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Quran 2:40-41: "O children of Israel! Call to mind the special favor which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill your Covenant with Me and I shall fulfill My Covenant with you, and fear none but Me. And believe in what I reveal, Confirming the revelation which is with you, and be not the first to reject Faith therein, nor sell My Signs for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone. And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when you know what it is."

Muhammad, the greatest Prophet God sent to mankind, was born in the Quraysh tribe in Mecca around the year 570 C.E. and died in the year 633 C.E. at the ripe old age of sixty three. Both his parents died when Muhammad was quite young and an uncle of his took him in and raised him up in the beliefs of their Pagan worship. Muhammad’s father Abd Allah was so named because he was a high priest and worshiped idol, called ‘Al lah’. The Quraysh being the most powerful Pagan tribes in Arabia were also the ‘sole keepers’ of the Kaab’ah, the sacred idol-temple, which then housed approximately 360 idols that were being worshiped since long in the sands of Arabia! In 630 CE, Muhammad captured it and made it into the Islamic House of Allah alone!

As the story goes, when aged 40, Muhammad was visited by an angel of Allah called Jibraiel [like Angel Gabriel from the Bible], whom supposedly appeared to him in a vision whilst, he was half-sleepily meditating in a cave of Hira [what made Muhammad meditate in these caves is a mystery to this very day?]. This Angelic being was the “main” source and medium of communication between Muhammad and the so-called creator of this blessed world –his Allah [ring any bells?]! For, as Jibraiel was providing Muhammad with holy revelations and orders from Allah, which had been written and kept as a ‘Xerox in Paradise’ [heavenly abodes of all believers] since time immemorial, when Allah thought of CREATING all things wonderful! Hence, this “holy” Qur’an was dictated and narrated over the next 23 years period of Muhammad’s ghastly life!

So, the myth of his being the messenger of Allah was weaved very much like the recent false Prophet, his holiness Joseph Smith, who claimed to have also been visited by the angel Moroni, which gave the Mormon religion!

During the last 23 years of Muhammad’s eventful life, Jibraiel dictated Allah’s revelations to him in fragments, which he kept as a garbled mess, and it eventually became the present-day Holy Qur’an! These verses, many of them nonsensical and others spiteful, of the sacred and holy Qur’an were so zealously written by Muhammad’s faithful learned followers [pagan believers] on whatever they could find – like parchments, leather tit-bits, on palm-leaves, and even on whatever pieces of [human or animal] bones – and were tossed into various receptacles with no special care to keep the verses in any logical or chronological order -- despite the fact that, these were sanctified hallowed scriptures, the true spoken “Words of the Almighty and ever living God of All”!

As claimed by Muslims, the Qur’an is the ONLY Holy Scripture that has never ever been changed since its spoken inceptions to Muhammad. Moreover, several Muslims also claim to know the blessed Qur’an all by heart [truly magical and miracle]. But, if you have ever held this Qur’an in your hands, you would know the strange possibility of anyone ever knowing every word in this book is wily remote.

By the teaching of Muhammad, the Qur’an, is of divine origins, and was brought down, as the Islamic Tradition tells us, “word by word by Jibraiel to the Prophet's ear. The original is "written on a Tablet, and kept in Heaven, which is "sent down on the night of al Qadr''' by the Almighty Allah. Thus, the Qur’an comes from God alone, heavenly, divine, and uncreated. Now, if it be shown that much of this grand book can be traced to human sources existing daily around the Prophet, then Islam falls to the ground! And this is what proves to me with erudition!

Now, as those passionately obsessive followers of Muhammad, the Sahabahs, who had memorized the Quran under Muhammad’s dictations, started dying in numbers in bloody battles after Muhammad’s sudden death, the true Qur’an was obliterating into dusts of time! Willfully, Abu Bakr ordered Zaid ibn Thabit to "search out the Qur’an and bring it together". Hence, Zaid started to gather these Godly words of spoken fragments "from date leaves and tablets of white stones and off the breasts of pagan men" and pieced them together into a book that is now the holy Qur’an! And, several copies were compiled and made from Zaid's completed collected manuscripts, but these verses contained no vowels… [strangely enough with various grammatical errors also!]

And, because of these ‘grave errors’, the readers and believers of the holy Qur’an interpret/entreat some verses/words to mean one thing or another, and hence, confusions multiply to this very day amongst Muslims!

Some, eighteen years later in 651C.E. the Caliph Othman again commissioned Zaid and the other three taught Quraysh tribesmen, to revise the first carbon copies of the noble Qur’an… Their uncorrupted works was sent to Damascus, Kufa and Basra, in feeble attempts to cure the rigid problems of confusions!

The 114 chapters or "Surahs" of the Qur’an are not arranged in any chronological order of their revelation [which is not known from head to tail] but, these Surahs are arranged first by what took place in Medina and then by what took place in Mecca, and then, are arranged by the decreasing length. Only the Devil, who comes as an "angel of light" to sinful men like Muhammad, could conceive of a book as confusing as the Qur’an!

The Qur’an is simply a bundle of playful untruths of disorders and heretic confusions, far from what should be a divinely-inspired book of orderliness and clarity (the Bible is chronological and much better orderly). Each passage of the Qur’an has its own disconcerted purpose! For, one passage states the Islamic doctrines; another provides hateful prayers; another announces grotesque Godly laws; another condemns unbelievers to outright slaughtered; another tells insanely stories of parasitic ecstasies in paradise; another is a call to arms to fight the Kufars; another proclaims divine victories of unending worldly governances; another formulates deceitful treaties to be overturned; others appeal for vengeful Jihadist conquests, and contrarily, other passages regulate paganistic Islamic rituals of daily head bangings with Islamic morals, industrial warring supremacy, and Worldly Islamic trades and finances!

As one might suppose, much of it was already of no use, except to confuse the bigoted reader. For, the holy Qur’an requires a commentary to be understood by the lay reader, depending on the beliefs of Islamic commentators relating to those deceitful thoughts at those very moments. However, the reader of an illogical Godly Book will have an individualistic Qur’an on their hands!

So, if there is a need for "Tafsir" or interpretations of the Qur’an, which any ordinary Muslims or whomever are never presumed to be qualified enough to do so. Hence, my question is: ‘why shouldn’t a believer be qualified in knowing or deciphering his/her religious teachings?’ This, forthwith, makes Muslims dependent on some higher Islamic authority, which is sacrilege in Islam! Therefore, there are the "Hadiths" or traditions established by Muhammad… And there are mandatory Islamic Shari’ah laws into every direction conceivable as Holy Laws of God. Accordingly, there are no boundaries and rejections in Islam!

If you are talking to a Muslim with a Qur’an in your hand, he/she will debate and dictate you those meanings of the words and verses on the pages of the Qur’an you are reading... When “WE” simply means two or more persons acting in conjunctions, these Muslims will comprehend it to mean as only ‘ONE’ person in Allah’s Arabic mode….whatever? In many instances, Muslims will always say that, Oh! You have to go through them or to a local Muslim leader/cleric/scholar to get to the bottom of these truths of Islam. [I mean why should any layman have to seek a professional scholar to decipher these simple and easy verses of the Qur’an, when Allah has repeatedly claimed that He has revealed the Quran in simple and plain terms [this is simply mind boggling, but not to Muslims?].


The Holy Quran is so confusing and disorderly that a reader, especially a deceptive Muslim, may make anything of his/her choice from the reading of its verses.

So, when Osama Bin Laden blows up the World Trade Towers in New York claiming justification from the Qur’an, then, who are we to question his understanding of dictation of the Quran which Allah commanded humanity to follow?

And, there are desperate little Muslims blowing themselves up in haste to attain the vain promises of Islamic heavens – Janna’h. And for whom, are we to question those directions they get from Allah’s Quran?

There are also terrorist leaders around the world, ordering Jihadi Muslims to rob banks and blow up crowds of people. Who are we to question those directions they get from Allah’s Holy book.

Unlike the Bible which teaches about a loving God, who cares for His flock of worshippers and made unjust and sinful all that the Islamic God has provided and provisioned. Islam teaches its faithful to be "deceitful and having desperately wicked hearts" beating in their chests. Islam is a degenerate religion of the flesh!

To me, religions are like people. We know them by their fruits of spirituality! Currently, Muslims are troubling the world we live in with such abundance of irrational violence and terrorism that Islam is, no doubt, an evil conception disguised as a bigoted religion and the source of this unruly problem is the corrupted megalomania of the Qur’an!

I foresee Islam as attractive to the mindless followers of faithful nincompoops, who can be led into any adventurism by their Imam or Caliph might choose for them in regards to the sanctified commands of Allah. In the war between Iraq and Iran, many teenage boys were sent into one end of the battlefield to distract the enemy whilst being unarmed and they were meaninglessly slaughtered, the so-called Islamic self-sacrifice to gain martyrdom, so that they could inherit sadistic Allah’s empty promise of lewd Islamic paradise. A hoax created for those mindless believers into thinking that a true God can be as naive as to let His chosen people enjoy pure lusts and erratic fantasies in origins of bare knuckled ecstasy of sexual perversions.

While the Muslim nations school their children in Qur’anic studies since childhood, these children are made a part of an Islamic culture, where one knows only blood, sex and selfish gains of ever-lasting afterlife!

Before they ever come to an age of accountability, where they might be able to make the right decision for themselves, Muslim children are turned into brainwashed zombies, who rest their natural inborn faiths in ritualistic Islamic traditions and become fanatical as adults. They taught hatred of the Jews and Christians for loving free Israel, and in that extreme of fanatical hatred, Muslims are raised in cultured psychopathy, led by irrational madmen crying Jihads of forever Islam – Allah O’ Akbar!

Continued in Part 2