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My dear Muslim brothers and sisters! In the last part of this article, we found that ‘Lailatul Qadr’ (‘The Night of Power’), i.e. the night on which angel Jibreel (Gabriel) brought Allah’s first revelation of Muhammad in the cave of Heera, thus bestowing Allah’s apostleship upon him, was forgotten by his entire Ummah – even Muhammad himself, his wife Khadijah, earliest coverts Ali, Zayd and Abu Bakr, and even angel Jibreel and Allah Himself. The most important night in Prophet’s life, the most important date in the relationship between Allah and Muhammad, the one night that is better than 1000 months, can be forgotten by Muhammad, the greatest man ever even in terms of memory, and even by Allah, the Creator of Universe. This says a lot about the very character of the Ummah of Islam.



Our Islamic history informs us that out of frustration with his idol-worshipping tribe of Quraish, Muhammad, at the age of 25, started spending time in a cave in the ‘Heera’ mountain near Mecca, meditating for God. There Muhammad spent time in seclusion worshipping only the chief deity of the Quraish, called Allah. (The Quran and ahadith makes in clear that ‘Allah’ was the god of Pagan Arabs, e.g. Muhammad’s father’s name “Abdullah” means “Slave of Allah”). If this is the case, it was unnecessary for Muhammad to go and search for ‘Allah’ in cave. What the Islamic scholars say about the ‘History’ of Islam are mere fabricated fables.

The story continues that after 15 years of meditation, when Muhammad was aged 40, there appeared in the cave a monster in Muhammad’s dream, forcing him to recite something (which became first revelation), that left him terrorized. Later Muhammad wife and her Christian cousin and priest Waraq convinced him that the monster was Biblical Jibreel, the supposed angle of ‘god’.

Without any prior introduction and words, the monster Jibreel grabbed and pressed Muhammad so forcefully that he was about to die. Jibreel felt no necessity of introducing himself/herself to Muhammad. The monster harassed horrified Muhammad three times to read, which our illiterate Muhammad, fearing death, eventually recited—the first verses of our Quran. And this was “The Night of Power”, ‘Lailatul Qadr’ – which the entire Ummah from Muhammad to even Jibreel and Allah have permanently forgotten, and we have been seeking to identify it every Ramadan by sitting in Itikaaf for the past 14 centuries without success. Even our Prophet tried his best to identify the night by sitting in Itikaaf during Ramadan, even in Shawwal, but all in vain.



Let us analyze the ridiculous things that began from the day of alleged ‘Lailatul Qadr’. To start with, let us forget for a moment about the ‘date’ of the revelation of first Sura. Out of 114 Suras of the Quran, the first Sura that was revealed on first meet-up with Jibreel, on Lailatul Qadr, was Sura Al-Alaq.

Narrated Yahya: I asked Aba Salama, "Which Sura of the Qur'an was revealed first?" He replied, "O you, wrapped-up' (Al-Muddaththir)." I said, "I have been informed that it was, 'Read, in the Name of your Lord who created........ (i.e. Surat Al-Alaq 96) (Sahi Al-Bukhari 6:446)

This first Sura, supposedly from the all-knowing Allah, should have been the first chapter in Allah’s holy book, the Quran, but that first Sura has been placed as the 96th Sura by Muhammad’s dearest Sahaaba in the Quran. The Muhammad, Allah and everybody not only forgot the date of Lailatul Qadr, the revelations of that night also lost it rightful place in the holy Quran. In fact, none of the 114 Suras of the Quran was arranged according to the chronology of their revelation. For example, according to Allah’s chronological order, Sura Al-Maaida and Sura At-Tauba were revealed to Muhammad as the 112th and 113th respectively. But these two Suras have been placed as the 5th and the 9th Suras in the Quran by the Sahaaba, who witnessed the timing and sequence of revelation of those Suras



It being the first night of revelation, the most important in Muhammad’s life and also being one of horrific experience for him, Lailatul Qadr should have been the most memorable date in our prophet’s life. It was important not only for him, but for his whole ‘Ummah’ until the last day. While our prophet easily and irretrievably forgot this most momentous date of his life and the Ummah, he could most easily remember the days of all past happenings starting from the day of Adam’s creation (Sahih Muslim 4:1856-1857), and could even predict all future incidents to occur up to the Day of Resurrection (Sahih Al-Bukhari 8:536). What a stupendous person our beloved Prophet was!



What we Muslims claim to be Islamic Calendar or Hijra Calendar, if it were truly Islamic, should have started with Lailatul Qadr, day of the Quran’s first revelation, as its first day. But that couldn’t be as Muhammad, Allah, Jibreel and all Muslims had irretrievably forgotten the rightful first day of the ideal Islamic Calendar. Interestingly, biographers of Muhammad seemed to know exactly the date of Lailatul Qadr. According to the Saudi government promoted Muhammad’s biography ‘The Sealed Nectar’ by Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, Muhammad received first revelation on Monday, the 21st of Ramadan, in the year 610 AD (10 August). (p. 86)

If not Lailatul Qadr, the date of the Prophet’s arrival at Medina (Hijra), the 12th of Rabi’al Awwal, could have been the starting day of the Hijra Calendar, if we want to claim it to be “Islamic” in any sense of it. That too didn’t happen. Instead, the Hijra Calendar is actually ancient Pagan Arabic calendar, which starts on the 1st of Muharram, but counting of years starts from year of Muhammad’s arrival in Medina. In sum, there is nothing “Islamic” about our ‘Islamic Calendar’.



I have mentioned already that our prophet’s esteemed biography, ‘The Sealed Nectar’—which won the best prophetic biography competition and was awarded by Saudi royal prince Saud bin Abdul Mohsin bin Abdul Aziz in Makka in 1979—puts the date of Muhammad’s first meet-up with Jibreel, the so-called ‘Night of Power’ or ‘Lailatul Qadr’, on the 21st of Ramadan. Which means ‘Lailatul Qadr’ should be observed on 21st of Ramadan. That’s it. We don’t need to observe Muhammad’s Sunna of ‘Itikaaf’ to go on searching the Qadr for the whole month of Ramadan as we have been doing for the past 1400 years.

The thing is: Our modern Muslim scholars could identify 21st of Ramadan as the date of ‘Lailatul Qadr’, then how come Muhammad, the greatest human ever, even our Allah and the Jibreel forgot it permanently? So, it becomes obvious that the secret behind the ‘seeking’ of Lailatul Qadr on all 30 nights of Ramadan (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:777) was to ensure Muhammad’s security for the entire month of Ramadan as I have discussed in the last article.



Qiyam Al-Lail is the special mid-night prayers offered during the last ten crucial nights of Ramadan in the process of ‘seeking’ the Qadr. It is another invention of Muhammad intended to keep his followers in his mosque to the entire night to insure his security.

  1. Once in Ramadan, in which he (prophet Muhammad) practiced Itikaf, he established the night prayers at the night… (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:235)
  2. Narrated Aisha: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work hard) and used to pray all the night…” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:241)
  3. Narrated Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As: Allah's Apostle told me, "The most beloved prayer to Allah is that of David and the most beloved fasts to Allah are those of David. He used to sleep for half of the night and then pray for one third of the night and again sleep for its sixth part and used to fast on alternate days." (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:231)

Muhammad’s hidden agenda of his tight security can be smelled from the above hadiths.



To ensure his security from his victims, whom he ravaged, murdered and looted during their sacred months and expected the same from them in return during his own sacred month of Ramadan, Muhammad invented various special rituals for his followers. ‘Seeking’ Lailatul Qadr is one of them.



Please note that all of the above hadiths are most Sahih, i.e. taken from most authentic collection of Sahih Al-Bukhari, which is also sacred to Muslim only next to our Quran, except for the Shias. One can find at least 30 contradictions in announcing a single date out of 30 days, although the trinity of Muhammad, Jibreel and Allah were allegedly involved in it.

This is the real nature of Muhammad’s Islam intended for deceiving his Muslim followers to keep them in the dark about his hidden agenda. This ‘Taqiyya’ doctrine of deception is not only confined to Qadr alone, but also in all other rituals. How could a sane person, who studies these facts, continue to follow Islam wholeheartedly? The above contradictive hadiths are taken only from a single collection of Bukhari. If this is the nature of an authentic Islamic book, considered sacred next to the Quran in the Islamic world, then what will be the extent of contradictions in other collections of enormous ahadith? I humbly request my Muslim brethren to verify all the above hadiths from the concerned source, either from your bookshelf or from internet. It won’t consume much of your time.

I will discuss more on ‘Lailatul Qadr’ in the next part of this series of essay to conclude my discussion on ‘Ramadan Fast – The Third Pillar of Islam’.

Part 1
Part 2Part 3 Part 4APart 4BPart 4CPart 4DPart 4EPart 4FPart 4GPart 4HPart 5APart 5BPart 5CPart 5DPart 5EPart 5FPart 5GPart 5HPart 5IPart 5JPart 5KPart 5LPart 5M