Mohammad A. Khan
Mohammad A. Khan
Islamic Jihad by M A Khan Multiple Language
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 1780
‘Islamic Jihad’ by M A Khan available PDF for free download in Multiple Language. Thanks to FaithFreedom
‘Islamic Jihad’ by M A Khan available for free download in Multiple Language
Write comment (0 Comments)I am the Promised Prophet Mohammad, Mentioned in Previous Scriptures
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 8538
The true prophet Mohammad, not the false prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah of Arabia, of the true God Mautand, has arrived. Your "real" ticket to salvation is here only if you believe.
Write comment (107 Comments)Why Aisha Likely Poisoned Muhammad, Not a Jewish Woman, Part 2
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 16177
In the previous part of this article, we discussed that an anti-Muhammad confederation, led by Abu Bakar and Umar, had developed during the last days of the Prophet in Medina. In this part, we will see how tactically this gang tricked Allah and his prophet Muhammad in order to achieve their goals.
Write comment (20 Comments)Why Aisha Likely Poisoned Muhammad, Not a Jewish Woman, Part 1
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 54499
In this article, I tried to present my analytical view about the followers of Muhammad and the tradition about Muhammad’s death, widely propagated by Muslims that a Jewish woman at Khaibar had poisoned him. The story goes like this: a Jewish woman, captured in Muhammad attack of Khaibar, was put on the duty for preparing the meal, and she had put poisoned meat in Muhammad's and his companions' meal to take revenge for the murder of her husband, sons and brothers by Muhammad and his Jihadi companions.
Write comment (128 Comments)Speed of Light in the Quran and the Lies of Allah and Muhammad
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 13207
Another Quranic science and how baseless and absurd it is!
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