Pakistan's Descent into Chaos
25 Dec, 2008
- If you have observed the tussle between the armed forces and
the present Government of Turkey in recent past, you might have
felt a little unease at the apparent ham-handedness of Turkish
armed forces. The armed forces have come across as quite nervous
and doubtful of the intentions of the Government of Prime Minister
Erdogan. He has been accused of trying to endanger secularism in
Turkey by sneaking Islam through the back door. I certainly felt
uneasy about it until I reflected on the recent history of my own
In 1947 when Muhammad Ali Jinnah proclaimed Pakistan as an independent state, it was unequivocally proclaimed to be a secular state. Jinnah instructed his people that religion was not to be the business of the state and that each and every individual will be free to go to their mosques, temples or synagogue. Unfortunately for Pakistan and the world at large, (hundreds of Pakistan-related atrocities could have been avoided, if Jinnah had succeeded), Jinnah passed away before he had the chance to put his words into practice.
Not many years after Jinnah’s death we received our first Satan incarnate, PM Liaquat Ali khan, who promulgated Islam to be the religion of Pakistan in the constitution. It has been all downhill since then.
Liaquat was shot dead not long after this promulgation, after which the new country was subjected to abuse from several power brokers.
Almost all of those power usurpers, secularist or openly Islamist, used Islam as the shield to lengthen their stint in power. They either did not know or did not care that Islamic ideology can simply be described as cancer. Once unleashed, it simply begins to take over. It encroaches in all aspects of life and society, and violently fights any attempts at limiting or eliminating it.
I must add here that America's penchant for reigning supreme and bringing down the Soviet Union was also instrumental in spreading this cancer in Pakistani society. This fact must also be qualified with the fact that the primary culprits were Pakistani leaders and society; without their connivance, America may have moved on to find different theaters of action.
Once American objectives were met, it moved on leaving the illness behind. Tariq Ali describes this action quite aptly as using Pakistan like a condom.
This illness is now spreading fast, threatening to consume not only Pakistan but also India and the rest of the world. The people of Pakistan are only half-heartedly fighting this battle. They share the same religion, same scriptures and sympathize with what the barbarians are trying to accomplish.
Islam is impractical and medieval. Its scriptures forbid all progress and curtail freedom. It forbids rational thoughts and turns humans into zombies. The mind-numbing rituals hamper normal life and extinguish all critical thinking. Hence, we have a population which is falling fast into hypocrisy and ‘double think’ of mega proportion. Let me qualify this. According to Islamic scriptures, the following things are forbidden:
Stock market trading
Pictures (TV, Cinemas are all banned according to Zakir Naik and all other scholars) and any art forms except for perhaps quranic calligraphy
Eyebrows plucking or hair dying or hair replacement for women.
Women traveling without Mahram (close related male like brother, husband, father)
Women’s right for divorce (no power can grant divorce to a woman until the husband okays it)
Women showing their faces or any part of their bodies
Women’s mixed education
Women working in a mixed environment
Permission of marriage underage girls
Trading or being friendly with non-believers
This short list is not exhaustive. How can one live in this world with the rest of civilization and still call themselves a Muslim? The majority of Pakistanis do not live like that. The result is that accepting Islam as a way of life produces a whole army of hypocrites. But this is not the end of the matter because once you are in, there is no way out...
Islam has inbuilt mechanisms, which protect it from being tampered with, to bring it into the 21st century. It also prescribes capital punishment for blasphemers and apostates. Hence, no serious or independent discussion of Islam can take place. Participants, showing any critical thinking, are immediately threatened with their life. Just watch some Pakistani programmes, which are attempting to ignite debate; you will see how participants are cowed in fear and openly sugar coat their answers to hide the lies of Islam.
Muslims have killed their consciousness to repeat the same answers to difficult questions, a few listed below:
Q: Why did Muhammad rape a child?
A: Kids achieved puberty at an early age in those days.
Q: Why did Muhammad rape captives of war?
A: It was the custom in those days.
Q: Why did Muhammad rob?
A: To get compensated for his loss upon migration.
Q: Why did Muhammad kill innocent people of Bani Qurayza?
A: It wasn’t him, it was Allah.
Q: Why did Muhammad commit incest by marrying his daughter in law?
A: To get rid of a bad custom of people treating their adopted children as their own.
Q: Why did Muhammad deal in slave-trade?
A: To regulate the trade.
Q: Why did Muhammad torture the chief of Jewish tribe Kinana for information of hidden treasure, couldn’t his all knowing Allah help him out?
A: Allah did not wish to interfere.
Q: Why did Muhammad eat the poisoned mutton shoulder and claimed that it was this which had killed him three years later?
A: Don’t ask. Only Allah knows.
Q: Why did Muhammad leave Islam in such a violent mess that 3 subsequent khalifa were killed in a brutal manner by Muslims themselves?
A: Muhammad left a perfect religion but people have not followed
it properly.
Pakistan is in dire straits. Pakistani people must face certain realities. India did not start the wars, and did not lose the wars. Our curricula history books tell lies. Read independent history. India did not break up East Pakistan.
Islam is not a peaceful religion.
The world is not conspiring against the ‘citadel of Islam’, called Pakistan. Pakistan IS NOT the citadel of Islam. We must look at ourselves for our depravity.
People must pluck courage and read their own scriptures with open mind; they either jettison this cult out of their life, or at least, send it into private domain. Unless and until they do that, Pakistan's descent into chaos will continue.
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Dr. Omar Zia is a Pakistani-born ex-Muslim.
Name: WOW!
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 23:48:51 -0500
Mr. Zia if Jinah had been a secularist at heart what was the purpose behind the creation of Pakistan. Once again you muddle issues and make a hash out of another topic. Pakistan was specifically created for Muslims. Pakistan or land of the pure not the infidels. Ayub Khan was not a Satan incarnate, he merely gave a logical conclusion to the Islamic state of Pakistan. Otherwise the whole pupose of slaughtering millions of infidels would have come to a naught. You sound like a confused person, still not ready to give up on Islam. Come back when you have got yourself totally rid of the Islamic Dogma. It will impart clarity to your views and hence your writeup will not be a muddle of confusion
Name: continuum
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 23:53:31 -0500
Hmmm..Pakistan was created for muslims, two nation theory. I think it is Jinnah who proposed this theory to Gandhi and the Congress before independence.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 00:40:27 -0500
Pakistan got what it wanted: a pure land of Islam. No, they are going to get it yet. Jinnah was undoubtedly very little Muslim. But he also exemplified what the least bit of Islam in a person can turn him into a barbarous monster. His appeal to Jihad led to one of the worst human tragedy of modern times in the subcontinent (1946-48). It was, however, a blessing in disguise for Hindus. Revival of Islam was inevitale: a decade or two earlier or later. An united India would be a horrible mess in a few decades, if not today; Hindu civilization would face exinction.
Name: even the deaths of millions of innocent people did not changed the mindset of jinnah then
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 03:10:37 -0500
even the deaths of millions of innocent people did not changed the mindset of jinnah then.Pak was formed on hate and intoleracne.It can not transform to humnanist.
Name: Why Blame America:? Ibrahim Lone to Omar
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 03:17:49 -0500
Dear Mr. Zia, I really dont understand how America can be blamed for the hole that Pakistan has got itself into. Creating the Jihadi monsters, introduction of Huddud laws, Blasphemy law, etc These were all the brain child of the Pakistani Muslim elite. The chief force behind this was Zia Ul Haq. I am surprised that you forgot to mention his name. He was the guy who created operation TOPAC. Never heard of it? It was the clandestine Jihadi operation that was started by Zia in Kashmir. Was America responsible for this too? Of course every country looks forward to their benefits, America is no different. So why blame them. If it hadn’t been for America, the Russians would have destroyed Afghanistan to the T. America supported Pakistan, yes, it was a wrong choice. But why don’t you blame the Pakistani Rulers who have brought your nation down to the level that it shall soon be branded as a Rogue Nation? Furthermore, is not Islam itself responsible for this feudal though that plagues most Islamic countries. I hope you have read Mawadudi's charter for Pakistan wherein he proposed a feudal system of management of the country’s land resources. Lest some be fooled Mawadudi was a scholar of Islam and the leader of Jamat E Islami, party which was the first Islamic Quasi political Jihadi group, so to say. I wonder if America was responsible for the massacres of the Ahmediyyas in Lahore, or the living conditions of the non-Muslim minorities. Did America also fund the killing of the innocent Baloch people? You raised an issue, sir, without even worrying to take a peep into your own backyard which is full of rotting corpses. America has become everybody’s pet dog when it comes to World problems. This is especially true in the Islamic world. Sadly even Apostates from Islam are not free from this phobia....
Name: seeker
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 03:48:32 -0500
A great article from a very concerned individual.Pakistan is in a mess and there is no hope.It is a failed state.Pakistan was carved out of India to meet the aspirations of the Muslims who loathed the idea of living and sharing power with the infidel Hindus.But Islam could not keep its own flock together as was evident with the creation of Bangladesh.Pakistan is ruled by the Punjabis who give a raw deal to the Sindhis,Balouchis and the Kashmiris(POK)and the Mohajirs.What is the future of this country which has over 10000 madrasas.Its economy is in shambles and soon may earn the proud distinction of being labelled a terrorist state.It's leaders are just about managing to keep their country from breaking up by whipping up anti India hysteria and with the ISI and the army formenting trouble in Indian kashmir.What is most worrying is the possession of WMD by this failed country.It will be a disaster of horrendous proprotions if they use them againts India.It is predicted India will become a great power in the coming decades. Chances are India may also turn into a radioactive wasteland.Depends.So what has destroyed Pakistan?ISLAM.ISLAM.MA khan is right in saying that the Hindu civilisation would face extinction if partition did not happen.But the threat is far from over yet.
Name: to pakistani monkey M.A khan
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 05:35:32 -0500
are you still dreaming that hindus civilisation face extinction. monkey read the history- it is almost 1000 since islamic invasion. nothing has happened to hindus. still growing strong. hindus are far more strong than ever. if one nuke fall on india next day there will no pakistan. pakistan will be wiped out of the map. pakistan will be conqured.
Name: good one omarji...u r human being not muslim
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 06:23:16 -0500
nice one omarji,u r human not muslim.religion is a waste of time and money.instead of rituals we shud invest in search for truth [ scientific research for cure disease and make life more livable ].nautre evoled universe and mankind and only nature is true god.allah is created by madman-maha-mad.i am hopeful more and more muslims will leave islam and help destroy islam.and world will be safe from nuke world war 3.
Name: usa saved world from nazism and communism and i hope from islam too !!!
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 06:27:01 -0500
i am zakir,from mumbai and i agree with ibrahimji,usa did take wrong decisions but pakistan did even worst.we shud not forget our debt to usa,who helped world defeat nasi and communist ideology.and i hope some day islam will be defeated also,in next 10-20 yrs,till we r still alive.
Name: MA khan is absolutely right.He was right in his predication
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 08:38:56 -0500
MA khan is absolutely right. He was right in his predication. had if not partition happened india would have faced partition surely even some time later with even more voilence. THe great geneous Dr.BR Ambedkar has said "muslims can not co exist with hindus.For that matter they can not co-exist in peace with any other religion or community.It is not thier fault but with islam. These muslims who are now asking for partition even though it is their ancestral mother land for thousands of years and once their fore fathers are either buddhists or hindus are now asking partition with blood shed .how can one expect that remaining muslims in idia will be faithfull to india and will not ask for further partitions. No chance.all muslims in india must be exchanged with hindus in pakistan over a period of years under observation of international organisation like UNO"He was greaatest geneous of india whose intution is true.Now almost all muslims do not socialise with hindus and want additional subsidies (like free haz travels,free tution fees..) from joint taxes but poor hindus are not given.They have doubled their population by bed room jihad and covered every street corner parks with mosques illegally.THey are now aiming tripple the population with out fallowing family planning.
Name: MA Khan -----> who calls me Paki monkey
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 09:50:08 -0500
Whatever you think about my prediction; whatever is your self deluded pride in Hindu India, I feel there is much, if not absolute, truth in what our reader 'seeker' says: "MA khan is right in saying that the Hindu civilisation would face extinction if partition did not happen. But the threat is far from over yet." And much of this threat lies at home, not across the border.
Name: brother ex-muslim m.a.khan is right,we kafir pagan infidels r better off without paki-bangladesh
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 11:48:44 -0500
brother ex-muslim m.a.khan is right,we kafir pagan infidels r better off without paki-bangladesh.i am ex-muslim from mumbai india, and see what mumbai has become just imagine if all these taliban were in india,what wud happen ? let the f-king pakis kill each other and die.i hope islam is destroyed so india can live in peace.dont blame m.a.khan,blame islam.THERE IS NO PIG BUT ALLAH AND MUHAMED IS HIS POOPOO-PIMP.
Name: Pissed off
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 12:14:59 -0500
Muslims have always had a victimhood mentality yet seek dominance. Dr Michael Nazir Ali (peace be upon this man who i 100% respect) pointed out this fact and recieved death threats from members of the religion of peace.
Name: Pakistans Dilemma
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 12:59:42 -0500
Pakistan cannot survive with or without islam it seems.
Name: from continuum:Re:to pakistani monkey M.A khan
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 14:37:25 -0500
I think we have Muslims posting as Hindus. There are no greater friends for Hindus than people like M.A.Khan who try to educate Muslims and others on Islam. If you are really a Hindu you are a fool to call M.A.Khan in that language.
Name: Sunny: To: Mr. M.A.Khan
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 14:50:02 -0500
Mr. Khan, please do not get offended if some one calls you a Pakistani Monkey or by any other derogatory remarks. It may be a muslim-in-disguise trying to hurt you. Since you don't know the identity of the person making remarks, it is very hard to predict who it could be. There may be attempts to turn you against Hindus or Buddhists or any other non-violent religion. But please keep up your good work. Thank you.
Name: cjk
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 15:40:43 -0500
Good article. I can see how America made mistakes from the Pakistani point of view, however the US probably didn't really act so bad when all the contexts are taken into consideration: 1) India insisted on friendly relations with an obviously wicked USSR. 2) Iran fell to islamists... Of course if one feels that the USSR was an innocent candyland nation then my arguments don't make sense, but I saw it as a worldwide threat of gigantic proportions almost as bad as islam today. Even though mistakes are made and hindsight is 20/20, I think the 'condom' reference is apt.
Name: continuum to cjk
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 16:19:31 -0500
Although I hate communists and communism, I have to say there was nothing inherently as evil as Islamic countries. India had no other choice. America pushed India to this situation by not developing friendly relationship with India despite India being a democratic country. Instead it foolishly funded Islamic terrorists. Even now it is still funding a state like Pakistan earmarking $300 million per year. The decision was made recently by US government. What goal does US have in this region ? Logically to me it seems that US is trying contain India even at the risk of terrorism in its own lands from Pakistan sponsored terrorists and this happens after repeated exposure of Pakistan security establishments, including ISI and Army, involved in terrorist plots. FBI recently found the truth regarding Mumbai massacre. US intelligence agencies had clues about 911 involvement of Pakistani agencies. Why is US still supporting terrorist nations like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and instead attacks nations like Iraq which has no connection to terrorism.
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 17:44:52 -0500
Further to the comment above by someone on this topic, I believe eventually, there WILL be a nuclear conflict between Pakistan and India. Unable to avenge the defeat in 1971, if the present Pakistani policy of “slowly bleeding India by a thousand cuts” does not succeed dramatically, a nuclear attack will be the only resort left for Pakistan to pursue. In such a scenario, it is true many tens of millions of Indians, of all religions, will perish in a Pakistani nuclear first strike, but IT IS EQUALLY TRUE THAT PAKISTAN WILL CEASE TO EXIST following the Indian nuclear counterattack. The land, air, naval and submarine wings of the Indian armed forces are under direct orders to retaliate immediately in such an eventuality. The blitzkrieg launched against Pakistan will obliterate it totally – perhaps this fear of deterrence and assured self-destruction has forced Pakistan into not using the nuclear option against India so far. During the early eighties, when Rajiv Gandhi was India’s prime minister, Gen. Zia-ul-Haq had once intimated through the US embassy that Pakistan intended to nuke Trombay (where India’s nuclear research was based), outside Mumbai. Upon hearing this, the then Secretary of State, George Shultz, jetted to Islamabad and demanded an immediate meeting with Zia. At the meeting, Shultz impressed upon Zia that within the CIA, there was a section which solely worked full time on any Indo-Pak nuclear clash by means of computer simulations. They had apparently tried all possible combination and permutation of scenarios and came to the conclusion that it was a NO WIN situation for Pakistan. Shultz added that even if Pak nuked Mumbai and Delhi (whence the Indians would suffer greatly), they will then have face the retaliation, Pakistan being blown into smithereens, broken up into tiny bits. Hence, the general, Shultz advised, should give up any nuclear designs upon India.
Name: continuum
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 17:45:39 -0500
May be one who knows about Pakistani history well, can elaborate on what this lady Benazir Bhutto is talking about when she says Ossama Bib Laden was already killed by Omar Sheikh.
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 18:05:08 -0500
Indian leaders are aware of this advantage they enjoy vis-a-vis Pakistan with regard to nuclear conflict; this was apparent soon after the Kargil war, when Vajpayee had declared India was ready to face any nuclear challenge from Pakistan. An Israeli general, a specialist in nuclear missile attacks, was in place in Delhi and had calculated that it would take any Pak missile to reach its target within India a time span of about eight minutes. He was devising various strategies to neutralise the Pak missile within those eight minutes and give Indians the opportunity to counterattack. Hence the then US president Clinton was ever eager, imploring Indians not to heighten the situation (by scaling down operation Parakram) and by forcing Musharraf to withdraw from Kargil ignominiously and ensuring Pakistan stood down from its nefarious designs.
Name: prashanth kamath
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 19:53:18 -0500
Replying to WOW! What Jinha did was politics - he was not inspired by religion. He had to deal with the politician Gandhi who nutralised Jinha mark I - the secularist, by backing fundamentalist muslim leaders. Does not mean I do not respect Gandhi. But one has to face truth!
Name: Vijay to Indians
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 19:55:03 -0500
Unless India have rule of ony one child like China, eventually muslim population will overtake hindu population like it is predicted in France and ther European contries. Once muslims are in majority, they eventually kill off or forcibly convert all others like it happenend to christians of countries of middle east, persions of Iran,hindus of Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia,pagans of Arabia, non muslims of middleeastern and African countries,copts of Egypt,christians of Turkey and Albania etc.World better wake up and expose the lie of Islam.
Name: Chris
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 20:10:43 -0500
Pakistan is what Islam is all about. It is time for non-Islamic countries to end Muslim immigration.
Name: Cruzador
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 21:05:43 -0500
How could Zadari even question the need to stamp it out after they blew-up his wife?. Who did Dr Khan share nuke tech with?-we need to question him. Why is this LeT terror group still alive and where are the airstrikes against them? There are an estimated 1 million Jihadists there, what do you propose to do with them?
Name: SiNNer
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 23:41:38 -0500
I just have one question to as u zia, i.e. which mullah raped u repeatedly while u were a child =) that u have so much hate infested in u for our beloved prophet Mohammad SAW. no matter how much u bash islam ur virginity will never be restored =)
Name: Pakistan is in need of an Attaturk ( Mustafa Kemal)
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 02:26:43 -0500
Pakistan is in real need of an brute cruel attaturk with army uniform to bring Pakis with the modern world. Now or never. Pakistan may disintegrate into oblivion creating lots of tensions and bloodsheds in South Asia. I think Kayani may undertake this venture with brutal force. Hang those Mullahs interfering in Politics and violence. Let religion be confined to homes. Let them abolish all mosques in Pakistan. The reader may refer to turkey where the secular Army is a safeguard to the civilian society there.
Name: continuum
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 02:41:32 -0500
Pakistan playing dirty games, claims India is sponsoring terrorist activities.
Name: Hindu
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 03:42:10 -0500
M.A khan is rigth about Partiton being good for Hindus. People like M.A Khan and Ali Sina are the best friends of Hindus. Ex-Muslims are the best friends of INDIA and HINDUS.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 05:42:03 -0500
Mr. M.A.Khan your saying that hinduism would have become extinct is a bit too far-fetched . What 100 years of despotic muslim rule could not achieve cannot be achieved by a band of thugs who partitioned this country. But I agree that India would have had violent muslim pogroms had there been no partitition. The whole sub-continent would have been backward due to this , and we would not have been the eighth largest economy that we are today. To that extent I gree that parition was a blessing in disguise. But hinduism is far too resilient to be cowed down by barbartic islam!
Name: MA Khan ------>> vbv
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 08:58:00 -0500
I did not say 'Hinduism', but 'Hindu civilization', which entails its historical heritage, namely culture of tolerance, nonviolence. These central virtues of Hindu civilization is undoubtedly being undermined. Huntington has been turned prophetic: Hindu civilization is turning militant; the worse is to come. I also affirm that Islam is mostly responsible for tunring Hindus militant. As concerning Hindu resilience, I would agree with you although not entirely. India under the rule a few foriegn Muslim hordes is not the same being 40% Muslim as she would be today, if remained united. Time changes; the population balance will undoubtedly change. 22nd-century India would look much different from what it is today. Of course, this inevitable course of history may be derailed by unexpected event. Success of missions like ours is one of them.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 03:26:44 -0500
To Mr.MA Khan - Thanks for your response. All hindus are not becoming militant, just a few fringe elements arrogating to themselves that they represent the hindus ,which is not true. These elements are playing into the hands of hard-core islamists by resorting to a kind of bigotry normally associated with islam and bringing a bad name to the hindu ethos of tolerance and understanding. However after the Mumbai attack of 26/11 ,these elements have not become shriller , though the common Indian have taken serious excepting to Pakistani sponsored terrorism and have called for some kind of retribution to put the Pakis at bay, and I think they are somewhat successful after the world has taken notice of the sheer savagery and barbarity of the LeT and ISI sponsored attack. How far this will hold is anybody's guess. Even the muslims in India have come out against it for the first time,which is heat warming ,but the question remains whether this solidarity will last.
Name: That Daniel Cohen dumb fart...
Date: Tuesday December 30, 2008
Time: 00:08:48 -0500
Although some have requested that dumb fart Daniel Cohen to stop emailing them, he, like many Muslims who don't respect anyone but their brainwashed selves emailed us about India's supposed "self-staged terrorist attack." Oh yeah sure, India purposely killed their own citizens, got their own police to go in on it and their leaders endorsed it. Bull-ogna! Just another example of a Muslim trying to pin the blame for their own violence and hate upon someone else. Funny, another Muslim said the Khalifs around the world(including the US and Britain) who are egging their followers onto violence are "really Jews in disguise." Where will the nonsense end?