Leaving Islam: Questions Never Answered
27 Jul, 2008
- I was born in mid religious family in Pakistan . I joined the "Berailvi" sect because of my maternal uncle. I joined the movement "Dawat Islami" which spread the Berailvi sect of Islam. I used to listen naats, mankabat, salat tu waslam.... I was thinking that I am at the right path.. I used to wear "imama sharif" (turban) of green color, which was the cause of amusement between my friends.
But I bore all the difficulties because I was thinking to have found the right path. Then as my age increased to 15 years, my heart started diverting from the Berailvi school of thought. I entered in the college for my Fsc here. I got a friend (Aslam) who was an ex-Belaivi. He was "ahle hadith" converted from Berailvi sect. I was in a hostel there. We were 3 boys in the room—I , Aslam and Ali (who was a shia).
All of other friends of mine use to play, gossips etc, but we discussed about the right path. Aslam was trying to convince me about ahle hadith sect and his discussion was effecting me. Ali was not interfering in our matter. Aslam gave me small book, which gave all the answers of controversial questions.
* Hearing of those who are dead
* Milad sharif (birthday of Mohammed)
* Seeking help except allah
* Reading darud o salam at prophet etc etc….
I was convinced by him because there are many pagan ideologies in Berailve sect.
Basically these are included due to Hinduism. He told me that our faith depends on Quran and sahih hadith (saha sita). So I accepted the Ahle Hadith sect and started practicing it.
I read many journals and weekly magazines of Jamat u Dawa, whose real name is lashkar e taiba. In the same period I started checking the Shias. At that time there was an anti-shia organization "Sipah Sahaba" who was spreading anti Shia literature everywhere. I also got some books against Shias. I read that thoroughly while my friends were busy in playing games and gossiped. After studying the anti Shia literature, I was the worst enemy of Shias. I started debating with my Shia roommate he told me about the Shia site www.answering-ansar.org I surfed that site and got many realities about the companions of Prophet. I was shocked to learn that 1) Omer burnt house of Fatima 2) story of garden of "Fidak" 3) about the "hadith e Kirtas" 4) wars between Ayesha and Ali 5)and many other realities about the imams of Shias
in the same site I got some errors in the Bukhari and muslin which I was thinking were errorless. I was shocked about that ayats usually narrated by Ayesha. At the same time I came to know that Ayesha was 9 years old when she married the Prophet. At that time I was double minded. My brain was not working anymore. I studied more about all these sects but the problems were not being solved. I started saying that I am neither Shia nor Sunni. I am only a Muslim. But my mind wasn’t satisfied...
Then I got a lecture of Dr. Zakir Naik. That gave me new life .I was very impressed of his memory. I thought that he is "mujadid" (a holy man who came after centuries to renew Islam). I got many CDs, of him listened to him and admired him. I was his fan at that time.
I got bearded, started practicing Islam with a new zeal. I was satisfying my mind by learning the miracles of Quran. My favorite topic was "Quran and science." At that time I started reding the Quran with Urdu translation. While reading, I was finding the miracles in the Quran. I found many miracles (actually I assumed them as miracles).
In the mean time, I got admission in a reputed university of Pakistan . At that time my faith in Islam was dependent of Dr. Zakir Naik.
In this university I got a friend who was also my roommate. He was an atheist .He chose Atheism due to his communist friends.. I was a fundamentalist "mullah". Same story repeated again. I started debating with him. But he never showed that he was atheist. He started convincing me. His discussion was effecting me slowly. At the same time I searched the word "Ali Sina" (which is actually the name of my friend to get information about famous personalities of that name). I got information about FFI and wikiislam... I was shocked. I tried to open it but I was blocked in Pakistan . I used the proxy changing website www.skurfit.com to access the site.
And then my life changed... FFI gave me answers to all the questions. When I told my atheist roommate about this site he opened his heart about the realities of Islam. He told me about his story of guidance, which is about same as mine. I will ask him to join the forum and write his testimony. After that I installed "the Nobel Quran" and "the Hadith" software in my pc. I confirmed many references of Ali Sina. Meanwhile I started writing a book, "Questions Never Answered". I wrote 8 pages, but when I read FFI I felt ashamed of my little knowledge. But though I have little knowledge I know that I have reached that right path of love and peace.
The "mullahs" around me are very angry with me because I shaved my beard after leaving Islam. I was an active participant in there gatherings but now I never go to mosque. This is very surprising for my friends. They can’t digest my wearing of jeans and leaving the Islamic dress, shalwar kamiz. After leaving Islam I was very energetic I did a debate with my old friend in a close room with the promise that he would never tell these things outside. He was convinced but said "la hola wala kowata..." and left me..
It is very difficult for me to act as a Muslim. It is the most hated thing to do. But I am doing all these rubbish. We were only two but now other 4 friends are about to leave they just seek refuse to modern Islamic mullahs like javed ahamad gamdi etc and Sufism .
Actually they cant digest the world without any god…
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Name: Abdul Huq
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 18:44:57 -0700
Good story but does not seem to be a writing by an 18 year old. Now tell us who you really are?
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 22:10:04 -0700
You are just 18 yrs. But you have to learn a lot more. Now it seems you have quite good understanding of ISLAM /QQURRAN/ MO/ ALLA - the plague, the darkness of humanity. ISLAM has no real spiritual,religious, philosophical value ,ideas, principles,ethos. ISLAM is a copied version of judaism,christianity and ARABIAN folk lore and practices. ISLAM is devoid of any morals or ethical values. MO_HAM_MAD was jealousy and too parochial . MO was jealous becoz Judaism and christianity were spreading fast those days in his place. He heard,learned bible stories from jews and christians .Do not forget Judaism &christianity were local ,exactly originated from the same place. As Mo_HAM_MAD was constantly thinking, burning with jealousy, helplessness becoz Judaism & christianity were spreading. MO thought ( just like todays narrow minded, special interest, group minded , like those in INDIA based on caste only which appeals to the basal instincts and extreme narrow minded,evil minded, jealousy minded . And also one can see this in religious based evil ISLAMIC parties like Moslem league , the terrorist sikh parties etc.) to make his sect of people and his region want to be hegemonistic, dominant with supremacist ideas and suppressing, oppressing, subjugating other groups . MO was thinking and dreaming about this every day. Naturally he will see different dreams, hallucinations , as MO was afflicted with epilepsy, schizoprenia ,seizures etc. MO gathered and managed to group about few people numbering about ~ 100. IN all his raids on the unarmed,innocent commerce caravans , it is certain MO took the help of some 10, 20 ,30 people ( like mafia gangs ,thugs ) and attacked them unaware .Nobody in right mind can say they were wars as we think of wars today. SO, MO and his band of goons succeeded in terrorizing, instilling fear by raiding, looting, capturing few people as you read from Mo's history , sketch. Mo also started to take, capture slaves, women for sex as part of his booty. This is how Mo - by terror,fear, killing, by hatred, by telling lies against his opponents ,by some conjured up imaginations. It is obvious QQURRAN is a jumble of confusion, repeatition, mistakes, wrongs , errors in all sorts of calculations,and talk...................... Most important thing is that a moslem must read with open mind about other religions ,study them with impassionate mind. Then every reasonable, logically thinking moslem will see the ridiculousness, absurdity, foolishness, evil,cruelty,babrabrism, fascism,hatred, jealousy,ill will murderous teachings in ISLAM . NO human being - that wants to be good human being, a decent human with,honesty, integrity,truthful, kindness, compassion, tolerance, helping nature, freedom, peace loving , democratic minded, civil will accept ISLAM as a religion. ISLAM is a dark chapter in human history . ISLAM is plague .ISLAM is poison.
Name: Ayesha Ahmed:another story of leaving islam from a young pakistani girl
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 22:49:41 -0700
Interesting story. It is amazing that even with the restrictions and great risks involved people seek out FFI and islam-watch.I often get e-mails from Pakistan with similar stories, Here is an e-mail I recieved yesterday(I have changed her name to protect her): Dear Ayesha: My name is Fatima and I live in Lahore , Pakistan. I have read all your articles and i just wanted to say that they were awesome . I mean u r the reason of my change of opinion abt Mohammad , You really digged out the aspects abt Mohammad that are usually hide or disappeared from the Islamic Education. I mean , i had a lot of questions abt his personality , but everytime i was either refered to hadiths or Quran , which sounds very made up to me. anyway I realized that there is someone who actually feels what I am feeling and better than that has put that in words... I am ur fan , May u keep helping people by opening their eyes and revealing the truth abt Mohammd. Good Luck Fatima
Name: Tony
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 00:09:50 -0700
try this URDU article about religion http://www.watchtower.org/ud/index.html
Name: i left islam in 1992...and converted over 100 beast = muslims to humanity
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 01:29:22 -0700
i am from india now age 38 yrs old....and i my wife my and her family and our kids r not muslims any longer, although we hv arabic names [ its a pity ] i left islam in 1992.till date i hv converted over 100 people away from islam and any religion to truth.all religion r man created and spread hate.my journey began in similar way...asking questions and i finally found the answer,that religion is misguiding people to cause hatred,generally all religions in general.the pourpose of life is to love and be love to respect and care for humanity and mother nature who is the true god who has evoled us from 1 celled organisms.there is no god/allah and no jannat,whatever is there is here on earth,so be good humans care for humanity and nature.every action has a reaction and thus we hv to watch our actions. this is all,belief in fake imaginary deity like jehova/allah etc is root cause of ignorance and hatr for all mankind in jews-christians/muslims.
Name: i am ex-muslim...its a pity i did not leave religion earlier
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 01:31:05 -0700
i am ex-muslim...its a pity i did not leave islam earlier. now i am 38-39 and helping many muslims to convert to truth and leave religion.i had tried to challange zakir the liar,but his groupies never allowed real questions.
Name: helpsless muslims in billions are trapped in mad faith islam
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 02:55:42 -0700
helpless muslims in billions are trapped in mad faith islam. The only thing to get them freed is through education and rationa thinking. This is sure to occure. No one can stop this.
Name: Great Infidel Kufr
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 04:17:08 -0700
Questions to Muslims. If Allah is so powerful why did he create Kufrs? If Allah is the creator of Adam and Eve, How the next generation born? Will it not be out of the Union of brothers or sisters? If all are born Muslims then why Muslims try to convert others? Is it not meaningless? If all sciences are there in the Quran then how come infidels Invent and Muslims search for it in Quran and finding it out in the Quran and declaring that it is already there in the Quran. How come Muslims are not till able to touch moon which is their divine planet in Quran, but Infidels walked on it?
Name: athesist1
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 08:57:15 -0700
enogh is enogh the terrorist follower of the greatest terroist in the world, follower of the prophet of terrorism why do send emails in the name of allah proclaimining terorismthe muslim scholars are the most culpuble felows behind terrorism they should preach to their follower coexistence and acceptance of other faiths and religons but alas sorry to say they instill in millions of muslims a hatred of cultures and intolerance also their preaching of a hypothetical superiorm of islamic faithin contrast to other faiths belies the current reality the muslims are in the doldrums as far as all aspects of socio economic progress its time these scholars are told to change tracts or forever loose any credibilty
Name: Islamic dress?
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 13:36:51 -0700
You raise an interesting question about males growing long beards, and adopting middle Eastern clothing when they become fervent Muslims. Why is this? Can someone please point out where in the Koran or in the Hadeeth a Muslim has to grow a beard. I know for a fact that most Muslims, even in the Middle East, usually have mustaches, or are clean shaven, and also wear trousers and shirts. Yet those who become "real" Muslims as it were, grow beards and wear gowns. Why the showy display of one's "Muslimness"?
Name: Salam Alukum
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 15:36:19 -0700
Muslim brother from Pakistan, Unfortunately many who claim to know about Islam know nothing or very little. Maybe you went to the wrong source for information. Probably you should have searched more for information on the web to get another view of Islam other than of those who are critical of it and have demonstrated deception and manipulation of the book of Allah. Please go and look at the following site and convey this message to others: http://www.irfi.org/index.htm http://www.answering-christianity.com/ac.htm Those sites address the specific issues that are raised by MA Khan and Ali Sina with proofs from the Quran and the Sunna so search for the truth and seek Knowledge as the Quran commands us.
Name: Beowulf
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 16:43:14 -0700
Congratulations on leaving islam. Ultimately, islam is contrary to logic and reason and it brings out the worst sort of intolerance in people. That this is true, is very obvious. One merely has to open the koran or the hadith or the sira and read and also observe the effects of this horrible book on the populations who revere it. One finds a tremendous amount of depravity and very little, if anything, of spiritual value in this koran. It allows slavery, stoning to death (which is vile because it makes whole villages into killers), putting people to death merely for converting to another religion or saying that Muhammad was not a prophet, and it urges waging war on non-muslims and making them into second-class citizens among other similar evils. This book, the koran, is inferior to almost every other book in existence with perhaps the exception of Mein Kampf, as a guide for civilization. I am glad to know that you were able to see the truth behind this virulent religion. I hope others will see your courage and leave islam also. It is interesting that you mentioned the so-called scientific miracles in the koran. As a physicist who specializes in biological physics (so yes, I do have a strong knowledge of biology) I can say with absolute confidence that these so-called scientific miracles in the koran are nothing more than rubbish. For example, Muhammad go it all wrong when it comes to embryology. Embryos are not formed from a clot of blood. Furthermore, the sequence of development that he describes is totally off. The koran says that the bones form and then they are clothed with flesh. Actually it is exactly opposite to this and moreover babies bones are not even fully solidified by the time of birth. Even more, the Greeks understood embryology to a far greater extent then what is given in the koran. Their knowledge pre-dates the koran by hundreds of years so how could it be a miracle if the koran merely hints at what was already extensively known? This is only one example but every other so-called scientific miracle can be debunked by the same sort of reasoning. Other religions make the same sort of claims; islam is not unique in this. Another serious error is that the koran claims that mountains were created by Allah for, among other things, preventing the earth from shaking. Yet, anyone who has even a novice level of comprehension of plate tectonics and the nature of geological fault zones (as I have because I have studied them extensively) knows that mountains zones are nearly always the source of earthquakes. Thus, the koran is in direct contradiction with reality! The koran claims to be a book that contains nothing but true things. Yet, here is one thing it claims which is totally false (don't forget that there are numerous other false claims as well). Thus, because of this contradiction the koran cannot be said to contain only true things. This then contradicts the koran's own claim to contain only true things. Hence this claim is false as well. Thus, the claim of the koran that it only contains true things is false and so the koran cannot be from God (who does not author falsehoods). Hence the koran is not divine revelation. QED. It is just simple logic! The koran is false and the truth about God is to be found elsewhere if at all.
Name: Wally
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 17:33:15 -0700
With most of school system of Pakistan consisting of madrassas I fear that Amarkhans are always going to be a small minority in that country. Does it ever occur to any of them to ask why India manages to tootle along as a working democracy and is becoming a major economic power while Pakistan has never really achieved political stability and is teetering on the abyss of being a failed state?
Name: HK
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 18:49:01 -0700
Amarkhan, be cautious of those that would dissuade you from seeking what God has planned for you. Be cautious of those that point you to yet another path away from the true God (Watch Tower, Scientology, Latter-day Saints (Mormans). These are not much better than the stuff in the Quran. Gods word is there for you to find, it is a word of Peace, clearly Peace. No promise of worlds, of virgins, of Killing to save Honor, of Killing to convert, of anything but praising God. Read the New Testament, pray and use Gods gift of free will to worship Him.
Name: Bill Morgan
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 19:13:33 -0700
Name: ZuK
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 19:15:38 -0700
See what I was telling you!?? Here you have this HK guy "warning" Amarkhan about the evils of the Mormons and their Book, just to, in the very next sentence (!!!) recommend the reading of the New Testament (!!!) a work at least as lacking of any real proof of any of its claims as the Mormons (unreadable) testament... again, instead of seriously questioning the nature of faith and believe, here we go - the guy left the Muslim idiocy, let him embrace the Christian brain-killing... So, since everyone else is giving advice to Amarkhan, here are my 2 cents: Amarkhan, go an read EVERYTHING you can about history, biology, astronomy, geology, paleontology, neuroscience and psychology, and aditionally a good, critical comparative history of religions. Why not to try "THe End of Faith", by Sam Harris, or "The God Delusion" by R. Dawkins, or "God is Not Great" (special for ex-Muslims!) by Christopher Hitchens? Moreover, and anticipanting the preemptive ad-hominem attacks by the pro-religion forumer, should you read or hear any criticism of these authors' theses, please ask for PROVE, at least as sound as the one offered in these books. And see what happen.
Name: to salam alaikum
Date: Saturday July 26, 2008
Time: 20:50:08 -0700
produce your stuff regarding koran scientific,or anything you consider to be divine in it i dont want copy and paste from answering christianity or irf.org give the material what you have understood fom those bull shit sites i will rebute you in all counts those sites hardly rebute scientifically but only produce ad homineum slurs and twisting of arabic language and compare relative morality of islam to the old testament or moral culture of people in the 400-700ad
Name: Re: Amarkhan
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 01:59:41 -0700
Nice article! I do not believe that it is fake. It sounds very convincing to me that an young intellectual like you found the path away from islam. I think that islam is not very attractive for people who are good thinkers. One of the worst things of islam is that it makes the most stupid people to it´s leaders. Islamic leaders are supposed to be brutal and unscrupulous, but not very intelligent. Perhaps they are good in memorizing the quran, but almost none of them has received a really good education. Most of them are intolerant against anything other than islam, but they never learnt anything about non-islamic subjects. They are intolerant against things they don´t know!
Name: Time to avenge those killed by Muslims.
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 02:39:55 -0700
Muslims pigs bombed the Indian city of Ahmedabad. 45 people have died so far. Time to bomb the mosques, kill the Islamic preachers and Muslims. These Muslim pigs are the cause of trouble all over the world.
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 02:47:10 -0700
The Muslims have nothing to do with those bombing. Maybe India ought to stop messing with Kashmir and let it is people decide what they really want. Who is the pig now?
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 03:29:48 -0700
Dear MA Khan, Let see, what I have learned from reading and learning about Islam from those site and other source. I learned that when we abandoned our religion and our Quran the world has made a joke of us like today with all those wicked leaders and corruption spread throughout the Islamic world. Maybe once they come to their senses and unite as Allah command they will rise again as they once were……. Lastly you should not be too upset for the backwardness of the Muslim world, I mean thugs like you would have hard time passing their lies on this low life site if the Muslims went back to their faith and practiced Islam according to the Quran and Sunna.
Name: atheist 1
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 04:34:14 -0700
muslims following the meglomaniac prophet of doom look into ancient history who conquered persia syria egypt and berber lands those countries cultures,tolerance and progress where ultimately destroyed by babaric followers of mo the muslims are the ultimate cause of conquest and colonization in the world they are like zombies bleed native cultures to death the european conquests of other continents followed the imbibing of this intolerant feature from the muslims and now they keep harping of muslim land lost eg kashmir,checnya palestine to hell with u pricks u have no claim to any land in which muslims are in minority now accept the rule of non muslim in their countries as their minorities have excepted the rule of muslims in muslim majority countries further refferences http://islam-watch.org/HistoryOfJihad/index.html
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 06:08:33 -0700
Sir ,my name is Chandrakant Piyaraylal, i am currently studying at Huddersfield ,there are quite a few Muslim students ,and they run a Islamic circle, one of them is from my class and we are very friendly, on his invitation i went to there meeting,well i will tell you that i am no longer a member of HINDUISM, i have on my own accord have become a Muslim , there 7 other students 2 Sikhs ,1 Buddhist and 4 Hindus are now also coming to meetings and inshaalla very soon they will also join and become the global brotherhood in Islam. The problem is now we are afraid to go back home , and if we do we will have to keep it to our self, is there any one who can suggest a way out please?
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 06:26:52 -0700
The article is good. Leave butcher, rapist Muhammad. Come to Jesus Christ, the Way, Truth and the Life.
Name: Give It Up Already
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 06:50:46 -0700
GOD is a myth, a Santa Clause, a fairy tail. There is no GOD remotely resembling any religion on this planet. Get over it. We are on a rock speeding through space. This planet will perish. Stop killing and start fucking. PLEASE.
Name: What if ...
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 08:33:48 -0700
I would call Muhammad or any president, dictator or king in the islamic world a human being made from clot! Would they punish me for insulting them? However, this is asserted by the quran!
Name: Re: What if ...
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 08:41:27 -0700
So it should be totally legal according to muslim or sharia law to describe muslims of being made from clot. Possible names used for muslims could be Clot-People, Clotmen, Clotty, Clot-Believer, Clots and many more.
Name: Re: What if ...
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 09:47:14 -0700
A clot of what? A blood clot? Long before science discovered that all the chemicals and elements that compose the human body are found in the ground, the Bible said that man comes from the ground. It also says from dust you are and to dust you will return. Muslims like to say that the Koran is scientifically accurate. So what exactly is this "clot" that the Koran mentions?
Name: Evidence that islam encourages violence against non muslims- Jonathan
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 10:00:31 -0700
Here is proof that islam encourages violence against non muslims to convert them to islam. Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah Bukhari (8:387) - Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
Name: Come out of darkness,or be the pale ugly cultist!!!!!
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 10:24:25 -0700
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojIzkNa5tMM Cow Dung worship I assure you read that title right, this is exactly what the ladies of the house in DH’s community do the morning after Diwali to ensure wealth and prosperity in the household for the year to come. Since I had no idea how things worked I let my sister in law do the preparation, which actually meant using fresh cow dung to draw a symbolic representation of a village complete with 3D little cow dung people (all this made with bare hands and on the ground in the court yard). I myself took the less smelly job of putting various types of lentils and grains in designated area on the pattern to mimic granaries and mangers. We then went back to the kitchen to make little birds out of rice floor dough for the female only ritual. Once MIL was ready we headed back outside, lit oil lamps in the dung village, and had our feet painted with some magenta tainted water and proceed to bless the village with the usual water sprinkling, grain throwing and red powder applying all the various elements and then conclude by eating one of the rice flour birds each before call it quit and head to the kitchen for breakfast. While the whole ritual may sound gross (after all this is cow dung we are talking about). What fascinates me is how Hinduism has remained an earthy religion close to its people and the farming roots of India, with all the rural symbols and wish of prosperity linked to grain, food and by default wealth. And somehow it is not so odd that the Goddess of wealth is a woman, and that the rituals closely associated to fertile matters are conducted by the women of the household using earth symbols, which are by default symbols of life and fertility as well (the men have another ritual the next day involving fire). The rest of the day is generally spent lazing around as everything is anyway closed. That part was actually tougher on me than being around smelly dung and a swarm of flies.
Name: akhter
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 13:17:27 -0700
So these Hindus and there are a few who comment here regularly ,always doing their bit to defame the religion of Islam ,after watching the video clip and seeing poor unfortunate Hindus,bowing down to the filthiest , ugliest, death carriers Rats, and to make it even worse then they bow down to a big pile of cow [sorry their god] shit.Funny then they the DAAL EATERS have guts to come here and advice us ! Dummies go and look at yourselves, and again and yet again ,Now do you see what really you are?
Name: Surinder singh [ BAHIRTA , INDIA]
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 13:48:34 -0700
Akhter , i respect you man you come out with facts and not like all these Hindus here who always lie, and i must say REPEAT, you are right Hindus do worship rats, and they do bow to only cow dung, they even make little dung cakes and to top it up they drink cow piss, did you know that?
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 13:55:59 -0700
Where are the organisers of this site?,there is almost nothing here apart from a lot Hindus throwing insults at Muslims , who then reply a few of them back,it is not a sensible discussion forum , this is like war zone, whatever the mission here you have i am sorry to have lost it , it is ridiculus, last time i visit here!Totally irresponsible and biased attack on Muslims and their faith, you lot should be held accountable!!
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 15:39:46 -0700
It is better to worship cow which provide milk, butter and helps in agriculture) than whorshiping a terrorist ideology.Hindus are better than the agents of satan.atleast they can respect other fellow beings and nature as a creation (not as a supreme god......as you muslim only now very little outside of your religion) of one supreme god(param bramha) unlike those people who do not have any respect for fellow hman beings ofother religion
Name: there is no god/allah and this is proven fact
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 23:41:01 -0700
there is no god/allah and this is proven fact.man is not created by any imaginary god/allah from mud/dirt,but evoled by nature from 1 celled organisms,and proof is in our dna.only pig-jews-christians/muslims dont believe in this truth,bcoz they r too greedy and want the imaginaryheaven/jannat with halal wine and imaginry virgins.which is also imginary.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 00:41:53 -0700
Indonesian people are just the opposite. They are more and more believe in this cult as a divine revelation. So stupid of them. With so many moslem in the upper government, Islam is having its peak. They will be very ashamed if they admit that islam is a wrong religion. Ha ha ha .... No return path for them ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 00:54:16 -0700
Name: The maratha warrior
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 03:17:08 -0700
The hindus may worship a 1000 gods & monkeys but that is a million times better Than worshipping a pagan arab deity whom a megalomaniac, a debauncherist, a rapist, a highway bandit,a paedophilist , an arsonist, a looter a misogynist, a murderer & a dreamer of dreams in the Arabian desert modified into a monotheist moon god deity. No religious book in the history of mankind can be so unclear than the quran in that it has no chronology and is full of grammatical, historical, logical and scientific blunders. It requires tafseers or commentaries to explain it .surelythe islamic god is a moron in that his own creation has to be explained by man`s commentaries.Aother point hadiths making their appearance250-300yearas after the death of mo,the original book of muslim, bukhari & company were burnt & what we have today is a reedited & rehashed version Of hadiths to which muslims bring this incredible logic of selectively sorting and taking out hadiths.What is the meaning of all this, there is no greater fraud in mankind than the creation of islam. In fact many ancient books of Arabia where burnt to hide the grammatical errors of the quran.There is nothing new in muslim customs fasting and pilgrimage were borrowed from pagan arab practices,even the name allah was previously Present note mo full name mohammed bin Abdullah Mo philosophy in life “ I have been made victorious by terror” is still providing inspiration to millions of muslim terrorists.To those who criticize about cow dung & cow urine-Mo spoke about curative property of house fly, camel’s urine will bring vigor and health to all Muslims and there is no need for advancements in modern medicine & pharmacy black cumin seeds is the cure for all diseases
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 05:03:49 -0700
Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India By Sujesh 23/02/2003 At 15:01 Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India The following is from israel, where 300 jewish women a year elope with muslim men and produce muslim offspring The israeli jewish population is 6 million, out of this 300 women a year are seduced by muslim men This inspite of the daily islamic terror In israel thanks to the smaller population , each islamic bomb blast has a higher impact and there is very bad relations between jews and muslims Despite this the muslims manage to snag 300 jewish women a year Muslims are 30% of the israeli district of Galilee and many of their villages are NO-GO riot prone muslim ghettos, right within 1967 israel India has 820 million hindus, by extrapolation we come up with a minimum of 50000 hindu women a year eloped to muslims Next this has to be multiplied by the bollywood khan factor, the Sultan Mian factor and the psec factor ( a lot of dumb psec women married muslims , teesta setalvad, mira nair, kavita ramdas ) So the VHP estimate of 100,000 hindu women a year lost to making muslim babies is very conservative
Name: Qayamat is Very Near
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 10:19:35 -0700
Your story might impress those who follow the footsteps of Satan, and if you don't revert back and ask for forgivenesss of Almighty Allah, then it is great loss and loss. You might or fool muslims or other gullible souls, but not Allah. Your Death Will Open Your Eyes, but Alas, if you did not revert back, then you will be a great loser.
Name: Do muslims worship the kaaba [stone]? for Hindu cultist!!
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 12:03:33 -0700
Name: ISLAM IS TRUTH -- Benjamin Ali
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 12:03:53 -0700
I’m a converted Muslim (Allah-hu-Akbar) out of Brooklyn. After reading all the postings here, my love for Islam has even increased. I was in dark, and Islam enlightened me. I was ignored and my Muslim brothers embraced me. I had never ever heard of such filthy comments from my Muslim brothers about another faith. All we talk about is how we make a difference in the world and help other out, involve in community works etc. I have only one regret – why I did not enter Islam early!!!!!!!!!
Name: Jonathan- To the raving maniac who writes in bold letters
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 13:03:20 -0700
I have been watching this guy shout on this web site in block letters. Though i can understand his dislike of islam I can say he is not well read and probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I have told him once before not to denigrate christianity before on this site. He is a great fan of evolutionary which i must remind him was formulated by a devout christian - charles darwin. The world has benefited by the discoveries made by people in christian societies. The next time this guy gets a cold or infection he will probably taking some antibiotic made by a christian person. If christianity was so bad so much progress would not have come from christian societies. If you have something against christianity please say what it is rather than taking pot shots at christianity. I am a christian and i believe in evolution. I belive that God created the world through an evolutionary process and so do many christians. I have great respect for hinduism as explained in the upanishads and though i dont agree with all aspects of hindu beliefs and practises i can see the essential principles of hinduism are good. I tried to see the good in islam but i could not find anything but unmitigated evil. So i applaud everyone on this site who join their voices in rejecting islam. Including my friend who writes in block letters.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 13:15:28 -0700
A lot of good people can find refuge and friendship in a bad and evil religion, and a lot of bad and evil people can find refuge in a good religion. In the end, a religion is good if it makes your life worth living.
Name: Re : Constantine the Great
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 13:30:58 -0700
Those are nice sentiments but the reality of the matter is that the good people who find refuge in a bad and evil religion will eventually become tainted by it. A rotten tree does not produce good fruit.
Name: I am a Muslim - thank you! my friend
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 18:09:32 -0700
Assalam-o-Alakum (Peace be Upon You) to Muslim brothers and sisters ! I would also like to tell my story as brother Ali did. I am a white American, born and raised in Oakland, CA. Although my father was a not making much, he sent me to school and eventually to college and I ended up graduating with political sciences majors. Oakland, has been pretty rough place and depending on which neighborhood, drugs, girls and bullets are not unusual. The teenage and high school time I spent in the public schools over here was a life changing experience for me. When all of us were focused on basket ball, crack and partying all the time, there was one muslim (Arab) kid in our school who was totally different. He would not feel any attraction in the stuff we were into and would always come on top in studies. Was very friendly and easy going but knew when to say No. I noticed that something was very different about him. One day I asked him about Islam and he took me to local Border’s and bought me the English translation version of Quran and said, just start reading it whenever you have time and you will know, just make sure that you read it few times cause first time it might be quite complex and little confusing for average human. So I did. Being a Catholic, I found that there were lots of similarities between Islam and Christianity that I never thought were before. It insisted so much on the unity of God and the welfare of society though that all the stereotypes I knew about Muslims being terrorists started diffusing away. I was observing a guy who was very gentle, very much in-control with noble character and a book that was talking about nothing but advise of doing good, where was all the evil that media and buddies of mine had preached all the time? I started spending more time on investigating and observing other muslims in my neighborhood and went couple of times to their Friday prayers in local mosque and listened to what they talked about. Again, all I saw and heard was nothing but good things. This went on for about 4 years when one day at the end of my 4 year research I found Islam to be the best possible lifestyle one could adapt among everything else present in today’s world when no faith is at its originality and we are living in a chaotic world. I had studied and researched other religions as cross references during those 4 years and I made a very calculated, well-informed decision. Today after 9 years, I cannot tell you the difference Islam made in my life and raising my kids on the best values possible. I’m extremely grateful to my high-school buddy, who now lives in another part of the world, for showing me the straight path of Allah, the guiding light of Quran and the peace of mind and soul I never had before!
Name: To: I am a muslim
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 09:41:15 -0700
You made the following comments: "a book that was talking about nothing but advise of doing good, where was all the evil that media and buddies of mine had preached all the time? "This book calls muslims to use violence and murder against non muslims to convert them to Islam. Want proof? Here it is.Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." Sura (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." You have walked into the arms of satan. And you have led your children into evil as well.
Name: To:I'm a Muslim
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 10:57:09 -0700
May Allah bless you both! We need more muslims to tell their stories and especilly converted ones right on this forum and not somewhere else so that these wicked planners against Islam get a solid answer of the evil they are cooking. We are proud of you and we stand with you brothr & sister!!!! May Allah also guide these evil doers.
Name: To the Western woman who has been a Muslim for 10 years
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 13:23:08 -0700
The fact that you embraced Islam 10 years ago (and counting) means it is not a phase, and that you have had ample time to scrutinze what even many of those born into Islam find unfathomably offensive.....Muhammad's double standard of having 14 wives, but limiting up to 4 for his male followers. Allowing Muslim widows to remarry as was already the case pre-Islam, but not his widows. Muhammad's marriage to a 6-year old girl (Ayisha, and consummating the marriage at age 9). Are you married with little children? How would you feel about your 6-year old daughter getting married to a man in his early 50s? This, incidentally, would have meant that at his death, Ayisha, still in her prime of life, could never remarry. Talk about possessiveness, even from beyond the grave. This belies any Islamic claims that Muhammad improved the quality of life for women. How about his marriage to his ex-daughter-in-law (Zainab). How can you reconcile his actions with his claim that he was sent by God?
Name: stewart davis
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 22:57:50 -0700
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I think you are coming to the realization that all religions come from man not from God. As a result there are inconsistencies and falsehoods etc... as well as many useful teachings. Even Islam has some redeeming qualities although they are blotted out by the negative way in which the religion seeks to control followers and spread the faith. If we lived in a world where each individual was free to choose his own faith and members of one faith did not try to impose their faith on others all would benefit. Islam is not rising it is sinking and we are witness to it. The storms the world faces today are similar to the storm of steam created when lava meets the sea. Keep converting your friends. The way of Muhammad is the way to extinction.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 23:22:40 -0700
To the foul-mouthed respondent to my previous posting: your 5 points describe perfectly the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the guardians of your holy places. But please do not confuse western secular materialism with Christianity - they're not the same.
Name: Sidhick
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 09:46:59 -0700
Dear Brother Amarkhan, You please describe your question which are never answered. Could you get answer from the new center for all your questions? Are you satisfy with that answers for your questions? Why you satisfied here and not satisfied the answer given by Dr. Zakir Naik? Kindly explain this
Name: Kafir-infidel / &Ex.communist
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 13:42:26 -0700
TO SIDHICK ,ALL Moslems - All NONMOSLEMS here . SIDHICK is asking why ZAKIR the MOSALMAN , the pedo-rapist MO_HAM_MAD follwer is not good . THe answer is simple - Becoz ZAKIR NAIK is a poisonous MOSLEM with full of evil,wicked, cruelity,hatred, envy,jealousy ,ill will ,intolerance against nonmoslems . AS a monster moslem ZAKIR is antinational, traitor, ISLAMIC terrorist. ZAKIR cant talk good , cant see good, cant hear good. ZAKIR NAIK produces,instigates all Moslems to become ISLAMIC terrorists,KILLERS ... How many good people ZAKIR NAIk produced or made . show me examples who worked for the upliftment of people, to make people kind hearted, to serve people , to be compassionate to all people, to help all people , to serve all people . ZAKIR will end up and die like a monster . ZAKIR will remember on his death bed, time of death- in his heart and mind , how evil,wicked, cruel deeds ZAKIR did against the nonmoslems, against generous ,noble people . There s no ALLA and MO_HAM_MAD was cruel profiteer . ZAKIR is getting all the benefits ,special privileges, special treatment from the INDIAN Govt which is abetting,appeasing ISLAMIC TERRORISM with it's inability to act . ZAKIR as a traitor belongs behind bars . It is a great shame and disgraceful to humanity that the present INDIAN Govt is inactive and allowing thousands of people to be killed by ISLAMIC terrorists everyday. The primary duty of any democratic ,peoples Government is to protect it's patriotic people . INDIAN Govt failed in this primary task. ALL INDIANS must note this and act against this cabal of evil Govt od SONIA,MANMOHAN ,LALLOO ,ISLAMO FASCISTS.
Name: Nikola Telsa and Tom Bearden's secret offspring (Look them up.)
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 18:16:22 -0700
I suppose it's unlikely anyone reads right to the bottom any more. I just did though and I haven't even had my breakfast. Mum was brought up with a father who was high up in the Christian church right? I nay-sayed and questioned it, doubtful of one single creature or being responsible for every single thing around me from 13yrs and have done so ever since. I soon realised that it was immature of me to deny such a strong religious movement so have looked in to most of the other huge, popular religious cultures as an aside to living a happy, sex- and love-filled life in between, ever since. It seemed to me humans were reacting over and over in similar ways to something that happened well before mass communication. It wasn't a matter of people developing such ideologies- corrupt or otherwise- purely for the sake of mind/crowd control. There was more to it than that but still I figured it was crap. Then I began a slightly different angle on learning to do with physics. Bear with me, because this may well put things in to perspective. With even a basic overview of quantum physics, suddenly astronomy, astrophysics, travel at the speed of light (or even at the speed of gravity which is even faster) becomes quite viable. This brilliant technology far beyond any of the dick-whacking nonsense currently available is actually being developed and isn't such a stretch anymore for us as a species. There should be no doubt about other species being a bloody HUGE way more advanced than we are. Personally I think they're scared of what we have become; we kill for fun, for punishment, to prove something; on mass scales too; for beliefs, for sport, kill anyone different. Maybe it's the water content of our planet; we're just too dense right now... Religion is most definitely keeping a lid on intelligence however, and people remain in the dark. It should all be seen to in the next few years as the Earths poles are due to shift in late 2012 apparently, but every aetheist in the west will believe it's actually from ungreen practices and the polar ice-caps have melted due to global warming, which is a piece of genius from the boys behind the Capitalist Conspiracy, aka. Western Rot. Don't accept any one set of beliefs; any individual ideology is setting you up for suckerdom. The only way to free your mind - without a single doubt THE most valuable asset you possess - is by independent research, and learning from even the scummiest, most foolishly religious freaks you pass by on the street. They don't need your contempt or hatred or fear. See them as a means to gauge your own development. Always remember: Be careful what you wish(/pray) for.
Name: To Nikola tesla ---
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 18:40:07 -0700
How does explain supernatural phenomena like spirits, demons, possesion etc? It seems that there are too many incidents like these , some which have happened to rationsl , non supertitious people to just discard these anecdotes out of hand. Do you have any answers?
Name: Good for you, former Muslim
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 20:48:20 -0700
As for a good Christian resource on Islam, read the booklet: The Facts on Islam Harvest House Publishers Eugene, Oregon 97402 The cost is 4.50 plus postage.
Name: Arslan in Lahore
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 01:12:44 -0700
salam Abdulhaq bhai u seems me good muslim.ye site islam ke khilaf aik sazish h . koi bhi shakhs islam ke bare me aise nahi keh sakta ye jews or nonmuslims ki sazish h .Allah in ko nek hidayat de. Amin
Name: Re: Salam Alukum
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 02:38:16 -0700
I got this nugget of wisdom fr the Answering Christianity site: (((If Islam never existed, would "Allah" still be a known Name for GOD Almighty among the Arab Jews and Christians today?))) Do I even need to refute this? Allah was the ancient Jews and Christian's name for God. The fact that Islam hijacked the term later doesn't make them Muslims. If Allah laid down his laws with Muhammad, that means Islam didn't exist before Mo. These Islamofascists arguments are so stupid they beggar beleif.
Name: Re: Salam Alukum
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 02:57:45 -0700
We are told by Muslims that Allah means "God" and that he is the same God of the Jews and Christians. Actually God's name in the Bible is not Allah, but "Yahweh" (Europeanized as "Jehovah"). But Islamic history says that Mohammed's father, who was a pagan and died when Mohammed was very young, was named "Abdallah". This name "Abdallah" in Arabic means "Slave of Allah". We are told that Allah (supposedly the true God of Christians and Jews) sent Gabriel to reveal Him and His message for the first time to Arabs through Mohammed (by this time a young man) when he was alone in a cave. So how is it that Mohammed's father, a PAGAN, had the name "Slave of Allah", if Allah is the true God of Christians and Jews? Wouldn't this name "Slave of Allah" actually show Allah as being one of the many pagan dieties that Meccans were worshipping all along???? How can a pagan man be named by his parents (Mohammed's grandparents) Abdallah ("Slave of Allah")? It doesn't add up.
Name: Rahman al-Sheha
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 07:32:06 -0700
Islam is extremely keen to establish an ideally good society. Islam does this by providing the essential items and necessities that ensure and guarantee for individuals their full rights. If the society members enjoy peace, tranquillity, freedom and availability of basic requirements, they will become better citizens. Members of the society must feel that way in order to practise a peaceful, happy, prosperous, productive and meaningful life. Individuals of such a society will be able to enjoy their legal rights. Listen to the statement of Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam – peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Whosoever wakes up (in the morning) feeling that he is secure in his community, free from ailments and diseases in his body and has enough provision (food stuff and supply) for a single day, (such an individual) would be as if he owns the entire world.”[Tirmithee No. 2346]. Islam, therefore, seeks to formulate and establish a society that provides the following. Peace and security Islam offers self security, family security and protection. Members of the society at large must not be frightened, or threatened by words, threats or weapons of all types. This is based on the Hadith of Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam): “Whosoever frightens a Believer (in this life) it will become incumbent on the Almighty Allah to make such a person insecure (and frightened) on the Day of Judgment”[Tabaranee, Targheeb and Tarheeb]. Self security enables individuals of a society to have freedom of mobility and movement in order to work and earn an honest income. Corporal and capital punishments have been laid down and carried out in order to impose strict penalty on individuals who attempt to cause disruption to the peace, security and stability of a society. One of these strict penalties for criminals according to Islamic law is the penalty for peace, security disruption and frightening innocent people in a society. Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stated in his farewell speech: “Truly, your blood, your protected items in life, and your wealth are unlawful to one another. They are unlawful to tamper with like it is unlawful to tamper with this (honorable and sacred) Day (the Day of Arafah during Hajj), in this Sacred Month (the month of pilgrimage ‘Thul-Hijjah’), and in this Sacred Town (Makkah)” [Sahih Bukhari No. 6043].
Name: Re: Salam Alukum
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 15:42:40 -0700
That is not the first time I have read about Muhamad's pagan father who had the name "slave of allah". When are Muslims going to try and explain this inconsistency? They are usually silent about this.
Name: Re : Rahman al-Sheha
Date: Friday August 01, 2008
Time: 18:54:45 -0700
Afghanistan under Taliban theocracy was hardly a paradise, and their continued suicide bombings ensure that country's instability. Iran under Ayatollah theocracy was, and still is, a miserable place. I have never even seen a picture of Khomeini smiling. He is always frowning in the huge posters plastered all over Iran. The Islamic Sudanese government has committed genocide against fellow Muslims in Darfur (you gonna somehow blame that too on Israel and the U.S.?). The more Islamic the country, the more downtrodden the women. The truth is self evident. The huge emigration of Muslims from Islamic lands to the "Kuffaar" West looking for better opportunities, hoping for a better future, belies your claim that Islam is about establishing a better and happier society.
Name: My former muslim friend!
Date: Friday August 01, 2008
Time: 21:18:45 -0700
To the false site of "answering christianity", NO! Allah was NEVER the name for God in Hebrew society! It was either YWH(Yahweh) or JHVH (Jehovah) or Elohim! How false that people actually believe this! Also, islamists are WRONG when they say Christ never said in the 27 books of the New Testament that He died and rose again(see Luke 9:22) and Rev. 1:18,"[Christ speaking]I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever." AS TO THIS FORMER MUSLIM IN PAKISTAN. IN KARACHI THERE IS A NEWSPAPER(I have seen a copy of it!) that posts former muslims' pictures and addresses so muslims can come over to where they live and persecute them. My friend, be brave and strong! YOU HAVE DONE THE RIGHT THING LEAVING ISLAM! YOU MAY BE KILLED(as many have been killed for leaving islam is islamic countries!or put in jail as many others have been (see www.persecution.com) but be strong! Don't let them intimidate you! You have a friend in the US who is praying for you! Thank you for your bravery. I KNOW MANY OTHERS WOULD SPEAK THE SAME AS YOU FOR THEY HAVE FOUND THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM BUT THEY ARE AFRAID FOR WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO THEM OR THEIR FAMILIES. MANY NON-MUSLIMS ARE KIDNAPPED, RAPED AND PUT TO DEATH FOR EITHER LEAVING ISLAM OR BEING NON-ISLAMIC! GOOD FOR YOU FRIEND! HANG IN THERE AND HOPEFULLY YOU CAN LEAVE THAT COUNTRY SOMEDAY BEFORE YOU ARE PERSECUTED! WHERE AS CHRIST TAUGHT TO LOVE OUR ENEMIES, MOHAMMED TAUGHT TO SLAY THE INFIDELS!
Name: Aadil Shar
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 07:42:08 -0700
If any wants to leave Islam, That means they are leaving the message of Allah. In a muslim country if it happens, the foreign media highlights it in abig way. Well, if any wants to leave Islam they have only to deal with the creator. All a muslim can do is warn the person who leaves that religion, but if he still goes ahead, let The craetor of the world judge him or her on the day of judgement. Why should Muslims bother. I guess people love instigating.
Name: Re : Aadil Shar
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 10:54:48 -0700
Don't downplay Islamic society's reaction to a person who wants to leave Islam. Sure the foreign media highlights it because they know it could well mean a death sentence for that person. Islamic counries do not have freedom of religion and freedom of the press. It is not the foreign media that "instigates" a story. They merely report what they see. About a year ago in Afghanistan a man who publicly left Islam and proclaimed himself a Christian was arrested, tried for apostacy, and sentenced to death by an Islamic court. France (I think) intervened and offered him refuge.
Name: True!!
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 13:48:16 -0700
Name: To: Aadil Shar
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 19:49:05 -0700
This is a lie so blatant it doenst' even bear arguing. You must remember that many on this site are ex-Muslims. They know from personal experience Islam persecutes apostates and punishes them with death.