Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Another Quranic Contradiction: The Privileged Rights of the Prophet

It has been a common knowledge now that Qur'an has contradictions or discrepancies which is not denied by Qur'an in the verse 4:82:
4:82 Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other Than Allah, they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy."
Were Qur'an free from any discrepancy, the verse would have said, "... they would surely have found therein no discrepancy", not "much discrepancy".

There has been a long list of errors and contradictions in Qur'an, here I just want to discuss a contradiction around verse 33:50 which may not so obvious.

First, we know that the prophet is the best example for muslims and they must follow the prophet's conducts.

33:21 Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.

But verse 33:50 says that not every conduct of the holy prophet can be followed by the muslims.

33:50 O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

This is a contradiction because verse 33:21 tells the muslims to follow the behavior of the prophet, but verse 33:50 says there are a few things which the muslims are not allowed to do what the prophet did.

The reason for forbidding muslims from following their holy prophet's conduct in verse 33:50 is obviously because what the holy prophet did (or was allowed) was not so beautiful or ideal to be followed.  Doing it must be a sinful act for the believers; and hence, the muslims are not supposed to do it. The prophet , therefore, actually did some sinful act and he is not supposed to be the role model.

Which among the lawful items in 33:50 is only for the prophets and not for the believers? It is the right to "wed" any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the prophet, because the other items are allowed for the Muslims too. (I put the word "wed" between quotes for the reason below).

But wait, isn't that a muslim can also marry a woman who wants to be his wife as long as the woman is halal to be his wife? All he must do is to pay the dowry which can be as little as memorizing a few verses, get a witness and do the ijab qabul ceremony where the woman says that she gives herself to the man and the man says that he accepts the woman as his wife.

So what Allah gives the prophet in 33:50 to be solely for the prophet is not the same as a marriage ritual done by the believers. It must have the meaning that the prophet can copulate right away with the woman who wants to dedicate herself to the prophet. No need for dowry, witness or ijab qabul statements.

In another word, the prophet can do adultery with a woman who is not his wife or his right hand. This holy prophet can just come to a woman's bed room without permission and the woman had better known the consequences if she didn't dedicate herself to prophet because that means disobeying Allah and disobeying the prophet. Allah himself has made a point that it would place the woman at the wrong path.

33:36 It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.

The case of the prophet marrying his cousin Zainab bint Jahsh may show us how the prophet exercised his special right (Tafsir Ibn Kathir):

(So, when Zayd had completed his aim with her, We gave her to you in marriage,) meaning, `when her marriage to Zayd was over and he had separated from her, We married her to you,' and the One Who was her Wali (guardian) in this marriage was Allah Himself, in the sense that He revealed to the Prophet that he should go in unto her without any Wali, contractual agreement, dowery or witnesses among mankind. Imam Ahmad recorded that Thabit said that Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "When Zaynab's `Iddah finished, may Allah be pleased with her, the Messenger of Allah said to Zayd bin Harithah,

(Go to her and tell her about me (that I want to marry her).) So, he went to her and found her kneading dough. He (Zayd) said, 'When I saw her I felt such respect for her that I could not even look at her and tell her what the Messenger of Allah had said, so I turned my back to her and stepped aside, and said, 'O Zaynab! Rejoice, for the Messenger of Allah has sent me to propose marriage to you on his behalf.' She said, 'I will not do anything until I pray to my Lord, may He be glorified.' So she went to the place where she usually prayed. Then Qur'an was revealed and the Messenger of Allah came and entered without permission.

The prophet had a crush on Zainab, so Zaid, Zainab's husband could not do anything but divorced her. After Zainab's iddah period had finished, the prophet proposed Zainab right away without any delay. But Zainab wanted to think about it and she went to her private place to pray. We know it is her private place because from the tafsir, it is implied that people needed her permission to enter, her bed room probably.

But the prophet could no longer hold his lust because he had been waiting for the iddah period which was 3 months, so he entered Zainab's private place without permission. It is not told what had happened in Zainab's private place, but we can make a good guess what will happen if a horny man comes to a woman's bed room. We can certainly say "only God knows" like what the bearded muslims say, but in this case, the prophet also knew what he was doing, right?

Not withholding his lust and being a sex maniac actually is a holy teaching from the prophet himself as shown in the hadits,

Muslim Book 008, Number 3241:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) saw a woman; and the rest of the hadith was narrated but (with this exception) that he said he came to his wife Zainab, who was tanning a (piece of) leather, and he made no mention of:" She retires in the shape of satan."

This case will force us to think that Qur'an is nothing more than the word of the holy prophet himself, not of Allah. Surprisingly, Qur'an does indeed say that it is the word of the prophet himself.

81:19 Verily this is the word of a most honourable Messenger,

We shouldn't deny this honourable ayah from the honourable messenger, should we?

1. All Qur'an verses are taken from Yusuf Ali's translation which can be found at
2. Tafsir Ibn Kathir can be found at
3. Hadits Muslim can be found at


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Name: balam
Date: Wednesday April 16, 2008
Time: 07:12:01 -0700


What a beautiful piece of excavation from the quran by Abu Taleb.congratulations Abu Taleb.Mohammad was certainly a Horny creature.Muslims are lucky to have a perfect character to follow.The muslims should be ashamed of themselves to follow a man like that.Islam seems to be an adultrous religion.That is why the Muslims attack others so much because Offence is the best form of defense.Thank God Mohammad is not around,otherwise no womans chastity would be safe.what a pervert,turned false prophet.

Name: Mohammad a human being?
Date: Wednesday April 16, 2008
Time: 08:36:45 -0700


I think many muslims accept that the allegations in the article are true, but it doesn??t chance their opinion concerning Mohammad that much because they see him in a line with other prophets and their myths like Adam, Noah, Moses and Jesus. Therefore, they regarded Mohammad as a mythic person. However, Mohammad is historically relevant and we must regard him as human being with full responsibility for his atrocities. However, if muslim believe in the miraculous stories of Moses and Noah, then they may even accept that Mohammad was married to a six years old girl. But he is not a myth like Noah and Moses. He was as real as Caesar, Hitler or Marilyn Monroe and we must compare him to other humans, not to myths.

Date: Wednesday April 16, 2008
Time: 08:49:41 -0700



Name: HishamTo Abu Taleb
Date: Wednesday April 16, 2008
Time: 15:45:52 -0700


Good article. Yes you did pull out one more contradiction on top of a shitload of them. I know Akhter will respond with contradictions from books of other religions. What else can he do.

Name: al ham dull ill aahhh good article
Date: Wednesday April 16, 2008
Time: 23:47:25 -0700


al ham dull ill aahhh,allah hu iblis,allah hu pig,what a great article.every muslim must read it to know muhamed created allah in his lusty imagination so he cud fuck any woman he wanted.

Name: Mohammad
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 00:47:33 -0700


Aren't there any standards of writing and scholarship on this website? It seems like every piece makes it here as long as it is loaded with nonsense. There is no contradiction. Following prophet's behavior, does not mean having the same privileges as he does. For example, a student of martial arts is following his coach as his role model in the specific area of martial arts; this does not mean he should have a mercedes just like the one his coach has. Secondly, in the first verse you mentioned about discrepancies in the Quran, note that if Quran had said 'there is no discrepancy' it would have made a false statement because the word 'discrepancy' does appear in the Quran and there exists theoretically the word 'discrepancy'. To have a valid statement, then the Quran says there wouldn't be much discrepancy. This is another thing for you to ponder about.

Name: Will muslims ever understand?
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 01:08:34 -0700


The most striking thing to me is that all the contradictions in the quran are so obvious, yet no muslim takes care of them. It??s some kind of a herd instinct. They would never critisize themselves but always blame others like US-Imperialism and Zionism. That??s another reason for the backwardness of muslim countries. Nothing can develop if there is no space for reflection and self criticism. Their whole thinking is totally damaged I think.

Name: Re: Mohammad
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 01:19:35 -0700


"Aren't there any standards of writing and scholarship on this website?" This is exactly what I meant in the comment before. You are referring to standards of others while accepting without any criticism that there are virtually no standards concerning your "beloved prophet". You are not concerned at all that he married and f****d a child, that he had many sex-slaves, that he had many wives etc. I think that the leader of a "religion of peace" has to observe certain standards or moral but you think he must not. But look at Buddha, Jesus, the Pope and the Dalai Lama! They never did such things and that??s why they deserve respect. But what does Mohammad deserve respect for? For killing infidels and for his sex adventures with innocent women??? Don??t tell others anything about standards!!!

Name: Have they left Islam or Izlam?
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 01:44:02 -0700


*Islam (peace and submission to Creator) is a way of life, which is full of love, mercy, kindness and forgiveness [Quran 1:1-2; 85:14; 21:107; 60:7; 4:17; 7:199; 39:53; etc.], for everyone [2:62; 5:69; 22:17; 34:28; 103:1-3; etc.], opposes terror and oppressors [4:75; 22:39-40; 2:190; etc.], strongly forbids unjust killing and suicide [5:32; 2:195; 4:29; 4:92; 17:31; 17:33; 6:151; etc.], self-defensive as well as tolerant [2:190; 6:107-8; 60:7-9; etc.], gives equal status and rights to women [4:1; 4:4; 4:7; 4:19; 4:32; 4:124; 40:40; 2:187; 3:195; 9:71; 16:97; 30:21; 33:35; 49:13; 16:72; etc.], strongly condemns barbaric female infanticide [16:58-59; 81:8-9; 17:31; etc.], offers freedom of faith and freedom of religion [109:6; 2:256; 6:104; 10:108; 11:108; 18:29; 17:15; 10:99; 76:3; 42:48; 12:104; 39:41; 11:121; 34:25; 6:107-8; 10:41; 2:139; 2:272; 42:6; 73:19; 43:88-89; etc.], against priesthood and religious peddlers [9:31; 9:34; 2:41; 2:174; etc.], ensures justice in this world and in the hereafter [4:135; 5:8; 4:58; 57:25; 39:69-70; 40:17; 41:46; etc.], preaches secularism and pluralism [109:6; 49:13; 2:213; 2:62; 5:65-66; 5:69; 22:17; etc.], gives rights to orphan, needy and widows [2:177; 2:115; 2:220; 2:240-41; 4:2; 4:8; 4:10; 4:36; 93:9-10; 89:17-18; etc.], strongly encourages people to free their slaves that they already possess [90:12-13; 9:60; 2:177; etc.], protects religious temples [22:40], promises eternal peace and salvation in the hereafter [85:11; 4:122; 19:61; 32:19; 2:112; etc.], and so on. Moreover, unlike some other religions, there is no racism, nationalism, caste system, untouchability, slave trade, witch burning, widow burning, honor killing, stoning to death for apostasy, blasphemy and adultery, genocide, superstitions, etc. in the Quran. And above all, Quran is the most positive, progressive, logical and rational book in the world. Yet some mental slaves like Ali Sina, Abul Kasem etc. are trying their best to ridicule Muslims' belief in the most nefarious manner using all sorts of lies and deceptions. Many gullible non-Muslims have also been fooled by their propaganda! #On the other hand, Izlam (a derogatory term) is a cult portrayed by anti-Muslim media, which is full of terrorism, extremism, fanaticism, violence, suicide bombing, intolerance, hatred, bigotry, misogynist, etc. *Now, the question is which religion have the so called ex-Muslims left? Is it Islam or Izlam? If it's Izlam, then let there be congratulations to them! Because Muslims do not believe in such a hateful, misogynist and terror cult call Izlam either. So, it's crystal clear that the so-called ex-Muslims like Ali Sina (fake name), Ibn Warraq (fake name), Abul Kasem (fake name), Syed Mirza (fake name), Mohammad Asghar (?), Wafa Sultan (never a Muslim), Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Maryam Namazie, Taslima Nasreen et al. have been fooled and deceived by anti-Muslim media! And at the same time many gullible non-Muslims have also been fooled and deceived!

Name: Re:Re:Mohammad
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 14:21:26 -0700


I don't see why having more than one wife is immoral. This is what is wrong with your thinking. You think whatever does not fit your definition of morality is immoral. In the west, people have sex with many women throughout their lives without making a commitment to stay and take care of the children. What is more immoral: a system that understands some men's urge of having relationships with more than one women but forcing him to commit to all the relationships (up to four) or a system that denies it and faces the inevitable consequences of broken families and single parents. People in the west are better off finding solutions to their own shortcomings and immorality before researching the morality of a 7th century man. You have completely gotten your priorities mixed up.

Name: vbv
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 02:38:35 -0700


Mohamad was the greatest lecher in the history of humanity,the most immoral , unprincipled andmurderous bastard you can ever find - and to top it all he founds a ghastly,violent,immoral cult with a promise to a lecherous 'heaven' for his followers hinding behind a facade of "religion" by name only bereft of morality and spirituality ,while the billion brain-dead zombies follow like stupid goats to their slaughter! There is no redemption here ,just a misery and terror spreading over the gullble muslims ,reveling in loot,rape and pedophile,incestous relations - a perenial dark tunnel of ignoprance and miserably inhuman existence with no light of knowledge,prudence,spirituality,enlightenment,ect al in sight! The self-appointed 'prophet' of islam is the filthiest character in the annals of human history , and that he comes from Arabia is the least surprising! Hats off to the author for his exposure!

Name: SomeOne
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 10:46:51 -0700


Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام

Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 17:44:54 -0700


> Following prophet's behavior, does not mean having the same privileges as he does. Why can't the moslems follow every behavior of the prophet, if the prophet has beautiful conduct and the role model of every human? Or, can every moslem follows the prophet by each of them has some privileges over the others because the prophet is the role model?

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