Hajj and Qurbani: Their Impact on Poor Muslim Countries
16 Dec, 2004
The Hajj and Qurbani season—an occasion of extreme animal cruelty and impoverishment of poor Islamic countries whilst swelling the coffers of Jihad-sponsoring Saudis—have begun with ever-greater zeal this year with 3 million pilgrims from some 10,000 fifty years ago. This article is timely for enlightening Muslims about this cruel and pernicious, but holy, Islamic festival. - MA Khan
The early part of 2005 will bring an occasion, when a large
number of Muslims from all over the globe will flock to Mecca of
Saudi Arabia to perform their yearly pilgrimage. Known as hajj, it
requires each pilgrim to sacrifice at least one animal before it is
declared complete. Others, who will not be able to go to Mecca for
any reason, will slaughter a large number of animals in their home
countries in the name of Allah.
Though the rituals of hajj have been taking place for almost 1,400 years, but it is not known if an objective study was ever carried out to find out what impact these rituals have been having on the economies of the poor Muslim countries of the world.
I was born and raised in Bangladesh-a predominantly Muslim country. I know how poor my country is, and also, how its poor masses have been surviving for generations. Keeping these two factors in mind, I am writing this article to draw Muslims’ attention to the baneful effect that hajj and the ritual of killing numerous animals to please Allah have been having on their nations’ economies from the day hajj was made one of the pillars of their religion.
Actually, if we read carefully the Quran through which Muslims have been instructed to perform hajj at least once in their lifetime, we will find that hajj was made obligatory only for the Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula. Not only that, even its entire contents and the religion of Islam were also intended only for them, and not for anyone else. The following verse of the Quran supports this fact:
“Thus have We sent by inspiration to thee {i.e. Muhammad} an Arabic Quran: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities {i.e. Mecca} and all around her, - and warn (them) of the Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt: (when) some will be in the Garden, and some in the Blazing Fire.” [Quran 42:7]
The speaker in the verse is Allah. His instruction, given to Muhammad through inspiration, as mentioned in the verse, is clear: He wanted him to preach the gospels of his religion only to the Arabs, who lived in Mecca and all around her. Because the religion of Islam was designed exclusively for those people, Allah revealed the contents of the Quran to Muhammad only in Arabic so that they could understand them without facing any difficulty.
Allah’s instruction on the rituals of hajj was also intended for compliance by the Peninsular Arabs only. This is deducible from the following verse of the Quran:
“And complete the Hajj or ‘Umra in the service of Allah. But if ye are prevented (from competing it), send an offering for sacrifice, such as ye may find, and do not shave your heads until offering reaches the place of sacrifice. …” (I have snipped the remaining part of the verse, as it is irrelevant to my discussion). [Quran 2:196]
Allah asked those intending pilgrims, who are prevented from physically completing their hajj, to send offerings to Mecca, and not to shave their heads until their offerings have reached the place of sacrifice. This instruction came down to the Muslims in the 7th century, when there hardly existed any easy means of transportation between Mecca and, say, the Indian sub-continent.
Let us now consider the following scenario, keeping in mind the constraints of the old days: Mr. X, a Muslim from Calcutta, decided to perform his hajj, say, in the 14th century, when almost all of India had fallen to the Muslim rulers. After reaching Bombay, he fell sick. As instructed by the Quran, he is now in need of sending an offering to Mecca for sacrifice there on his behalf.
Finding a surrogate, who is willing to physically carry his sacrifice to Mecca, he buys a sheep and dispatches him on his journey to the place of sacrifice. Given the fact that there existed, in those days, no steamer or airline service between Bombay and the present-day Saudi Arabia, can we imagine how many months, if not years, the substitute hajji would have taken to reach his destination safely, with the sheep in his toe?
Conversely, let us suppose that an Arab Muslim from Medina failed to reach Mecca for hajj due to an illness. He, therefore, arranges one of his relatives to carry an offering to the place of sacrifice. Do we know how long a time his offering was going to take to reach Mecca?
A few days, at best. The carrier of his offering reaches the place of sacrifice not only in a few days’ time; he also avails himself of the occasion, when all pilgrims sacrifice their offerings on the Id Day in the valley of Mina.
From the contents of the two Quranic verses, it is clear that:
The religion of Islam was intended only for the people of the Arabian Peninsula;
And that the rituals of hajj and Qurbani (animal sacrifice) were also meant only for them.
Despite the fact that the Quran does not require non-Arab Muslims to carry out the rituals of hajj and Qurbani, a large number of them from all over the world spend colossal amounts of money every year on them. This they have been doing, one generation after another, without realizing the devastating effects their actions have been having on their national economies. The following illustration may be a ‘food for thought’ for those Muslims of Bangladesh who hold the wellbeing of their country to their hearts:
Bangladesh is a small country with a population of over 144 Million people. Unemployment is rampant. Its people’s per capita income in 2004 was a paltry sum of $400.00 dollars.
The government of Bangladesh cannot implement even small but very important projects, like the immunization of its people, without foreign help. It can neither buy important diagnostic equipment for its hospitals nor can it afford to feed a large number of poor people, who survive by begging and scavenging the trashcans of their rich compatriots.
Yet, Bangladesh decided to permit 40,000 of its Muslim citizens to perform their hajj in 2005. Out of this number, 10,000 will be traveling to Mecca on the concession fare the government-owned Airline has agreed to charge them. Still, each of the 10,000 pilgrims will require to pay Tk.130,000 or approximately $ 2,200.00 to the government for covering the royalty it has to pay, on their behalf, to the Saudi government, airfare and a simple lodging in Mecca. This amount does not include the money each pilgrim will have to spend on buying at least one sacrificial animal, nor does it include other essential expenses that they will require to incur during their stay there. Therefore, each pilgrim is expected to spend at least another $300.00 on these accounts, which means that each of the 10,000 pilgrims will be spending at least $2,500.00 on their hajj related matters.
The total amount, to be squandered by only 10,000 pilgrims in Bangladesh’s hard-earned foreign currency, will be a large sum of about $25 Million Dollars.
The remaining 30,000 pilgrims will be traveling with their own arrangements. Since they will not be entitled to discounted fares from the Airlines and, as many of them will be traveling in Business Class and be staying in expensive hotels in Mecca, each one of them is expected to spend at least $5,000.00 on their pilgrimage the next year. In all, 30,000 Bangladeshis are expected to waste approximately $150 Million Dollars on the rituals of hajj and Qurbani, both of which the Quran does not require them to undertake ever in their lives.
In addition to spending a staggering sum of approximately $175 Million Dollars by 50,000 Bangladeshi Muslims on their hajj and Qurbani, at least 500,000 of them will be slaughtering, if not more but at least, an equal number of animals all over their country. Estimating that each animal, on an average, is likely to cost about $300.00, the total amount they will be throwing away into the drain in the name of a ritual that is harmful for them as well as for their country is expected to be around $150 Million Dollars.
All together, 40,000 pilgrims and approximately 500,000 non-pilgrim Muslims of poor Bangladesh are expected to make their country poorer in 2005 by approximately $325 Million Dollars. This will happen, despite the fact that most of this money is likely to come from those wage-earners who toil day and night in foreign lands to earn a few hundred dollars a month. Bangladeshis will squander this huge amount of money, despite the fact that a large number of its people, living in its northern part, do not get any food, when suffering from monga, to feed themselves and their children. This colossal wastage will take place, despite the fact that many of its farmers do not have a pair of oxen to till their lands.
I urge all patriotic Muslims of Bangladesh to rise up and to stop their ill-informed brethren from squandering their meager resources on rituals that their religion does require them to perform. I urge them to stand up and ask their government not only to discourage its citizens from undertaking hajj but also to prevent its officials, including the Prime Minister, from performing Umra every now and then at the cost of the people.
I believe that Bangladesh can overcome its present situation, if its people are motivated to stand up against all kinds of wastages. Like the rituals of hajj and Qurbani, corruption has also been eating into their nation’s vital economic veins. By plugging only these two dangerous drains of wastage and plunder, they can save for themselves at least a billion dollars a year. And with this huge sum of money, they can, over a period of time, not only free their country from its abject poverty, this would also save them from all kinds of humiliations they have been suffering regularly at the hands of their donors.
Should not the Muslims of Bangladesh opt for national wellbeing, prosperity, respect and dignity in place of unnecessary religious dogmas, and lead themselves to a position, which will allow them to stand up, among the people of other nations, with their heads high?
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Name: I totallly agree with the Author
Date: Sunday December 07, 2008
Time: 23:04:54 -0500
I believe that if the muslims of the subcontinent stop indulding in this meanigless and cruel ritual of Qurbani and stop going for Haj and Omrah, we could set KSA back by many years. The revenues earned by the Saudis by means of Haj account for billions of Dollars each year. This money is in turn used to fund the Jihadis who kill inoccent people around the world. Besides it may be know to the practicing Muslims that all of this money finds its way to the coffers of saudi Royal family which uses this money for not so hala purposes. The royal family of Saudi arabia is notorious for its Gmabling and womanising insticts. So even those Muslims who love their Islam can take a cue from this!!
Name: Pre-Islamic pagan tradition
Date: Sunday December 07, 2008
Time: 23:26:03 -0500
Pilgrimage to Mecca was a pre-Islamic pagan tradition continued to this day by Muslims.
Name: go to hell
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 00:01:38 -0500
you infidels will be grilled in afterworld. all misery in world is bcz u pigs.i am a ex christian and now convert to islam.yoy must be killed with torture.atheist=shit and yoy are asslickers of motherfuckers such as george bush
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 00:14:47 -0500
Name: jackiebrownstone
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 00:15:23 -0500
Name: jackiebrownstone
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 00:25:22 -0500
*Note to fellow commentators: In regards to - go to hell post - Please don't bother hammering on this guy. He's obviously a young guy going through some tough times in his life. He may even be a good and decent person who just currently has some serious misunderstandings about his religion. Speaking as an ex-muslim myself, i'v met many good people who have unfortunately been deceived by this fraudulent religion.
Name: to:Go to hell
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 00:25:45 -0500
Dear brother, You need spiritualism.Please try any spiritual method to remove your hatred for humanity.Otherwise you will end up burning in this life with hatred and after life in hell.
Name: reply to go to hell
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 01:19:22 -0500
proof required of a radiodated carbon quran to 700 ad not cock and bullshit stories of collection of quran after mohammed death collection from bones stones leaves no quran available during time of mohammed earliest available manuscript of quran 200 years after death of mo -every thing of islam is bullshit forgery and rests on sinking sand to hell with your filty lies-word of god a true god can with stand all scientific enqueiries does not require force and intimidation to holds it followers or require violence and threats to gain acceptance and credibilty alas all these are lacking in islam hence it is of satanic influence you and your terrorists maniac butchers will be rotting in hell with your perverted paedophile prophet for generations to come
Name: reply to go to hell
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 01:20:09 -0500
proof required of a radiodated carbon quran to 700 ad not cock and bullshit stories of collection of quran after mohammed death collection from bones stones leaves no quran available during time of mohammed earliest available manuscript of quran 200 years after death of mo every thing of islam is bullshit forgery and rests on sinking sand to hell with your filty lies-word of god a true god can with stand all scientific enqueiries does not require force and intimidation to holds it followers or require violence and threats to gain acceptance and credibilty alas all these are lacking in islam hence it is of satanic influence you and your terrorists maniac butchers will be rotting in hell with your perverted paedophile prophet for generations to come
Name: good one,but greed for wine/houries in jannat is too alluring !!
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 01:26:36 -0500
good one,but greed for wine/houries in jannat is too alluring !! muslims think by doing hajj,they wash away their sins,and maybe can enter imaginary jannat for wine/ houries,but....the fact is there is no god/allah and jannat is imaginary.
Name: Faisal
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 02:55:03 -0500
In the hadith it is said that a person who performs HAJJ will not become poor. Alhamdullilah - I am a living proof of that. After Haj Allah has favoured me more than I had ever expected.
Name: Stoning of the Devil
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 03:31:34 -0500
It is barbaric, isn´t it?
Name: MA Khan ---->> Faisal...
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 09:57:38 -0500
Bill Gates never performed hajj. There must be many people around you who are richer than you without ever performing this cruel, silly Pagan rituals of the 7th century. Neither is it respectable of being rich by someone's favour be it God or anyone else; working hard, intelligently for your dollars is the respectable way for self-respecting people.
Name: Re: Go to Hell
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 10:07:15 -0500
George Bush is the man who holds hands with SOWdis and calls Islam a "religion of peace". After Arab Muslims murdered 5,000 Americans, he personally made sure that Bin Ladin's family and others saftely returned to KSA before he did anything else. Now he's leaving office having bankrupted America to fight a man who did more to threaten the Kuwaitis and SOWdis than anyone else. You should love Bush.
Name: RE:Faisal
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 10:12:10 -0500
Do you know that the world's richest people are not Muslims but non-Muslims. none of them have ever done Haj. Tell me why does your Allah give them all the riches? Another thing is that 95% of the Islamic nations are dirt poor surviving on the aid that come from Kouffar nations, especially from the West? Why did Allah make Islamic nations so dependent on the Kouffar? Please let me know, I would be pleased to hear your rational answer.
Name: Witness to the gruesome Qurbani
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 10:39:12 -0500
I have witnessed so many gruesome Qurabnis in my life, that I still shudder when I think of it. The slaughter of a poor dead animal which is tied with ropes is turned into a spectate where young and old alike enjoy the entire scene and cheer as though they were doing something that deserves a Nobel prize. How can some one's death bring a smile to some1z face is something I really fail to understand. Even pregnant animals are not spared. Muslims sometimes truly behave no better than wild animals who don't have any sort of mercy in them. Makes me feel sick to think that I ever was one........
Name: Faisal have gone pilgrimage through kaffirs sbsdiy money
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 11:38:57 -0500
Faisal have gone pilgrimage through kaffirs subsdiy money ?Next how you got rich?is it hrough legal business or black business or mafia or llike hhigh way looting and night raidings like mohammad?stupid any one can progress only through his personal efforts.Tthis applies to all religions.Tell your technique to poor or prasitic islamic countries which depend on kaffirs money or their scientifc inventions for their surviaval.
Name: balam
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 11:55:46 -0500
It is a very nice article written by one who knows and understands Islam.It is an evil Cult ,initiated by a vile Arab.Qurbani teaches Mohammadans how to cut the throats of Non-Muslims without squirming.How demonic!!.Can somebody enlighten me with anything good about Islam.Mr.Faisal is excluded because he seems Insane .
Name: balam
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 11:55:49 -0500
It is a very nice article written by one who knows and understands Islam.It is an evil Cult ,initiated by a vile Arab.Qurbani teaches Mohammadans how to cut the throats of Non-Muslims without squirming.How demonic!!.Can somebody enlighten me with anything good about Islam.Mr.Faisal is excluded because he seems Insane .
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 12:27:01 -0500
Note once again how Muhammad helped his followers make money by preying upon others. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Muhammad so wanted to gain control of Mecca so that the Hajj could become a source of revenue for the Muslim Arabians.
Name: Irrational response
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 13:00:03 -0500
Hardcore Muslims could never present their side of an argument in a sane and civilized manner.
Name: Qurbani--questions on global warming: SK Jain
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 18:34:59 -0500
I would like to ask meat eaters, including the people who perform Qurbani, the following question: How much global warming the slaughter industry is causing? It is second only to petroleum-related industry. These are the facts on global warming. The present CO2 concentration in the environment is around 370 ppm. The critical level will be 450 ppm, when many species start to disappear. Life on planet may become extinct if it crosses 580 ppm. I would like to know how many of you (Muslims, X-Muslims, atheists, other practitioners) are ready to give up meat-eating in order to save the planet? I am a Jain and like many Hindus and Buddhists, eat only vegetarian/vegan food. Although West is taking a big stand on global warming, yet majority of the western people are meat-eaters. Is meat eating an integral part of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic society? SK Jain
Name: Wagamama to SK Jain
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 18:45:23 -0500
You have posed a very good question. It is an interesting article by Asghar. However, he has missed the impact of Qurbani on global-warming.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 05:16:13 -0500
Poor assholes ,these nonarab muslims, dolts and zombies that they are fail to see that Saudi Arabia is just insuring a safe economy for themselves once they run out of oil! Hahahahahahahaha! Damn these idiots that they can't see through thius fraud of the cult of IUslam and their Saudi overlords!
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 05:19:08 -0500
Poor assholes ,these nonarab muslims, dolts and zombies that they are fail to see that Saudi Arabia is just insuring a safe economy for themselves once they run out of oil! Hahahahahahahaha! Damn these idiots that they can't see through thius fraud of the cult of Islam and their Saudi overlords!Alas there is no dearth of idiots , especially once they become muslims entrapped in the dream of 72 big boobed 'whores' in 'Jannat' and lots of wine, served by pearly eyed boys whoi also are a part of the eternal sexcapade!
Name: amar khan
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 07:15:56 -0500
how meat eating effects global warming? i cant understand you.would you please explain.
Name: lw1
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 08:46:06 -0500
If the Bangladeshis remember their history and realise they were all originally Hindus or Buddhists and have courage to embrace either of those religions or even Christianity, they will all be better off except their mullahs.They should remember also that most of their forefathers would have been forced to convert to Islam. They will make rapid progress and will get a lot more help.At the moment, many of them would migrate to any western country,rather than Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Dubai where they are discriminated against, at the first opportunity and hope to improve the lot of their family by sending money back.I know a very few who have converted to Christianity and kept it secret. They do not want to go back to Bangladesh. Come out of your comfort zone and have courage for the sake of humanity.You have forgotten the help India gave you in time of need.
Name: lw1 to Amar Khan
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 09:01:58 -0500
For example - while a cow is growing up till it is ready to be slaughtered,it will require tons of feed.The meat obtained from the cow might feed say (not an accurate figure,this is just an example) 1000 people. The land used to feed the cow instead could be substituted to grow food for people.That produce would feed far more people. Meat is an inefficient use of resourses.
Name: ciccio
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 12:05:32 -0500
You should read the Saudi "Arab News". In the last month it has been full of stories about the haj. How some enterprising chap bought some cheap tents, parked them on a hill and rents them out at $30 per person per night. Other stories on those not being able to afford the $800 haj permit paying locals very highly for being driven around the checkpoints. Rooftops fitted with sleeping bags for a outrageous rates. From a historical perspective, Mecca has always been a place of pilgrimage for all the heathen idols and big mo's clan clan was one of the leaders in the business, all he did was to leave them a nice business.
Name: to SK Jain
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 15:06:01 -0500
Something that Vegitarins seem to forget, plants are still living, breathing, and reproducing beings. Though they do not have a face, they are still living things. So by being a vegitarian, and being buddha/hindu, you are still killing/eating living things.
Name: To Amar Khan--from SK Jain
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 18:08:47 -0500
Hi Amar, the pollution caused by the slaughter house industry is overwhelming. According to UN report "raising animals for food generates more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, trains, ships, and planes in the world combined". Meat industry is one of the largest sources of carbon dioxide and the single largest source of both methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide is about 300 times more potent as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide. Please go through the following link : www.nowpublic.com/environment/does-your-diet-affect-environment-look-global-warming-pollution-deforestation-and-meat-egg-and-dairy-production
Name: To <to SK Jain>
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 18:17:43 -0500
You wrote: Something that Vegitarins seem to forget, plants are still living, breathing, and reproducing beings. Though they do not have a face, they are still living things. So by being a vegitarian, and being buddha/hindu, you are still killing/eating living things. SK Jain>> Did I ever raise the issue of killing on this forum? All I said is that meat industry is causing serious global warming. The current CO2 content in the atmosphere is 370 ppm, which if goes up to 450 ppm causes severe damages. Look dude, eating or not eating meat is your personal choice. Eating vegetables, cereals, and fruits definitely does not cause global warming. I never talked about animals and plants having life. I am more concerned in the final result. Is that making any sense at all? Here is the UN report on slaughter house "raising animals for food generates more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, trains, ships, and planes in the world combined". You can verify it by all means. Now tell me, what is the difference between Qurbani (offering) and sophisticated slaughter houses? One is doing pollution in the name of God and the other is doing in an atheistic fashion. Will the author of this article throw light on Western Qurbani (aka slaughter houses)?
Name: HamMoed
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 19:55:00 -0500
I would like to take a shit in Mecca after eating a Ham dinner so I can leave them something special.
Name: Asha
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 19:57:07 -0500
Who wants me ? I am 9 years old. Are there any old men for me at the Hajj ?
Name: To SK Jain
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 05:27:51 -0500
Have you considered that forests are chopped down for both raising animals AND growing foodcrops. Unless you eat food from plants that exist only in the untouched wilderness, you too are adding to the deforestation and hence global warming. Essentially, you're bad like me, just a little less so. A bit of a pointless argument, however. I'm sure everyone on this thread have a carbon footprint many, many times what it should be. Doesn't make it right, just not worth discussing. Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth, carpool, compost trash, recycle, and all the other things which one should do to protect the planet. A small point though, what if I raised and ate my own animals without any industrial processes involved? Would that be okay?
Name: To Mo Asghar
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 05:46:42 -0500
Nice article. Interesting approach. 585 people have now read this, and I'm sure less have understood your point and gone on to rant about crap. I'm sure there's anough people to try and take you down (eg "Go To Hell" Guy) but the facts must remain in full view! Nicely done.
Name: To<To SK Jain> from Jain
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 06:04:45 -0500
Have you considered that forests are chopped down for both raising animals AND growing foodcrops. >> For feeding the entire planet, not even 10% of the total land is required. Moreover, as soon as some trees are chopped, some vegetables, fruits, and other vegetation is grown. This always keeps it green. Moreover, if it were to cause global warming, UN report would have clearly mentioned that. If it doesn't exist, you are making an illogical point. Unless you eat food from plants that exist only in the untouched wilderness, you too are adding to the deforestation and hence global warming. >> GROWING VEGETABLES AND FRUITS DOES NOT RELEASE GREENHOUSE GASES INTO ATMOSPHERE. Please consult an Environmental Engineer. Please don't goof up ideas. Essentially, you're bad like me, just a little less so. A bit of a pointless argument, however. >> Are growing fruits and vegetables releasing greenhouse gas into atmosphere? You are so much eager to satisfy your tongue with meat that you are defying logic. Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth, carpool, compost trash, recycle, and all the other things which one should do to protect the planet. >> Use greener energies; biodegradable plastics, recycle water, CLOSE SLAUGHTERHOUSES that release toxic gases. A small point though, what if I raised and ate my own animals without any industrial processes involved? Would that be okay? >> Can you do that in a city? In cities, almost all meat is procured from slaughterhouses. How are you going to clean the little slaughterhouse that you have? With blood and waste lying there, how are you going to incinerate it and maintain hygiene? It seems you need to gain knowledge on the impact of global warming caused by meat industry. I can give lecture to you but can't do it due to lack of space. Anyway, if you believe in the UN report, then act accordingly. Else, follow your good old days. The ball is in your court.
Name: Dr R Brahmachari
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 07:10:23 -0500
The author should have provided a rough estimate of the total amount of money all the 3 million or more hajis spend every year in Saudi Arabia in the haj season. The picture would have given an idea how SA exploits Muslims around world through its religious imperialism. It is better, sooner the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent release themselves from the religious enslavement and come back to their ancestral faith.
Name: Thanks to Allah
Date: Friday December 12, 2008
Time: 00:53:18 -0500
I read the first part of the article, again like the rest of the stuff published on this website article is full of errors and wrong facts. First “it requires each pilgrim to sacrifice at least one animal before it is declared complete” That is an intentional lie on the part of those “great scholars” who claim to have researched Islam. The fact is that hajj can be performed in three different ways; one of them does not require sacrifice of animals. A person can choose to perform the type of Hajj they wish. As for those who do not go to Hajj ‘and Islam does not impose hajj for those who are unable to perform it for physical or financial constraint’ those do not have to offer sacrifice. If they are able to then they should and they are encouraged to offer the third of the meat to the poor, the third to their friends and family and third is theirs to keep. This is what Islam is all about sir, social and community wellbeing. “The speaker in the verse is Allah. His instruction, given to Muhammad through inspiration, as mentioned in the verse, is clear: He wanted him to preach the gospels of his religion only to the Arabs, who lived in Mecca and all around her. Because the religion of Islam was designed exclusively for those people, Allah revealed the contents of the Quran to Muhammad only in Arabic so that they could understand them without facing any difficulty.” First I want to tell Mohammad Asghar to first change his name. Secondly even if you believe that the Quran is for Arabs and for the people of Mecca no one will force you to accept Islam. Most importantly however is that you are telling a lie because the Quran speaks to the whole world. The proof is in the first chapter verse 2. [1] In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. [2] Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Lastly, I do not know what you are saying, cruelty to Animals. I guess you are now one of those animal activists.
Name: Committed infidel
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 11:20:38 -0500
The sorry truth about the hajj is that it is a money-spinner, like all places of pilgrimage. It is only because the Americans created the oil industry in the middle east that there is any wealth there at all. Before they arrived, the Saudi 'Royal' family, ie the greatest cutthroats, would BORROW money from the Egyptians and REPAY it after the hajj (I wonder at what percentage rate?). The elite alone lived off it, just as they live off all the oil booty now.
Name: muna
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 09:41:56 -0500
you seem to be runing your mouth alot, so what are you going to do about this, Iraq, is in a deep shit, because of America, not because of Hajji, stupid, sellout,your cheap article will not brainwash any,one but yourself, get a life, okay.