How a Christian Became Jihadi-minded Muslimah before Seeing the Truth
13 Mar, 2009
Jane writes to Dr. Ali Sina of
Dear Ali,
I must let you know there was a time I really hated you. “How dare you tell such lies about Islam?” I’d say. But deep inside I knew it was the truth [shock treatment works].
- I feel I was kind of conned into Islam, I read all the pamphlets regarding great “scientific miracles” in the Quran. I read how it was the trilogy of the Abrahamic faiths, how if I loved Jesus I should be a Muslim because he was. I did love Jesus, but I never believed he was God I just thought his teachings where great, really advanced for his time and that he truly loved people and wanted them to live a better life. I began to believe that God really does exist. I read so many books until one day I was sufficiently brain washed and I converted.
The Quran I always found hard to take, it was sadistic, but because everyone I knew found it so beautiful I began to think it was me that I was reading it the wrong way. Mohammed, I didn’t dislike, but as hard as I tried to love him there was something holding me back. It was like for every one beautiful Hadith I read there were ten horrendous ones. The deeper I began to dig into the real Islam I found darker and darker things, until I snapped. I hate this man. How did God ever think it was a good idea to send him as a prophet? But I still couldn’t disbelieve.
I began to think that God was in fact evil. Then the Quran started to make sense. At the same thought I thought God hated me because I was clearly a hypocrite.
Somewhere in all this madness I was an extremist. I forced my son to go to an Islamic school that he hated. I would pressure him to pray. I knew when he told me he believed he was lying, so I began to think bad things about my own child. And I withheld my affection from him .I can’t tell you how sick that makes me feel now. I hated everyone and everything that wasn’t Islamic or Halal. I looked down on everyone even my Parents and sisters. My relationship was about trying to convert them. Instead of holding my poor dying grandmother in her last hours I tried to convert her. I have only started grieving for her now, two years after her death because I couldn’t pray for her as I believed she was in the depths of Hell, where she apparently deserves to be. My Grandmother was a beautiful human being who loved us all so much.
I would pray that God would give me a way to do Jihad. My faith was a kind of religious zeal filled with arrogance. My mind was totally warped. Before I became a Muslim I loved people with all their faults. I had friends from all walks of life. I lost a very good friend who had been there for me my entire life, just because he was Gay.
I even started to hate my Husband because he was a weak Muslim. I began to push him, trying to make him a good strong Muslim ‘brother.” [What a crap!] And I succeeded. He was so proud of me and what I had become. I had become a monster. My husband is now thankfully no longer a good Muslim brother. He is just a good man. But he does still believe and will not have anything bad said about Islam. He is no longer proud of me because I left Islam and our marriage is dead. He is normally a kind and calm man, but if I even begin to speak about the reasons I have left the faith he becomes aggressive. So we don’t talk. We just pass the time of day. We are just waiting for a good time to go our separate ways.
Islam did not bring me peace. It gave me a mental illness. I am starting to rebuild my relationship with my son, but I don’t think he will ever truly forgive me for what I did to him. I am trying to keep a low profile in my community. I am scared, I don’t know if it is just my paranoia, but I know how I felt about people like me. I really don’t know what to expect when it all comes out and I know it will. I needed your site, I needed shock treatment. My brain is my own again. I was a terrorist in the making.
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Name: vbv
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 00:56:15 -0500
Islam is sickness.Muhamad has only incorporated twisted jewish mythology and christianity to arab paganism and his personal despotic nature to give it some kind of legitamacy. It is the biggest fraud on humanity, reducing its adherents to unthiking dumb zombies! Good that this ex-'muslima' has seen the truth in time.
Name: Gul
Subject: Allah...
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 01:53:15 -0500
Allah ho tun tun !!
Name: WestLondonTony
Subject: out of the vomit of Islam
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 02:57:14 -0500
Well done lady! Keep moving in the right direction. Your course can be a shining example to other ladies trapped in islam.
Name: Kmgy
Subject: A Terrible Disease of the Mind
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 02:57:49 -0500
Islam is a terrible disease of the mind only truth can cure.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Advice To Muslimah
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 03:11:03 -0500
Dear Muslimah, Jesus Christ did say that "The Truth will set you free." Jesus was correct once again. It is truth that set you free. Yes, it was also Divine Love and not the satanic hatred that Islam teaches. I suppose you still love Jesus, so why not take His advice and embrace Him once again? Jesus taught: "Love your neighbor." "Love your enemy." "Do good to those who persecute you." "Clothe the naked." "Cure the sick." "Feed the hungry." Practice the above with your family with the greatest of love, and you'll see that in the end everything will turn out okay. Be very patient with your loved one. Since you believe in a Supreme Being, continue with your prayers. I, too, believe in a Supreme Being. With me it's very different than it is for average people. I have experienced many miracles in the supernatural order. I even know how God can create out of nothing. I know much more about the supernatural, but I don't think I should relate them here. May God bless you, ex-Muslimah. P.S. Remember, pray and be very patient.
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 07:11:05 -0500
Welcome back.
Name: Excesayces
Subject: As usual exposing islam
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 08:24:04 -0500
How can choose a man who raped 6 year old,married 16 wives , who looted caravan who raped innumerable slaves.who killed thousands of innocent jews.
Name: Kinana
Subject: shock treatment
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 08:35:46 -0500
Jane thank you so much for your story and sharing your journey with us. I pray you find peace and regain the relationships you lost through Islam. Take the shock treatment to others!
Name: balam to Jane
Subject: Muslims/Islamic terrorism
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 09:06:41 -0500
You must thank ever Loving God,Who like good father was waiting for you to come back in His arms.It is so easy to be conned into the cult of Islam ,especilly when you married a Muslim man who is showing his true colours now.That is why ,God advises,not to be yoked inti un-even yoke,but we all make mistakes and become wiser later.I hope your sad experience opens the eyes of other non-muslim women from the deadly trap of Islam.Islam is a deadly virus,which affects the brain firstMohammad is the ANTI-CHRIST.Jesus warned about him in Mathew chapter 13 verse 24-31.If you read Dantes poem who describes Mohammad in the lowest part of HELL and being attacked by PIGS.You would not like to be beside him ever ,even in the next life.
Name: BIG J
Subject: Jesus Christ is our Savior
Date: Saturday March 14, 2009
Time: 11:37:06 -0500
YES Keep going in the right direction!
Name: Sarah
Date: Saturday March 14, 2009
Time: 18:07:04 -0500
whoever Allah guides there is non to misguide and whoever Allah leads astray there is none to guide....
Name: Kmgy
Subject: To Sarah
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 04:40:59 -0500
By your own reasoning you deprive humans the freewill to choose.
Name: Re : Sarah
Subject: Gimme a break?
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 17:50:20 -0500
So what you are saying is that we are all helpless puppets? That is ridiculous. In other words, no one is responsible for their actions.
Name: The story never ends ...
Subject: The story never ends ...
Date: Monday March 16, 2009
Time: 05:59:12 -0500
Gullible Western women will always be gullible, or they'll learn the hard way. And on and on it goes ...
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday March 17, 2009
Time: 12:57:07 -0500
Quote: " I hated everyone and everything that wasn’t Islamic or Halal. I looked down on everyone even my Parents and sisters."....Classic cult practice of separating people from their relatives.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday March 17, 2009
Time: 12:59:10 -0500
"He is just a good man. But he does still believe and will not have anything bad said about Islam."...Then he is in fact NOT a "good mand", but a brainwashed cult member with a potential for lethal violence.
Name: halo
Subject: wow
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 05:51:01 -0500
Name: Excesayces Subject: As usual exposing islam Date: Friday March 13, 2009 Time: 08:24:04 -0500 Comment How can choose a man who raped 6 year old,married 16 wives , who looted caravan who raped innumerable slaves.who killed thousands of innocent jews. ---- i am intrigued by this comment. are you saying the 6 year old is that aisyah girl, who he didnt have sex until she reached puberty, or some other girl? and which document proved he raped people after he salvaged the loots? please do let me know where did you get this information because it's an interesting stand you have there. why the extreme hate anyway? why can't ANY religion be a moderation or just be there as a guidance rather than in my opinion, 'Jane' were so immersed into, like a cult? but he's right about Jesus, he's not a God but taught us a simple and easy teaching that is good. Extremism is bad, be it if your a christian, jew, moslem or even pagan. When any religion gives you a mental illness, you should rethink about it. Or else, Scientology can help you with that. :D
Name: Kafir/infidel ( Ex.communist )
Subject: Fraud ,deceit,lies and dishonesty ,cruelty without conscience -perpetrated by Moslems
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 17:12:34 -0500
To ALL : We are reading a lot - But don't you think and analyze to see why all this monstrocity,horrendous crimes, murder,rape, hate committed by Moslems is going on unchecked ? It is like collapse of the US banking system - there are thousands upon thousands analysts ,economists , professors, high tech wizards , US govt departments,Universities,public,private think tanks, watchers,watch dog organizations - but still failed to detect and foresee the coming calamity in US banking system !!!!!!!! NOw I ask you to think like this. Even if 1 christian becomes or converted to ISLAM that is a calamity for the humanity !!! Then why this - some christians are converted to ISLAM ? Obviously there are 2 reasons - one is that Moslems are playing deceit and working hard to disinform/misinform ,deceive,lye ( using their enormous money power -ill gotten petro dollars ) ,using their network . Second reason is that that atleast some christians are already inclined to believe that ISLAM is their sister religion ( eventhough there is no truth at all in this ) - just because MO_HAM_MAD mentioned the name of ISA as another profiteer - in QQURRAN and twisted all stories in BIBLE !!!!! What I am saying is that all christians must think that why some uneducated,gullible christians are becoming prey to ISLAM ? Analyze the reasons why a christian becomes a MOSLAM of- ISLAM which is so cruel,wicked,brutal,uncivilized ,hateful,terrorist cult there is . SO Moslems are duping the christians by sweet talk . Another reason is that in all freedom,peace,democracy,equality loving societies - the savage,cunning,uncivilized, barberous ,totalitarian,fascist moslems are given free hand - nay special privileges - in the name of freedom,equality,democracy,openness, culture, kindness,compassion,unity etc - but the Moslems are fully utilizing all this generosity,magnanility to subvert , to destroy, to enslave ,to terrorize, to instill fear in nonmoslems in their own ( nonmoslem ) countries !!!! BUt see here - The same Moslems and ISLAM - do not accept or recognize, or respect nonmoslem faiths in MOSLEM countries !!!!!!!!!! So in both ways the most liberal,freedom,peace,democracy,equality, liberal humanists loose and the most barbaric,brutal,uncivilized, cruel,savage , murderous,hate filled Moslems win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At teh end I would implore you - first find out the reasons to see why some christians are taken to this evil ISLAM and then also find out how and what type of technics and deceptive practices are used by Moslems to lure the prey . Incidentally - Christianity is equally culpable as ultimately - it is also embarked upon this kind of evil conversion activities by fraud in the 3rd world countries. So now my request to all good christians is to denounce, declare as evil - the missionary activities of christian missionaries and forth with desist such immoral ,unethical, illegal, evil acts - let people gain knowledge and let them live in peace - please do not destroy the tranquility,peace,harmony in the poor communities,people of host countries .......... I hope this will touch all the christians who read this message . Live your life .Believe blindly what you may . But you as a christian do not have the right to destroy other people by taking control of their hearts and minds . Make the world a better place for everybody.
Name: MIKE
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 04:49:25 -0500
Name: Elijah
Subject: To Kmgy
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 01:48:56 -0500
You said:By your own reasoning you deprive humans the freewill to choose. Kmgy, keep emotions aside and talk objectively and seriously. We aren't the children of monkeys. Allah created us and We would all have to return to Him. Allah is willing to guide those who want to turn unto Him in sincere repentance even moments before we die. 66:8 O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for Thou hast power over all things." 40:13 but only those receive admonition who turn (to Allah) Satan makes a promise that we would live on earth forever, but he would betray us in the end. 14:22 And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."
Name: charles
Subject: Halo
Date: Friday March 27, 2009
Time: 12:36:20 -0500
if you actually read the Bible, not Islam's claims about what Mohammed thought Jesus was, you will find that Jesus IS God and acknowledged this and proclaimed that those who accepted him were saved. How could Mohammed possibly know who Jesus was when He lived 600 years earlier. The Bible is open for you to read. what follows the text below is a direct quote from our Lord as the trial that led to his crucifixion. "While it seems Jesus didn't make a point of telling everyone that he was God, he did make it clear on a few recorded occasions. This quote is taken from Jesus' court trial, from which the resulting conviction of 'blasphemy' led to his crucifixion. I include this quote, not because it's a great teaching, but because it affects how one perceives his teaching. It's hard to think of Jesus as [just] a good moral teacher when you know that he thought himself to be God. Either he is a weirdo, or he is God! Then the high priest said to him, “I demand in the name of the living God—tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” Jesus replied, “You have said it. And in the future you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:63-64)
Name: Soul-Sister
Subject: RE: How a Christian Became Jihadi-minded Muslimah before Seeing the Truth
Date: Saturday April 04, 2009
Time: 12:04:15 -0500
First of all, I just read this and though what? Are you for real? Lady, Islam is the most peaceful and most beautiful religion and you prayed for jihad? First of all get knowledge for yourself and like ''sarah'' said only god can help you now. You said you looked down on everything and everyone who was not Muslim, are you sure you were reading quran? Our religion does not once mention anything about inequality, the Muslims and non Muslim today are so twisted and bitter, and if u read the hadith, it says even Slaves were common in those days for all nations and tribes. It was Islam that encouraged freeing of the slaves and the great reward from Allah for those who did so. Prophet (peace be upon him) gave the example of this by freeing slaves and encouraging all of his followers to do the same. Examples include his own servant (who was actually considered like a son to him) Zaid ibn Al Haritha and Bilal the slave who was bought by Abu Bakr only for the purpose of freeing him. Through the revelation from God Muhammad (Peace be upon him) invited people to use their minds, to discover the universe around them and to acquire knowledge. He confirmed that God rewards such deeds at a time when scientists and intellectuals in other civilizations were suffering persecution and accusations of heresy and blasphemy, being terrorized in prisons, tortured and often killed by Catholic Church. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) defended human rights for both males and females, for young and old, regardless of social status. He established a set of sublime principles; one example being in the speech he gave during his farewell pilgrimage in which he declared strict prohibition of transgression against people’s lives, property and honor. These principles he laid down long before the world knew of the Magna Charta in 1215, the Declaration of Rights in 1628, the Personal Freedoms Law in 1679, the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Human and Citizen Rights Charter in 1789, and the worldwide Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 Muhammad (showed unparalleled respect for and appreciation of all the prophets who preceded him, among them Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all). God revealed to him words to the effect that one who denies or disrespects any of the prophets cannot be a Muslim. Islam regards all of the prophets as one brotherhood, inviting people to the belief that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, who is the one true God. Muhammad (showed unparalleled respect for and appreciation of all the prophets who preceded him, among them Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all). God revealed to him words to the effect that one who denies or disrespects any of the prophets cannot be a Muslim. Islam regards all of the prophets as one brotherhood, inviting people to the belief that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, who is the one true God. It saddens me that people who do not know anything about the religion and the greatest man who’s ever lived can come with such sick opinions. My advice to you all will be learn before criticise.
Name: Re : Charles
Subject: Re : Halo
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 16:52:33 -0400
Actually if you read the quote you provided, you will see very clearly that Jesus made no claim to being God. He said he was the Messiah...that is "Anointed One". That does not translate into God. Further in the same quote Jesus said that he would be seated AT GOD'S RIGHT HAND. That shows 2 separate individuals. Even though I do not believe in the trinity, what gets me is that Muhammad thought the trinity was comprised of God, Jesus, and MARY!!!
Name: Abdu Shaytan
Subject: Fi Sabil Shaytan
Date: Saturday April 11, 2009
Time: 01:53:42 -0400
you are right, god is evil because god really is Shaytan and he hates us all because we do not sacrifice enough babies to him. Hatred is the truest form of love there is. I now invite you all to worship Shaytan the only true god who got together all the Jinns and killed Allah . Now there is just shaytan. SHAYTAN AKBAR! ALHAMDUSHAYTAN! I was once like you a retarded Muslim, like you I used to mary my children when they turned 6 like mohammad but this displeased Shaytan. When i sacrificed my babies to shaytan he gave me all sorts of wealth and power. I have never looked back. One way Shaytan!
Name: islaam sucks
Subject: satyamev jayate
Date: Saturday April 11, 2009
Time: 21:56:48 -0400
when Muslim are involved in some kind of stupid terrorist activity, they call is Jihaad. what the fuck is this?
Name: cal
Date: Thursday April 16, 2009
Time: 12:21:15 -0400
a christian can never became a muslim. a cultural christian = i mean comming from a christian background don't actually make you a christian! And this is what happen in all over the world. A christian will never abandon Jesus for the sake of marriage and because of marriage and accept a copy - paste and add extra doctrine = islam. Praise The Lord someone in must have pray for you otherwise you are cheaper than the Darfurian black muslim.
Name: Philip
Subject: True Living God
Date: Tuesday April 28, 2009
Time: 05:59:09 -0400
Are you in search of the One and Only True Living God. I suggest you read following chapters of Bible where the future events for God's choosen people (Israel )were fortold more than 3000 years by Almighty God through His prophet Moses and exactly the same thing happened in their lives, till today. No man can say and ensure to happen such things for so long a period. World History testifies to the truthfulness of Eternal God. Deutoronomy 28, Deutoronomy 30:1-5, Ezekiel chapter 36, chapter 37, chapter 38 and chapter 39.