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One may think that Latin America is largely devoid of Muslims and safe from their menace. It's not. Things are turning ugly there too. Here's the first in a series of article to depict the Islamic menace over there.

Infiltration of Muslims in Latin America goes back to the colonial times since 1492, when they were brought as slaves from Africa. A small part of them were Muslims, and, over time, they managed to create Muslim communities in some regions. Those seed communities, aided by the influx of new Muslim slaves, kept Islam alive in the continent for centuries.

On January 25, 1835, there was an insurrection, called “Insurrection of the Malés”, in the city of Salvador (Brazil). The word “Malé” is from the African language ioruba “imali”, which means “Muslim”.  Some revisionist historians later on tried to attribute this insurrection to racial reasons; but to the Malés, who waged the 'Islamic revolution', and it becomes rather more clear today that, they had a radical aspiration: To create an Islamic state in that region of Brazil.

The Malé revolutionaries were well organized and their first objective was to storm several police and army quarters in the city for grabbing weapons. Two hundred Malés were confronted when they were about to invade de Army Cavalary Fort. Three hundred tried to storm the police headquarters. Others went for the Infantry Fort in the city.

Luckily, the Brazilian authorities did react swiftly, thanks exclusively to one African woman, who informed the police about the planned Islamic insurrection. If it were not for this intelligence, the situation could have gone terribly wrong.

Most of the participating Malé revolutionaries were NOT slaves anymore. They were freed slaves and worked in their own activities or shops around the city, as merchants, artisans, shoemakers, tailors, masons, barbers and such. They had their labour leagues, through which they were indoctrinated with the Muslim supremacist ideology. Through meetings at these work-cooperatives that they did organize the Islamic revolution.

Objectives of the Malé Islamic revolution

Their main objective was not to fight social injustice and discrimination or to free themselves from “white oppression” as most were already free, but to:

  1. Eliminate all Christians and the Christian faith in the region
  2. Creation of an Islamic government

The blueprint of the revolution was written in Arabic. The planned extermination of Christians was to be independent of race: white or black. Their secret plan was also to kill the black Africans, who practiced Animist religions, although, ironically, those same Animists were supporting the Muslim revolution.

The timing of the revolt was fixed to match the end of holy month of Ramadan. When they went to wage Jihad, the Malés wore the typical Muslim white robes and hung in their necks small pieces of wood with carved sayings of the Koran, as well as talismans to protect them against the “jinns”, the nasty spirit in Arab myths.

An Islamic inscription (Quran 97) displayed
at State Museum of Bahia (Brazil).

Most of the Malés received Islamic education at young age in madrasas back in Africa. We all know today that madrasas, such as in Pakistan, are the places where Muslim kids are brainwashed with extremist teachings of Islam. And this is not something new, but has been a millennial tradition in Islam.

The rebels in the 1835 Malé Revolution numbered 1,500. One would think today that they were not so many. But in the context of present population-size in that region, this would mean something like 24,000 armed Muslim rebels today.

Of the 1,500 Islamic radicals, 70 died during the revolt, while 200 were arrested but freed later on. Seven were executed and 10 were deported back to Africa. This shows a considerable degree of leniency of the authorities, considering that if those Muslims succeeded in establishing the first Islamic government in the Americas, they would have not spared the lives of non-Muslims.