Tactics of Hamas and the Prophet's Treaty of Hudaibiyya
27 Oct, 2006
Update on 07 Jan 2009.
When the Ottoman rulers relaxed its vigilance toward Jewish migration to Palestine, the persecuted Jews from the Muslim world as well as East Europe started moving to so-called Jewish holy land in the hope of living in their ancestral land in greater peace and dignity. As migrating Jews started settling in depopulated areas of Palestine, what is now Israel, by purchasing lands from "absentee Palestinian landlords", suspicion grew amongst the Arabs, in the backdrop of the Zionist movement, that the Jews were migrating to Palestine for creating a Jewish state in the Ottoman Empire. There arose opposition to Jewish migration and Arab persecution of Jews.
At the end of the First World War, the British allies occupied Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. For a settlement of the occupied land, Britain and its allies that included the United States decided in favor of self-determination. In large parts of Palestine, where Arabs were dominant, the State of today's Jordan was created; the newly-created Arab state kicked out its small Jewish inhabitants. For the remaining smaller piece of land—some 45,000 sq. km., having a mixed population of Jews, Christians and Arab Muslims—it was decided to create two different states: one for Arabs, the other for the Jews. This was outlined in the Balfour Declaration (1917), adopted by the League of Nations. The Arab had no fuss with the creation of the new state of Jordan, but were hell-bent against the creation of a Jewish home in Jew-dominated areas. They wanted a Palestinian state free of all Jews; violent persecution of Jews began; many horror incidents of violence against the Jews followed. In the midst of Nazi anti-Semitism in Germany, another attempt by the League of Nations to create a Jewish home in 1937 was foiled by the Arab rejection.
Later on, the United Nations' mandate to create a Jewish home was again rejected by the Arab in 1948; they wanted nothing short of a Palestine, denuded of all Jews. In the midst of these uncertainties and continued Arab violence, the Jews declared the creation of Israel. The Arab world in their attempt to wipe out the Jewish population declared war against the newly created Israeli state; Israel survived the Arab scourge at the cost of 10% of its population. The Arab world attacked Israel again in 1956; Israel survived again. Then in 1967, Egypt planned another surprise attack, which was uncovered; Israel passed intelligence to the US, the latter to Egypt's ally Russia. When Russia passed the message to Egypt, it scrapped the plan as Israel was well-prepared to foil it.
As Egypt was in search of another opportunity to strike the Jewish state, Israel took a preemptive step and attacked Egypt; Egypt's Arab allies—Jordan, Syria, Iraq—joined the war. The Arab world suffered a miserable defeat. On previous occasions, Israel merely survived the Arab assaults at the cost of heavy casualties; this time, it gained a triumphant victory and occupied a large chunk of the Arab lands that included Sinai and Gaza from Egypt, West Bank from Jordan, Golan Heights from Syria. Israel's incredible defeat of the major allied of Arab powers single-handedly brought a new realization to Arab nations that their dream of destroying the Jewish state, their perennial desire, cannot be materialized anymore, definitely not under the current strategy. Under this new reality, Egypt and later Jordan, who had lost much of the occupied land in the Six-Day War, slowly extended hands of peace to Israel. As of now, only three Muslims countries out of 57—namely Turkey, Egypt and Jordan—recognize the existence of the Jewish state.
Although some moderate Muslim states have extended peace to the Zionist state, other fanatic Islamic nations—lead by Iran, Iraq and Syria—have kept the fight for the destruction of Israel alive in one guise or another. The first was the emergence of Arafat-led Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorist outfit, which was in a ruminant stage during the 1967 war. After a couple of decades of deadly campaign of terror, PLO also came to the realization that the resilient Zionist state could not be destroyed. It abandoned its congenital charter of Israel's destruction, and instead, succumbed to the idea of recognizing her legitimate existence.
With PLO joining the peace camp, at least outwardly, new and more deadly terrorist outfits—namely Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs brigade—emerged to perpetuate the campaign for Israel's destruction. One day, these apparently incorrigible militant groups might, out of despair, also decide to offer peace to Israel. Most likely, there will emerge new violent Islamist groups to perpetuate the conflict.
While such has been the reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the world has been left guessing as to why this perennial conflict of our time cannot be solved; instead, it becomes increasing violent and complicated time passes. One must investigate the fundamental commands of Islam, which drives these Islamists groups, to grasp the crux of the conflict. It is important to investigate the commands of the Koran and examples of Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah), which determines the bedrock of Islamic ideals and laws for eternal times. This essay will point to the Koranic verdicts and Prophet Muhammad's tactics in similar circumstances in order to identify the root of the tactics, the involved Jihadi groups apply in this conflict.
Regarding Jews (also Christians), Allah commands Muslims in the Koran: "Fight the Jews and Christian, until they are subdued to dhimmi status and pay poll-tax (Jiziya) in humiliation" [Q 9:29]. About one of Prophet's last wishes in his dead-bed, according to Ibn Hisham (Ibn Ishaq), was: "Let there remain no faith than Islam in Arabia" [1]. Islamic traditions also record one of Prophet's death-bed wishes as: "Lord! Destroy the Jews and Christians." Thus, a Jewish state cannot exist in the Arab Peninsula with honor and dignity as per Islam. The attack on Israel by the Arab states initially, and later by various terrorists groups, is only an extension of this command of Islam.
Let us now investigate how the tactics of Prophet Muhammad are being applied in minute details by the various Islamist groups in Palestine. In five years of the Prophet Muhammad's emigration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina (622 CE), Muslims had exterminated the Jewish tribes of Medina, who refused to submit to Islam; the last Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza was exterminated in 627: their 800-900 adult men were slaughter en masse, their women and children were captured as slaves; their lands and assets were confiscated as spoils of war [Koran 33:26-27; Ibn Hisham, p684ff; Ibn Sa'd p53f].
With no adversary in the vicinity of Medina, the confident Prophet cast his eye on Mecca, his ancestral city, the inhabitant Koreish of which had rejected his new religion. Muhammad urged all the tribes to join an expedition during the lesser pilgrimage (Omra) in 628; some 1500 armed men assembled behind him and advanced towards Mecca seeking to capture Mecca and the Ka'ba, the most sacred idol-shrine for the pagans of the Arab Peninsula. As the news of the advancing Muslim force arrived in Mecca, the Koreish assembled their force, determined to resist Muhammad's army.
It should be noted that the Muslims had attacked Mecca trade-caravan passing through routes around Medina starting in 623, which resulted in complete stoppage of Mecca's life-sustaining trades with Syria. This had led to a number of blood-letting attacks and battle, in which the Meccans had lost many of their fellow citizens. Also during the early days of his preaching in Mecca, the Prophet had also laid out a claim that the sacred temple of Ka'ba was founded by Abraham and his son Ishmael and that, it belonged to his own God, Allah.
Learning of the preparation of the Koreish and sensing a definite bloodbath, Muhammad stopped at a place, called Hudaibiyya, and sent an emissary to Mecca to inform that, he came only to perform Omra, not war. Muhammad persisted on entering the Ka'ba for performing Omra peacefully. The Mecca citizens, on the other hand, adamant against allowing Muhammad to enter their city and their sacred temple of centuries, which would be a case of extreme embarrassment for them, too.[2] They were were worried of an armed confrontation, given Muhammad's ability to cause bloodshed as happened in previous occasions.
At one point, Prophet's son-in-law Othman was sent to the Koreish camp for negotiations. It was taking a bit long for him to return and rumors started brewing in the Muslim camp that Othman had been murdered. Muhammad quickly assembled his followers under an acacia tree and bounded them one by one by a pledge to stand by 'Othman to the death', which famously became known as "Pledge of the Tree" in Islamic annals. Muslims' religious fervor had been exited to such a pitch that they were in a suicidal mood to rush upon the enemy at once.
Just about that time, Othman returned, avoiding a sheer blood-bath. Realizing Muhammad's determination to enter Mecca and sensing that a military confrontation would cause heavy bloodbath on both sides, the Meccans agreed to Muhammad's demand to enter the Ka'ba for performing pilgrimage but starting only next year. So, a truce was signed, the Treaty of Hudaibiyya, which demanded no hostility from either side for ten years; during this period, the Meccans would evacuate the city for three days to allow Muslims to perform the Omra pilgrimage peacefully.[2]
Next year (629), Muhammad back to Mecca during the pilgrimage; the Meccans retired to the mountains for three days allowing Muslims perform the pilgrimage without interference. By the following year (630), Muslim army had grown strong enough to overrun Mecca. Muhammad could not wait until the expiration of the ten-year Hudaibiyya Treaty; he started preparation to attack Mecca to capture the city and the Ka'ba.[3]
Hearing the news of build-up of a massive force in Medina, the helpless leader of Mecca, Abu Sufian, a father-in-law of Muhammad, proceeded to Medina to plead with the Prophet against attacking his people. He had to return empty-handed after Muhammad denied him a meeting.
Throwing away the treaty, Muhammad soon marched on to attack Mecca. As Muhammad's forced approached Mecca, Abu Sufian once again set forth to negotiate with Muhammad. His brother Al-Abbas, who had just joined the Muslim camp, presented him with the choice of submission to Islam or death: "See ye not the myriad of candles above the camp? Believe (in Islam); cast thy lot with us; else thy mother and thy house will weep for thee." Al-Abbas brought Abu Sufian to Muhammad's presence and Muhammad demanded that he accept Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. When Abu Sufian showed hesitancy, Al-Abbas exclaimed: "Woe is thee! It is not time for hesitancy, this. Believe and Testify forthwith with the creed of Islam, or else, thy neck shall be in danger." Abu Sufian had no option but to convert instantly. He returned to his people asking them to submit to Islam to save their life, or else, shut themselves in their houses to avoid definite death at the hands of Muhammad's invincible army. Thereupon, Muhammad's army entered the city, captured the Ka'ba and destroyed all idol-gods therein: the rule of Islam was established over the city.[3]
One must take note of the brilliant tactics, Muhammad had applied, by signing the Treaty of Hudaibiyya. It would have been disastrous for Muhammad to engage in a head-on battle with 1500 men when the Koreish could assemble a 10,000-strong force. However, Muhammad was ruthlessly intent on overrunning Mecca at an opportune time in order to capture the Ka'ba, which had become the focus of Islamic creed, toward which they turned five times a days while saying prayers. He, therefore, signed a temporal ceasefire in stead of offering a term of permanent peaceful coexistence, whereby both parties could use the Ka'ba for pilgrimage. This treaty gave him an opportunity to build up his force, so that it becomes strong enough to overrun Mecca at a later time. Although a ten-year truce was signed, Muhammad broke the agreement and attacked Mecca within two years as his force became strong enough to overrun the coveted city.
From the treaty of Hudaibiyya and the subsequent capture of Mecca and the Ka'ba two years later, the evident message of the master tactician Prophet of Islam is such:
When you are weaker against your enemy, do not jump into a suicidal war. In stead, sign a truce of nonaggression for a while during which you could build up the force and ammunition and when you are strong enough to overrun the enemy, dump the truce and launch the attack.
Exactly the same message was resonated in former Malaysia leader Mahathir Muhammad's famous 2003 OIC Speech in Kuala Lumpur, which urged the Muslim world to walk in the footsteps of the Prophet. He said:
"The Quran tells us that when the enemy sues for peace we must react positively. True the treaty offered is not favorable to us. But we can negotiate. The Prophet did, at Hudaibiyah. And in the end he triumphed."
He continued:
"1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way. And we can only find a way if we stop to think, to assess our weakness and our strength, to plan, to strategize and then to counter attack."
He further added:
"We are enjoined by our religion to prepare for the defense of the Ummah. Unfortunately we stress not defense but the weapons of the time of the Prophet. Those weapons and horses cannot help to defend us any more. We need guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defense."
Whether heeding to the entreaty of the Malaysian leader or not, the current strategy of various Islamist groups—Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah—fighting for the destruction of Israel, clearly demonstrates their adoption of exactly the same strategy the Prophet had applied at Hudaibiyya at the dawn of Islam. With Israel's insurmountable power at the present, these terrorist groups, intent on destroying the Jewish state as and when the opportunity comes, are insisting on a ceasefire (2006), not offer a permanent term of peaceful coexistence. They seek this period of truce to build up the military might—namely recruiting fighters, acquiring weapons and if possible nuclear weapons—for inflicting a decisive death-blow to the tiny Jewish state, eventually. Iran, the mother of these terrorist outfits, is rushing fast to acquire the nuclear weapons in defiance of the world. The hope is that as soon as a surefire opportunity to launch a devastating blow arrives, the ceasefire would be thrown in the waste-dump and Israel will be turned into ashes.
Such a strategy was effectively applied by Hezbollah; it used a long-held ceasefire to stock up its weaponry, strengthen its defenses and increase its recruitment such that the Israeli army, known to be invincible in the Middle East, had to offer a ceasefire in its recent war against Hezbollah (2006). Hamas was also applying similar tactics over the years as a guerrilla group. However, the new reality after the Palestinians overwhelmingly voted the Jihadi group to power in a free and fair un-Islamic democratic election; they are facing a difficult choice unlike Hezbollah in Lebanon, who does not have the responsibility of governing the people. Hamas now shoulders the responsibility of running and financing the state machinery. Heavily dependent on aid from the West, the latter stopped giving aid to the Hamas Government because that its charter calls for the destruction of Israel, a sovereign UN member state. The humanitarian aid, however, has continued to flow.
This has put the Hamas Government in a difficult position. It has failed to pay salaries to civil servants, teachers and doctors, resulting in a dire situation in Palestine. Under such hopeless situation, the moderate president Mahmoud Abbas has stepped in to salvage the situation. He was negotiating on the formation of a Unity Government between his Fatah and Hamas; he pleaded with Hamas to recognize the Jewish state as part of the Unity Government, hoping that such a government would receive Western aid. There seems to have been some initial agreement on part of Hamas on such an arrangement since President Abbas declared at a recent UN General Assembly in New York that a Coalition Government is going to be formed between Hamas and his Fatah party which will recognize Israel's legitimate existence. After this announcement, Hamas quickly denied such an agreement—undauntedly a slap on the face of the Palestine president.
However, further intense negotiation followed under the mediation of Egypt and Qatar without a breakthrough. President Abbas declared all avenues of negotiation with Hamas have failed. Verily so! Accusing President Abbas of ruining the formation of Unity Government, Hamas spokesperson said:
Hamas has denied talks were at a dead end, but said the latest initiative, presented in Gaza by Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani, was unacceptable because it included recognition of Israel.
Hamas says it will never recognize Israel and will abide only by peace agreements with the Jewish state that it believes are in the interests of the Palestinian people. [Reuters, October 24th, 2006]
By peace agreement, they meant a temporary truce or ceasefire of hostility, not a permanent agreement for peaceful co-existence with Israel. The strategy of the noble Prophet of Islam at Hudaibiyya, also urged upon by great Mahathir Muhammad, is being applied in detail by Hamas. Howsoever difficult the situation be, they must not offer terms of "permanent peace" to the enemies of Islam, whom the Prophet had commanded to exterminate from Arabia as one of his wishes, so commands Allah [Koran 9:23]. Allah and his Prophet must be giving a 'bravo' to Hamas sitting in heaven. And Dr Mahathir, a modern protégé of Muhammad of the 7th century, couldn't expect anything better.
Readers may wish to refer to my recent debate on the Hudaibiyya Treaty for clear understanding of the issues involved.
[1] Prophet's biography by Ibn Hisham, p1021
[2] Prophet's biography by Ibn Hisham, p 740ff; Al-Waqidi, p214ff; Ibn Sa'ad, p69ff
[3] Prophet's biography by Ibn Hisham, p 802ff; Al-Waqidi, p319ff; Ibn Sa'ad, p96ff
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MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org website.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 05:18:44 -0500
The Treaty of Hudaibiyya. A simple question to all Muslims about idolatry! They always claim that they are against idolatry at all times in all shapes and forms. They insist on this over and over again when they criticize Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism for it. Muslims however, should ask themselves this question that follows shortly. As we have all been told, before the conquest of Mecca by Muhammad, the Kaaba was surrounded by 360 hateful idols which he then destroyed. Yet in spite of this, the qibla, the direction for prayers, was changed by Muhammad/Allah from Jerusalem to Mecca while it was still full of these idols. The year during and after the Treaty of Hudaibiyya, Muhammad personally led his followers on a pilgrimage to Mecca while it still had these 360 idols in it. Tauba, tauba, how can this be! Think about this - facing Mecca for prayers and going for umra and hajj while it still had all these 360 idols in it and being led by Muhammad himself. Question: “Why did Muhammad/Allah permit this unIslamic association with idolatry for many years and why was Mecca not shunned by them in the meantime while it was still full of idols?” Any brave Muslims or their cowardly moola lords and masters willing to give it a try? Until we receive a satisfactory answer, we are faced with two options – either there were never any idols at Mecca (except for the holy idol the Black Stone) or Muhammad did not care about these things during his ruthless drive to dominate Mecca for its wealth, prestige and power and use it as just another tool to control all the Arabs. Salaams.
Name: The True Palastine
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 06:13:21 -0500
In the years following World War II, Britain's control over Palestine became increasingly tenuous. This was caused by a combination of factors, including: Rapid deterioration due to the terrorist attacks by the Irgun and Lehi on Arab civilians, British officials, British forces, international delegates (e.g. Comte Bernadotte), and strategic installations. This caused severe damage to British morale and prestige, as well as increasing opposition to the mandate in Britain itself, public opinion demanding to "bring the boys home". World public opinion turned against Britain as a result of the British policy of preventing Holocaust survivors from reaching Palestine, sending them instead to Cyprus internment camps, or even back to Germany, as in the case of Exodus 1947. The costs of maintaining an army of over 100,000 men in Palestine weighed heavily on a British economy suffering from post-war depression, and was another cause for British public opinion to demand an end to the Mandate. US Congress was delaying a loan necessary to prevent British bankruptcy. The delays were in response to the British refusal to fulfill a promise given to Truman that 100,000 Holocaust survivors would be allowed to migrate to Palestine. Finally in early 1947 the British Government announced their desire to terminate the Mandate, and passed the responsibility over Palestine to the United Nations. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly, with a two-thirds majority international vote, passed the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181), a plan to resolve the Arab-Jewish conflict by partitioning the territory into separate Jewish and Arab states, with the Greater Jerusalem area (encompassing Bethlehem) coming under international control. Jewish leaders (including the Jewish Agency), accepted their portion of the plan, while Palestinian Arab leaders rejected it and refused to negotiate. Neighboring Arab and Muslim states also rejected the partition plan. In a speech delivered on 25 March 1948, US President Truman recommended a temporary trusteeship and stated: We could not undertake to impose this solution on the people of Palestine by the use of American troops, both on Charter grounds and as a matter of national policy. In the course of the Six Day War in June 1967, Israel captured East Jerusalem. The Palestine Liberation Organization has enjoyed status as an observer member at the United Nations since 1974, and continues to represent "Palestine" there. After the 1988 declaration of independence, the State of Palestine was formally recognized by 117 United Nations member states. Palestine is also represented at international sporting events, like the Olympics and Paralympics and films from Palestine have won awards at international cinema events, like the Oscars. In the middle of the first century of the Ottoman rule, i.e. 1550 CE, Bernard Lewis in a study early Ottoman Rule of Palestine reports: From the mass of detail in the registers, it is possible to extract something like a general picture of the economic life of the country in that period. Out of a total population of about 300,000 souls, between a fifth and a quarter lived in the six towns of Jerusalem, Gaza, Safed, Nablus, Ramle, and Hebron. The remainder consisted mainly of peasants, living in villages of varying size, and engaged in agriculture. Their main food-crops were wheat and barley in that order, supplemented by leguminous pulses, olives, fruit, and vegetables. In and around most of the towns there was a considerable number of vineyards, orchards, and vegetable gardens. Kathleen Christison, an American author who spent sixteen years as an analyst for the CIA, She writes that the descriptions are high in Israeli government press handouts that present a case for Israel's redemption of a land that had previously been empty and barren. The gross characterizations of the land and the people in the time before mass Jewish immigration are also often used by US propagandists for Israel. For example she mentions a large Arab population. The Arab population of Nablus at the time was about 200,000. According to Paul Masson, a French economic historian, "wheat shipments from the Palestinian port of Acre had helped to save southern France from famine on numerous occasions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The reports of the British Mandatory administration often contained self-serving descriptions and accounts which implied that the British Colonial Office or the European Jewish immigrants were bringing progress to a backward land and people. Comparable conditions were reported in the Jewish settlements in the United States during the same period. Jewish settlers lived in poor sanitary conditions. They experienced malaria and yellow fever epidemics; lived in dirt dugouts and sod houses; used wooden plows; and had unpaved roads; They left behind many abandoned towns and settlements. [187][188] Quite a few of the successful Jewish farming colonies only barely managed to get by with the help of charitable subsidies. Most died out after the second generation. The Report of the Palestine Royal Commission contains a similar description of conditions along Palestine's coastal plain in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts...No orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached [the Jewish village of] Yabna [Yavne]...Houses were all of mud. No windows were anywhere to be seen...The ploughs used were of wood...The yields were very poor...The sanitary conditions in the village were horrible. Schools did not exist...The western part, towards the sea, was almost a desert...The villages in this area were few and thinly populated. Many ruins of villages were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants." In 1920, the League of Nations' Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were 700,000 people living in Palestine: Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil. After the persecutions in Russia forty years ago, the movement of the Jews to Palestine assumed larger proportions. By 1948, the population had risen to 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews. The vast majority of the Palestinian Arabs resident in 1947 were the sons and daughters of Arabs who were living in Palestine before modern Jewish immigration began. There is no reason to believe that they were not the sons and daughters of Arabs who had been in Palestine for many centuries. McCarthy also concludes that there was no significant internal migration to Jewish areas attributable to better economic conditions: Gad Gilbar has also concluded that the prosperity of the Palestine in the 45-50 years before World War I was a result of the modernization and growth of the economy owing to its integration with the world economy and especially with the economies of Europe. The reasons for growth were primarily local Arab Muslims and Christians. Yehoshua Porath believes that the notion of "large-scale immigration of Arabs from the neighboring countries" is a myth "proposed by Zionist writers".
Name: qwer
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 06:27:14 -0500
Very boring to watch television in the country with moslem majority. Everyday they report about Israel cruelty. Every time they make a demonstration to support & to collect donation to terrorist. But they are no exist in daily rocket attack to Israel, Mumbay Tragedy, 9/11, Bali's bombing, beheading of the monks in Thailand, Beslan's tragedy, beheading of the priest in Philippina, beheading in Iraq / Afghan / Pakistan, London and Paris riot, Moscow theater terror, Darfur genocide, murder in Xinjiang, bombing Bamiyan's Buddha, Madrid's train bombing, everyday suicide bomber , killing & kidnapping in around the world, etc. WE CAN SEE THE TRESS FROM THE FRUITS. ISLAM IS THE ROOT OF TERRORISM, MOHAMMED IS REALLY BASTARD
Name: Hamas is nothing but criminal
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 06:54:34 -0500
Many years ago I had been always pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel. Even today I think the Palestinians must have their own state where they can live. However, I am strongly against HAMAS. What they do is not in favour of the Palestinians who need peace and all efforts to build up the infrastructure. By the way, the Palestinians received the highest subsidies and development aid per capita worldwide! Thus, they already could have a working state in the Gazah Stripe and in the Westbanks. However, HAMAS is doing everything they can to demolish the peace process, financially supported by Iran and Islamists from all the world and not to forget the Oil-Sheikhs who are only interested in raising oil prices. They take the Palestinians as hostages! They ignite war wherever possible. But there is no merit! It is crazy to believe that Qassam rockets will have any merit to the Palestinians! Here we have the evidence that HAMAS is nothing but a gang of paid terrorists! The world must understand this!
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 11:40:49 -0500
"Hamas is nothing but criminal"--it's very kind of you to make such a distinction between Hamas and the people who elected them to govern, but don't you think there is a suggestion there that Hamas has some popular support? Gazans elected a terrorist group whose founding purpose is the eradication of Israel (and Jews in general, as they invoke the genocidal hadith) and the imposing of Shari'a law. Second, you realize Abbas and Fatah equally do not recognize the legitimacy of Israel? What kind of "peace process" do you expect to come of that? As to corruption, how many millions in "aid to Palestine" disappeared into Swiss bank accounts under Arafat, or into more weapons and smuggling tunnels--just as is occuring under Hamas? The problem with Hamas is: Islam. Islamic law declares all of Israel illegitimate because what once belonged to Islam always belongs to Islam (when Palestine was conquered by the Muslims it was declared a Muslim wafq. Read the Hamas charter why a Jewish state (or any infidel state) the size of postage stamp, will never be accepted. As long as this is a religious conflict (the matter of Israel's very existence) and not a political dispute over territory boundaries (2 states living in co-existence) your hopes are in vain. It's true the Palestinian people are victims of Arab states and Iran who find them useful propaganda/ canon fodder as they are victims of the gangsters ruling over them, unfortunately the majority would seem to be willing victims. The celebration of the suicide-homicide bomber, like the dancing in the streets on 9/11, is what stays in the memory.
Name: Re: jackdiamond
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 12:36:43 -0500
Sure, you are so right but what do you want to say? Of course Hamas gets so much support for several reasons. PLO is corrupt and most muslim are way too stupid to understand. They still believe that Islam is something good for them and all successful rulers in the muslim world know that. And that's our dilemma that so many people who deserve it to bee teached are illiterate and without internet access. People in the western world underestimate how stupid most muslims are. Do you know that there are virtually no bookstores in the whole arab world? That most arabs never read anything after leaving school? That the arab language is not capable to express scientific matters or modern literature? That most arab writers publish in english or french for several reasons (easier to write because of better standardisation, censorship, larger market (!)). Islam means to keep people stupid in order to allow the rulers to do what they want. Muhammad was also called the leader of the illiterates (it means the arabs) and it was forbidden for nearly 3 centuries by the osmans to print anything with arab letters, including the quran. We can write and publish what we want, but the majority of muslims will never notice it.
Name: Saina
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 13:10:29 -0500
The writer is trying to cover up the horror Israel is currently creating. By focusing on hamas this is simply a great way to say that the innocent children of Palestine should be killed just because they are born Muslims. Nobody has anything to say about Israel who is blindly bombing schools, hospitals, refugee camps everywhere regardless of taking anything into consideration. If this act is done by any muslim or third world country you can imagine the reaction. The only difference between hamas and Israel is: when hamas launches a rocket into Israel killing 3 people, Israel drops a bomp from a jet and kills 300. What Israel is doing now won't help them in any way. It will create more hatred and violence I am not saying everything done by hamas is justified. Both countries have the right to exist in peace. The international community has the responsibility to protect these innocent children from being killed in such a horrible way. May the world exist in peace.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 14:02:10 -0500
Illiteracy is not the source of the problem, it is the mental shackles of Islam. How many leading Islamists are doctors and phd's (think Turabi) or otherwise well-educated? As for the comment about innocent children being killed, how about putting the blame first where it belongs? Hamas deliberately uses children and civilians as human shields. In fact, they brag about it. They fire from schools, store weapons in mosques, hide in hospitals, deliberately ensure that civilians will be killed, and reap the propaganda value. What sovereign nation do you suppose, apart from Israel, is to allow rockets to be fired "blindly" at their towns and citizens, thousands of them? Rockets rapidly getting more powerful and able to reach farther into Israel. Who would put up with being terrorized like that by a group dedicated to your destruction? A group trained and armed by the jihadi-fascists in Iran, a state also dedicated to their destruction. They hit a kindergarten the other day, fortunately the kids had stayed home. It is only because Israel has a warning-system there haven't been more casualties. But it is the intent that matters, the intent is to terrorize and kill Israeli civilians. It is Hamas targeting civilians, homes, schools etc. and it is Hamas putting women and children in between themselves and Israel in Gaza. This is how Hizballah operated in the war they provoked in Lebanon. The deliberately built ammo dumps under schools and apartment buildings. They hid behind women and children, daring Israel to strike and flooding the world with the photos (often faked). The moral equivalence argument is not there. Israel left Gaza in 2005. They would not be there now if not for Hamas' attacks. The remark we think innocent children should be killed because they were born Muslim is beneath contempt. The biggest killer of Muslims is Islamists and that includes among the Palestinians. No innocent children should be killed, in Israel or the PA. No innocent people, period (but then Islamic clerics keep declaring NO ONE in Israeli is innocent, you realize that?) And those most responsible for their deaths should be held up to condemnation. But then no innocent children should be taught to hate the way Palestinian children are, or be brainwashed into becoming suicide "martyrs" as their highest goal in life. That is the pinnacle of child abuse..."Both countries have a right to exist in peace"--a proposition denied absolutely by Hamas, it's founding charter and it's reason for being.
Name: continuum
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 14:10:31 -0500
Muhammad forces Treaty of Hudaibiyya http://www.sunnipath.com/library/Hadith/H0002P0059.aspx http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/hadith/bukhari/050.sbt.html Sahih Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 50, Number 891 or 59:2581 "'The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'We did not come to fight anyone, but we came to perform 'umra. War has weakened Quraysh and caused them harm, so if they wish, I will conclude a truce with them in which they will leave me and the people alone. If I am victorious, then they can enter what people have entered if they so wish. Or, if not, they will have had a respite from war. If they refuse, then, by the One in whose hand my soul is, I will fight them for the sake of this business of mine until I am killed. Let Allah carry out His command.' Budayl said, 'I will convey to them what you say.'"
Name: Hamas gets what they were begging for!
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 15:04:21 -0500
It was never possible to talk with HAMAS, even these days they are fighting. They are taking innocent people as hostages, even their own Palestinians. I feel sympathy for innocent Palestinians but not for HAMAS. Why are they firing rockets against Israel? Are they only desperate? It has absolutely no other merit than to destroy the peace process.
Name: Reason why hamas firing rocks
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 22:37:10 -0500
The Gazans have been on the path to worsening strife since many of them, with other Palestinians in the West Bank, elected Hamas to power in the Palestinian Authority's parliament in early 2006. Hamas likes to see the Middle East and Gulf Free from foreign Occupation directly or indirectly. Hamas did not follow up on its election win in the territories by implementing a program of enlightened and progressive policies due to the Isreali and US blockade in order to cripple its governance. Isreali and US governments don’t tolerate the Palstinians Choice of Governments, instead they prefer puppet regimes that dance to the Isrealis demands. The strip became a base camp for the struggle of independence against Israels aggression which the world fails to notice. No one questions as to why Hamas fires rockets at Isreal and further turns a blind eye to the Isreali response of killing innocent civilians. The suffering of the Gazans, who number about 3.5 million, must end.
Name: Re: Reason why hamas firing rocks
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 00:11:13 -0500
You have ignored HAMAS's charter, like that of PLO until late 1980s, to destroy Israel and evacuate the Jews, either through repatriation or genocide, like Muhammad did in the 630s.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 02:26:40 -0500
He didn't exactly ignore the Hamas charter "Hamas likes to see the Middle East and Gulf Free from foreign Occupation." I would like to hear more about the enlightened and progressive policies Hamas has been prevented from bringing forth. The full Shari'a perhaps? Didn't destroy enough internet cafes? Didn't hang enough "collaboraters"? Here are a few highlights from the Charter: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it ...the Movement's programme is Islam...Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes...The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement...(*hear that India, Thailand, Kashmir, Spain etc?)...There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors...The Islamic Resistance Movement adopts Islam as its way of life. Islam is its creed and religion." As for the implication the world (i.e. media) is ardently pro-Israel, that is a wild delusion. Palestinianism has been the rage with European and American elites for decades. The failure to see the conflict with Israel as a jihad and as part of the same global jihad the rest of the Infidel world is facing is no longer excusable.
Name: Saina
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 12:29:10 -0500
I would like to make a comment again in this issue. This will be my last comment because if we keep arguing I’ am sure there will be no end. Since every anti Islamist have given a Mr. CLEAN certificate to Israel I would like to ask a simple question, does any one of you believe that this attack carried out by Israel will end decades of bloodshed in the region ? If your answer is yes then I am sorry to say that your mindset is no better than of a terrorist. Your trying to say the Palestinian people deserves to be tortured because of hamas, their homes can be bombed because isreal says there are militants hiding in them, schools can be destroyed because hamas is there, refugee camps can be demolished because hamas is there, hospitals are turned into sand grains because hamas is there. Looks like hamas is everywhere, an easy way to wipe out an entire community. Does anybody know how many of people killed were militants? And about a comment made about Palestinian children being brainwashed to become suicide bombers, Palestinian children don’t need brainwashing , they grow up seeing the blood of their parents, neighbors ,friends running like rivers, Israeli tanks patrolling their territory everyday. It won’t take long before they join hamas and blow themselves, for them it is better than being killed by the powerful enemy without even having a chance to know what’s going on. Israelis don’t need to become suicide bombers, they have a govt worse than suicide bombers, and after all they have big daddy with them, there is nothing to fear. Unless peace is made in this region there will be no peace in the world. Mistakes are made by both there are casualties in both sides and more in Palestine. You believe or want to believe in only one side of the story. Please don’t let your hatred towards a religion take over humanity in you.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 12:52:11 -0500
to saina,you seem to think that it's ok for muslims to kill anybody that they want.these idiots voted for hamas ergo they support hamas,tell us all what Israel can do to deal with people who want to wipe them out?muslims of the world,stop attacking us and we in turn will stop attacking you this is a war that you can't win.the world has had enough of islam.
Name: Reply to Saina
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 13:56:05 -0500
Saina, then do you have a better solution to the islamic terrorist who are hiding in them and firing rockets? Do nothing, let time soften their hatred? Do nothing, let rockets continue to be fired? Do nothing, let civilians be killed? There is never even moderate islam, let's not kid ourselves! For islam is to own everything under the sun, and for everyone to be muslim! There can never be peace from Islam!
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 16:50:55 -0500
The fact is the Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida has attacked the use of civilians as human shields by Hamas, mentioning videos of Hamas digging smuggling tunnels under homes giving Israel an excuse to strike (1/7/09). A map was discovered, a map prepared by Hamas that shows how the terror group prepared for the IDF's incursion by deploying different types of bombs as well as snipers throughout the town of al-Atatra. The map is handwritten and is based on a bird's-eye view of the town, likely taken from Google Maps. On the map, Hamas split up the town into three different sectors - red, blue and green. On the map, Hamas highlighted several important sites such as mosques, a gas station and a fuel depot. The terrorists also marked sniper positions, as well as the location of roadside bombs, anti-tank bombs and landmines; a brown dot is marked next to a mosque representing a nearby sniper position; you can see on the map how Hamas booby-trapped the entrance to homes in order to hit the IDF. A large explosive device was marked on the map next to a gas station. Had it been detonated it would have likely destroyed the gas station as well, killing and wounding civilians. This is how Hamas cares about Palestinians. Two top Hamas operatives were killed in the recent school bombing by Israel that killed 40, they were firing from the school. They bear direct responsibility for the civilians killed. That doesn't make the death of these civilians any less terrible but the idea Israel is indiscriminately massacring Palestinians with the excuse "Hamas is everywhere" is not factual. No one thinks this incursion into Gaza is going to end the bloodshed. It is a direct response to the past seven months when Hamas fired 3,000 rockets at half a million innocent civilians in southern Israel. It's interesting you think it perfectly natural for Palestinian children to want to blow themselves up (along with as many Jews as they can take with them). Where else but among fundamentalist Muslims do we see such a phenomenon? How many Palestinian Christian children presumably suffering the same conditions, have blown themselves up? How many non Muslim children across the world, many suffering much worse deprivation and much worse violence, become human bombs to kill themselves and murder others? Any? Could it be because Islam holds up killing and being killed fighting for the cause of Allah is the highest achievement with the greatest reward? You say unless peace is made in the region there will be no peace in the world, I'm wondering what "peace" means to you. The peace of Islam in which peace can only come under the sovereignty of Islam? Or the peace of permanent co-existence with the Jewish state of Israel?
Name: May God keep you safe Saina
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 22:12:24 -0500
No One critises Israel. No matter what It does.Jews, Christians and muslims lived side by side before Israel was created. In an age where an open season has been declared on Islam and Christianity (and with no daily bag limits) while at the same time saying anything even slightly critical towards Jews, Judaism or Israel can be the kiss of death, (sometimes literally) listening to the fiery words of a Jewish convert to Christianity who has made exposing the dangers of Jewish influence in Christian society his mission in life is something of a shocker, to say the least. Nevertheless, despite being something of a miracle, he is by no means a mere piece of fiction. Made of real flesh and blood, his name is Brother Nathanael Kapner, a convert from Judaism to Greek Orthodox Christianity and these days, the Jewish agenda’s worst nightmare. He is only a one-man team with no big money behind him whose daily routine includes going into the streets every morning with huge signs reading things such as ‘ACLU Jews Are Anti-Christ’ and writing articles for his website.But despite the fact he is a one-man operation, he has made some big waves and obviously gotten under the skin of the powers-that-be in a substantive way. He is regularly threatened by all the usual suspects with all the usual threats–death, ruination, imprisonment as well as being called the typical names–Nazi, anti-Semite, self-hating Jew, traitor, etc. It’s easy to understand why he makes them nervous. It’s one thing when someone from outside the Jewish community goes about the business of exposing the mechanics of this subterranean, clannish agenda and another thing altogether when an insider does it. Like Joseph Vallachi, former mob member of the Genovese crime family who came forward and spilled his guts before an awestruck American public over what he knew concerning the criminal organization known as La Cosa Nostra, so too has Br. Nathanael come forward with tales of his own. As Saul of Tarsus proved some 2,000 years ago with his own about-face, sometimes it takes a family squabble to bring down the house, a theme very personal to Br. Nathanael, who sees himself following in the footsteps of Benjamin Friedman, one-time Zionist Jew who converted to Christianity and who spent the balance of his life trying to warn others about what he saw as this dangerous, many-tentacled creature known as the Jewish agenda. For Br. Nathanael, it began during his childhood while growing up in a middle-class Pittsburg neighborhood of mostly Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christian families. Like a desert wanderer spotting an oasis, at Christmas time he was drawn to the carols and holy hymns announcing the coming of the Messiah, as well as the nativity scenes showing mother and child. As he describes it, the conflict within him was real and powerful. He was always drawn to this world, the world of the man known as the Prince of Peace, but as a Jew, dabbling with Christianity was as verboten as Galileo’s dabbling in astronomy. His Sabbath school teacher regularly taught the Jewish kids that Christianity was a fraud created by a false Galilean prophet named Jesus and helped along by a manic depressive named Saul who abandoned his people in Judea. Even in courses dealing with comparative religions, where everything from Buddha to Mohammed to Shiva was studied in-depth, talk of Jesus’ teachings was strictly censored KGB-style by the Judaic thought police who wouldn‘t give an inch. Br. Nathanael attended an upper middle class synagogue where the main event–meaning religion, was money, career and influence rather than morality, right vs. wrong, compassion vs. brutality or heaven vs. hell.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 00:58:54 -0500
the above comment--sheer madness, on every level
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 03:56:02 -0500
jackdiamond Is a typical Zionist collaborator. Thats why he's trying to deny the truth.
Name: qwer
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 08:27:56 -0500
"jackdiamond Is a typical Zionist collaborator" ... yes ... and you are typical Arabic terrorist, sure islam is your religion. When you will make suicide bombing? Please let me know
Name: DH
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 10:22:13 -0500
To all those who wish Israel destroyed. Here's the deal: The west takes all Jews in Israel. In return all Muslims in western countries - who are an increasing source of murder and mayhem committed on the spurious pretext of worldwide "oppression" of Muslims - join their Muslim brothers and sisters in "liberated" Palestine to live life of beautiful Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood for eternity with the added bonus of short distance to Mecca for hajj. How does that suit you?
Name: DH
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 10:30:05 -0500
"When you are weaker against your enemy, do not jump into a suicidal war. In stead, sign a truce of nonaggression for a while during which you could build up the force and ammunition and when you are strong enough to overrun the enemy, dump the truce and launch the attack.".....If possible on some flimsy pretext that the enemy "attacked the Muslims first"; "was planning to attack the Muslims"; "was oppressing and persecuting the poor innocent little Muslims simply for saying 'our god is Allah'"; etc etc
Name: DH
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 10:42:21 -0500
Exactly the same message was resonated in former Malaysia leader Mahathir Muhammad's famous 2003 OIC Speech in Kuala Lumpur, which urged the Muslim world to walk in the footsteps of the Prophet. He said:"The Quran tells us that when the enemy sues for peace we must react positively. True the treaty offered is not favorable to us. But we can negotiate. The Prophet did, at Hudaibiyah. And in the end he triumphed."....Laughable, wannabe-Arab leader of LatecomertoIslamlandland whose country was a den of polytheism and animism when the power of Islam in "al-Andalus" was broken forever. He could strut around like a simpering puppy next to his Arab mentors at international Islamic conferences as much as he liked. He could never seriously lay claim to the so-called "Muslim golden age" as part of his own heritage. The Pakis at least have the excuse that their ancestors were overrun by Arab armies. The Malaysians have willingly aided and abetted the destruction of their preIslamic heritage and the Arabization of their culture. What self-hating wretches they are!
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 22:45:01 -0500
Typical Zionist, they dont want to admit theirs wrongs instaed blame it on the muslims, in order to terminate them so they can live with the stolen resources.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 23:13:34 -0500
"He hit me and then HE cried. Then he ran to the judge first and sued me"--Arab saying nicely summarizing Muslim victimology. Almost as well as substituting the word Muslim for "Zionist" and Infidel for "muslims" in the statement: "Typical Zionist, they dont want to admit theirs wrongs instaed blame it on the muslims, in order to terminate them so they can live with the stolen resources" summarizes so much of the 1350 years of Jihad.
Name: re-jackdiamond
Date: Saturday January 10, 2009
Time: 02:39:39 -0500
The creation of the Zionist State of Israel (on stolen Palestinian land), gave the world an excellent opportunity to examine the true nature of the Jews, and understand why so many Gentiles (around the globe) detest them. Their arrogance, cruelty, virulent racism, and brutality (often captured on film by foreign correspondents), gives us a true picture of a nation without a conscience, without a soul, without morality, and without a God. The arrogant Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, once stated the following: “The Jewish “Race” is the MASTER RACE. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our “race”, other races are beasts and animals; cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin merely uttered what all Zionists believe in their hearts. The uncivilized, inhuman, and brutal treatment of the innocent, unarmed, Palestinian civilians (since 1948) is a clear manifestation of the Zionists’ evil and racist mentality. According to the prevailing Jewish mindset, all the despicable Israeli acts listed below, comply with the requirements of the Jewish Law. In other words, they are “kosher”. 1-Stealing 80% of the Palestinians’ land is “kosher”. 2-Killing innocent, unarmed, Palestinian men, women, and children, is “kosher”. 3-Practicing Apartheid, and Genocide, in Palestine, is “kosher”. 4-Building an enormous dividing wall in Palestine, without the Palestinians’ permission, is “kosher”. 5-Behaving like tyrannical, racist, bullies, is “kosher”. 6-Demolishing thousands of Palestinian homes (often with the occupants still inside), is “kosher”. 7-Burning thousands of Palestinian homes, orchards and farms, is “kosher”. 8-Unlawfully confiscating Palestinian properties, machinery and animals, is “kosher”. 9-Raping, and murdering, Palestinian girls, is “kosher” 10-Massacres and Atrocities inflicted upon the innocent, unarmed, Palestinian civilians, are perfectly “kosher”. 11-Torturing approximately 125,000 Palestinian prisoners, for decades, is “kosher”. 12-Forcing 1.3 million Palestinians (at gunpoint) to abandon their homes, their farms and their ancestral homeland, is “kosher”. 13-Breaking the arms and legs of children for throwing stones at Israeli tanks, is “kosher”. 14-Poisoning the water wells of Palestinians, with arsenic, to make them leave their homes and villages, is “kosher”. 15-Ignoring dozens of United Nations Resolutions, since 1948, is “kosher”. 16-Assasinating politicians, and leaders of the Palestinian Authority, is “kosher”. 17-Terrorising Palestinian families, in the middle of the night, with “Gestapo style” raids, is “kosher”. 18-Treating the Palestinian civilians like sub-human creatures, is “kosher”. 19-Using American helicopters to destroy Palestinian cars, with all the passengers still inside, is “kosher”. 20-Deliberately harassing, and bullying, Palestinian civilians at countless “check points”, and “road blocks”, is “kosher”. 21-Desecrating Mosques and Muslim Holy Books, is “kosher”. 22-Crushing demonstrators to death, with bulldozers, is “kosher”. 23-Renaming dozens of stolen Palestinian towns and villages with Hebrew names, is “kosher”. Behaving like demented, homicidal maniacs is perfectly normal for the Jews. It is the result of 4,000 years of inbreeding. How can wicked, mentally deranged, immoral, murderers claim to be members of the Human Race? How can a group of arrogant creatures (who belong to the same Semitic tribe as the Arabs), claim racial purity and racial superiority? Jews show their abysmal ignorance, and crass stupidity, when they accuse the Semite Arabs of “anti-Semitism”! How can cruel, evil, thugs who relentlessly break God’s Ten Commandments claim to be “God’s Chosen People”?. I regard their preposterous claim as GRIEVOUS BLASPHEMY. I honestly think that they are Satan’s chosen lycanthropes. Apathy is an unforgivable sin. Evil spreads like a cancer when good men (and good women), do nothing to stop it. On Judgement Day, we will be asked to justify our total lack of compassion and callous indifference to the pain, suffering, persecution, injustice, and the bullying of millions of innocent fellow humans."Typical Zionist, they dont want to admit theirs wrongs instaed blame it on the muslims, in order to terminate them so they can live with the stolen resources" How will the gentiles plead?
Name: Agents of Satan
Date: Saturday January 10, 2009
Time: 05:31:22 -0500
Jew-haters are agents of Satan.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Saturday January 10, 2009
Time: 05:41:56 -0500
A history lesson about as accurate as the absurdities put into the mouth of Begin: "Jews are the Master Race!...the masses will lick our feet!" I think psychologists call this "projection." The demonic Jew-hating aside, let's try to get real, with malice towards none. The creation of Israel was the most legal founding of a state in history (by the United Nations) nor was it created out of Palestinian land, it was created out of the Ottoman Empire which had ruled it for 400 years and lost it when they fought for the wrong side in WWI. Losers lose their empires. Before that, Jews had perfectly legally purchased land from the Turks and Arab landlords. There was never a theft of Arab lands. No one claimed to be "Palestinians" then either. Jordan was created on 80% of the Palestine Mandate designated by the League of Nations as the Jewish homeland. The remaining 20% was to be divided into 2 states, Jewish and Arab, but even that sliver of land was too much and the Arab world launched war. You conveniently forget all these wars to destroy Israel, in 1967, before Israel occupied an inch of Arab land in the "occupied territories", the Arabs were again trying to destroy it. Even there, the occupied territories were occupied: by Jordan and Egypt. You don't mention the wall, put up without Palestinian permission (!), was to stop the waves of suicide-homicide bombers murdering it's citizens, which it very effectively accomplished. No, you want to suggest this was just done for no reason at all, just to victimize the innocent Palestinians. Israel, unlike the Arab states, elects its leaders in free elections and gives rights to its citizens, including Arabs. A million and half Arabs live as citizens in Israel. Even serve in parliament. It is neither an Apartheid state nor one commiting genocide. How many Jews live in Jordan? Are any allowed to live in Jordan? Could a Jew walk into Gaza or Ramallah? What would happen? You talk of apartheid & genocide, when the Shari'a law Hamas wants is nothing but apartheid for Jews & Christians and it yearns openly for the genocide of the Jewish race. Who are you to accuse Israelis of barbarism when we've all seen the pictures of so-called "traitors" without trial, literally torn apart in the streets by Palestinian mobs, or like the Israeli reservist who took a wrong turn and also was mobbed, shot, lynched, dismembered, the organs torn from his body and paraded about in insane blood-lust. That kind of hate is pathological, there is no reasonable justification. Where in Israel do you see such things? In Palestine they cheer and celebrate murderers, including the brave fellow who shot to death a mother and her three children in their car. Israel treats wounded Palestinians, even terrorists, in their hospitals. Nor have I ever heard of Palestinian girls being raped, prove it. That Israeli soldiers or prisons are brutal or cruel to Palestinians, some of them innocent, I have no doubt. That innocent Palestinians have suffered from both sides as a result of this endless war, I have no doubt. But this war continues because of the kind of hate you embody. It didn't begin with the creation of Israel either. "Kill the Jews wherever you find them" Mufti Al-Husseini was declaring over the radio in 1944. As was done in Hebron in 1929. Hate for Jews and the demonizing of Jews goes back to the Qur'an and Sunnah. It begins with Muhammad. It's as old as Khaybar. Listen, the Jews in Israel go back millennia. When Hadrian first called the place Palestine in 135 CE, it wasn't Arabic that was the spoken language and it was the Bible, not the Qur'an that was taught and the people were mostly Jewish. Centuries later it was colonized by Arab armies of the Islamic Jihad. Jews were massacred, deported as slaves, expatriated or reduced to the status of dhimmis. Does that make it Arab land? Stop trying to destroy Israel and not only will you have peace, the whole world would shower the Palestinians with all its favors. But that would be too much to ask, wouldn't it?
Date: Sunday January 11, 2009
Time: 21:47:02 -0500
Do not take it out of Context. "Kill the Jews where ever you find them". If Bush said Kill the Iraqis where ever you find them, before he invaded Iraq, that means fight the enemy when ever you find them, After Bush made the statement that Iraq was liberated, Dies Bush ever say Kill the where ever you find them? No, So can you mention his statement before the invation of Iraq, and use it today and tell everyone that Bush says kill all iraqis? Idiot!
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 02:22:51 -0500
PROBLEM: Your child is being used as human shield in their school by a group of gunmen. SOLUTION: Blow up the school. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 03:51:02 -0500
Wow a tipical israeli.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 10:35:31 -0500
"PROBLEM: Your child is being used as human shield in their school by a group of gunmen. SOLUTION: Blow up the school. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED." --a)except the "gunmen" run the "country" and b) were firing on Israeli soldiers who returned fire. That's a different situation than you present. All war is terrible because terrible things happen when shooting starts. But Hamas began this war, provoked it, asked for it, what choice does Israel have to protect its own citizens? Is there a way to defeat such an enemy and not "human shields"? How do you do that? Hamas knows there isn't and that's why they use civilians so deplorably. As for "Kill the Jews wherever you find them" the next line was "this pleases God"... that's the context too! Besides being his instructions to the Muslim SS divisions, Al-Husseini wanted Hitler to import the Final Solution to the Middle East after he was done exterminating Europe's Jews. What is the "context" for killing all the Jews in the world?
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 10:38:45 -0500
should read: Is there a way to defeat such an enemy and not injure some of the "human shields"?
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 23:59:22 -0500
The creation of the Zionist State of Israel (on stolen Palestinian land), gave the world an excellent opportunity to examine the true nature of the Jews, and understand why so many Gentiles (around the globe) detest them. Their arrogance, cruelty, virulent racism, and brutality (often captured on film by foreign correspondents), gives us a true picture of a nation without a conscience, without a soul, without morality, and without a God.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 11:38:09 -0500
"We cannot stop practicing our animosity toward the Jews because we are commanded by the Qur'anic verses to continue hating the Jews and believing that they are the worst enemies of ours until the end of time."--Abdullah Alnafisy, Islamic Assembly of North America 2000. "to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine (i.e Israel)" Hamas Charter, Article 6. "O ye who believe fight the unbelievers who are near you and let them find harshness in you." (Qur'an 9:123)Ibn Kathir commentary "the order of Jihad against the Disbelievers, the Closest, then the farthest areas. That is why the Messenger of Allah started fighting the idolators in the Arabian Peninsula. When he finished with them he started fighting the People of the Scriptures...(during 'Uthman's reign) the pure religion reached it's deepest aims against Allah's enemies and whenever Muslims overcame an Ummah, they moved to the next one and then the next one." Gentiles don't "detest" Jews, but Muslims do and the source is Islam, first and foremost. But the choice they give the Jews, the choice they give Israel, dhimmitude or Jihad, is the same choice they give all kaffirs and infidels when the opportunity arrives. "the complete Believer is he who is kind to his believing brother and harsh with his disbelieving enemy...we ask Allah to help the Muslims gain control over the forelocks of His disbeliever enemies and to raise high the word of Muslims over all lands...(Ibn Kathir)
Name: DH
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 11:39:34 -0500
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION ALERT!!!! (above): "The creation of the Zionist State of Israel (on stolen Palestinian land), gave the world an excellent opportunity to examine the true nature of the Jews, and understand why so many Gentiles (around the globe) detest them. Their arrogance, cruelty, virulent racism, and brutality"...Let suppose was true that Jews "stole land" from Muslims. Following the Muslim example of bearing grudges about and claiming a right to take "revenge" on non-Muslims today for things that happened centuries ago, the Jews could surely claim dispossession of "the Palestinians" was justifiable payback for what Muslims and their "prophet" did to the Jews of Medina c1400 yrs ago.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 17:44:44 -0500
lets cut to the chase,islam wants to kill us all but the only way they can do it is by boredom,they bore us with their constant moaning!ok we give in!all become suicide bombers,then we will all be happy!but remember this,the numbers and weaponry are in our favour.it's not nice to kill,but you islamist's would'nt know that,WOULD YOU!!!
Name: To above
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 13:32:10 -0500
You are describing a rosy picture of Islam but the reality is different. It is ugly, violent and evil.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 02:36:13 -0500
The controlling definition of Jihad you will find in Shari'a law (any of the mainstream schools) based on the consensus of Islamic scholars: Warfare against non-Muslims to establish the religion. If Jihad, fighting in Allah's Cause, were simply self-defense, the Islamic army would never have left Arabia. There would be no Islamic World. What was that offer Muhammad gave his neighboring countries? The same offer made by his successors in conquests from Egypt to Persia to North Africa to Spain? Convert (invite them to Islam), pay the jizya (live under the authority of Islam as subjugated peoples), or fight and die. Those were the three choices and there were only three choices and are only three choices. Now it's funny you don't mention Qur'an 9:5 or 9:29 as long as you are discoursing on Jihad, Surah Nine being the last revelation of warfare given Muhammad--offensive warfare against non-Muslims to establish the religion (over earth). Small lesson indeed. The strict limits not to be transgressed you theorize about are small solace to the countless victims of the ugly, violent and evil reality.