Pakistani Girl: Ashamed of Ever Being a Muslim
21 Jan, 2009
From on 20 Jan 2009.
Mr. Sina (editor FFI)
I never thought I would be writing this ever in my life. The first time I read your discussion was with some lady over the rights of women in Islam.
When I was in my 6th grade, I was unhappy at certain things that I got to know about the way women are treated in Islam. This included the property rights and divorce procedures. But never in my entire life had I known that Muslims actually used to rape prisoners of wars and this was sanctioned by the Prophet. All, in my entire life, I read in my Islamic books that Muslims treated prisoners with kindness and this and that. I don’t find any sort of kindness in raping women who were captured. The only kindness was when they invaded Mecca. Maybe they did not mistreat the Meccans because it was the city in which our so called prophet was born and his relatives and the relatives of his followers were living there.
Well I do know one thing; maulvis in Pakistan tell us strange things like when we look into the mirror we should recite this; when we enter the house should say that; when we travel we should recite that dau, etc. These are the things they teach us. But, why do they hide such a BIG THING such as Muslims used to rape women captured in their raids? Yes it can only be called RAPE. How can a girl allow a person to have sex with her when they have killed her brother or father or husband? I cannot imagine myself or my mother or my sister in such a condition. It makes me sick to the stomach. You opened my eyes. I used to think so badly of the soldiers who raped women in Iraq. But the point is, are Muslims any better? They raped women when they could. Now, according to the logic of Islam, Iraq was in a state of war; therefore, based on Islamic reasoning, it was perfectly justifiable for the conquering army to raped the women.
Again based on Islamic logic, Iraq lost, so basically all the people in Iraq should become slaves of Americans including their women and children. But the thing is, only a handful of women in Iraq were raped and their rapists are prosecuted and sent to jail. Had it been the other way round and Muslims were the conquerors of a non-Muslim country, all the women would have become booty of Muslim soldiers and all of the pretty ones would have been raped.
I feel disgusted! I cannot imagine my six year old, or any six year old girl to be married to a 52 year old guy NO matter how religious that person is.
I am a woman and I don’t have a “short memory,” as Muhammad said. I am not “deficient in intelligence” either. I have outsmarted many guys in my life. All my life I have studied on scholarship and right now I am perusing a degree again on scholarship. Then how can our prophet say we women have short memory and deficient in intelligence? This is scientifically wrong.
Now considering that a girl is raped, where in the world can she find 4 eyewitness men to testify in her case? Rape is not a circus that people will be invited to watch. It’s usually done in an isolated place where no one can see. Say a girl was raped and gets pregnant. She needs 4 witnesses to prove that she was raped and usually there isn’t even one. But the proof that she had sex out of the wedlock is there in her womb. Then what will happen according to Islamic law? She can’t provide any proof of rape. So she will be accused of adultery and stoned to death. Does this sound just or logical? No it doesn’t, at least, to those, who have a heart and a brain.
Your conversation with that lady, Julia Roach, shook me to the core. It made me feel ashamed, sad, and mad! What have I been following all my life? They tell you only the good parts, but never these truths.
We in Pakistan never bothered to read the Quran in detail. We only knew what we were taught in our schools. The rest, we just depended on the scholars (who obviously lied to us, told us the good things, nothing about slaves and their rape was ever mentioned).
I tried to tell the things that I have learned to my family, but they have started calling me Kafir and stuff. When I was in Pakistan I used to be the same. I just wouldn’t listen to anything that was against Islam. I would close my eyes and my ears. I cannot denounce Islam publicly because my parents would be ashamed of me. I do not follow it anymore; and if I get a chance anywhere, I point to the fallacies of Islam to my friends as well. If I tell them that I have denounced Islam, they will never listen to me. I want them to listen to me and think logically just the way I did.
Kind regards.
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Name: I too am a shame
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 22:38:48 -0500
No spamming folks. - editor
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 22:41:21 -0500
i am proud of being muslim by choice i read ur story it is just one sided view u never read what islam says about captive womens n slaves islam gives them honour by giving status of half wife i am also pakistani u can contact me on my e-mail or no XXXXXXXXX see this site is BASED ON HATRED N LIES SHOWING HALF TRUTH N MIXING LIES TO FOOL INNOCENT PPL LIKE YOU.
Editor: readers are advised to exercise maximum caution about getting in contact with people through this site. We also advise readers not to give their phone number through this site.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:05:23 -0500
I too am a shame...Yes you are...What did all that stuff have to do with this young woman's story? This girl is entitled to her 'one sided' views NADEEMASLAM36, she earned them...I'm glad she has them, I hope she keeps them...I hope other people will listen to her and believe her... You obviously are unfamiliar with Ahadith ,Nadeem, the Prophet Mahound did all kinds of abominable things recorded there for all to read...Including permission for Mohaoundians to have sex/rape slave girls...'Those your right hand possesses', had something to do with it...
Name: duh_swami
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:15:00 -0500
Thanks editor...I'm glad to see you're on the job...;)
Name: to nadeema pakistani
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:21:45 -0500
Can a woman be allowed to marry a slave man and keep him as half husband, just like Khadeeja married Muhammed when he was 24 and she >40. It is big no. You assume a big lie that women and men are unequal and from that basis you attach your theory as half wive, sympathy to women etc., A nigerain muslim married 86 girls of varied ages and justifies him comparing to Muhammad. Muhammad had sex with 66 women and are you trying to emulate your prophet.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:24:41 -0500
TO KOMAL : Actually - if you use logic,rational thinking, intelligence ,analysis, reason - then you will find surely that ISLAM is a demonic religion , fit only for demons,savages, bloodthirsty cannibals, fascists,totalitarians, inhumans. There is not a single good thing in ISLAM , MO and ALLA. ISLAMIC GOD ALLA is vengeful,enjoys burning nonbelievers in hell fire for eternity and burning them again and again just because they are kafirs, nonbelievrs ,infidels of ALLA. Mysteriously this Stupid ALLA creates nonbelievers of him !!!!!! and then demands, threatens , terrorises -that they must believe in him ( ALLA) , demands that they must worship him 5 X a day ( this is a concession got by MO from ALLA !!!) . ISLAMIC GOD is insecure ,totalitarian,fascist ( as ISLAM is ) , intolerant, misogynic,discriminatory against all nonmoslems . ISLAM is based on inequality - Moslems and nonmoslems are unequal in all Moslem countries by ISLAMIC LAW !!! Moslem men and moslem women are unequal. Different sects of ISLAM - Sunnis,SHIAS, Ahmadiyyas, ISMAILEES, NOhras are unequal !!!! Different casts and tribes in ISLAM are unequal - SIDDIQUES, Hyders, Syeds, Quraishis, Ansaris etc. ISLAMIC God is utterly stupid - ALL of ISLAM , QQURRAN is filled with incogruities, contradictions, errors, violations, savagery ,brutality. QQURRAN and ISLAM lacks kindness,compassion. Every word - described above can be proved from ISLAMIC history, ISLAMIC countries, ISLAMIC laws, history of Mo's life, current islamic societies.
Editor: Dear Kafir, you have posted the same message no less than a few hundred times on this forum. This amount to spamming. I also urge you to write in a more civilized language not to make the site repulsive to nonpartisan, decent readers.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:26:42 -0500
Congratulations Komal, on being able to see the logical fallacies in Islam. Such falacies exist in all religions. However the only difference is that these religions are fairy tales and there is no harm in believing in them as long as they dont corrupt your mind and keep you away from thinking logically in most aspects of your life. To tell you the truth Komal, all us, Atheists included believe in fairy tales. They are a way of keeping our base emotions in check. Human beings cannot live by pure reason alone. Hence you can believe in Satanta Claus or tooth faires as long as they dont tell you to kill other people. All the best to you for your future. And a piece of advice, I have been working with Ex-Muslims since a long time. Most of them feel like sharing the truth with everyone. However that is not a verygood thing to do. It could have counter affects, hence its best that yo keep the truth to yourself. Educate yourself futher to the extent that you can stand up for yourself in any conversation. Then you can help others to realise the truth very suttlely. Not all fingers are the same size. Some people will listen to you, others wont. Dont expect others to believe in what you tell them overnight. People have preduices and Bias which they carry since the time they were indoctrinated. It takes time for the truth to sink in. You should especially avoid religious topics. Try and concentrate more on the practical aspects of life which are touched by religion. By my own example, I spoke to washerman who used to be a Muslim. I asked him a few simple questions which got him thinking. If you start with these questions, life will be eaiser on you and the others. The point is to get others thinking and not to crash them with information. So all the best to you and take care. (sorry for the long post MA)
Name: to NadeemIslam
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:28:59 -0500
my dear Muslim brother Nadeem. I am so glad you left some comments. Idiots come in droves. You are their leader.
Name: Ibrahim To Nadeem
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:33:04 -0500
Nadeem, can you please explain to us what you mean by a half wife? You are either pregnant or you are'nt. There is nothing like a half wife. These captured women were slaves. Plain and simple, just because their masters provided them with food and clothing does not mean that they really were awared the status of wives. These women did not even have the right to Mehr. So what are you talking about Nadeem.
Name: RE: duh_swami from Ibrahim
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:46:36 -0500
No Duh, Nadeem is not unfamiliar with Hadith or the Quran. He works for an Islamic organisation in Lahore. One of my online friends who lives in Australia and is an Ex-Muslim told he about him. He stays online throughout the day in chatrooms, where he does his Islamic Da'wah. He is paid for this kind of stuff. He knows his job really and is an excellent liar. He is a grown up man, well in his late forties or mabye in his fifties. This guy is an Islamist, so dont expect him to give you logical replies. He will try to tell us as many lies as possible. He lies to the point that you get frustrated and it is a technique that most religious preachers use to get people convert to their philosohy.
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 00:10:36 -0500
as an ex-christian eastern woman i also advice to read the bible and torah along with the quran in the toilet. it really relieves you of constipation.
Name: jenn
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 00:36:48 -0500
As a western woman who converted to islam and later esacped from it i always advice people to read their korans in the lavatory , if they are suffering from constipation. Because the jokes in the koran will rid you of your constipation by means of laughter . so each time i cant shit i take my koran to the lavatory and read it, and it makes me shit better LOL
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 00:46:37 -0500
Dear Komal, I saw your story on Faithfreedom. I wrote a letter there commending you. I did not mention that you don't have to be ashamed that you were Muslim.Because you have seen the light, you will now become a stronger person. Please don't look back. Keep your head high. Also, I forgot to tell you that I know that you have great courage to leave a sect that could harm you if they catch you. Please be careful. I surely hope you are not punished for abandoning Islam which is splintered into 72 contradictory sects. You didn't mention what sect of Islam you belong to. It would be interesting to know. May God bless you. Again I would like to say, as I did on the other letter, that I am very proud of you. Thank you. Take care.
Name: komal is it ture or fiction story
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 01:44:50 -0500
komal is it ture or fiction story.What is true or what is fiction here??if this is true it will be good.first you confirm yourself whether what is causing problems to you and your sorroundings .Whether it is islam based origin or soiety custom based origin?
Name: amar khan
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 01:50:03 -0500
dear komal. i am very to read your story. so light is coming to pakistan too. god bless ex muslims.
Name: Ilham Abdullah (ex-muslim)
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 03:02:02 -0500
The fact that those who simply decide to leave Islam face being depised or harmed by their own community prove just how depraved the religion is.
Name: moonwalker_07
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 03:18:41 -0500
what a stupidity !!! you give honour to a lady by making her your half wife ???? Why would any lady want to be your half wife unless you want to have her by hook or crook and force her to become so. You people are shameless. Don't you beleive in anything beautiful in this world ? Why do you always try to put the shade of religion in each and everything and then even try to justify your wrong deeds in the garb of religion ?
Name: Never Ending
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 03:35:24 -0500
Never ending swt and pbuh.
Name: Re: Tagheen
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 03:38:29 -0500
Thank you very much for contributing "swt" to the discussion. Islam has got so much to say, from "pbuh" to "swt" - what is going to come next?Please try Dr. Kawashima Brain Training for Muslims. It is very, very, very easy and perhaps it will help even you to learn how to think and how to overcome the islamic brainwashing. Please, give it a try! Don´t you realise that you are only parroting???
Name: TO>>Komal
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 04:46:18 -0500
I dont know what version of islam you was following but I have noticed two things you have mentioned in your story ""This included the property rights and divorce procedures" JUST TO LET YOU KNOW ISLAM WAS THE "FIRST" RELIGION EVER TO GIVE WOMAN RIGHTS OF DIVORCE AND PROPERTY RIGHTS!! XXXAND YOU SAID "We in Pakistan never bothered to read the Quran in detail. We only knew what we were taught in our schools "WELL ITS YOUR FAULT THAT YOU NEVER UNDERSTOOD THE QURAN BECAUSE ITS NOT A STORY BOOK WHICH U READ AR BED TIME,, U R SUPPOSED TO READ IT ,UNDERSTAND IT AND "ACT" ON IT TO BE A PROPER MUSLIM.
Name: Islam
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 04:49:18 -0500
It seem to be very difficult to convince the mad people about the futility and rituals of all religions especially Islam in the present day context. It seems the world is destined for a nuclear war and come to an end because of the Islamic fanatics along with other fanatics.
Name: Sarah To>>>>Question to all the Authors of this site?
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 04:51:41 -0500
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 06:29:59 -0500
Name: FREE 4 ALL
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 06:34:25 -0500
Name: No Sharia
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 06:36:26 -0500
The name half-wife has - as I understand - no basis in Islamic doctrine. It seems to have developed just as a weak apology for muslim brutality (based on the Quran) to captured women and slaves, a brutality which nobody can explain away. Regards, No Sharia
Name: ROgelio
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 07:19:12 -0500
I dont know ur name...I mean pakistani girl.....but ur the most luckiest women bcoz u have come out of the HELL...but dont forget to get heaven thats JESUS..HAVE a great life ahead.
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 08:34:14 -0500
yupthere is no term half wife but slave women have half rights of free women n if child born child will have inheritence of father see HOW GREAT ISLAM IS leave hatred u all
Name: jenn
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 08:40:21 -0500
I wonder why this cult islam is not made illigal in western countries when it condones and openly encourages the abuse of women and pedophilia? Women are liberated in the west and pedophilia is punishable by up to 20 years in jail. But we still allow muslims who come to the west to continue the islamic practice of abusing women and pedophilia. when will our western leaders have the balls to stand up and say 'islam is an illigal cult'?
Name: to sarah and nadeem aslam
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 08:47:11 -0500
nice to see some muslims here.we are ex muslims and we dont change our name.because we want to let the muslims see how "fastest growing religion" is sinking here........and to nadeem .would you please tell me who was ryhana? wasnt she the captive of banu Quraiza? wasnt she "right hand captive" whome prophet use to fullfill his lust?
Name: TO>> jenn
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 12:14:16 -0500
Name: To Komal
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 12:29:37 -0500
my sister you are not alone.....Violence Against Women in the United States MURDER. Every day four women die in this country as a result of domestic violence, the euphemism for murders and assaults by husbands and boyfriends. That's approximately 1,400 women a year, according to the FBI. The number of women who have been murdered by their intimate partners is greater than the number of soldiers killed in the Vietnam War. BATTERING. Although only 572,000 reports of assault by intimates are officially reported to federal officials each year, the most conservative estimates indicate two to four million women of all races and classes are battered each year. At least 170,000 of those violent incidents are serious enough to require hospitalization, emergency room care or a doctor's attention. SEXUAL ASSAULT. Every year approximately 132,000 women report that they have been victims of rape or attempted rape, and more than half of them knew their attackers. It's estimated that two to six times that many women are raped, but do not report it. Every year 1.2 million women are forcibly raped by their current or former male partners, some more than once. THE TARGETS. Women are 10 times more likely than men to be victimized by an intimate.
Name: and it gets worse......
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 12:30:14 -0500
The reported incidents of domestic violence increased by 42 percent and sexual violence by 25 percent over the figures two years earlier. These high rates of violence against women should serve as a wake-up call that more must be done to address the problem of sexual violence in the US. It turns out that sexual violence is a bigger problem in the US than previously understood. According to the NCVS at least 248,300 individuals were raped or sexually assaulted in 2007, up from the figure of 190,600 in the report covering 2005, the last year the survey was conducted. Among all violent crimes, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault showed the largest increases. The projected number of violent crimes committed by intimate partners against women increased from 389,100 in 2005 to 554,260 in the 2007 report. By comparison, the projected number of violent crimes against men by intimate partners went down. Except for simple assault, which increased by 3 percent, the incidence of every other crime surveyed decreased.
Name: JHON
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 12:36:46 -0500
we in the USA should hang our heads LOW with SHAME.. A Test of Justice for Rape Victims July 21, 2008 Lost promise for rape victimsEvery two minutes, someone is raped in the United States. Every year, more than 200,000 rape victims, mostly women, report their rapes to police. Most consent to the creation of a rape kit, an invasive process for collecting physical evidence (including DNA material) of the assault that can take up to six hours. What most victims don't know is that in thousands of cases, that evidence sits untested in police evidence lockers. The backlog of untested evidence gained national attention in 2001 when Debbie Smith, a rape victim, testified before Congress. The Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant Program was started in 2004 with the goal of processing the nearly 400,000 untested rape kits nationwide. But the program has been expanded to allow states to test backlogged DNA evidence from any crime. Even as the proportion of rape victims who report their assaults is increasing, the processing of rape evidence is still backlogged -- and the arrest rate of rapists is decreasing.
Name: 2 JHON its not getting any better
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 12:39:28 -0500
The approval of 16 additional Los Angeles Police Department crime lab positions today by the City Council is only one step in addressing the backlog of 7,300 cases in which rape evidence has not been tested, Human Rights Watch said. The city needs to prepare and implement a more comprehensive plan to address the problem of untested "rape kits," the physical evidence, including DNA, collected after a sexual assault. AND U TALK ABOUT LEAVING ISLAM TO GET JUSTICE//LOL
Name: Another Muslim
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 13:23:40 -0500
In response to the article""Mohammad in Islam's own life pedophilia"" After reading and understanding The Holy Book of Quran,I am sure there is no book in the world that captures ones heart so much so that I'll always be proud to be a muslim and am grateful to Allah that I was born a Muslim(no brainwashing as this was mentioned). I dont know where to start from but whole of this article is full of false allegations on the Prophet (pbuh) and false explanation of Quranic verses.Its all about how the writer takes it.Like in this para "Muhammad consummated baby Aisha when she was 9".Aisha (rsa)was menstruating.Now tell me do babies menstruate?? The whole para was to tell muslims not to avoid and disregard their wives when they are having periods as was done by the men of other religions at that time and that sleeping together on the same cloth or bed sheet is fine as was not practiced by other men and if the sheet gets stained its alright to use the same sheet again by just washing the stained part of the sheet(not necessary to wash whole of it).Islam is the first religion to give rights to the women.There is so much to tell on this topic that it would take pages and pages to get the truth out of it.In another heading by the writer"""Allah promotes pedophilia""" the three months gap "Iddah" was mentioned for women who menstruate and the ones who dont(here this was meant for women who have attained menopause hence dont menstruate and does not mean the ones who havnt reached puberty and are immature as said by the writer,The verse has also been changed)Well I would love to write more on this article but there is so much to be written.My request to all people reading this article is to read the Quran themselves not selectively but as a whole because every verse is in connection with other verses used before.I ll try to write more on this topic but running out of time.Islam is a religion which opposes extramarital relationships and emphasizes on marriages so that children would not suffer,single moms and DNA testings and so much more..children dont even know who their father is.Islam puts an end to it.No sex without marriage with rights for wives and I see ppl saying Islam oppresses women.Laugh of the day.Do get the facts before pointing fingers on others. Thats the advise of the day and believe me I have totally lost trust on articles available on net,portraying false Islam.Its a lovable religion. Once you fully understand it. Sorry for putting the comments here as the discussion forum for that article had been closed.I just couldnt resist writing.
Name: Another Muslim
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 14:15:12 -0500
Dear Komal,the questions you have in your mind are logical but there is more to it.I also had these questions in my mind till I was satisfied.I'll write to you in detail soon.May Allah help you in coming back to your religion. About the slave girls what I would say is that in that era during war all the men were killed left with thousands and thousands of women without support so in those circumstances Muslim men were allowed to take these women though non muslims in their possessions,taking care of them and their children ,giving their names to them as well as inheritance.Who do you think would do that in todays world?What else could have been done for those women and children?and as you know at that time women were not given the status they had in Islam by other religions.In those religions women were treated as slaves not by somebody else but by their husbands(thousands had been bearing children out of wedlock as there was no concept of marriage and sex after marriage so they were already in a state of slavery,prostitution,what husband what wife??)were beaten,had no right to say anything,were not even regarded human beings.No inheritance nothing.Why in the world would those women refuse to become slaves of the muslim men who respect them as half wives(wives have many rights in Islam)???This slavery that you are mentioning was nothing compared to what these women were suffering out of Islam.Islam laid the foundation. Obviously if a muslim man rapes a war prisoner or anybody thats the biggest crime in Islam,but do you think its a crime to lawfully take war prisoners in his possession,giving them half the rights of their own wives provided in those times women population was far more compared to men so in other terms there was shortage of men hence four wives at a time and many slavegirls were allowed to a man in order to prevent women to indulge themselves into prostitution and even adultery.
Name: Another Muslim
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 14:18:33 -0500
Ill deal with the other issues later. Thanks.Running out of time.
Name: TO>>>Another Muslim
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 14:23:43 -0500
you are 100% right Bro,,people are being mislead by quoting verses and Hadiths out of context and more often on this forum some of the Hadiths and verses of the quran are totaly out of context.
Name: Doctor What?
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 16:43:34 -0500
Nadeemislam. You have a brain, you have free will, the power to think as do the rest of your fellow Muslims. Why, oh why, do you not use that gift to inquire ask questions about your "faith", find fault with it? Why are you Muslims so blind to the truth of your death cult? Why can't you see that if you continue to act the way you do, you'll end up drowning in an ocean of your own blood. Because the day is coming when right minded people will tire of you and your fellow muslims and begin the programme of extermination that should have been started years ago. Islam murdabad!!!!!
Name: jenn
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 17:15:47 -0500
To that muslim camel jockey who tells me about western women showing off in playboy magazins, i have this to say. Girls are better off showing themselves in playboy magazines rather than getting raped at 9 by camel shit smelling moon god worshipping greasy muslim men. I wonder how little Ayisha felt when dirty old uncle Mohammad (piss be upon him) raped her. LOL
Name: Walter
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 19:46:30 -0500
Blokes, please visit the website The Quranic orders for attacking non-Muslims, possessing concubines, plunder, carnage etc are present in OLD TESTAMENT as well. Then why no author on this website is connecting the two evil scriptures (Quran, OT)? OK someone might say nobody in the West follows OT. I would then say they are not Christians anymore! Bingo... Anyway, at least for research interest authors should link the evil verses of Quran and Old Testament. I am sure if such an article will not be published on this website.
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 22:40:09 -0500
Congratulations Komal!! You are a very smart person. All the best to you!
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 23:05:12 -0500
My dear friend, Another Muslim, why do you call The Muslim War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an, a "holy book"? Friend, The Muslim War Manual is replete with vicious passages exhorting evil Muslims to destroy innocent people. Let me quote a few passages: "Infidels are your sworn enemies,"(Sura 4 Verse 101). "Make war on the infidels around you,"(Sura 9 Verse 123 and Sura 66 Verse 9). "Be ruthless to the infidels,"(Sura 48 Verse 29). "Fight thos who believe not Allah nor the Last Day,"(Sura 9 Verse 29). "Strike off the heads of infidels in battle,"(47 Verse 4). This verse refers to Muslims who "Make war on the infidels around you." "Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends,"(Sura 5 Verse 61 and Sura 60 Verse 13). There are about 164 similar violent passages in The Muslims War Manual. Another Muslim, tell me: Would you obey thoae violent passages? It not it's because you're not a true Muslim. If you are truly a very nice Muslim, then, you are more like Jesus Christ than like the paedophile, child molester, murderer, slave owner, wife beater, rapist, whoremonger, Muhammad. May God bless you.
Name: RE: Another Muslim
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 05:09:04 -0500
You convineitly say that these women lived in an Era when the ISlamic armies buttered their menfolk. However you forget to mntion that what the blazes were Muslim armies doing in those places killing the people. So many nations have fought war and many of them use to take women as booty. However Islam is the only religion which legalizes taking women as booty. I hope you understand what taking booty means. Its extremely derogadory for a woman to be taken as booty. While these Muslims took the women as booty there was no consent from their side. And yes, these commands are there in the Quran and recoreded in Hadith, thus time is not a constraint. Muslims men are still free to take women as booty in case of a war.
Name: TO>>Philip Saenz (PAGE1 OF 3)
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 05:50:11 -0500
I cant find the versea u have quoted but in the intrest of readers here im posting the REAL VERSES which you have done(the book u r quoting must be MADE IN CHINA) READERS READ ALL THE VERSES IN THE COMMENT BOX BELOW AND COMPARE THE VERSES WITH WHAT Philip Saenz HAS QUOTED!!!
Name: TO>>Philip Saenz P2 OF 3
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 05:55:03 -0500
4:101 (Y. Ali) When ye travel through the earth, there is no blame on you if ye shorten your prayers, for fear the Unbelievers May attack you: For the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies.AND9:123 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.AND 66:9 (Y. Ali) O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed). AND 48:29 (Y. Ali) Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer), seeking Grace from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat; and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem, (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great Reward.
Name: TO>>Philip Saenz (PAGE 3 OF 3)
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 05:58:43 -0500
9:29 (Y. Ali) Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.AND 47:4 (Y. Ali) Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost.AND
Name: TO>>Philip Saenz SORRY ONE MORE PAGE
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:06:00 -0500
5:61 (Y. Ali) When they come to thee, they say: "We believe": but in fact they enter with a mind against Faith, and they go out with the same but Allah knoweth fully all that they hide. AND THE LAST VERSE QUOTED BY Philip Saenz...60:13 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! Turn not (for friendship) to people on whom is the Wrath of Allah, of the Hereafter they are already in despair, just as the Unbelievers are in despair about those (buried) in graves.XXXX I WOULD URGE ALL THE READERS TO READ THE VERSES POSTED BY"PHILIP SAENZ" AND THEN THE SAME VERSES WHICH HAVE BEEN POSTED IN 4 COMMENT BOXES AND B THE JUDGE...
Name: To>>jenn
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:16:20 -0500
Now I didnt think this guy meant..western women showing off in playboy magazins..What it means is (western woman being DEGRATED in these magazines) and this is what it leads to..... USA: Underage sex tourism thriving in Bible Belt.. Sex tourism thriving in U.S. Bible Belt In a sleazy hotel room, "Brittany," then aged 16 and drugged into oblivion, waited for the men to arrive. Her pimps send as many as 17 clients an evening through the door. A "john" could even pre-book the pretty young blonde for $1,000 a night, sometimes flying in and then flying out from a nearby airport. None of this happened in Bangkok or Costa Rica, places that have become synonymous with sex tourism and underage sex. It took place in Atlanta, the buckle of the U.S. Bible Belt, where the world's busiest passenger airport provides a cheaper, more convenient and safer underage sex destination for men seeking girls as young as 10. "Men fly in, are met by pimps, have sex with a 14-year-old for lunch, and get home in time for dinner with the family," said Sanford Jones, the chief juvenile judge of Fulton County, Georgia
Name: more facts for JENN
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:22:20 -0500
Jenn and you thought you guy are living in a perfect world?? think again.. "Men are coming to Atlanta to have sex with a child," said LaKendra Baker, project manager for the Center to End Adolescent Sexual Exploitation (CEASE). Half of the street-level prostitutes in Atlanta are believed to be under the age of 18, according to experts. Others are booked through Internet sex sites and from social sites like Black Planet, where girls innocently post profiles, said Baker. Just in March, police arrested a Canadian man meeting a 14-year-old girl he found through the Internet, said Cathey Steinberg, executive director of the Juvenile Justice Fund, which funds treatment for abused girls and prevention. Another man drove from North Georgia, with a bag containing a teddy bear, a love note and condoms, snorting methamphetamine on the way. He expected a 13-year-old girl, but instead found Heather Lackey, a corporal with the Peachtree City Police Department. "People are stunned that Atlanta's the No. 1 sex center in the country," said Steinberg. The FBI has identified 14 U.S. cities as centers for the sexual exploitation of children. In addition to Atlanta, they are Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, St. Louis, Tampa, and Washington, D.C.
Name: World's Oldest Profession
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:41:34 -0500
Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It happened everywhere, in Christian or Islamic countries.
Name: But legalised by the WEST
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:47:39 -0500
Brittany, whose 19-year-old "rescuers" soon demanded a return on their investment. "I didn't have any place to go. My mom hated me for what I was doing to the family," said Brittany, who did not want to be identified by her real name. Up to 90 percent of runaways are believed to end up as prostitutes, with a third lured into prostitution within 48 hours. Some are sold into sexual slavery by their parents, according to a 2005 study by the Atlanta Women's Agenda. Some get seduced by recruiters. Pimps use handsome young men and sometimes girls as fronts. "A 16-year-old controlling a group of girls will not face the same penalties an adult would receive," said Patricia Crone, director of the Office of Juvenile Justice Demonstration Project. Once snagged, the grooming process begins. Typically, the pimp's friends sleep with her, and then come threats, beatings and gang rapes. Caresses and gifts, including drugs and alcohol, follow abuse, the Atlanta Women's Agenda study found. Brittany said she was showered with fancy dinners, clothes and methamphetamine. But she also describes horror. "It made me feel dirty. It was demeaning," said Brittany. The sex slaves are trafficked in and out of cities to supply sporting events, conventions or rap concerts. During the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, one man kept boys and hosted sex parties nightly, said Baker of the group CEASE. The pimps even held an annual "Player's Ball" in Atlanta in 2003, openly buying and selling women and naming a "Player of the Year," according to the Atlanta Women's Agenda studyXXXXXX Jenn dont you EVERE EVER lift a finger at ISLAM.. AFTER READING THESE FACTS ABOUT THE SOCIETY U R SO PROUD OF..
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:49:12 -0500
Allah had a habit of waxing Mohammad's rectum with pork fat 5 times a day before having anal sex with him LOL
Name: Better to live in a Christian Country
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 06:54:30 -0500
It is better for a Muslim to live in a Christian country than for a Christian to live in a Muslim country.
Name: jenn
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 07:38:46 -0500
why do muslim men rub pork fat on eachothers rectums before having anal sex? LOL
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 10:59:15 -0500
Komal - When I read the Qur'an, I was struck by two thoughts. One, where is the religion? Two, how can anyone believe in this? Although your journey was long and difficult - welcome! I admire your courage, truthfulness and spirit. Bravo!
Name: Ayesha Ahmed: Congrads Komal
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 11:50:49 -0500
You are truly a person of strenghth,intelligence,integrity and conviction.
Name: Quran says Mohammed raped,robbed and killed
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 11:59:36 -0500
Congards on leaving the cult of Islam.How can muslims stay muslims after reading in quran that Mohammed raped, commited adultery, robbed and killed.As ambiguos and hodge podge mess quran is with no chronology or context, it very clearly stated Mohammed raped, robbed and killed.Aya 33.50 (he had sex with slave girls, captured women and volunteer sex partners,which is rape and adultery) 8.1,8.41,8.69,33.26-27( he robbed himself and took 20% of everything robbed by other muslim jihadi robbers)8.17,8.67,33.26-27 (he killed)9.5,4.89 (he commited genocide and had his critics and apostates asassinated) Return to the form.
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 12:12:39 -0500
If you think Mohammed's capturing and having sex with women after killing their innocent husbands and fathers/brothers was honoring them by making them half wives, would you consider a hindu old man coming and killing you and having sex with your mother, sisters,daughters and wife as honoring your women. Will it make any difference if he feeds and cloth them and treats them nice? I seriously doubt it unless you are insane.But then muslims are insane considering an evil rapist like Mohammed as a prophet.
Name: Tollerance
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 14:07:50 -0500
I read ur views and your thoughts...and can see your frustration over something your mind cannot comprehend...however we have o admit that islamic molvies sometimes dont have a clue as to what they believe and conevy...however being an openminded Muslim, I invite you to a discussion via email...perhaps we can enlighten each other... Thats if this was not a fabricated account...
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 14:35:46 -0500
While feelings of guilt are natural when one comes to a more mature understanding of their past, she certainly has nothing to be ashamed about. Many people who are confronted with such information about Islam are psychologically unable to move past the denial, desire for avoidance, need to rationalize and their hostility to those who provide the information. There are so many pressures for Muslims against examining Islam and its history in depth and thinking critically and the potential apostate has much to loose in the way of family ties and friendships not to mention personal security. It takes a great deal of courage to come to the truth, even on a private level. I hope that she decides to anonymously blog about her experiences or at least participate in online discussions about Islam with Muslims. If she is literate in a central Asian language or an Arabic dialect it would be even more valuable. As more apostates are able to share their views and knowledge with Muslims it can only bring fresh air to the issue. It is easier for Muslims to dismiss criticism of non Muslims but harder to do so with apostates which is why the whole apostasy issue exists to begin with. Mohamed (or later editors) may not have been as great as they claimed in most things but he/they knew how to build an effective cage: Ban critical evaluation of Islam, ban talking with critics, ban apostasy, demand obedience to those who speak for the "God"... It is, at the very least, complete and competent in its totalitarianism.
Name: lw1
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 16:12:46 -0500
People are listing crimes committed in USA. The difference is the Quran advocates and encourages these crimes. The Bible or USA law does not allow these and that is why they are termed crimes. Muslims were told to convert the whole world to Islam. Afghanistan and India, both Hindu at that time were not a threat to Islam. Muslims attacked and killed millions over the centuries and gleefully recorded these killings. Only deranged mind would think that these women, whose relatives you have killed, should be grateful to you,for clothing, feeding and raping them. You are the cause of misery.
Name: raza qureshi (liverpool, uk )
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 17:47:26 -0500
fuck this whole website ,these are lovers of monkeys ,cows ,rats and elephants infact these all are hindus goda , wat a laugh . good religion is only hindusim coz u can find all the gods in a zoo hahahahhahahahha .fuck all this shit look at urself and then blame muslims .
Name: Infidel
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 18:26:50 -0500
Well most muslims are in a state of denil. read Al Sinas article in this denial.
Name: Kafr forever
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 08:52:35 -0500
She had to get out of Pakistan to open her eyes. It took being in a world where freedom of thought is part of the culture, where all views are publicly expressed and none are beaten down and supressed. Anyone who has lived in an Islamic country as I have (three of them), knows the narrowmindedness, the ceensorship, the stigma and danger any opposing views (or liberal views) brings, and that of course your elders and your parents know better than you whether you are 10 or 40 and you MUST believe what they believe. And in places like Pakistan, God help you if you don´t; "dishonering" your family may mean your life. Look at the Islamic world. What does it contribute to humanity? Terror? Hatred? Bigotry? Retrogressive (by several centuries) mentality? So little value for human life? Anything else? The Entire Middle East hell hole and the misery in every Islamic country have one thing in common: Islam. It should be banned from the planet for the sake of humanity.
Name: LoneRanger
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 11:44:05 -0500
You are a brave woman. You risk your life for speaking the truth. May God protect you.
Name: The atheist
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 11:54:07 -0500
You risk your life for saying this while you live in a muslim country, it is a very brave thing to do. THANKS. May whatever god you belive in protect you from harm for saying the truth.
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 13:15:34 -0500
I would like to address the subject raised by one commenter on the issue of women in magazines and pornography. This is an argument often made in defense of sharia law by Muslims as a kind of 'apologetics' of the brutality towards women in Islam. Firstly, it is not exploitation of women but actually exploitation of men by women. Much more importantly however, is the question of freedom. Allowing women to make choices for themselves will always mean some make choices you and I may not like. This is the core of freedom. Islam removes this of course by removing any rights and freedoms women have. In Saudi Arabia women still cannot drive and that may be the least of meaningful rights denied to women there. So yes western civilization in some stratas seem corrupt and decadent. At others magnificently advancing in medicine and improved living conditions for humanity and even better rights for animals both wild and domestic. This is the consequence of freedom. I choose to fight for choices that people make which I do not like so long as the maximum opportunity to make those choices for all exist.
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 22:37:01 -0500
Name: DavidM
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 00:20:52 -0500
Here in America for a long time women could not even vote. Now there are women of all nationalities that are doctors, lawyers, engineers, you name it. The world is now becoming a global village with the new technologies and people are resistant to change. But when Muslim women see other women who have freedom to say what they want, dress how they want, date or marry who they want, it is only a matter of time and they will be demanding no less than equal rights. And this is not limited to women. Men should have the right to believe whatever religion they want. Maybe the son of the Hamas leader who converted to Christianity was correct- Islam is destined to implode within ten years or so.
Name: Flex
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 02:38:12 -0500
I shudder to think how many millions of Islamic women are raped every day, how consensual can the sex be with someone you did not choose to marry or even know ? How tragic to be forced to live with a man that they probably loathe. We may have crime in America,like anywhere else but at least we have FREEDOM to choose our own lives,we're not slaves to a 7th century,primitive,backwards mentality. Your Prophet was a murderer,rapist,thief,and liar. He made Allah up to justify his wrong ,immoral actions. If such a man existed today he'd be in PRISON for his criminality. We've had people like him in the US too, they start cults,that's what Islam is a despicable cult,you people are brainwashed so badly that you believe absurdities like Mohammed on a flying horse....
Name: top infidel...
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 03:41:46 -0500
When I ask this question to my muslim friends, they all get very irritated... Why is he called Prophet? What prophecy did he make? He could not even make his succession smooth!! Why could not prophecy the Shia-Sunni conflicts? Naturally, I am yet to get the answer...Will anyone tell why he is called the Prophet? What prophecy did he make?
Name: Muslims are completely illogical
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 04:19:45 -0500
When you point out the evils of Islam, 90% of the time all Muslims can to do is offer a Tu Quoque logical fallacy. Example: The religion of Islam sanctions rape of captured women in war, and promotes mistreatment of women. (Muslim response): Oh yeah! Well there are naked women in Playboy, America has domestic violence, and some 14 year old is a prostitute in Atlanta.... Lol! Talk about COMPLETE lack of logic.
Name: USpace
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 08:08:20 -0500
God bless you Komal, stay safe. Google 'the religion of peace'. ... here’s an absurd thought - your Supreme God knows Christ was a pedophile and a raping terrorist converting slaves by the sword...
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 13:15:57 -0500
You people say one thing an mean another. I have read how good you treat the women their you treat them like cattle not people. Women have no rights with MUSLIMS .You LIE an say yes they do. The Truth is in your true actions . Stop brain washing them an yourself.
Name: God Bless
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 22:51:32 -0500
Speak the truth about Islam so that the truth will set others free from the bondage of Islam
Name: Joseph McCabe
Date: Sunday January 25, 2009
Time: 00:24:35 -0500
God Bless you, young lady. You are right to be disgusted by Islam and the example of Muhammad. Good for you for thinking for yourself. You are very brave and intelligent and God will reward you for this. Come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Name: FIZA
Date: Sunday January 25, 2009
Time: 08:52:06 -0500
Name: Mitchillio
Date: Sunday January 25, 2009
Time: 23:06:31 -0500
What is it with these people who badmouth America in retaliation to people pointing out problems with Islam? You can point out as many problems with American society as you like, but that doesn't change the immorality of some of the things Islam promotes. If Islam leads to lots of women getting raped, you can turn around and point at women being raped in America, but that does not change the fact that Islam still leads to rape! If all you can do is try to make Islam look good in comparison to other societies, clearly you have nothing to make Islam look good on it's own.
Name: Roby Buzaglo
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 10:43:07 -0500
You still think that the Islam is a RELIGION OF PEACE? Wake up and see what is going on with Islamic threat around the world. Check: This web site deals only with facts, without any prejudice and manipulation and based mostly on Islamic newspapers. What I deplore most is that the moderate Muslims don't speak out loudly enough against these neo-Nazi barbaric acts. If you are a moderate Muslim, speak up now! Let me quote a poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller, a survivor of Dachau Nazi concentration camp, who described the political apathy of German intellectuals to the Nazi rise to power: In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist; And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; Then they came for the Catholics, And I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. And then . . . then they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up.
Name: Sheraz M Akhtar
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 12:21:26 -0500
Dear Kafir, First of all i would like to say your one sided opinion is absolutely disgusting. secondly how dare you challenge the ways of the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W). The Glorious Qur'an is perfect, your theology is based on opinons made by misinterpretations and sick stories made by non-believers, i urge you to reconcider your views on islam. I am certainly disgusted with you, but i can only hope Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful can forgivfe you.
Name: Omar
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 16:35:34 -0500
Your clearly not very articulate, your level of English is horrendous for someone who has "scholarships". Are you sure your as educated and smart as you make out. I've met muslim girls, who wear the hijab, pray and fast who are much more articulate than you. And they are supposedly coming from a faith that denigrates and suppresses women from achieving there full potential. As for your pure idiocy and confusion I can answer your claims with ease- -No where does Islam mandate rape of female captives. There are dozens of hadith that speak of freeing slaves and captives and treating them with respect. Furthermore one must look at what women were like at the time. It is recorded in many hadith that during the time temporary marriage was allowed, women would choose men to have sex with after meeting them in a few minutes. This was there mentality and way of thinking, sex was easy. This is why before Islam, fornication and adultery were rampant. Did you not think Islam is infact merciful by taking female captives. By treating them well as mandated in several hadiths, these women are spared poverty and hunger and can live with men who must treat them fairly and with respect. -Mohammed (saws) marriage to Aisha (ra) was a divinely ordained marriage carrying on the tradition of marriage at puberty (or reproductive age). Aisha was not the victim of pedophilia, rather she grew up with clearly high self-esteem and was well respected by muslim men for the duration of her life. Her respect was due to her knowledge, which was the result of her early marriage to the best man who ever lived. Early marriage was a common place due to faster mental maturity of girls and according to encyclopaedia of britannica, shorter life expectancy (20-30yrs). The marriage was consumated at the age of 9 which would certainly not be considered the age for precocious puberty. Finally marriages were a way of cementing relationships. This fact is confirmed by the fact Mohammed (saws) gave his daughter to Uthman ra and Ali ra and married the daughters of Umar ra and Abu Bakr ra. You see Islam is a scholarly religion that requires a scholarly approach and intellect. Those of use with fake scholarships from Pakistan, where scholarships can be brought are clearly not scholarly: Link
Name: Omar
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 18:45:51 -0500
I have taken the liberty of writing a short script for a movie detailing the wonderful life adventures of Komal. It will highlight how she obtained her scholarships and showcases her superior intellect in "outsmarting many guys". Please, if anyone knows any Hollywood director they must forward my script, the world must know of Komals noble pursuits. The movie is called RAIN MAN 2-The scholarship. Here are some of the lines that appear in the movie. BEGGAR: Scholarships, scholarships for sale, only 10 rupees. KOMAL: I'm excellent at counting, you have 13 buttons on your shirt. BEGGAR: Actually I have 2, can I interest you in buying a scholarship for the prestigous village university, they do degrees in how to sell scholarships. KOMAL: Of course I do, five rupees, my last offer. BEGGAR: No! ten. KOMAL: six. BEGGAR: ten! KOMAL: seven. BEGGAR: ten! KOMAL: Alright, alright, 30 rupees. BEGGAR: Its a deal! Komal then precedes to walk away laughing evily to herself. KOMAL: I have outsmarted yet another guy! I never pay the price they ask for! Please help me to get this script acknowledged by Hollywood. I'm thinking of perhaps mickey rourke wearing a wig to play Komal and Tom Hanks for the beggar. This movie could win at least 11 oscars.
Name: The Best man Who Ever Lived?
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 23:59:20 -0500
--"Her respect was due to her knowledge, which was the result of her early marriage to the best man who ever lived."--The best man who ever lived was a guy who murdered 900 Jews in one day, raped female captives, plunder rich caravans, engaged in assassinations and kidnap-for-ransom, married a nine-year old child, Aisha, allowed lying for the benefit of Islam, prohibited alcohol-consumption yet promised a pornographic Jannat with big-bosom eternal virgins or Houris with rivers of wine of different flavors, and committed other countless inhuman acts.
Name: Mike
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 15:19:26 -0500
Muslims are the filth of this planet. If Islam is wiped out from the planet, rest of the religion can live peacefully. It is very well known, historically Muslims are the first to attack and kill innocents. Till this day they are not hesitating a bit to carry out their heinous agenda. I say screw human rights and humanity, all the nuclear countries should get together and wipe out Islam. A fresh new start?
Name: Omar
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 15:31:45 -0500
Mike, you are proof of the sort of people who frequent these websites. people with no intellect whatsoever, probably uneducated who akin to sheep believe whatever the news says or whatever other biased hateful individuals will spout. you are clearly filled with hate and have actually claimed you would like to see all muslims killed. i disagree with homosexuality, but i would rather die before i saw all gays killed. they are my brothers in humanity and i would rather educate them than harm them. i don't have to agree with their way of life, but i hate their actions, not them. your clearly very angry with the world. i'm guessing you were sexually molested as a young man. your anger shoud be directed towards your father, not all Muslims. Daddy was the one who touched you, it wasn't me or my brothers.
Name: Response to FIZA
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 04:36:47 -0500
FIZA said: "YOU WILL NEVER SUCEED IN SPREADING WRONG INFORMATION AGAINST ISLAM, ITS CALLED PROPAGANDA..YOU ARE CERTAINTLY A MISCHIEF MAKER..." Fiza, why don't you share with us what your "glorious" Qur'an says you are required to do with "mischief makers"?? The Qur'an says about those who "strive to make mischief" >> "..they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides.." (Surah 5:33)
Name: Paul troon
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 08:03:09 -0500
The most important and logical item in this article seems to have been overlooked: Again based on Islamic logic, Iraq lost, so basically all the people in Iraq should become slaves of Americans including their women and children. But the thing is, only a handful of women in Iraq were raped and their rapists are prosecuted and sent to jail. Had it been the other way round and Muslims were the conquerors of a non-Muslim country, all the women would have become booty of Muslim soldiers and all of the pretty ones would have been raped. Damn Good point Komal! All one needs do is ask how they would wish to be treated if they were on the short end as the Iraqi people obviously were. . . . As they were treated by the Americans? With dignity? Not taken prisoner, their property confiscated, their wives and children taken into slavery, oh and for the men. . lets not forget the example of the prophet at Banu Quaryza "بني قريظة; بنو قريظة" Where all the men and boys with pubic hair were beheaded? Not difficult for anyone with any modicum of intelligence to figure.
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 11:59:54 -0500
Expect more of the tired old "you don't understand Islam" blathering from our little MudSlime buddies. Lemmings are lemmings and will follow anything that some pedophile "prophet" ( piss be on him) might utter while molesting little girls.
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 12:04:27 -0500
Komal just got tired of taking the benevolent "wife" beatings that Mohammad so enjoyed.
Name: JS
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 03:49:18 -0500
Who did what, who said what! who funcked who, why are you people all filled with crap! You are all going to die & decompose until then live in harmony! What people have done several centuries ago don’t believe in it…the future lies in coexistence! Accept diversity we are made of one genetic blueprint. Ive wasted my time reading such crap! You people disgust me….
Name: Monica
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 05:58:57 -0500
What's the problem? One less slapper in the fold. "I have outsmarted many guys in my life." I understand from that one line exactly why you are "ashamed of ever being a Muslim." Maybe you are better suited to Atheism as then there will be no laws to stop you from doing whatever you want with "many guys" in your life. Islam being the fastest growing religion in the world, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all the people out there whose hearts have been broken by someone close that has reverted. Seriously. It must be really upsetting for you. But you know what they say. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. lol God bless President Obama. The first black President and the only one to extend his arms to the MUSLIM world. Even Iran!
Name: Aamir Razzaq
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 13:48:00 -0500
Girl, give me the proof of what you mentioned women being raped in Islamic teaching.... YOU ARE A NON-MUSLIM INFACT. MIGHT POSSIBLY A JEW, TRYING TO FOOL OTHERS,,,, WHAT MUHAMMAD SALLAH O EHEHWASALLLAM SAID IS TRUE! He is the last messenger sent to show right path to the PEOPLE LIKE YOU! His life is a practical example! May Allah elighten your mind toward the RIGHT way of life, towards true religion! Otherwise devil leads his followers to HELL, they deserve for!... Regards AAMIR
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 15:06:39 -0500
Name: Abu Faris
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 05:28:15 -0500
Islam gave women the rights that earlier religons failed to provide. The story about a Pakistani girl ashamed of having ever being a Muslim is simply unauthenticated and clearly fabricated. Fabrications of various types alluring to the sub-humanity of Muslims is an allegation commenced with the self-proclaimed divinity of a Chosen People destined to rule the Goyim. Muhammed is hated because, like Jesus, he professed the equality of all peoples. "People are as equal as the teeth of a comb," he taught. While "all the Arabs are not worth the fingertip of a small Jewish boy," claimed the Grand Rabbi of Israel.
Name: One Muslim
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 07:50:11 -0500
Dear Mike, Before you exterminate us all, won't you be kind enough to read our book? You're not afraid to change your mind, are you?
Name: abid
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 08:59:03 -0500
True about what you are saying is all written in books. But surely there is an issue of how many varied narrations there are regarding the life of Muhammad. You are reacting to what is claimed. In the UK there are a lot of historical claims made about what the British did in India and there are counter claims from the other side. So history is to be read with a pinch of salt. The only way to look at the achievements and for me Muhammad facinates me because he brougth black and white people togther, created a form of a welfare state, removed alcohol, brought a type of praying that is just marvellous .... etc And the Hajj to Mecca is just amazing. So a man who can do all these cannot be judged by those who wrote books after the same people had murdered his family. I think the books need to be re-examined of their authenticity. many thanks
Name: waqas
Date: Saturday January 31, 2009
Time: 17:54:48 -0500
your expression of disgust is fair enough but would have been more authentic had you have put refferences also. I am an about to be ex-muslim. It will surely help me and other people a lot if we know exactly from where you know all that. Please write something on authenticity also. I am realy looking forward to it.
Name: Komal! I wish you best for your life!
Date: Sunday February 01, 2009
Time: 08:11:24 -0500
People are not always guilty when they believe in something, sometimes their devotion reaches to an extreme point, but its really a pleasure to know that many people question things which they are taught not to question all their lives, I really wish if I can be your friend, any way, I wish you all the best for your life, may you become a most successful lady in this world's history, Take Care.
Date: Sunday February 01, 2009
Time: 08:29:08 -0500
Name: anysia spivak
Date: Sunday February 01, 2009
Time: 08:33:31 -0500
it is very good! islam is religion of violence,of discrimination especially with women.i read the bullshit quoran and sharia law and i m so happy and proud NOT TO BE muslims!! u have all my support anysia
Date: Sunday February 01, 2009
Time: 10:20:54 -0500
Name: Janette Wells
Date: Monday February 02, 2009
Time: 02:33:47 -0500
Dear Komal Thank you for your testimony. A letter like this is worth a thousand words from a non-Muslim person. Take care of yourself and, although you now know the truth, protect yourself as it is dangerous to have this knowledge and still live within Muslim majority society. Fortunatley, the West is slowly, slowly waking up to what you are saying, but it is slow. The way a society treats its women and the more vulnerable members of its society says everything about its humanity.
Name: Komal
Date: Wednesday Mar 04, 2009
Time: 02:33:47 -0500
@ those who are pro Islam I just ask them one question :
Do they want their daughter, their wives, their mothers, their sisters to be sex
slaves / slaves? If not, then why should they want it for anyone else.
What goes around comes around...
I didn't leave Islam in just one go. It took me six seven months.
I always put myself in the situation and then analyzed Islam and the prophet and
I found
Islam to be inhumane and derogatory. And the final blow to my faith were the
false and foolish statements in Quran (like inheritance laws, about Mary being
god, abt Mariam/Mary being the sister of Moses, bones being covered by flesh in
the reproduction stages of human). That was more than enough to open my eyes or
in that case anyone else who seeks truth.