The planned Mega-Mosque at the 9/11 Ground Zero will not only be a new Islamic hate-center, but is also a bold Islamist challenge to Islamize America. When politicians won't do anything but appeasement of vicious Islamists, citizens must moblize efforts to convince our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens to preserve America's freedom and democracy.
At no time in the history of our country have our safety, security, and freedom been in greater threat. There are politicians blindly willing to cede our country's future to Jihadis for empty promises. Now more than ever, Americans from all walks of life need to understand the real history of Islam, how it operates and its hidden agenda and sinister plans.
Someone once said: To be born free is a privilege. To die free is an awesome responsibility, because freedom is never free.
We have to pay a heavy price to exercise it, preserve it and promote it. We stand here as free citizens of America, because our forefathers knew the cost of freedom and were willing to pay for it. Where will tomorrow be, if we do not come forward and pay the price? It is important to remember that freedom is not free until we fight for it.
John Quincy Adams said, "You will never know how much it has cost my generations to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it".
America was established as a nation ruled by law and respect for individual liberty. Our freedom and democracy have prevailed while so many other nations have regressed to tyranny. Today our liberty, democracy, law and order are threatened.
Muslims in the US have planned to construct a 13-story Mosque for the area around GROUND ZERO. Muslims have planned to inaugurate the Mosque on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, in which Jihadi terrorists killed more than 3000 innocent Americans.
The New York City Community Board and Mayor Bloomberg have approved construction of the Mosque at Ground Zero without understanding the past brutal history of Islam, current Islamic terrorist activities and the hidden agenda of Muslims.
Not only is New York City aiding construction of Mosques, which serve as dangerous breeding ground for terrorism, but the Federal government is also financially supporting and officially embracing a radical Mosque in Washington suburbs, which is directly connected to al-Qaida and 9/11 attacks as well as other terrorism. The Census Bureau has signed a two-year $582,000 lease with Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, where top al-Qaida recruiter Anwar Awlaki, as the Mosque imam, preached to terrorists, who attacked Pentagon on 9/11, and the Fort Hood Jihadist. It is widely known that Dar-al-Hijrah is operating as a front for Hamas, another terrorist organization. Federal Investigators say, and it has been proven time and again, that Mosques serves as dangerous breeding-ground for terrorists. Mosques are a direct threat to our national security.
The Islamic prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan clearly and emphatically said: "The Mosques are our barracks, the Domes are helmets, the Minarets are Bayonets and the faithful are soldiers."
Islamist Erdogan's vision of a Mosque is the same as that of Bin-Laden, Colonel Khaddafy, Mullah Omar, Imam Anwar Awlaki, Al-Zwahiri, Ayatollah Khomeini and the Saudi King. The latter ordained Islamist Prime Minister of Turkey with the "King Faisal International prize for service to Islam".
Do we have to allow construction of an Islamic Barrack in the financial capital of America, where Jihadis can be groomed for the next phase of Islamic war against infidels? Since the days of Muhammad, the way of Islam has been Jihad. Mosques have served as centers for grooming Muslims to become reliable Jihadis. Mosques are the meeting place, hiding place, and store-house for terrorist paraphernalia and even weapons for Jihad war. Mosques shelter radical Muslims. Mosques and Islamic religious centers serve as distribution points for hate literature. Mosques also serve as a vital link in the communications chain with Islamic terrorist groups around the world. Do we have to allow a Mosque at Ground Zero, where Imams, who are on a collision course with American values, can preach hatred and Jihad?
All over the world, Police investigations into Jihadi terrorist networks and terrorist activities have found links to the Mosques. Imams, who are spearheading global Jihad war against infidel nations, use Mosques for fiery speeches. Mosques and Islamic religious schools (Madrassas) are known for implanting the seeds of hatred and terrorism in the Muslim mind. Pakistan, an Islamic country, for example, produces as many as 10,000 Jihadi warriors a year. They are expected to wage war against infidels around the world.
In our association with Muslims, one must be realistic. We must be clear about stealth Jihad strategy, which Muslims in the West are currently using. Whether America can remain as a free-democratic nation would depends on our proper understanding of the threats we face from Jihadi terrorists. The threats we now face from Jihadi terrorists are real, concrete, specific and dangerous.
To remain a democratic nation, we must know our enemies, their plans and hidden agenda. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah, once declared: "We are going to win, because they (infidels) love life and we love death."
Clearly the New York City Community Board Members and Mayor Bloomberg are ignorant of Islam. Let it be clear that ignorance on Jihadi strategies and techniques and our servile attitude would only encourage cunning Islamists like bin Laden and Nasarullah continue and intensify their hostility and Jihad war against America.
If we allow the deceptive Cordoba project today at Ground Zero, the addictive Islamic paradigm that binds all Muslims will flourish in our democratic country, hindering our peace, progress and liberty. Islam suppresses individuality, creativity, novelty and critical thinking that are distinctive ingredients of American culture. We need to expose the destructive, addictive Islamic system with inhuman Sharia law, the prescription for eternal war against infidels, and the dangerous and outdated Koran and Hadith. We have to resist Islamists, and change their sinister mindset and plans for our country.
We need to study Islamic cultural patters, belief system and their criminal system for discriminating women and infidels. There is no solution for Jihadi terrorism until Islamists are forced to change the contents of Koran and hadith advocating murder of infidels.
Whether America can survive as a free-democratic nation depends on our citizens asking few questions to Islamists who want to construct a Mosque at Ground Zero.
Islamic ideology has nothing in common with secularism, democracy, pluralism, tolerance and human rights. In 1985, Raja Khorassam, Iran's permanent representative to the U.N., declared: "the very concept of Human Rights is a Judeo-Christian intervention and inadmissible in Islam." Islam does not approve our constitution and independent Judiciary. Muslims want to bring the whole world under Islam—from Darul Harb to Darul Islam. And Jihad war is the means they use to conquer the world for Allah.
Mosques are indoctrination centers, where Muslims are taught to hate infidels. They are taught that Islam is a perfect and perfected religion that needs no reformation, renaissance or revision. They are trained to love death and throw reason to dogs.
Our Islamist academicians, many leftist liberals and pseudo-secularists are busy misdirecting us with their bogus root causes for Islamic terrorism such as American aggression, Israeli oppression, India's modernization, globalization and lack of economic opportunities for Muslims etc. They claim that radical Islamists are engaged in terrorism as a reaction against modernity and globalization. Such erroneous justification prevents us from devising effective counter-measures against Islamic terrorism. The root cause of Jihadi terrorism is Islam. The reasons for extremist Islamic upheavals can be found in the ideological tradition of Islam. Their attack on Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs around the world is a tragic reminder of the intolerance of Islam. Bigotry in Islamic countries is expressed in a variety of ways. Beheading, stoning, genital mutilation, limb amputation, terrorist killing, bombing and assassination by Jihad groups or fanatic Muslims against those, who hold divergent views, may be the most despicable. Manifestation of such brutal Islamic acts by no means the only one. Government statutes, laws and directives in all Islamic countries are riddled with discriminatory laws against infidels. Blasphemy Laws in Islamic countries are used to harass infidels and Islamic moderate and apostates. Islam is a culture of intolerance, which is ingrained in every Muslim.
There is no real democracy, pluralism, co-existence, tolerance and human right in all Islamic countries. Islamic leaders have the utmost contempt for eclectic thinking, pluralism, progressive thoughts, religious tolerance, secularism and freedom of expression.
The ever increasing number of Muslims in America and the broader tolerant, humanistic attitude of the US infidels give them tremendous advantage in their brutal dealings with us. Therefore, precise understanding of Islam and its history, concept of war, jihad, dar-ul-islam and Islamic attitude towards kafir, and the working of sharia law is exceedingly important. Muhammad's conduct in his lifetime unequivocally indicated that all infidels (nonbelievers) must be either converted or dealt with the sword. To kill or terrorize kafirs to win the battle for Allah, to a modern infidel, may seem to be a regressive way to achieve Allah's world. Yet, this is precisely what the Muslims' first usage of the term 'Islam' means. Islam teaches Muslims to break resistance of kafirs. Once the resistance completely broken, they must subjugated, converted, or put to death. Allah would triumph only when all infidels are either forcibly converted or put to death. Only then Islam can be possible and realized.
In Islam, our democracy is replaced by the will of Allah; the will of the populace is replaced by the dictatorship of Mullahs or Ayatollahs. New York City Mayor Bloomberg and his pro-Islam friends do not seem to understand or cherish our values, our timeless principle of liberty. The approval of an Islamic Mosque at the heart of New York City is a sign of his bureaucratic despotism. Decision of the Mayor and the City Community Board members will ultimately encourage stealth Jihad and destroy our communal harmony and liberty.
Things obviously look rather bleak for the cause of American freedom. Muslims are testing America's will. It will definitely affect the heart of American tradition, values, freedom, democracy, culture and future. American constitution allows religious freedom and we are tolerant towards different faiths. But our tolerance should not be meant to furthering intolerance of others. Tolerating intolerant political dogma is not a positive virtue. Allowing a Mosque at symbolic Ground Zero would help orchestrate exactly the opposite: Preaching and propagation of Islamic intolerance and hatred of others?
By sitting duck, we won't be able to stop the spreading of dangerous Islamic barracks in our cities. We have to spend much effort to convince our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens that for maintaining America's freedom and democracy, we have to stop the mushrooming of Islamic hate-centers across our nation.