Farhan Qureshi
Farhan Qureshi
Did Muhammad Exist? A Valuable Read
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- Written by Farhan Qureshi
- Hits: 10707
In 2008 Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a convert to Islam since the age of 15 and practicing Muslim who taught Islamic Theology at Munster University in Germany announced that he no longer believes that Muhammad existed. According to his own testimony in German, Kalisch made the following statement:
"My position with regard to the historical existence of Muhammad is that I believe neither his existence nor his non-existence can be proven. I, however, lean towards the non-existence but I don't think it can be proven either. It is my impression that, unless there are some sensational archeological discoveries – i.e. an Islamic "Qumran" or "Nag Hammadi" — the question of Muhammad’s existence will probably never be finally clarified."
Write comment (17 Comments)"Is Hell Just?" Ex-Muslim Furhan Qureshi Debates with Abdullah al Andalusi
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- Written by Farhan Qureshi
- Hits: 9257
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Why Do People Convert?
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- Written by Farhan Qureshi
- Hits: 7549
Anytime we ask a question about why people do what they do it is a question of human behavior and therefore Psychology comes into play. This question of why people convert to different religions is a complicated one because there are many different reasons behind why so many different types of personalities are attracted to one religion or another and therefore the scenarios are primarily subjective. However what I want to do is utilize some concepts from Social Psychology to narrow down some of the reasons people convert to religions with an attempt to focus on Islam.
Write comment (82 Comments)Arguments for Agnosticism: Why the Ultimate Reality of Our Existence May Not be Knowable?
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- Written by Farhan Qureshi
- Hits: 9807
Agnosticism is the position that it is impossible to know many things especially questions surrounding the ultimate reality behind our existence, what happens to us when we die and the ontology (or intrinsic nature) of God. The question: 'what is God' must be a prerequisite to the question 'does God exist', because it makes no sense for one to try and prove the existence of something without defining what it is that one is trying to prove exists. The moment that the theist admits that they do not know what God is or what the nature of God is they have entered into the realm of Agnosticism. Gnosis is a Greek term that means ‘knowledge’ and for example Christian Gnostics claimed to have Esoteric Gnosis. The opposite is Agnosticism, or to claim to be without knowledge.
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Losing My Religion: Explanation to Muslim Friends
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- Written by Farhan Qureshi
- Hits: 9516
Farhan Qureshi came under fire from his Muslim friends after he published his testimony of leaving Islam in Faith Freedom. In this essay, he address their concerns and accusations.
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