Just when I thought this problem was beginning to be licked, I remembered that Christians aren't the only ones that believe in "Intelligent Design" and creationism. The Jews regard Jesus as a false prophet; Christians over-praise him as the “Son of God”, yet the Islamic version of Jesus lays between these two extremes - Jesus the son of Mary and an erstwhile Prophet.
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The war on evolution is in fact one of global significance, and there's a need for a war against ignorance and poor grasp of basic scientific concepts. Given the state in which religious fundamentalism takes precedence in this world, it's not surprising to think, sometimes, that it's a loosing battle... You can't fight stupidity on such a wide level!
Then again, I can't but try. We all have our responsibility to help people understand that evolution isn't a concept that atheists only believe but a universal one. So, we all should do our best to answer and refute whatever questions or arguments creationists and the fundamentalists often pose, time and time again…
The saddening thing is: For the most part, people just don't care at all. Their concepts and principles of the world have already been hardened in the ‘stone-cold fear’ that such scientific notions are acts against the God[s] that they believe in! And they would just ignore the whole issue. The only people that would willingly argue are those, who set out to try and prove that creationism is not just the right way but also the only way of our existence. And these are the same sort of peoples that would never admit to being wrong despite the hard facts that point to them in their very faces!
Then again, maybe the war on evolution isn't about winning an argument. I don't think it will ever be about who's right or who’s wrong. The war on evolution should be about giving people a chance to make their own mind with whatever facts that are presented on both sides of the divides—facts that are not misconstrued or fabricated in any way possible by either party.
I know where I stand in this war and someday, perhaps in a not-too-far-distant future, I can say that all I did was what exactly what I needed to do.
Lost in the never-ending war!
Sometimes, we've get the feeling of an inherent sense of being lost in life! Buried under the responsibilities of our moments, we feel as though we’re slowly losing track of what we've been trying so hard and so desperately to pursue. Such seems to be the life we live, where every turn is met with resistance and obstacles to the goals that we’ve set. In dealing with each of those hindrances, it's not hard to lose track of the big picture under the mountain of our smaller equally needful things.
People around us may have told us to stop fighting, to go with the flow and let life take its course. After all, it's easier to be the leaf in the wind than being a stick; it's just that, where I come from, it's easier to throw the stick against the wind than a leaf.
So we should keep on fighting. Fighting to pursue our dreams and fighting to at least remember that we still have them.
If we think that the amounts of problems we face are related to the scales of our dreams we've always wanted to achieve, we really shouldn't be surprised at the mountain of feats that we need to see to for the things that need to be get done.
It's just that some days we wonder if it's worth being a leaf every once in a while to gather our breath, or will we lose everything that we've worked hard for, the moment we stop fighting? Or maybe the real question that we should be asking ourselves is: Are our dreams worth to warrant this seemingly never-ending struggles that we've set ourselves up for?
The answer to this question is: We don't know, and I don't think we ever will, until the impossible end of all those distant dreams.
What's left, unfortunately, is up to us all to make up our own damn minds. I do hope she [GAIA] forgives me for just doing that concerning the debate between Creationism and Evolution!
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