"Why I Am Not A Muslim": Bold, Brilliant, and Blasphemous
01 Oct, 2007
In 1990 'Free Inquiry Magazine' published an article called "Why
I Am Not A Jew" by David Dvorkin. In its introduction the following
words appeared:
"Atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers - call them whatever
they prefer, virtually all of them share one very large blind spot:
they are almost all ex-Christians, and therefore they measure their
shiny new non-belief not against belief in general, but against
Christianity in particular. It is thus ex-Christians who write the
literature that, to the world at large, represents the views of
non-believers. Literature that is specifically intended to present
the arguments against religious belief tends in fact to present the
arguments against Christian belief."
To be sure, Dvorkin's claim has a very solid foundation in fact:
most of the modern anti-religion and atheist doctrines and theories
stem from a disillusionment and deconstruction of the Christian
faith. From Voltaire to Bertrand Russell ("Why I Am Not A
Christian", 1927), the main object of scrutiny and scorn has been
the Gospel of Christ, a set of tenets and moral teachings Voltaire
famously referred to as the "most ridiculous, the most absurd, and
bloody religion that has ever infected the world." Fortunately, for
Voltaire, there has been a vast body of research and testimony to
substantiate his sacrilegious claims. Unfortunately for Voltaire,
not all of them are directed at the Christian faith.
The Eastern faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism) make no
claims of exclusivity, i.e. that salvation can only be found in
their dogmas. The Western faiths (Judaism, Christianity, Islam),
however, do. Each proclaims itself the utter and infallible word of
God and seeks to subjugate the world to its will. That's where Ibn
Warraq comes in. Like Dvorkin's essay and Russell's famous speech,
Warraq takes the standard of Reason, Historical Scrutiny, and
Speculation and applies it to Islam, the religion he inherited from
his ancestors. What emerges is what can only be termed as a
pioneering work, a revolutionary and giant body of research and
analysis which stands as the most comprehensive, critical, and
detailed look at the revelation, the history, the tradition, and the
culture that is Islam.
Make no mistake about it: this book is a devastating piece of
anti-Islamic propaganda, an unapologetic denunciation of a religion
that has become a cultural and moral wasteland. It is with profound
regret and unmitigated rage that Warraq assails Islam for serving as
the impetus to History's worst human rights record: the suffocation
of Reason and Freedom of Expression, the subjugation of Jews and
Christians, the dehumanization of pagans, slaves, and even non-Arab
Muslims, and a Holocaust against Womankind that continues
unchallenged because of its self-declared 'divine' sanction. It will
always baffle me that a majority of this world, a majority that
happens to be female, is condemned, oppressed, and exploited by the
very same ideology that tells them that their salvation is only
attainable through self-effacement, and that they comply,
reconciling themselves with such blatant notions of cruelty and
misogyny. Such is the malicious legacy of the Patriarchal Faiths. I
am not entirely convinced that Islam will survive the mounting call
to reform, but what is apparent is that it will be Muslim women who
initiate and maintain any such progressive reformation.
"Why I Am Not A Muslim" is important because it looks critically and
historically at the whole of "Islam", concluding that it is nothing
more than a 7th century Arabian narcissist's attempt to mimic
Judeo-Christian monotheism with some Samaritan/Sabian overtones and
a whole host of pagan rituals thrown in to make it more appealing to
hordes of 'unbelievers'. Did you know, for example, that pagan Arabs
worshipped Allah, placing him high in the hierarchy of their
deities? That Muhammad was rejected by all the monotheists of his
homeland (Jews, Christians, Sabians, Hanafis) before claiming his
own 'perfect' monotheism? That the pagans had their own pilgrimage
rituals which included running between holy sites and casting
stones, as does the Muslim Hajj ritual? That the parallels between
the prophethoods of Moses and Muhammad are too identical to have
been distinct? This is but a minute sampling of what the book
offers. Warraq's conclusions are indeed audacious and he blasphemes
in virtually every sentence; however, it is difficult not to agree
with his conclusions because they are based on historical accounts
and not theologically inspired ones. Warraq examines not only the
expected subjects (Muhammad, the Koran, the Origins of Islam, the
status of Muslim Women and religious minorities) but some unlikely
ones as well: the relationship between Islam and Totalitarianism,
the compatibility of Islam with Democracy and Human Rights, the
influence of Greek Science on Muslim Culture and, probably most
telling of all, the history of atheists and freethinkers in Islamic
civilizations. Truly, he has assembled an awesome body of research,
and the wealth of information which resides in its pages makes it a
valuable tool not only in Islamic critique but also in terms of the
only subject that really matters: human nature and the ways of human
thought. Ultimately, Warraq declares that Islam is just another name
for the Arab Imperialism the peninsula witnessed between the 7th and
9th centuries.
Reading "Why I Am Not A Muslim" was a profoundly eye opening
experience, even for someone like me who comes from a Sunni Turkish
background. For example, I knew, as most people do, that Muhammad
was a skilled general and a charismatic politician. I knew that he
had fought in wars to defend his people, and, as happens in war, he
killed some of his opponents. In spite of this, the image in my mind
of Muhammad was always that of a gentle, reflective individual, in
effect a Bedouin Jesus. According to Warraq and his sources, a
completely disparate image emerges: gone is the humble messenger of
God, and in his place is raised a merciless, bloodthirsty warlord, a
man who spread the word of God by threatening lives instead of
appealing to spirituality. A man who butchered 900 Jews of the Banu
Qurayza tribe, taking the women and children as slaves and keeping
the chief's daughter, Saffiya, among his collection of wives. He had
hundreds of political opponents assassinated and looted their
material and sacred resources. He had a mother of five killed while
she was suckling her newborn. He had between 15 and 25 wives, and
perhaps countless concubines. Here is a man who, at the age of 51,
consummated with a nine-year-old girl, his child bride Aisha, whom
he married when she was six (yes, six). The amazing thing is these
accounts cannot be dismissed as `racist Orientalism' for they are
themselves corroborated by the Islamic tradition. Whether or not
this tradition is reliable (or even credible) is a separate issue,
for we have scant evidence directly linked to the life of Muhammad
(or, as he was known to his tribesmen before his prophet days, Abul
Kassim) but it is the tradition upon which the Islamic foundation is
laid and is the only one we are given to consider.
Like Warraq, I too am an ex-Muslim, though I excised my Islamic
identity several years before I had ever heard of "Why I Am Not A
Muslim". I picked it up out of sheer curiosity and amazement that
someone had dared to compose such a tome. I thought that if an
ex-Muslim was courageous enough to take Islam head-on, in spite of
what had happened to Salman Rushdie after the publication of "The
Satanic Verses" (a book which is comparatively much kinder to
Islam), then I, as someone who understood his positions and shared
his dismay, had an obligation to read it. I would thereby recommend
it to anyone with an interest in Islam, though it seems unlikely
(and understandably so) that any Muslim would ever consider reading
Liberal intellectuals in the west are taken to task in the final
chapter, but it is a criticism which must be considered as a
double-edged sword for both Warraq's anti-Islamism and his Humanism;
I can empathize with his frustrations. Islamic fundamentalists are
ideologically similar to conservative right-wingers: if you have any
doubts, look at the completely illogical and self-serving
justifications offered by George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden for
their voluntary wars- both claim God is on their side and both seek
support by playing to the fears and ignorance of the masses. They
are, however, politically opposed to each other (it's called OIL).
Leftist intellectuals have made heavy allowances for the
understanding and acceptance of Islam and other 'backward' cultures,
offering some deeply convoluted apologies for its inhumanity in an
attempt at hypertolerant inclusion. As a liberal, I understand the
desire to respect and appreciate everyone's right to practice
religion. As humanists, and as those who champion human rights (and
let's be honest here- this is the domain of activist liberals in the
West) we cannot overlook those same human rights in the name of
multicultural tolerance. Yes, we are all entitled to believe what we
want and to act accordingly, but we must insist that all rights are
guaranteed to all human beings, even if those rights are in
opposition to certain religious dogmas. To liberals, nothing is more
important than being fair, open-minded, and inclusive. Warraq must
concede that humanist values have been propagated by liberal
reformers. But we liberals do have a standard to bear, and not all
ideologies will be able to meet it. We must work for their reform,
and this is especially true of Islam and its disastrous human rights
record. Unfortunately, any criticism of Islam is immediately
classified as racist Orientalism or western imperialism, even if the
criticism is coming from Muslims and ex-Muslims themselves. This
interpretation of Islamic critique needs to be viewed as humanist
reform and not colonialism.
What is clear in reading "Why I Am Not A Muslim" is that Ibn Warraq
perceives his endeavor as a crusade against the falsehood that is
Islam. Whether or not one agrees with him he must be given credit
for assembling an immensely powerful compilation of evidence to make
his case. It is about time that the same standards of historical
criticism and humanist reform that were applied to Judaism and
Christianity were applied to Islam. There is no good reason for them
not to be. Islam has for too long resided in the dark shadow of
self-seclusion, cutting itself off from the outside world in order
to maintain and validate its own dogmas. Warraq's book is proof
enough that Islam as it exists today is unacceptable; there can be
no more Talibans or Ayatollahs or Wahhabi Saudis. To believe in the
message of an Arabian prophet as that of God is one thing; to
promulgate it upon human lives through force, threat, and
annihilation is another, unacceptable and entirely at odds with
humanity. I eagerly await the arrival of a tolerant, humane, and
liberal Islam. But how will the Islamic Reformation take place? That
remains a possibility wrought with tremendous hope and yet potential
catastrophe. What is certain is that it must begin with each Muslim
asking, "Why am I Muslim?" If the question can be answered beyond
the call of hereditary inheritance and blind acceptance, then there
is hope. But it must begin with individuals, and not councils or
mullahs or imams. To quote David Dvorkin once again: "If Western
civilization has made one single important contribution to the
world, it is the concept of individuality: the idea that a man is
what he chooses to be, not what his community ordains him to be;
that each of us represents only himself and is not a mere cell in
some familial or ethnic organism. This, to my mind, is the true
essence of humanism."
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Tarik Armagan is a former Muslim based in Istanbul, Turkey. This article appeared in Amazon.com.
Name: individualism is a indian concept not western
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 23:04:30 -0700
Name: individualism is a indian concept not western
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 23:09:23 -0700
individualism is indian concept not western.democracy is practiced here for over 5000 years in kalinga and other " ganarajya " people's rule in orrissa in india. same way worship or god,or non worship or atheism is also not western concept,bcoz there r many great thinkers like rishi charavak etc who rejected the concept of a creationist god and proclaimed that nature is our creator as found out correctly by science later. buddha was deeply influenced by charavak and his followers who extolled freedom from religion and humanist approach to life which influenced taoism,buddhism and cuased them to occour. i request u to pls read world history first, u will see what west has today is nothing new. humanism,individuality and atheism is INDIAN INVENTION. before anyone denied existance of any god,in the world indians proclaiemd this fact over 5000 years ago and stressed righteous living and individual freedom.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 23:57:08 -0700
Atlast I find a rational article! It confirms that Abrahamic creeds are all bigoted,intolerant and preach exclusivity. Salvation is there only in rabbid , blind belief of the Abrahamic god Yahweh/Allah and in none other. It is totally unlike the much older, more rational Eastern religions which allow individualism,freedom to question faith or god, not blind and abject submission,freedom to practice even atheism without inviting dire and fatal consequences like the Abrahamic creeds. Abrahmic creeds are highly organised holding people in total fear like a mafia organisation where your god virtually owns your body and soul (you are just a slave). Eastern creeds like hinduism,Budhism,Shintoism ,Jainism ,etc, allow free discourse and not abject and unquestioning surrender to an intolerant idealogy. Eastern religions lay more emphasis on moral conduct,non-violence and brotherhood of man than Abrahamic creeds which demand belief in the deity above any moral and ethical conduct.For eg. in islam (as per QTV) your sins even it reaches the sky will be forgiven by Allah if you place absolute and uquestioning faith in Allah,who will then admit you to his paradise! So , you can plunder,loot, cheat, rape,etc.but all that will be swept under the carpet by Allah if you place absolute faith in Allah and abjectly surrender to him as a slave! The whole creed is itself is on an immoral and irrational foundation ! And we have over a billion brain-dead zombies following it!
Name: Is this all you got about Islam. ITs a system with centuries of knowledge,
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 08:23:44 -0700
Where is all this knowledge coming from. Disciple Manner. Invensions, keep your political dillusion to yourself man, its looks from your article that you are lost in the jungle and blaming every single tree for it. Well who is fault is it? I recommend you get a life (thats if you have one or can define one).
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 13:31:53 -0700
Quoted from vbv:"...you can plunder,loot, cheat, rape,etc.but all that will be swept under the carpet by Allah if you place absolute faith in Allah..." Actully, this is a wrong information. Quran clearly states that God will not forgive sins that commited against mankind but only victim can... Thats why Im a muslim; humans are above everything in Islam.
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 13:51:55 -0700
Jesus Christ says to love your enemies and pray for them. He says to give your coat and shirt. Walk two miles when someone asks you to go one. Turn the other cheek when someone slaps you. Then to sum it all up he dies for the sacrifice of sin. That's a true leader. One worth following.
Name: John
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 13:56:52 -0700
Question to Mr. Muslim: You wrote" Quran clearly states that God will not forgive sins that commited against mankind but only victim can." Does that mean that your Allah will not forgive Mohammed for all the rapes he committed of the captured women, all the asassinations he ordered of his critics,all the communities he robbed for his living, all the Bani Quraizan's he beheaded, and all the men he killed in his raids for booty?
Name: nour
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 14:19:10 -0700
allah dont want u in his heaven,islam dont want u ,muslim wont be happy if ur muslims thx coz u left isalm for us
Name: the thing i
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 17:22:01 -0700
the thing i find difficult to understand is if islam is so bad and in need of ''reformation'' as u said then why is it the fastest growning religion in the world even though there so much negitive things said about it in the media it doesnt seem to affect the mass growth.oh and btw al of u ex muslims you are not gonna make a dif no matter what u say about islam onli by saying you are an ex muslim dont mean were gonna follow your insane ways
Name: cato
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 19:56:10 -0700
Name: Bobby
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 20:36:23 -0700
When Muslims are prohibited from learning about the other faiths and leaving Islam - how can you call it the fastest growing religion. If you let people free, it would be fastest shrinking religion! :)
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 09:40:44 -0700
You mention Paganism as a foundation for islam - as if paganism were to blame.---------Yet, Pagans never, EVER forced their philosophy on others.----Why can't monotheists leave us alone - live and let live. Mind their own business!?--------- Allat-Pagan Polytheist
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 10:47:19 -0700
TO: "Is this all you got about Islam. ITs a system with centuries of knowledge,I recommend you get a life (thats if you have one or can define one). This writing is part of people's lives - who are you to say what people should do with their life? -------------- If you can do better, don't criticize, write an article.------------------And when you say, "It's a system with centuries of knowledge," yeah, centuries of stolen knowledge! To Blank: "Thats why Im a muslim; humans are above everything in Islam."----You only think you are. Truth is, Humans ARE part of Nature. If you think you are above anything, esp. Nature, then try to control Nature...which at the moment, is pulling the rug right from under our feet. See the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, as an example. Man, you islamics can't even control the extreme heat in the Arabia or the Mideast. We ARE part and parcel of the Universe. --------Put THAT in your pipe, and smoke it! ---Allat-Polytheist, ha, ha, ha.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 10:55:00 -0700
Islam ISN"T the astest growing religion. It is open-ended, because on one hand - it forces conversions , as well as tricks people to converting 9 an ex. is the Black men in prison in the U.S. ) but on the other hand, thousands and thousands of people, leave islam on the quiet. AND they are NOT going to report themselves - in a census - and /or give their names. Put this in your pipe and smoke it! Ha, ha. It's time we, non-moslems, take a stance against you - stand firm against the spread of islam. It's time we speak out against your nonsense. Allat- Pagan Patrick Henry TO: "Is this all you got about Islam. ITs a system with centuries of knowledge,I recommend you get a life (thats if you have one or can define one). This writing is part of people's lives - who are you to say what people should do with their life? -------------- If you can do better, don't criticize, write an article.------------------And when you say, "It's a system with centuries of knowledge," yeah, centuries of stolen knowledge! To Blank: "Thats why Im a muslim; humans are above everything in Islam."----You only think you are. Truth is, Humans ARE part of Nature. If you think you are above anything, esp. Nature, then try to control Nature...which at the moment, is pulling the rug right from under our feet. See the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, as an example. Man, you islamics can't even control the extreme heat in the Arabia or the Mideast. We ARE part and parcel of the Universe. --------Put THAT in your pipe, and smoke it! ---Allat-Polytheist, ha, ha, ha.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 10:55:54 -0700
Islam ISN"T the fastest growing religion. It is open-ended, because on one hand - it forces conversions , as well as tricks people to converting (an example, is the Black men in prison in the U.S. ) but on the other hand, thousands and thousands of people, leave islam on the quiet. AND they are NOT going to report themselves - in a census - and /or give their names. Put this in your pipe and smoke it! Ha, ha. It's time we, non-moslems, take a stance against you - stand firm against the spread of islam. It's time we speak out against your nonsense. Allat- Pagan Patrick Henry TO: "Is this all you got about Islam. ITs a system with centuries of knowledge,I recommend you get a life (thats if you have one or can define one). This writing is part of people's lives - who are you to say what people should do with their life? -------------- If you can do better, don't criticize, write an article.------------------And when you say, "It's a system with centuries of knowledge," yeah, centuries of stolen knowledge! To Blank: "Thats why Im a muslim; humans are above everything in Islam."----You only think you are. Truth is, Humans ARE part of Nature. If you think you are above anything, esp. Nature, then try to control Nature...which at the moment, is pulling the rug right from under our feet. See the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, as an example. Man, you islamics can't even control the extreme heat in the Arabia or the Mideast. We ARE part and parcel of the Universe. --------Put THAT in your pipe, and smoke it! ---Allat-Polytheist, ha, ha, ha.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 10:56:55 -0700
Islam ISN"T the fastest growing religion. It is open-ended, because on one hand - it forces conversions , as well as tricks people to converting (an example, is the Black men in prison in the U.S. ) but on the other hand, thousands and thousands of people, leave islam on the quiet. AND they are NOT going to report themselves - in a census - and /or give their names. Put this in your pipe and smoke it! Ha, ha. It's time we, non-moslems, take a stance against you - stand firm against the spread of islam. It's time we speak out against your nonsense. ---------------- TO: "Is this all you got about Islam. ITs a system with centuries of knowledge,I recommend you get a life (thats if you have one or can define one).----------- This writing is part of people's lives - who are you to say what people should do with their life? -------------- If you can do better, don't criticize, write an article.------------------And when you say, "It's a system with centuries of knowledge," yeah, centuries of stolen knowledge! -------------- To Blank: "Thats why Im a muslim; humans are above everything in Islam."----You only think you are. Truth is, Humans ARE part of Nature. If you think you are above anything, esp. Nature, then try to control Nature...which at the moment, is pulling the rug right from under our feet. See the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, as an example. Man, you islamics can't even control the extreme heat in the Arabia or the Mideast. We ARE part and parcel of the Universe. --------Put THAT in your pipe, and smoke it! ---Allat-Polytheist, ha, ha, ha.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 12:32:21 -0700
Tarik said: "The Western faiths (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), however, do [make a claim to exclusivity] . Each proclaims itself the utter and infallible word of God and seeks to subjugate the world to its will." You're wrong with regard to Judaism -it's only for Jews, the Chosen People, they do not seek to proselytize the world! Moses never said "go and subjugate the non-believers"; and neither did Jesus, but Mohd. did - that's the difference between the so-called Abrahamic faiths - you should listen to their founders if you want to analyse these religions. To the commentators that say that Islam is an Abrahamic faith, this is not true - Al-Lah was the creator god of the Arab pantheon not the God who revealed himself to Abraham. It would have been like St. Paul saying to the Greeks "the God of Abraham is actually Zeus who is the chief god of your pantheon"! And one fundamental issue is that all the prophets of God, from Abraham to Moses to Jesus were Jews, so how can an Arab make such a preposterous claim to be a prophet of God? Oh I forgot, its the same Arab who believed, as reported in the Koran itself, that Alexander the Great was a prophet of God!
Name: re;bobby
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 14:54:11 -0700
bobby..muslims are free and are aloud to learn about other religions i dont know where u are getting ur facts.no matter what u say its still the fastest growing religion for some christians thats hard to handle but hey what can you do its just the way it is
Name: bobby
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 19:12:30 -0700
sorry, I was under the impression that the penalty for conversion out of islam is death. I didn't know people are welcome to leave islam if they wanted and books critical of islam and other religious materials are freely available in islamic countries. Thanks for letting me know. Folks still practicing and identifying themseleves as muslims inspite of this means Islam is really great!
Name: bobby
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 19:29:35 -0700
to muslims: This website has some excellent articles and actual history. Please take this God given opportunity to learn more about the other face of Islam that you were never exposed to or chose to ignore...and do it with an open mind.
Name: silenzer
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 03:59:09 -0700
The concept of individuality and freedom of practising his or her own beliefs is deeply rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism. See how many sects of Hinduism exist. None quarrel with each other. There are shaivas, shaktas, vaishnavas etc. They don't quarrel in the supremacy of their belief. Even Buddha advises everyone to accept that which is acceptable to his/her mind. Whereas with Islam or Christianity, there is a big problem concerned with salvation. Christians say "only Jesus is the way for salvation; rest are damned to eternal hell". Similarly, Islam says Jews, Christians, Hindus etc will be poured boiling oil and pierced with hot rod in heads. All this is total nonsense. No religion should come in the way of freedom of thought, expression, and rationale. This is the reason why Christianity has failed in the west and islam is failing on a daily basis. Due to the beauty of scriptures presented in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism people in the west (the learned ones) are fast accepting the teachings in these religions. Whereas, the so called God-ordained religions (J,X,786) are taking beatings by the learned people.
Name: xyz
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 04:14:13 -0700
Come on John...I think you should go back to where you got that info from??Or is that what your own mind thinks happened??? If you're going to comment then do so based on events everybody agrees on not just yourself. Anyway, why do you attack ISLAM?? Are you jeoulous that our religion is great? Because believe me it is great no matter what you say.......Maybe you should try attacking other religions for a change....
Name: xyz
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 04:19:16 -0700
Bobby.....It is the fastest growing religion whether you like it or not...And its the greatest religion whether you like it or not....And what i'm saying is true whether you like it or not.....Look for something else to pick on.....again whether you like it or not..
Name: Marie
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 12:21:37 -0700
Xyz like or not in the west we have the concept of freedom of speech. That means the right to criticize or question religion. There are no exceptions for Islam like it or not. This is what we call diversity.
Name: allat
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 15:58:00 -0700
SILENZER: "The concept of individuality and freedom of practising his or her own beliefs is deeply rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism."------------- Yes, that is truth! However, these religions are considered PAGAN by both islam and xtianity.--------- ----------------------------------------------------------To xyz: It is NOT the fastest growing religion in the world. Where do you get your stats? And it isn't the greatest religion. Have you read your koran lately? NOT what the imams tell you, but your own reading? Allat- Pagan Polytheist
Name: bobby
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 18:33:46 -0700
Distorted information is one of the chief weapons in this jihad against non-believers. the american muslim population is not more than 2 million by any measure, but different muslim groups put it at 6, 8 or even 12 million. All in the hope they can gain some political leverage and media time.
Name: xyz
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 02:11:53 -0700
To Marie: Bla Bla Bla.......Whatever you say dear...
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 13:26:06 -0700
Islam may be the fastest growing religion in the world today, but so what? National Socialism was the fastest growing political party in Germany in the 1930s! It's truth, honesty and freedom that matter most in any movement that tries to claim people's souls.
Name: Breeding
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 16:28:00 -0700
Islam is the fastest breeding religion.
Name: PMK
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 11:47:20 -0700
xyz, If your religion is so great then why do you get so worked up when someone criticizes it? Why not just laugh at them? You know best, why not revel in your brilliance? Is Islam so weak that it cannot abide people who follow a different path?
Name: A. Asad
Date: Thursday October 18, 2007
Time: 22:10:44 -0700
I suppose that you've never read Ali ibn Abi Talib's Nahjul-Balaghah...OR really read the accounts from Ahlul-Bayt. In fact, you mention nothing about them in your presentation. It seems one-sided and incomplete...
Name: EyesWideOpen
Date: Thursday October 25, 2007
Time: 07:20:42 -0700
Catch a clue, Americans! Western civilization has been sleeping while their enemies have been constantly working for its destruction. There is no such thing as "peace" in Islam. There are more mosques than there are churches in the U.S. . Liberal democrats have opened wide the gates for Muslims and illegal immigrants to come here, receive equal rights, benefite, and have catered to their false religion above a Christian's. You people, if you are still alive, don't complain when your child's schools start blowing up and bombs go off in your own neighborhoods. This mentality of Political Correctness and everyone has a right to be here is sickening and will be your greatest mistake if you do not wake up! Scripture speaks of in the last days a one-world religion and one-world government will emerge. Well if you haven't been living in a cave, you should be well aware who is slaughtering, torturing, beheading Christians in many parts of the world for not bowing down to the Islamic faith. This is reality, folks. It's not going away, but will only get worse until Jesus comes.
Name: Sumayah
Date: Monday October 29, 2007
Time: 11:06:25 -0700
Your baseless claims are refuted on several websites. Remember that the Last Day will come and all untruths will be revealed. May Allah (SWT) show you and your team to the path of truth. Meanwhile, I'll refer you to: answering-christianity.com irf.net examinethetruth.com May Allah (SWT) give you hidayat.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Wednesday October 31, 2007
Time: 13:28:16 -0700
Sumayah, I have just visited the answering-christianity.com website. Is this the best you can do? A series of childish refutations based on passages taken out of context. Of course you won't believe in Christianity because you're a muslim and you believe in a totally different god from Christians. Your god Al-Lah is up there watching you all the time in case you make some mistakes so he can write them down in his big book, he's up there plotting the demise of all unbelievers and thinking up new ways of torturing them in the afterlife. He's there ready to slaughter any enemies of Islam. The God of the Christians, whose name happens to be "I am" (not Al-Lah) as revealed to Moses, is a God of Love so he can't possibly hate! He loves unbelievers and sinners, and is waiting like a loving Father for them to come home, not thinking of ways to torture them. Therefore, you can't "answer" Christianity as you don't actually understand the nature of any questions about the Christian God. Christianity also requires that you have a personal relationship with this God, that you love Him with all your soul and mind and might, and love your neighbour (and enemy), which requires a change of heart not just a blind acceptance of a set of beliefs laid down in some book or writings.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Wednesday October 31, 2007
Time: 13:31:04 -0700
Just a quick question: why do Moslems believe Al-Lah created mankind? What was the reason?
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 07:23:54 -0700
Name: Bashir Rabile
Date: Saturday December 01, 2007
Time: 20:02:54 -0700
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 11:08:40 -0700
Uninformed Muslems really show their stupidity. They say Islam is the fastest growing religion as their argument for everything. Where is the proof of this, Muhammed?
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 12:10:22 -0700
To bashir rabile: All Muslems are this reasonable and logical, you want proof read the pther comments.
Name: does allah hv a soul ?
Date: Monday May 12, 2008
Time: 22:38:48 -0700
does allah hv a soul ? if he does he is human,if he does not he is an animal bcoz animals dont hv it as per judeo christianity/islam.so allah is non existant,or totally indeffirent to humans.
Name: pia
Date: Tuesday May 13, 2008
Time: 02:29:38 -0700
Name: J.C. Immanuelle
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 07:35:40 -0700
Hi, Yes.. There is another amazing book about Islam. It's called "Christ, Muhammad & I", the author is Mohammad Ghazali. He was an ex muslim, from Libya, an assistant to Qadafi. Should read it. it's really good. Thank you