Jihad Rehab or Heaven on Earth for Jihadists
27 Aug, 2007
Apparently Hollywood fads are rubbing off on Islamic terrorists and Saudi Arabia. According to the latest news, if terrorists commit atrocities against humanity, i.e. massacring mankind by way of Islamic jihad dictated by their Koran, all one must do to make one self look fabulously good in the western world’s eye is enter rehab.
- That’s right; Saudi Arabia has set up rehab centers to get Arab terrorists immediate help after complying with Islamic law and wearing their poor little bodies out killing nasty Christians and Jews.
After a good massacring of Christians and Jews, the killers of Koranical Canonical get to check themselves into special treatment centers—the Saudi version of Betty Ford—and receive help for their naughty slaughter of human beings.
If only Michael Vick had thought of hanging people versus dogs.
According to Saudi Arabia, their country offers special government-sanctioned programs in the provincial capital of Al Janderea to stop the naughty little terrorists from committing what Saudi Arabia wants the turban-toting loons to commit—bloodshed. And the program is supposedly helping these poor murderers of mankind to stop massacring now that they have already massacred their way onto heaven’s 72 virgin’s list of bad-boys-get-sex.
R. Kelly should have tried Islam; look at what he would have got versus the 13 year-old girl he might go to prison over.
All a Muslim must do to enter Saudi Rehab is whack off Jews and Christians then check into a spa that, according to Saudi’s, gives the murdering thugs a second chance at life after they have destroyed as many lives as possible.
The snots of snuffdom receive “recovery” in a spa-like atmosphere with swimming pools, libraries—killers must be literate in how to build bombs; volleyball courts so the little snots can learn just how hard a hit it takes to break someone’s skull with your bare hands; gardens and leisure quarters to relax while thinking about how to kill more human beings after the three year stay in luxury.
Special doctors are staffed for therapy which includes reading—again, reading is important if one is to become educated in killing as the Koran teaches; a 12-step program with education on Islam.
Now why didn’t Bill “W” think of that?
According to Dr. Ahmad Hamad Jilan of the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs: “We [the liars of lunacy] tell them [the terrorists] that they should give the right picture of Islam [versus the true picture they gave America on 9/11 and England on 7/7]. They should not kill or bomb or do anything against Islam.”
“Some Al Qaeda members just need an attitude adjustment,” say Saudi psychiatrists for the Interior Ministry. Dr. Turki Mohammad says; “It's important for us to give them [the terrorists] more skills, how to also learn from their experience [in killing all you Jews and Christians].”
Sociologist Hameed Kahaleel says his little terrorists had social problems prior to becoming jihadist; they didn’t know it was wrong to kill mankind even though that’s what the Koran wants them to do. And the rotten rogues of mischief realize just how wrong they were and understand they made a big, bad mistake and they want all of us to know they are repenting.
How sweet; kill and get therapy.
Kahaleel claims terrorists can be “reintegrated again into society,” and he has many success stories to prove terrorists can reform after they kill us all. Those examples Kahaleel noted “are in the universities” where they can blow our children up. And rehabilitated terrorists hold down jobs; real jobs. Wow. And they even marry nice Muslim girls who will beget them terrorist children. “So, this program has been successful in this area,” says Kahleel.
Is it just me?
One little snot-nosed snuffer of humanity named Ahmed al-Shayea is staying at the rehab center to receive help for his Al Qaeda ways. Poor little baby got most of his body burned and fingers blown off while blowing up innocents he wants annihilated. But take light; al-Shayea has something he wants the western world to know: “I would like to say to the American people that Islam forbids killing innocent people… No doubt, they [Al Qaeda] used me as a tool to kill innocent people.”
Awww, now isn’t that touching? It just pulls at the heartstrings al-Shayea wants to rip out.
Al-Shayea’s life-long boyhood dream was to become a suicide bomber. He was unemployed he said, and saw Al Qaeda videos that made him realize he had a purpose in life—annihilate the world. And do you know that poor little dear almost blew himself up while driving an explosive-filled tank in rout to blow innocents up in the Jordanian Embassy where he was successful in killing nine people?
Isn’t that touching? Don’t you readers wish you’re children would aspire to such high goals? Go smack that smart-ass kid of yours with the gall to study law and business.
Al-Shayea blames the internet for the reason he became a jihadist murdering thug. According to al-Shayea and other terrorists, the internet made them do it.
Al Gore, are you listening to what your invention did?
Oh and this is the best part, the Gitmo Bay detainees, released by the whiny McCainanites, get to go to Jihad Rehab and relax after that horrible stay on that sunny tropical island where they were forced to eat four-star meals. At Jihad Rehab the Saudi’s will make sure those meals are five star!
According to Fox News’s Jennifer Griffin; “The halfway houses are designed to show the West as much as anyone that they are taking the problem seriously. So far, the effort is trickling down.”
One terrorist on the pseudo-path to redemption wants all of us to know he strongly regrets what he’s done “because unfortunately instead of building Islam, I was destroying Islam.”
Again, as opposed to the destruction Islam dictates in the Koran by its freak hallucinogenic prophet Muhammad who commanded in the phony name of the phony pagan moon god Allah to go kill all the infidels [Christians and Jews] until every last one is dead?
Give me a break. Rehab for jihad. Do the Saudi’s really think we’re buying this load of manure? Well, apparently yes, because after Jennifer Griffin gave one report on the Jihad Rehab, news anchors did the oh-how-wonderful thing; what a great idea; hopefully this might be a start to the stop of Islamic violence; if this is a way to help stop Muslims from committing terror, it might be the answer. Yes, and last night I stuck my head in the oven, after I closed all the windows, just to see if I really can kill myself when turning the gas on and inhaling.
Word to Islam, if you really want to get yourself into rehab, call one another other faggots and homos, then chase your publicists in a high-speed car chases. It worked for Lindsay Lohan and Isaiah Washington.
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