How Allah has fooled the Muslims?
15 Sep, 2007
- “He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer.”
Other English translations of the verse read:
Pickthall: “He hath created man from a drop of fluid, yet behold! he is an open opponent.”
Shakir: “He created man from a small seed and lo! he is an open contender.”
Dawood: “He created man from a little germ: yet is he openly contentious.”
We are commenting on this verse, because in it is described the process Allah uses in the creation of man. But before taking it up, we must mention briefly the process Allah used in creating Adam, the first man of the world.
When Allah decided to create, with His hands, the first man in one of the seven Gardens, He picked up a handful of black dust (or rotten soil) from the earth and after mixing it with water, He created the mud, the basic raw material of the human body. Turning the mud into sounding clay, Allah hastily fashioned with it Adam’s body and after breathing His spirit into it, He completed the creation of the fist man to whom alone[1] Eve – the fist woman of the world - and the entire human race owe their origin.
With the beginning of procreation of both male and female offspring by Eve, one would assume Allah had streamlined the creation of mankind through the sexual intercourse of men and women, but the verse under our discussion makes it clear that that is not the case, and, instead, Allah, in His infinite wisdom, continues to create humans with His own hands. How does He do that?
The Quran tells us, though obliquely, that He collects a drop of despicable semen from the backbone and the ribs of man’s body[2] and after transforming it into a congealed blood, He plants it with His own hand in the woman’s womb. To us, this resembles the artificial inseminations humans perform on their females as well as on the females of some animals. The congealed blood becomes a lump and out of this lump He makes bones, which He then clothes with skin.[3] Because man is created with sperm, therefore, he cannot claim a higher status among other creations.
Humans have, perhaps, learned the technique of artificial
insemination from Allah. Not only from men, they
also extract semen from animals to put it in the bodies of their
females. Here is how humans extract semen from the horse:
Horse’s semen being collected for artificial insemination.
But does the process Allah supposedly employs in the creation of man match with the scientific findings?
Because all humans are created with sperm, there is no reason for them to claim a higher status among other creations
No. Science does not support such a reckless claim. It thus describes the conception process a woman goes through after having sex with a man:
Week one:
As soon as a sperm cell penetrates the egg, fertilization occurs,
usually high up in the fallopian tubes. At the moment of
fertilization the baby's gender is determined (some sperm produce
males, others produce females). Right at the start, the fertilized
ovum contains a full compliment of genetic codes: twenty-three
chromosomes from mom, and twenty-three from dad. Occasionally, two
eggs are fertilized by two sperm, resulting in fraternal twins. Less
commonly, one egg is fertilized by one sperm and then divides in
two, with identical twins as the result.
Week two:
By day seven, the embryo resembles a microscopic raspberry and implants into the lining of the mother’s uterus. As baby burrows into the blood-rich lining a few drops of bleeding or spotting may occur. This blooming ball of life, called a blastocyst – meaning, "sprout pouch," begins to organize into groups of several hundred cells. Some of these cells take root into the plush uterine lining; others arrange themselves in clusters and cavities, each with a different human destiny. The uterus, responding to the presence of the embryo, begins to form a primitive placenta, which transfers nutrients from mother's blood into the developing baby and facilitates disposal of the baby's waste products. As the placenta develops, it begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone that keeps the uterine lining in place and stimulates its growth by keeping the levels of estrogen and progesterone high. HCG is released into the mother's bloodstream at an increasing rate as the placenta develops. By the end of the second week, a pregnancy test will be able to detect HCB in the mother's urine.
Week three:
The woman’s menstrual period is late and she may suspect she is pregnant. Her rising hormone level is likely to cause her to begin feeling pregnant. Pregnancy hormones notify the ovaries not to ovulate again, and the ovaries, via hormonal messengers, notify the pituitary gland in the brain to no longer stimulate menstruation.
Within three weeks, what started out as a single cell has grown to millions of cells that now begin to differentiate into three types of cells: those that will become the nervous system, skin, and hair; those that will make up the gastrointestinal tract and those that will form the circulatory, genito-urinary and musculo-skeletal systems. By the end of the third week, a rudimentary heart tube begins to beat and circulate blood. The woman is just beginning to feel pregnant and already the baby making is well under way.
Week four:
During this week, baby grows to the size and shape of a curved grain of rice. An umbilical cord, containing three distinct blood vessels, appears. Along the outer rim of baby's tiny body, blocks of tissue stack up to form the backbone. Tiny buds, soon to become arms and legs, emerge from the body. The ball-like heart divides into chambers and pumps blood into already formed major vessels. Specialized ultrasonic equipment can even detect a regular heartbeat. Tiny pits now present in the baby's head mark the spots where eyes and ears will form. Lobes of baby's brain and a primitive spinal cord develop. Rudiments of future organs such as the trachea, esophagus, stomach, mouth, liver, gull bladder, and thyroid appear. Amazingly, by the time most mothers-to-be attend their first prenatal check-up, most of their baby's major organs are well on their way.
Ten growth milestones from five weeks to nine weeks:
By the end of the fifth week, baby is the size of a green pea (or about 0.4 inches). Pits that become the eyes, ears, nose and mouth begin to show. More than one million new cells are added to baby's growing body each minute.
By six weeks, baby is ½ inch long, and ultrasound can show a fluttering heartbeat of about 140 to 150 beats per minute (twice as fast as that of a grown up man).
At seven weeks, baby is around an inch long or the size of a small olive. Elbow, wrist and knee joints are obvious. Researchers estimate that by seven weeks, one hundred thousand new nerve cells are created every minute.
At eight weeks, baby is around the size of a large olive at 1½ inches long and ½ ounce in weight. All the internal organs that will be present in the fully-grown infant have been formed by eight weeks.
Developing baby is now called a "fetus" and is beginning to look like a miniature human being.
Allah was not aware of the female’s egg, so He did not mention it in the Quran. He did not know that it is the testicles, the two glands in the scrotal sac beneath the penis, that create semen or the sperm; hence His claim that He extracts sperm from the backbone and ribs of the man.
He did not know that sperm or semen does not become ‘congealed blood’ and that blood plays no role in the making of babies; He also did not know that the developing baby in mother’s womb does not look like a lump of flesh or leech, hence His inane and foolish utterances in the Quran that compelled Abul Ala Mududi to admit: “This refers to the different stages of development of the child in the womb of its mother. This description is based on observation and not on scientific research. …”[4]
Mududi has said everything on Allah’s claim on man’s creation, leaving nothing for us to say, we will, therefore, move on to other verses of the Sura to see what else the all-knowing Allah has said in them for our knowledge and guidance.
Allah has also said:
16:5: “And cattle He has created for you (men): from them ye derive warmth, and numerous benefits, and of their (meat) ye eat.”
This verse does not say how Allah creates the cattle, but we can assume He creates them following the same procedure He follows in case of man. Like Adam, He must have created, in one of the Gardens, the first males of all the animals with His own hand and then breathed in them His spirit. He then created their mates out of their ribs and sent them to the different parts of the earth to sing His praise. Since He does not want to lose His control over the animals, He extracts semen from their males and inserts it into their females’ uteruses, thus helping them to continually multiply their number on earth.
Multiplication of the cattle is essential for the humans, as they derive warm clothing[5] from them and other benefits, including the eating of their meat. What direct benefits the humans derive from the wild animals is not mentioned in the Quran.
Like the Pagans, some animals are unclean and impure. The pig and the dog are the prominent unclean animals; even an accidental contact with them turns the Muslims into impure beings. They can remove their impurity only after taking a full bath.
This being the situation, we are tempted to ask: does not Allah’s use of His hand in creating the pig and the do make Him impure? Does He purify Himself with a full bath? And if the pig and the dog are unclean, then what makes Him create them?
Allah’s statement that the people of Muhammad’s time derived their clothes from animals indicates that they used their hides to cover themselves up. These also provided them warmth in the winter. Since sleeping, especially in the noonday heat of the desert, was impossible for the people, Allah asked them to take it off their bodies so that they could sleep in comfort. Otherwise, there was no reason for Him to designate the early morning, the noontime of the day and the late hours of the night to be the three occasions of their undress.[6]
Our assumption that the people of the seventh century Arabia wore animal skins should give us an indication of poverty level with which they lived their lives. Even though clothes were readily available in the markets of Syria to which they traveled to buy the essentials of their life, yet the fact that the most of the Arabs might have worn animal skins at home suggest that they did not have the extra resources, which they needed to buy their clothes with.
But these same pitiably indigent people in just a little over one hundred years became the rulers of an empire that stretched from the borders of India to the Atlantic Ocean – the largest empire that the world has seen so far. Many may ask: how was it possible?
It was Muhammad’s words of encouragement and his predatory warfare that had inspired them to venture out of their territory and to take over others’ land, wealth and women to make their unbelievably hard life easier and pleasurable. Had they kept themselves confined to their own territory, and continued living, until oil was discovered in their soil, on whatever they had been subsisting from time immemorial, we would now be living in a different, but peaceful world.
To understand the phenomenon, we may refer to India’s case. Had the Muslims not invaded, taken over and ruled it for over three hundred years, India would not have had, in 1940’s, as many Muslim as it did then. If India did not have a large number of Muslims on its soil, it would neither have been divided into two countries in 1947, nor it would have continued to have the problems it has today with its Muslim population, the territory of Kashmir and Pakistan.
It was not only India that has suffered in the past or is suffering now on account of its Muslim population and their religious doctrines, the Philippines and China are two other countries, which have been facing separation movements from them as well. What will happen to the territorial integrity of these countries cannot be said with a certainty at this time, but were are sure these countries are going to live with the Muslim menace for a very long period of time.
Along with the above two countries and others, the United States of America and Europe are also likely to face, in the future, various challenges from their Muslim inhabitants. With the increase in their number, there will come a day when they would like to carve out a country of their own from the existing territories of America and of the European countries. Unless the Americans and the Europeans decide to take measures in time to protect their territorial integrity, there is a likelihood that their territories may end up being divided into Muslim and Christians states, or face armed struggles with their Muslim neighbors before surrendering their independence to them.
That the Muslims are bent upon turning the non-Muslims of the world into Dhimmis is written large on the walls all over the world. If we want to save ourselves from their wrath, then we must act now; failure to do so might not only prove fatal for us, it might as well rob us of all the freedom and liberties we enjoy today.
Drawing His listeners’ attention to the pride they take in, and the beauty of, the cattle He creates; describing their ability to carry heavy loads to distant lands, which they could not reach without painful toil (humans had not yet invented vehicles and airplanes, so Allah did not mention them in His revelations); making known that He creates horses, mules and donkeys for humans to ride and for show as well as many other things of which they had no knowledge; that Allah took upon Himself the responsibility to show His listeners the right way, when there exist crooked ways, too, and that He would have guided all of them, if He had so willed, Allah declared:
16:10: “It is He Who sends down rain from the sky: from it ye drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation on which ye feed your cattle.”
16:11: “With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes, and every kind of fruit: Verily, in this is a Sign for those who give thought.”
These two verses, read in conjunction with verse 2:61, make clear that it was only the rainwater on which the Arabs of the seventh century depended to support their life and that their agriculture also depended on it. The kind of the agricultural products they produced is also clear from these verses.
Since the Arabs were not used to eating rice and bread, the Quran has not said anything about rice or wheat. Since they did not know how a mango looked like, the Quran is silent about it. Since they had never seen, in their lives, vegetables like spinach and cauliflower etc. which are grown mostly in milder climates, Allah skipped their names from His all-encompassing Book.
The fact that the Arabs depended for drinking and agricultural purposes on rainwater, which they found in the waterholes of the desert, it should not be inappropriate for us to discuss here briefly the story of Mecca’s Zamzam well, the origin of which Muslim scholars trace to a mysterious act of Allah. They claim:
“Historically, Ibrahim - a prophet in Judaism, Christianity and Islam - has links to both places. Maqam Ibrahim, in fact, was named after him. Centuries ago, he was ordered to leave his wife Hagar and child, Ismail, in a dry valley without vegetation or water in the place where the Kaaba was later built. As the infant Ismail cried out in thirst, his mother ran repeatedly back and forth between two small hills called Al-Safa and Al-Marwa in the hope of finding water. As her baby cried, his feet rubbed the sand where miraculously, a spring bubbled out at his feet. Thus Zamzam water was found and the Well of Zamzam was created. "
The name 'Zamzam' comes from the Arabic verb 'zam' meaning 'gathering' or 'enclosing' - which is what Hagar did as the water bubbled up from the earth at her son's feet; she cupped and gathered the sand around the water to preserve it. Because of the story, the Well of Zamzam is also known as The Well of Ismail. The well is also known as 'Marwiah' meaning quenched or quenching; 'Shabaah' meaning fullness and 'Barakah' meaning blessing as well as other names mostly unfamiliar and no longer used. The well has existed for four thousand years with 26 centuries between Prophet Ismail's time and the time of Abdul Muttaleb, the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Furthermore, the Well of Zamzam and its water have long been revered by the people of Makkah, specifically by the Quraish, one of Makkhah's noble and prominent clans. A later Islamic ruler, Abu Jaffar Al-Mansour, built a protective fence around the well and paved the area around it with white marble. The dome that sheltered the well was studded with rubies. During the reign of King Faisal ibn Abul Aziz, laboratory tests were conducted on Zamzam water samples. After analysis, it was found that the difference between Zamzam water and other water (city water) was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of the elements were slightly higher in Zamzam water. More significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action. Zamzam water's appeal has always been universal. The water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated. In most wells, bacteria and fungi grow which makes the water unpalatable because of bad taste and bad odor. In Zamzam water, however, there was no sign of bacteria or fungi.
The well, which has never run dry has always maintained a very distinctive taste. Its uniqueness has been universally recognized as pilgrims from all over the world visit the Kaaba every year. In 1373 H a pump was installed in the Zamzam well and the surrounding pipes were extended as well. Zamzam was made available and accessible for all visitors with water cooled by Zamzam ice-cubes all over the Holy Mosque of Makkah as well as the Holy Mosque in Madinah. The well is 4 meters in width and 35 meters deep located under the eastern part of the Kaaba and south of Maqam Ibrahim.
To this day pilgrims and visitors return to their families and friends carrying this mysterious liquid which springs from the Well of Zamzam: the spring that continues to flow, revered and unique along with Maqam Ibrahim, engraved upon human history and memory.”[7]
The assertions of the writer is not tenable because of the following reasons:
1. At the time Hagar had taken the infant Ishmael to where the Ka’aba stands today, she must have been in a lactating state. According to the writer, she put down her child on the ground, when he started crying, and began running “repeatedly back and forth between two small hills called Al-Safa and Al-Marwa in the hope of finding water.”
The question is: Why Hagar had started running in search of water, when she could have easily quenched her infant’s thirst with the milk of her breast?
2. It appears from the writer’s claim that the Zamzam’s water was percolating through the top layer of the extremely hot sand on which Hagar had left her infant to roast under the desert’s scorching sun. Had the water been flowing any deeper from the surface, the infant could never have made it come out to the top of the sand, no matter how hard and for how long he rubbed his legs over the mouth of the well.
Believing that our suppositions are well founded, we ask: If the infant could precipitate the flow of the water by merely rubbing his tiny legs on the surface of the sand, what had blocked it from overflowing, despite being forced to come out of the well by the pressure that the continuously percolating water must have been building up at the well’s bottom?
3. The writer claimed: “The {Zamzam’s} water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated. In most wells, bacteria and fungi grow which makes the water unpalatable because of bad taste and bad odor. In Zamzam water, however, there was no sign of bacteria or fungi.”
We do not have to rebut the above claim, for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has already done it with a research report, authored by the Zamzam Studies and Research Center (ZSRC), which it set up in order to “to optimize supply and distribution of Zam Zam, while making sure that sustainable supply limits are not exceeded in order to prevent wastage or possible depletion of the water well.”
The report, inter alia, stated: “ZSRC also seeks to estimate sustainable well yield and recommend measures to ensure that sustainable supply limits are not exceeded. The research aims to present solutions to these complex problems through an integrated approach to water catchment management and conservation.
Through these actions, the quality and quantity of supply from the Zam Zam well can be sustained to meet the spiritual needs of the world’s one billion Muslims,” said the abstract. In order to manage demand, water from Zam Zam well is pumped, treated and stored in underground storage tanks on a continuous basis at the moment. Before distribution among consumers and transportation to Madinah, Zam Zam water is also treated by a series of sand filters, micro filters and ultraviolet disinfection.”[8]
The writer’s attempt to prop up Islam with his falsehood notwithstanding, there is another question that all sensible persons should ask the Muslims to answer: If the well of Zamzam had come into being at the command of Allah, then why the Saudi authority should worry about its depletion?
Is not the water of the ‘mysterious’ Zamzam supposed to last for ever, without help from men?
Allah has also stated:
16:15: “And He has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves;”
To find out to what extent Allah has lied through the Quran, let us go over a pertinent fact, which we have come to know after Mt. St. Helen erupted at 8:32 hours of May 18, 1980. It is situated in America’s State of Washington.
St. Helen was a tall and symmetrical mountain before it was struck by the earthquake that measured 5.1 on Richter scale. Shaken by the quake, its northern face collapsed in a massive rock debris avalanche. Nearly 230 square miles of forest was blown over or left dead and standing. At the same time a mushroom-shaped column of ash rose thousands of feet skyward and drifted downwind, turning day into night as dark, gray ash fell over eastern Washington and beyond. The eruption lasted for 9 hours, during which period of time, it dramatically changed the mountain’s face as well as its surroundings.
Some other after-effects of the eruption were as follows:
-In both the Blow-down and Standing Dead areas, the sudden collapse of the volcano's north flank released the tremendous pressure that had been building inside the mountain over a long period of time. Expanding gasses and steam from the molten rock caused a series of huge explosions. These explosions ripped through the sliding avalanche of debris.
-The blast of rocks, ash, and gasses swept across the land at speeds up to 670 miles an hour. Inside the blast, temperatures reached 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
-The blast traveled as far as 16 miles north of the volcano. It spread over an area of about 150 square miles.
-The force of the blast stripped trees from hillsides as far away as 6 miles from the volcano.
-Further away, as the blast began to slow down, trees were knocked over or snapped in half.
-Trees standing around the edges of the blow-down zone were killed by the intense heat of the blast.
Now, if we believe in what Allah has said was His purpose behind setting up mountains on earth, in that event, should we not ask ourselves:
-Why did Mt. St. Helen shake, when it was not supposed to do so?
-Why it caused so much of devastations, when it was supposed to protect mankind and its surroundings?
-Would it not have been a great favor from Allah to mankind, if He had capped off the volcanoes that create the earthquakes, instead of creating the mountains that fail to make the earth steady, when struck by them?
-Why almost all the earthquakes have occurred so far, or are going to occur in future, in the mountain ranges of the earth?
-Why volcanoes occur in many locations near the edges of Earth's large and rigid plates?
-Why the earth’s edges are replete with rigid plates that are likely to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in future, when Allah wanted to protect all humans, flora and fauna from their destructive effects?
To understand the extent of life-threatening risks that we humans face from the rigid plates, this map of the glob should tell us all:
Volcanoes occur in many locations near the edges of Earth's large, rigid plates, shown here.
Are the Muslims willing to admit that their Allah has fooled them by telling them things, which are not true?
[1] Cf. The Quran; 7:189.
[2] The Quran; 86:5-7.
[3] The Quran; 23:14.
[4]In his commentary on verse 16:4 in the internet edition of “Towards Understanding the Quran.” This comment cannot be found in the print edition of his book, Tafhimul Quran. .
[5] The word Pickthall has used in his translation of the verse.
[6] The Quran; 24:58.
[7] Arab News, January 29, 2004.
[8] Arab News, January 17, 2005.
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Muhammad Asghar has contributed in Beyond Jihad — Critical Voices from Inside Islam. He is the author of e-book: Muhammad & Islam — Stories not told before.
Name: Apostate
Date: Friday September 14, 2007
Time: 17:19:54 -0700
It's remarkable that a book full of such rubbish, not even of 7th century standard of science are being portrayed a the gold-mine of science by the gullible followers of Islam.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 15, 2007
Time: 06:11:12 -0700
Here we go again! The so-called study of embryology,taken from the greeks and falsely attributed to Allah, and the so-called science in Koran! What is the contribution ? Nothing!Koran's gealogy that mountains are pegs that hold the flat earth is ludicrous to say the least! And the muslim expect us to believe that this was the word of god Allah! D oes Koran know the immense size of the Universe,the billions of galaxies,each galaxy containing billions of stars,etc. No,certainly not! The Koran was totally ignorant of the Cosmos.It is a book of "trash",plain dark ignorance! The Koran is now exposed threadbare now ,unlike a few years back the muslims could fool people with their black lies such as 'it is a moral guidance, religion of peace,',etc. It should be consigned to the garbage!
Name: Casper
Date: Saturday September 15, 2007
Time: 19:43:50 -0700
How is it possible to reason with a belief system that states: "Being directly from Allah, it is not possible for the Quran to be wrong; if the evidence contradicts the Quran, the evidence must be rejected as false" A person cannot be reasoned out of something that they were not reasoned into. Islam is not irrational, it's pre-rational.
Name: Reason and Miracle
Date: Sunday September 16, 2007
Time: 23:57:26 -0700
Lets use your same logic about Hager when she could have easily quenched her infant’s thirst with the milk of her breast. Maybe the same lies that are said about Prophet Mohamed killing poets can be made up and fabricated since the world has many enemies to Islam. Maybe it is called miracles, the fact that zamzam water never ran out is a miracle of it is own. Maybe Allah can make water from the hot sand come out from beneath the child’s feet, he made little effort just like the pregnant woman Marry the mother of Jesus you call God had to only push the palm tree softly for dates to come down while she was giving birth. Maybe miracles can be proven besides the scientific evidence about Allah mentioned in the Quran which you always omit and take only certain versus and omit others. Let’s mainly look at the versus you choose to mock and twist around. 16:4: [He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer.] “He makes you, In the wombs of your mothers, In stages, one after another, In three veils of darkness.” [Al-Qur’aan 39:6] “Man We did create From a quintessence (of clay); Then We placed him As (a drop of) sperm In a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then We made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood; Then of that clot We made A (foetus) lump; then We Made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh; then We developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, The Best to create!” [Al-Qur’aan 23:12-14] Non of the 2 versus above you mentioned in your article posted on the 15th of September, maybe you should elaborate on them in your next article. I am wondering how I can get someone like you to change facts. Maybe you should practice law.
Name: Ananda
Date: Monday September 17, 2007
Time: 22:53:11 -0700
This is the same Allah who has forced Hijab & Burqah on Muslim females. I have seen girls as young as 9 wearing hijab.
Name: Another Lie by Mr. Asghar
Date: Tuesday September 18, 2007
Time: 03:31:08 -0700
MOUNTAINS ARE LIKE PEGS (STAKES) In Geology, the phenomenon of ‘folding’ is a recently discovered fact. Folding is responsible for the formation of mountain ranges. The earth’s crust, on which we live, is like a solid shell, while the deeper layers are hot and fluid, and thus inhospitable to any form of life. It is also known that the stability of the mountains is linked to the phenomenon of folding, for it was the folds that were to provide foundations for the reliefs that constitute the mountains. Geologists tell us that the radius of the Earth is about 3,750 miles and the crust on which we live is very thin, ranging between 1 to 30 miles. Since the crust is thin, it has a high possibility of shaking. Mountains act like stakes or tent pegs that hold the earth’s crust and give it stability. The Qur’aan contains exactly such a description in the following verse: “Have We not made The earth as a wide Expanse, And the mountains as pegs?” [Al- Qur’aan 78:6-7] The word awtad means stakes or pegs (like those used to anchor a tent); they are the deep foundations of geological folds. A book named ‘Earth’ is considered as a basic reference textbook on geology in many universities around the world. One of the authors of this book is Frank Press, who was the President of the Academy of Sciences in the USA for 12 years and was the Science Advisor to former US President Jimmy Carter. In this book he illustrates the mountain in a wedge-shape and the mountain itself as a small part of the whole, whose root is deeply entrenched in the ground.5 According to Dr. Press, the mountains play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth. The Qur’aan clearly mentions the function of the mountains in preventing the earth from shaking: “And We have set on the earth Mountains standing firm, Lest it should shake with them.” [Al-Qur’aan 21:31] The Qur’aanic descriptions are in perfect agreement with modern geological data. MOUNTAINS FIRMLY FIXED The surface of the earth is broken into many rigid plates that are about 100 km in thickness. These plates float on a partially molten region called aesthenosphere. Mountain formations occur at the boundary of the plates. The earth’s crust is 5 km thick below oceans, about 35 km thick below flat continental surfaces and almost 80 km thick below great mountain ranges. These are the strong foundations on which mountains stand. The Qur’aan also speaks about the strong mountain foundations in the following verse: “And the mountains Hath He firmly fixed.” [Al-Qur’aan 79:32] 6 6
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday September 18, 2007
Time: 09:59:47 -0700
Scientists tell us: "The Himalayas is one of the youngest mountain ranges in the world. Its revolution can be traced to the Jurassic Era (80 million years ago) when the world’s landmasses were split into two: Laurasia in the Northern hemisphere, and Gondwanaland in the southern hemisphere. The landmass which is now India broke away from Gondwanaland and floated across the earth’s surface until it collided with asia. The hard volcanic rocks of India were thrust against the soft sedimentary crust of Asia, creating the highest mountain range in the world." Does it not mean that Allah had forgotten to create the Himalayas concurrently with the earth, thereby leaving the whole of India to the mercy of earthquakes?
Date: Tuesday September 18, 2007
Time: 10:01:38 -0700
Scientists tell us: "The Himalayas is one of the youngest mountain ranges in the world. Its revolution can be traced to the Jurassic Era (80 million years ago) when the world’s landmasses were split into two: Laurasia in the Northern hemisphere, and Gondwanaland in the southern hemisphere. The landmass which is now India broke away from Gondwanaland and floated across the earth’s surface until it collided with asia. The hard volcanic rocks of India were thrust against the soft sedimentary crust of Asia, creating the highest mountain range in the world." Does it not mean that Allah had forgotten to create the Himalayas concurrently with the earth, thereby leaving the whole of India to the mercry of earthquakes?
Name: samuel garcia
Date: Wednesday September 19, 2007
Time: 10:52:06 -0700
I wonder if you've read anything from Zecharia Sitchin, in one instance you've compared the process of Muhammed creating man as that of similarity to artifical semenation. Such is also the case if people are to look at the evidence in the bible with the impregnation of the virgin mary. Although, I'm not completely schooled in any religious capacity, the facts and evidence point to such intervention that parallels the information you've given here.
Name: akthar
Date: Wednesday September 19, 2007
Time: 18:05:41 -0700
ur a very stupid guy
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Wednesday September 19, 2007
Time: 20:56:18 -0700
Samuel wrote: {....Muhammed creating man as that of similarity to artifical semenation. Such is also the case if people are to look at the evidence in the bible with the impregnation of the virgin mary.] Can anyone find out with whose semen had Allah or God made Mary Pregnant?
Name: Marie
Date: Thursday September 20, 2007
Time: 13:06:38 -0700
Samuel could you explain how did God use artificial insemination to impregnate the Virgin Mary?
Name: omeros
Date: Friday December 12, 2008
Time: 23:03:32 -0500
Well, I tell you what... try to understand to save yourself not to stay forever in deep of hell.. everything claimed here is wrong...deceptive.. I can write a book to prove that, but that is not my case.. point is; Quran is advice,,, and take is message sent to everybody.. that is up to you, take it or not but that is your last chance..