Muslim Gay Parade
02 Oct, 2007
If caught, Muslim gays in some Islamic countries may face serious consequences, yet there are several incidents that prove the act of homosexuality does exist in those countries. In Turkey, where homosexuality has been legal since 1850, 18 people of a gay right group were detained recently for soliciting gay prostitution. Apparently, there are four gay right groups in Turkey who are often harassed for various reasons. Nigeria, a genuine Islamic country, strictly prohibits homosexuality. In August 2007, 18 men were arrested when they took part in a gay marriage. Unsurprisingly, the Islamic Sharia Court ordered a stone shower on those gay people until they died. In October 2001, in Egypt, 52people were arrested for conducting a group gay party.
Muslims may not be allowed to practice homosexuality in this life, but they might have better luck, for those who are interested, in the after life. There are a few things in Islam that are forbidden in this life but are readily available in Heaven. Some moderate Muslims do not mind sipping from a bottle of red wine, but it is strictly illegal according to Islamic laws. Muslims, however, will be floating on the river of wine in Heaven and singing, “Yo ho ho, and a bottle of Rum”. Homosexuality is another forbidden pleasure that Muslims may enjoy in Heaven.
The Quran suggests, “Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded” [Q 52:24, Yusuf Ali]. Besides advocating child labor, the verse in question gives a graphic picture of pearl-like boys who will serve their masters. Why do pious Muslims need beautiful boys? The purpose is obvious. Verse 20 of the same sura describes gorgeous women who possess beautiful big and lustrous eyes; verse 22 affirms meat and fruit, and anything else the residents of Heaven will desire. Typically, Muslims have years of old excuses and complain that the critics of Islam quote the Quranic verses out of context. Ironically, the context of verse 24 that calls for beautiful boys becomes clear if the other verses, 20 and 22, are taken into account.
Anyway, I did not intend to give a lecture on homosexuality, since it is not a comfortable subject for many. I was planning to talk about the recent Muslim Day Parade that was held in New York. But being a fast reader and as ignorant as I am, I often mix up the letters. It is good to be a fast reader, I can skim through a whole article in a few minutes but I pay dearly for the short cut. Every time I was looking at those words, “Muslim Day Parade,” I was reading “Muslim Gay Parade”. I thought of correcting the mistake and changing it to the actual subject, “Muslim Day Parade,” but soon I realized there is a striking similarity between the usual gay parades and the current Muslim Day Parade.
I don’t have a beef with homosexuality. I don’t care how people like to live their lives as long as they don’t bother me. However, some of the gay parades seem to be obscene and the participants deliberately challenge the social values. We all know what a married couple does in a closed bedroom. What if a couple decides to demonstrate their intimate activities on the street? It surely would put me in an embarrassing situation if I am passing by with my family. The all-time favorite question of children, “How was I born?” may have a mythological answer, “Storks brought you”. But we don’t want our children to see a practical demonstration of how a child is created. Likewise, I don’t like to see a gay person’s naked butt or a bunch of butts of Muslims on the street.
The picture on the left is posted with the permission from Urban Infidel, who has more pictures of Muslims’ caricatures on her site.)
Why do gays make obnoxious gestures and Muslims take a
butt-publicizing doggie style position on the street? They do
so because they like to promote their own lifestyles. Their
self-centered ego makes them blind and they don’t care if others are
offended. We don’t see any parade of the Jews, Hindus, Buddhists or
any other religion, but we do see Muslims are parading because they
like to shove their religion down others’ throats. Well, another
possible explanation is such provocative prostration could be a form
of demonstration that interested Muslims may enjoy in the heaven.
Supposedly, religion is one’s personal belief, as personal as what a
married couple does inside their bedroom. When Muslims are
challenged with Islam’s many stupidities or atrocities, they take a
defensive position. They blatantly claim that Islam is their
personal belief; hence, we should not attack their personal values.
If the statement is true, there is no reason for bringing Islam on
the street.
The truth is, unlike many other religions, Islam is not a personal
belief. It is an ideology, a million times more aggressive than
communism that has a master plan to overtake the world. Mohammed,
the ringleader of Islam, declared, “Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah 's Apostle said, I have been ordered to fight with the people
till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,'
and whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,'
his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law,
and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to
forgive him)"- [Sahih Bukhari: Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)].
Mr. Allah, the war god of Islam, mandates in the Quran, “And
fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion
should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there
should be no hostility except against the oppressors” [Q 2:193,
Note the second notion on the verse, “religion should be only for
Allah”. Devoted Muslims believed and practiced the command, and
still continue believing. The parade held in New York was no
exception. Muslims chanted, “Allah is great” and “East to West,
Allah is the best”. Where is the tolerance? Why are they not showing
respect to other religions? The following picture shows how Muslims
perceive their future. The flags of many countries, including the
US, are funneled through an hourglass to make a new nation, Khilafa,
a day dream that all Muslims cherish in their hearts.
The parade is not anything new and Muslims have been conducting
it for the last few years. However, it came under the limelight when
rumor had it that Keith Allison, the first and hopefully the last
Muslim senator of the US Congress, will be the Grand Marshall of the
parade. Keith Allison is a hero of all American Muslims, partly
because of his faith and partly for authoring a bill that restored
voting rights of ex-offenders, and for another bill that expunged
criminal records of some non-violent offenders.
Apparently, the Islamic Thinkers Society (an ironic name for Islam
because Islam does not allow one to think) joined the parade along
with ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) and MFA (Muslim
Foundation of America). Some reports indicate a number of Muslims
felt uncomfortable when the poster of the Islamic Thinker Society
revealed a dominant nature of Islam. It is not that those so-called
moderate Muslims sincerely condemned the message; they just did not
want to expose the true color of Islam in an infidel country. The
performance of the Islamic Thinker Society was perfectly Islamic,
and based on the Quran and Sharia.
Moderate Muslims always fear that the true Islam may create a
backlash from the people of the country in which they live; hence,
they attempt to create a smokescreen. The same moderate Muslims will
practice strict Islamic laws and subjugate non-Muslims, when their
number will outnumber the non-Muslims. Had they been sincere about a
peaceful Islam, their banners would have read, “Hang Osama,”
“Non-Muslims should be allowed in Mecca and Medina,” “We, Muslims
and non-Muslims, are equal,” and “We apologize for the atrocities
caused by Muslims.”
Although some Muslims wanted to solicit for a peaceful religion, the
life histories of some of the people who orchestrated the parade
prove a leopard can’t change its spots. Ashrafuzzaman Khan, one of
the sponsors, is accused of having a link to the genocide that
occurred in Bangladesh in 1971. It is widely known that he was
responsible for murdering seven university teachers. Siraj Wahhaj,
the Grand Marshal of the 2006 parade, openly called for jihad
against America. Another past Grand Marshal, Muzzamil Siddiqi,
warned, “America has to learn. If you remain on the side of
injustice, the wrath of G-d will come.”
Another interesting event of this parade was an essay contest;
children between the ages of 9 to 13 were asked to write on “Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) is the best Role Model". If these children write and
follow Prophet Mohammed as a role model, Osama bin Laden may happily
retire and spend the rest of his life in the Bahamas. These mini-Mohammeds
will do an excellent job on behalf of the terrorists. Those who are
familiar with Mohammad’s biography would know what a mini-Mohammed
could do to a non-Muslim country. Unfortunately, not many people
know Islam and the mayor of New York City is one of them. He
approved the parade despite several complaints.
However, a few brave people stood up against the stupidity. They are
intellect enough to understand the rancor of Islam and courageous
enough to become protestors. A group called Americans against
Hate, led by Joe Kaufman, demonstrated a peaceful protest
against the parade. They sang patriotic songs and shouted slogans,
such as, “We will not submit”. Such action clearly exposed the
reason behind the Muslim Gay Parade. After all, the caricature that
was performed by the Muslims had only one agenda: “Islam will
dominate the World”. Sadly, it was only a handful of people who made
the protest but a revolution always starts from a few good people.
The future of America, and perhaps the whole world, is in danger
until and unless more people like Joe Kaufman become aware of the
danger of Islam and prepare to resist.
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Name: vbv
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 23:02:08 -0700
Like I had written in my earlier postings the average American is an idiot imbued with evangelical zeal for religion , "god", "Gawd" or whatever, because even their presidents proclaim "this is one nation under 'Gawd'". No wonder islam grows faster there than anywhere else in the world, despite 9/11 and what not! So a Joe Kaufman or two would not make much of a difference to the country as a whole and CAIR in particular. All this despite the fact that America is what it is because of the contributions of great scientists, philosophers, thinkers, who were all rationalists, atheists, or agnostics!
Name: robert
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 04:14:07 -0700
these all are fake. the writer is a lier
Name: You love the subject
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 04:49:07 -0700
Thanks to Allah that homosexuality is not something common in the Muslim world. Muslims having their own homosexual parade in New York must have learned all about homosexuality from that sick society they have been exposed to for so long. You live with homosexuals you become homosexual.
Name: Godot
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 07:44:36 -0700
to Sher Khan: Your wanna-be pun on Day/Gay in your mediocre article revealed two traits in you: ignorance and homophobia. The prevalence of homosexuality is not higher in Muslim countries compared to non-Muslim countries due to unavailablity of women. Homosexuality is a human behavior that existed and continues to exist equally and constantly all over the world and throughout history, the only different thing between one society and another is the level of visibility, ie, coming out! Moreover, the rewards that Allah (via Muhammad) promised his pious followers in heaven can NOT be labeled homosexuality! It's pedophilia. The description was of young boys with long silky hair, soft skin and beautiful big eyes. Got the picture? I don't have the time here to explain to you the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia; you can search "intelligently" online and educate yourself. Your blatant homophobia is irrelevant on this site. You are entitled to like or dislike whatever and whoever you want but be sensible and stick to the agenda of this site: Exposing Islam. It seems to me that you just wanted an opportunity to display your homophobia on a site that has nothing to do with your hatred towards PRIDE: We are Queer...we are here...get used to it!
Name: No Dhimmi
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 14:13:24 -0700
Sorry to inform the angry and irrational people writing here who obviously don't know much about Islam and homosexuality, but this author, Sher Khan, is correct. Because of the inhuman sexual repression within Islamic societies and based on Islamic doctrine and laws, homosexuality is RAMPANT in many Muslim nations, including Afghanistan. In the Afghan capital city of Kandahar, it is estimated that some 50% of the men have had homosexual relations. Their reason? Because they have no access to women, of course! The same may be said wherever fundamentalist Islam has spread. See this Los Angeles Times article: Kandahar's Lightly Veiled Homosexual Habits There are MANY other examples of homosexuality and child sodomy throughout the Muslim world. To suggest that non-Muslims are responsible for this development of Muslim homosexuality based entirely on the extreme sexual repression within Islam is simply libelous. This rampant homosexual behavior in Muslims nations, in fact, constitutes one of the greatest Muslim "dirty little secrets."
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 18:08:56 -0700
"Godot: The prevalence of homosexuality is not higher in Muslim countries compared to non-Muslim countries due to unavailablity of women. Homosexuality is a human behavior that existed and continues to exist equally and constantly all over the world" ------------- ------------ ----------------- --------- --------- ----------- Godot, have you grown up among young Muslims of Pakistan, Bangladesh or Malaysia or any other Muslim country? Sher Khan at least has the experience of growing among that kind of society and he knows well the extent of homosexuality in those culture from his own experience and seeing it around him. From my own growing up in strictly Islamic culture of the subcontinent, I can say confidentlt that an overwhelming majority of Muslims, a was not excluded, get into casual homosexual relations with their friends. I can feel that had a grown up in a liberal society with more opportunity to mix with girl or have a girl friend, I would not have gotten into my own indulgence in those acts. In any conservative society, that puts taboo on sexuality, are bound to experience higher level of homosexuality.
Name: xyz
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 03:58:53 -0700
Hey 'No Dhimmi'....You don't have a clue what you're talking about....Keep your queer ideas in your own head....We dont want to know about them....
Name: Godot
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 06:09:18 -0700
to Ex-Muslim: It's amazing how you chose to quote me partially and dropped the remaining of my phrase because it's more convenient to you. Let me do that for you here: "...the only different thing between one society and another is the level of visibility, ie, coming out!" Please, do yourself a favor and read the ENTIRE sentence again. Your technique in selective paraphrasing is counterproductive. Also FYI: I am an ex-Muslim myself who obviously grew up in different Muslim countries before settling in one of the Kuffarlands. I would recommend that you read Kinsey.
Name: exexex-
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 11:55:12 -0700
i am ex-jehovahs witness; wrote book 'patriarch & the prodigal son' now i am free to enjoy all manner of sexual expression within US laws!!! happy happy day! so i know a thing ot two about these fanatic uptight zealot KILLER religions!!! there is alot wrong in all of them !!! i have no need for any of it!!! i will oppose all groups that claim to speak for god; impose their homophobic patriarchal warped notions of male dominance upon sincere unsuspecting potential adherents or those trying to leave it!!! their just another form of CULTS no matter their size, "respectability" or common acceptance or governmental-countenanced/endorsed mainstream duping of the unborn or self-deluded masses!!!!
Name: shazzad
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 06:22:27 -0700
Those who all are supporting homosexuality they are not mentally fit.And those who al are doing so actualy they are mad.They should be killed on the spot.
Name: George M Weinert V
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 14:43:54 -0700
Join the Queer Jihad today!!!
Name: George M Weinert V
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 14:47:49 -0700
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Muslims are Gay! The queers at Hamas are really excited – they may get some of their best Gay lovers back soon: more Hamas has recently presented a list with the names of prisoners it wishes to see released in exchange for freeing Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit. An Israeli source, who is involved with the negotiations, says the list has reached Israel. However, the problem is that Israel finds some of the names on the list unacceptable. Israel will agree to the release of some prisoners "with bloodied hands" (those who have participated in attacks in which Israelis were killed), but not necessarily to the senior figures Hamas is demanding. It appears that an agreement has been reached on the number of Palestinian prisoners Israel will release in three stages, in exchange for Shalit's freedom. Israeli security sources confirmed last night that a "certain progress" was made in efforts to bring about the release of Shalit. The same sources noted that there are many complex obstacles in the way to completing the deal with Shalit's kidnappers and warned that the process may take time. more more The Muslims are QUEER: GME gay middle east - the biggest web-site for gays in the middle east (15 countries) :gay egypt,gay lebanon,gay israel,gay qatar, gay jordan, gay kuwait, gay oman, gay emirates, gay saudi arabia, gay palestine and more 16th February 2007 15:02 Alexis Hood The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has promised to crack down on the persecution of gay people in Iraq. The slaughter of gay Iraqis by Islamist death squads is yet another tragic consequence of the chaos and carnage in this beleaguered country. It would seem that no-one is safe from fundamentalist militias, who target Iraqis for "crimes against Islam," which might include drinking alcohol, having a Sunni name, or not being veiled if you are a woman. Sectarian blackmail, mutilation, and assassination of gays are rife. In 2005, Iraq's leading Muslim cleric, the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa ordering the execution of gay Iraqis. The followers of rebel leader Muqtada al-Sadr, too, are proving they are all too eager to murder gays. Now pressure from gay and human rights groups has forced the FCO to tackle these attacks on gay Iraqis. As late as May last year, a letter drafted by FCO officials was reluctant to address this problem. "We are of course aware of reports about the activities of so-called death squads in Iraq who are allegedly targeting people whose values are different from their own," the letter read. "This problem has mainly been centred on differences in religious belief and ethnicity, but we are aware of reports that it has now spread to include sexual orientation. "It is difficult, however, to assess clearly the extent of this problem and how much it reflects criminality and local feuding as opposed to widespread or organised movement against any particular group or groups." April 2006 saw more wavering from the FCO over reports of persecution of gays. In a communication, an FCO official gave their opinion that: "The position of homosexuality in Iraqi law is not clear. There is no specific law that we know of against homosexuality but there are others that could be seen to see it as illegal." By August 2006, however, the targeting of gays in Iraq was a hot topic. The Observer ran an article: "Gays flee Iraq as Shia death squads find a new target." People started writing to the FCO, who prepared the following statement in response: "We are aware of reports of increasing violence and intimidation against homosexual men in Iraq. This is in the context of a wider rise in violence against Iraqi civilians including violence against women, sectarian violence and violence against minorities. "We condemn all violence and intimidation and are working with the Iraqi government to tackle this, including by helping strengthen the capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces. More widely, we are working to promote respect for the rule of law and human rights by and for all Iraqis. "We raise issues of concern, such as the reports of increasing levels of violence against minorities with the Iraqi government on a regular basis." But gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell warns that these murders are an ominous sign of things to come. Writing in the New Humanist, he accuses some Iraqi police and government ministers of colluding in the killings, and argues that: "the execution of lesbian and gay Iraqis by Islamist death squads and militia is symptomatic of the fate that will befall all Iraqis if the fundamentalists continue to gain influence. The summary killing of queers is the canary in the mine – a warning of the barbarism to come." Join the Queer Jihad today!!! -- Praise the Lord and God Bless America, George M Weinert V [ posted by George M Weinert V @ 2:41 PM ] [ < noscript> Feedback ]
Name: el Greco
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 14:50:57 -0700
Hey you muslims, you know homosexuality is rampant in the muslim world, thanks to madrassas!! Many a little boy has been boinked in those places and it is never made public because the mullahs of those places repress the boys and threaten punishment. Even when they are older the boys can't talk because the muslim community won't have bad talk about their clergy going around....even if it is true!!
Name: me
Date: Monday October 08, 2007
Time: 01:42:59 -0700
homosexuality is quite common in the muslim world due to separation between men and women, i come from an islamic country and i can tell you that a great part of my fellow teenagers had gay intercourses , and the same is true for girls , we used to see them kissing in high school and no one pays them attention , on the contrary , society prohibits strictly any form of premarital heterosexulity ..for example , you can rent a hotel room with a same sex person , but not with an opposite sex one unless you give them the marriage certificate ..
Name: ***
Date: Monday October 08, 2007
Time: 02:22:24 -0700
I feel so sorry for your stubborn and blind mind. You are so blind that you even don't care if your writings are wrong or not. So sad...
Name: That is messed up
Date: Tuesday October 09, 2007
Time: 20:59:46 -0700
Omg not in any religion being gay is not accepted but to say that our prayers are like being gay that is fucked up how would u like it if us muslims made fun of the priest that molest children before you make fun of something that u dont know about
Name: Sadly
Date: Wednesday October 17, 2007
Time: 23:08:14 -0700
Do you not find it interesting that some 40,000 Christians and Jews are murdered annually in Muslims countries, but not one Christian nation speaks out about this atrocity against what Muslims call Dhimmi's who have no rights whatsoever in Islamic countries. If we in western nations speak out about Muslims and Islam, with proof of claims, we are condemned as Racists and Bigots, but there are no Racists and Bigots among Muslims, so our political leaders say, because Muslims have more rights in our nations than we do. One has to wonder who are the Dhimmi's in western nations when the minority Muslims have such great political power over our elected leaders.
Name: Mohd Ali Farooque
Date: Friday November 09, 2007
Time: 13:46:34 -0700
The writer has just tried to tarnish Islam.But he has complete lack of knowlege about this divine religion.The verses of Holy Quran says the positive aspects.But the writer has brought negative aspects to mess with readers. Islam say about such people(like writer) that they ard turned deaf,dumb and blind who are unable to please and accept the truth whether you try to convince them thousand of times. So readers just don't pay response to the writer's knee level knowledge.