Islam: A Pack of White Lies
20 Nov, 2005
- Criminals of all colors, caste and creed also lie to escape punishments for their crimes; petty thieves do the same for the same reason. There are many others who, though appear to have gentle and attractive countenances, feel no qualm in using the venom of their lies, when the use of it is likely to destroy their real and perceived enemies.
The severity of lies depends on the magnitude of success that lies are expected to bring to the liars. Therefore, the world has seen a large number of both small and big liars ever since humans started walking on earth’s surface. It would continue to hold liars on its bosom until the time it disappears from the solar system of our universe.
Throughout human history liars were able not only to bring wealth, fame and power to themselves, they also succeeded in enslaving a large number of mankind by combining lies with their power of manipulation. In support of my statement, I cite a few examples of lies, which had been impacting our lives from the time humans began treating those lies, not as lies, but as truths.
When, over 3,300 years ago, some manipulative Hebrews wanted to establish their hegemony over their fellow religionists, they concocted the story of their exodus from Egypt , supposedly under the leadership of a leader, they named only Moses, together with clothing him with the garb of a prophet. They projected him as being the only human being with whom Allah (God in English) spoke in person on the summit of Mount Sinai , and gave him the Book, now called the Torah.
Some 2,000 years ago, when another group of manipulative people wished to subject the Jews to their rule, they had a virgin girl given birth to a son, who is now known as Jesus Christ. In his manhood, this son of a virgin mother, rightly claiming that he was a “Son of God,” declared that many of the things the Jews had been doing for ages were wrong and that he was sent by his Father to set them on the path of righteousness and honorable living. He wore the mantle of a religious reformer to seize power from the rabbis, and to declare himself the King of the Jews, if he succeeded with his ploy.
In the struggle for power, Jesus lost. When the powerful Jewish rabbis succeeded in securing, for him, a death sentence, which was to be carried out through crucifixion, his All-Powerful Father i.e. Allah did not intervene; instead, He permitted his son’s enemy to execute him brutally so that He could use his holy blood for the expiation of his followers’ sins.
Approximately seven hundred years after Christ’s crucifixion, an illiterate but highly intelligent man by the name of Muhammad, rose from the desert of Arabia to shackle a large number of human beings to a creed he called Islam. Since he lacked the credentials of Moses, who claimed to have talked to Allah, and of Jesus Christ, who claimed he was sired by Allah Himself, Muhammad needed something “unimaginable” to happen to him so that he could set himself above all the so-called prophets of the yore.
An amorous affair afforded him the opportunity to excel the credentials of the previous prophets: After missing the company of his wife for sometime, Muhammad was sleeping one night in the house of his cousin, who was a widow and who lived by herself. When in the morning his Companions wanted to know from him where he had been all night, he came up with the story of the night journey, which could not have been witnessed by any human being, in order to hide his whereabouts from his inquisitors.
None of Muhammad’s acolytes (known as “Companions” to his followers) believed him. To convince them, he made Allah to give him the following revelation:
17:1: “Glory to (Allah) who did take His Servant for a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, - in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things)”
His Companions, excepting Abu Bakr, remained unconvinced by the revelation, as it talked only about Muhammad’s so-called journey by night from the Mosque of Mecca to the Farthest Mosque, which, according to the verse, must have existed at an unnamed location in 620 A.D. Abu Bakr came to his rescue and declared that he believed in what he had told them about his journey, thus earning for himself the title of “Siddique” i.e. “the speaker of the truth” from his friend, the Prophet of Islam.
Apart from trying to know something about the purported location and the existence of the Quran's Farthest Mosque, let us examine briefly the quality of language Allah has used in His above revelation.
Allah used the word “We” in the verse for Himself, knowing well that Emperors and Kings, too, used it for identifying themselves in and before their courts and subjects. When they identified themselves in plural, it was believed to have convinced their audience with the power they carried simultaneously with the power of forgiveness and mercy with which Allah had endowed them. They are known to have remained constant with the use of the word “We” to identify themselves; even in their private lives, they avoided the use of the word “I” during their conversations. This habit of theirs showed constancy not only in the use of their words, but also in their actions.
But adherence to certain principles does not seem to have remained a hallmark of Allah, for, in one sentence of His conversation, He addresses Himself as “We” and in the next, He changes it to “He” thus giving us the impression that there are two Allahs- one, who, as stated in the above verse, blessed the precincts of the Farthest Mosque; the other, who hears and sees everything humans do in their lives.
Scholars, irrespective of their religious affiliations and geographical locations, have never questioned the quality of language using which, Allah has spoken to the Muslims through the Quran. On the other hand, the same scholars have chastised many among them, who, they thought, had violated their well formulated linguistic norms, which all of them are required to follow, while expressing themselves through their speeches and writings. This attitude of theirs is hypocritical, to put it mildly. They need to change it, if they wish to bring credibility to themselves as well as to what they say and write in their treatises and books.
The Quran infers and Muslim scholars take this inference to mean that Muhammad had traveled to the Masjid-ul-Aqsa (literal meaning of the words “Furthest Mosque”), which was supposed be located where its namesake stands today in Jerusalem , on the back of an animal that wore the face of a beautiful woman. Here, he is reported to have led all the prophets of the past into a congregational prayer. Without explaining why this animal had a woman’s face, they insist that their Prophet had ridden it through all the seven heavens without a saddle and rein (see Jami’s original fifteenth century painting preserved in the British Museum ).
Muhammad’s ability to ride on the back of an animal without a saddle and rein, and then to gallop through the vast expanse of the space, makes him an exceptional rider of the world. It was only he who could have performed this extraordinary and unheard of feat; others attempting it would have slipped off from the back of their rides, and become forever a part of our universe’s gravitational activities.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali had to say the following on this issue: “The Farthest Mosque must refer to the site of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem on the hill of Moriah, at or near which stands the Dome of the Rock, called also the Mosque of Hadhrat Umar. This and the Mosque known as the Farthest Mosque (Masjid-ul-Aqsa) were completed by the Amir “And-ul-Malik in A. H. 68.”” (The Holy Quran, Vol. 1, p. 693).
Other sources also tell us almost an identical story: That the Dome of the Rock, also known as “Qubbat As-Sakhra” in Arabic, came into being between 687 and 691 A.D. through the initiatives of Caliph Abd-ul- Malik.
From the above historical references, it becomes crystal clear that at the time, Muslims believe, Muhammad had landed in Jerusalem on his way to the 7th heaven, there existed no mosque on the hill of Moriah. It could not have existed there then, because in 620 A.D., Islam was still in its cradle; its tranquilizing fangs still remaining un-developed and the sword it needed to expand its influence throughout the earth still sheathed.
The truth being the above, Muslims need to ask themselves: Why the Quran says that there existed a mosque in Jerusalem in 620 A.D., when there was no possibility for one to be built, and maintained, by the Muslims on the soil of a Jew-dominated land?
The truth lies in the fact that Muhammad had never traveled to Jerusalem on the back of a woman, having the body of a horse; that he never ascended to the seventh heaven corporeally and that he made up the story of a mysterious journey to fool his Companions on the question they had raised on his whereabouts during the night he was spending in the company of his cousin, Umm Hani. This was the greatest lie ever spoken by a man; without it, Islam would have died its natural death a long, long time ago. And without Islam, the earth would have remained much better a place for all humans to live together in peace and harmony.
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Name: al ham dull ill aaaahhhh....good article
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 05:01:21 -0500
al ham dull ill aaaahhhh....good article
Name: yes finally asgarji...u r seeing what i saw...the root of islam in judaism,i congratulate u for this
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 05:13:21 -0500
dear sir,yes finally asgarji...u r seeing what i saw...the root of islam in judaism,i congratulate u for this.i am ex-muslim from mumbai,i left islam in 1992 on my own today i am 39 yrs old.i left islam due to reading koran in english,i was disgusted.then i thought let me become a jew,so i read torah and old testement and i was equally disgusted as moses was equally bloody like muhamed, and moses started ETHNIC CLEANSING by killing cannanites,hittites etc....then i wanted to become christian and found bible equally stupid and fairly tale like like koran,with fake stories like virgin birth etc.finally i turned to buddhism,but i found that also not so i am a TRUTHSEEKER today,i accepted the truth of evolution and believe firmly in nature as the true god,and am at peace with my soul bcoz truth shall stand out from error as per bible/koran and hindus always say : truth shall maybe i am a closet pagan as i believe in truth=nature.i am a nature worshipper and work for greenpeace etc now.for more facts on bible and its blood stories pls visit : , ,
Name: BustedDivinity.
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 06:53:54 -0500
As Hitler's propaganda minister puts it "the more frequent a lie is repeated the more acceptance it gets" or something to that effect, if one sees his whole family believing in something he wont readily discredit it, with educational progress,critical thought develops, this is the point where I believe must muslims start to have doubts. How can an educated grown up believe in a flying horse with a woman face 100%? am sure most people reserve their doubt, they are just too chicken to admit it, I know I doubted many things while growing up, what made me give some credibility to the religion was the science in the koran scam, now I know better. BD(who wouldn't mind a trip to the stars but not on a freaky horse)
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 08:36:22 -0500
The only "horsie" that Muhammad (SAP - self proclaimed prophet)rode that night was his married cousin Umm Hani. The sex was so great that Muhammad (SAP)truly believed that he went to heaven.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 08:43:18 -0500
Oops - a correction to my earlier comment on Muhammad's title. This should read SAP (Self appointed prophet).
Name: Az
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 09:08:28 -0500
Take a trip
Name: To Mohammad Asghar
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 09:33:42 -0500
Do not confused the Bible with the Koran. They are poles apart. The God of the Israelites is not the same as Allah of the Muslims. The Koran is a gross distortion plagiarizing the Bible. Your view of the Hebrew and Christian history is distorted as well.
Name: silenzer
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 21:23:30 -0500
Good article. I have read Torah, Bible, and Quran. I see lot of similarities in these scriptures. Some of the fundamental features of these religions are: 1) If you do not accept our God or son of God or prophet, you are going to last in eternal hell. 2) Jesus is the only saviour OR Mohammed is the last prophet. Followers of other religions are dubbed as pagans, heathens, kaffirs, infidels, or filths. 3) Idol worshippers should be forced to accept their monotheistic cult. They think they are doing service by bringing idol worshippers to so called the righteous path 4) They can go to any extent of destroying civilizations, beliefs, and social structure to implant their faith. Xnity and Islam are at loggerheads with each other everywhere in the world. However, they join hands against pagans of India (read Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Pharsees etc). They take the help of Communists--hardcore atheists-- to achieve their goals. Look at in North Eastern states of India. Xnity and islamic organisations have joined hands with Maoists (communists) groups to uproot existing culture there. Finally, they are asking for cessation from India.
Name: silenzer
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
Time: 21:29:14 -0500
Dear Asghar, You are one of the few writers who has portrayed truth by establishing the connection between Judaism, Xnity, and Islam. I found verses matching in Bible and Quran about the desecration of idols of pagans. Though Xians do not follow that in western countries, but they do it in developing countries such as India and Nepal through missionaries (the stinky creatures on earth).
Name: To silenzer
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 00:24:01 -0500
This is to remind you that Koran is a gross copycat distortion of the Bible. There is no way the Bible is connected to the Koran while Koran attempts to connect to the Bible to mislead the unwary. The purpose of Christianity is to spread the good news, the coming kingdom of God, not forced conversion. It is up to you to accept or reject the good news. There are also false teachers professing to be Christians out to mislead. You will know the tree by its fruits. Observe people by their deeds.
Name: to jews/christians if u believe islam is not same as yr religion why u dont say it openly
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 00:54:23 -0500
Name: why dont jews/christians openly say they and their books/god/gods dont hv anythig to do with islam ??
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 00:59:52 -0500
why dont jews/christians openly say they and their books/god/gods dont hv anythig to do with islam ?? muhamed took note of what moses did and did exactly same,he looted villages killed people etc...same as what the fake prophet of judaism moses did.he took teachings of jesus = bow to me alone or burn in hell forever and made himself last prophet and said those who dont bow to stone in kaba will be burned in hell forever.these r teachings of judaism/christianity which muhamed adopted,if jews/christians feel so strongly why they dont say it openly ?? also they shud openly say that koran is copy of torah/bible,and stuff,but before that u jews/christians read yr own books and see how bloody and inhumane they r.some sites r given on this page like evilbible,etc...these r sites which expose judaism/christianity as they r = fake hate based ideologies to destroy mankind.
Name: To confused fellow above
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 01:26:29 -0500
As early as the Medieval period the ugly, evil face of Islam was already unmasked. In 1391 a dialog was believed to have occurred between Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos and a Persian scholar in which the Emperor stated: “ Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. God is not pleased by blood - and not acting reasonably is contrary to God's nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats... To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 03:17:02 -0500
Difference between Christian and Islam is like this. In Christian, you have to show love and mercy towards other people. In Islam, you have to show NO MERCY and NO LOVE towards other people. While Christ taught people to lobe even his enemies, Mohammad taught people to kill others, even those who are not your enemies, but those of different religion. (Quran 4:89). See the evil of Islam? ha ha ha .....
Name: jesus said bow to me and me alone if u dont i will burn u in hellfire foreveer...hahaha...this is THE REAL JESUS SAME AS MUHAMED
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 03:55:36 -0500
jesus said bow to me and me alone if u dont i will burn u in hellfire foreveer...hahaha...this is THE REAL JESUS SAME AS MUHAMED.both said same bow to me/or my imaginary created deity or burn in hell so jesus/muhamed r similar.
Name: BustedDivinity.
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 04:12:23 -0500
Any religion with a concept of hell is against humanity, some wise relgious people have understood this and are now trying to change or soften the hell concept, we all know better, at any rate the religious are not critical while dealing with the truth, this guy says there is allah with no evidence, the other says he's god, he had to kill himself to appease himself so that he can save himself from himself, superb logic INDEED. BD (who finds it ridiculous that a man gets 72 virgins and a woman gets one veteran)
Name: To confused anti-Christian fellow above
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 05:25:29 -0500
Jesus Christ and Muhammad are poles apart. Jesus said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Muhammad said "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.", "There is no shame in killing." You equate Jesus with Muhammad, maybe there is something wrong with your mind.
Name: To Busted Divinity
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 05:34:57 -0500
In a civilized society where there is a rule of law a wrongdoer is penalized either with a fine or a prison term. In a similar manner a sinner or wrongdoer, unless he repent, will be penalized with deprivation of eternal life. Actually Hell is reserved for Satan and his demons.
Name: to : busted divinity...superb logic...i agree 10000%
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 05:39:51 -0500
to : busted divinity...superb logic...i agree 10000% the very concept of crucification and blood wash away sins etc is barbaric and uncouth for a civilised world that is why christians dont even blink before killing others,just kill then ask jesus to wash away their the way the kafir pagan hindu concept of prison like hell where u get to spend time for yr sins as per yr sins is more appealing than judeo-christian/islamic concept of eternal hinduism whether u worship any god or not,yr deeds are accounted for and thus yr good deeds fetch u good life and bad deeds punish u first in hell and then again on earth. anyway i really find religion too ridiculious just imagine some child got lukemia and died... what type of punishment is this ? if god punished that soul bcoz of his past deeds in hell already, did he not pay for it in hell already ? then why 2 times that soul has to suffer ??? its really amazing the theories of suffering.some one says u get cancer or aids due to yr deeds.but cancer is caused by genetic mutaton and aids by virus.if person is not having unprotected sex its understandable,but what is child who never had sex but got aids from mother's milk or in the womb ?? why god punish that child for no reason ?? so finally i left religion and now serve truth = nature.let us save mother earth from global warming etc....anyway i still think humans need to wake uop and see the truth that RELIGION IS A DSEASE AND TRUTH IS THE ONLY AND TRUE CURE.
Name: to guy who wrote to anit-christian...pls answer this question first
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 05:46:08 -0500
to the terrorist jesus lover who wrote to anti-terrorist : as per jesus/bible u must must must bow to jesus and jesus alone and he will forgive u even if u killed 1 million or more people.and he will give u fake eternal imaginary heaven.but if u r good man never sinned never did anything wrong, but did not bow to terrorist jesus,u will burn in hell for no reason other than that jesus put u in hell due to his not liking u.a true god wud never jude or prejudge he wud simply reward u for yr good deeds and punish u for yr sins,but jesus forgives u for sins and puts u in imaginary heaven as per this thinking apostle of peace like GANDHI is in imaginary hell bcoz he never bowed to jesus but killers of millions like bush,nuke bomb dropper over japan etc...will go to imaginary heaven. thus its proven jesus is just another muhamed,he just used sweet words somewhere,but he and muhamed r of same semitic jewish hate ideology bow to me or burn in imaginary hell.that is why jesus is not god. nature is truth and nature is real god and provable god.the genes fossils r proof enuf,if u cant accept it surely u need to get yr head examined.
Name: BustedDivinity.
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 06:25:28 -0500
To the wise fellow abve. Thanks for your positive comment, while discussing Islam, Christianity and other religions are given the free ride not because they are not absurd but because they are less aggressive towards otheres and this only goes for the earthly life, now when one wants to really talk about humanity then they all belong to the same category. No matter the sugar-coating and fact twisting, more than half of the humanity is going to roast in hell forever acoording to the monotheistic religions, in a rational world, a punishment for crime is a limited duration, the divine punishment is forever while the duration of time the criminal stayed on earth or the effect of his crime are time limited, is this justice? now both these holy books believe in the genocide that took place during the flood (Noah's flood) the whole humanity was wiped out excluding the ones he guided whereby he could have guided all (read,omnipotent) and to the religious it was all ok, how could people from faraway land disobey the message they never heard of? still everybody on earth was destroyed excluding the ones that heard and accept from the middle-east, surely the Australians and other far off lands couldn't have heard. The contradictions in the monotheistic religions are overwhelming, this is why you see websites like FFI,Islam-watch,, and so on existing to counter the lunacy. Another thing is, the muslims will tell you about freewill, it is never free when there is severe penalty if one fails to choose the right option, if I point a gun to ur head and ask for your money or I pull the trigger is that free, well believe or go to hell is the same thing, it is an ULTIMATUM. BD(who has already noticed how different religious sects evolve from individuals trying hard to re-interpret,twist,modernise or defend the defenceless)
Name: To anti-Christian fellows
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 06:30:31 -0500
First a clarification, Christianity is poles apart from Islam. The Bible is the Holy Book of Christianity and it never made any connection to the Koran but Koran tried to connect to the Bible in order to give it a semblance of authenticity and divinity and in order to deceive the unwary. Jesus was never a terrorist as you would like Him to believe. How can you paint a bad picture of Jesus when He preached a gospel of love? He said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.", "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Is this the picture of a terrorist? For your information the Jews even rejected Jesus as the Messiah and had Him crucified. But the death of Jesus is the payment for all the sins of mankind. For the wages of sin is death, that is God's law. To the fellow who worship the creation instead of the Creator how pity on you! Logic dictates if there is a creation then there is a creator behind that creation. The Bible says "The fool said in his heart, there is no God."
Name: to Busted Divinity
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 06:59:33 -0500
God's law declared that the wages of sin is death. Since the first man and woman Adam and Eve, in the exercise of their God-given freewill choose to disobey God by partaking the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil the penalty is incurred upon them and it follows upon mankind. They were driven from the Garden of Eden, a paradise. The curse is upon the earth, death, diseases, decay and other abnormalities of nature. Man now has to labor in order to earn his living. Man in effect is separated from God. But the coming of Jesus Christ provided man with the opportunity to be right with God. His death is the payment for all the sins of mankind. If you follow Jesus Christ the door of eternal life is open for you. His death and resurrection and ascension to heaven was witnessed by the apostles. This few people who witnessed His resurrection overcame the fear of death and spread the Good News, the coming Kingdom of God. So if you are a righteous man why should you be afraid of Hell in the same manner that if you are a law- abiding citizen why should you be afraid of prison?
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 07:41:27 -0500
Name: birth grown and death is natural process nothing to do with any fake jehova/jesus/original sin etc...
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 07:49:08 -0500
birth grown and death is natural process nothing to do with any fake jehova/jesus/original sin etc... who make such fake stopries abt original sin r really stupid and must be still mentyally children bcoz they still believe in falsehood of virgin birth etc.
Name: To confused people here
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 12:39:47 -0500
Maybe you have not heard of the test tube baby. A reproduction occurs even without sexual contact. A God that can create galaxies with ease how much simpler for Him for a single male egg cell. Death and old age is a curse upon mankind. You are born into and consider it natural. But it is not. For your information you are practically a new person every seven months. Every cells except the neurons are replaced with new cells. But scientist are baffled why we grow old. Its like replacing every components of a car every seven months. So the car is practically new every time and for all time. Because of the limited power of your mind you are like groping in the dark room trying to figure out and make rational explanation for things you bump into. All of science is trying to understand all the physical laws that are already existing but hidden. Take for example the law of gravity. Nobody understood it until Isaac Newton. He did not invent it nor created it. He understood its workings and presented to the world its law. There are many things science cannot explain like extra sensory perception, ESP, clairvoyance, apparitions, UFO, black holes, the list goes on and on. Science do not even have an inkling of what is eternal life. And please do not equate the god of the Muslims with the God of the Christians. They are not the same.
Name: To ZAKIR NAIK , the MOHAMMADen follower , evil ISLAMIST / ISLAMIC TERRORIST, deceiver,liar,traitor of INDIA
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 12:53:09 -0500
YO - ZAKIR , all of us here know that you read and follow this web site and also. If you are honest, sincere , just enter into discuassion and let the world see how bad,evil,cruel,brutal,poisonous, fascist ISLAM is . ISLAM is also hate filled, intolerant, dogmatic,totalitarian, totally discriminating against nonmoslems.
Name: Wolf
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 16:01:56 -0500
If you finally have come to believe in evolution as the truth, you are a person of the largest faith here!!! Take a serious look at the 'proof' of man's evolving from nothing (it's a series of bone fragments that will fit onto half of a coffee table...Merv Griffin/James Leaky). You may be wise to re-examine your view point...JESUS...THE CROSS...THE ATONEMENT...RESTORATION!!
Name: To confused fellow above
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 03:57:04 -0500
Where have you been living the past years? Have you not heard of the test tube baby? That reproduction is possible without actual sexual contact? Is creating a sperm egg hard for an Almighty Creator? How pity are you worshiping nature, the creation rather than the Creator!
Name: vbv
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 05:02:43 -0500
Well Done ,Mr. Mohammad Asghar. You have exposed all the inanities of all the three creeds/cults :Judaism,Christianity and Islam. All three are packed with LIES, nothing but blatant LIES! Moses liberating jews from mighty Pharoas, or the so-called 'virgin birth of Jesus or Muhamad's ascent to Allah's seventh heaven on a creature halfwoman and half horse. It is surprising that in the 21st. century there are millions who fall for such bullshits. That too in the age of science and reason, information and knowledge. Truly religion is the bane of humanity, it is a curse for human existence!
Name: to jesus said bow to me......
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 18:51:44 -0500
"jesus said bow to me and me alone if u dont i will burn u in hellfire foreveer." Where did he say that? In what gospel did you find that?
Name: to: Mohammad Asghar
Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Time: 18:54:22 -0500
Like all Muslims, you cannot stop projecting. You attribute Moe's motives to Jesus and to Moses. You don't know what you're talking about. The quran is not the definitive source for information on either man. Neither is the haditha or any Muslim source you can find, obviously the only ones you know.
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 07:05:38 -0500
To say that all religions are a packed of lies is unreasonable. You equate Islam with Judaism and Christianity and that is not right. Judaism and Christianity never had any connection whatsoever with Islam. It is Islam that wants to project itself as connected to Judaism and Christianity in order to give it a semblance of authenticity and divinity. To say that religion is the bane of humanity is your own personal opinion and does not constitute the truth. The most prosperous, progressive, technologically and scientifically advanced countries in the world are the countries where the dominant religion is Christianity with the exception of Japan. Compare that to countries where people worship cows, rats, and monkeys. There you will only find squalor, misery and poverty.
Name: Balam to Moha-Mad Asghar
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 07:41:05 -0500
Please study the Bible with an open mind first before you give any comments about Moses and Jesus.That reveals your ignorance as a Muslim or Ex- Muslim about the Judeo-Christian faith.In fact Islam is the distorted face of Juda-ism and Christianity,on the body of Paganism,with demonic blood runninig through its veins.Without any knowlege ,try not to equate Moses and Jesus with the Anti-Christ who was foretold by Jesus to come and appeared 600 years later and claimed to be a prophet without any credentials and left no sin uncommitted.Think before you write,Momammad Asghar.You certainly have been infected with the Virus of Islam,which could be detected in your writing.
Name: VERY GOOD site which exposes christianity :
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 08:40:22 -0500
very good site which exposes christianity its amazing :
Name: To confused anti-Christian fellow above
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 12:13:09 -0500
Can you read English properly? Jesus order His disciples to remember His death by eating and drinking the ritual bread and wine, not His literal flesh and blood. Is this hard for you to comprehend? To equate Jesus to Satan clearly shows your understanding of right and wrong, love and hate, good and evil is terribly and grossly distorted and perverted. (1 Corinthians) 11:24 and spoke a prayer of thanksgiving. He broke the bread and said, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me." Commentary: This is my body, which is broken for you - That is, this broken bread is the sign of my body, which is even now to be pierced and wounded for your iniquities. Take then, and eat of, this bread, in an humble, thankful, obediential remembrance of my dying love; of the extremity of my sufferings on your behalf, of the blessings I have thereby procured for you, and of the obligations to love and duty which I have by all this laid upon you.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Saturday November 15, 2008
Time: 14:20:55 -0500
"Please study the Bible with an open mind first before you give any comments about Moses and Jesus.That reveals your ignorance as a Muslim or Ex- Muslim about the Judeo-Christian faith." Without Judaism, there would no be Christianity. Without Judaism and Christianity, there would be no Islam. And all the three so-called religions are fake. Moses did not exist and the parting of the Red Sea never occured; Jesus did not found a new religion. The latter is a gift of a prostitute to the Christians and a gift from a prostitute can never be trusted or relied upon.
Name: TO : TRUTH SEEKERS prostitute is better than moses-jesus-muhamed
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 02:10:15 -0500
TO : TRUTHSEEKER : i prostitute is better than terrorists moses-jesus-muhamed.she sells her body to earn a living and does not force u at knife point gun point or even with threats of eternal hell to kill other humans.what she does shud be morally wrong but she maybe compelled to do it out of economic pressure and she can always find soemthing else to do.IN PAKISTAN,INDIA,BANGLADESH MANY WOMEN R KIDNAPPED BY MEN AND FORCED TO BECOME PROSTITUTES AGAINST THEIR WILL.most of these men r muslim men.but what fake prophets like moses-jesus-muhamed did is morally and in every way wrong, they lie to the gullible public and make false claims and make people hate each other and kill each other for imaginary deity and fake rules which they arbitarily make just for their false ego. so moses-jesus-muhmaed r worst than the p.
Name: To Truth Seeker
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 04:06:45 -0500
Your name should be Truth Twister. You said " Without Judaism and Christianity, there would be no Islam." Unquote. How could that be? Was Muhammad a Jew or a Christian? For your information Mr. Truth Twister, Judaism or Christianity never had any connection whatsoever with Islam. The God who inspired the Bible is not the god of the Muslims, Allah. They are not one and the same. Allah is an Impostor. Islam adopted and distorted the Biblical stories to give itself a semblance of authenticity and divinity.
Name: saraswathipuram
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 05:58:12 -0500
rightly said , but reasons are not for Muslims what ever the lie,is written in the book they are required to follow blindly, they have only one ritht ie Mulla right-what ever mulla says is truth for them!!!
Name: silenzer--Question on judgement day
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 18:35:07 -0500
I would like to ask the followers of Islam and Xnity the following question. PLEASE ANSWER HONESTLY. Question: Mohammed says he intercedes on the day of Judgement; similarly Jesus says in the bible "I am the way; I am the life, no one comes to Father except through ME". So Jesus and Mohammed are the only way(s) of salvation according to these monotheistic religions. I have seen similar verses in Bible and Quran how idolators, pagans and other people will be burnt in HELL FOREVER just for rejecting Mo/Jesus. Please tell me in the context of above fundamental beliefs of Xnity n Islam, what will happen to noble persons like Buddha or Gandhi or Einstein (non-believer in Abrahamic faiths) or Galeleo. PLEASE QUOTE VERSES FROM UR SCRIPTURES TO BUTTRESS UR ARGUMENTS. No ipsy-topsy mumbo-jumbo arguments.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 21:25:38 -0500
"You said " Without Judaism and Christianity, there would be no Islam."" It means: Islam is, more or less, based on Judaism and Christianity. So had there been no Judiasm and Christianity, there would be no Islam. If you do not understand this simple thing, what makes you say things you have been saying on this site?
Name: To Truth Seeker
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 00:30:22 -0500
If a genuine product is being imitated by a fake, is it the fault of the genuine product? In the same manner Judaism-Christianity is being imitated by impostor Islam and you point the blame to Judaism-Christianity for untold human suffering Islam brings. What kind of logic is that?
Name: To silenzer
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 00:52:23 -0500
The emphasis must be made clear. Jesus is no Muhammad and vice versa. Jesus said in Matthew 5:44, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" In Mark 12:31, Jesus said, "And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." These commandments you will never find in the Koran. What does the Bible said about eternal life? Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." What about Judgment Day? 2 Peter 3:7, "Now by that same word, the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire and are being kept for the day when ungodly people will be judged and destroyed." That's it ungodly people will be destroyed not burn forever in Hellfire as taught by Islam.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 12:10:53 -0500
"you point the blame to Judaism-Christianity for untold human suffering Islam brings." Why are you lying now? Can you prove that I said the above? What I had said was this: Judaism, Christianity and Islam are fake religions and that Moses did not exist and the Red Sea did not part into two. Prove these points, instead of beating about the bush!
Name: To Truth Seeker
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 12:40:16 -0500
The Jewish people are the living evidence of the existence of God, of Abraham , of Moses and other Biblical patriarchs. These people have preserved their traditions, culture, history and sacred writings from ancient times to the present. These people have survived all the world's greatest empire from the Assyrian empire who subjugated and scattered them, to the Roman empire who further disperse them in AD 70 to Hitler's Third Reich Final Solution to the Jewish Question or the elimination of all Jews in Europe up to the present Islamic threat whose agenda is the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. Are you not amazed how this tiny group of people persecuted throughout history and yet survived. Israel means God's people. God even correctively punished His chosen people for their iniquities. The worldwide dispersal of the Israelites had been prophesied in the Bible and the final gathering of His people in one place. That prophecy was fulfilled in May 14, 1948 with the creation of the Jewish State of Israel.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 15:13:26 -0500
"The Jewish people are the living evidence of the existence of God, of Abraham , of Moses and other Biblical patriarchs." Will you agree if one said the same thing about Evolution? Does not the presence of humans and animals on earth prove that humans evolved from other species?
Name: To <To Silenzer>
Date: Monday November 17, 2008
Time: 20:10:39 -0500
One thing is true: Xnity's fundamental belief is that Salvation is possible ONLY through Jesus. How many verses you want me to show from OT that idolators and pagans will be burnt in hellfire forever? Why Abrahamic God is so jealous of idols?Aren't there verses that ask its followeres to destroy places of eorship of idolators?
Name: To Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 01:55:41 -0500
No scientist on earth today despite the availability of the most advance laboratory in the world can concoct organic amino acids to produce even a crude DNA to create even the simplest one- celled organism. Then how come you believed, when no human being was ever present in early stages of earth's history, that somehow these organic amino acids formed by themselves to write the complex code of the DNA, the blueprint of life? For your information a comparison can be made here, it takes a lot of technical skill to write a computer program to run a software in a computer. How much more difficulty it is to write the coded instructions of the living DNA that determines everything of a particular organism, for example a human being, from the number of hairs to color of the eyes to the physical size and so on. Scientist had just began to unravel the secrets of the DNA. One more thing, a DNA will replicate itself producing an exact copy. The DNA of a particular organism is unique to itself. In simple terms the DNA of a lion will only reproduce lions ad infinitum.
Name: To confused fellow
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 02:04:59 -0500
The Almighty God is a living God and no idol can ever represent God. His commandment is to worship Him in spirit. That's why He forbids idolatry or the worship of idols.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 03:27:54 -0500
God or no God. The problem is Islam, sooner we stop quarrellings amongst ourselves the better it is!!!!!!!!
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 12:28:26 -0500
"No scientist on earth today despite the availability of the most advance laboratory in the world can concoct organic amino acids to produce even a crude DNA to create even the simplest one- celled organism." Were you present when God created Adam and Eve in heaven? And what the scientists' failure to create amino acid has to do with Evolution? Let your God create another human without a man or woman and then let us talk about his ability to create Adam with clay or mud. Without a clear demonstration from God, there is no sense in having any further discussion on this silly claim.
Name: To Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 13:22:36 -0500
Were you present when the organic amino acids started to form themselves and wrote the complex genetic instruction encoded in the DNA, the blueprint of life? Do you UNDERSTAND that DNA replicates itself producing an exact copy of itself? Do you UNDERSTAND that the genetic instructions encoded in the DNA of a specific organism is unique ONLY to itself? Perhaps you are a worshiper of nature, of animals, of cows, rats or monkeys. Worshiping the creation and not the Creator. This explains your inability to comprehend the existence of an Almighty Being with the power of creating the universe. The Bible says a man who does not know love does not know God and a fool said in his heart, "There is no God."
Name: To <To confused Abrahamic>
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 18:33:22 -0500
The Almighty God is a living God and no idol can ever represent God. >> If God is omnipresent, why can't He be present in idol? Who gives permission to Xians to destroy places of worship of others? Is it dirty Bible? His commandment is to worship Him in spirit. >> Who says it? Some Mark, Luke, or other d1ckhead? Is that a proof? Why your God is so desperate to get worshipped? That's why He forbids idolatry or the worship of idols. >> You can practice that in your church or at home. Don't impose your ideology on others. Abrahamic God is a lunatic in the strictest sense. 90% of the western world has shunned Xnity becoz of the horrors it has commited on human civilization. All ancient civilizations were destroyed either due to Xnity or Islam.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008
Time: 22:01:03 -0500
[Were you present when the organic amino acids started to form themselves and wrote the complex genetic instruction encoded in the DNA, the blueprint of life? Do you UNDERSTAND that DNA replicates itself producing an exact copy of itself?] I was not present when amino acid started to form, but can you prove that it was created by your God? If he was or is its creator, can you have him produce it once again and before our eyes? Why don't you address this question, instead of avoiding it?
Name: To agnostic
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 00:27:12 -0500
In Europe and USA, the dominant religion is Christianity not Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Taoism. Europe and USA are called First World countries because of their lead in economics, science and technology and high literacy rate. In Europe and USA there is religious freedom. People of different faiths are not persecuted nor their churches destroyed. In Europe and USA their governments are democratic. People have a chance to pursue their dreams and to live life to the fullest. Third world countries are countries such as most Islamic countries, all of Hindu countries, and Africa. In these countries you will find religious persecution, bigotry, poverty, and human misery.
Name: To Truth Seeker
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2008
Time: 01:08:26 -0500
We cannot dictate God. The mind of man comparatively speaking is as different as earth and heaven to the mind of God. The other proof, aside from the living proof of God, the Jewish people, is the Bible. It is the inspired Word of God. Proof of the Bible is its prophecies. One third of the Bible is prophecy. Isaiah, one of the Biblical prophets, who lived 800 years before Jesus Christ accurately foretold His birth and His death. The worldwide scattering of the Israelites and their final gathering in one place was Biblical prophecy that was fulfilled. Jesus foretold the coming False Prophet, the Anti-Christ. Jesus prophesied the coming end times the countdown of which is final gathering of the Jews in one place. Jesus accurately foretold that people will be lovers of pleasure in the end times. That knowledge and travel shall increase. The final war Armageddon will come where nuclear weapons will be employed and Divine intervention will come, Matthew 24:22,"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Matthew 24:14, And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." This is the final indication of the coming end times, the good news of the coming kingdom of God will be preached throughout Africa, India, China and other non-Christian nations.
Name: Not just "white lies"...
Date: Sunday November 23, 2008
Time: 01:09:21 -0500