Reminder to Belgian lawyer who sold her soul to devil!
01 Sep, 2007
This is the text of a letter I wrote to the Belgian lawyer who is attempting to silence one of the voices of reason.
Dear Ms. Wouters,
This has reference to Dr. Ali Sina's note to your legal notice,
which you have served on the website, alleging
that it is guilty of insulting Islam and its founder. Since Dr. Ali
has covered almost all the aspects of one human's expectation from
another I will suffice by sharing with you my commentary on one of
the verses of the Quran, with the hope that it will help you
understand a little bit how you are going to sacrifice your and your
children's future, if you have any, at the altar of Islam and its
founder by becoming a tool of one of the Muslim bigots.
But before doing that, I would like to emphasis that as a lawyer, it
is your duty to always stand up for the cause or causes of the
aggrieved humans. That said, may I ask you if the suit you are
contemplating to file against is for defending the
rights of the aggrieved humans, or is it intention to defend
something that is indefensible?
I am sure the Islamist who has hired you to file the lawsuit is not
an aggrieved human, for Islam is not his personal property. Whatever
has been post or is being posted on the was or is
not directed at him. On the other hand, I strongly believe that the
non-Muslims are the aggrieved humans whom Islam has reduced to the
status of sub-humans. The following verse should help you understand
what I am trying to say here:
9:29: "Fight [kill] those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle [i.e. Muhammad], nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth [i.e. Islam], (even if they are) of the People of the Book [i.e. Jews and Christians], until they pay Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
If you agree with me that the non-Muslims are the aggrieved
humans, then you should stand up for them and sue the defenders of
Islam for causing immense harm and pain to them by following its
evil precepts and doctrines. Will you please consider doing so for
saving mankind from the clutches of Islam and its proponents?
Please read my commentary keeping the above verse in your mind.
Should you have any difficulty in understanding it, please feel free
to let me know; I will be more than happy to help you understand the
threat Islam poses to the entire non-Muslim community of the world.
10:108: “… O ye men! Now truth hath reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs.”
To a casual reader, what is stated in the above verse will
appear to be a reasonable proposition from Allah to the people of
Mecca, it being: ‘as you sow so will you reap.’ I am not here to set
your affairs in order. But has Allah really said that? Let us
When Muhammad had doubt on the veracity of His teachings, Allah
asked him to consult the Christians, in order to remove his doubt.
But when they told him that what Allah was telling him was not to be
found in their book, He not only called them liars, He also
threatened them with the punishment of Hell for hiding “truth” from
Muhammad.[1] He did the same thing to the Jews of Medina. This means
that Allah disputed even those matters, which were recorded in the
Scriptures of the Jews and the Christians. So, the questions are:
When Allah had no intention of accepting as true what was written in
the books of the Jews and the Christians, then why did He ask
Muhammad to check His messages with them? When He was determined to
reject even the recorded messages of Moses and Jesus Christ, was it
possible for their followers to argue and come out successful
against His allegation that their Scriptures were the corrupted and
interpolated versions of the messages He had sent to both His
apostles a long time ago?
The truth of the matter is that Allah had to win at any cost against
the Pagan, Jewish and the Christian communities of his land. He
referred to their Scriptures when it was convenient for Him. He
rejected them when doing so was in His best interest. An opponent
with such a sharp and manipulative mind, coupled with an ability to
turn any and all situations to His advantage, His opponents never
succeeded in nailing Him down; every time they tried, they ended up
being the losers.
The loss of Allah’s opponents was the loss of the entire humanity.
Their legitimate failure to contain Him gave us Islam – a religion
that is supposed to turn the life of all the non-Muslims into hell.
Not only that, the non-Muslims also stand to eventually lose their
lives to the soldiers of Islam, should they succeed in getting an
upper hand over them. They have been working hard for it and with
the way the things in the world are going today, they are likely to
succeed in their Allah-assigned duty very soon.
The Muslims will make the non-believers reap what they are sowing
today. With Allah’s help, they will kill them, but save their young
mothers, sisters and daughters etc. to be their sex-slaves, if they
refused to become Muslims. They will, however, be able to save their
lives, if they agreed to pay protection tax to the Muslims with
willing submission with a promise to live the lives of slaves.[2]
So the non-Muslims of the world beware! Your days as non-believers
in Islam are limited. Therefore, either begin taking actions to
defend yourselves against the imminent Muslim onslaught, or be ready
to surrender your freedom to the dictates of Islam. Choice is yours.
Mohammad Asghar
[1] Cf. The Quran; 11:5.
[2] Cf. The Quran; 9:29.
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Muhammad Asghar has contributed in Beyond Jihad — Critical Voices from Inside Islam. He is the author of e-book: Muhammad & Islam — Stories not told before.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 01, 2007
Time: 09:55:15 -0700
The Belgian lawyer wants to make money,where is the question of principle or conscience? She would probably ditch her kith and kin if Dinars and Rials kept flowing into her coffers!She may even be happy to join in the harems of any willing old Saudi!So be it,Amen!What principles does she recognize?
Date: Sunday September 02, 2007
Time: 06:52:55 -0700
Dear Mohammad Asghar, If this lawyer sold her sole to the devil then please tell us who did you sell your sole too? How much are you making from all the lies and manipulations you post on your sites? Who named you Mohammed after all? It is highly recommended that you change your name to little satan.
Date: Sunday September 02, 2007
Time: 10:43:20 -0700
"Mohammad Asghar" is an anti-Muslim agent running for few bucks. It's not his real name.
Name: Peace
Date: Tuesday September 04, 2007
Time: 04:05:24 -0700
I don't quite understand, what exactly is considered to be a lie by the guy, who posted his comment on sunday? The quotes are from the Quran, so they obviously can not be a lie. There are lots of other similar quotes fromt he Quran, where "the Prophet" tells muslims to literaly butcher non-believers. I am not saying that all muslims are only waiting for the chance to start killing people. I know wonderful muslim ppl, who would not do harm anyone. But it is a simple FACT, that no one can argue - it is written in the Quran, there are many verses, where "the Prophet" orders muslim to kill non believers. Thank God not all muslims listen to everything, that he said.
Name: Just me
Date: Tuesday September 04, 2007
Time: 10:07:53 -0700
Most Attny's are looking at points of law only -- and have no thought of the matters involved -- EXCEPT perhaps if they are not to be paid if they loose the case. Cases are determined by points of law -- not on personal opinion ... publicity however helps any cause to some extent.
Name: No Dhimmi
Date: Tuesday September 04, 2007
Time: 19:24:44 -0700
This Belgian female lawyer is a typical liberal FOOL who apparently believes that by playing "fair" with her Muslim overlords they will in turn respect her. False thinking, to say the least. The Muslim overlords will, in fact, turn on her and abuse her once her use to them has finished. You are to be commended for your commitment to upholding human liberty against this onslaught of vile barbarism. The Truth About Islam