Ahmadinejad in New York: Questions American Media Didn't Ask?
27 Sep, 2007

- Why no one in the US media ask the following ten questions from President Meymoon Ahmaghinejad?
1- Why is he referred to in Iran as "the Terminator"? (Tir Khalaass Kesh)?
2- How many people has he executed as a revolutionary Guard in Mullahs prisons since 1979? Hundreds or thousands?
3- Was he a hostage taker and interrogator in 1979?
4- If the Palestinians are the victims of some aggression, why should the people of Iran have to pay for it?
5- Why, Satellite, Internet and free press does not exist in Iran?
6- Why his so-called national Police or the hoodies continue to beat the students on almost daily basis? Why women are terrorised in Iran?
7- How many more years of executions, stoning to death, hanging on cranes and amputating of body parts, eye extractions, political murders, reparation of the people of Iran should be expected by his pro-terrorist regime in Iran?
8- If the Mullahs are sure of their popularity, why not allow a referendum on the future form of Government in Iran?
9- How can the poor people of Iran benefit by spending billions of Iranian petro-dollars on creating and supporting terrorist networks such as Hezbollah, Hammas, Al-Mahdi, Al-Badr and others?
10- If he denies his regime has been behind terror actions around the world, can he come out with facts to counter all such allegations?
Nor should anyone forget 28 years of systematic torture, killings, political assassinations, depravation, humiliation of the Iranian nation by Ahhh-maniac-nejad and his criminal masters.
Monkey President Ahhh-maniac-nejad
The murder of the American soldiers in Iraq is invited to speak in Colombia University. Why not invite other genocidal murderers?
Why not invite Ben-Laden?
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Name: allat
Date: Thursday September 27, 2007
Time: 10:22:33 -0700
Onwe very pertinent question - brought up by someone else, but stuck in my mind: Why does Iran have to develop nuclear power for civilian use, when they are sitting on the world's largest oil field? Allat- Polytheist
Name: pmk
Date: Thursday September 27, 2007
Time: 12:20:43 -0700
Questions for Iranian people: Do you want to live under Islamic theocracy? Do you accept the rights of non-Muslims to live as equals within a Muslim country without paying the jizya? Do you support the current government of Iran or not? If not, why not? Does Iranian nationalism mean you would rally around a government you profess a desire to be rid of if outsiders tried to take action inside Iran? If your answer is "yes" then why should anyone in the West believe you when you say you don't really support your government? If it's "no" then why aren't you following the example set by your parents and grandparents in 1979? They overthrew the Shah. Why can't you overthrow the mullahs? Why can't the world see a new Iranian Revolution?
Name: Joseph Rafeque
Date: Friday September 28, 2007
Time: 17:31:32 -0700
Iran President said there are no gays in Iran. HoW can there be?...when every gay young men in Iran are caught and hanged on the cranes? He,himself look like a gay!.