Jihadists Waging a 'Cosmic War' Like Christian and Jewish Fundamentalists: Reza Aslan [25 May, 2009]
The West is Naïve, Greedy and Cowardly in Dealing Islamists [15 May, 2009]
Aggressive and Macho: The Muslim Youth of Germany [05 May, 2009]
Germany to Take in Gitmo Terrorists, but Not Help Abused Slaves of Arab Sheikhs [21 Apr, 2009]
Sharia Infiltrates German Courts, Schools and Ministry of Foreign Affairs [06 Apr, 2009]
German General Prosecutor Raises Charges against Muslim Leaders on Corruption and Funding Militant Organizations [24 Mar, 2009]
Women in the Words of Prophet Muhammad [14 Mar, 2009]
Islam is a “Tolerant” Religion: Kill the Infidels [12 Mar, 2009]
Review: “Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery” [11 Mar, 2009]
Middle East Mired in a Culture of Hatred [25 Feb, 2009]
Radical Muslim Chaplains Root Cause of Islamic Fanaticism and Terror [14 Feb, 2009]
Wahabis are Unique Muslims [10 Feb, 2009]
Islam is the Problem [09 Feb, 2009]
Islam and Modernization [08 Feb, 2009]
Prosecution of Wilders a Great Opportunity for Exposing Islam [02 Feb, 2009]
A Deoband Madrassa in the Heart of Germany [01 Feb, 2008]
Saudi Textbooks Incite Hatred & Violence against non-Muslims [26 Jan, 2008]
Biased, Ill-Informing Arab Media Undermine Peace in the Middle East [20 Jan, 2008]
Israeli Attacks in Gaza and the Arab Demagogy [31 Dec, 2008]
Islamist Terrorists are doing what Muhammad did [15 Nov, 2008]
Mainstream Western Media Handle Islamism Superficially [26 Oct, 2008]
The Radical Muslims of Germany [16 Oct, 2008]
Islamism is a Socio-Political Virus [12 Oct, 2008]
Islam, allegedly, is the Solution [08 Oct, 2008]
Islam Professor Converts from Believer to None-Believer
[05 Oct, 2008]
Dr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-Muslim, is a professor of Sociology and an Arab/Muslim culture specialist. Before moving to Germany he taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University, and Michigan State University.