Sex in the Islamic City
21 Sep, 2008

FP: Mohammad Asghar, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Asghar: Thank you.
FP: Today I would like to discuss with you Islam’s theology on
Heaven and Hell and who goes there and why. What is the best way to
start this discussion?
Asghar: One way to begin is to focus on the subject of prayer –
considered by all Muslims to be one of the five Pillars of Islam. I
think it is very important to make clear a fact about it that is not
known to many students and observers of Islam.
After standing up for their daily prayers, all Muslims must say
either in Arabic or in their mother tongues that they are offering
their Fajr (morning), Zuhr (early afternoon), Asr (late afternoon)
Maghrib (sunset) or Isha (early night) Fardh (obligatory) or Sunnah
(non-obligatory) prayer to Allah. A sincere and honest declaration
before Allah by the supplicants in the language they understand and
speak completes the essential part of their prayer.
After this is done, they proceed to complete the remaining part
of their prayer in a very well defined manner that requires them,
among others, to recite their selected Suras or Chapters of the
Quran only in Arabic. They cannot recite them in their mother
tongues, or in other tongues, which they may know or be familiar
Sura Fatiha or the Exordium is the first Sura they must recite at
the beginning of each unit of their prayer. Though it is supposed to
have been revealed to Muhammad by Allah, but its content does not
indicate so. Rather, the words “Praise be to Allah,” without the
word “Qul” (say) preceding them, indicate that it was the brainchild
of a human being.
The whole Sura reads:
“Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do
we worship, and thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way; the way
of those on whom thou hast bestowed thy Grace, Those whose [portion]
is not wrath, and who go astray.”
After Sura Fatiha, one of the short Suras that many Muslims
recite is Sura Lahab, or The Father of) Flame. It reads:
“Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he! No profit
for him from all his wealth, and all his gains! Burnt soon will he
be in a Fire of blazing Flame! His wife shall carry the (crackling)
wood – as fuel! – A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own)
This Sura also appears to be the work of a human being, as it
does not begin with the word “Qul” or (Say), but if it was from
Allah, then I must say He cursed one of the uncles (Abu Lahab) and
aunts of Prophet Muhammad in a despicable language. A vast number of
Muslims repeat this curse in their daily prayers without knowing, or
realizing that it is a curse, and that they have been subjecting to
it a man and woman, who passed away over fourteen hundred years ago.
Muslims have constantly been cursing long-dead humans in their
prayer to Allah and, yet they claim they are a kind and forgiving
Pleased with Muslims for repeating to Him the words or messages
He Himself had revealed to Muhammad, Allah will grant them berths in
Heaven -- called “the Gardens” -- on the Day of Judgment. Those
humans and Jinns who failed to earn His pleasure will find
themselves in the fire of Hell.
FP: Sounds quite scary. Allah seems pretty angry and very much
disposed towards punishing people. What’s with all the rage? What’s
he so angry about?
Asghar: Not only that, Allah is also very revengeful. He was in
the past, and He still remains, angry at those men and women, Jinns
and, perhaps, animals as well, for not believing only in Him and
also for not taking Him to be their lone Master. His anger reached
its extreme limit, when the Pagans of the Arabian Peninsula refused
to accept Muhammad’s claim on his prophethood and also for denying
Allah the right to treat them as His slaves.
For the insolence of the Pagans, Allah personally fought them in
the Battle of Badr and slew many of them with His own hand (the
Quran; 8:17), as they were “worst of beasts in {His sight}” (the
Quran; 8:55).
Despite the fact that Allah personally massacred the Pagans and
destroyed an entire race of mankind for hamstringing a she-camel He
had sent to it as a miracle from Him in the time of prophet Salih
(the Quran; 26:157), Allah is still believed by Muslims to be kind,
merciful and magnanimous to His creations.
FP: What is Hell like according to Islam and why does Allah send
souls there?
Asghar: The Quran says that it is the soul of man that commits
the sins. But on the Day of Judgment, it is the body of man, woman
and Jinn that will be sent to Hell to burn in its fire. Why Allah
would do such an illogical thing is beyond my knowledge.
FP: Before we move on, who are the Jinns?
Asghar: Jinn in Arabic mythology is a supernatural spirit below
the level of angels. ‘Ifrit’ (diabolic, evil spirit) and ‘Sila’
(treacherous spirit of invariable form) constitute the classes of
Jinns. They are capable of assuming human or animal form. Muslims
believe that they dwell in the midst of humans and in all
conceivable inanimate objects – stones, trees and ruins – underneath
the earth, in the air and in fire. They can also enter into human
bodies and turn their victims into abnormal beings.
Jinns possess the bodily needs of human beings and produce
children. They can even be driven away or killed, but they are free
from all physical restraints.
Allah created them in the Garden with fire before creating Adam
with clay or dust, and his wife (unlike the Bible, the Quran
identifies Eve as the wife of Adam).
FP: Ok, let’s continue with the rewards and punishments humans
will receive on the Day of Judgment.
Asghar: Burning of human bodies with fire is understandable, but
how about burning fire with fire? Jinns are made of fire and the
Quran says that those of them who sinned on earth will burn forever
in the fire of Hell.
Here is the procedure Allah will follow before sending humans and
the Jinns to the Gardens or to the fire of Hell:
In keeping with His perennial policy of not using the power He
posses - the immensity of which no human will ever be able to fathom
- to instantly create things and to cause events to take place in no
time, Allah will one day order an angel to sound the Trumpet (he has
been waiting, with the Trumpet in his hand, for Allah’s order from
the day He created the Universe), to raise the dead humans with
bleared eyes (the Quran; 20:102) from their graves and to make them
face Him in the trial of all Trials. How and from where the Jinns,
animals and the idols will be raised is not mentioned in the Quran.
At the sound of the Trumpet, all humans, dead or alive, on earth
or in the Gardens and in the heavens as well as all the animals and
Jinns, and the angels who will be living with Allah in Paradise,
will faint with terror, except as such as He will be pleased to
exempt from it (the Quran; 39:68), and all of them will come to Him
as beings conscious of their lowliness. Simultaneously, the whole
earth will become His handful, with the heavens rolled up in His
right hand (the Quran; 39:67). But before letting the earth become
His handful and the heavens rolled up in His right hand, Allah will
give another chance to His creations to correct their ways by
producing a Beast from the earth. This He will do, because men
refused to believe in His Signs, which He had sent to them before
through His prophets and apostles (the Quran; 27:82).
FP: What will this Beast be doing?
Asghar: It will speak to humans, animals and Jinns in their
languages and try to persuade them to believe in all of Allah’s
Signs, including the Quran. Whether it will also be speaking to
those people who passed away before the Quran came to Muhammad is
not known, but the Quran indicates that the Beast will fail in its
efforts whence Allah will ask the angel to sound the Trumpet for the
second time, following which, He will squeeze the earth into one of
His two hands.
But even after becoming a tiny thing in His hand, the earth will
shine with Allah’s glory (the Quran; 39:69), illuminating the path
that will lead all men, Jinns and animals to His Throne.
While rushing to the venue of trial, the resurrected beings will
curse themselves for waking up, on hearing the sound of the Trumpet,
from their deep sleep. What will be the reaction of the animals and
Jinns is not mentioned in the Quran. An unidentified voice will
appear from nowhere and tell the cursing men: you have been awakened
because that was what ar-Rahman (a deity the Pagans of Mecca did not
know) had promised you when you lived on earth. It will also tell
them that what the apostles had told them were true.
The second sound of the Trumpet (the Quran; 39:68), followed by a
blast, will make the resurrected people hasten, like a troop, to
Allah’s presence, with their hearts having come right up to their
throats to “choke them”(the Quran; 40:18). How the Jinns, animals
and idols will approach Him is not stated in the Quran.
Sitting on the Throne of the Chief Judge (the Quran; 36:75) and
the Executioner, and carried by eight angels (the Quran; 69:17),
while other angels, after taking their position around Him, will
sing His glory and praise (the Quran; 39:75), Allah will vow not to
do any wrong to any one of the assembled beings; rather, He will
take steps to justly repay them whatever they had done on earth (the
Quran; 40:17). All the idols that humans had worshipped on earth
will become alive, and they will face the same fate as that of their
worshippers. Allah will also bring forward all the prophets, Imams
and other witnesses from within the assembled crowd to make sure
that the decisions He was going to make were just and fair to all of
His creations (the Quran; 39:69).
Allah will subject all humans, Jinns and animals to trial,
despite the fact that “not a single thing on earth and in the
heavens remain hidden from Him” (cf. the Quran; 40:16). He is “aware
of the treachery of the eyes and even of the secrets that the
breasts keep hidden (the Quran; 40:19) from human eyes.
FP: Animals will be tried by Allah? Like dogs, cats, monkeys?
Animals have souls? Some cats, for example, will go to hell and
others will go to heaven? What kind of criteria will be used?
Asghar: Allah says in the Quran:
“Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as Allah shall disgrace,- None can raise to honor: for Allah carries out all that He wills (22:18].
This verse infers that all things that are in the heavens and
earths, including animals, worship Him to go to the Garden. Those of
them who do not worship Him are fit for Punishment of Hell.
So the answer to your question is yes; animals, too, have souls;
they have been created to worship Allah and those among them who do
not do this will go to Hell on the Day of Judgment.
FP: Let’s move on. After the second blast?
Asghar: After the second blast, a voice from nowhere will
announce: “This is the Day of sorting out, whose truth (ye) denied”
(the Quran;37:21).
I suspect it will be the Prophet Muhammad’s voice that will
resonant the horizon, making the resurrected people and the idols
shiver in extreme fear. He will use the Dooms Day to settle his
disputes with his opponents (the Quran;39:31).
In order to ensure a fair trial to all the people, Allah will set
a seal upon their mouths and then let their hands speak to Him.
Their feet will bear witness to what they had earned (the Quran;
36:65) during their stay on earth. Their ears, eyes and skins will
also bear witness against them (the Quran; 41:20).
Asked by the under-trial people why they are testifying against
them, the skins will tell them:
“Allah hath given us the speech, - (He) Who giveth speech to everything: He created you for the first time, and unto Him were ye to return. Ye did not seek to hide yourselves, lest your hearing, your sight, and your skins should bear witness against you! But ye did think that Allah knew not many of the things that ye used to do! But this thought of yours which ye did entertain concerning your Lord, hath brought you to destruction, and (now) have ye become of those utterly lost!”(The Quran; 41:21 to 23).
But alas. The sycophancy of the skins will not save them from
Allah’s wrath; they, too, will be scalded together with what will be
within the bodies of the condemned sinners (the Quran; 22:20). Those
of the guilty persons who lied against Allah will find their faces
turned black (the Quran;39:60).
FP: Why will Allah place seals on the mouths of the under trial
Asghar: There is only one plausible answer to the question: it is
the fear of truth coming out of the people’s mouth that will force
Allah to shut them up. Feet and hands will speak in a sign language,
as they have no vocal cords, thus making it difficult, if not
impossible, for their owners to understand their testimonies. This
will be a smart and convenient way for Allah to convict many
innocent men and women to satisfy His ego.
FP: Just a second, Allah will send good innocent people to hell?
Asghar: To Allah, good people are only those who believe in His
unitary existence and profess that Muhammad is (or was) His Prophet.
Those humans and Jinns or, perhaps the animals, who do not believe
in these two things, are neither believers nor good beings. The Jews
and Christians whom Allah calls the People of the Book – a reference
to the Torah (Old Testament or the Pentateuch) and the Injil (i.e.
the Bible) He gave, respectively, to Moses and Issa (Jesus Christ),
the son of Mary – are also bad people, as they do not believe in the
prophethood of Muhammad, and as such, they, too, will find
themselves in the fire of Hell- all the good deeds they performed on
earth being of no value to Allah.
FP: Let’s talk about the Gardens for a moment.
Asghar: Allah created seven Gardens at the time He created the
Universe, which includes the seven skies. On them are located all
the Gardens. Each Garden’s width is equivalent to the entire width
of the sky it is located on, as well as the width of the earth (the
Quran; 3:133). In each Garden live various creatures like that of
the earth (the Quran; 10:66). The Prophet Muhammad had seen all of
them with his own eyes, when he paid a visit to Allah, whose Throne
and Residences are presumably located in the Garden that is located
on the seventh sky.
All the Gardens have many security gates (the Quran;13:23),
manned by angels. All of them have rivers (the Quran; 54:54 et al),
flowing with milk and honey (the Quran;47:15) and pure and crystal
clear water and delicious wine (the Quran; 76:5 et al), the taste of
all of which never changes. The inhabitants of the Gardens will
drink wine from goblets (the Quran; 43:71) Allah has crafted for
Tall and green Lote-trees without thorns and Talh trees (the
Quran; 56:28,29) not only perpetually bear cluster of delectable
fruits (the Quran;76:14) and add beauty to the Gardens, they will
also provide protection to their inhabitants from the non-existing
sun’s heat. Beneath them are laid out comfortable but throne-like
benches for the Gardens’ effeminate inhabitants, who will be wearing
bracelets of gold, green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade
(cf. the Quran; 18:31), and reclining on them, they will conduct
their social intercourse among themselves (the Quran; 76:7) and
thank Allah for the favors He will bestow on them (the Quran;
Allocation of space in the Gardens by Allah will be subject to
the ranks He will grant to Muslims, keeping in His mind their
performance on earth (the Quran;52:20). Rank number I will go the
prophets and apostles who taught and led mankind; the second to the
sincere devotees of Truth, who supported His Cause in person and
with all their resources; the third to the Martyrs and Witnesses who
suffered and served His Cause, and the fourth to the righteous
people; generally, those who led ordinary lives, but always with
righteous aims.
The higher the rank the better accommodation and treatments its
holder will receive in the Gardens. For instance, the residents of
the higher Garden, which is also known as the Paradise, will drink
their wine from Golden goblets; the residents of the lower ones will
drink theirs from the silver ones (the Quran; 76:16). Despite their
division into four categories, all the inhabitants of the Gardens
will form one equal Brotherhood of Peace, one Society of Concord
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the Holy Quran; vol. 2, p. 1467). This will
eliminate the sense of jealousy, ill-will and competition from the
Garden dwellers, thus making their lives most peaceful and
Allah will carefully control the temperature of all the Gardens.
They will, therefore, be neither too cold, nor too hot (the Quran;
76:13). The vagaries of nature, which we confront on earth, will not
reach them. They will be free from rain, thunderstorm, tornados,
snowing and all other bad climatic effects. There will be no fear,
no disappointment, nor sorrow to affect their inhabitants (the
Quran; 10:25).
Because of the Gardens’ pleasant and safe climatic conditions, as
I have noted above, almost all of its inhabitants will live in their
open space. Toilet and shower facilities will not exist in the
Gardens. The grounds of the gardens on which Allah lives and walks
will be holy and sacred. In order, therefore, to maintain their
sanctity and holiness, humans will neither defecate, nor will they
urinate on them. Allah will freeze up their wastes in their bodies.
All the residents of the Gardens will live in them without any
tension or concern for their needs, health and life (the Quran;
52:19). Everything will come to them at the expression of their wish
(the Quran; 16:31). If a resident, for instance, will wish to eat a
particular fruit, and he will communicate his wish to Allah through
a means of communication that is available only in the Gardens (the
Quran;56:12), Allah will cause a tree to spring up in front of him,
bearing ripe and delicious fruit. The good resident of the Garden
will not need to extend or move his hands to pluck the fruit; a
simple gesture of his eye will bring it down to his silver plate
(inference drawn from verse 76:14).
When he will wish to eat the meat of a rare fowl (the Quran;
56:21), it will land from nowhere on the barbeque and will cook
itself into a delicious meat. Its uneaten portion will become a full
bird and then fly away, waiting to fulfill at no notice the wish of
another honored guest of the Gardens (cf. the Quran; 52:22).
The doors of the Gardens will be opened by Allah Himself with
keys in His keeping (the Quran; 39:63). Those Muslims who will enter
them will be greeted by Allah with the word “Salam,” a word of
salutation from “a Lord Most Merciful” (the Quran; 36:58). The
Gate-Keepers of the Gardens will also welcome them in with the words
“peace be upon you” (the Quran; 39:73).
Everything in the Gardens will be for the enjoyment of their
residents. In them, their male residents will have companions who
will provide them with immense pleasure without feeling shame or
dislike of their clients. Bashful with dark eyes and virgins, as
chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches (the Quran; 37:48 & 49),
and as young as the men themselves (the Quran; 38:52), the
companions (Hurs) will provide them constant company and sex.
Those men who will not have interest in sex with the female Hurs,
Allah has made arrangement for them as well: they shall be attended
by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholder’s eyes will
seem like sprinkled pearls. When their clients will gaze upon that
scene (what scene it will be is not known), they will behold a
kingdom blissful and glorious (The Quran; 76:19-20, as translated by
N. J. Dawood). Those boys will be wearing fine silk and heavy
brocade, and they will be adorned with bracelets of silver. Allah
will make them drunk (cf. the Quran; 76:21), so that they can serve
their clients to their entire satisfaction.
FP: Just a second. So homosexual pedophiles who get to heaven
will be able to have sex with young boys? This is a bit strange no?
But before we even get to that, how does it make sense that a
homosexual gets into heaven to have sex with boys if homosexuality
is considered a sin in Islam?
Asghar: Allah made laws that suited His mission and whims. He
prescribed death sentence for the lesbians (the Quran; 4:15), but
requires the enforcers of His laws to set the homosexuals free, if
they repent their sin, perhaps, with a pat on their wrists (the
Quran; 16). This privilege is not available to the lesbians. Why?
According to Prophet Muhammad, women are an affliction and there
is nothing more harmful for men than women (see Hadith in volume 7,
Book 62, Number 33). He made this observation after being inspired
by Allah, for he never said or did anything during his prophetic
career without His consent, or permission.
Since Allah is a man, and men controlled the 7th century Arabian
society (they still do), without whose conversion to Islam, it would
have been impossible for Him to make it His only approved religion
(the Quran; 3:85) for mankind, Allah promised boys in the Garden to
those men who were homosexuals in order to win them over to His
side. While making this and other promises to them and the straight
guys, He did not care if what He was telling them made any sense, or
if it contradicted His previous statements. Only thing that mattered
to Him was His desire to succeed against the Pagans of Mecca and the
Jews of Medina.
The early history of Islam tells us that Allah succeeded in His
ploys – He being the best among all the “Deceivers” (3:54; the
Arabic word “almakireena” in the verse means a deceiver). Muslims of
our time take immense pride in His ability to deceive not only them,
but also the rest of mankind!
FP: Let’s proceed with the Gardens.
Asghar: The male residents of the Gardens and their virgin
companions will be doing only one thing: sex. Those men who will be
looking for privacy, they will find their beds in lofty mansions,
one above another (the Quran; 39:20), which Allah has already
constructed for them in an undisclosed place of an un-named Garden.
FP: So what happens to the wives of Muslim men who get to heaven?
Asghar: They will chase their husbands to satisfy their sexual
needs, as Allah has created no beings, such as male Hurs, to attend
to them. But their husbands will not oblige them, for they will
remain busy with the beautiful and virgin Hurs all the time. Under
such a situation, the good Muslim women will have to depend on each
other to meet their sexual needs.
FP: There is a lot of sexual action going here. So in Islam,
sexual desire obviously remains in humans when their souls get to
heaven. Let me get all this straight: Muslim males will be having
sex with either Hurs or little boys and since they will be busy
doing this, their wives will be having sex with each other?
Asghar: Orgies will always take place in the Gardens. With their
male residents’ desire for sex always remaining present in them due
to the presence in their midst of, perhaps, naked Hurs, they will
have nothing to do, but to have sex with them with no barriers to
shield their activity from the next copulating man and Hur. Fathers
will be having sex with the Hurs before the eyes of their sons and
daughters, and sons will be having sex before their fathers and
mothers, if they entered the Gardens. The allurement of booty in
their earthly life and the prospect of being able to engage in
orgies in their next life brought many Pagans to Islam, thus making
Allah successful in His mission against their religion.
Muslims believe in every word of the Quran, as it is from Allah.
Many of them wish to die as martyrs so that they can drink and have
sex with the Hurs. Not to make them wait, until the Day of Judgment,
to enjoy the bliss He has promised to Muslims, Allah transports the
martyrs to the Garden as soon as they lay down their lives in His
Other than Muslims, no one else can believe that orgies will take
place in the Gardens and that humans will live in them like beasts.
FP: So then what?
Asghar: After making sure that all pious Muslims have entered the
Gardens and are comfortable there, Allah will order someone to bring
to Him the wrong-doers and their wives, and the things they
worshipped on earth besides Him (the Quran; 37:22). On seeing them,
Allah will tell them: move away from the dwellers of the Gardens.
“Did I not tell you that you should not worship Satan; for he was to
you an avowed enemy and that you should worship Me alone, for this
was the Straight Way? But Satan led a multitude of you astray
without you ever perceiving it. So, this is the Hell of which you
were repeatedly warned” (the Quran; 36:59-63). Prone on their faces,
blind, dumb and deaf (the Quran; 17:97), they will move forward in
terror with their necks outstretched, heads uplifted, their gaze
returning towards them and their hearts a (gaping) void (the Quran;
14:43), with no hope of escaping punishment from Allah (cf. Abdullah
Yusuf Ali; The Holy Quran; p. 706).
In the meantime, Hell will wait to ambush the transgressors who
will live in it for ages (the Quran; 78:21-23).
FP: Ok, what happens to the sinners?
Asghar: The sinners will be “brought in front of the fire {in
the} morning and evening” to hear their sentencing (the Quran;
40:46). Each Christian will come to Him singly to receive his or her
punishment (cf. the Quran;19:91-95). How the Jews and the
polytheists et al will approach Him is not mentioned in the Qur’an.
Seeing the terrorized sinners approaching Him slowly, Allah will
order the herder:
“Bring ye up the wrong-doers and their wives, and the things they
worshipped – besides Allah, and lead them to the Way to the (Fierce)
Fire! But stop them, for they must be asked: “‘What is the matter
with you that ye help not each other?”(The Quran; 36:54).
When the sinners and their wives will find no helpers among them,
and after they have demanded to ‘see those among the Jinns and men
who had misled them so that they can crush them under the feet’ (the
Quran; 41:29), Allah will place the Books of their Deeds before them
that contain the details of all they had done on earth (the Quran;
18:49), and then will sentence them to the fire of Hell “to live in
it forever” (the Quran; 36:64).
FP: Why do Jinns try to mislead humans?
Asghar: Jinns have a major problem with Allah, as He deceitfully
expelled one of them, called Iblis, from the Gardens on the pretext
that he misled Adam and his wife from His path. Since Iblis could
not retaliate against Allah for His deceitful conduct, he sought His
permission to mislead humans for what He had done to him. Allah
acceded to his request, and as a result, he has been misleading,
from the time of Adam till today, those humans who fell or are
falling into his trap.
FP: There is a process of sinners entering hell?
Asghar: Yes. Hell also has seven gates; through each gate will
enter separate groups of sinners (the Quran; 15:44).
After humans and their idols have been sentenced, but before the
herder begins dragging them towards the Hell, Allah – like a sadist
and vindictive Being- will order the herder to stop them so that He
can ask them: “What is the matter with you that ye help not each
other” (the Quran; 37:25).
When the sinners and their idols will not be able to answer
Allah’s question, and begin arguing among themselves on who led
astray whom, Allah will ask their herder to deliver them to the
Keepers of Hell. But before opening the gates of the Hell for the
sinners, the Gate Keepers will ask them: “Did not apostles come to
you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord,
and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours? (The Quran;
Who were the idols’ apostles and what punishment they will
receive from Allah on the Day of Judgment for their failure to lead
their charge to His righteous path is not to be found in the Qur’an.
Hearing the idols and humans confessing their foolishness to
them, the Gate Keepers of Hell, bowing to a stern command of Allah,
and to the fury and raging sigh of the Fire (the Quran; 25:12),
which is endowed with the faculties of seeing, thinking and judging
(see Abul Ala Mududi; Tafhimul Quran; vol. 3, p. 441), will seize
them and after binding them together will throw them into a
constricted place, forcing them to plead with the Gate Keepers to
destroy them there and then (the Quran; 25:13).
Responding to their pleading, the Gate Keepers will collect them
from the constricted place and make them march in yokes and chains
round their necks towards Hell – the length of the yokes being
seventy cubits (the Quran; 69-31-32) - and then throw them into its
“boiling fetid fluid and fire” (the Quran; 40:71-72) to be destroyed
by them again and again. Inside the Hell, they will be given a
‘garment of fire’ to put over their heads. With their faces turned
upside down in the Fire (the Quran; 33:66), ‘boiling water shall
continuously be pouring over their heads (the Quran; 22:19); the
fetid fluid and fire shall also be performing their duties by
continuously burning them. Allah will replace their burned skins
with fresh ones so that they can keep on tasting the Penalty (the
Quran; 4:56).
Seeing them cry out for help, Allah will have their lips
displaced (the Quran; 23:104), telling them, “were not My signs
rehearsed to you, and ye did not treat them as falsehoods?” (the
Quran; 23:105). Despite having their lips displaced, the sinners
will be able to tell Allah, “Our Lord! Our misfortune overwhelmed
us, and we became a people astray.”(the Quran; 23:106). They will
also cry aloud, saying: “Our Lord! Bring us out: we will live a good
life and will not do as we have done” (the Qur’an; 35:37).
Asking them not to talk to Him again, Allah will then shower them
with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces (the
Quran; 18:29). Even with their bodies and faces completely burned
out, the sinners will succeed in asking Allah to give them a “double
Penalty and curse them with a very great Curse” (the Quran;
33:67-68), as they had obeyed their chiefs and great ones who misled
them on earth.
Condemned men and Jinns will also have ‘intimate’ companions, who
had made their past and present seem alluring to them (the Quran;
41:25; the word “intimate” can be found only in Yusuf Ali’s
translation of the verse), so that they may be able to bear their
punishments with some ease.
FP: Wait a second. There is sex in hell too?
Asghar: It is not clear from the Quran, if sinners will be having
sex while burning in the fire of Hell. But the use of the word
“intimate” by the translator of the verse suggests such a
FP: Do all sinners suffer forever?
Asghar: No, some sinners will escape the punishments, but only
after ‘Allah accepts the repentance of His ‘servants’ and forgives
them for their sins’ (the Quran;39:53). He will not, however,
forgive a vast number of His ‘enemies’ and those who joined gods
with Him and will make them live in Hell forever (the Quran; 41:28).
While being continuously burned by fetid water and fire, the
peccant will drink boiling water (the Quran; 14:16), and, perhaps,
molten brass as well; festering blood, and other putrid things (the
Quran; 38:57). They will sip putrid water without being able to
swallow it. Death will assail them from every side, yet they will
not die, as other harrowing punishments await them (the Quran;
Finding the fire of Hell over them, and below them (the Quran;
39:16), and the fetid fluid making them float, the condemned
sinners, in fetters and wearing garments of liquid pitch (the Quran;
14:49-50), will hold the idols they worshipped on earth as gods
responsible for their plight. The idols will tell them: “Nay, ye
yourselves had no Faith. Nor had we any authority over you. Nay, it
was ye who were a people in obstinate rebellion! So now has been
proved true against us, the Word of our Lord that we shall indeed
(have to) taste (the punishment of our sins).” “We led you astray:
for truly we were ourselves astray” (the Quran; 37:28-32).
The dwellers of Hell will be made to eat the fruit of Zaqqum
tree. It springs out of the bottom of Hell-fire. The shoots of its
fruit-stalks are like the heads of devil, with which they will fill
their bellies (the Quran; 37:62-66).
When they will feel thirsty, they will be taken out of Hell and
given a mixture of boiling water to drink. They will not be given
any cool thing to drink, but a fluid that is dark, murky and
intensely cold! (The Quran; 78:24-25). Their thirst over, they will
be brought back to Hell’s blazing fire (The Quran; 37:67-68) to live
in it forever.
FP: Where is the devil in all of this? Is there any redemption
for him ever?
Asghar: The devil of the Bible is known as Shaitan (the Quran;
7:20) to Muslims. Allah unethically used him for expelling Adam and
his wife from the Garden. Living forever, he is as powerful, if not
more, as Allah is, but he does not have the ability to create
anything. With the help of humans, he kills many of those Muslims,
who visit Ka’aba at Allah’s invitation to perform their hajj; he and
his progeny eavesdrop on Allah and angels to find out what they are
planning for humans and the earth, at the same time, he constantly
tries to mislead humans from the righteous path of Allah, who is one
of their creators.
For the crimes Shaitan has been committing from the time Allah
expelled him from the Gardens, Allah will never forgive him.
Instead, he will burn in the fire of Hell along with Jinns and
FP: Mohammad Asghar, this was quite fascinating. One almost never
hears about these ingredients of Islamic theology. Thank you for
enlightening us.
Asghar: Thank you Jamie.
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Name: Mohammad Asghar has well researched and found truth .let us appreciate his wisdom and analys of theology
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 00:32:41 -0700
Mohammad Asghar has well researched and found truth .let us appreciate his wisdom and analys of theology.It is time for all of humanity to introspect wether we require a religion to live peacefully on earth?
Name: Beowulf
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:05:48 -0700
The islamic concept of heaven is disgusting.
Name: any pics of houries for me to be convienenced ???
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:09:17 -0700
any pics of houries for me to be convienenced ??? i am eager to fuck the 72 houries,just need real proof that the houries r waiting for me for me to do jihad and go to jannat and penetrate all my houries.
Name: al ham dull ill aahhhh...muhamedji...what an article !!!!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:35:01 -0700
al ham dull ill aahhhh...muhamedji...what an article !!!! just imagine father son grandson etc...10 generations of momin having sex with their houries in 1 area.hahahaha
Name: Excellent!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:47:11 -0700
Now we can understand why the muslim leaders show little or no effort to translate the quran or even to teach arabic properly. They don´t want people to understand that it is true nonsense! Instead, rich muslims are sponsoring the quran school were young people learn nothing but reciting and memorising the surahs without understanding anything of it! It is such a waste of time for so many young muslims in a muslims world with so many illiterates and so many uneducated people! The quran it seems, is treated more like a wizard´s spellbook than a regular book - nothing but superstition!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:53:56 -0700
To all Zionist and freethinkers. Your days are numbered. its easy to enjoy this world. Keep enjoying till you reach your creator.
Name: what a nasty paradise.Any human can wish such vulgar beasty one
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:58:21 -0700
what a nasty paradise.Any human can wish such vulgar beasty one.Not even animals desire to such male sex slaves to houries.How can educated muslims still believe these irrationalties of imaginery paradise.Islam will die soon naturally just by truth light of rational thinking.Even a hish school student can do this
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 02:46:06 -0700
Hohohohohahahahahahahahaha! What stupidities that these muslims are given to believe! The 'day of judgement'? Bullshit! Absolute crap - shit of a nonsense! Allah must be the worst fictional villian ever - a psychopath ,a narcissistic bastard(for he knows not who begot him),a moron, a violent lunatic and self-glorifying IDIOT! It is not surprising why muslims are backward ,unreasoning, idiotic and given to irrationality and violent reaction at the slightest provocation - worse than a rabid dog ,such as Muhamad that fake 'prophet' would have been in his lifetime!The worst part is the 'educated' muslims fall for this filthy trash about Allah,his paradise and hell! Certainly there is no way out for these idiotic DOLTS! They perish in their own irrational thoughts filled with lewdity and sexcapades in a non-existing "Jannah"! I have never come accross a filthier and more criminal cult than this 'islam'!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 03:15:36 -0700
You are confusing the issue. Mixing lies with truth to produce a distorted story!
Name: Koran's paradise
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 06:24:54 -0700
Koran's paradise looks like straight from the pages of Playboy or Hustler magazines. While other portions look like straight from a cartoon show!
Name: Fantasy
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 07:08:30 -0700
It's really difficult for me to believe that people accept the teachings of Muhammad and the Quaran as truth. I understand how people want to fantasize about a better existince in an after-life if they are suffering while alive. But that's all it is. It's a fantasy. For example, is Allah, the all powerful, creator of Heavan and earth and Hell so vein that he needs everyone to worship him all the time? Is he that insecure? It also amazes me that people cannot see that religion was created to control the masses. Is it not obvious? When you die, and every cell in your body turns to dust, you cease to exist. If there is a God and an after-life, I'm pretty confident that that existence will be nothing like a living awareness, much less, sense oriented. Our physical senses exists because we are alive. When the body goes, so will the senses. Therefore, the prospect of eternal sexual gratification or eternal physical is suffering is laughable. I suspect most people know this deep down but simply refuse to accept it. Thats called extremism. It's also call pathological. Not just Islam, but all religions. There may be a Creator, but we will never know of It while we live.
Name: To: Koran's Paradise
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 07:11:51 -0700
I am a postal worker. I deliver hustler to Allah's garden twice a month.
Name: To: Postal Worker
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 07:20:50 -0700
I deliver milk to Allah's garden and he keeps trying to pay me with small boys. I keep telling him I'm not catholic, but he just doesn't get it.
Name: Is Allah a Pimp?
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 11:00:55 -0700
He provides virgins to his followers - do we need any additional evidence?
Name: For All Jihadists - Must Read!!!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 11:22:09 -0700
72 big boobed horny virgin DVD for free!------ Contact:
Name: Fell Soory for People Caught in this Brutal Gang
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 14:13:48 -0700
The only solution for everything Islamic Mafia has to offer is violence and more violence against anyone. To scare there opponents they bomb there citizens, to gain sympathy for themselves they bomb there own citizens, example is Merriot Hotel bombing in Pakistan (Islam got nothing to offer except death and destruction).
Name: Police Man to Postal Worker & Milkman
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 16:08:34 -0700
Can you provide me address of Allah, I am looking to arrest him in connection with pedophilia, gang rape, solo rape, male rape, female rape, animal rape, chicken rape, mentally disabled rape, physically disabled rape, armed robbery, unarmed robbery, extortion, fraud, murder, mass murder, racial cleansing, religious cleansing, racial discrimination, religious discrimination and on and on, basically all the crimes a human mind can think off.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 17:03:02 -0700
"Can you provide me address of Allah, I am looking to arrest him ....} He is buried in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Just open his grave and you will find him with his back raised towards the heavens!
Name: if sinners will be having sex while burning in the fire of Hell.
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 17:06:17 -0700
Asghar: It is not clear from the Quran, if sinners will be having sex while burning in the fire of Hell. No sex for infidels in hell.
Name: I got the Idea what Islamic Heaven is ?
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 17:48:34 -0700
By the sounds of words like these " With their male residents’ desire for sex always remaining present in them due to the presence in their midst of, perhaps, naked Hurs, they will have nothing to do, but to have sex with them with no barriers to shield their activity from the next copulating man and Hur ". It seems that Muslims are going to reincarnate as animals and insects, because they are the one who remain naked all the time and can have sex anywhere and anytime, for example activities of goats in a herd of goat, jump over anyone in the herd and start anywhere, anytime 24x7. I think Allah is programming all the Muslims to be animals so that they may not be much surprised with there next life. Anyway they get the best of what they desired for; only CATCH is they will have to become animal or insects for that.
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 19:36:58 -0700
How available is this type of criticism in the Arabic speaking regions of the Internet? I know that nations like Saudi Arabia and Iran go to great lengths to censor pornography and criticism of their regimes and since Muslims often express very strong hostility to criticism of Islam and their "prophet", would it be a safe assumption that it is very hard for Arabic speakers (or Farsi speakers and other peoples of the Islamic world) to come across this sort of dissenting opinion towards Islam? Are debates between apostates and other critics of Islam on the one hand and true believers on the other, common in the non-English regions of the Internet or not?
Name: Question to Muslims
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 20:53:11 -0700
Why it is necessary for someone to be Muslim in order to be a good human being? If God is supreme then, “why he only requires Mohammad as middlemen or pimp?” Why cannot he choose anybody else to be his messenger, its God wish, he may send a messenger like Krishna or Jesus or whoever. If he can create whole universe and even create a human body for low life like you, “Can’t he create a body for himself and take birth?” Who the FC*K are you? And your pimp Mohammad, who dictates to people, “what God can do and what he cannot do?” God can do whatever he likes in order to look after his creation, after all he is God. In reality you and your criminal godfather Mohammad are just parasites trying to rob, rape and kill people on Gods Name.
Name: 3 things Muslims fear most
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 21:25:04 -0700
1) Hell 2) Truth 3) Dr. Ali Sina
Name: To Muslim above
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 21:26:58 -0700
There goes again the Muslim distorted version of a Biblical story!
Name: A quick way to Jannat (Sorry folks, for Muslims only!)
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 23:48:49 -0700
Here is a quick way to enjoy your 72 houris. 1) Get a strong rope. 2) Secure tightly one end of the rope on your neck. 3) Climb a tree 4) Secure tightly the other end of the rope to a big branch. 4) Jump off the tree. Be sure your feet does not touch the ground! 5) Bon voyage! Enjoy your 72 houris!
Name: To the man who delivers milk to allah
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 01:31:36 -0700
Muslims have a sex manual called the quran and the example of their leader muhamed to defend their paedophelia ( sexual molestation of children ) but the catholic priests don't have any such excuse for their crimes. Jesus said "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" Matthew 18:6
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 02:18:00 -0700
Name: seeker
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 04:13:33 -0700
It is obvious that the muslim god Allah, heaven and hell, are figments of the imagination of a very sick mind ,ie the sick mind of Mohammed. He got away with it in seventh century arabia. It is truly amazing that people in the 21`st century still believe in these fairytales and are even willing to kill and die for this imaginary paradise.
Name: Muhammad Peter
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 08:54:02 -0700
Mohammad Asghar is nothing but an ass licker who is more interested in freshly printed notes , so the more you give him [sad bastard] more vulgar he will get.What a load of cocka-bull has has come out with, and all you faithless Bastards are fooled by another ex Muslims.
Name: What is your HEAVEN like you faithless people?
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 08:56:17 -0700
Bounties Of Jannat (paradise) When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced:- (1) You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come. (2) You will remain alive for ever, death will never come. (3) You will remain in bounties which will never be finished. Jannat is made with bricks of gold and silver, Its scent is of perfumed musk. Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot. Its sand is Zafraan. There are eight doors ofJannah. these are eight grades of Jannat:- i) Jannatul Mava ii) Darul Maqaam iii) Darul Salaam iv) Darul Khuld v) Jannat-ul-Adan vi) Jannat-ul-Naeem vii) Jannat-ul-Kasif viii) Jannat-ul-Firdous
Food of Jannah They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years. Every bowl will have a new taste. They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water.There will be no urine and stool. There will be gardens inJannah. Every garden will have the length of about 100 years journey. The shadow of these gardens will be very dense. Their plants will be free of thorns. The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants. Their fruits will be hanging in rows. Jannatul Mava is in the lowest, Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle and Jannat-ul - Firdous is on the highest. Those who love each other for the sake of Allah, will get a pillar of Yaqoot, on which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms. These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya. There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets. On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.
One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver. There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher (pot). Someone asked, Ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe. The Dresses of Jannat The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful. One will wear 70 dresses at a time. These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors. These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible. And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible. These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear. There will be four canals in every Jannah. They are of water, milk, honey and Sharabun Tahoora. There will also be three fountains in Jannah. (i) Kafoor. (ii) Zanjabeel. (iii) Tasneem Qualities of People of Jannah * In Jannah, height of every Mo 'min, will be equal to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet). * Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam) * Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) (30-33 years). * Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam). * Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam) * Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam.) * Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam.) If a person makes Du 'a for Jannah three times, Jannah requests Allah that O, Allah; make his entry into Jannah. And if a person makes Du'a for safety from Jahannum three times, the Jahannnum requests Allah that, O, Allah; save him from Jahannum. May Allah grant the entire Ummah of Nabi sallalahu alayhi wasallam Jannat ul Firdous, Ameen!
Name: rangeet
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 08:59:29 -0700
Boy this Jannat offered by Allah to the believers is something , every wish comes true , do any of you have any thing to offer instead of dry talk, and of denial.
Name: Muhammad Peter
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 09:12:00 -0700
vbv and all you other sick , gready , pale face , daal eating Hindu cultists you have no Jannat, you all wish to come back as flies ,so you can swoop on a freshly laid big pile of dung , sad bastards.
Name: To what is your heaven
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 11:11:12 -0700
Only 7th century-minded fools will believed your fantasy!!! Get your ropes now and proceed to the nearest tree!!! Wishing you a quick trip to Jannat!!! Your 72 horny houris are waiting and wet!!!
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 15:31:18 -0700
To what is you Heaven like... Faithless people's souls will cease to exist. The lights will go out. This is what faithless people expect, and that is what they get. Heaven to faithful people is to exist in a timeless state of love with God. They will be multidimensional beings who can experience whatever they choose. They will not be bound by physical desires and needs. Unless there is no afterlife. You will spend eternity in a state of darkness and absolute absence of light. It will be a loveless extistence separated from God( with weeping and gnashing of teeth. Or if you are just deluded, you will just cease to exist. Maybe we all will.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 16:02:42 -0700
Peter wrote: "Mohammad Asghar is nothing but an ass licker who is more interested in freshly printed notes , so the more you give him [sad bastard] more vulgar he will get." Yes, Asghar is an ass licker and the verses he quoted from the Quran are his own making. Allah could not be as vulgar as this bastard has potrayed Him by inventing a new Quran. Is it not, Mr. Peter alias Raihan alias OneGod alias Akhter and alias what not?
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 21:08:44 -0700
To Muhamad Peter alias zombie Akhter: You can believe in all the trash ,which even a small child living in Alice in Wonderland would find extremely ludicrous,stupid, nonsensical fit only for demented zombies like you fed on an islamic diet of HATE! No civilsed or cultured person can accept suc absolute bullshit and trash.It defies sanity and makes you stupid as evidently you are.If you want to live in that crap expecting sleazy life of drinking and debauchery ,that's your stupidity - For there is no Heaven or Hell except in your hallucinated nut on your shoulders. Science and facts are supreme Truths and not your demented hallucinations that drives half-wits and dim-wits absolutely crazy yearning for a "hereafter" that is non-existent!If you want to be in ignorance and welcome "dark age in your life that's your funeral ,and I am not in the least bothered!
Name: To akhter aka Peter
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 23:27:50 -0700
Why are you still living in this world? You should be in Jannat now enjoying your horny 72 houris and swimming in the river of wine!
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 02:03:27 -0700
Mohammad lied to Arabian people in the 7th century. Then, his followers made a polished biography of him, to attract people to accept Islam. The most dangerous thing is, they replace local cultures with islamic cultures. It is as if the islamic cultures are better than local cultures. Stupid thing is, people who accept Islam, happily abandon their rich culture and civilization, and replace them with Islam, ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 05:29:09 -0700
All the big talk only to insult the muslims. When all of yourl and servants to the zionist and the freethinkers. Do yourl ever wonder where yourl will end up after death? The insults, fabrication etc will only make your joorney to the bottomless pit in hell faster. Enjoy your destiny with satan who betrays all mankind.
Name: To: Muslim Above
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 07:06:57 -0700
Sir, the reason for the insults is based on fear. Freethinkers, as you call us, consider ourselves intellectually superior to radicals and we fear your strange abboration. We consider ourselves more knowledgable of Islam and the Quaran than any radical Muslim. Through logical analysis of the Quran, we have determined that Islam is a religion of hate and some sort of perverted sexual ideology. We are like children with a microscope looking curiously at a strange bug with sharp teeth we found crawling out of the sewer. Most terrorists are followers of Islam. In the face of that fear we confront Islam with insults and consider you to be morally and intellectually inferior. Perhaps it is we who are the extremists, but it is your kind that has provoked it.
Name: To akhter aka Peter
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 07:29:29 -0700
Where are you? You're already in Jannat with your 72 horny houris? Swimming in rivers of wine? Please share your experience with everyone!
Name: Why Muslims are still in this world?
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 07:51:15 -0700
They should be in Jannat now! All of them!
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 08:08:44 -0700
The fable of a pardise with 72 virgins is so programmed into the jihadist mindset that in the 1980's during the war bewteen Iraq and Iran, on a television interview by an American news corresponded with a wounded Iranian soldier in a hospital, he spoke of a pardise with 72 virgins. The interviewer answered him "But that's a matarial and carnal idea of the flesh, what does that have to do with an after life with God?" The solder replied "I don't know, I try not to think of that too much." The reader can be sure he didn't and was programmed not to. This is the result of those brainwased in the madrassas and mosques. Furthermore, this teaching of a paradise with 72 virgins is in conradiction to the Bible, Matthew 22:29,Second Timothy 4:3,4, so that no Chrstian would believe such nonsense. Also an intelligent non-christian can see this as a far-fetched fabrication. For example, the French philosopher Francois- wrote Voltaire [1694-1778] wrote "As long as men continue to believe in absurdities they will coninue to commit atrocities."
Name: Tony
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 11:35:05 -0700
I want to see Islam become just like Mohammed & Allah - DEAD like Mohammed, and NON-EXISTENT like Allah!
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 15:01:38 -0700
"I want to see Islam become just like Mohammed & Allah - DEAD like Mohammed, and NON-EXISTENT like Allah!" Muslims once set fire to the Ka'aba and Allah could do nothing. If you want to see Islam gone, destroy the Ka'aba. This will once again prove to Muslims that Allah, if he exists, is helpless and he can do nothing to help them out of the predicaments they face today.
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 18:15:38 -0700
Name: To:What is Heaven like you faithless people...
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 21:13:36 -0700
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 21:21:18 -0700
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 21:23:00 -0700
Name: To all Muslim fanatics
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 06:33:47 -0700
It is the Koran that corrupted the Biblical stories!!! The Bible was written by 40 different authors in different times in a span of 15 centuries. Yet it delivers a unifying message: God's love. While the Koran was written in a span of 22 years coming from a man named Mohammad who was a pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, plunderer, butcher. It's unifying message is murder, rape and pillage!!! It is you Muslims that will face HELLFIRE for following false prophet and anti-Christ!!!
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 07:10:02 -0700
[2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered
Name: To Muslim above
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 07:22:28 -0700
Allah is none other than Satan the Devil, the Deceiver, the Destroyer, the Father of all Lies, the Old Serpent, the Dragon, the Ruler of this World (in Islamic Countries!). You Muslims will face HELLFIRE for following false prophet anti-Christ, pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, plunderer, butcher Mohammad!!!
Name: Susan
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 10:13:34 -0700
Anyone who reads and understands the Bible knows Christians win in the end. Convert before it is to late. Susan
Name: To Susan
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 12:23:31 -0700
The true God, the true Creator of the Universe, the God that gave us the Ten Commandments, works wonders so that as many people of their own freewill and not forced under threat of death will follow God to become His children and to inherit eternal life!!!
Name: To Susan
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 19:52:57 -0700
[42:36-38] So whatever thing you are given, that is only a provision of this world's life, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord, and those who shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive, and those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and their rule is to take counsel among themselves, and who spend out of what We have given them.
Name: Brain-dead Muslims
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 22:55:20 -0700
There is no point in arguing with brain-dead Muslims! Go and continue with your Islamic Jihad. This is not 7th century Arabia! You will be surely defeated and your journey to your Jannat ensured!!!
Name: Josiah Patrick P. Bagayas
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 05:55:25 -0700
Hello guys! By the way, I'm from the Philippines (a largely Christian country). haha. :)) It's quite funny and exhilarating to read all your comments because Christians already won this argument prior to the rise of a very false religion we call ISLAM. But nowadays, our main problem is that Muslims are still blind spiritually with their hell-bound religion. It's our duty as Christians to voice out the Truth to Islamic maniacs. Remember John 3:16!
Name: To above
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 06:00:55 -0700
You are absolutely right!
Name: Think again...
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 23:02:21 -0700
If your country was bombarded by suicide bombers from surrounding countries you would impose curfews too. Curfews don't justify the 10,000 plus acts of terror by muslims since 9/11.
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 23:09:04 -0700
Name: Crazy muslim clerics!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 20:05:06 -0700
One muslim cleric defends the gang-rapes of non-muslim women in Scandinavia by muslim men saying it's the fault of the women! Another says Mickey Mouse is the "servant of Satan." Another says that if a married couple has sex totally naked their marriage is void. Are these people just crazy?!
Name: To above
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 02:16:31 -0700
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 19:32:04 -0700
A lot of people are seeing this fact! (that these guys are crazy!)
Name: Islam is Deception
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 21:48:33 -0700
When Truth is mixed with Lies many will be deceived. Truth(Bible) + Lies(Mohammad) = Koran = 1.5 billion Muslims deceived.
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