by R. Joseph Hoffmann
the U.S. State Department-hoping to win friends in Iraq for the
"American way"-deplores the impropriety in the Danish "Cartoon
Crisis," it seems to take in stride, or in ignorance, the
continuing anti-Semitic propaganda of Islamic organizations like
Hezbollah in Lebanon, which fuels hatred of Israel through the
broadcast of television programs such as Al-Shatat (The Diaspora).
That series was bankrolled by Syria and broadcast in Lebanon in
2003 during the month of Ramadan, when Arab TV viewing peaks. It
has been in reruns throughout the Middle East ever since.
consists of twenty-nine episodes-presented daily, soap-opera
style-which give a pseudo-history of the Zionist movement from its
beginnings in the nineteenth century to the establishment of the
State of Israel. The "information" it provides is distorted,
false, and rife with anti-Jewish propaganda, caricature, and
religious insult. The series, conceived in the spirit of The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, focused on the ancient blood
libel that the Jews use the blood of Christian children to make
Passover matzoh (traditional Jewish unleavened bread) and on the
"Jewish plot to take over the world." Pathetically enough, its
melodramatic subtext was designed to curry favor in the "Christian
West"-against the Jews. No one bothered to tell the producers how
little secular Europe and distracted America cares about
anti-Jewish libel-a blind spot, in terms of historical reality
fixes that also explains Muslim incomprehension over Danish (and
broader EU) blasphemy.
reaction of the United States to this incitement? None at all. For
the Jews, it was more of the same. No buildings were burned; no
mullahs were killed. And the lesson: it is OK to pillory Jews and
Christians, a tradition of polemic, caricature, and bitter satire
that extends back into late antiquity, and by assimilation
supports a habit of self-mockery and irony that makes Jewish (and
maybe a few Catholic) comedians funnier than Evangelicals or
Muslims. Perhaps the defining characteristic of any religious
fundamentalism is its inability to laugh at a joke made at its own
expense-as in, "Hal Lindsey, Osama bin Laden, and Baruch Goldstein
walk into a bar. The bartender asks, 'Is this some kind of joke?'"
clich"s about the "Culture Wars," "intolerance," "the other,"
"Crusader logic," and "Postcolonial Fatigue Syndrome." Social
critic Ibn Warraq is correct in his recent commentary on the
"Cartoon Crisis" that the modern West is the Mother of Reason and
that no one in Denmark or France needs to be lectured on the value
of tolerance. But he's wrong to think that Muslims care a fig
about Reason that leaves Paradise behind. They're not reading
Hume: they're reading the Muslim philosopher-theologian Al-Ghazali
(1058-1111 c.e.), who decreed that it is a sacred duty to
"suppress the enemies of religion through the jihad in His cause,
and to gain their wealth, women, and lands until they surrender to
Islam." (Indeed, one of the most amusing of the cartoons shows a
worried, diminutive Prophet welcoming smoking suicide bombers with
the caption, "Stop, stop-we ran out of virgins.") The tricky part
of tolerance is that those who invoke it as victims hate it in
West may have an imperfect understanding of Islam; it does not
have a completely false understanding of Islam. And the Great Lie
that Western governments, especially the perennially incompetent
Washington, urge along as it slouches toward Mecca to be born is
that "understanding" and freedom of expression-even if it involves
torching embassies and killing priests-is the solution to the
history of the very incompetence that has led to the crisis.
It is
time for the West to live and embrace the secularism it espouses,
not to hide behind an outworn creed, a pagan pretense of religious
magnanimity, a nutty and defeasible belief that religion is benign
and thus should be protected. Expression-instantiated as murder,
arson, and riot-proves that some religious views are toxic and
cannot be tolerated. To be blunt, the same violent religious
"expression" expressed by Jews or Christians domestically would
land them in jail, not get them a slot on Oprah or a conversation
with Bill Moyers.
Do we
really do Muslims a favor by forgiving the trespasses we have
brought into being through a century and a half of double dealing
and political hypocrisy? Do we really want one rule book for
secularized Christians and Jews (the vast majority), another for
noisy, politically hyperactive, born-again Christians, and a third
for noisy and lethal Muslims?
This image
of Muhammad graces the north wall of the U. S. Supreme Court's
chamber. The frieze by sculptor Adolph A. Weinman, completed
in 1932, depicts Muhammad among 26 historical and legendary
lawgivers. Muhammad is shown holding a Qur'an partly covered
by his scimitar-a hint of violence to which American Muslims
have periodically objected. After a complaint by the Council
on American-Islamic Relations, the court adopted incoherent
language to describe the image: "a well-intentioned attempt by
the sculptor . . . to honor Muhammad" but one that "bears no
resemblance to Muhammad." |
regard to Islam, Europe and America have not educated or
straight-talked; they have domineered, exploited, humiliated,
colonized, expropriated, connived, and condescended to the Middle
East, winking as the family Saud supplied their needs. They
thought the whole world went to the moon in 1969-when the mullahs
denied (and many believed them) that anyone had ever been there.
It wasn't just a case of the calendar being lunar-a little fact we
missed-but a question of whether by setting foot on the moon we
had made it Christian. Now we want to know why Muslims fly planes
into skyscrapers, bomb weddings in Tel Aviv, and set embassies
ablaze in Beirut, when the centerpiece of their religious dignity,
their Prophet, is ridiculed, as though he were merely one of them.
One thing is certain: they do not do these things because they
share with us a definition of peace or a sense of humor.
Quietly, we in the West think that Muslims are crazy, but we dare
not say so. Publicly, we say that all religions are created equal,
and that the West-really-loves Islam. The name itself comes from
the Arabic word for peace, we're told. But it doesn't. It's
derived from the word for surrender.
did not create Islam, but it has been preternaturally stupid for
centuries in its comprehension of Islamic theology. America may be
forgiven, since its preternatural stupidity extends even to
Europe. That is why America's desperate effort to curry favor
among the Muslim populations of Europe and the Middle East (and at
home) by trading free speech for religious tolerance-and
oil-betrays its own confusion about the wide religious world that
Islam inhabits. Our brightest jurists find themselves playing the
role of biblical exegetes in relation to a religious situation
Jefferson could not have imagined. Our politicians find themselves
perched above a marketplace filled with buyers with funny names
and ideas. Our closest allies, the Europeans, whom we privately
detest but count on to explain the complexities of things beyond
these shores, show us that their pockets are empty of explanations
even if their hearts are in the right place.
would have guessed that the Prophet's turban, shown in the most
famous cartoon as a bomb with its fuse burning down, would explode
in (of all places) Scandinavia?