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That is what the great Attaturk, father of the Turkish republic had said about islam over 80 years ago. Although he had no training in Neurology but now the modern Neurologists agree with his diagnosis that  Mohammad  was  a sick arab and that his sickness resulted in islam.

It has been long known and acknowledged by muslims and non muslims alike that Mohammad suffered from frequent epileptic seizures. Only in recent times Neurologists gathered enough clinical evidence about various forms of epilepsy to categorically identify the type with which Mohammad was afflicted.

Well known Neourologist Dr Dede Korbut M.D. (1) studied Mohmmad’s life and his writings through hadiths, sira and quran confirmed that indeed Mohammad had Temporal Lobe Epilepsy( TLE) and experienced Complex Partial Seizures (CPS). He concluded that Islam was the brain child of this  sick Arab.

Data from a large number of TLE/CPS patients show that their brain defect results in the following abnormal behaviours and traits.


This behavior causes ritualism, orderliness, compulsive attention to detail. Patient  carries out repetitive rituals. Mohammad himself  practiced  wudu, salat and recitation of ayas  all  day and made it  compulsory for all  the muslims to do the same. Because of mental sickness of Mohammad all muslims act as if they also have the same sickness  and keep repeating these senseless rituals all their lives.


The communicating cavities in the brainI of the patient become  enlarged which distorts various brain structures damaging among other things, motor control brain cells. This anatomical distortion results in dementia, his motor control and gait disturbance. The evidence for hudro cephalus in Mohammad  was the noted large size of his head and his gait which looked as if he is rushing down hill and his faulty motor controls.

There is strong evidence that  Mohammad  had problem with his motor controls like shaking hands  and conrol while urinating. It seems that he leakaked upon himself  while  urinating  and he assumed it happens to all,  that is why he  required all to wash after urination and gave special instruction urination. He also said that people  who do  not wash after urinatiom   burn in hell.


CPS patients show disproportionate hostility, rage attacks, violent crimes,  brutality and  even  murders. Mohammad  showed all  these  traits  to   all extremes. He had 900 innocent Quraizans beheaded and personally raped the wife of the chief  teenager Rehana the same night. After Khaybar raid he had Kinana, chief of Khaybar,  tortured to death and later  raped his 17 year old wife Safia.. He had Uraina tribesman  tortured to death  for stealing  some of his  camels which he  himself had  robbed from others..


Attention to rules  with inability to distinguish significant from minor  infractions and desire to punish.

Mohammad  had  petty thief’s hands cut, had alcohol drinkers  whipped severely, had  his critics  beheaded and had apostates killed. He also prescribed death penalty for criticizing him or his sayings..

It is the expression of viscosity in the written mode. Many evaluators of quran have superficially noted this without realizing it’s true neurological significance.  It is the defect in the temporal lobe causing reverberation of memory tapes resulting in continuous repetitions, incoherence, endlessly drawn out laws, exhortations,protestations  ,proclamations and  unnecessary excessive verbage.


It is a demonstrable fact that CPS patients exhibit an inordinate interest  in religious matters. CPS patient thinks that he is getting messages from God. As modern medical research has shown that these messages are simply fresh associations produced by the unconscious workings on things which have been seen or heard  before but forgotten. Through faulty wiring the defective brain network  produces new productions.

Humourless Sobriety

Another aspect of personality dysfunction in CPS patients is a humourless and overly determined attitude of sobriety. A sense of humour is lacking. Mohammad had any one making fun of his rules killed in cold blood.


Paranoia is a prevalent feature  of a CPS patient. Many CPS patients have grandoise ideation  when in fact they are not. Mohammad thought that he was actually God’s equal. Quran  says “obey Allah and obey Mohammed  over 40 times and once said  “obeying  Mohammad is obeying Allah” (4.80)

The messenger of God claimants cannot tolerate any competition in their status.. He  mentioned that Allah created world for him and that he will be sitting with God on the judgement day and will be able to do intercession for any one he wanted. In his story of shab e  Meiraj  he claimed to have  lead prayer of all prophets  and then  went to the 7th heaven to meet Allah personally, a priviledge only given to mohammed.

Cognitive Dissonance

It is a  another known attribute of CPS patients. This term means logical inconsistency, a thought production in which mutually contradictory ideas are held. The reason is that the temporal lobe of the patient is  defective and abnormal. Glaring contradictions in his life  as well as in  quran and hadiths are proof of Mohammad’s cognitive dissonance. He himself robbed for living but had the hands of petty thiefs cut. He raped the wives and daughters of his jihad victims but prescribed death penalty for adultery. He demanded muslims to earn honest living but himself indulged in dishonest earnings. At one place he writes in quran “there is no compulsion in religion”, another place  he writes “slay the infidels unless they convert to islam”. At one place he writes “to you your religion and to me my religion” and another place he writes “only islam is acceptable”

Faulty Memory:

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy patients (CPS) have very inferior memory recall system. That is exactly what happenend when he recalled the material he had heard from Jewish Christian sources and put it in quran. He got all the material mixed up and wrote very corrupted version of the original  biblical stories. When Christians and jews asked why the narrations of the same stories differ in quran, he  accused that bible is corrupted.


(1)  Dede Korbut M.D. , “Life Alert,The Medical Case of Muhammad”