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Everybody gets amazed as to why so many infidels in the West, specially the leftists and gays, love Islam. The Quran calls them lowest of creatures and worst beasts (8.55, 98.6) and orders Muslims to slay them unless they convert to Islam (9.5). In an ideal Muslim country, you can catch and keep them like a cow (Imam Hamza Misri). Gays are not even given an option; they are to be killed right away. There they are burnt alive, their temples are destroyed, their women are raped, but their love for Islam and Muslims does not diminish. They flock to pro-Palestine marches and shout pro-Muslim slogans louder than Muslims themselves.

European infidels are letting Muslims settle in their countries in droves and offering them their countries in a platter. Forecast is that within foreseeable future, whole Europe will be Muslim majority. Once Muslim gain minority, non-Muslims of Europe will be treated like animals getting burnt and raped. They will become like Copts in Egypt, Hindus in Pakistan, Christians in Indonesia, Buddhists in Malaysia, Non-Muslims in Nigeria, Assyrians in Iraq, Zoroastrians in Iran, Buddhists and Sikhs in Afghanistan and animists in Sudan and so on.

Muslims hate most the infidels of the most powerful country, the USA, which Muslims call the "Big Satan". That country elected an Islam-loving infidel, with middle name Hussein, as the president, who loves azan and declared at the UN that future is not for those who insult Muhammad. He filled the White House with Muslim brotherhood operatives, is bringing in Muslims from Africa in large numbers, and helping Islamists to take over moderate Muslim countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Syria and giving billions of tax payer dollars to America-hating radical Muslim groups.

Why are these infidels so deaf dumb and blind – and eager to commit suicide. You ask a Muslim, he will say "Allah made them like that and they cannot help it". The Quran says in aya 2.171: "They are deaf, dumb and blind."

However some educated infidels (thanks to MA Khan, Ali Sina, Pamela Geller, Brigitte Gabriel, Geert Wilder, Robert Spencer etc.) are trying to fight these Islam lovers. Here is a very brave gay student in Hunter College fighting back the Muslim-Leftist allies single-handedly. “Look it up in the Quran” is his weapon.