Muslims ‘Expect No Criticism’
30 May, 2009

- Muslims are such a demanding race that, whenever there is criticism of their brutal history around the world over, they come out in their thousands, chanting “Allahu Akbar” and engaging in acts of mindless vandalism and terror. They even openly speak out about spilling blood of innocents, play havoc, and destruction…
Why the Muslims do all this?
….(‘cause we pamper ’em!!!)
do they have a free hand into every whim of theirs..? (Are we
cowards? Are we afraid of them? Are we just gonna sit there with
gloomy faces and don’t do anything about???)
…(‘cause we support ‘em!!!)
Here are just some statistics on recent Muslim achievements and they
"expect not criticism":
Muslims murdered some 3,000 innocent peoples in New York on September 11, 2001, and..... Expect no criticism!
Muslims murder 202 tourists in Bali, and........... Expect no criticism!
Muslims murder 333 school children and their teachers in Beslan, and.........Expect no criticism!
Muslims murder 292 innocents, mainly Kenyans and Tanzanians at two US Embassies, .......And expect no criticism!
Muslims murder 241 US and 58 French peacekeepers in Beirut, and..... Expect no criticism!
Muslims fire 4,000 Katyusha/Stinger rockets into Northern Israel killing over 50 innocent civilians, and............ Expect no criticism!
Muslims murder 52 commuters in London and 191 in Madrid, and..... Expect no criticism!
Muslims murder some 200 people in Mumbai, and......... Expect no criticism!
Muslims behead Western hostages in Iraq, Buddhist monks in Thailand and Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia, and............. Expect no Criticism!
Muslim genocide in Sudan has claimed over 3 million lives since mid-1980; they massacred nearly 500,000 in Darfur since 2004, and........... Expect no criticism!
Muslims regard Jews as 'sons of pigs and monkeys', and vow to nuke Israel out of existence, and.......... Expect no criticism!
Muslims force women to wear hideous conical sacks, stone to death for getting raped and for leaving their homes unescorted, engage in honor-killing of sisters and daughters for unapproved dating/marriages, and...... Expect no criticism!
Muslims danced in the streets and handed out sweets to their kids to celebrate the 9/11 atrocity, and......... Expect no Criticism!
Since 9/11, Muslims have killed over 26,000 and wounded over 150,000 in terrorist attacks worldwide, and............ Still Expect no Criticism!
Since 9/11 Muslims have committed terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chad, Chechnya, Dagestan, Denmark, East Timor, Egypt, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ingushetia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Jordan-Iraq, Kabardino-Balkans, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Gaza-Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tajikistan, Thailand , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates, United Arab Republic , United States , Uzbekistan and Yemen, and............ STILL Expect No Criticism!
Muslims have carried out over 13,000 fatal terrorist atrocities and damages to public and private buildings/vehicles since 9/11, and countless millions since the Islamic conquest began from 623 AD; and still they Expect No Criticism!
But if the Pope dares to tell the truth about Islam's history, or a Danish Newspaper publish cartoons of Mohammed, they let the outpourings of Islamic rage, and.......... Expect no criticism!
And, by some twisted reach of logics, these arrogant vandals demand apology from the Pope, and.......... Expect no criticism!
Is this fair?
Muslims expect us to just shut up and watch, while they do what their Holy Book, the Quran, teaches and preaches… “You do as you please”, and…… still Expect No Criticism!
Here is a countdown of "top- ten facts" about Islam in our world:
10. In Afghanistan ‘You’ grow and refine heroin for a living, and, yet, you have a moral objection to beer.
09. You own a $3,000 machine gun and a $5,000 rocket launcher, but you cannot afford to wear shoes.
08. You have more wives than teeth, and, yet, you want to rape more infidels.
07. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide jackets, and, yet, you want us to believe it is haram to kill.
06. You cannot think of anyone you HAVEN'T declared Jihad against, yet the Quran preaches harmony.
05. You consider television dangerous, and, yet, you routinely carry ammunition in your robe.
04. You've never been asked, "Does this burka/hijab make my butt look fat?", and, yet, you make it mandatory for your women folk to wear when leaving home.
03. You are amazed to discover that cell-phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs, and, yet, the kuffar technology is ably used for that horrendous purpose.
02. You've never uttered the phrase, "I love what you've done with your cave", but yet you destroy infidel homes and their places of worships.
And, the NUMBER ONE SIGN you might be a member of the Taliban...
01. You wipe your rear with mud-stones, and, yet, you consider all infidels are unclean.
Lennard James is a Pakistani-born writer.
Name: zenner
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 23:32:01 -0400
I don't think any dogmatic relgion, judaism, christianity or islsam "expect" criticism...that is why, they are false.
Name: Difference
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 01:48:37 -0400
Whats the difference between 'moderate' muslims and extremist. Extremist will go for killing non-muslims (kaffirs) while moderate will pay 'zakat' to extremist to do the same.
Name: Indian Kufr
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 02:08:23 -0400
I think there are 3 types of Muslims., The soft (Islam is peace ) Muslims, The average Muslim ( who will not behead but clap for the beheading and murders and suicide bombings), Then the hard core the real Muslims. To start with break the soft outer shell., through all means , by talking, friendships, conversions, internet, introduce to other thoughts and other books, debates , cartoons, news etc., etc., The real soft will come out, The left out will become more religious, support sharia, beheadings and support jihad. Make them pay for what they do, do not give them jobs, no social secutiy, no assylums, no preferences, last prefernce for them anywhere and everywhere. Some of them may become extreme extremists, doing jihad themselves, killing, raping infidels etc., etc., Then the left will be the only hard core. Fight them wherver you find them. Nuke them., fire them and hang them wherever you find them. No debates, no discussions and no lecturing. Kill them cold bloodedly. It may take 15-20 years to finish them. Then allah the satan will run away from the earth and pass his time with the Houris in the seventh sky. Till that time no rest for infidels. Infidels tie your belts and be ready for the annihilation.
Name: good one blast these jihaids with nukes before the attack us kill them all
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 03:27:21 -0400
good one blast these jihaids with nukes before the attack us kill them all
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 04:09:14 -0400
The author has ignored over 70,000 killed in Kashmir alone and another 200,000 rendered homeless in Kashmir, many thousands more killed over the decades in several parts of India. I wonder ,these westerners think that killings and terrorism in India by the self-same muslims is inconsequential.No wonder that USA keeps giving more sops to Pakistan in the so-called war on terror,which is always directed against India. Until 9/11 happened USA and other western countries gave tacit support to terrorists operating against India, and they have not changed much even now just paying lip-service to terror attacks against India and hypocritically asking us to show 'forbearance' and restraint.The Billions of Dollars Obama is giving to Pakistan will into the coffers of top politicians, Military officers and bureaucrats and a substantial amount going into funding jihadis against India. Downright hypocrites,two-faced double-dealers these whitemen are. They are certainly racists: see for example the sporadic attacks on Indian students in Australia and other western countries.If a white man gets killed or a women raped they raise such hue and cry,while the Australian PM has the cheek to tell us not to make a big issue of the attack on Indian students and this was not a racist attack ,according to that sanctimonious bastard Australian PM. When the Stein family was killed the same Australian establishment made a big hue and cry and sent their cops,lawyers etc. to ask Indian government to book the crimuinals; while they are cool when it is Indians who are attacked in the most brutal manner in which one victim is hospitalsed in a coma stage fighting for his life! It is like saying our blood is blood but your blood is thinner than water; our terrorism is horrific yours is toodle-O! Damn racist hypocrityes!
Name: Anti Clot
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 04:16:20 -0400
What can we expect from Islam? It is a brainless cult without any logic, invented by imperialist arabs to ignite the hate of the mob in order to occupy other countries and force them into submission. Their philosophy is hate and their language is violence. It is the primitve world of the stone age.
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 04:17:19 -0400
You Muslim shut the f--k up. You have to be wiped out, you rascals.
Name: DuoMaxwell
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 04:32:02 -0400
Is it just me, or could it be that these types of Muslims are simply nothing but a bunch of vicious, bloodlusting, dominating HYPOCRITE TWO-FACERS? These types of Muslims can't be trusted at all!
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 04:48:14 -0400
The Yahoo News also gave a report (dated30-05-2009)that on an average 20 incidents of "curry bashings" takes place every month in Australia alone!. So much for the morality and culture of "christian" whitemen - racist bastards that they are. Islamic terrorism got the boost from the same white bastards through the american CIA who trained them in all the dirty 'guerilla war tactics' in their efforts to defeat and humiliate the Soviets in Afghanistan. They also armed them to the teeth, made illegal arms bazars flourish, opium trade to grow, etc. This frankenstien of monstrous proportions was created by the western powers, especially the USA and its CIA. Has Afghanistan benefited from this exercise? Not at all! Afghanistan is a sick state bolstered by Americans and the NATO. The moment these forces leave Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai and his cohorts would be lynched mercilessly by the muslim warlords and the Taliban waiting for the opportunity: remember 'Vulture is a patient bird'.It has spawned more criminal elements in other other islamic countries ,creating Al Quaida, LeT, and emboldening the erstwhile Muslim Brotherhood or JKLF or Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Today billions of Dollars are wasted ( which otherwise could have been used in human development) in containing these monsters of islamic terrorism. The whole world is suffering from the whiteman's paranoia: it was communism in the soviet era and now islamic terrorism ever since. After all the same fanatical islamic terrorists were heroes for the west in their battle to defeat and humiliate the soviets. No wonder the muslim terrorist are now emboldened to declare that one day they will islamise the entire world! They have learnt from the experience in the Afghan - Soviet war and they are confident that they will bring the West, especially the USA, to its knees and shove islam down their unwilling throats with utmost brutality. I am not sure that they will succed, given the flawed policies of the west to finance the very country that spawns such terrorist and selectively impose 'democracy' like in Iraq but not Saudi Arabia!
Name: balam
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 06:23:16 -0400
I have no words to express my appreciation for this excellent article by Lennard James. He has put his finger on the right nature of Mohammadans and Islam-a cult of deceit and violence. There is nothing good and decent about Islam. It only suits the brain- less, conscience-less dummies called Muslims without any morals like Mohammad.. Islam spread with violence and it can only be contained and destroyed with violence. There is no other solution but the complete extermination of these vermins. They have no tolerance for non-muslims and should not expect any from the non-muslims either. The Muslim motto is: Do not react to our atrocicities, because we are Muslims. The Non-Muslim's response should be :TOO BAD:
Name: balam to v.b.v
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 07:34:49 -0400
I can not understand the outburst of V.B.V at the Australians for the attacks on Hindus in Australia. I am pretty sure the Australian government will take necessary action against those criminals. Look at what action has been taken by Hindus or the Indian government against the Kashmiris for killing and expelling the Hindus from their own contry.. If the Hindus are not happy in a White racist country, why the hell they do not get out of there. In South India, quite a few innocent Christins were murdered and a large number escaped into jungle to escape the atrocities by Hindu fanatics not long ago.Did you raise your voice against that. It is impossible to expect humane behaviour from the cow worshipper cast oriented Hindu. The white so called racists give better protection and opportunities to Black and Brown non-Christians than the other way around. That is why every body wants to emigrate to the Christian West.
Name: pleaseguide me
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 09:12:43 -0400
sorry i am not familiar with eng language and i want to know Islam is religion of piss what does it mean?
Name: Tor
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 13:03:47 -0400
In my country (Norway) all assault rape the three last years are done by muslim men only
Name: seeker
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 13:30:47 -0400
Relax vbv. There is nothing in the article which suggests that the author has ignored India. it was a great article.
Name: seeker
Subject: balam
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 13:32:27 -0400
The attack on Indians in Australia should be condemmned in the strongent possible terms. An Indian is is an Indian irrespective of his religion. It is an attack on our nationality. You assume the attack was O.K. because of what you feel was on cow worshipping Hindus. What a shame. You have exposed yourself. Where has your Jai Hind gone? Do you think they would have spared you if you would have whined I am a rice bag convert. Please spare me! What were your pastors and fellow converts doing when the British were killing Hindus during the freedom struggle. Dont you owe your freedom to their blood. Perhaps not.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 14:37:29 -0400
The religion of Islam has such weak foundations that it can't stand up to criticism.
Name: Lets unite to finish this moster
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 15:11:17 -0400
Its high time Jews, christians, hindus, buddhist etc unite for mankind and first educate among ourselves fully about this monster and them approach the fellow muslims and talk reason. I know its risky but we can do like these, those who know internet pass them these sites, so that they can see and those who are not 100 % evil will try to shed Islam. Akbar the greatest mughal king initially killed lots of hindus but after sometime he became sick of killing hindus as per quran he hired few of them and he found them highly talented and soon he had lot of hindus and also Portugese christians in his court and mullahs never liked this. He wanted to get out of Islam but 'SEX' attracted him back as he had thousand of women as concubine and he created his own religion din-e-ilahi. so that he can keep good of hinduism and christianity and sex part of Islam. Only with thorough study 50 -60 % may come out of it and 20 % will become terrorist and should be killed. Rest 20 % will fall after some more time. Islam is like a mental disease. Only vaccine is people should hate mohammed.
Name: balam to seeker
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 17:02:39 -0400
I am not aware of the circumstances under which the Hindus were attacked in Australia but this much I do know that a large number of innocent Christins were murdered in south India by Hindus. What did the Indian government do to protect those poor people? What did the heartless Hindus do to wipe their tears. If the Hindus could mistreat their own low caste brothers so badly, then what can the Indian Christians expect from these racist Hindus. As for as British are concerned, they dislodged the Muslim rulers whom the Hindus could not have got rid off for another thousand years. By that time,all the Hindus would have been converted to peaceful Islam. The Hindus should never forget that. The British in fact saved the Hindus and handed India back to Indians. When they left India, they left every thing behind, the railways, universities, hospitals and almost every thing but they took back with them JUSTICE AND HONEST. THESE ARE THE WORDS OF LATE CHIEF- JUSTICE OF PAKISTAN: JUSTICE KIYIANI; MAY GOD BLESS HIS SOUL.
Name: to please guide me
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 17:13:03 -0400
AS a Muslim, you are not allowed to piss facing Mecca. You can not fart when your back side is facing Mecca, nor can you deficate. The best way is to lay on your back and relieve yourself. I hope it helps your enquiry.
Name: tor
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 19:29:30 -0400
muslims have every right to assault and rape the wife,s of infidels. Sooner you will be Dimmies in your own countries in the west. Solution of this problm is this that you rape the wives and daughters of your politicians. it is bloody their faults.
Name: Ground level movement
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 20:37:02 -0400
Its more important for infidel to unite than few trying to convince the muslims. To europeans, make a list of some videos and teachings of mohommed and show it to your fellow infidels. So that there is no doubt about Islam to any body, its more important than knowing A, B, C. Islam is a snake, the media and moderates show some non poisonous snakes and tell that see its so innocent good, and allow all snakes to be in your house (country) as pet (immigrants) and meanwhile huge number of cobra(100 % muslims and 100% followers of Islam) etc are entering. Support 100 % politicians like Geet wilders and try to ban Quran and 100% ban on muslims immigration to West.
Name: selvi
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 01:58:52 -0400
Perished be the two hands of islam, ignorance and fear pseudo hell. Let it eprsih .All its property of hundreds of years of destruction, burning of cities and universities like university of Nalanda be taken out to light so that all humanity can see the ugly face of islum.
Name: Concerned
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 03:23:02 -0400
It was a factual error to state that the atrocities against Christians by Hindus took place in South India. It was in Orissa. But there have been incidents in the south of India also including vandalizing of churches in Bangalore and other places and attack on girls in pubs in Mangalore. People like Vbv who froth at the mouth against alleged Christian atrocities in the modern world just cannot accept the fact that Christian majority countries treat everybody equal irrespective of religion or colour. Attack on Indians in Australia is part of its racist past. It has nothing to do with anti-Hindu feelings. And as a genuine democracy Australia has its own methods of handling such crimes. I hope Vbv would take a break from his venom spewing once in a while. The number of untouchables, tribals and backward people wiped out by high caste Hindus down the years will be certainly colossal. One has to respond when unjustified accusations are made. But all this is a distraction from our fight against Islam.
Name: vbv to balam
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 07:39:53 -0400
You are obfuscating and making light of the racism perpetrated by the whites. You are talking non-sense saying that in South India christians are persecuted and they have all rushed into the jungles. That's the biggest lie ,since I am from South India and I know millions of christians living in harmony with hindus here. A few fanatical evangelical christians may have been shown the rod who in their extreme zeal debunk and denigrate local culture in trying to convert hindus by fraudulent means. But in a a whiteman's society racism is rampant. Now who the hell are you to tell Indians where to live? If the white racist bastards can colonise Americas, Australia decimating the original inhabitants like vermin, I don't see why Indians or for that matter any other denizen of this planet Earth cannot reside in Americas or Australia or New Zealand. After all these continents are not whitemen's property, they were as much settlers in those lands as anyone be it Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Arabs, etc. What do these white-skinned bastards think of themselves? That they own this planet Earth and the rest of us are mere Squatters?? Damn these racist bastards.
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 07:53:14 -0400
The only halal thing you can do facing mecca(hell) is cut throator have sex.If the sex act is a rape,the horny prophet will bless you more.Thats sura9:18
Name: balam to v.b .v
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 11:36:27 -0400
Your abusive outburst against the White people is indication of the level of your mental illness. Please do seek some psychiatric help ,before it is too late. You call all the white people :bastards: When did you meet them all? Why do you use white man's technology, which exposes your ignorant poisonous mind. You are just despicable and disgrace for your community. You are just a publicity seeker and have nothing good to live for. If you end up in a mental institution, please ,keep in touch through white mans technology. You would make a good Muslim! !
Name: secularist
Date: Monday June 01, 2009
Time: 13:57:58 -0400
vbv has made some excellent points. request vbv to restrain the language used. balam in stead of answering the issues raised by vbv chooses to attack vbv. as far as using whiteman's inventions -balam [pl do not make the discussion like children's play and fight. whiteman needs our market. why should you patent turmeric/neem/basmati rice. vbv good work .keep up. (pl restrain on language) request
Name: zenner
Date: Monday June 01, 2009
Time: 18:22:54 -0400
..The religion of Islam has such weak foundations that it can't stand up to criticism." you know of any religion that can stand up to criticism ?All religions judaism/christianity/islam) are dogmatic and non bending...hence out of touch with flux and everything is in flux, if not than it is false. the nature of universe is in constant flux!!
Name: critique
Date: Wednesday June 03, 2009
Time: 07:55:45 -0400
these idiot followers of murderer will do only what has been preached to them from sevral centuries down the line.
Date: Thursday June 04, 2009
Time: 11:29:05 -0400
According to the vedas, Sanatan Dharma is millions of years old. Hence, there is a possibility that most of the religions were derived from this ancient religion. Hnduism is not only the greatest religion in the world because it is the only religion and so there can be no comparisons All the Abrahamic religions are offshoots of hinduism . the Allah of Muslims is just another name for Parmeshvar which is the true name of god in Sanskrit the language of god. The Arabs are a cursed race This is because Ashwatthama the son of Dronacharya (Guru of Arjun in mahabharata) was a sinner and was cursed to immortality and suffering and lifelong leprosy by Lord Krishna due to his sins. scepture saya,he settled along with his followers in the desert of Aravsthan i.e. Arabia However he was a great devotee of Lord Shiva and it is from him that Arabia got The crescent moon, the shiv ling near the Kabba, the practice of going round the hills near kabba as a symbol of going round the kabba. Also the Arabs wear white robes covering the entire body because of two reasons. The practice of wearing white clothes as a symbol of purity was prevalent in vedic brahmins and since Ashwatthama was cursed to leprosy he covered his entire body in white robes to hide his scars. Thus all Arabs are Brahmins descended from Ashwatthama (son of Pandavas Guru), who have forgotten their true culture.
Date: Friday June 05, 2009
Time: 00:56:11 -0400
Your comment was brilliant. I am a non practicing Christian. Where as we cant argue the teachings of Jesus, LOVE and FORGIVNESS I find it hard to believe that there is heaven and hell. I came to this realization because I tap in my GOD given common sense. But every body is free to worship whatever he or she wishes. this is the common understanding in ALL OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD. YOU CHOOSE YOUR GOD PERIOD. It is only when we come to these basterdised, saitanic, barberic, inhuman stone age hooligans that we have all kind of violence. How can any rational human being read about horny Mohammad and accept him as God sent. A murderer yes, rapist yes, gangster yes, childmolester yes, a prophet my ass.
Name: Erudites
Date: Sunday June 07, 2009
Time: 18:57:18 -0400
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. Lucius Annaeus Seneca