoted robot. Certainly, find fault with Islamic doctrine after using your power of reason. But this does not justify teaching one's children a wholesale blanket condemnation of every Muslim who ever lived.
Name: Hindu Yoddha
Subject: Please Share your story to other Hindu Girls
Date: Tuesday April 14, 2009
Time: 13:41:10 -0400
My sincere request to you please share your request to other Hindu Girls and shave them. These devils not only killed 100 million hindus in last 1000 years and raped 100 million hindu women. Pls read and reread history. There prophet was a rapist, looter, murderer and terrorist. They are follower of them you will get nothing except cheating,indidality and humiliation from them.
Name: Preetum
Subject: thanks
Date: Tuesday April 14, 2009
Time: 23:53:09 -0400
Thank you very much for sharing your story here. I have learned a lot from it. You are a very strong woman and i wish you the best of luck and happyness in life!
Name: Preetum
Subject: regarding some muslim claims
Date: Wednesday April 15, 2009
Time: 00:07:13 -0400
Regarding some muslims who claim here in the comments that islam is the world fastest growing religion, it is not. It is the worlds fastest breeding religion however, that does not say much about islam. And since it is illigal in most islamic countries to leave islam it doesnt matter how many you are. Remove these laws and see how muslims leave islam like rats from a sinking ship. And about those who say that its only a few muslims that give islam a bad name, thats like saying it was only a few nazis that gave nazism a bad name. Its not only a few muslims, and its not only the muslims, its the teachings of this so called religion that are evil. Islam has always been like this, and its followers have always been behaving this way. Read the quran, allah hates all nonmuslims and wants to torture us all in most horrible ways for all eternity. The quran completly dehumanizes nonmuslims. Read mohameds biography, he spent most his life killing, looting, raping, enslaving and forcebly converting people to islam, and this man is considered to be the "perfect muslim", someone all muslims should try to emulate. I do not expect beliving muslims to be any diffrent from their god and prophet, specialy seeing how the muslims have spent the last 1400 years they are no diffrent. The muslims who are good people are good despite being muslims, not because of it! All over the world muslims are killing people, nonmuslim and muslim alike. There are more muslims being killed by other muslims in the name of jihad then Israel, America, India and Russia have ever killed combined. Why is this so? Why are the muslim countries the most backwards, uneducated, devoid of any human rights or scientific accomplishments? Something to think about, muslims!