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Is just to laugh it off... Humor is our greatest weapon against Islam for preserving our freedom and way of life...



[Note: These are not my words, but I agree with them completely and hope everyone, who reads this, will pass it on to other media outlets.]

“Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand” -- Mark Twain

Those, who seriously believed after 9/11 that victory against the ongoing Islamic aggression would be accomplished by military force, have---after 8 years of political correctness, passivity and misguided campaigns to bring democracy to the Muslim world---steadily realized that such as hope was nothing but illusion. Islam’s war against the infidels is not going to be defeated by guns or bombs. Force is merely the final solution to settling conflicts, but Islam’s violence is for now only the tip of the iceberg of a much larger campaign to make the world into an Islamic domain.

While we fight with police actions and holding elections, the Islamists are seizing control of weak governments by force or by means of democratic elections… They are conquering African nations and staging civil wars in pacific ones too! They are importing millions of Muslims to Europe and America as Europe’s ‘Palestinians’ for a coming European Intifada. They are rewriting history to claim that the Arab explorers originally discovered America and Australia giving them claim to the land. They are aggressively evangelizing hundreds of thousands a year to Islam through misleading claims and marriages of Western women to Muslim men.

What we believe is a war is merely a minor skirmish in a global conquest! While we spend billions of dollars and thousands of lives to stabilize a single Muslim country, dozens of non-Muslim countries are being destabilized day by day. The true battle against Islam is not a military one; it is a cultural one. For Islam, it is a religious conflict for a global empire, intent on transforming every aspects of life into one defined by Islam (Islamic Shariah).

For us, it is about preserving our way of life.

The cartoon controversy woke many Europeans to the fact that free speech and many of the other attributes of democracy that they take for granted are incompatible with Islam. Under relentless pressure of multiculturalism, Muslims and we are increasingly deciding that our way of life has to bow to theirs. This is the ultimate victory of Islam!!!

Not the fall of the Twin Towers or any single act of terrorism is as great a victory for Islam as when our own government and press repeat their propagandas and muzzle their critics. This represents the submission of the West to their rule…! It turns Islam into the only legally sanctioned religion in Western nations that have long instituted separations of the Church and State.

Islam cannot be criticized by any public figure(s) without violence quickly following?

Islam cannot be criticized by the press without violence quickly following?

No disrespect, real or perceived, towards Islam can be tolerated either?

This is the lesson Muslim violence is teaching in the West, and much of their media, politicians and clergy are quickly becoming obedient students. Criticism of Islam by individuals will get you condemned as a bigot by those peoples, who are, for all intents and purposes, collaborating with our new tyrants!

While entertainers, academics and pundits of a liberalized West are free to criticize and impugn Christianity and Judaism, Islam is a No-Go Zone!!! While Judaism and Christianity cannot be taught in schools of the liberal West, Islam can be and is...! Muslim religious artifacts can be displayed, Muslim religion taught and its holy books present, whereas those of other religions cannot. This elevates Islam to a special status. It gives Muslims power over other religions and they use that power to their whims!

In a society, their own traditional religion is mocked, Islam is held sacred.

Sheltering Islam from criticism or negative appraisals by the same comedians and academics, who tear apart Judaism and Christianity, gives Islam a status of being better than other religion?

And this is exactly what Muslims want.

Our culture is being invaded!

Our nations are being overrun!

In Islamic countries, government bans on the sale of pork, ham and bacon. In Israel, a woman was sentenced to jail for drawing a cartoon of Muhammad as a pig. In America, defaced Korans are being investigated as hate crimes. The power of the law is backing up the power of the cultural consensus of our politicians and press, and preventing any criticism or mockery of Islam as if this was Saudi Arabia. We can defeat Islam. We can stop this. If we fight back!

When Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand”, he was speaking as part of a long tradition of American humorists, who satirized the great and the powerful, who knew that nothing so much cuts a puffed-up ego to size and the insecure man hiding behind it as a well-told joke... As for Islam in our times, it is the biggest puffed-up ego there is! A fraudulent religion based on plagiarism of a vicious self-styled desert warlord prophet turned it into a global empire. There is not one thing new in Islam. It’s only claim to power is that it is swords wielded by men more ruthlessly and murderously than any other till today!

Muslim rage is not strength. When Muslims riot screaming in the streets every time they’re offended in some way, this is not the mark of a strong faith but a weak insecure one… So weak and insecure that it cannot turn the other cheek or look down from a superior position of belief in the true God? Instead like savages, it goes into a murderous rage. This rage emerges from their insecurity and lack of faith in God, who can avenge all insults if He wills. Islam is a faith cribbed from Jews and Christians by an illiterate bandit, who proceeded to win converts by terrorizing everyone, who didn’t join his gang of marauding bandits.

If the world’s religions were paintings in a museum, Islam would be a child’s dirty smeared finger painting all in one color…

Islam’s drive for world-conquest is a sign of weakness. It is a sign of a deeply insecure faith. But then, most killers are driven by their own insecurities too! The man, who opens fire on a crowded cafeteria, is weak inside but that only makes his explosive violence more dangerous, and it makes coddling him more dangerous, because sooner or later he will kill.

The way to defeat Islam is never to coddle it, to enable its rages or its conquest of our lands. It is to stand up to it over and over again. It’s to laugh at it. Yes, laugh it and ridicule it!

America is a collection of immigrants with humorous traditions of dozens of cultures, Irish, Jews, Italians, Scots, Russians, Asians, etc. We’re not just the reservoir of the world’s talent but its humor too, and humor is the ultimate weapon against the balloon that is Islam!

Islam can only expand by force. It can’t leverage any real military force against us. Instead, it expands by their intimidations and deceptions and by our conformities and political correctness. It has no defense against laughter...

Muslims are so insecure that:

- they would kill over a stray word here or there

- they can’t stand up to being laughed at, or to being ridiculed, or to even have their cherished values    transformed into a laughingstock.

We’re fighting a cultural war and humor is our best weapon! We’ve spent the last 50 years laughing and mocking every aspect of our societies. Let’s turn that laughter on Islam with full bore… And, Islam’s defenders will find it difficult to censor and silence humor, the way they can silence and discredit political commentary. To try and silence humor is to look like a prig and if there’s anything our politically correct cultural overlords hate, it’s to come out looking like the stuffy humorless totalitarian-minded fascists that they really are.

The frontline of the cultural war between Islam and the West is right here. It’s the internet. It can’t be silenced or shut down. It’s the interface point between two colliding cultures. It’s the gateway for information and disinformation. It will also help determine, which will stand and which will fall…!

So go on telling those jokes. When the arguments run out and the rhetoric is exhausted, humor can always be afresh and a weapon no one can argue against.

Get out your Photoshop’s and make those pictures.

Get out your Windows Movie Makers and make those videos.

It drives them mad, and when that happens, they show their true face beneath the false polite masks they so often wear, in a way that not even liberals can long ignore.

Battling Islam with humor quickly clarifies the stakes for the West in an undeniable way, showing that our choice is between maintaining our freedom and losing it forever?

Islam’s apologists---namely our press, our politicians, our academics---have been cooking us like lobsters in a pot, slowly raising the temperature until we’re broiling and barely notice it! Muslim rage raises the temperature a lot. It wakes up some of those in the lobster pot as the murders of Theo Van Gogh and what the Cartoon controversy did…

A billion plus Muslims around the world are shouting angrily demanding that we take their perverted homicidal mania of a religion seriously. Let’s laugh at them instead.

There’s one thing Muslims can’t stand above all else and that’s mockery!!!